#my children deserve the world
acacia-may · 1 year
How about 💙💗💖 for the Quagmire triplets?
Oh my goodness! Thank you so much for this wholesome ask, Anon-friend! 🥺💖 I'm not sure I have the words to describe how much I absolutely love the Quagmire Triplets. They were my favorite ASOUE characters when I was kid and remain favorites of mine to this day, and I would absolutely love to write some headcanons about them for you. I hope you'll like them! 💕
Questions from this "Bye Bye Writer's Block" Ask Game
(Warnings: vague ASOUE spoilers and non-descriptive mentions of fears, trauma, and nightmares)
Quagmire Triplets Family Headcanons
💙-- Hurt/Comfort
For the first couple of weeks after being reunited, Quigley, Duncan, and Isadora could only fall asleep if their sleeping bags were side by side. They never really discussed it, but they knew the reason was that they each feared that they would wake up and be separated again. They kept a dim light on as well because Duncan and Isadora had developed an intense fear of the dark due to their experiences being trapped in dark, crammed spaces and Quigley desperately needed that reassurance of seeing that his brother and sister were still there with him when he awoke from his nightmares. On particularly rough nights, they would all stay up into the early hours of the morning taking turns distracting each other by talking about mundane things like books they had read, recipes they liked, or even little facts about their hobbies they remembered. Occassionally they even reminisced about happier times and memories until they all finally felt safe and calm enough to fall asleep. On better nights, all it really took was Duncan patting his sister on the shoulder or Isadora ruffling her brother's hair or Quigley wrapping him arm around his siblings to let them know everything was okay now and they could all drift off to sleep.
💗-- Family
When the Quagmire triplets were very young, they each had matching raincoats and rainboots only in different colors. On rainy days, their mother and father would dress them up in their raincoats and rainboots and take them outside to jump in all the puddles together. Quigley was always concerned about making bigger and bigger splashes, so one day he had the bright idea that if the siblings all held hands and jumped in the puddle together they would make "the biggest splash ever." When they tried out Quigley's idea, however, Isadora ended up tripping and pulling her brothers down into the puddle with her on accident. Their father got a picture of the triplets sitting in the puddle and laughing together, and it used to be framed on one of the side tables in their living room.
Bonus: On one such rainy day in the faraway future, Quigley helps his son put on his tiny raincoat and rainboots and takes him outside to jump in all the puddles with his Uncle Duncan and Aunt Isadora excitedly joining in the fun.
💖-- Alternate Universe (AU)
In a Present Day/Modern AU (Where Everyone Lives)...
The Quagmire triplets and their parents live next door to the Baudelaire family, and the children are all best friends with one another and attend the same school. The kids hid a mailbox in between some of the hedges dividing part of their backyards and will often use it to write secret messages to each other. Mr. Quagmire and Bertrand Baudelaire (with the help of the children, especially Violet) also built a big treehouse that connects their backyards, and the kids play there together for hours and hours.
When they get a little older, Duncan and Quigley use a corner of a treehouse to film videos which are mildly successful online. Duncan mainly posts videos ranking various newspapers on different topics such as factual accuracy, op ed quality, choice in fonts ect. whereas Quigley compares different maps of the same area (i.e. a historical map versus a modern map or a topographical map versus a population map). A secret from even her brothers, Isadora has a bit of online fame herself as she publishes her poetry on the internet under a pseudonym.
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charliethinks · 5 months
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please don’t separate them.
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 132
So it turns out Danny and Billy share a realms guardian. Not like they knew that until they literally got scruffed and taken through a portal- apparently realms paperwork can take years or even centuries so they actually got really lucky with how much their guardian was pushing. 
Apparently the primordial being of Space and the primordial being of Storm is one and the same and has been… well not throwing a fit but also yes throwing a fit at the Observants and other paperwork beings of the Zone. 
So it’s not the worst kidnapping either of them have gone through, apparently they’re getting a checkup and a crash course in realms stuff?? Oh god what do you mean there’s the equivalent of galas in the Zone and they have to go to them??? Sam/Tim help them! 
On the bright sides, way less attacks on Amity now that a primordial being that literally shuffles around entire galaxies just because is hanging around to teach him how to do things. And when Billy gets found out to be ten he can cheerfully say he has permission from his guardian. The one literally letting them get through space so quickly just because they think the league is neat. In an idle wow yep kiddo that is a funky looking cat we aren’t taking home yep, way. 
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*Gives dadtrap a World's #1 Dad mug wrapped in an adoption form*
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jinnazah · 3 months
what kills me is how people here in the west are so …. willfully, blissfully, ignorant of what’s transpiring in palestine. like i have even seen poc, even seen HIJABIS still buying starbucks and i’m like …… i guess dumbfounded at this point. “oh but it’s just one drink” “oh but my one dollar won’t make a difference if i spent it or not” “well it’s not my problem, the middle east is always at war”
are people so arrogant they think they are the exception to what’s happening in palestine? in fact. the victim blaming against the palestinians is insane “well they should’ve just left” “well they should’ve agreed to a ceasefire” “well they shouldn’t have let hamas take over” you guys make me sick to my stomach!!!! my god this rhetoric is so narcissistic it hurts!!!!!
