#most of this is about casteshipping
apricot-kingdom · 2 years
Thief King for the ship ask 😁
Send me a character and I'll tell you (<- Still Accepting)
**Just a warning, I accidentally wrote 1000+ words and probably more then half of them are slightly off topic
My NOTP for them 
If I had to choose, probably Ryou Bakura/Yami Bakura but only because I write him (Thief) as 32/34 and them as 16/18 and as his little brothers. So I can’t see them in a romantic light, which is a shame cause I had this cool fic I was writing back in 2016/17 that I can’t finish cause I write Thief so differently these days. But as found family they are absolutely the best group you could imagine!!! (Thief virtually is prepared to sign adoption papers for them in most things I’ve been writing lately. Hideki doesn’t mind letting his sons have an extra sibling so it’s all good.) In saying that I still adore when others draw them (mostly cause I know they draw a different Thief King to me) 
My BROTP for them
Mai Valentine, I mean they’d gossip about girls and boys all day and go shopping maxing out Thief’s budget constantly and never even leaving a dent in Mai’s. They stay up late watching trashy tv with the most sarcastic remarks and they try on perfume together. They have loads of fun, Ishizu still isn’t overly keen on Thief but still her GF loves him, what she gonna do? It confuses people sometimes since Mai on odd occasions refers to Thief as Big Brother and Thief refers to her as Big Sister. They don’t know why they can’t both be the oldest sibling.
My OTP for them 
Atemu!!! (Pharaoh Atemu, not Yami Yuugi-I count all Yami’s as completely separate people to their host or past selves) but I love enemies to lovers and the amount of times Thief has tried to kill Atemu until it turned into crappy flirting and plus while he was trying to murder the guy, Atemu still felt compelled to help bandage him up if any of the attempts backfired like when Atemu moved in with Yuugi for a while to figure life out and Yuugi smashed Thief with a chess board. Yeah… he kinda kept breaking into Atemu’s places to fight, Solomon set up a curfew and battle hours because Yuugi needs his sleep. 
My second choice pairing for them 
Hmmm, honestly not to sure. I kinda been stuck on the he’s married to Atemu thing for a few years now? maybe if I wrote him younger, Otogi? but honestly I made all the ancient peeps a lot older then the main cast, I just can’t think of anyone from that era for him as a second choice pairing. But I mean him and Otogi can sit around playing with dice and looking fabulous. Plus I think Thief would 100% support his dice game, anything to show up duel monsters just cause he knows how important it is to Atemu and co. The only issue with this pairing would be that Otogi and Malik’s relationship can be iffy and Thief would probably be one of Malik’s besties if they were the same age -_-
Actually!!! I changed my mind, but like a platonic ship if thats fine, I mean Otogi was sorta platonic anyway so I doubt it matters. But Kisara. I feel like she could kick his ass and he’d be totally amazed by that, plus she looks flawless and moves so swiftly when she kicks him in the cheek to stop him stealing her lunch. He also likes that she’s sorta deceiving cause no one expects her to stand up for herself and he smirks, takes a step back as she tells off whatever jackass was being rude to them. That and they can share jewellery and stuff, probably have things in common about lost and found family, young deaths, unjust deaths. Fire… I honestly don’t know a lot about Kisara but this old RPer (they’ve sadly deactivated) wrote her really well and I’ve read one or two short fics about them and thought they were cute!!! ((still leaving my above answer just cause))
My fluffy pairing for them
Atemu… I know it’s enemies to lovers, but like image when they get to the lovers stage. They’d be so cute and fluffy half of the time. I bet Thief would love to snuggle up to his husband and probably bite him at random yes… but still! I love writing random domestic stuff too and they’re so cute. Thief cleans their place and if Atemu tries, Thief just redoes it claiming he did it wrong. Where as if Thief cooks, Atemu has to recook it since it’s all basically raw. Atemu is supposedly Thief’s control tower to stop him doing stupid stuff, but honestly Atemu can get distracted from time to time and find himself in the middle of it instead -haha >u< ((Yeah for people who didn’t know, basically all I write about is casteshipping already married or engaged. It’s like my second or third favourite yugioh pairing - I say that cause currently two are tied for first, otherwise it’d be second for sure))
My angsty pairing for them 
Mahado / Dark Magician. I’ll admit I’ve never written or drawn them romantically and Mahado’s aromatic and not very interested in a relationship let alone one with Thief, but I do like their dynamic. In all honestly I feel like there’d be a lot of difficult feelings between them, different to how Thief would be with Atemu. Atemu he blamed for a massacre his uncle did and his parents hid. Thief may never forgive Atemu for this, not completely but he can come to terms with it, it wasn’t his fault and they were both messed up kids by fate and the Gods. 
Where as Mahado, he fought along side Atemu and I do believe him and Atemu are best friends, but theres a lot of difficult feelings between him and Thief that I don’t think either would want to address or bring up so they’d put it off until you could cut the tension with a knife somedays. It’s complicated. 
Thief doesn’t overly hold many hard feelings toward Mahado in a general sense, not for the things that happened in their first life, if anything he’d probably be the one to form the crush first. But Mahado, Thief killed him. Thief threatened the life he knew, everything her cared about was threatened because some misguided child waged a war against his childhood best friend over something he didn’t even do. Mahado has trouble seeing that Thief has changed, that things are different now, he more so tolerates him. Which pisses Thief off because he’s worked hard on himself and it hasn’t been easy putting his entire past behind him when it was apart of him for so long, and he thinks Mahado can still be a ‘Self sacrificing coward with no will of his own. Pathetic.’ If they dated I’d say they’d break up, but I do enjoy the dynamic and the idea.
My favourite poly ship for them 
And despite the above statement, most likely Atemu and Mahado. Mostly cause I think Atemu would be interested in a three way, while he admits it’d most likely be a very hate filled three way, he’s curious. Thief and Mahado took a hard pass. 
My weirdest pairing for them
IDK, most of the things I do with Thief revolve around him being married to Atemu, Mahado checking in on him to make sure he’s not fucking things up ((the gods assigned Mahado to do this)) Thief adopting Ryou and Bakura cause Hideki’s always working and Amos and Amelia are dead. He plays big brother a lot of the time, and I say he’d like guys only so IDK between everyone being too young for him in the universe I’ve created in my head and I’ll be honest I got sorta off track with canon and non-canon when it comes to ages and siblings and family and everything else. Also Zorc is trapped in another dimension and he calls him his uncle when people ask and Diabound is just Diabound, his protector and guardian angel. Basically watches over him…
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Picture by itself
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bakawitch · 1 year
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Lazy doodles for that one post dsod au with just a hint of lore
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antaresr · 29 days
Casteshipping Cat cafe (but not totally a Cat cafe) Au, Egyptologist!Atem Cursed demi God!Bakura.
Bakura, the son of Anubis, a protective Demi-God who lives in the mountains that eat Ra during the night, is hunted by some humans who want to obtain Ra's favor to have power and wealth. Anubis, worried about his son, decides that the only way to protect him is to turn him into something that no human would dare to hurt. Anubis gives him agility to escape from dangerous situations and impressive hearing to know when to run away. Anubis turns his little son into a cat and leaves him in a temple where it will be protected and worshiped as it should be.
It works, Bakura is safe and protected by the temple priests, Anubis also gave him the ability to turn into a human at will, so when no one is looking he likes to stretch out in his human form and get up to some mischief.
For years Bakura does not worry about being caught or hurt, he enjoys the life that his father has given him, until things begin to change in Egypt, some gods are no longer worshiped, there are strange people on the streets, the royal family changed and they are not natives of Khemet, there are invaders who destroy temples and sacred figures.
Bakura fights with the invaders, one of them recognizes his divine condition and cuts his face "you are no longer a beautiful god, and no one will worship you anymore", Bakura, furious, kills him and flees to his temple to be cured and a priest finds him, the priest takes him to a chamber so that he is not found.
