#more in the reblog!
shadow-lag · 1 month
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Prior GSA member, she is an archer powerhouse. Using arrowheads made from her unusual and ever-growing crystal horns, she can scope out hundreds of enemies from Nightmare Enterprises. Frequently sent to work with one of the GSA's top solider, Sir Metaknight. 🦇⚔️🫐
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Though despite the sad appearance her masks downturned shape may portray, she is heeps more cheery then the blue knight. Often going as far to tease him, but always brightening his mood (even through his denial)
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After the GSA decided to disband, she continued wearing her star badge. Through this, she managed to navigate her way through off-handed conversations and small mentions straight back to MK, and to the beautiful Dreamland. Where she meets the King's hoard of waddle dees. The GSA had plenty of trained waddle dees working to maintain and protect large bases, all in which she held high respects, but none were quite like the largely spoken about and highly regarded Bandana Dee. Whom she made very quick friends with, even going as far to use scrap Iggy Woods wood and her crystals to make him a custom spear. (A cherished gift)
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Avid pop flower enjoyer<3
(More rapid details in the reblog!!)
Born of the same wish powered stardust akin to those of the puffball species. Nismo's manifestation came through at times of war. Though her tampering wasn't quite as cruel as some others, several forces stole the wishes of the pure hearts to get their slimy hands on creature so full of energy. Nightmare Enterprises was the usual culprit of this experimentation, but Nismo was stolen by someone else. Remnants of the ancients, a group split from the magic users. They wanted a super weapon, they wanted someone who could attest the Heros of Yore. Someone who this time wouldn't rogue off and need sealed away. Such things can not just be made however. Knowing the magic of the fabled Star Rod, they attempted to replicate its extraordinary capabilities. A powerful organic creature merged with their ancient magic. The experiments failed however. They couldn't enhance her performance to make her strong enough. Couldn't speed up the aging evolutionary process enough to sprout wings. Just large clunky crystal formations where horns were meant to grow, although formed through similar materials as the star rod, they weren't as powerful. They had failed again. And just like that they were on to the next. Thrown out into the cold of Shiver Star, she was raised by local scavengers already immune to the cold. She learned to adapt. Learned to hunt and gather any food that still grew through the frozen climate, learned of a passion for cooking, began carving scrapes into fresh spears. Occasionally the child-like whimsy would break through. Small wooden trinkets were gifted as often as she could carve them. It was here she learned of the greater battle with Nightmare through the wide spread call for arms of the Galaxy Solider Army. Bidding farewell to the only place she had called home, she set out on a grander journey. It was her time in the GSA she had discovered the functionality of her crystal horns. Sir Dragato studied magic prior to his recruitment. And with Lady Garlude's mild background in geology as well, together they were able to preform testing to the crystal material. They learned it could be diamond cut and regrown. And that it made for a very strong weapon. While it did not pose for its original intent to mimic the Star Rod, it proved useful in other ways. Already versed in carving techniques, Nismo quickly learned she could make spear and arrows heads, daggers and other small blades. Through strict training in the GSA camps, she fine tuned her archer ability and was the slickest shot in her ranks. Firing crystal tipped arrows straight through the heart of His monsters. Here she was partnered with Sir Metaknight, who, though bits and peices, shared his own childhood stories, that seems to match up with her own in some places. Together, slaying the monsters who terrorized hundreds of innocent planets. She was so determined to end Nightmares sinister plans to take over the galaxy. But sheer determination was not enough. Their ranks dwindled. Eventually Sir Arthur decided it was best to preserve those who remained to train a new generation of star warriors. He disbanded the GSA. She spent years traveling the stars, accepting vigilante style jobs to help keep the streets clean of Nightmare's trash. Planet hopping. Once in a purple moon, she'd be aligned to return to shiver star, sharing as much resources as she could spare with the people who cared for her through most desperate times. She'd tell stories of her travels. Ensure they would remain safe. Then be back in her starship roaming the galaxy. Soon enough, huge news spread far and wide that Nightmare had been defeated, by a child no less. Chosen to wield *the* Star Rod. Nismo was overjoyed, tears poured heavy in the light they had finally won. And something else came up through more sparsely shared details of the battle, a previously acclaimed star warrior had accompanied this young Kirby. Sir Metaknight. With Nightmare defeated and a reunion underway, things were finally starting to look up. Back to her starship, with a new destination set this time.
Dreamland of planet Popstar
Cheers if you read any of that lol. That's just a glazed over summary of her character I think. Perhaps in the future I could do actual scenic writing peices with her.
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mayhemchicken-artblog · 2 months
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in the hour or so it took me to draw this op turned reblogs off
EDIT: reblogs are STAYING OFF. op was right and correct and i have never regretted making a post as much as this one. if you want to reblog my art you can reblog something else from my blog. or commission me, lord knows i deserve financial compensation for the nightmare this post has put me through
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heritageposts · 6 months
israel has now officially been announced as one of the countries participating in eurovision 2024
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meanwhile russia is still banned, for the third year in a row. the double standard is just sickening
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buttercuparry · 1 month
Reblog the fundraisers you mfs!!!!! I don't know why you all skip those to reblog some pic of a banner saying "FREE PALESTINE" or of news from Columbia University! Literally these people from Gaza have made an account on Tumblr and is writing in english to communicate what they need and you all are coming onto my blog or on the tag and not reblogging their posts. We have people both Palestinian and non Palestinian vetting the fundraisers! I mean more the reblogs, more the chance of the fundraisers gaining momemtum, the more there would be a chance of a donation. Please donate if you can and reblog!!! and follow them if it is possible.
