#more fast paced I think
fly-sky-high-arts · 2 months
I do want to talk about sharing art online from the perspective of a hobby freelancer but before that I'll just toss this tidbit I mentioned on my main
Reblogs are not numbers. Reblogs are meant to share and pass on artwork that someone may like. NO ONE is forced to reblog anything BUT it is a core of engagement in a space like tumblr. Engagement is what brings in interest after all and it's one piece of what makes it important for freelance artists here.
When you look at the numbers and the notes, we need to stop viewing them and comparing them with likes (me included) or total in general. It doesn't help.
Artists do self rebloging to both show or remind folks they've done some work as well as to nudge people to reblog their stuff. Tags are nice and comments in them are a nice way to engage too but passing on the work, especially to help someone to get noticed, is a good way to just work the site as intended.
It will always be about luck because we can't guess who wants to engage with what online. You also can't blame yourselves for this. Don't use the internet mentality of "content" (eugh!) and "flopping" and go about it that way. People find stuff I drew years back and find ways to engage with it now. It's really about luck.
There are things that can help but I'll go about it in another post.
One more thing. Don't be shy about "shilling". Advertise your open commissions, your patreons or ko-fis. I promise it has nothing to do with how big of an artist you are. Remember that you're doing that within your own zone so "bothering" followers is hardly the case, it's your house. Make a tag for it if it helps your mind. I say as someone with social anxiety.
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chiarrara · 4 months
sorry not sorry, I love jjk but the power system doesn't make any sense. it's a lot of hand waving over vague intellectual concepts the author doesn't actually fully understand which makes it sound really smart, complex, and deep. But really it's ricocheting between an ode to classic shounen power systems and a straight up recreation of them with a new coat of paint.
And that's fine! It's cool to get inspiration from philosophy and mathematics and physics, it's fine to use that inspiration without having a deep theoretical understanding of the concept, and jjk is nothing if not an ode to and a new iteration of the essence of the shounen genre.
But it doesn't mean the author's explanations of that power system--in the text itself or in additional materials--make any more coherent sense than the quantum physics in marvel movies. Trying to make sense of this stuff is a futile effort because it's not fully developed to that scale, and I think that leaves a lot of people either filling in the gaps themselves and misremembering that as text, or deciding the author is actually way smarter than them and they would need a lot more information to understand it, which is not true, because it doesn't actually make sense.
Complex ideas can be explained at very accessible levels in very simplistic ways when they are deeply and fully understood. If someone actually knows more than you, they won't make you feel like you can't understand the things they know. If they do, it's because they don't understand it well enough to explain it.
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nostalgicsneeze · 3 months
this is the only website i post art nowadays and i’ll keep doin it but DAMN…
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aroaessidhe · 1 month
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2024 reads / storygraph
Compound Fracture
YA thriller set in rural West Virginia
follows an autistic trans boy who survives being almost killed by the Sheriff’s son after a party, and accidentally kills one of the boys who hurt him when he tries to get back at him
and is pulled head-first back into the 100 year old feud between his & the sheriff’s families, that began when his great-great grandfather was executed after inciting a miner’s rebellion, the grandfather whose ghost has started to haunt him
community & family & socialist revolution
aro-questioning MC
arc from netgalley, out september 3
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theflyingfeeling · 6 days
I think today I will cry about BC not making tour vlogs anymore 😔
#yes i'm still bitter about the live performance video they posted yesterday#it seemed more like something made for promotion and marketing rather than for fans to relive the moment#or for fans who couldn’t attend to experience it as if they were there#the frame wouldn’t span on one moment for longer than 1.5 seconds which made it kinda messy#and you didn't really get a good picture of what the show was actually like#they didn't show how awkwardly long it took for the curtain to be gathered and carried away 🤭#instead they showed moshpits THAT DIDN'T EVEN HAPPEN DURING THOSE SONGS 🙄#and the content you see on their band account on tiktok/ig is no different#good for promotion i guess. uninteresting for their existing fans 🥱#i get that editing vlogs is extra work (for joonas) and that some of them may not want there to be a camera on their face all the time#and that *siiiiiiiiiiigh* ''youtube is dead'' 🙄#but i don't think i would have fallen for this band half as bad as i did if it wasn't for the umk/esc vlogs and the content from summer '21#followed by more tour vlogs from their other tours#nowadays it's only fast-paced tiktoks and promotion and joel's SUPER FUNNY filters 🙂#i would give up them all for 5-minutes of vlog-like content from the EU tour 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#whose dick do i need to suck for this huh?#joel is it yours (as the band's social media guy)?? i will do it in the back alley of your local sushi buffet#just tell me when and i'll be there but make sure your cock's already out and hard i haven't got all day
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the-punforgiven · 4 months
Wait shit I have rpgmaker, I could literally just go start making a video game right now if I wanted to
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elliemarchetti · 9 months
The Snake and the Wolf
Chapter 3 - Hounds
The plot took over this story, as did the POV changes. I hope @erisweek2023 readers are ready for a complete detachement from the canonical events of the book, because the moment of Nesta's escape has arrived.
