#mr. baldwin
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I found the pitch bible for Fish Hooks on the internet archive. I appreciate that the writers specified that Baldwin isn’t some awful kid-hating menace, but just genuinely couldn’t care less 90% of the time. *chef’s kiss*
But also, “Everyone is glad that they’re not Mr. Baldwin.” Ouch! 😆
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pollsforpondering · 7 months
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orpheuslament · 1 year
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If Beale Street Could Talk, James Baldwin
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aberration-abbey · 2 months
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mr soup man
bring me a soup
make it a cauldron of some kind of goop
we'll mix it up by melting a clover
but make sure that it doesn't boil over
soup man,
i need some goo
this geneing project is so overdue
i'll fill your cauldron up with shoes
so mr soup man give me some ooze
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typewriter-worries · 9 months
being normal about giovanni's room is so hard because what if you love him and let him love you do you really think anything else under heaven really matters?
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asha-mage · 1 year
Here's a pride month flavor musing for you:
There's something to be said about the fact that even when works of period art are deliberately using a fun house mirror version of history so they can have more modern/progressive sensibilities for either race (Bridgerton) or feminism (Mrs Masiel) they still almost always maintain a period accurate attitude twords homosexuality and queerness.
It's almost like this weird tacit acknowledgement that though we can expect the audience to accept a desegregated British Aristocracy or a 1950s house wife doing stand-up comedy that speaks to modern feminist struggles, we can't expect an audience to accept gay people having happy fulfilling lives and relationships in the same way. Queerness still has this edge of enforced tragedy, secrecy, and shame to it. Of course Shy Baldwin is forced to marry a woman in order to keep his fame and to loose his best friend after nearly being outed. Of course Suzie's one romance is a tragic heartbreak that embittered her to love and left her "happy to be alone". Of course Reynolds and Brimsley must steal moments in secret and ultimately be separated- without even a passing explanation as to why their not together in the "later" timeline. Their is certainly no scene of them reuniting in the same way George and Charlotte get. Reynolds and Brimsley are queer, it's assumed they don't get to be happy and end up together, even as the show lauds the undying and unyielding love of a interracial Queen Charlotte and King George.
I know that it's just a reflection of where our society is and yet....I can't help but wish it was different. I love all these big budget glossy period pieces that look back at our history and ask "what if it had been different? What if we had been kinder and more accepting and less hateful?" and I genuinely do believe that is a question worth asking. I just think it's a question worth asking for everyone.
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firethatgrewsolow · 1 year
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Sweet Jesus.
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mondodisco · 2 months
So like I just saw Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde with Adam Baldwin because someone here talked about it and I just wanna say that it was such a bad movie it was a masterpiece.
Everything. From the poor acting to the action scenes where people just didn’t shoot at the targets to Adam Baldwin in a long haired wig for no reason to the police searching for the mafia gang by going on “www.murderers.com” to so many others cringe choices made for this movie. This was a fucking nightmare and a waste of my time and I would do it again because I have never laughed so hard at a movie
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Countdown to The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 5
S02E10: All Alone
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steam-beasts · 4 months
Shining Time Station/TATMR headcanon
In TATMR and STS, Mr Conductor (Alec Baldwin version) and the other conductors' appearances are actually forms they take on to fit in more with humanity, albeit being tiny. They don't have proper appearances so to fix this, they use an existing human's appearance as their own. They're like body snatchers, but don't have any evil intentions or goals.
For example, if you've ever seen Shining Time Station, the Season 1 Mr Conductor we would see isn't the real Ringo Starr, but a conductor-copy of him; same looks, same voice, but different personality and different memories.
If I had the power to rewrite Magic Railroad, I'd have Lily go;
Lily; "Wait, aren't you Alec Baldwin??"
Mr Conductor; "Well...I am, but not at the same time. I just look and sound exactly like him"
I've tried to make this headcanon make sense as much as possible, sorry if it doesn't. Lol.