@/mohammedayesh has posted about getting leaflets, telling them to evacuate Rafah. They are very low on funds. Go follow them and reblog their posts and donate if possible.
We have @/haneenatya too whose mother is suffering from eye stroke and need to evacuate. Please I have been following them for some days and it doesn't seem their own posts are getting much attention.
Follow them! They are on tumblr. Reblog their posts and donate. The protests in universities are being done on account of them. They should be our focus.
(EDIT: on re-reading my post it seems as if I am dismissing all that the students of universities are doing. I am not. I just meant, since all of it is to help Palestinians, we must not ignore them when they ask for help).
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xgoldenlatiasx · 3 months
I’m really glad that Aaron’s self-immolation for Palestine is getting attention, but on November 8th there was also a Congolese man who did the same thing for the genocide happening in the DRC. From what I read in the article above, his fate and identity are unknown but I think his story should be getting equal amount of traction and I haven’t really seen anyone talking about it on Tumblr specifically yet.
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reblog to give the prev a hot chocolate with (optional) whipped cream and marshmallows
[Doesn't apply to Harry Potter fans, no hot chocolate for you. JKR is an irredeemable bigot]
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excavatinglizard · 7 months
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Shoutout to my dad for being the funniest person I know
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daturanerium · 6 months
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obsessed with this genre of images
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aphel1on · 7 months
i have such a love for characters who descend into madness or villainy out of deep, deep empathy. characters who fundamentally cannot cope with the cruel realities they find themselves in and blow up about it in spectacular fashion. fallen angel type characters with tears of outrage in their eyes. characters who break before they bend, and break so badly they splatter blood all over their noble ideals. every variation on it gets me so good
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Female characters who are the sole voice of reason <<<<<<< Female characters who think of themselves as the sole voice of reason but who are actually just as insane as those around them
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dishsaop · 7 months
i think 98% of my problems would be solved if i could just sleep like a normal person. alas, like a [hang on a second i gotta look up animals that dont sleep often or at all] juvenile tilapia, i am awake way too much
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contrappostoes · 8 months
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so true florence
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sga-owns-my-soul · 8 months
reblog to give ur mutuals a soft lil kissy on the head
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alexbutrandomthoughts · 2 months
"Can't two guys be just friends?" If they stop looking at each other like that then sure
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solitarelee · 1 year
East Asian fanartists are starting to migrate back to Tumblr because Twitter is insane, toxic, and dying, and what we're NOT going to do is let the fucking exclusionists get them, do you hear me? We are not going to let a bunch of feral idiots try to apply the most myopic version of puritanism to foreign artists we're not we're not we're not. Form an armed brigade if you have to, do you hear me. We're not going to bully the artists who may or may not even speak English because we have our precious standards of moral purity. If we see art that makes us uncomfy we're going to block the artist and tumblr savior their name so we don't have to see them again AND WE'RE GONNA MOVE THE FUCK ON.
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girlfictions · 7 months
something i’ve been thinking about lately is like. growing up muslim right after 9/11 is something i’d never really reflected on much because it was all i’d ever known — at 5, my friend’s mum didn’t let her invite me to her birthday party because i was the only brown girl in our class, at 12, my classmates would joke about my family being part of isis, at 16, my dad was interrogated by american airport security for hours — and it always stung and it always hurt but it was just the way things were because the western world hated muslims. but i don’t think i’ve ever fully comprehended the extent to which we were hated until now.
palestine is being turned into a mass graveyard. every single day there are new photos of the atrocities being carried out against them and videos of them pleading for help and still those who can actually intervene turn a blind eye. israel is claiming to only be targeting hamas “terrorists” while bombing a refugee camp. israeli police raided and assaulted a non-zionist jewish neighbourhood. israeli soldiers are posting tiktoks of them torturing captured palestinians. this is not a complicated issue and it never has been. ethnic cleansing is being committed right in front of us. and yet the western world leaders refuse to call for a ceasefire.
and while zionist organisations accuse pro-palestine demonstrations of anti-semitism, while zionist celebrities insist that they’re afraid to leave their mansions in los angeles, a six year old muslim boy was stabbed to death and his mother wounded in the same attack in chicago. a muslim doctor was murdered while sitting outside her apartment complex in texas. hundreds of peaceful protesters have been arrested (many of whom have been jewish). despite what zionists want you to believe, this is not a jewish/muslim conflict. i have so much love and gratitude to my brave jewish brothers and sisters all over the world who are condemning israel for their actions.
ultimately, israel have been granted impunity by the west. they have slaughtered thousands upon thousands of innocent palestinians. they have bombed hospitals and schools indiscriminately. they have used white phosphorus, violating the geneva convention. they have completely eradicated nearly 900 bloodlines. how many more need to be wiped out? how many more children need to be buried underneath the rubble? how many more doctors need to be confronted with the bodies of their own family members? how many more journalists need to detail the horrific acts of violence they are witnessing? what more can be done to the palestinian people that has not been done already?
i truly believe that palestine will be free one day. i believe the palestinian people will receive the justice they finally deserve. but what breaks my heart is how much they have suffered and will continue to suffer before they are deemed worthy of help. and it would be to all of our detriment if we ignored how much of a factor palestine being a predominantly muslim state has played into the way the world has reacted to their genocide.
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