#monsta x imagines jooheon
kpopjust4u · 1 year
I love you
Post Date: 17th January 2023 Content: Fluff - Monsta X Jooheon x Reader WC: 1.9K TW?: Non Idol!Au/ Insecure Reader/ Mentions of hate comments/ Weight insecurities/ Overuse of babe and baby Request?: Yes
A.n: The request was for a chubby!reader with Jooheon. By no means does this reflect my views and opinions on "chubby" people, as being one myself. Everyone is beautiful/handsome/gorgeous in their own ways and no way should your size define how amazing you are as a person!
Masterlist                                    Prompt list
Prompts: 45 - "Please don't cry"
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Whilst your boyfriend’s at work, you try to find something to keep yourself busy and all you could do was stare at your Instagram account, realising how boring everything was but you didn’t have the heart to delete or change anything. 
There are photos of you and Jooheon and his friends. As well as photos of your life in general. 
But then an idea hits you, you always love doing your makeup and love trying on different outfits so why not create a makeup account, where you share makeup looks that you create, as well as outfits of the day. 
 Thinking this would be a way of expressing yourself and having fun with it simultaneously.
There wouldn’t be any hassle or issues with it as you know you’ll be able to go out at your own pace, since it’s all for fun anyway. Plus it gives you something to do whilst you are bored, waiting for your boyfriend to get home from work. 
Just before you go to create a fresh account, your phone starts ringing and Jooheon’s caller comes up on your screen as soon as you try to press ‘Add Account’. 
“Hey baby,” Jooheon sings happily down the phone, making a smirk grow quickly on your face after hearing his voice.
“Hey, hows work?” you answer, twirling a piece of hair in between your fingers.
After a little pause, he sighs, “It’s okay, eveyone keeps piling their work onto my desk and I seriously don’t want to do anything than be home with my baby”.
He’s so sweet and for what? You could tell he’s bored and tired, especially when he gets all sappy like this, but you love it because you feel the same way, you just can’t wait for him to get home.
“I can’t wait for you to get home too... Oh, babe!” You excitedly exclaim down the phone, remembering what you were originally going to do before he phones.
From your excitement, he instantly gets excited too, “Yes baby?”.
Sitting upright on the bed, you fall onto your front, getting yourself comfortable with your feet waving in the air behind you, “I’m going to be making a make-up and outfit Instagram, just for fun. I just want a place to express myself and I think it’ll be awesome!”. 
Cheerfully laughing down the phone, Jooheon can’t help but make the happiest noises, “Will you let me pick a few outfits and give you make-up ideas?”.
“Of course, babe. You could even be on it if you really want to?” You smile and you wouldn’t be surprised if he could tell how big your smile was down the phone, exclaiming a huge ‘YES!’ down the other end. 
“Oh btw... Damn, I’ll call you when I finish baby, managers coming down the corridor. I love you!” He cheers down the phone, letting you reply with an ‘I love you’ before hanging up.
Going back to what you were originally doing, you set up the account then go through your photos to see what you could do as a first post. But not before you set up an aesthetic for your highlights, loving every second of it.
So excited over it, you also start to make notes on what you could do on certain days, and plan what make-up looks you can start doing. 
After making your first post, you follow Jooheon first, who in return, instantly follows you back, commenting on your first post, calling you beautiful and telling you how lucky he is to have you. It comes as no surprise that he even shares this in his story, just wants to show you off.
It’s been months since you started this new account and you are beyond enjoying it, loving every second of it.
You’ve even got yourself into a little routine, and you’re doing very well for followers even though that’s not why you started doing it in the first place. But you’ve grown to be quite fond of how amazing and supportive your followers are. Especially when they throw ideas your way. 
You’re creating another new make-up look at your vanity, applying your eyeshadow and your phone starts to vibrate viciously with notifications, at first making you smile at first seeing the notifications rack up.
‘This look is amazing! Can’t wait for more.
‘You’re so talented!’.
‘Oh, to be as pretty as you!’.
‘Whoever your partner is, they’re so lucky’.
Everything seems to be going amazing so you place your phone back down to continue adding to the art on your face, even with Jooheon behind you on the bed on his phone, but occasionally looking over at you with the sweetest grin on his face.
“You’re so pretty, baby,” Out came the compliment in such a soft voice as you momentarily pause, turning to face him, blush started to appear on his cheeks when you smile back at him.
It was the worst time to let him butter you up, throwing you off a little as you start to have a small giggle fit, “Don’t compliment me, babe. I’ll get big headed”.
That’s all that matters to you, is what he thinks of you and he thinks the world of you, making you content in your relationship and confident in yourself also. 