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 4
Words: 1.281
Nesta didn’t know how she got to the stony coast of the Night Court. One moment she was walking down the steps of the House of Wind and the next she was running away from Velaris, crushed by guilt and fear of what Rhysand might do to her. She gave away his secret, she gave back to Feyre what had been taken from her, and now she no longer had a home. Her mind raced to Gwyn and Emerie, to what might happen to them, since Cassian and Azriel knew they were her closest friends. She had to find a way to make them escape, to warn them to get to safety, because Nesta knew that the High Lord would try to enter their minds to see if they had any idea of her whereabouts. She hadn’t told Feyre that her first pregnancy would also be her last just because she had a good heart, but deep down they all knew she deserved to go to her death with her pride intact, like she already did to free them all. Furthermore, there was probably a solution to the problem. Considering how they took the fact that Feyre possessed a drop of everyone’s powers, Nesta doubted that the High Lords would’ve ever agreed to bring her back to life again, but maybe another Death-God resided somewhere, trapped in a mountain or a tree, and Rhysand could’ve sold his black soul to save his Mate. Nesta wondered if she would’ve done it in his place, given the chance, but didn’t like the answer she found within her, so she resumed her walk, going further and further south, with the sand under her bare feet and the now cold water lapping at her ankles with the rhythmic motion of the waves. She’d never been to the seaside before. If the situation had been different, she would’ve tried swimming, and then she would’ve found a house and wrote to Elain how beautiful it was, and how she had nothing to fear, unlike when she was thrown into the Cauldron, but the situation was no different and there were no villages in sight, so Nesta’s only hope was to reach a Court willing to help her before Rhysand tracked her down. In the library, she had read countless books that explained how to defend herself from the powers of a daemati, but since she hadn’t met any other beside her sister’s husband, she didn’t know if she was using those techniques well or if even a child could’ve destroyed her mind with just a snap of the fingers. Another incentive to keep up the pace, until her knees gave in and her vision went blurry from exhaustion. Before the Valkyries, before she rediscovered the joy of having purpose and friends, she would’ve gladly accepted the oblivion, better than the one provided by alcohol, but now she realized she had reasons to live, places to explore and lessons to learn. Allowing herself the luxury of dreaming, Nesta would’ve liked to visit the Autumn Court first, that enchanted and colourful place described in the novels she had shared with the House. She was sorry she had to leave it behind, even if it was depressing to say that her first, true friend in the Night Court hadn’t been a person but the darkness inside a building. Maybe, in honour of that bond, she would’ve indulged its desire to delve deeper into her powers, now that she didn't have to endure the pressures of the Inner Circle, or maybe she would’ve not, her life as Fae full of possibilities, if only she managed to survive and crawl out of the niche in the rocks where she had taken refuge for the night.