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nosleep83 · 9 months
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They’re such younger siblings I love them B-Team is soloing again
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lying-on-floors · 2 months
I just wanna say, in my head, all the boys that were snatched up by "The Grabber" all got out alive and are each seeking therapy in seperate places and that Finney, Robin and Gwen are being sweet little delinquints in the park or wherever bc those kids deserve that, man. THEY DESERVE TO BE KIDS AND BE HAPPY!!
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sysig · 3 months
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The most cherubic little golden-haired baby boy (Patreon)
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the-genius-az · 23 days
Why do you like teenage pregnancies so much? Did you have a baby when you were a teenager or what?
Thank you for asking kindly, Amor!
It's something personal, and when I was six years old I had to take care of my little brother when he was born, because my parents worked, (my little brother was not planned) so I took charge.
Luckily my brother was a calm baby, but it was still stressful taking care of someone at a very young age, having someone depend on you is overwhelming because YOU ALSO depend on someone.
And I romanticized having a baby at a young age (still do), to relieve stress. We're good now! My brother does not depend on me now, although he still sees me as his other father/mother figure.
PS: That's why the character I most identify with in Atla is Katara.
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liliallowed · 10 months
i am the dust guardian. guardian of the dust.
NO I DON'T! >:(
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books4evermorr · 10 months
Had some questions (wanted to know some very specific unnecessarily detailed things) about the AU
•I need to know what is going on in Hades mind watching two primordials discuss his son with so much reverence lol
•Also I was wondering if maybe you are gonna go down the questioning-his-gender route for Nico? Like with all that Mother thing, and the switching between pronouns when talking about Ananke and then talking about him. Especially because his immediate reaction wasn’t discomfort when being called Mother or being referred to with she/her pronouns and even when khaos was like we can change his anatomy, instead of being uncomfortable by that he was only like actually that’s not the biggest problem 🤓☝️(loved that btw)
Like maybe not trans but more like gender fluid/ gender non conforming? Fits in with the can’t bound such powerful beings by the concept of gender thing.
Would love to know what you think. But him not going that path will be nice too and I practically melted when chronos said that he is perfect just the way he is 😭😭😭
•I have also been wondering is Leo alive?? Because the seven are going and annabeth is replaced by alabaster, does that mean Leo comes along too? I mean technically it’s a tsats plot rewrite so if the timeline is same that means he will be there. But he will show up later. So do they believe he is dead rn? Did he see this Nico is Ananke situation? As in is he in throne room rn? Or he is gonna come back later and would get a rundown and then proceed to make corny jokes? If he comes back later is calypso with him? What does she think about this because she is older than the gods right? And like does she choose to not accompany them to Tartarus or is there like laws and reasons stopping her or something? Also idk is caleo gonna be a ship or do they break up?
•Also the Apollo getting punished thing, I know Jason was stopped from dying because chronos, but do we get a time skip to directly the tsats part? Then what about Nico’s involvement in the last book? How does chronos feel towards Apollo (cause he has a crush on Nico lol) ? But more importantly how does he feel about his beloved befriending the Trogs (🥹) ? And also since time would have passed, there dynamic changed too? Like before they get the prophecy (do they still get one?) when nico hears the voices, chronos is defo there, so will we get a after-a-nightmare scene 😭 ?? Is Nico like comparatively at ease around him before they even head towards Tartarus? I am pretty sure you already have this figured out but I was still curious lol
This kind of got long 😅
Take all the time you need answering :))
And also if any of these lead to potential spoilers feel free to not answer them!! More than happy to wait and see things unfold
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northwest-by-a-train · 3 months
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thesylverlining · 5 months
Finishing Disco Elysium felt like a great way to end 2023
i'm not crying you're FUCKING CRYING AND SO AM I
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hey sorry everyone I'll reply the asks and everything (<3 thank youu they are all so good and I love them and I feel so blessed) I just... I need to be serious and focus on work for a solid minute. :((
BUT I played a little more of TotK and, yeah, I'm actually pretty baffled people are impressed by this story and considering it a step above BotW, when to me we are clearly below in almost every single way. Again: the game is super fun and I love the little touches and everything, but beyond The Issues there's a lot that's just... incompetent at a very basic level honestly, and I find little excuse for the amount of slack in the way informations are conveyed and, just, how nonsensical and disjointed I find the plot and the world to be overall
(I have a Post in my heart about how I think a single* fix would have done so much good to the story and actually led to a theme and to stakes and tension and characters arcs and everything this game is cruelly lacking in the narrative department)
((*it would imply a number of other cascading fixes, but the framework could roughly stay the same))
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strwpup · 1 year
i don't think we're at the end of these characters stories even slightly, but how possibly could this end that won't be bigger than this solstice. like we have high level characters from both of the other main campaigns, it's the 8 year anniversary, there's a ton of cryptic shit happening to the twitter,
my crack theory is that they will lose and they will get split up and spat out in different places, dividing them into three seperate parties to run three seperate campaigns at the same time to give matt a little break and get a chance to show off other people's talent [maybe matt is even not one of the dms at all and that's how he had time for the d20 show 👀] because no single party can fix this alone
i refuse to believe they aren't planning anything with the opal/lolth/children of malice burrowing under the divine gate thing. we have to at least be getting an exu right
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