#morissa angst
v3nusxsky · 4 months
Please I need Morriss/Larticia. Tish and Rissa are alone together in Larissa's bathroom in the Nevermore. And they go to shower together, and then they are in the shower together.So Morticia notices Larissa's scars on her wrists. And she asks why she did it. Larissa starts to explain to her that she did it because she missed Morticia terribly and she didn't want to feel the emotional pain. And Morticia will take it very hysterically and emotionally. And she will blame herself. That it is useless and only hurts everyone, it will be terrible to cry. And Larissa will calm her down and Morticia will calm down, but Larissa has to promise her that she will never do it again. Larissa promises her that. It all ends with cuddles and fluff in bed. (one shot)
Numb the pain
*Authors note~ angsty Drabble/fic is another vent fic, I hope I did the request justice, I will admit this is the trickiest one I’ve written so far*
Trigger warnings~ self harm, self loathing breakup um just a angsty one the prompt really says it all
Prompt~ see ask^^^
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The sight of her lover in such a state had guilt bubbling in the raven haired woman’s stomach. She hadn’t meant what she said, a pointless fight between young lovers had Mortica storming out of Ophelia hall leaving Larissa alone. The dark claws of depression immediately took over the blonde, clawing at her body until she gave up fighting such a beast and let it take her. Depression was a long term friend of darkness for the blonde shifter, from her family life to being alone at school Mortica was ironically her only light in the dark. A light that had simply upped and left when her emotions were over spilling from her body. When she needed her the most.
It had been a few weeks, and when Mortica finally returned, she wasn’t expecting to see Larissa in such a bad way. “Rissa, mon amour” she whispered, emotion ever so slightly creeping into her words. “Go away” she grumbled sadly, what was the point of any of this anyway? She just wanted to disappear into the black abyss but no, now she had to come back acting like she truly cares. Larissa knew it was false. She pretends but it’s never real.
But like many people, Larissa Weems was tightly wrapped around Morticia’s finger and would do anything for the raven haired woman. Her strong willed self could only take so much of her heart owners pleas to get her in the shower at least. Practically on autopilot the blonde gave in and allowed morticia to help her get in the shower without a second thought to the self inflicted wounds on her skin. Only when she heard a strangled gasp did she realise why had happened here.
“Rissa? Why, darling why would you hurt yourself like this? Nothing is worth you causing this much pain to yourself my love” emotion clogged every word with the shower now beating down against the wall fading into the background. “It hurt” whimpered the shifter while blankly starring at the tiled wall, “needed to feel something.” Larissa trailed off her own explanation when she caught sight of her true loves eyes misting with tears at the obvious cause to these marks that now adorn her lover. So stuck in her own emotions she hadn’t realised tear drops now trailed her pale cheeks or that Larissa had been calling her, “Tish” , the raven haired woman only seeing the marks she had caused Larissa to make.
“I’m so sorry mon amour, I’m so so sorry I did this to you. I didn’t mean to hurt you my darling Larissa. I know I’m to blame and crying about it is futile as it won’t change what’s already been done. I’m so so sorry darling girl” morticia whimpered coming to hold the blonde woman tightly. Guilt swarming in her stomach as she too now functioned on autopilot, lost in her own self loathing. And not the enjoyable kind that she adores. No. This was raw and darker than even she can handle.
Being dried and dressed both woman made the way to lay down, Larissa feeling incredibly weak and exhausted now and Mortica needing the closeness of her lover. “Rissa?” The dark haired woman mumbled, “I’m sorry my love, I’ll never hurt you like this ever again and that I promise, can you promise me something darling?” Feeling Larissa nod her head as she rested it on her shoulder Mortica continued, “promise me no more of this, come to me darling I’ll always be here for you, like I always should have been I was just too foolish to see it then.”
“It’s not your fault Tish, but I promise I’ll come to you” Larissa whispered and held on tighter to the other woman. It was obvious they would spend however long they needed to build one another back up. This situation would never occur again and that’s something both women would move hell and high water to ensure.
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mot-hesbian · 1 year
I keep seeing things about Larissa and Morticia as a couple and I keep thinking "absolutely not, no, this is not how it is meant to be"
Gomez and Morticia endgame, obviously, but that's not really why.
