#most sites just say not to bother with -se and that it’s just more literary and not used much anymore
adhd-languages · 1 year
Does anyone know if some Spanish dialects that use the -se version of the imperfect subjunctive more? Does it sound archaic?
(Like estuviese instead of estuviera)
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kaffeinic · 5 years
How to Start Your Own Writing Blog
This is more centered on a kpop/requesting blog, but the basic principles can still be applied to any other writing blog. Feel free to change or omit any of these steps. These are just what I’ve found to be the basics. Here is a link to my blog, @kaffeinic. You can check it out if you have trouble understanding anything here or you’d like to ask me a question. Asks are always open!
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Step One: Naming Your Blog
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This seems pretty self-explanatory and plainly obvious, but I’ve seen so many people start up a blog with a name that’s unoriginal or mundane, or just something they don’t like.
If you’re planning on capturing people with your writing, you need to be willing to make a name for yourself. Let’s say your blog picks up some good traffic, and you suddenly change your username. Your readers will be extremely confused until they click on your blog. Some readers - like myself - might even unfollow if they don’t recognize you.
Moral of the story: Pick a unique name that you love.
Step Two: Masterlist/Navigation
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This should be - and I cannot stress this enough - your first post. You can take a look here at my main masterlist. Note that I write for multiple bands and have made separate masterlists accordingly. Always link your masterlist in your bio - it’s best as the first link - for easy access.
If you have sub-categories such as myself, then it’s best to make headers separating different styles of writing. It helps your readers to find exactly what they want to read. Some people like headcannons, and some people like to read full-length fanfictions. You can use this method to separate different forms of graphic art as well. Here is an example of how I’ve divided my work into digestible categories.
Step Three: About
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This one isn’t completely necessary, per se, but I’ve found most people like to know more about the author of their favourite literary pieces. Even if it’s just a simple list of basic facts about you, make a post for it. Link it in your bio for easy access. In my About page, I’ve added these items as my starting point.
Name: (If you’re comfortable sharing it.)
Pen Name: (If you have one.)
Personal: (If you’d like to provide your personal blog, I would put it here.)
ID: (She/He/They/etc. This one may seem odd, but I’ve been referred to as male when I am very much not a male. It just gives your readers an idea of how to speak to you.)
Age: (If you’re comfortable sharing it. Be sure to check it occasionally, or after a birthday to make sure it’s still up to date.)
Languages: (Very useful if you speak more than one language and want your readers to know.)
MBTI: (Completely optional, not really necessary. I’ve added mine because it gives people a somewhat general idea of what I might be like.)
Below this, you can add a Q&A section - which is what I did - or any other bits of information. It’s all up to you!
Step Four: FAQs
Another completely optional post, but if you’re tired of getting asked the same question over and over, make yourself a FAQs page and link it to your bio. Here’s what mine looks like.
Step Five: Rules
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This is mainly for requesting blogs, but it’s always good to have some ground rules for how you do things. Be very clear on what you want and what you will and will not tolerate. Here is my Rules post, linked in my bio as well.
Step Six: Settings
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Here’s a few things you might want to set up in your settings.
Are you creating a requesting blog? (Where other bloggers ask for something specific for you to write.) Make sure you have your asks turned on. Decide if you are willing to accept anonymous requests and toggle the setting accordingly. Note that you can also edit the ask box text.
Would you like to integrate your followers’ ideas? Turn on submissions. This allows another blogger to send in a post for you to approve or disapprove of before posting.
I’ve found that it’s always a good idea to allow Tumblr to pin your most popular posts to the top of your blog. It gives readers a general idea of what you write and can captivate them as well, if they see something they like. This can be toggled in the settings.
Step Seven: Taken Anons
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I wouldn’t bother with this one unless you have anonymous asks turned on, but if you do, it’s become common practice on Tumblr for someone to name themselves anonymously, such as the 👽 Anon, Happy Anon, etc. Here is my Taken Anons page. It’s just a simple bulletpoint list of names people have claimed.
Step Eight: Create a Format
Nothing bothers me more than looking at two similar posts on a blog and noticing that the formatting is messy, disorganized, and/or inconsistent. I may be wrong, but I don’t think I’m the only one who feels this way.