Bakura and the priest become friends, however one day soldiers look for Bakura, then he turns into a cat, Anubis observes everything and worried, takes away his power to become human at will, Bakura gets angry and Anubis explains to him that when the invasion ends he will let him return to his human form when Egypt wins, but Egypt loses and the gods lose presence and power.
In his last spark of presence Anubis decrees "my only son will become human once a month, when the moon illuminates him with its brightness, and will remain human when another sacrifices himself for him."
Bakura and the last priest remain together, traveling through the desert to escape from the soldiers, once a month Bakura is able to walk on his own feet during the night, after years and with time weighing on the bones of the old priest, writes the legend of the demigod, in his last breath he keeps the scroll in a vessel and hopes that it will last and someone will be able to sacrifice themselves to free Bakura from his curse.
Bakura like a cat, hides in cities and towns, sometimes kind people feed him, others try to scare him away, others try to capture him to sell him because he is very pretty to look at, sometimes he trusts enough with a human to show himself to them on the moon full, some try to kill him, others get scared and abandon him, a few others and the most fucked up try to rape him.
Bakura loses hope and remains like a surly and distrustful cat, once a month he looks for a place to hide as a human and continues with his life, many years have passed but he is still young.
One day he is caught while he was feeding, and they take him to a market to sell him, a strange man buys him and takes him, they put him in a machine and when they take him out he is in a place very different from the desert that he has always known and considered his home.
The man gives his cage to a younger man, he doesn't understand what they are saying, but the younger one screams angrily, but he still stays with him, feeds him and takes care of him, Bakura is not sick, just a little skinny, the young man takes him to a place where there are other cats.
In the place where he is with the other cats, people come in, eat and drink, some cats snuggle with those humans and allow themselves to be petted, Bakura stays far away and if anyone tries to touch him, he hisses and scratches them.
One day a man comes in, sits down and drinks something, Bakura observes his skin, it is like that of the native Egyptians, he begins to be curious and when he speaks, Bakura can understand him! He gets off what he has considered his little cat throne and runs towards that human, he meows at him hoping that he understands him but he is disappointed when he doesn't, even so he is the only human that he has liked because he treats him as an independent being and not something to put in his lap, he talks to him and tells him things.
The young man he was given to is surprised that "snow" has decided to interact with a client, he talks to him and then the Egyptian man looks at Bakura and says "He says I could adopt you, I don't know if that's a good idea." " Bakura meows in agreement, bumping his small head against the pleasant human.
The nice human leaves, but returns every day and continues talking to him, the one that the human called his last day does paperwork with the other human, and at the end of his drink he returns with a box where he puts it in and takes it out of the building, they go to another place and they put it back in the machine that brought it to this place, when it comes out again, it's back in Egypt!
The nice human takes him home and lets him out, there he tells him his name "I am Atem and I live here, now you will live here with me".
Atem treats him well, Atem always gives him delicious food and talks to him and lets him do whatever he wants and doesn't invade his personal space, on full days Bakura hides and then continues as if nothing had happened, you think he could live like this for always if it is with Atem.
One night Bakura falls asleep on the couch and Aten wakes up and goes to get a glass of water, he finds Bakura on the couch and shouts waking up Bakura, who looks at him bewildered, "Gods Atem, shut up."
"Who are you? What are you doing here?" is what Atem says to the unknown man, Bakura realizes that he is human, in front of Atem and curses himself for being so careless, Atem notices that his cat is not there and scolds him "where is my cat? If you hurt him, I swear I'm going to kill you"
And now Bakura is torn between explaining what the hell is happening or running away again.
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millenniummmbop · 2 years
Casteshipping college au where atem is the son of the university's dean and tkb is a poor sociology major who got in through the school's affirmative action policy
Tkb catches wind of the school's rampant nepotism problem and starts pulling pranks on atem and his social circle (mahad, mana, set, isis, ETC) which ignites an all out prank war b/w the two that starts off as very cliche college party movie shenanigans and ends with atem maliciously and intentionally hitting tkb with his car
Atem who was giving his lab partner yugi a ride home: u see aibou newton's third law states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction! The force of my car broke every rib in his body and in exchange his lifeless corpse dented the hood. Karma works in a similar way: he got my best friend mahad expelled from school so in return the universe is making it so that he can no longer attend classes himself. Let that be a lesson to u aibou: Friendship is the most important thing in the entire world!! 😤
Yugi, unfazed: oh wow that's so cool!! You're totally teaching me valuable lessons about science, self-esteem, and standing up to bullies!! I love u 🥰🥰🥰
Tkb from under the wheels of the car: HHHHHHHHHHHHHOSPITAL
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sesshy380 · 6 months
For the gift thing, how about something casteshipping with eggnog for a prompt?
I was going to wait another week before posting any of my Holiday Prompts, but this one has been done for a few weeks now, so I'm throwing it out into the wild.
This ended up as an Office Party AU. Enjoy!
Atem sipped the hot cocoa in his hands, subtly listening to the conversations being carried on by the people around him and eyeing others as they celebrated the holiday festivities. He was glad to see that everyone was enjoying the party he’d set up for them.
Most of the people that attended these things worked in one of the offices or cubicles of the building, so seeing one of the janitorial staff was a bit surprising. Though, given who this particular janitor was…he shouldn’t have been.
He’d seen the white haired man a few times, and had even spoken to him on occasion. The man made it clear how he felt about the higher-ups, apparently not realizing Atem’s role in the company.
He had to admit, he liked how refreshing it was to have someone that was straightforward and honest with him, instead of kissing ass in an attempt to get into his good graces. He’d thought about revealing his position to the janitor a few times, but decided to wait until the right opportunity presented itself.
Right now, the man was getting a lot of annoyed glares. The fact that he kept walking up to everyone and slinging an arm around peoples shoulders like they were all close friends probably didn’t help.
Every group he approached treated him the same: Shrugging off the arm, rolling their eyes (sometimes with an arrogant scoff), and the group walking away to be somewhere else. He didn’t seem to be too put out though, as he’d just shrug and move onto the next group.
After massively failing to be included with any of the groups, the man finally made his way over to where Atem had been casually observing the room.
“What a snore-fest,” the man commented as he leaned on the wall and turned a scar-stitched eye towards him. “I always hear how wild these things can get. I have to say, I feel really let down.”
This prompted a smile and a small laugh out of Atem. “I suppose their boss being in the room keeps them on their best behavior.”
“Pffft, who cares,” the man said dismissively. “You can’t tell me he set out alcoholic eggnog with the expectations of his underlings being on their best behavior. No, this man wanted to see them loosen up.”
Atem glanced at the cup in the man’s hand. “I see you had no problem giving it a taste-test.”
The man took a large drink from the cup, making it obvious he enjoyed it.
“Best I’ve tasted. My guess is this shit is made from scratch with some top shelf booze. None of that cheap store-bought crap spiked with something just as cheap. Honestly…” He motioned towards everyone else in the room. “...those stuck-up assholes don’t know what they’re missing out on.”
Atem peaked a curious brow. “It’s that good?”
“Fuck yeah,” the man said casually. “Here, you should try some,” he said while holding the cup out towards Atem.
Atem took the cup from him, then gave him a sly glance. “Before I go drinking out of the same cup as you, can I get a name? You seem to have a bad habit of keeping your badge hidden when working.”
The man chuckled. “That’s because it keeps getting caught on everything when I’m cleaning up after these slobs…not that they care to know the name of the person that has to plunge the toilets after them. Seriously, that guy over there, he should lay off on Mexican food. I’m this close to calling a bomb squad each time I see him walk into the mens room.”
Atem couldn’t help but laugh loudly at that remark, and the man joined him, earning them quite a few stares.
“The name’s Bakhure,” the man stated once both he and Atem had subsided from their laughter.