Who looked at Larissa Weems and thought "yeah, she would act on her repressed lesbian feelings for her roommate" no the fuck she wouldn't, that woman compartmentalizes the shit out of everything. She uses her attraction to men as a way not to deal with it. She had a crush on both Morticia and Gomez pre and post transition, so she thinks she's jealous of Morticia.
Morticia would have been too busy with school, her extracurriculars, friends (since she was popular enough to be crowned queen of the dark prom), and Gomez (bc the two of them are, well, them) to notice that her other crush/rival/close friend was also pinning for her.
Gomez is just sitting here noticing and not letting anything slip bc he knows that look when Larissa looks at Morticia, it's a more reserved way he looks at Morticia. But he's a good friend and is not about to out her before she's ready, especially after she was so supportive during his transition. But he also kinda has a thing for her.
What I'm saying is it's either nothing happens and Larissa is pining and a bit bitter or they are a throuple.
Gomez initiates the throuple very slowly, inviting Larissa along on dates, being affectionate with her when they sit in the middle of the couch so he can cuddle with both of them. He is slick about this and before they know it all three of them are dating.
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dianneking · 1 year
Shapes of Love Marathon - Day 1
Annnd we’ve reached the start of the Shapes of Love marathon - or maybe it’s more of a sprint finish? Not sure, never been a huge athletics/ track & field fan, but anyway!
Chapter 26 of Shapes of Love is up!! 
(which is probably something that is more of interest to you than my ramblings) Link’s up there, go enjoy it! 
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What’s SoL? A Larissa/Morticia AU longfic (75k words in total) I’ve been working at for months, and is now reaching its final stages!
What’s the marathon?  For the duration of this week (June 12-16) I'll be posting one chapter a day until the epilogue, which will come up on Friday, 16th June...stay tuned! 
Here’s the first chapter of SoL 
Here’s my fanfiction masterlist. 
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 11 months
My Kind of Crazy ~Young!Morissa feat. Fem!Professor!Reader
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This is a Morissa Fic collab with @v3nusxsky with the Sex Pollen troupe!! Basically, the tension between Morissa grows and Reader is the Professor who finally snaps and confronts them. This was so much fun to write with you, darling 💋 Hope you all enjoy!
Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!!, sex pollen, smut, angst, drugging, gagging, kissing, fighting, tension, fingering, eating out, mentioned masturbation, face sitting, feeling confessions, etc.
Enjoy (;
A new school year at Nevermore always brought a new wave of student drama. You were the botany professor, having specialized in magical herbs & plants as well as herbology history. For the most part, you greatly enjoyed your job. You spent most of your time in lessons and then grading papers. But this year had brought an interesting love triangle of student drama…
Morticia Frump, Gomez Addams, & Larissa Weems…
You found Morticia to be an average student, although by no means was she an average teenager… Not fully devoted to her work, but certainly not dumb. She was polite for the most part, and quite the socialite. And she most definitely had a darker, cruel streak in her at times, especially towards other students…
Gomez was a harmless fly. His sights were on Morticia and Morticia only. The only mean bone in his body was when someone threatened his hold over Morticia. You didn’t pick on him in class or anything, because he’d genuinely not be paying attention.
And then there was Larissa Weems. She was also an odd ball… (I mean for a school of outcasts, you wouldn’t expect any less…) But Larissa was different. She was a strict rule follower. She was obedient, reserved, a people pleaser. She also had the occasional attention seeking streak, although with her appearance, the poor girl couldn’t really help it…
And boy how the three of them could divert a lesson… At one point, you were discussing how the Black Death was actually spread by flower pollen (hence the flower, The Black Death) instead of rats, and the next, Gomez and Larissa are in a screaming match. Standing up from their chairs, Larissa berating Gomez for all his PDA violations with Morticia, and Gomez going loco right back at the blonde. And poor Morticia was caught in the middle of it.
You did your best to settle and diffuse all arguments, but lately they were getting more and more out of hand… It came to a point where you had to have conversations with each of the three. And even that didn’t stop the insistent fighting.