You couldn’t help but laugh when he starts to giggle more, hearing him shuffle behind you but not expecting the sudden back hug he gives you, almost making you brush bright blue eyeshadow down your cheek.
“Baby!” You whine, placing the brush down but your whine turns into laughter when he starts peppering kisses on your neck lightly, “I’m trying to make a masterpiece, don’t ruin it!”.
You playfully slap his arm which gently rests over your shoulder as he notices your phone going off again.
“Can I look at your comments? I’m sure they’re all amazing!” The excitement in his voice is too cute to say no, nodding to him as you try and get back to what you were doing.
Giving you some space, he sits on the chair next to you, looking through your comments when another notification comes through, another comment on your post.
In an instant, his grin turns into a frown as he reads the comment.
‘Who let her have make-up? It’s not like she can make herself look any better?’
Refusing to let that ruin your mood, and he knows you’re going to get people being horrible to you eventually but right now? he’d hate for you to see it so with a swift swipe of his finger, the notification and comment are being deleted.
Luckily you’re paying too much attention to have noticed the change in his expression, only when he forces a smile as he hands your phone back.
“Everyone is being so kind to my baby, as they should,” He kisses your shoulder, then gives it a reassuring squeeze before leaving you to it, “Would a cup of coffee be nice right now?”.
“Yes please, babe. That’ll be perfect right now!”. 
Taking one moment to look at your progress, you can’t help but feel giddy about your work, being very impressed with how you’ve managed to pull the eye makeup off. 
Now it was time to add the eyeliner, however, you couldn’t help but notice your phone is blowing up with notifications, unable to hold yourself back from looking.
Again, you find the usual compliments and your heart feels warm from them all, but then you see it. The hate comments. 
It’s part of being on social media, you’ll always get negative people trying to push their own opinions without suffering consequences. You know this, but you couldn’t help but let the comments bring a lump to your throat.
‘You’re not talented, you’re ugly. Look at your OOTD’s, I would never let my girlfriend post photos of herself if she’s fat and ugly like you.
‘Instagram isn’t the right place for you. Maybe a farm would be better suited, cow’. 
Those have to hurt, despite trying your best not to get affected by them. You notice how your followers try to defend you and call these horrible people out and as much as you appreciate them, you can’t help but look at yourself in the mirror again. 
Starting with your cheeks, you start to nit-pick at yourself, poking at pinching your cheeks, down to your chest, arms, stomach and thighs. Tears well in your eyes as you consider how they might be right. 
Trying your best, you shake it off, reminding yourself that people like them will have what’s coming to them and their opinion doesn’t matter. You weren’t going to let an hour's work on your make-up so far ruin what you’ve accomplished the last few months in building confidence and happiness.
But another comment hits your notifications.
‘Why would you be happy with yourself when you’re fat? Come on, reality check, you shouldn’t be happy’. 
One that pokes at your weight once again, and the masterpiece you started to create on your face slowly gets ruined by your tears, you smudging your look with your hands as you wipe away the strays.
Rushing to grab a make-up wipe, you slump back into your chair, pressing it to your face as you proceed to take the make-up off, sobbing into the wipe as you struggle to fight away the bad thoughts of yourself that invade your mind.
Mid-cleaning your face, Jooheon walks back in and the second he hears your little sniffle, he places the coffee down on your bedside table and rushes over to you.
“What happened? Your make-up was so pretty, why are you crying?” His voice cracks, and seeing you cry pains him as he pulls you into a tight hug, your phone screen bright in his peripherals.
In an instant, he knew, and his heart jumps to his throat. 
“They’ve started, haven’t they?” He asks softly, acting oblivious to the fact that he already knew they had. 
Nodding into his chest, you sob a little harder, arms clutching around him tightly as he gently caresses your head, playing with your hair. 
“What did they say? Can I see?”.
When you nod into his chest again, with shaking hands, he reaches for the phone, already open to the hate comments that you had looked at over and over again, feeling himself boiling with anger.
“Hey, don’t listen to them. Please don’t cry,” He whispers, kissing your head as he slowly peels himself away from you just to cup your face in both hands, wiping away the tears with his thumbs. 
“But that they said was right, I shouldn’t have started this account. I’m not talented, I’m fat, I’m ugly...”
“No. No you’re not. They’re wrong. You started this because you love make-up and you wanted to show off your amazing fashion sense. I know this has helped you with your confident and it was amazing to see you glow and bask it in. You’re beautiful, you’re amazing and so talented. Please, don’t listen to them,” Jooheon begs.
“No buts, baby. You’re perfect. I love everything about you and you should love everything about you too. You’re everything a man could dream of, and more. I love you”. 
“I love you too,” You sniffle through the tears, forcing a smile as he softly returns one, pulling you in for another hug.