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They are the same GD characters.
Loser teacher in love with insane cat lady.
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variousqueerthings · 1 year
feel like I'm only going into the negatives here, considering there are parts of the show I really do enjoy -- but I spoiled myself about whether Shy shows up again in the show after the episode where he and Midge talk about their history together/clear the air
and it seems not, after Midge says they're not friends, when he offers to have them meet up again -- he's out of the story now
which sits wrong with me -- Midge wronged him, Midge outed him onstage (whether or not anyone in the audience took it seriously), Midge didn't just make a joke, Midge did several minutes of jokes on how gay he is, in 1960, a Black man who's managed to build a career from clearly nothing, whom she befriended and then found off the back of being hate-crimed, and helped clean up and get back onstage in time for it not to be suspicious. and then she clearly betrayed all that trust
and she's pissed off that he fired her and didn't want to talk with her after she outed him, she's angry that it briefly stopped her career -- hell, after they talk and she says very sincerely how she would have said sorry if only he'd talked to her (what are we, operating on nine-year-old logic?) he offers to rebuild their connection and she says no! because they're not friends! she learned her lesson! (nine-year-old logic once more).
and then she finds out after that conversation that a host of managers (conspicuously white) used her set as an in to take over his whole career and replace his band, it's hinted that they forced him to get married, and they got rid of his one other real friend in the world, who always kept him safe, so that they can control him better
it's just... incredibly bleak for something that it seems will never come up again, because Midge doesn't reach out to him to acknowledge that this is on her after witnessing that, or do anything with the realisation that he has nobody in his corner anymore after what she did
he could have never seen her again, never talked to her again, blackballed her from working in his venues, and it would have paled in comparison to the way she affected his life
I think the show suffers when it comes to serious subjects, because it wants to live in a bubble-gum world, but occasionally stumbles into something deeper and then goes oh shit oh shit oh shit while backing away fast, and this is the biggest example of that
I kind of wish the closure hadn't happened at all, because it seems to exist more to absolve her than to teach any kind of accountability
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charcubed · 1 year
Listen. I'm going FUCKING. INSANE. because it seems like almost no one on the internet gives a shit about Shy Baldwin/Reggie Harris from The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, which boggles my mind because like ???? they're in love?????? and their relationship is so compelling??
And what we see of what becomes of Shy's story is so tragic obviously but to me it also hints at potential for him and Reggie to maybe someday get out of showbiz and be together. And from what I can tell, no one in fandom TALKED ABOUT THISSSS when season 4 came out!!! What the fuck!!!!! This is maddening!!!
So. I'm making this post mostly to get this off my chest and as a yell into the void. Because maybe somewhere, someday, someone else will ALSO be searching tumblr to see even a glimpse of content about these 2 exceedingly compelling characters, and I will write this so that I save that person the despair of coming up empty-handed like I am.
I'm also gonna drag other people down with me if anyone who hasn't seen this show happens to be curious enough to read this, so in that vein, I will cover some basics to outline this. Because I want to TALK ABOUT THEM despite most of this being obvious and no one giving a shit, Goddammit!!
(Spoilers or whatever I guess but who cares)
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This is Shy Baldwin. He's a singer (clearly) and canonically a Black gay man who (obviously) has to hide his sexuality because this is set in the 60s.
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This is Reggie Harris, Shy's manager and longtime best friend.
This is how Reggie introduces himself:
Let me tell you what kind of manager I am, Susie Myerson and Associates. I've been looking after Shy since we were kids tossing rocks in vacant lots. We was running numbers for Stephanie St. Clair before we were ten. When he found his singing, I collected the money, kept him out of trouble, kept people from bumping him. I'll be at his side when he draws his last breath unless I get there first. I would lay down my life for him. That's what's going on here. You hear me?
–3x02, "It's the Sixties, Man!"
In episode 3, they casually sing "Is You Is or Is You Ain’t My Baby" together just for fun.