So in you’re moment of need, you turned to the Principal. Who disgusted you. He was a sexist prick whom you avoided at all costs. But the ends in this case had to justify the means. This feud needed to be settled. After having a chat with the Principal, the three were called into his office. You stood in the corner, watching the events unfold in front of you. Of course, he blamed it all on Larissa and Morticia…”Morticia Frump was an attention seeking slut who only caused trouble” and “Larissa Weems was an ungrateful brat who was constantly stepping out of line.” Of course, he didn't use those exact words, but he was pretty damn close…
It boiled your blood. And ended up solving nothing. Although the encounter wasn’t entirely useles… During the meeting, you picked up the amount of longing glances Larissa threw Morticia. And the amount of flickering glances that Morticia sent back. The blushes the two girls held towards each other. The scowl Larissa held for Gomez. The look of sadness Morticia held for Gomez. This put things in a new perspective: Morticia wanted Larissa as much as Larissa wanted Morticia. It all made sense now.
But neither of the two would do anything about it. Not Morticia with her strict upbringing and expectations. And not Larissa with her tendency to either be extremely shy or just straight up fight with Gomez and miss the point entirely. No, you decided that you had to do something. And this case, the ends most definitely and absolutely justified the means.
Truthfully, Larissa hated when Gomez Addams would walk Tish back to the dorm. It shouldn’t be him, no, it should be her. But every night before curfew she would watch the raven haired goddess kiss the young boys cheek in thanks and bid him good night. It was the same routine every day. Larissa’s keen eye and observation skills meant she was always hyper aware of the way Gomez flirted with her roommate, in the halls they would walk and in hand while she walked behind drowning in jealousy.
Gomez wasn’t keen on Larissa that much was clear, he would always up his flirting or adopt a more possessive hold on Morticia whenever they were with Larissa. Larissa and Gomez always found something to bicker over and it often left the raven haired girl stuck in the middle of them. On one hand she desired to run with Larissa and risk everything to finally act on her true desire. On the other hand she wanted to keep her distance from the blonde in order to not hurt her and please her family. They expected children and Gomez was a pure candidate for her affections in their eyes. Yet with every passing day she found herself ready to risk everything and follow her heart. To end the constant bickering. But someone was going to get hurt and either way she would be affected by that hurt. Larissa pined for Morticia, she wasn’t interested in anyone else but her but always assumed she was too busy with Gomez to even notice, little did Larissa know just how much Morticia noticed and wished for the same. Fear of rejection from her family holding her back.
“You don’t have to constantly thrust your relationship down others throats Gomez!” The blonde practically screamed, her eyes blazing with anger and longing for the girl who didn’t want her. “It’s not my fault you’re jealous, maybe you shouldn’t be trying to take my girl” he snarled back. When Tish wasn’t around this is all that occurred, outside classes were worse because no one could stop them. “You treat her as if she’s an object. A prize. A goal post for you to score in” Larissa couldn’t stand that idea, she was beautiful inside and out and deserved to be cherished as such. Not some object or trophy wife for some dumb guy.
On the appointed day, you called the two young women into your office. You explicitly stated they come without Gomez. You prepared for their arrival and the action of your plan by brewing a very special tea from leaves that you had grown in your private herb garden. They were an ambrosiac. You knew it wasn’t the 100% morally correct action, but you had had it up to here with Morticia and Larissa dancing around each other. And with a little help from a friend of yours in England, who had given you a strong love sensing potion, you dosed their teas. You used black tea as the base, as nothing could penetrate its strong flavor.
Larissa was the first to arrive, punctual as always. You kindly told her to have a seat. She did so, and you could tell that she was nervous. She probably thought she was in trouble… A few minutes late, and a tad late as usual, Morticia burst.
“Sorry I’m late, Professor…!” Morticia frantically apologized, “I got hung up in the hallway and couldn’t get away…”
At this, Larissa scoffed in annoyance. Morticia went immediately silent. You chose to ignore todays drama and just went forward into your business.
“Please sit, dear.” You told the raven haired teen.
When both girls were sat, you began. You poured some teas for the both of them.
“Please have some tea. It’s a relaxant and calming brew, one I made myself.” You urged the two.
They followed your instructions without a further thought.
“So,” you took a deep breath and began, “As of late, I have noticed things getting quite heated between the two of you and Mr. Addams… I brought you to hear to reason with you and ask you both to put this childish nonsense behind you...”
You knew they wouldn’t be listening to your words, rather to enveloped in each others presences. But you lectured the two women for a solid twenty to thirty minutes, just to make sure the tea would have time to set in, before you released them.
