#murasame soshun
whiskeylucciano · 2 months
have a doodle page while i try to decide how to draw more dangan characters
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fulltimeangel13 · 1 month
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Studen Council members, Kotomi Ikuta and Sōshun Murasame !
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livingdeadhorse · 2 months
Can you draw Soshun and Kotomi from the student council cuddling?
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I feel so bad for the student council sometimes
vote mondo and I draw 4 you...
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sweet-despair · 4 days
Soshun: You can help me
Yasuke: No. I'm trapped
Soshun: Just push the Junko off your lap
Yasuke, is stroking Junko's head: Absolutely not. That's so evil
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derpu-doodles · 7 months
I haven't posted in a million years sO
woe Tsubasa be upon ye (except she has a cozy outfit for chillier weather blame the Student Council server) and also a Shinji Chair Pose Soshun because it just Fits
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sorry about the awful cropping on Tsubasa, I originally intended to post just her but the image was so lONG so. Click She For Full Image™ ALSO HAPPY THANKSGIVING <33
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DR3 Student Council
//Well good news guys, I finally got it done; the student council from DR3 is all finish and is free to use! Well… the only ones I didn’t make is Aiko, Kiriko and Asukasei but someone made some pretty good sprites of course but stop at just those 3 so I figure I make the others.
//I’ll say this but if you wish to use these guys then go ahead, they are free to use. ^^
-Mod Poi
//They are complete!
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Where did this mess start? When Junko Enoshima came across a secret underneath Hope's Peak… a secret laboratory. She toyed with the research there. What was that research?… What was the lab under Hope's Peak to begin with? 
The bodies of the Student Council were kept by the academy in a last ditch attempt to cover up their mistakes. A project for New Hope, hijacked by Despair. Junko Enoshima finished their work. 
Yet again, the Student Council became the unwitting test group for Enoshima’s plans. Fourteen corpses resurrected from the dead… Fourteen prototype experiments… the existence of which is shrouded in mystery.  They didn't die a second time. So where have they been this whole time? 
Maybe it's for the better that the prototypes are hidden away. Resurrection does strange things to the body and mind. 
If death is the greatest despair, what does that make the memory of one's own death?
Individual sprites and more info is in the google folder that the link at the top leads to!
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Dunno if i trust these guys..
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...Tsurugi? What should we do, should we trust their claim?
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Hey, why are you being quiet - I thought Sachi told you guys that she's related to the Kisaragi's!
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Ye-Yeah, we've been running constantly and saw the helicopter here so we figure we come here.
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Sorry but do you guys have any proof that she is? I was told that she was dead so you could be impersonating one of them.
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The hell?! Are you crazy? We've been running for a year or 2 trying to find a place to hide, you can't just expect us to-!
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No no, I think he is correct to assume us and I think it's better we show proof...
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Huh? But Mrs. Kisaragi... are you sure?
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I think so as well, given these kids likely went through something horrible as well. We should offer proof; Sachi dear, you have the evidence?
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Yeah if you don't mind...
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*pulls on the images* Here, this should be enough evidence for you...
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These are photos of our families, the thing is that we were held hostage by these people and were able to escape, our families were endanger and all we can do is run.
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Which one of us saw a helicopter head here and I figure that my nephew and niece must of landed here, so please help us.
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*looks at the photos* ...They don't look to be photoshopped, Tsurugi what do you think?
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Let me see... *looks at the photos*
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Wait, that's... that's the student council!
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Wait so these guys use to attend Hope's Peak Academy as well?
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Yeah they did, they were our seniors from Class 76 and 77, all I knew was they they got expelled but Yamato say they died during the tragedy of Hope's Peak which Junko Enoshima held and capture the families, forcing them to kill each other with only Soshun being the sole survivor who later killed himself.
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So you all are the family members of the student council? How did you manage to escape?
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Well we got out thanks to these 2; Mr. Kashiki and Mrs. Saihara, we all were able to leave but not all of us made it sadly...
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Yeah and we saw that our families and love ones were force to kill each other! We had to escape and get outta here.
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Exactly, w-we really have nowhere else to go! So can you please let us stay here until help arrives?
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...I'm really sorry for your lost, you... you all must of suffer really badly.
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fatmamoha · 2 years
Once upon a time, he was a wild tiger 🐯 🐅🔥but now he is a kite cat 🐱😻❤️❤️
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The Ultimate Incorrect Tournament
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dgrpprideflags · 1 year
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ace flag picked from soshun murasame!
requested by: anonymous
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quickdeaths · 7 months
"That's tight." The collar clicked into place, cold metal that heated quickly in the island sun, with only a thin strip of fabric on the inside to keep from scraping at her neck - though the red marks beneath made it clear that wasn't especially effective. "I'd prefer it a bit looser. Please." Without a bit of additional room, it chafed more easily, and on hot days, left faint burns on her skin where the hot steel pressed too long against her. An extra few centimeters to tilt her head without pinching or burning wouldn't make it any easier for her to escape.