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INSANE harmonies. And their flirty banter in this whole 1 minute long scene makes me want to eat my own arm.
Anyway... hold those thoughts.
So, Midge Maisel (the titular character) is the opener for Shy on tour with her comedy act in season 3. The show reveals in episode 3x06 that Shy is gay, in a scene where Midge finds him bruised and bleeding because he hooked up with a guy and it went sideways. Shy comes out to her as part of his explanation, and she helps cover up the bruises on his face with makeup so he can get on stage that night.
That leads to him doing a sitting "stool set" with slower songs because his ribs are fucked so he can't stand/dance, and the unsubtle song the show has him sing is "No One Has To Know."
The clip isn't even on Youtube, which is indicative of how much I'm suffering with how under-appreciated Shy's storyline is, but you can listen to the song here or on Spotify.
No one else can tell I think you're beautiful No one else can tell You're my favorite view Let the world all think what they will I'll wait until they're through 'Cause no one has to know I need you No one but you
^^^ Literally the whole song is like this / about being gay but that's a piece of it.
Shy looks at Reggie as he sings.
Thankfully Tumblr user microclown made several GIFs. Here are two.
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Clearly, obviously, this is deliberately not subtle. Everything telegraphs that Shy is in love with Reggie.
Now, considering wider context of Shy hooking up with a random man etc., one could be forgiven for thinking it's meant to be seen as unrequited love... but I really don't think that's the case. I think there's a delicious undercurrent of angst that ties into how Reggie tells Susie (Midge's manager) at various times throughout the season that their job is to make the hard decisions on behalf of their clients, and Reggie references making hard decisions on Shy's behalf or for Shy, because his job is to do what's best for Shy even at the times Shy doesn't like it. So... are they in love and Reggie tries to keep them from properly being Together to protect Shy? And/or does Shy think his love is unrequited at this point? Lots of room to play there.
So now comes the part that no one's talking about!
More explanation: season 3 ends with Midge being very straight and very white as she does a comedy routine in which she makes way too many cheeky references that out Shy as gay on stage if you know gay-related coding/lingo. There are Reasons why she sort of panics and does this, and the audience loves her jokes, but that is very much Not The Point. She's fired from the rest of the tour as a result–rightfully so.
In season 4, it's announced that Shy is suddenly getting married to his longtime girlfriend and it's totally a publicity stunt 🙃 Midge and Susie are invited to the wedding... but not by Shy; by the team of straight white dude management who stepped in to control Shy's every move in the name of "helping him to stay on the straight and narrow" to keep his career on the rails. Midge's fuck up gave them the opportunity they needed to control him. (Shy and Midge end up reuniting in a bathroom at the reception but we won't be unpacking that conversation and how I disagree with how Midge leaves things between them).
So the suits invite Midge and Susie to the wedding so they can escort them to a side room and have a meeting with them, and they try to pay them off to sign an NDA. (Midge declines for them both, saying she will keep her silence for the sake of Shy, not for the suits.) Come to find out that that management team also forced Shy to pay off / fire his entire band–who were shown to be like family to him throughout the tour in season 3–and also forced him to pay off / fire Reggie.
LOU: Look, he's a good guy, Reggie. I like him. But he's too close with Shy to control him. There's too much history.
SUSIE: Reggie got Shy to where he is now. You realize that?
LOU: Reggie's taken care of. Big severance. We threw him some publishing. He's buying a house in Westchester. Everybody's happy.
SUSIE: Oh, I bet. 'Cause when you think Reggie, you think Westchester.
–4x05, "How to Chew Quietly and Influence"
Here's the obvious thing: Shy and Reggie clearly had no choice in this matter.
There's no way in hell that Reggie would have left Shy willingly. Absolutely no Goddamn way in hell. Whether he's in love with him or not, Shy is "his boy" (his words, repeatedly) and he said "I'll be at his side when he draws his last breath unless I get there first." That was his character introduction! Holy shit!