Larissa immediately headed back to Ophelia hall knowing Morticia would go to find Gomez. After all, it was expected of her. That didn’t mean it didn’t hurt. Being put in her place in the meeting was weighing heavy on her mind, had they really been that noticeable? Had she? She could try to tone down her annoyance towards Gomez but truthfully she thought that everyone was obviously not noticing her situation until now. It would be hard to watch the girl who held her heart with him but she would have to suffer in silence. It’s true what people say, nothing can break like the heart can.
It started as a niggly pain, one that was more of a hindrance than painful. But it seemingly worsened as time went on. The blonde decided to give up on her homework, concentrating was becoming increasingly difficult due to the pain, so she settled on her bed curled up in her favorite blanket just willing the sensation to leave her.
About five minutes later, Morticia entered the room looking to be in the same state as the blonde teen. “Larissa? You feel it too?” She gasped and the blonde withered and whimpered a yes. Neither girl knew what it was or why it was happening but they guessed you’d put something in the tea. Maybe that’s why you didn’t drink any, now they come to think of it.
“It must be some kind of ambrosiac…” Larissa whimpered in pain from the heat waves shocking her body.
Morticia collapsed on her own bed.
“Ambrosiac? Wait you mean like some ‘sex drug’ shit??”
“Must you be so crass…??” Larissa groaned, “And yes, I do indeed mean something like a ‘sex drug’...”
Morticia chuckled lightly, but stopped quickly as she keeled over in more intense pain.
“We will be miserable like this for days if we’re unlucky, unless—” Larissa began.
“No.” Morticia groaned, “I can’t.”
“I can’t live like this…” Larissa whimpered.
“Then go fuck yourself…!” Morticia hissed.
“That won’t work… It has to be another person…” Larissa whined.
Morticia let out a lengthy groan towards the blonde, sending shivers down Larissa’s spine. Silence ensued, while the tension built. Larissa was the one to break the silence…
“Please…” She quietly whimpered, a tear falling from her eye.
At this, Morticia suddenly got up from her bed.
“I can’t! I can’t!” She exclaimed, going into a ramble, “I’ll… I’ll just go to Gomez… Yes, He’ll fix it…”
But as Morticia went to the door, Larissa spoke softly, “It… It has to be with a person who will make you climax…”
At this, Morticia turned around to face Larissa who was now cradling herself on the edge of her bed.
“I’m sorry, are you implying that Gomez does not?!” She furiously exclaimed.
“Maybe I am…!” Larissa seethed, standing up to tower over Morticia.
“Oh you’re so full of it!!” Morticia yelled.
“No!! I just like you..!!!” Larissa yelled back, not registering the words coming out of her mouth.
Truthfully, Morticia had known this. But Larissa saying the words to her… It suddenly made everything real.
Before Larissa could process anything else, Morticia had smashed her lips onto the blonde’s plump, red ones.
Larissa whimpered desperately into the kiss.
Suddenly Morticia pulled away. Her eyes were frantic. She didn’t know what to do. But one more whine from Larissa’s lips had Morticia rolling her eyes and gripping the blondes chin tightly.
“Shut up.” The raven haired teen growled, “Or I’ll gag you…”
The blonde went silent after that, happily allowing Morticia to ravage and explore her lips once more. At one point, the raven haired teen bit down on the blonde's lips, eliciting a gasp from Larissa. This gave Morticia the perfect chance to slip her tongue inside the wet cavern of those plump, red lips. She drew blood, making both girls moan.
“Please… I can’t take it anymore…” Larissa whimpered into the kiss.
Morticia pulled away with a groan.
“Take off your knickers.” She simply said.
“I… what… ok.” Larissa whimpered, but was quick to follow Morticia’s words.
With her knickers in hand, Morticia took them and stuffed them into the blondes mouth.
At this, Larissa thought she would just keel over in pleasure. God this girl was hot…
“I told you, If you whined again, I would gag you.” Morticia sternly stated.
Morticia’s own breath was getting erratic and uneven…
“You want me…?” She breathlessly growled.
The blonde nodded vigorously and desperately, a muffled ‘yes’ being slightly heard through the gag.
Larissa’s eyes widened and she scurried to remove all articles of clothing, Morticia did the same thing right alongside the blonde. And as the two stared at each others naked forms, all resolve broke.
Each one was all over the other. Kisses. Markings. Sensual touches. Frantic touches.
At one point, Morticia pushed Larissa back onto her bed, and she crawled on top of the blonde, nipping at her skin along the way. Larissa’s eyes showed urgency and need as her mewls and cries were muffled by her knickers.