Creating a format adds a cleanliness to your blog and gives you a template to add your posts to. My basic format is as follows:
[Ask box submission] (If there is one. Never be afraid to write something no one has requested. Your blog is your safe haven of creativity. Use it as you please. As a side note, most blogs don’t have requests when they first start out, so many of your first posts will be of your own accord.)
- [Sender]
[Divider] (I use these: ~ )
[A/N or Notes] (Optional)
[Divider] (If notes were added.)
[Text] (The actual writing piece I’ve done.)
[Disclaimer] (Mine just claims ownership of the writing, but dismisses ownership of the gif/photo that was used in the post. Never, ever, EVER forget this.)
[Taglist] (If you have one. Make sure Tumblr has actually linked the blogs to the post or your tag list won’t be notified.)
As always, feel free to change it up. Your formatting is your choice. I would just recommend you remain consistent with each post by using a format.
I actually have a post in my drafts at all times that outlines each of my formats just for my own personal reference. It’s very useful and I highly recommend you do the same.
Step Nine: Other Posts
You’ll probably end up adding more posts to your bio the longer you have your blog, such as a queue, prompts list, or other social media. I also keep a VIPT list (VIPs & Taglist.)
Step x: How to Add Links to Your Bio
I’m just going to address this here so that I’m not asked a million times, because 1oRd kN0wS I had a hard time, and I even studied HTML years ago. I was so annoyed when I used the correct coding and nothing happened. Smh
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Moving on, here’s how:
To add a link to your bio, you must use a computer/laptop, or - I do this - request the desktop site from your mobile device. It’s typically under the settings in most browsers, labeled as “Request Desktop Site.”
Click on your blog and choose “Edit Appearance.”
Browse the menu under your header and profile until you see “Edit Theme.” Select it.
Copy and paste the exact text in black to your bio: <a href="YOUR LINK HERE"> YOUR LINK TITLE HERE (Example: Masterlist) </a>
Make sure that the quotations around your link are straight, (") not curly(“). This is vital. Your link will not work otherwise.
Click the “Save” button at the top and test your link.
For line breaks, use this code: <br>
Personally, I can’t think of anything else to add. My fellow Tumblr writers, feel free to reblog with more information! Happy writing, everyone~~~!
* DISCLAIMER: I do not own any gifs/photos used in this post. I do own the written content. Do NOT repost/edit. *
🏷 @a-toxic-galaxy • @hoshithehamster
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weeklyliberty-blog · 7 years
俺たちから学べ」 ― フランスanon
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この記事では、フランスanon(名無しさん)から日本人への言葉を紹介します。おそらく彼は今回の移民規制が焦点の大統領選に負けました。フランスは絶滅危惧民族への道をひた走りに走り続けています。彼の言葉は切実です。いったいなぜ日本人右翼はその最大の関心を移民規制に寄せずにいるのでしょうか? なぜ日本人右翼は移民問題で戦わずしてすでに半ば負けているのでしょうか?
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ID: OE22xpg1  05/14/17(Sun)18:47:35 No.125461631
Prove to me that the Japan*se are not low tier insect people that need to be genocided like the dirty nips that they are.
〔いつもの日本嫌いイギリス人。大量の反証あり。略。このスレはアメ公が日本の繁栄はすべてボクの核(muh nuke)のおかげと言ってフルボッコにされるのがパターン〕
ID: 8oEO5ZHJ  05/14/17(Sun)18:54:40 No.125462024
>>125461631 (OP)
they invent and produce a lot of nice stuff for the global market. Cars, Bikes, Technology, video games, anime & more.
also they have a cool history.
あいつらが発明したものなんて何か一つでもあったか? それよりはチンク〔中国人〕が安いの作ってジャップが良いの作るって感じでは。
ID: uD9d78kd  05/14/17(Sun)19:02:57 No.125462552
Is there single thing that they invented? It's more like chinks make cheaper, japs make better
ID: DkvfdvqM  05/14/17(Sun)19:33:46 No.125464378
ID: uD9d78kd  05/14/17(Sun)20:12:38 No.125466831
>>125464378 (You)
Something more recent like anno domini?
ID: DkvfdvqM  05/14/17(Sun)20:42:54 No.125468863
I now searched them and found a dry battery, a neodymium magnet, an optical fiber and so on which are significant.