“Well, Bakhure,” Atem said while raising the glass in his hand. “It’s nice to know that you enjoy my personal recipe.” He took a swallow and handed it back to Bakhure, who seemed to be suddenly piecing things together.
“Oh shit…you’re the boss…like…the Big Boss…”
“Hmm, I don’t know if I like ‘Big Boss’,” Atem said while pretending to think. “I think ‘Corporate Asshole who doesn’t have a clue what it’s like having to come to work sick because they can’t afford the day off’ was much more creative. Sadly, no one has been able to tell me if the ‘lowly peons’ like being able to accrue paid sick leave regardless if they are part or full time.”
Atem waited to see Bakhure’s reaction, feeling amused as it was obvious that more things were beginning to fall into place for the man.
“Okay…I gotta admit, that was a real breath of fresh air. We don’t spread whatever one of us has through the ranks now, because we can actually stay home and rest instead of coming in with a fever.”
He looked warily at Atem. “How come you never told me you were the one running things?”
Atem quietly laughed. “And ruin the opportunity to hear an honest review about myself and how I’m running things? Why would I have wanted to do that?”
“Okay, let me rephrase the question. Why tell me now?” Bakhure asked earnestly.
Atem sighed, keeping a pleasant smile on his face. “Because I’ve been curious for a while now as to whether you genuinely didn’t know, or if you just didn’t care who I was. I’ve also been curious if you’d be like everyone else and just start backpedaling and trying to kiss ass.”
Bakhure snorted. “I only kiss ass in the bedroom…and occasionally bite.”
Atem gave him a curious glance. “How much eggnog have you had?”
Bakhure grinned. “Not nearly enough.”
“So…does that mean…?” Atem asked, giving Bakhura a knowing look.
“Depends. Will sleeping with the boss get me a raise?”
Atem laughed again. “I was planning on giving you one anyways…but it would mean having to take on a new position.”
Bakhure gave him a playful look. “I like new positions.”
“I meant within the company,” Atem clarified, trying to keep his face from betraying his other thoughts to the rest of the room.
Bakhure’s playful look turned to disappointment. “Oh…”
“Though,” Atem began, his voice low and seductive, hoping no one would overhear what he said next. “If you wanted, we could go up to my office and ‘discuss’ the new position in more detail. Maybe grab some more eggnog on our way out? I’m certain you are more than qualified for multiple ‘positions’.”
Bakhure raised his cup in a toast to the air before downing the rest, licking his lips after.
“I assure you, I am very qualified…and I won’t leave you disappointed.”
Atem gestured for Bakhure to take his leave first, both stopping by the bowl of eggnog before heading towards the room’s exit.
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hereforthefunnyguys · 2 months
It's time
Top ten Yu-Gi-Oh ships and their theme song
Please 🥺
you are going to expose me for my Normie Ass Taste in music and my exotic taste in rarepairs. I am forced to limit myself to 10 ships smh there isn't enough Space. unfortunately my plethora of ships doesn't match up with the fact that i have suddenly forgotten about every song i have ever heard in my life
Okay let’s start with the easier ones:
fragileshipping: send them off! By bastille (I’ve talked about this before)(I’m still right)
Morishipping: Emerald Star by lord Huron (it has the Vibes) or bat out of hell by meat loaf (motorcycle + demon? thats Them)
fadeshipping: supermassive black hole by muse (insert obligatory twilight reference here)
Irateshipping; god. Hard tie between propaganda by muse (which would then make a good parallel with supermassive black hole as a theme) or Bite Hard by Hit Scottish Disco Band Franz Ferdinand for maximum Would Make A Cool AMV Points
Frightshipping/wrapshipping: Death Valley by Fall Out Boy :D
Stageshipping/crystalshipping: Quintana Roo by unlike Pluto
Crosshipping: Mary on a cross by Ghost (for the pun) (don't kill me) (okay it technically kind of fits though.) no but fr. The Sharpest Lives by My Chemical Romance. Also touch-a touch-a touch me from The Rocky Horror Picture Show :)
Revolutionshipping: forgive me in advance for my love of mediocre girl band songs but Woman Like Me by Little Mix
Kingshipping/Casteshipping/Darkshipping: I have a hard time figuring this one out but im gonna go with Burning for You by Blue Öyster Cult or Kiss the Go-Goat by Ghost
and as the piece de la resistance as the one non-rare-pair on here with the most stereotypical love song possible:
Wishshipping: Umbrella by Rihanna :3
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metatemu · 8 months
casteshipping is i fucking hate you, i hate every inch of you, you're a reflection of everything i hate most in the world, we're bonded intimately by shared pain and agony and your blood stains my hands, you're a shadow and an image and you're the boogeyman under my bed and your smile haunts my every step and i don't even know you but your existence is branded in my skin and your teeth are tearing my flesh and your hands in my ribcage and around my throat and i struggle and break your bones with my canines and your skin still hangs from my bones and you're so linked to my story that we're one in the same and i can never be seperated from you and every day i think about you and my life has no purpose without fighting you because you're everything i've lived and died for and i want to hurt you, i want you to suffer, and i drag around your corpse in my arms, and this isn't love it's violence but all i know is the language of violence and pain and we could have been friends in another life--in fact we were our echoes are--but it wasn't meant to be but your blood is warm and that's all i know now and you are everything to me i hate you you're all i have left you're the only one who understands i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you and when i kill you when you're dead and buried i'll crawl into your grave because all i know is death and all you are is death and i cradle your body and we're together consumed
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nonbinaryyugimuto · 1 year
9, 12, 13, & 36 for any ship you wanna talk about 😊
okay so i know i said i could talk about ships in general but i'm blanking out so hard right now i'm gonna have to mostly stick with ygo again lmao. the brainrot... it's real. aaaa.
9.Most angsty ship: oh no... i'm a sucker for angst so most of my ships fit the bill, however i'm mainly going with casteshipping because you have to get through MOUNTAINS of angst before reaching the possibility of either Atem or Bakura being fluffy... prideshipping gets an honorable mention since i only ship it if it is painfully unrequited on Seto's side. this amazing fic explores Anzu's POV where she notices they're in the same boat after the puzzlebois get together.
12.Character that you can only imagine in one ship: fuck??? i guess... i guess Ishizu bc visionshipping is absolutely adorable. i would say i can only see Yami Bakura getting with Marik in thiefshipping as well but i've been guiltily reading some kleptoshipping..... we don't talk about it.
13.Most shippable character: Atem. this guy has a soulmate and multiple boyfriends in different universes in my head lmaoooo
36.Characters that you can’t decide if you prefer as ship or brotp: Jou and Honda, Honda and Otogi, honorable mention of Yusei and Bruno from 5ds
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duelingdestiny · 2 years
Welcome to DuelingDestiny
Hello everyone and thank you for checking out my blog! Below is Atem’s about. Malice’s about and the rules will be linked.  About Atem: 
After losing to Yugi in the ceremonial duel, Atem found himself in the monotony of exactly the things he detested most: Being Pharaoh. One day, Atem is bothered by the sounds of someone pleading for their lives followed by a blood curdling scream. It is then he decides then he needs to return to the living world in order to aid whoever it is. He is fairly certain this is something that is going to happen in the future and not something that has already happened. He decides that he will do whatever it takes to aid the person who has called out to him, no matter the cost.  But what a cost it is... While is he granted the chance to return, it is not without difficulty, and it will come with a price. Anubis warns him of this before he starts The Trials: Three brutalizing tests to measure if Atem is strong enough to return to the Land of the Living. He passes, only just barely escaping with his soul, and is allowed to return. But the way is not for the faint of heart. Washed up on the docks shivering and alone, Atem finally finds himself in domino again. As part of the deal with Anubis, the God of the underworld tell Atem he will set him up with everything he needs, including identification. Anubis cryptically tell Atem it’s the least he could do for what Atem has done for him.  Atem now lives in a ostentatious flat and is trying his best to live his new life, but…he hasn’t tried to find anyone. He’s too afraid.
