#movie night!
frownyalfred · 2 months
I will be doing a ZSJL rewatch tonight if anyone wants to follow along! Or mute my posts for a few hours.
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beebeetheclown · 20 days
It’s movie night!
The “movie night”:
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Yes this is how I will be spending my Sunday night. I don’t care this is so much fun! What should I watch next? Just kidding I’ll probably go to sleep even though it’s not even ten o clock yet.
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gt-ridel · 9 months
Hey everyone! I'm having a movie night tomorrow (sep 10) over on my discord!
We're watching the original Jurassic Park!
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Film should start around 9pm AST You're all invited. I hope to see you there! ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ
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bluesidedown · 11 months
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boombambaby · 26 days
I'm bored.
Time to watch my ME movie! To fill this Monday's ME-quotion!
Cause, I mean really-- what a great way to make a Monday better. Am I right?
I never get tired of watching myself.
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devastator1775 · 11 months
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mp3-pplayers · 5 months
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sketches-for-nobody · 2 years
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ggomomomo · 2 years
Zero Percent on Rotten Potatoes
Felix Week 2022 Day 5 (Cookie Version) | Movie Night
AO3 | Masterlist
[thank you so much to the wonderful people from the Felinette discord who gave ideas for the Disney movies <3] also, there are spoilers for Knives Out
He didn't know how long he'd be able to stomach it. Goosebumps were dotting along his skin and his heart wildly raced. Despite all of that, he couldn't bring himself to look away from the screen.
He almost yelped out loud when he felt a hand touch him. Thankfully, he was able to bite back a high-pitched scream and only jolt in place. He turned to meet a pair of bright eyes belonging to one Marinette Dupain-Cheng. "Are you okay?" she asked.
A strained smile tugged on his lips. "Yes."
Of course that didn't convince her. She pressed a key on the laptop to pause the movie before flipping the lights on. Tension left Félix's body in an instant. "You should've told me," she said grimly. "You're scared of horror movies."
"Am not," he quickly retorted.
"Don't lie to me. You do."
He was scared. But she had been so excited to watch the movie with him, staring unflinchingly at the same scenes that took the life out of him. All the while she gave her own witty remarks about other ways the protagonists could've handled the situation.
Marinette took his hand in hers. He hadn't realized it had balled into a tight fist. "You should've told me," she soothed. "I wouldn't have played the movie."
"It's alright. I shouldn't have been uncomfortable." He pried the sheets from his legs to lend her more warmth. "It's only a movie."
"And that movie was scaring you." Her face scrunched up into a frown. "It doesn't matter if I want to watch. This night is supposed to be for the both of us."
Félix opened his mouth to protest but her lips caught his first, for a brief moment. "What about you pick a new one? Anything you like."
If he didn't want to restrain himself, he'd choose a crime documentary without blinking. But he considered that she wouldn't like that, so he browsed through the catalog of movies to find something they'd both like. "It's a two point five," he said while scanning over the titles.
"Two point five?" Amusement laced her tone. "Out of what?"
"Ten. The plot is unique for a horror movie, but the characters fall into the pattern of the usual tropes. Also, it has the potential for a psychological thrill but the directors chose to scatter random jump-scares and gore into it."
She hummed, mulling over his words. "Two for me."
"Why two?"
"It scared you."
He snorted softly, but felt warmth hugging his chest. He leaned back on the pillows again to hold her after he clicked 'play' on the next movie. 
When he came to think of it, he didn't know why he chose that movie. Perhaps it was because the synopsis made it sound sweet and simple, and a romantic comedy seemed befitting for a date night. As the movie progressed, he had nothing but disinterest and the same was evident in Marinette's poker face.
He knew there were romance movies out there that were done right. But the majority was always done wrong or wasn't his cup of tea. For him, the romance genre was supposed to make you feel. Get your emotions invested, coax out tears, make your thoughts stray to a special someone or have you wistfully longing for a relationship. The movie they watched barely ticked any boxes.
He nuzzled the side of her head. "Not good?"
Her expression soured. "Eck. Five out of ten. Only because I have a soft spot for rom-coms."
"One out of ten." He smiled. "We should be professional movie critics by now."
"We'll call our ratings Rotten Potatoes."
"Rotten Potatoes?" Félix said. "Why potatoes?"
Marinette shrugged. "Potatoes sound nice. And I have a craving for fries right now."
"You could've mentioned it earlier and I would've gotten you some."
She chuckled. "Nah, it's okay. Now, back to our critique!"
Félix looked back distastefully at the couple on the screen. "They shouldn't be able to fall in love so easily. Especially after a one night stand."
"I mean, that's pretty much the selling point of these kinds of movies," she said, "Two strangers experience a series of events that bring them closer, and then they have unbearable sexual tension, and then they kiss, and then it's happily ever after. That's so far from reality."
He nodded in agreement. "I think some ways these movies are framed leads to terrible expectations in romance. And based on where this is going, it looks like they're both going to be homeless at the end of the movie."
She laughed. "I guess that's the 'realistic' part." 
After completely abandoning the cheesy romance movie, they moved on to a genre they both agreed on: mystery. Unfortunately, they hadn't foreseen themselves yawning towards the middle of the movie, having already figured out the true culprit.