She though she would’ve woke up because of the humidity, or the pangs of hunger and thirst, but she discovered to her amazement that it was something wet touching her hand that shook her from her torpor. Even opening her eyes, caked by the salty air, cost her immense effort, but the cries of the creature managed to completely steal her from her dreamless sleep. The dog, clearly a hound of some sort, had a long and slender body, his ribs almost protruding from how thin it was, but it was its muzzle that struck her, so elongated and elegant, and at the same time almost grotesque, with those big eyes and short ears hanging down at the sides of its small head. It was the strangest beast she’d ever seen, yet something in her desired to reach out to pet it, to seek some comfort in its short gray fur. It must’ve been an excellent hunter, judging by its long sharp teeth, but it was also very playful, seeing how happily it wiggled its tail while she scratched its belly. Nesta had always wanted a pet, not necessarily a dog, perhaps a cat or a bunny would’ve sufficed, but her mother always forbade it, and her father never bothered to get her one, despite the huge numbers of requests. It wasn’t noble enough to take care of something else beside themselves, and when they fell from grace, it was too much, yet Nesta knew she had it in her to be a trainer, perhaps a little soft-hearted if all puppies had the same expression as the creature she was snuggling at the moment, but always attentive to her pet’s needs.
“Where is your owner? Are you lost?” she asked as if it could answer, her voice hoarse after more than a whole day of not using it. It had been a meaningless question, to which she certainly hadn’t expected to receive a reply, but the dog stood up on his long legs and ran out of the niche, into the sunlight flooding the dark beach. Nesta followed with great difficulty, but the beast didn’t move any more, as if it was waiting for her to catch up. They went on like this for hours,  the dog advancing and Nesta dragging herself through the sand to reach him, until the sun almost completed its descent arc and another dog barked in the distance. Nesta knew they couldn’t have moved too far, not with her in those conditions, but all those animals could mean only that she’d reached a town, and the larger the settlement, the more the possibilities of someone offering asylum to a dying young female, at least for a few hours. Her bones ached even more at the thought of a soft bed, and her stomach growled as she pictured every kind of food known to both men and Fae, but although she was almost certain the sun had burned the exposed skin on her arms, the worst torture had been the dryness in her mouth, which made it difficult to even swallow the little saliva she had left. At some point, when imagination and reality began to merge, she heard someone call her name, and a male figure appeared at the horizon, the burning red of the sun the same shade as his hair. The glorious hallucination approached her at a brisk pace, one dog at its heels and the other trotting alongside, satisfied with its distressed discovery. A pair of muscular arms, thinner than Cassian’s but no less strong, caught her before she could fall to the ground again, and Nesta could’ve sworn the smell of burnt wood, fresh apples and sweet cinnamon engulfed her as it used to do when her maids cooked her favourite treats.
“I found you,” murmured a familiar voice, full of concern and apprehension, its owner’s face buried in her matted hair. “I’m here, and we’re going home.”
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softquietsteadylove · 2 months
Could we get a little something something from My Kingdom for a Heart fic that’s on ao3? Idc if it’s fluff or angst I’ll literally take anything you give out bc it’s just that good!!
Sersi was spinning around the floor with Ikaris, her veil whirling around her, sparkling silver against her emerald green gown. She always had a certain joy to her, of course. But even Thena had not seen her beaming so fully in all their lives together. It was exactly the kind of free, unburdened smile she had always wished for her sister.
To marry without obligation was the best gift Thena could pass on to her sister, and that included abdicating the throne as the eldest and making Sersi the acting queen. Thena had some reservations about the marriage in question being to Ikaris, but she had to admit, he was not so villainous. Annoying, perhaps, but that was a lesser of evils.
He was her brother now, and while she felt she was truly understanding the petulance a brother could bring to her life, their families - and kingdoms - were becoming one. Unfortunately, he still liked to argue with some of the advice she had to offer (as the royal advisor). But Sersi was always quick to hear out her sister, and that usually managed to pull her new husband along with her.
"It is a beautiful ball, your Grace."
Much to her disappointment, it was not the one she was expecting, but rather some lord or another. She did not know why he was saying so to her. She had not planned it alone, nor was she truly participating in it, past being the one who had walked Sersi down the aisle to her groom. "It is."
"Congratulations, to you and to the happy couple."