ID: uD9d78kd)  05/14/17(Sun)21:00:17 No.125470048
>>125468863 (You)
Cool but
>optic fiber were proposed to use in communication by Japanese not invented by
>dry cell battery was by german unless you talking about something else
> neodymium magnets developed simultaneously with GM
ID: DkvfdvqM  05/14/17(Sun)21:04:12 No.125470297
Oh it seems that I got nuked.
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ID: hkOA8u1q  05/14/17(Sun)19:15:53 No.125463302
Japan is good.
偶然か? 何でクソつり目グック〔韓国人〕どもは互いに同じことを考え合うほど非創造的なんだ?
ID: 6qbCaGon  05/14/17(Sun)19:19:28 No.125463492
A zero creativity subhuman Asian thinks another zero creativity subhuman shithole is good.
Coincidence? Why are fucking slitty eyed gooks so uncreative that they all think the same things about each other?
ID: fHXejve9)  05/14/17(Sun)21:03:59 No.125470287
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>>125461631 (OP)
Fuck off they're full.
アメリカ合衆国は僅差で二位かもしれない、だが 俺 た ち が 一 番 だ
ID: fHXejve9)  05/14/17(Sun)21:06:52 No.125470476
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So creativity is defined by how fast you can replace your own people with subhumans ?
Then France is N°1 !!!
The USA may be a close second, but WE ARE THE BEST
どうしてGlobal Creativity Indexでカナダが4位で日本が24なんてことになったのか、俺にはさっぱり分からん。
ID: Xc0xcuob)  05/14/17(Sun)20:49:27 No.125469316
How could Canada rank #4 and Japan #24 in the Global Creativity Index is just beyond me.
Canada is the most retarded among all first world countries........
>カナダ・ザ・寛容No. 1
ID: DkvfdvqM)  05/14/17(Sun)21:00:01 No.125470030
>Canada the TOLERANCE no. 1.
ID: Xc0xcuob)  05/14/17(Sun)21:07:10 No.125470491
>>125470030 (You)
"Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society." -Aristotle (384-322BC)
This is nothing to be proud about it.
ID: DkvfdvqM  05/14/17(Sun)21:11:18 No.125470741
I hate tolerance and I'm ironic about it.
On that site, Japan is ranked no. 2 in technology but unfortunately don't reach Canadian tier at all.
ID: Xc0xcuob  05/14/17(Sun)21:37:20 No.125472424
>>125470741 (You)
That study is highly skewed towards Australia, though in my opinion they're not doing any better than Canada. It has to do with the criteria that the scholars used,
>Global creativity, as measured by the GCI, is closely connected to the economic development, competitiveness, and prosperity of nations. Countries that score highly on the GCI have higher levels of productivity (measured as economic output per person), competitiveness, entrepreneurship, and overall human development. Creativity is also closely connected to urbanization, with more urbanized nations scoring higher on the GCI.
I lived in Japan for over seven years, and came back to Canada five years ago. All these years, I just can't wait to go back to Japan. Because life here is absolutely unbearable.
It seems to me though that Japanese do not understand they live in the best country in the world for this period in time and history, and I only hope Japan will stay defiant in the face of Western leftist liberalism, cultural Marxism, and globalism. Lefties have destroyed the cultural and societal fabric of their own Western countries, and they just can't sleep in peace until they destroy yours.
ID: fHXejve9)  05/14/17(Sun)21:41:21 No.125472694
If you're rich, consider getting ownership of media properties, like newspapers, tv, video games devs studios, anything available and pull a reverse jew, and churn out xenophobic and family propaganda.
Personally i'll do that and try my hardest to develop an automated education system, since education seems to be the hotbed of treachery.
ID: Xc0xcuob)  05/14/17(Sun)21:54:22 No.125473516
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Not rich at all, but I'm sure we're on the same page as to what's to be done!
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ID: fHXejve9)  05/14/17(Sun)21:13:05 No.125470858
>>125470741 (You)
Please tell me Yuriko Koike won't become PM.
Please please please please please.
ID: DkvfdvqM  05/14/17(Sun)21:16:59 No.125471118
And why do you hate her?