"They handle the flow really well." Marinette stretched her arms. "But, like, it's pretty obvious who's innocent and who's not."
"It's essentially the old man who did himself in," Félix said. "Chance and circumstances made things go downhill. If they had waited for medical help, the death wouldn't have occurred."
"But it's still the son's fault." She wrinkled her nose. "He attempted a murder and then actually committed one."
Félix found mysteries entertaining. Even with overused tropes and personalities, a good mystery always bore a creative masterpiece on the 'how's and 'why's. Plus a few twists and turns that made his eyebrows raise with intrigue. But sometimes he wished he wasn't able to piece it all together too quickly. "I would've enjoyed it better in book form," he thought out loud.
"I guess, but you'd solve the mystery halfway through all the same," said Marinette.
"Not if all the clues haven't been revealed yet."
"That's true. It was a 'meh' movie though. Rating?"
"Oooh, I'd give it an eight at least."
Marinette's fingers glided over the mouse pad, in search of another movie to nitpick. She stopped on one that was clearly on the explicit side.
"Let's watch this." She grinned wildly.
"Ma—Marinette no."
"Marinette, yes." 
"It's time to settle this once and for all." Marinette put on a game face as she crossed her legs and shifted on the bed to face him. He noticed her toes wiggling under fuzzy socks.
"Umm, we haven't been 'settling' anything." He raised an eyebrow.
"No, we will!" She declared. "We shall decide . . . what is the best Disney movie ever?"
Félix blinked a few times. That topic certainly hadn't come up before and yet she seemed set on discussing it. "What gives you the assumption that I've watched enough to choose a 'best'?"
She narrowed her eyes. "No, don't tell me you haven't." She leaned closer to scrutinize him. "I know you have. You've watched a lot."
A faint heat crept up on his neck as he automatically recounted the movies he had watched, his specific insights on them, and the melodies in the songs. Not once did he mention being a fanatic to Marinette. But she saw through him. She always did.
"Don't be shy, Fe," she encouraged with a hint of teasing. "What's your favorite?"
He averted his gaze before mumbling, "Robin Hood."
"What was what?"
He repeated louder, cheeks aflame. "Robin Hood."
"So thievery."
"Borrowing," he corrected.
"Compulsive borrowing." Marinette put a finger to her lip. "It's an underrated choice. What makes it your favorite?"
"Well, there's the depiction of usurping a greedy and corrupt government headed by fools; the imagery of the injustice that's also prominent in real life; and the emphasis on cleverness and benevolence that rules above all," he explained. "Not to mention, the . . . the songs."
She listened excitedly. "Did it inspire you to learn sleight of hand?"
"Not really, but I got into a phase with archery."
"That's so cute!" She cooed, eyes shining brightly. "I have to get pictures from your mom."
He resisted a groan.
"You should totally cosplay at Haru's next party! I'll make an outfit for you!"
"Only if you're my Maid Marian." He held her to him to keep her from falling out of bed because of the excess energy.
"Deal." She looked up at him.
"I also like The Aristocats," he added, remembering the other movie he always watched with his family. One time, Cosette and Zee had also persuaded him to sit in with them to watch—he had to try his best to hide the fact that he had seen it more times than he could count.
"The Aristocats? Why?"
"It's about cats. What more can I say?" Each time he watched, he'd think about how cute the kittens were or how tasty crème de la crème à la Edgar looked on screen.
"Fair point." Marinette went back to leaning on her pillow. "Your favorites are worthy, but I still think Tangled is the best."
"Why do you think so?"
"I can go on and on about it! Their chemistry, Rapunzel's feistiness, the song numbers, the lantern scene, the humor!" She rambled. "Also the art and animation! It deserves to be in a museum, honestly."
"Well, I won't be backing down in any debate about Disney movies," Félix said. He glanced at the clock on the wall. "But this will probably take us hours, so I suggest we watch the two movies."
She pouted. "Fine, I concur. We'll do this another day, and I'm bringing Sib on my side."
They curled up against each other again, watching Robin Hood first and then Tangled afterwards (no, he was not softly humming along to the songs throughout the movie). Félix found himself enjoying Marinette's little comments, how she'd point out certain details even he hadn't spotted before. In return, he'd point out his favorite scenes, briefly reminiscing about his childhood.
It was dawn when they finished. Marinette fell asleep first, head resting on his shoulder. He put the laptop away, tucked them both into bed, and welcomed sleep while cuddling his precious movie-watching partner. 
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What movie would we be watching if you do a movie night?
usually we do a poll/everyone sends asks/replies to the movie night post with what they want!! last i checked (in general i haven’t made an official movie night post yet) people wanted to watch xmfc!! i try to keep it within the various x-men movies/cartoons/etc but if people wanted to watch something not x-men i wouldn’t really mind
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those fuck ass animatronics would not have stood a chance against this absolute god
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avolan-istair · 7 months
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tharkflark1 · 7 months
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It's okay guys! Freddy's just nervous
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whateveryousaycappy · 6 months
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Like father like daughter 🐰🔪
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theautisticjedi · 6 months
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