The blonde was quick to open her legs for Morticia, who graciously accepted the offer of access, bringing her hot mouth immediately to Larissa’s clit. Larissa’s hands fisted the sheets and her creamy thighs were quick to shut around Morticia’s head, and in any other circumstance, Morticia would have cared, but not today. As her mouth worked the blonde’s clit, Morticia brought her fingers through the blonde's folds, making Larissa shudder in pleasure and buck her hips sloppily. And when Morticia slid two of her fingers into the blondes heat… Larissa thought she’d come right then and there.
The raven haired teen worked the blonde up with skill and dedication. There was no time for foreplay or teasing right now. The combination of Morticia’s tongue and fingers sent Larissa spiraling over the edge. Morticia eagerly drank all of Larissa’s juices, as her walls clenched deliciously around Morticia’s fingers and her screams were sinfully muffled by her own knickers. But as Morticia moved her head back up and went to pull her fingers out of the blondes soaking heat, Larissa interrupted her with strangled cries. Morticia removed the gag to hear what the blonde needed to say so desperately.
“Please Tish please don’t stop please Tish…!!” The blonde moaned out, bucking her hips up to sloppily meet Morticia’s fingers.
The raven haired teen smiled wickedly at the blonde.
“Haven’t had enough, have we…?” She lustfully taunted.
“No please need more, need more so badly…!!!” Larissa cried out.
At the blonde's plea, Morticia brought her tongue down to Larissa’s aching cunt. Larissa’s eyes rolled back as the raven haired goddess entered her throbbing hole with her tongue. Morticia proceeded to tongue fuck the blonde to high heaven, and all Larissa could do was try and stifle her screams of pleasure. Her next orgasm came out of nowhere and hit her like a brick.
“Tish I… I…FUCK—!!!” Larissa cried out, her head violently thrown back and her back arched, as her walls squirted and clenched around the raven haired goddesses tongue.
Morticia worked Larissa through her high with ease, and she came back up into the blondes view with her cum all over her face. The raven haired teen then connected her lips to the blondes, making Larissa moan into the kiss at the taste of herself. Both girls pulled away breathless from the heated kiss. Larissa’s red lipstick smeared all over both of their faces
“Be a good girl and let me sit on your face…” Morticia husked.
Larissa’s eyes widened and she nodded eagerly at this proposition. Morticia was quick to straddle the blonde and scurry up against the headboard, hovering her throbbing cunt above Larissa’s hot mouth. Larissa’s hands gripped Morticia’s thighs and guided her glistening core eagerly down to her lips. As Larissa licked through the raven haired goddesses folds, Morticia was quick to stabilize herself on the headboard as she started to rock her hips against the blondes face.
“OHhhHhHHh Fuck—Right there…!” Morticia moaned, only egging the blonde on even more.
Morticia came almost as fast as Larissa had, crying out the blonde's name on repeat. But Larissa wasn’t ready to stop there. No, she brought Morticia over the edge again with that skilled tongue of hers, lapping away at her walls as they clenched around the blondes tongue.
After which, the raven haired teen then collapsed next to the blonde, panting heavily.
Instinctively the two teens shuffled closer to one another, seemingly seeking the comfort they’d denied themselves of for so long. The steady beating of Morticia’s heart as she regulated her breathing was easily lulling the blonde into a fuzzy mindset. The pain is now satisfied but the raven haired girl feels guilty. How could something that’s meant to be wrong feel so good?
Unknowingly Mortica let a few stray tears fall. One taste of Larissa and now she couldn’t imagine not ever having her again. But there was Gomez to consider. “Tish?” The blonde mumbled and came up gently, swiping the tears away, “are you okay? I’m sorry if you didn’t want-“ Mortica cut her off with a kiss. “I want you, I always have. You were perfect and are perfect. But they want me with Gomez. I don’t know what to do. I want you but they say it’s bad and that I have to marry a man to have children and marry up” her little rant filled with a sniffle. “We can take it slow” the blonde stated which seemed to ease the other teens worries. And that’s exactly what they did, just with more “sleepovers” where they’d fall asleep wrapped up in eachothers arms.
Larissa Weems Masterlist
Morticia Addams Masterlist
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milfsloverblog · 1 year
War Is Over
Larissa Weems (implied Larticia/Morissa)
Summary: As she lies dying on the cold tiled floor of the botanical classroom, Larissa can’t help remembering her life. What it has been and what it could have been, the betrayals and the longing for love.