"Indeed," she muttered. She was no longer the princess and regent, she was merely Sersi's second in line, and that came after her job as advisor, as far as Thena was concerned.
"You look splendid as well, of course."
He was wearing on her patience, of course.
"I should almost think it possible for you to steal the attention away from the bride herself."
"My Lord," Thena drawled, keeping her eyes on her sister, "I should think that you would rather not insult my dearest sister in the process of attempting to compliment me."
"I-I-" he stammered, "I would never-"
Thena moved away from him. She no longer held the power to send people away with the flick of her wrist--truly the only part of her position she truly mourned. The crowd cheered for the guests of honour, concluding another of many dances this evening. Thena smiled.
"Your Grace!"
Was tonight destined to be a gauntlet through which she was to battle?
"Congratulations on your sister's happy marriage, your Grace," another lord bowed to her formally at least. "The kingdom could not be happier for the Prince and his bride."
Sersi would make a wonderful queen. "I shall tell them."
"It does free you, does it not?" he continued, perhaps not catching onto her locked tight posture and cold eyes. "Without expectation to marry the Prince, you are more able to select a husband of your choosing. Perhaps even a love match?"
Thena looked at the brazen lord speaking to her without end. He was younger than she had expected, his hair sitting atop his head with as much arrogance as he exuded in his smile. "Do you have a matter that concerns you, my Lord?"
"Perhaps," he grinned at her, and it made her want to take a long step back from him. He held out his hand to her, "if you would do me the honour-"
"Forgive me, my Lord, but her Grace has other obligations."
Thena's eyes rose, and she failed to contain her pleasure at the sight of her rescuer. "Captain, if you would be so kind as to escort me."
"Of course, your Grace," he smiled back at her as a gentleman would. He even removed his leather glove before offering his hand to her. He stood between her and the man asking to dance with her, turning his back - unthinkably rude! - on him in the process.
"Thank you," Thena murmured as they made their escape, descending the steps closer to the thrones and skirting around the crowd. "I can no longer decline such invitations without good reason."
"I would think that not wanting to listen to him preen himself is reason enough."
Thena attempted to keep her laughter contained, but a faint puff of air escaped her. She held the skirt of her dress in the hand that was not perched in Gil's. "You have rescued me yet again, Captain."
"It is part of my job," he stated, although the royal advisor was not technically part of his obligations as royal guard. He winked at her, "Thena."
She smiled down at the lush carpet beneath their feet. If her hands were free they would be wringing around themselves again and again. The Captain continued to have such effect on her, and her poor, suffering heart. "I keep telling you, it is not."
"And I keep telling you: you will always be Princess, to me."
How was she to think clearly when she had such poetry over her shoulder, no less whispering in her ear?
"Would you like to?"
"To what?" she looked up at him.
He nodded his head towards where Ikaris was claiming another dance with his bride, even wrapping his arms around her and lifting her off the ground in their shared glee. "Dance?"
Her hand flinched in his, while the one holding her dress began squeezing it for her life. Her throat dried. "I'm afraid I have not nearly the grace my sister does, Captain."
"Come on," he whispered to her, even coming to a stop at a small gap in the crowd's observation of the bride and groom. "I thought we had a deal."
Thena's eyes darted up to him and then forward again. Her heart flitted and fluttered in her chest as she sighed, "Gil."
He stood straight, his hand behind his back and the other holding hers aloft. "It is a celebration, y'know. No one would think twice about you having a little fun at your own sister's wedding."
She could feel how warm he was next to her, even with his light chest plate over his formal uniform. Her fingers trembled faintly, but he held her steadily. "I suppose your gallantry should not go unrewarded."
She winced at herself, and her need to make the simple act of a dance something obligatory. Why could she not simply say that she did wish to dance with him?
Because that would be far too damning an admission, and far too revealing for one simple dance.
But Gilgamesh just smiled at her as he always did. He moved slowly, grasping her hand as he took the first step out from the edge of the crowd, "I'm honoured."
Thena forced herself to look up at him as he swept her onto the dance floor. It wasn't that moving with him was unfamiliar, or even awkward. It felt like when he had helped her from the wagon by lifting her delicately by the waist.