Though, that was hardly the point. "Yeah, I bet you would," the Future Foundation agent agreed, even as he locked it in the same position. The collar secured, he turned his attention to the chain, attached to a pole erected on the beach for the express purpose of keeping Shinobu Yaguchi in one place. The agent nodded to himself, after he'd finished, before curling his fingers around the chain and jerking it down. He'd say it was for testing purposes, Shinobu assumed, even as they stumbled back, the uncomfortable feeling of the collar straining against them.
No, the point was to hurt her - to punish her. A motive so obvious that it was scarcely worth pointing out. Even the distance of her basket and boxes - far enough away that she'd need to uncomfortably stretch for bait, tackle, spare line, or whatever she'd need, and that she'd need to near-choke herself simply to deposit a fish without risking dropping it in sand and having it flop back to sea - was a punishment. Well, it wasn't as though she didn't deserve it. That they were alive at all, them and their friends, was a supposed kindness certainly unwarranted. "Try to stay alive, today. I don't go back until next week, and I don't want the headache."
A boat had come in that morning, large and imposing. She'd assumed it was to send out the agents itching to leave, and drop the new and miserable members off, but it wasn't here for the personnel rotation, then she had no idea its purpose. I suppose it doesn't matter much either way. Shinobu watched him walk away, before setting up her rod as best she could. The blunted hooks, given them after the realization of the danger a sharper one possessed, weren't easy to work with. If it were up to Shinobu, she'd prefer to be done with it all, but the knowledge that Ayaka and the others were depending on her for some meager food supplies fanned the flames of that otherwise-empty pit where her heart had once called itself obligation. Perhaps if she were lucky, she could catch a salmon for Anzu, when she awoke.
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When Sonia Nevermind and her entourage disembarked their ship, Soshun Murasame was there to greet them, a smile on his face. Smiling, waving, projecting an aura of calm responsibility even when he felt neither calm nor responsible - that was what he was good for. That was why he'd been asked to escort Novoselic's princess for the duration of her time visiting Jabberwock Island. That, and he could be trusted not to hurt anyone, being both physically weak and a notorious coward. Unlike the rest of his friends, Murasame had survived two killing games by keeping his hands clean and his head down.
"Your Highness, hello. Welcome to Jabberwock Island." At one point, Murasame remembered being full of boundless optimism and cheer. Whether it was Ishikawa's terrible jokes or some impossible-to-understand comment Hanasaki had made, he'd always laughed along and encouraged everyone. These days, the hopeful attitude was forced, and believing in others seemed almost impossible - not least because the people he'd most believed in had joined him in plunging the world into darkness.
But if not him, then who? Sato was too curt and standoffish, and Shikiba too quiet. Matsuda was bitter and blamed himself, while Kamiya's constant sobbing cast dark clouds even on sunny days. Hinata had far more important things to do than be anyone's cheerleader, and the less said about Yaguchi, the better. Murasame couldn't imagine putting anything else on her shoulders would help her condition. It fell to him, then, to believe hard enough that things would work out. They had to.
"I'm sure our friends at Future Foundation have already given you a number of briefings, and if you have your own plans for touring their offices and speaking with their administrators, I completely understand." Although, he'd heard rumblings that perhaps things weren't going well there. Some final parting plan of hers, maybe. "But I'm available to show you around if there's anything you want to see on our side of the islands." Transparent, affable, considerate of others - Murasame clung to that essence of leadership.
Even if his last role had been self-declared Acting Prime Minister of a sham government. After what Yaguchi had done, Japan had needed a leader. Likely, the princess had seen his face more times than she could count, given how his unhinged daily briefings had been broadcast across the world. Well, he couldn't let that force him to falter. He needed to keep his chin up, accept responsibility, and make amends. For now, that meant hosting Sonia Nevermind, and making the best impression of himself and his friends. "We have a number of facilities, from our kitchen and dining area, to our farm and agricultural lab, the hospital and holding facilities, our weather forecasting station where we track storms." Again, Murasame forced a smile. "We're making the best for ourselves here. So, whatever you'd like to see, Your Highness, I'll be happy to show you."
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dokidokironpaclub · 1 year
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Continuing my colorizing process over a year later, whoops. Here's Kotomi Ikuta from the Student Council!