A/N: I wrote this lil oneshot a few months ago, right after I finished watching Wednesday. Larissa’s death felt so unfair and so uncalled for, I had to get all my sad emotions out somehow. I posted it on AO3 but never on here, thought some of you angst lovers would enjoy it!!
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Larissa falls to her knees, a hand flying to hold onto her neck where the syringe had been just a second before. And she isn’t sure what hurts more, the poison coursing through her veins or the unbearable feeling of betrayal that tightly squeezes her heart.
She gives Marylin one last look, hoping it will haunt the redhead for the rest of her miserable life.
This is what you get for thinking you’d finally found a friend, Larissa thinks as her body hits the floor with a soft thud.
Her body is convulsing now, thrashing around and she barely registers the voice that calls her name twice. There’s someone kneeling by her side and for a second Larissa’s mind plays tricks on her when she thinks she recognises an old lover in the brown eyes looking into her blue ones.
“Morticia” she tries to whisper but the word dies in her throat and the only thing that comes out of her mouth is bitter white foam.
It won’t be long now, she thinks, and yet a few seconds are enough for memories to flood her mind. She remembers her childhood, being bullied and mocked for the way she looked, how tall she was and how it led her to morph into a smaller version of herself for years.
Then there had been Nevermore. Most people had known her as “Morticia’s tall roommate”, but to Morticia…Oh, to Morticia she had been much more than that.
Larissa remembers alabaster skin brushing against her own, she remembers long jet black hair tickling her naked breasts and soft moans in her ear. She longs to go back to one of those early mornings where she would wake up with Morticia’s legs entangled with her own.
And then there had been the betrayal, not the first and definitely not the last one.
“Gomez has already invited me… I said yes.” She still hears Morticia’s voice saying when she had invited her to the Rave’N. And from that moment there was no more waking up in the brunette’s arms. If Larissa had known, if she had known it would be their last night together, she would have held Morticia a little tighter, kissed her a little longer and probably offered her another orgasm.
Larissa had always been second, whether it was in school competitions or in her lover’s heart. She would never be first, she would never be someone’s first choice and as much as she tried to convince herself that she’d made peace with that idea, her heart still swelled every time she thought of what could have been.
Where most people hoped of dying surrounded by their family, Larissa had always known she would die unloved and she often wondered if anyone would even grieve her.
Her life has been nothing but a war, the enemy often being her own reflection in the mirror.
Tears fall down Larissa’s cheeks as foam starts filling her lungs. She wishes it was quicker, that she wouldn’t have so much time to remember. But it doesn’t matter anymore, not when there’s a hand tightly holding onto hers as she takes her last breath.
As her body falls still, Larissa knows. There will be someone to grieve her, someone to remember.
And finally, war is over.
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weemssapphic · 1 year
Morissa Masterlist ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
rules and other masterlists can be found here
🔥 smut - ☁️ fluff - 🌪 angst
Larissa x Morticia
What Is This Feeling ☁️ (coming soon)
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dianneking · 1 year
Shapes of Love Marathon - Day 3
After yesterday’s cliffhanger are you ready to see Larissa’s pov of what happens next? I don’t think you are, but feel free to prove me wrong, here’s the link: 
Chapter 28 of Shapes of Love is up! 
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What’s SoL? A Larissa/Morticia AU longfic (75k words in total) I’ve been working at for months, and is now reaching its final stages!
What’s the marathon?  For the duration of this week (June 12-16) I’ll be posting one chapter a day until the epilogue, which will come up on Friday, 16th June…stay tuned!
Here’s the first chapter of SoL
Here’s my fanfiction masterlist.
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dianneking · 1 year
SoL Marathon - Day 4
And we’ve reached the second-to-last day of our own little marathon! Here’s the link to today’s chapter:
Chapter 29 of Shapes of Love
It’s the last chapter before the epilogue, so you know Stuff is going to Happen, but what stuff? read more to find out! 
Tumblr media
What’s SoL? A Larissa/Morticia AU longfic (75k words in total) I’ve been working at for months, and is now reaching its final stages!
What’s the marathon?  For the duration of this week (June 12-16) I’ll be posting one chapter a day until the epilogue, which will come up tomorrow, Friday, 16th June…stay tuned!
Here’s the first chapter of SoL
Here’s my fanfiction masterlist.
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