He has no idea who he heard cry out in the night, but he knows he needs to find out and help them…before it’s too late. The price of leaving the Afterlife was nothing he expected. Anubis gave an ominous warning about unending darkness, but Atem was not prepared for what that meant. Now, living with Malice, a spirit he is all too familiar with, Atem is avoiding people at all costs. He wants to keep his friends safe, and if that means hiding from them, so be it.
So, I’ve noticed that I don’t have enough people to rp with. I wanted to just toss out there some characters I would love to have Atem interact with. I saw these going around awhile back and I thought it was a great way to get info out to the fandom.
This is just some characters that I know will have good plot and character development with Atem:
Yami Malik
Yami Bakura/ Thief King
literally any Kaiba ever.
Jou/ Joey
Priest Set
Other Atems
I would love to get some of these characters interacting with Atem so if you’d like to rp one of these with me give this a like. Multi-muses are ALWAYS more than welcome and even if we have a thead, if you rp a different muse I don’t mind starting a new thread! Also I am crossover friendly as long as your character is animated. I am also OC friendly as long as your OC has a back round I can read, and they fit will with Atem’s storyline.
I love to ship people with Atem. My main rule is I will only ship with you if Atem and your character has chemistry. I don’t do pre-established relationships because I believe half the fun is getting there lol. That being said, there are definitely ships me and him gravitate towards more than others. I thought I would list them for everyone so they knew what chance they have with my loser boy. I will NEVER EVER force a ship on you. If you feel like I am red light my ass. I don’t want anyone to feel uncomfortable. On the other had, dude if you want to talk about shipping I am there for it all day every day. 
Here are the ships me and Atem tend to lean towards:
Prideshipping (Atem x Kaiba)
Darkshipping (Atem x Yami Bakura)
Casteshipping (Atem x Thief King)
Mnemoshipping (Atem x Malik)
Clashshipping (Atem x Yami Malik)
Dragonshipping: (Atem x Jou)
Even if your character is not on this list as long as they’ve got chemistry I will ship with you in a heart beat. I will give any ship a try and some of the best ships I ever had I would have never thought about. *coughs* fateshipping *cough*. Also I’m down for crossover ships and duplicate ships. 
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Shipping interview!
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Multi, single, or fewship?  : Multi ship ( i have many ships >> )
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping? : Romance,fluff or platonic even  angst/drama 
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable? : Ehhh very older /  younger? i  don’t have any ship / or seen  ships that are to old?? never thought about this but large gap in years..
Are you selective when shipping?: Yes eh Kinda? most ships i have are with close friends i know or muns i talk ooc with alot but im’ still open to shipping with muns that haven’t hardly interacted with me too.. ^^
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?  ahh rather rp that stuff in private or fade to black i’m still not confident in writing NSFW stuff ><;
Does one have to ask to ship with you? : You can just say you ship our muses chances are i ship it too <3 ill even consider the ship you have mentioned and might grow to see it working!
How often do you like to ship?  not very often actually- i would love to change that ;u; 
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?: ehhh ill list a few >,<
DM:   Thief King x Atem ( Casteshipping) |Thief King x Ryou (Gemshipping) | Thief King x Bakura? Geminishipping | Valon x Mai  | can’t think of anymore rn..
Other ygo: Ditzshipping ( jou x jaden) Sharkbaitshipping,Treasonshipping,Markedshipping,+more but i wont list them all XD 
Tagged by: @duelheld​ <3 thank you for the tag!
 tagging: anyone who sees this and wants too!
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apricot-kingdom · 1 year
Getting to know tumblr friends
Tagged by: @tuesdayinthedas Thanks for the tag!!! <3
Rules: If you get tagged, then the questions below and tag others to do the same <3
Last Song: (oops forgot the song) this is currently playing -> song (not sure what the videos of, never watched it and honestly I’m mostly using it as background noise right now so I haven’t really processed that it was even playing >u<)
Three ships: Not sure if it’s obvious, but Devilfishshipping (Mako x Yami Bakura) they are great platonic or romantic, I just love them -w- I really want to make myself a charm for them sometime this year, otherwise Thiefshipping (Yami Bakura x Malik) they still tie in first place with Devilfish, always had a soft spot for these two and Casteshipping (Thief King x Atemu), I just really love enemies to lovers and the idea of Thief literally trying to murder Atemu with everything he’s got, even after everythings over and Atemu never calls him out on it or involves others, it’s just between them and if Thief doesn’t try for a while he checks in cause honestly they’ve been doing this so long Atemu feels lost without it. And he takes care of Thief when his attempts go wrong and he’s hurt and Thief hates it but honestly being in Atemu’s company is oddly comforting, he swears he’ll kill him but he’s also his entire purpose of living so what will happen if he succeeds, he feels alive with Atemu... I write them a lot in the background of my fics 
Currently reading: Nothing in particular, just a lot of webcomics and today I’ve been rereading something I wrote back in like 2018? and rewriting that... it’s based on a movie and it is nothing like the movie, I have no clue how I got so off topic but I’ve been rewriting it anyway
Last Movie: The Intern, its was on tv
Craving: Nothing really. It’s almost one in the morning I suppose I should sleep soon, but not really tired, I might see if we have any cookies to eat before bed, idk
Tagging: I’m never sure who to tag for these things, so feel free to tag yourself from me!!! 
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bakawitch · 9 days
This gets a little dark (only about the usual amount), so I'm gonna put in a warning for sort of mind control and forced bodily modifications.
Casteshipping dystopia au where humanoid mutants are at the top of the food chain while regular humans are third class citizens at best. Mutant noble Atem gets kidnapped by human tkb who kind of rants at him about the injustices his people are facing, and Atem just kind of proceeds to ignore the whole monologue because he's too transfixed about Bakura's looks. He basically ends up concluding that the human is unhappy with his current status, so Atem decides to help change that for him. Isn't that nice.
After he ends up getting rescued, he asks to be able to keep Bakura with himself, which he is allowed because he's rich and stuff. He keeps Bakura in a room and visits him a lot to talk, but Bakura still seems to be unhappy and even more upset than he already was. Atem ends up thinking that his human's dispositions must be because he feels out of place. He looks so different from everyone else, which must be frustrating for the human. So he signs Bakura up for a definitely illegal procedure where they inject him with a mutant agent or something that makes him a demi mutant. But Bakura seems even more agitated after that for some reason, and Atem just can't grasp why the human won't reciprocate his interest. He fixed his status problem, and he made sure that Bakura wouldn't feel alienated because of his looks. Maybe he just wasn't obvious enough with his advances, and what's more obvious than a marriage proposal?
So Atem proposes to Bakura, who's still clearly struggling with his transition. Bakura violently rejects him, and that makes Atem extremely dejected. He complains to a friend of his who manages a mining agency who tells him how they get their humans to behave. Behaviour altering chips. He offers to get one for Atem under the table, and Atem is just extatic because he's convinced that this will finally get Bakura to reciprocate his affections. Bakura tries to run away once Atem tells him what he's planning, but he gets caught, and the chip gets installed anyway. Bakura is finally behaving how Atem wants him to, and if he makes a mistake, the chip instantly corrects him through an electric shock. But Atem's still not happy. Bakura's touches are cold and emotionless despite the serene, loving expression on his face. His eyes are empty and no longer full of firey passion when Atem first met him. Atem can't understand what he did wrong, that he broke Bakura, and at this point, all he can do is take care of Bakura since he can't let him go back to the humans anymore. He's basically a defanged and declawed animal at this point, he could not fend for himself. Atem leaves the behaviour altering chip operating because he thinks this would make things a little easier for Bakura, but he turns it off every now and then to really talk to Bakura, even though most of the time they just sit together in silence with Bakura too tired to resist Atem's tight inhumane hugs anymore.