But here's my hot take: I DO think Reggie is in love with Shy, and I do think he intends to keep that promise of being by his side as much as possible. And I'll tell you why.
At the wedding, Shy sings a short excerpt from his new single to his new wife:
Come close to me, baby Cool as the river When you're here in my arms Manhattan's getting dimmer I know it sparkles, too But city lights don't shine as bright as you
Once again the clip is not on Youtube and I am suffering.
There are a few more lines from the song in that episode referencing Paris and Rome (where Shy and Reggie and the band went on tour in season 3...), but it's a piece of a longer song. We thankfully have the song in full, here or on Spotify:
And in the episode, Shy says on stage that the song was written by Reggie.
"You just heard a little of my new single. And it's a special one because the lyrics were written by my boy Reggie Harris. Which is fitting because that man's been putting words in my mouth since we were kids begging his grandmom to buy us ice cream.
–4x05, "How to Chew Quietly and Influence"
This makes me FUCKING FERAL.
Especially because of the lyrics in the full version of the song... which, as it turns out, is all about giving up fame and the spotlight to be with the one you love.
There are hidden lyrics in the full track that are meant to actually be in between the shortened ones we hear in the episode. The lyrics from the full version that Shy doesn't sing at his wedding are as follows:
I’ve had the spotlight Been bewitched by wealth and fame But I’d give up that hot light Just to hear one special someone Call my name
I could search the world over Go as far as a man can roam But nothing I’d see Would mean nothing to me Like the vision of you when I’m coming back home Baby, you are my home
Buildings may rise And reach for the skies They twinkle and flash But they won’t ever last Like the beauty in your eyes
Whatever they may do Those city lights won’t shine as bright as you
Reggie wrote this song for Shy. He literally wrote this song for Shy. Shy says it himself! And Reggie's not in attendance at Shy's publicity stunt wedding because the suits are keeping them apart for now, but he's in Shy's heart, and Shy chooses to sing this song and share that backstory about the lyrics because they're each others' home in secret.
I can't handle it! I can't FUCKING handle it!!!!!
Like are you SERIOUS!!!! And in the episode where the suits say Reggie took his severance pay and went and bought a fancy house? BITCH. If he even actually did that (and didn't just claim he was doing it to fly under the radar), then he bought a house so Shy could one day join him there because ???? "You are my home." Ohhhh myyyy Goddddd ;___; A song about giving up the spotlight to be with the one you love........ I have connected the dots. Just wow.
So yeah I'm literally going insane. I LOVE them. I've been thinking about this for like 2 weeks and no one gives a shit but I love them! They are important to me and every part of their subplot is so compelling and makes me so emotional!
There is fic about all this that's in my brain and outlined in my google docs and if I ever write it I will post it on AO3 for the maybe 2 people who will care someday. But yeah.
WHERE is their spinoff!!!!!!!! Jk I don't want it because I don't trust they'd be handled properly. However, I am manifesting even a crumb of information about them in season 5 because Shy Baldwin is my son and I would like any kind of hint he and Reggie manage to eventually orchestrate their happiness <3
If you actually read this post, thank you so much for indulging me. I had to get this off my chest, okay, I'm losing it.
I love them and they're in love. That is all.
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emperorofthedark · 2 years
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seithr · 2 months
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i always forget this game updates while i'm gone. its been four years and im fiddling with flight rising again. kind of serving here
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lefttigerobservation · 3 months
i humbly offer you this edit that took me three (3) whole days in the midst of starting s4 of tmmm LATE TO THE GAME. please enjoy it. i love it. i'm having so much fun & they are so dear to my heart.
i love streisand & she just FITS this series so well. the urge to do happy days are here again is also very strong. up next is potentially a smidge "love is the opening door" or "killer queen" :]
PS: mxonyx is just a personal handle, there are no actual accounts associated with it hehe. if I start to post more, i'll let y'all know!
PPS: cyberlink you have treated me well ty.
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