If anything, it felt too familiar, and perhaps even too...nice. He was warm, and gentle, and if he were not wearing the pauldron of his armour, she had half a mind to slip her hand up to his shoulder. His hand grasped hers out from them, the other on her back in a proper and appropriate position.
"So, have you thought about it?"
"Hm?" she blinked, betrayed by her mind wandering away from her actions and instead meandering along the subject of her dance partner.
The royal advisor's cheeks took on a lively rouge as he spun them around with ease. This was not the first time they had discussed such a topic, either. And remembering the last time they had never failed to send her heart into a frenzy.
Somewhere behind them, Sersi also spun past amidst her dance with her husband. Her sister's giggling reached her ears, worsening Thena's feeling of fluster. Sersi knew very well that the subject of marriage - when it involved the Captain - always left her feeling stymied.
"I," Thena started and then paused immediately. Her mastery of language was slipping from her mind. Her eyes slid down his chestplate to the crest of the kingdom sitting right in the centre. Her hand twitched in his again, "I have...considered it."
At her own insistence, her marriage simply had to wait. As soon as she had abdicated, there was little time until Sersi's coronation and the wedding happening right on top of each other. And she and Gilgamesh were at their busiest when Sersi and Ikaris were.
There was no time to consider Gilgamesh's proposal of a proposal, as it were. And a man of his word, he had not brought it up amidst all the chaos of things. But he was asking now. As she had told him, he was asking if he could ask her again.
"And?" he prompted her gently--sweetly. He ducked his head closer to hers, moving closer in their dance to a proximity one could consider salacious. "If I were to ask you, would you say yes?"
Thena tried to keep her breathing even. She felt as if she were drowning in him, and she did not fully want to emerge from it. But she forced herself to keep her face from burying itself against his neck. "Your timing could be improved, Captain."
"Oh?" he chuckled, still in good spirits as she dodged his approach to marrying her yet again. "And how is that?"
Thena closed her eyes, trying to concentrate, and unable to do so while she thought people might be observing them acting so improperly. All she needed do was turn her head for her lips to graze his cheek or perhaps even his ear (indecent!). She gulped. "It is my sister's wedding day, Gil. This is no time for you to be asking for my hand."
"I daresay she would approve."
Sersi would be the first to jump for joy. She would also point right at Thena and say that she had said so long beforehand.
"I will not become engaged on the day of my sister's wedding," Thena resolved with a bit of a huff. "Have you no sense of propriety?"
On the contrary, it was mortifyingly she who was breaths away from pressing her forehead under his jaw just to feel the warmth of his skin.
"Forgive me, your Grace." She knew he was smirking--she just knew it. "Shall I ask again tomorrow, then?"
Thena's heart pounded. He hadn't asked in the exact words, but her whole body felt flush with warmth and thrill all the same. The warmth did not drain from her cheeks as she gripped his hand purposefully with her fingers. "I will be at the garden pond at first light. I expect you will not keep me waiting."
As she had done to him.
His hand squeezed hers, and he even dared to weave their fingers together (the absolute audacity). He tilted his head, disguising the way he touched his cheek to the top of her head, no longer weighed down by a golden circlet. "I wouldn't dream of it, Thena."
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samarecharm · 5 months
Playing ssbu; i really do love the direction they went for akiras entire moveset. His melees are sharp and aggressive, while his weapon and spell moves are nice and fluid. Really love how Legs he is; he is a gazelle prancing on the stage kicking everything in sight. Also love his midair neutral B; why is he spinning out of control??? And why is it so effective ? Every little detail they added to make the moves more ‘realistic’ really adds to his character 😊
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silasplaskett · 8 months
i hate when i just blindly enjoy a show and i go in the tags to look for fun posts and its all ppl complaining. like come onnnn guys im not critically analyzing for once cant u guys join me
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lostcryptids · 8 months
tbh i think people are expecting a little too much of friday the 13th 1980 when they say it's boring like have you seen 70s slashers. some of those plots are slow as molasses i think in comparison friday is almost fast paced
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bytebun · 3 months
I think back on my own “talent” as an artist & it’s like. never seen such a complete lack of design sense or visual aesthetic in a kid so good at capturing forms
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sskk-manifesto · 10 months
Omg I actually enjoyed this episode quite a bit!!!