Soshun Murasame
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whiskeylucciano · 1 month
I definitely should be working rn but im having dangan tma au thoughts so. i'm making that tumblr's problem
hajime is the mc, a regular guy with no life plans or friends who gets a job at the institute of hope (hpa but its focused on the research instead of the school) to have something to put on his CV. gets archivist-ed
he's a part of the junior department. its basically an internship program. the other members are -
murasame soshun : fellow regular guy ! no supernatural encounters yet but has an irrational fear of ghosts. the (unofficial) manager. helps hajime around to begin with and they get along well. probably the most mentally well in the group though he definitely overworks himself hard + puts other people's needs ahead of his own. depending on how i decide to have the story go, he gets lonely'd
fujisaki chihiro : tech support. bit of a recluse. in a constant battle to get anything in the archives recorded on something that isn't paper, so she ends up helping hajime in sorting the archives fairly often. not totally sure if i want her to end up as an avatar? if i did though it would probably be eye, flesh or spiral
gekkougahara miaya : ok she's here i haven't planned very far beyond that. i'm thinking she does a lot of the online research on statements? her and chihiro often work together on both of their jobs though. she probably stays human. i think nwp trio needs at least one human lol
matsuda yasuke : end avatar w/angsty backstory. love making my favs suffer. more of a forensic pathologist than a neurologist in this au, but just as self-taught. technically a part of the junior department but doesn't leave his office/lab area unless forced to.. which is mostly when the proper ioh workers need him for shit. soshun, chihiro and miaya visit him because they actually somewhat get along with him. hajime, however-
there's also their actual boss, kirigiri jin, and chisa/kyosuke/kouichi/etc work in the main part of the facility. juuzou exists but probably works elsewhere (probably as a cop or sth). jin is an eye avatar (+ probably kouichi too), kyosuke is a lonely avatar, im not certain about the rest yet. desolation juuzou seems fitting i think?
i have some characters who i want to have join the archival team later in the story but i also haven't planned most of that story yet so. lol. sato joins after an end encounter (twilight syndrome murder case-adjacent, kuzuryuus are end-aligned). i'm not sure if shinobu gets employed there but. she's a journalist ! she has connections ! just don't worry about her family i'm sure there's nothing weird happening there (togami corp is buried-aligned, but shinobu is eye-aligned if anything). nagito isn't an archival assistant but he's a vast avatar, and the first avatar that hajime knowingly interacts with. he collects leitners and provides info to hajime but he's also kind of a prick. he still self-depreciates he just also kinda worships the fears and considers all human life worthless. and he doesn't THINK he's being that rude but wow this hajime guy sure is sure of himself better remind him of his (unimportant) place in the universe. also he's very much rooting for the guys carrying out the fear rituals so thats fun.
+ you can't forget the former archivist, who had to be kirigiri kyouko. who else would it be. born to the kirigiris who run their own eye-aligned info-gathering organisation (their detective agency), and mostly raised by fuhito to be the heir of it. befriends samidare yui in a way basically the same as in dr kirigiri (but with more . supernatural crimes), and over time comes to question her family's dealings with the fears. comes to the institute of hope to figure out what happened to jin, but leaves mysteriously w/yui and nobody has heard from them since.
and thats it for the main cast ! there's other characters i have plans for (i have an imposter statement planned, and i want sayaka to start a stranger ritual... junko is also important i'm just not 100% sure how im going to handle her part in the story and how much of what i have planned i want to put in a summary post. and so on)
maybe i'll actually write some of this as a fic later. Who knows
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sweet-despair · 3 months
Soshun: Who—
Junko: He's talking about me! I’m the love of your life?
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*Tuesday, February 5th, Hope’s Peak Academy, morning*
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And you’re certain that’s all that happened?
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Yep, it’s all I know for sure.
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I swear, none of us have ever made any deals to become Ultimates. I’m from a normal family, we didn’t bribe anyone or-
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Umesawa-san, it’s okay, really.
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I believe you. You’ve got a solid family history, school career, and I don’t see any reason why you’d do that.
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Yeah...I’m not like Nijiue Emina, I promise.
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Very few people are. But, I do have one question.
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You’ve been speaking with a boy frequently, and even invited him here on a few occasions. He’s not an Ultimate, but he was one of the people who was involved in the Sunny Days Incident.
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Oh...y-you mean Miraz Damian?
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He’s...just a good friend is all.
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A friend?
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Oh...I see how it is.
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S-Sensei, please!
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I’m just worried about him is all. I wanted him to feel like he had people he could trust, but there wasn’t anything bad going on, I swear.
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It’s alright, Umesawa-san, really. You’re in the clear here.
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But, if there’s anything your friend can tell us, will you let us know?
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Sure thing.
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I wasn’t expecting this many cops...
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I know...it’s making nervous.
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It’s alright. Just speak openly and honestly about everything that you’ve experienced here. They want to help us.
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And as members of this Student Council, we’ve done nothing wrong!
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I...don’t really know where I should start...
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The school asked me to cover for her, that’s it.
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Why yes, my therapy sessions have been going quite well.
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Clear the hallways, willya?! We ain’t gone time for you all to be skulking around! People have to get to class!
*A trio of cops heeds his word and move down the hall, past a familiar face*
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Hideyoshi really went all out with this...
Cop: I’m sorry, sir, but this is the Main Course.
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I don’t give a damn if this is Mecca. My grandson comes with me, end of story.
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Ask the people in charge. I’m expected here.
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Yeah, and if not, ask my mom.
Cop: Ah...Hinata Hajime. Right, please carry on.
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Atta boy! Thanks for your service!
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Now, about time we start meeting with some of your friends and classmates, right?
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