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thiefcat-niao · 5 years
Time to be Alive
Ships/Characters: Casteshipping (Thief King Bakura/Pharaoh Atem) Rating: T (warnings for character death, declining health, a brief self-harm mention, and descriptions of grief-induced depression) It’s angst with a happy ending, I promise. Length: 3600 words
a/n: @ those I’m dragging into this ship, here’a a horrible idea I had to share. <3 Suggested listening ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) (title taken from the later selection) 
For all the power he wielded as pharaoh, Atem found himself helpless.
The thief Bakura had been living at the palace for close to ten years—he wanted for nothing. He had good food to eat and shelter from the elements that he’d suffered and fought his whole life. He’d lost the terrible leanness and the dark shadows beneath his eyes. His hair and skin had grown soft.
Atem heard Bakura’s breath rasp sometimes, late at night, but didn’t worry over it. Bakura never complained of trouble breathing, and if there was something wrong, surely the royal healers would be able to deal with it.
When Bakura’s health began to fail, he tried at first to hide it. He spent more time in the bed he shared with Atem under the guise of laziness. He stopped attending things like banquets, and he started drinking noticeably more wine. He preferred games of mehen to sparring matches.
Atem was glad of the slower pace. His own back had begun to ache when he spent the entire day on his feet. Thirty wasn’t young—not old, perhaps, but not the spring of youth they’d both once enjoyed. And the Pharaoh and his chosen, after all, could take life easily when they so desired. Such was the privilege they enjoyed.
Bakura’s kisses had begun to taste a bit sour, but Atem didn’t mention it. He thought it might be an embarrassment, and didn’t want to sound too privileged.
Atem was woken, one night, by a horrible retching; violent coughing. He sat up in bed, surprised to find himself alone among the blankets. Scanning the room, he saw, in the watery-gray moonlight, a shape hunkered against the wall. Bakura hadn’t quite made it to the door, it appeared, before the fit had seized him.
Atem rose; went to the once-King of Thieves. Bakura shied away at first, but then pressed his trembling shoulder into Atem’s hands. Blood dripped through Bakura’s fingers as he coughed; his whole body shook. He couldn’t seem to take in enough air.
When the episode had passed, Bakura leaned into Atem; moaned softly and mournfully. Atem held him, without question, and rocked. He murmured soothing things, and he did not ask questions.
Come morning, Atem had taken Bakura to his healers. He was alarmed by the lack of resistance he received. Bakura seemed listless; hardly spoke unless prompted. When Atem demanded he recount his symptoms, he’d relented with a weary, long-suffering smile.
Difficulty breathing; terrible pain in his teeth—two had fallen out within a month; blood coughed up in great clots, most often at night; extraordinary tiredness; poor digestion; lightheadedness; headaches; chest pain with no discernible cause. The list seemed without end.
Wine to manage the pain; any excuse to remain in bed; avoidance of crowds, since noise had become disorienting. Bakura admitted to the measures he had taken, and then confessed to being weary of them. He was far too tired, he said, to keep up the act. He was glad, in a way, he said, that the night before had gone as it had. He was relieved that Atem had discovered his condition.
Atem, of course, hadn’t noticed the signs, and wept bitterly at the fact that he’d failed to. Bakura stroked his hair.
... ... ...
Attempts were made. The healers tried everything within their power, and failed. Foreign physicians were called for. Magicians were summoned.
There was always another fit of coughing; always more blood.
Atem, frantic, appealed to the gods. He argued with Osiris about matters of fairness. He threw himself down at the feet of Isis and begged for mercy. He cut his own flesh and let his blood pour out as an offering for Set.
No gods replied.
“This isn’t on you, Atem.”
Bakura looked just as he always had, handsome, haughty, curled in a nest of pillows on their bed. His head rested on folded arms, body half-hidden beneath bedding.
Atem sat on the floor, his head buried in his hands. “We did this... my father... my uncle... we’re responsible...”
“I would’ve lived as a thieving peasant even if my family hadn’t died,” Bakura pointed out. “I’d probably have exactly the same things happen.”
“You can’t breathe—!” Atem objected, his voice rising a bit, strangled. Just as quickly, it dropped again. “You... it was the ash, you’ve told me... your village was filled with ash, and that poisoned your lungs!”
Bakura was silent; he had no reply. Eventually, he said, “I don’t remember if I had breathing troubles before then. I might’ve been born with ‘em.”
Atem shot him a severe look—one of disbelief. 
Bakura looked down. “Well... my teeth’d still be rotten. And my insides would still be eaten up alive. Thirty isn’t young, for a peasant to die. Bodies just aren’t made to last that long.”
“It may not be young, but it’s certainly no old age!” Atem snapped, springing up. He felt his own body working so well and cursed; bit his lip and shut his eyes. “It’s not right! Thirty years isn’t enough!”
“You’ll live a few more, for sure,” Bakura said. “But my body’s had it. It’s been through a lot, y’know.”
“I’ll buy you as much time as I can...” Atem said, his teeth grit. “I won’t... I won’t simply—!”
“Everything dies, Pharaoh. You will too, one day.”
“Not like this!” Atem snapped. “Not when—gods damn! You’ll fight! I’ll fight with you!”
“You’ve pampered all the fight out of me, Atem. You’ve tamed the King of Thieves.” Bakura rolled over onto his back, a smile on his face. “Come over here and kiss me. Stop taking about death, for now.”
Atem hesitated, but in the end could only obey. He climbed up over Bakura and kissed him, tenderly. He tasted blood.
... ... ...
The parasites could be staved off, and that offered some small relief. They couldn’t be gotten rid of, not entirely, but they could be controlled. There were plants known to ease breathing, although they seemed to make precious little difference. Wine and herbs helped to manage pain. Constant rest took the sting from chronic exhaustion.
Teeth deteriorated, and it grew more difficult to eat. Appetite was never a thing the King of Thieves had lacked, yet now Atem coaxed him to eat each morning and each night. The Pharaoh ordered the tastiest things be prepared in the best possible ways, so that Bakura might be tempted.
Bakura always let himself be convinced, and was grateful for Atem’s efforts.
“Wild creatures often starve, when they grow old,” Bakura said one night, curled against Atem’s chest. Though slightly taller than the Pharaoh, he’d always been fond of tucking his head low and nuzzling into Atem beneath the blankets. It felt safe—a feeling he’d had the luxury of precious few times in his life. “It’s a comparably painless way to go, once you’re past a certain point. The gods are merciful.”
“You’re no wild thing,” Atem replied, and tightened his grip. “I won’t see you die like that.”
“I’d rather not go that way, to be honest.”
“I won’t allow it.”
Bakura sighed, pressing into Atem. He could feel the grittiness in his lungs, and his heart was beating faster than it should. “I’d rather not die...” he admitted softly.
“I won’t allow it,” Atem repeated, though his voice hitched. “I... won’t...”
... ... ...
Passionate encounters calmed; became sweeter and slower, and far more tender. Rarely could Bakura manage something that didn’t allow him to lie down. Atem didn’t mind, glad to lavish his lover with affection. Atem’s body, after all, still obeyed when he told it to stay upright. His body could still support itself. His lungs didn’t rebel against him without warning. He could still breath.
They both relished the feel of one another, overjoyed simply to be alive at the same time.
Whenever Bakura was with the healers, Atem hurried off to see that preparations were made. His own tomb, of course, had been under construction since he was a child. Bakura’s, connected to Atem’s by a short, narrow passage, was a comparably new edition. There had been no urgency about its preparation, before, but now Atem hurried to get it ready. He commissioned artists to carve scenes of paradise on the walls, and ordered a banquet’s worth of food be mummified—beef ribs and roast pork and stocks of vegetables and fruits and grain. He had the best wine and honey brought in in great jars, and he filled the room with dazzling gemstones and treasures.