#It wasn't... Particularly extraordinary but it still felt almost meeting the season 4 standard#Things are still going super super fast 😭😭#Like it may be that I'm just... Slow to process info but I seriously feel like I can't keep up with what they say#I can't believe at this point they've basically caught up with the manga 😭😭#In the next ep they'll reach the moment when *I* caught up with the manga when I read bsd for the first time which is just insane to me.#Like my brain can't conceive it#It's such a shame to think that means we aren't getting another bsd anime season for another five years... My heart cries#Even more since at this point it's probably going to stop right before sskk meet again and it's going to be so frustrating for me#But the Aya / Bram scenes were so cute!!! In them I felt like the pace was actually okay for the first time since forever.#It may be that they weren't very information packed so they kind of flew smoothly but I thought the pace was enjoyable–#and the animation too was pretty good!!!#There's always a black shadow wrapping my heart tight whenever I notice the animation gets better–#because I can't help but mourn what the sskk fight could have been and can't stop the resentment...#But in the end I'm happy if the budget goes to a little girl that's what she deserves :')#In the next episode we're probably going to get a little Atsushi screentime too!!!!#Man I'm so starved for Atsushi screentime every time he appears on screen for 0.06 seconds there's a whole crowd cheering in my head#random rambles
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zootopiathingz · 6 months
So apparently two of my co-workers were talking shit about me and another new hire bc we’re “dead weight” and said that we should get less hours or just quit. Another girl overheard them and reported them to the manager and they got in trouble. I didn’t know about this until today so idk when this happened but man I’m so pissed
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bitchkay · 11 months
I prefer Guys characterization in the princes path rather then his consort route
I feel like all the routes should've progressed slower tbh but with Guy in particular I feel like it would really work with a slow burn romance
Also, unrelated but MC always falls in love with her chosen consort by chapter 10 like girl you've known this man for 2 weeks
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yashley · 1 year
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“I’m really sorry.” “So am I.”
#critical role#imogen x fearne#imogearne#long post#ygifs#but they were literally insane for this are you kidding me#you have Laura Lauraing up a Laura with that imogen emotion work she's pulling and then you have Ashley Ashleying up an Ashley At Her WHAT#like I JUST WANT THEM TO TALK ABOUT IT I JUST WANT AN ACTUAL TALK SHOW TO TALK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#WHATS GOING ON THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#YOU LITERALLY have Imogen People-Pleaser-Or-Death actually saying So Am I and Actually Acknowledging In EVEN That Small Way#And it's like fearne is Actually So Heartbroken she's Stunned And Yet All She Can Think To Do Is Look At Imogen and Say She’s So Sorry#FEARNE???? we literally did not see THAT magnitude of emotional vulnerability with fearne since she Met Her Lost Mom Ok#and she’s There At The Mercy Of Her Emotions. because of imogen. because of how much she Empathizes with Imogen#and Imogen Wonderful Wonderful Imogen Literally Cannot Look At Fearne More ThanA Second After What She Did*#girls y'all are just insane for this this was The Moment that made me Break Down And Uproot my Not Making Gifs Thing after EIGHT YEARS it's#I know this campaign is so fast paced and plot driven but like it's been nearly 10 episodes and they've not Talked About This Okay#also obsessed with the stilted way imogen thanks fcg for bringing fearne back like it is SOO detached I'm chewing it#she literally spoke as if she wasn't there when you could see imogen relating to fearne by touching her shoulder and saying brought Her back#they literally already Went Through Much with fearne's parents reveal and the way imogen Allowed herself to Be Present in That Situation#no but literally I Think About Fearne Combating How She Regrets Orym Being Brought Back like Thats the gravity of it#imogen says Thank You Fearne and fearne just stands there nearly wanting nothing more than for the reality imogen Meant It
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