あいつはグック〔韓国人〕で親ユダヤだ。まあユダヤの部分はパラノイアだが、韓国を見てくれよ! 〔韓国の〕後ろにユダヤがいなかったら俺の金玉を錆びたスプーンでぶっ刺してくれたっていいぜ。
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ID: fHXejve9  05/14/17(Sun)21:20:52 No.125471360
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>>125471118 (You)
She's a gook and chummy with the jews.
Ok, the jews part is paranoia, but look at south korea !
Stab my balls with a rusty spoon if the jews aren't behind it.
Not but seriously, if any one would open your borders, she would probably be the one.
Never put foreigner in position of power, and never women.
Learn from us.
Observe very well our fall.
Learn from us.
You are the last hope of Humanity, Japon.
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ID: NBZguCqx  05/14/17(Sun)21:21:50 No.125471426
>>125461631 (OP)
Only ones smart enough to reject globalism and go to extensive lengths to preserve their own cultural heritage, I wouldn't say genocide so much as take notes.
ID: fHXejve9  05/14/17(Sun)21:33:16 No.125472160
To be fair, they do have the perfect position.
>intimidating language
>surrounded by the ocean
>lot of natural disasters
>geographically isolated somewhat
No wonder the kikes have an hard time cracking this nut.
ID: 9U/v6jar)  05/14/17(Sun)21:33:27 No.125472176
>third largest economy in the world
>incredibly open to using loanwords from other languages etc.
>modernized (read butchered) the literary language in order to improve literacy.
>"they have preserved their cultural heritage"
you know nothing and I could write at length as to why you're completely wrong but I can't be bothered
Just know that if it wasn't for the West's obsession for exotic orientalism, Meiji japan would have gone right ahead to become germany 2.0
There were even serious considerations to abolish the fucking kanji/kana system as far back as 1865 spanning all the way until 1973 for crying out loud
Anonymous (ID: fHXejve9)  05/14/17(Sun)21:38:47 No.125472532
Yeah, abolishing the kanjis would probably be the best tool to subhumanise Japon.
Simplify the language means a greater pool of subhumans to draw from.
Also, don't get too fixated on culture, only genetics matters.
Japon staying genetically japanese is all that matters in determining whether they'll become one of us or not.
ID: FXVAOYuZ)  05/14/17(Sun)21:43:04 No.125472801
It also helps their citizenship is based on blood relationship.
It's means Jews and other groups can't just get a job there then worm their way into citizenship, it's something the west really fucked up not implimenting.
France would be in a MUCH better shape if the only way you could get citizen ship was by marriage, being the son/daughter of a french citizen or by a serious service to the country like serving in the legion.
日本は帰化の経路をすべて閉ざすべきだ。す ぐ に!(でも俺が市民になった後でね
(^▽^) 。
ID: fHXejve9)  05/14/17(Sun)21:51:00 No.125473314
Sadly, no.
They have jus sanguinis where births are concerned yes, but getting naturalised is really easy.
The real reason there's only a thousand jews ( still too much ) in Japon is that they can't blend.
sadly, as more and more europeans are flee the subhumanisation ( like me, so too the jews will follow.
Japon need to close all channel to naturalisation, and QUICK ! ( but after i become a citizen :DDDDDD )
イスラム教徒はあいつら自身の家やモスクでひっそりとしか祈らない。祈祷や公共改宗は非 合 法 だ。イマームは東京全域で一人っきり。日本はおそらく俺たちのイスラム多文化主義に抗する闘争での最大の同盟だ。
ID: L7SMT08v)  05/14/17(Sun)21:44:01 No.125472864
Modern Japanese barely allow muslims into their country, and when they do it's part of a program and they expect them to contribute and acculturate. They "tolerate" muslims from a business standpoint.
Muslims can only pray in the privacy of their own homes, or in a mosque, prayer or public conversion is ILLEGAL. There is a single Imam in all of Tokyo. Japan is perhaps our greatest ally in the fight against Islamic multiculturalism.
ID: Fqv2u0Hr)  05/14/17(Sun)23:02:54 No.125478765
In my opinion, Nips are like Nords minus the cuck gene. In technology and civilization, the Nords were behind the Mediterraneans and the Nips were behind the Europeans, but both groups quickly learned how to use these tools as well or better than their inventors.
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