He oversaw the construction of sarcophagus and canopic jars, making sure each was decorated with gold and precious stones. He wept, thinking of how cold the stone resting place would be in comparison to their bed.
“Do you really think the gods will let me pass, Atem?” Bakura asked, staring up at the ceiling. He had grown weaker, in the past week or so, and Atem was doing his best to ignore the changes. “My heart may tip the scale, even after all this.”
“You’ll make it,” Atem replied, his voice soft and tender. “I’d bet my own soul on it.”
“Pray for me.”
“Of course.”
Bakura gave a coarse chuckle, turning and nuzzling into Atem’s shoulder. “Thanks.”
His breathing was rough, and he smelled of sour sickness. But Atem paid those facts no mind and held him close. He thought of the King of Thieves, the Bakura who had once tried to destroy the world. If he’d succeeded then, these things wouldn’t be happening. If the world had burned, like the village of Kul Elna, he wouldn’t be dying slowly in the arms of his sworn enemy.
“If I hadn’t stopped you, then...” Atem whispered, and Bakura looked at him in surprise.
“Then I sure wouldn’t be making it into A’aru.”
Atem shook his head; kissed the scar that ran along Bakura’s cheek. “The gods would’ve understood. They would’ve taken you in, and done a far better job of healing you than I did.”
“You did the best job, Atem.”
Atem only shook his head; kissed Bakura’s scar again, and then his mouth. Bakura stirred in response, but didn’t move. They cuddled and kissed; memorized one another’s bodies in anticipation of the day they’d be separated.
... ... ...
The morning came when Bakura needed help getting to the healers for treatment. Atem lent his shoulder. There was less than a year’s difference in their ages, but Bakura’s body felt old—there was the loss of muscle, although Atem’s efforts had prevented emaciation; the stiffness in joints that made movement awkward; the lack of ruddiness in skin tone. His eyes were dull.
Atem kissed Bakura sweetly; spoke briefly to the healers; left, as always, to see how the final touches to the tomb were coming. A portrait of the two of them—nose to nose, each equal in their splendor, a Pharaoh and the King of Thieves—had been completed just the night before and hung on one wall. They were running out of space to stockpile treasures and items of luxury, and Atem began to fret about the need for expanding the tomb. But he knew he’d run out of time for such concerns.
The healers sent a servant to fetch Atem from the tombs. Bakura, they explained, had vanished. Wild creatures, the healers said, were prone to hide when death was upon them. They were worried, honestly, that the King of Thieves had fled into the desert alone.
Pharaoh Atem only smiled, serene. He thanked the healers and then he returned to his own royal chambers. It was there that he found the thief Bakura, in no more expert a hiding place then beneath the bedding they shared. Atem lifted the blanket; met Bakura’s miserable gaze.
“I don’t want to die,” said the King of Thieves, in a smaller voice than suited him. His breath had grown labored, and there were spatters of blood on the bed near his face.
Atem crawled beneath the blankets and hid with Bakura, their bodies snuggled close against one another. Atem felt the uneven beating of Bakura’s heart; heard the hoarseness in his soft gasps.
“I’m scared...” Bakura murmured, his face hidden in the Pharaoh’s chest. “I’m so damn scared...”
“Everything’s been prepared...” Atem murmured. “You have paradise waiting for you.”
“You’ve already given me that, here. I don’t want to leave.”
Atem felt his own chest tighten, but fought his emotions down. He promised himself that he could break soon enough; he needed to hold together for just a bit longer. “I love you.”
“What if they aren’t there?”
Atem felt a deep stab of pain. Though Bakura had never spoken of such fears, Atem had suspected them. “They’ll be there, Bakura. I’m sure of it.”
“Don’t try to comfort me!” Bakura’s voice rose as much as it was still capable of, and immediately broke. He sobbed—a choked, forced little noise—into Atem’s chest. “Don’t... don’t... don’t...”
Atem tightened his grip; kissed the top of Bakura’s head. “They’ll be there. And so will I, after while.”
“I can’t be alone again...” Bakura whispered. “I can’t... can’t... can’t...”
“You won’t be...” Atem murmured. “If nothing else, the gods themselves will keep you company until I arrive.”
In time, Bakura calmed. They spoke in whispers about inconsequential things like the change of the seasons. Bakura’s breathing grew shallower. They reminisced about a time when they might’ve killed each other, given the chance, and laughed about how differently things had turned out. 
“Time isn’t the same in A’aru,” Atem said, when Bakura fell silent for a long time. “You won’t even have time to miss me and I’ll be there with you.” 
“I’ll be waiting...” Bakura murmured, though his breath was coming quicker, now. He raised his head, bringing their faces close. Atem kissed him tenderly, and Bakura couldn’t quite manage to kiss back. 
“I love you...” Atem breathed, tightening his grip as if to keep Bakura with him for a moment longer. 
“Love you...” the King of Thieves breathed, and it was the last thing he said. His eyes closed and he snuggled closer; Atem held him. He stopped breathing without a struggle; without convulsions or crying. His whole body relaxed, going limp as the last rasp of breath left him. 
Atem held on tighter still, and at last wept. 
... ... ...
The Pharaoh made his way down the palace steps, a body cradled in his arms. His steps were slow; heavy. His head hung.
Atem oversaw the mummification. The mask of Anubis he wore did little to hide his grief. He clutched at the canopic jar that contained the heart of the King of Thieves, even when the embalmers needed to place it back into Bakura’s chest. He held it tightly to his chest and began to sob—broke, as he’d promised himself he could do once Bakura could no longer see it. Eventually, the jar was pried gently from his grasp, and he was left hugging his own body, curled at the foot of the sarcophagus.
The Pharaoh made no secret of his grief. Every time he went outside, it was in heavy mourner’s makeup, his clothes torn open. Most time, however, he remained locked away. The palace halls would ring with his howling, and servants would shake their heads sadly.
Atem picked at his gums until they bled. He stopped eating; he stopped sleeping. He tore at his hair until it was ragged. Despite the attempts of those closest to him—priests, advisers, magicians—his health deteriorated. He seemed to be a wraith, scarcely glimpsed outside his room; making no sound but his cries of lament.
Weeks after the death of Bakura, Atem summoned a priest to his chamber. He told him, calmly and succinctly, what was to be done once he died—soon, he thought. The priest thought he might already be dead, given how skeletal he’d become, his ashen skin caked with tears and old makeup; his hair half-gone; his eyes dull.
The Pharaoh Atem, however, did not die.
His body was strong; those in the palace appealed to him. He began to pick at food, and then to eat once again. Exhaustion made him sleep. He recovered.
For seven more years, Pharaoh Atem ruled Egypt. It was a prosperous time—he was loved.
Each night, Atem would sit at the entrance to Bakura’s tomb. He would cry—softly, now, so as not to attract attention and unduly worry anyone. He would speak to Bakura about what had been happening in the world of the living.
When the Pharaoh Atem died, the whole of Egypt mourned him. They wailed, as Atem had for the thief Bakura, and buried him with all the honors he was due. Atem met his death peacefully—welcomed it, content that the time had come.
... ... ...
“What have you done in life to make your heart so light?”
Faced with Osiris’ question, Atem stood straighter. He had done many admirable and worthwhile things as pharaoh—he was proud of his accomplishments, and had many answers he could have given.
What he said was: “I loved someone. And I was able to change his life for the better.”
The god nodded, then stepped aside. Atem walked forward without hesitation, passing through the barrier of light. He blinked, raising a hand against the warm, bright sun. He could see the Nile, flowing clean and swollen; fishermen toiled near the edge of the water. Atem turned to look behind him and saw no sign of the gods or their scale or his own tomb, which he’d walked from. He saw instead a village, and beyond that, in the distance, the royal city. The stone pathway was soft and warm beneath his bare feet.
Where... is this...?
Atem began to walk, feeling the strength of youth in his limbs. He was clad in his funerary finest—silk and golden chains—but didn’t feel the jewelry’s weight. His whole body, in fact, felt improbably light.
But this village... Atem stepped aside as a pair of children raced past him in pursuit of a well-worn ball. He looked again toward the palace, just visible on the horizon. If the afterlife mirrors your mortal one, then why am I not there? And why is there no one here that I recognize?
Atem felt a horrible chill run through him, and he stopped walking. Where is he? Shouldn’t it... didn’t he say... he’d be waiting?!
“My heart may tip the scale, even after all this.” 
No... Atem though, and felt himself begin to shake. No, that can’t be... and even if it was, Lord Osiris would have told me, when I answered the question in such a way... unless... Atem’s heart picked up speed. Unless I didn’t change his life, truly, not enough, and so I was sent here instead of the palace because there was no truth to my answer?!
“Watch out!!”
Atem didn’t have time to duck or leap aside; the ball struck him square in the back of the head and he cried out, thoughts scattering and momentarily overcome with the indignity of such an assault. He spun to shout something at the children, but then stalled when he saw the young man running towards him.
The man came up short, too—skidded to a halt, in fact, his gray eyes widening. Then his face split in a dazzling grin that warped the scar on his cheek. He laughed; dashed forward again.
“By the gods, it’s the Pharaoh! Atem!”
Atem opened his arms automatically, despite his confusion, and was nearly carried off his feet. Bakura’s embrace was powerful; he smelled of good food and wine. Though he wore commoner’s clothes, his neck and wrists were adored with jewelry that Atem had given to him and made sure to bury with him.
“You’re finally here...” Bakura breathed, and then drew back just enough to kiss Atem not once but repeatedly. And Atem, finding tears of joy and relief spilling down his face, kissed back. “You’re finally... Atem... Atem, I’ve missed you...! You’re finally here...!”
“Where...?” Atem breathed, between kisses. Bakura shifted his grip so that he could lift the Pharaoh slightly, and for a moment they fell still, Bakura gazing up into Atem’s eyes.
“Welcome to Kul Elna, Pharaoh.”
Atem blinked, then looked around in astonishment. “Kul... Elna...?”
Bakura nodded. “I never thought you’d actually show up here! I check the palace every night, but who’d’ve thought you’d turn up here!”
Atem felt his chest tighten, and he buried his face in Bakura’s neck; breathed in the scent there and cried. Bakura sunk slowly down, guiding them to the ground, and held him tenderly.
“I missed you... so much...” Atem breathed.
“We’re together, now...” was Bakura’s reply, as he tangled his fingers in Atem’s hair. “Forever. You were right. The gods are merciful.”
Again they kissed, a starved meeting of mouths; a sharing of breath itself. When they parted, Bakura was grinning.
“Come meet my mom.”
Atem blinked. “What?”
Bakura sprang up, and Atem, also rising, took a moment to marvel at how well he looked—fit and strong, his peak during life but without the shadows that had clung to him on the best of days. He shone.
“My mom,” Bakura said again, and then kissed Atem lightly. “She’s been waiting, too. Wants to meet you. You’ll stay with us, for a while. You put me up in the palace, so let me play the host for once.”
Atem nodded; breathed, “Sure...”
They held hands, fingers tangled almost to the point where it cut off circulation. Atem gazed around at the village as they walked, delighted to see prosperity and happiness wherever he looked.
“You went so damn overboard with my tomb...” Bakura growled, leaning over to kiss Atem’s temple. “All that stuff doesn’t even fit in our house. Figured you wouldn’t mind if I gave some of it away.”
“Of course not...” Atem replied, though pleased that Bakura still wore his jewelry. It was like a cartouche—an identifier. Bakura still belonged to royalty as much as the peasant life he’d been born into; he could enjoy the finest of things in his eternal afterlife. And if he wanted to share that with his beloved home, Atem didn’t mind in the slightest—was profoundly happy, in fact.
“I’m glad you took your time.” 
Atem glanced over in surprise. Bakura was still smiling, but his eyes were serious. 
“I thought you might show up way too soon. I told you you’d live a few more years. Bet you did some great stuff, too, as pharaoh.” 
Atem nodded slowly. “I... I believe so. I hope.” 
Bakura’s smile softened. “Yeah. I’m sure you did. But I’m glad you’re here now, too.” 
“So am I...” Atem breathed, and leaned over for a kiss. Bakura obliged. 
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the-cryptographer · 6 years
Hiya! I saw your tags regarding an ask for rainstorm and I am entirely curious to how you think about it in the modern setting? I also don’t think they could be amiable towards each during AE even if TKB somehow realized he got the wrong person; it’d just lead to him going after Atem and Set both imo. Buttttt yeah, what say you fellow, casteship lover?
Heh, I’m not sure how much of a proper casteshipperI am, but I do find myself at least theoretically interested in the themes ofgenocide and ethnic struggle, and the responsibility that exists towards itsvictims and, more generally, the responsibility that those of higher class standingdo or don’t have towards those lower on the totem pole. A lot of these themeswere hastily cobbled together and shoved aside by canon itself, but I kind of… wish we had a better exploration of whatwas offered.
But, yeah, the thing is it’s not about TKB realisinghe had the wrong person. Because… I don’t think he has the wrong person. It’spossible that TKB would hold Akhenaden in especially low regard and loathing ifhe found out that Akhenaden specifically mandated the genocide that happened inhis village. But TKB is exacting revenge not on the basis of who is directlyresponsible. I mean, if he was he probably wouldn’t have glanced twice at Atem –who is obviously too young to have been directly involved. No, TKB is takingrevenge for the fact that the entirety of Atem’s kingdom has lived in peace andprosperity because of the deaths of everyone in Kul Elna. And Atem is arguably theone who most benefitted from this, since he is the most socially privilegedperson in the entire kingdom – he is the Pharaoh.(And I think this is also a reasonable explanation for why TKB doesn’t careabout the civilians he hurts in the process. To him they are all guilty – they all benefited from the deaths of his people.) So, yeah, I don’tthink this is a misunderstanding that can just be cleared up. This is… a verydeep rift in the priorities of these two characters.
And, uh, also I don’t think it’s entirely fair toexpect Atem’s priorities to be elsewhere. He is the Pharaoh. He has a responsibility to the safety and the livelihoodof those that are still living, way more than to that of those who are alreadydead. TKB makes it pretty clear he’s willing to burn the rest of the kingdom tosee to his goals, and Atem neither can nor should put the livelihood of one man– no matter how deeply wronged – ahead of the safety of hundreds if notthousands of people – even if it means TKB’s death. Beyond that, Atem is in asocial position to be very unreceptive and unsympathetic with TKB, comparedeven to Akhenaden. Atem’s familial and social circle is completely mired inpeople who either tacitly or directly okayed the genocide at Kul Elna. That’s alot of social pressure to, on at least some level, excuse what happened. I don’tthink Atem would be unsympathetic to the fact that his uncle, no matter howwrongheaded, made the decisions he did in an attempt to save the kingdom andits people from enemy attack, and was since influenced by the evil powers ofthe Millennium Eye. Comparatively, TKB comes into Atem’s life by barging intohis home, threatening to kill Atem’s family and friends, and dragging thecorpse of Atem’s beloved father behind him. It’s just about the worst and leastdiplomatic first impression that someone could ever make, and I can’t blameAtem for not listening to a word TKB has to say after it.
So, in the midst of all of this, it’s interesting toconsider rainstormcolors’s trajectory for a kind-of friendship between them.Yeah, I think I’d want TKB to realise that his revenge plot is a big dead end. It’snot going to undo the wrongs that were visited on him. It’s just going to makemore people miserable. It’s something that Zorc has used to manipulate him. Andhis own best interests have been sold out in the process. I think Atem could besympathetic to that, and understand that great wrongs had been done to TKB andforgive him if he was willing to bury the hatchet. A grudging truce betweenthem is a great idea, during which they can develop a personal fondness andattachment to one another. But also a truce in which TKB can never, ever forgive Atem. Because, I’msorry, it really is absolutely and completely unforgivable that TKB and hispeople had what they had visited on them, when Atem and his people continue to reap benefits from it. I wanted to bridge the characters closer together, but Irealised in the process that it just wasn’t possible so long as Atem isPharaoh. How can TKB skulk around Egypt, surrounded by a society of people thathave prospered because everyone he loved died? I suppose it’s something that somepeople have managed irl, but I can’t say I see TKB being able to handle that,and I can’t say it’s anything I could endorse even for someone who could handle it.
I realised that if I wanted Atem and TKB to becloser, it would have to involve Atem’s renouncement and exodus from the societythat visited the cruelty that it did on Kul Elna. Maybe Atem gives his blessingto Set, and advices he be a wiser and kinder Pharaoh than his predecessors, anddeparts for places unknown. Maybe he and TKB travel with Kisara, across the Mediterranean,to find Kisara’s homeland. Is it fair that Atem had to leave? Is it even aboutfairness? Is he making personal sacrifices for the sake of TKB’s feelings andgrievances, and becoming resentful of losing himself in the process? Or could hejust not handle the disillusionment with his father and uncle, and theresponsibility of governing a nation and a people that let genocide happen?
You could easily draw a fic out of this, but Irealised that there was a far more expedient way to separate Atem from thatsociety. And it’s canon. The ceremonial duel and DSoD kind of take pains to re-establishAtem’s place in this Ancient Egypt afterlife. But, assuming some sort of canondivergent AU where TKB and Atem both get a chance to bumble around the modernworld together- I think it was @ariasune who put it much better than me?Forgive me for paraphrasing, but all that three thousand year old history –dynasties, opulence, genocide, blood sacrifice, war, peace – in the end everythingand everyone that Atem knew and loved in that life is as dead and gone and dust,as everything and everyone that Bakura knew and loved. They are all that’sleft. And time made lonely, vengeful fools of both of them in the end. Imaginethem meeting in that place, as equals.
Thanks so much for the ask, anon~
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pxzzlepieces-a · 6 years
RP SHIPPING INFO   tagged by: No one, swiped it from @mxlik​~ tagging: @blackincantation​, @condomglitter​, @xltruistic​, and anyone else who wants to do it~
Puzzleshipping/Blindingshipping (Applies to both Yugi and Atem)
I’m open to just about anything, so long as there’s no incest involved, and the muses are of reasonable age. I generally try not to let my own opinions on relationships in the series dictate who I can ship with, since everyone interprets their muse differently.
Age gaps don’t usually make me uncomfortable, so long as the youngest party is at least 18 years of age. Even then, I’m fine with RPing younger muses with crushes, so long as we’re not venturing into anything explicit with them.
Honestly, I don’t think I’m that selective? I like there to be some chemistry between our characters, but really, that’s my only requirement most of the time. I’m open to a lot of different concepts when it comes to shipping.
If we start describing intimate body parts, or touching those areas, I’ll probably toss a readmore and a NSFW tag on it.
For Yugi, I have: @xltruistic, @tenebriism, @blackincantation, @austerre, @mxlik, @dukedev, and I think him and @hostofthering are tiptoeing around it?
For Atem: @xltruistic, @blackincantation, @adonaiis, @hyaciiintho, @nefer-itja, @kazekagexgaara, @condomglitter
Usually, if it seems to be going in that direction, and the muse is digging it, I’m happy to just go with the flow. Sometimes I’ll double check with the other mun, and I’m fine with the other party coming to talk to me about it if they’re not sure.
Whenever it makes sense, honestly. I don’t usually go into a thread with the intention to ship, but if it’s something that we’ve plotted, or it seems to be going in that direction? Full steam ahead.
Is... Is there an ‘in-between’ option?
Yup! Everything is separate from all other verses, unless we’ve discussed otherwise with all parties!
Puzzleshipping, Heartshipping, Rivalshipping, Casteshipping, Citronshipping, Gemshipping, Scandalshipping, Prideshipping, Peachshipping, Mizushipping.
Plotting something with me is a good start. I can’t promise that something will come of it, but I’m open to giving it a go, usually.
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ironbloodccd · 6 years
RP SHIPPING INFO   tagged by: Apparently by @condomglitter? LOL tagging: @bystcrdust, @tenebriism
This is gonna get long.
Wynn: SebxWynn (@xlifelikedreams)
Lance: LancexNat (@condomglitter)
Sage: YarrowxSagexRonan (@achilleamillefxlium)
Ronan: YarrowxSagexRonan (@achilleamillefxlium)
Dai: DaixSphinx (@xlifelikedreams)
Link Dragmire: ZeLink (@memorixm)
Akihiko: SekerxAki (@blackincantation)
Khalid: KhalidxMana
Sky Link: ZeLink
Sheik: ZelSheik (@scaevitxs)
Kouga: KouNat (@condomglitter)
Inuyasha: InuKag
Bakura: Probably Gemshipping, Casteshipping, or Citronshipping
Note that I only listed muses who have active ships, ships in their backstories, or are part of a fandom that I have ships for.
I’m open to just about anything, so long as there’s no incest involved, and the muses are of reasonable age. I generally try not to let my own opinions on relationships in the series dictate who I can ship with, since everyone interprets their muse differently.
Age gaps don’t usually make me uncomfortable, so long as the youngest party is at least 18 years of age. Even then, I’m fine with RPing younger muses with crushes, so long as we’re not venturing into anything explicit with them.
Honestly, I don’t think I’m that selective? I like there to be some chemistry between our characters, but really, that’s my only requirement most of the time. I’m open to a lot of different concepts when it comes to shipping.
If we start describing intimate body parts, or touching those areas, I’ll probably toss a readmore and a NSFW tag on it.
Felix: @tenebriism​ (in development)
Wynn: @xlifelikedreams​, @tenebriism​, @austerre​, @hyaciiintho​, @xltruistic​ (in development)
Lance: @condomglitter​, @gritrisen​, @blackincantation​
Sage: @achilleamillefxlium​
Ronan: @achilleamillefxlium​, @hyaciiintho​
Dai: @xlifelikedreams​, @condomglitter (in development)
Link Dragmire: @memorixm​, @tenebriism​, @sheikahminstrel​, @blackincantation​ (tentatively)
Akihiko: @blackincantation​
Sky Link: @anthxs​, @kvlpa​, @hyaciiintho​, @tenebriism​
Sheik: @scaevitxs​
Kouga: @condomglitter​, @timetossedmiko, @tenebriism​ (in development), @hyaciiintho​ (in development), @blackincantation​ (different muse, off of Tumblr)
Bakura: @condomglitter​, @mxlik​ (possibly in the future?)
Kenshin: @hyaciiintho
      Hopefully, I didn’t miss any. xD;
Usually, if it seems to be going in that direction, and the muse is digging it, I’m happy to just go with the flow. Sometimes I’ll double check with the other mun, and I’m fine with the other party coming to talk to me about it if they’re not sure.
Whenever it makes sense, honestly. I don’t usually go into a thread with the intention to ship, but if it’s something that we’ve plotted, or it seems to be going in that direction? Full steam ahead.
Is… Is there an ‘in-between’ option?
Yup! Everything is separate from all other verses, unless we’ve discussed otherwise with all parties!
Since this is a multimuse blog with a million fandoms on it, Imma decline to answer this one. xD
Plotting something with me is a good start. I can’t promise that something will come of it, but I’m open to giving it a go, usually.
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