“Now, go wash up and come back, I’ll have an outfit picked out for you, let me be your photographer,” He cheers playfully, pinching your cheeks and placing a kiss on the tip of your nose. 
No matter what you could think of yourself, Jooheon would always see you as perfect in his eyes. And the way he looks at you reminds you that you’re more than just these silly little comments. 
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Tags: @scuzmunkie , @ateezreactionsandscenarios , @trashlord-007 , @fanfictrashlord-007 , @whatudowhennooneseesyou , @icyllic
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neo-percs · 8 months
DADDY KINK:: ( day 5 )
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WARNING:: daddy kink, unprotected sex, marking, biting.
SUMMARY:: in which you accidentally let the words slip in the middle of having sex with kyun, expecting him to be taken aback it was the complete opposite.
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You felt full, you had been on your third round sex with Changkyun with you thighs pressed against your chest, with a tight grip on the back of your thighs thrusting into you kyun felt so deep inside you it clouded his minds as he lets your moans and whimpers cloud his mind for hours. "Please- it feels so good" you moan as your death grip on the bed sheets had turn your knuckles pale.
"Yeah? It feels good? Tell me how you feel" he groans as his thrusts pick up inside you, the words had been practically caught in your throat as you let your eyes roll back in pure bliss not even realizing what you were babbling on about. "It feels so deep, please don't stop daddy- please" you choke out but once you felt his thrusts become more shallow you whine as your hands cling desperately at his shoulders, your nails dig into his skin leaving red crescent shaped indents in your wake.
"Say it again" he mumbled as he pulls your legs down over his thighs, your fries furrow in confusion "say what?" You ask oblivious to your previous outburst. "Say what you just said again" he repeats being more clear and obvious, he lets himself lean over top of you kissing your at the supples and unmarked skin on your neck, leaving behind red marks in the shape of his teeth and blossoming bruises in odd shapes.
Your breath caught in your throat as he kisses gently against your sweet spot your fingers trail into his hair you moan weakly as you realized the words that slipped from your mouth. His thrusts become more harsh "please don't stop daddy- it's so good" you gasp as your back arched against his bare chest. Changkyun's fingers dig into the fat of your thigh as presses you against the sheets pounding into you deeper you feel your jaw slack open and the utter pleasure.
"I'm close" you moan loudly not caring if your neighbors heard you— hell you don't care if people 10 blocks away heard, you were so immersed into the situation that the feeling in the pit of your stomach would snap at any moment. "Cum for me go ahead I got you" he whispered into your neck still high off the words that had reached his ears he was driving into you hard almost eager to make you cum.
Your legs shake as you whimper out a broken version of his name your back once again arching off the sheets as you open your mouth a silent scream begging to ripple through the walls as you cum. The feeling of you finishing around him has Kyun almost needy to finish your fingers gripping onto his black hair he thrusts once more before he spills inside you with a groan.
Waiting until you had both caught your breath Changkyun pulled out and rolled to the other side of the bed letting sweat roll down his temple he tips his head to see you practically tuckered out "daddy?" He asks with a huff of laughter you only shuffle away in embarrassment "shut up" you cover your face as it feels like your face is on fire. Pull your hands away from your face "it's okay, I liked" he says wrapping your arms around his arms around you leaning in close you close the distance delivering a kiss to his soft lips "it was so sudden I didn't even realize" you laugh against his lips.
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moonhoures · 8 months
All Of Me
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🕷️ kinktober — day 7: breeding kink / creampie 🕸️
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pairing: jooheon (monsta x) + reader (afab/fem)
genre: idol!au, mild angst, fluff, smut
warnings: 18+, minors do not interact, explicit smut, established relationship, unprotected sex, creampie, mention of pregnancy (but no actual pregnancy), mention of joo’s military enlistment
word count: ~2.1k
synopsis: you and your idol bf tenderly enjoy one more night together before his enlistment
a/n: dedicating this to my fav jooheon stan @carronpatrick 💕 hope you enjoy it 🫂 also, there’s not much of a breeding kink aspect to this, i’ve realized, so i removed that from the tagline 🙃
posted: october 7, 2023
kinktober masterlist
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So here it was. The day you had been dreading ever since you and Jooheon first started dating. On top of dealing with the hardships of dating an idol—a very successful and famous one at that—you also had to deal with his leaving for military service. He reminded you of it every once in a while, and for the longest time it felt so far away. But now the day had arrived on your doorstep with no remorse, no empathy.
“Don’t look so sad,” your boyfriend tried to lighten the mood as you two sat at the edge of your bed. He had come over to spend the night with you and pick up some of his things from your apartment. He was set to leave for his enlistment two days from now, so this was the last day you had him all to yourself until he would go, “Eighteen months will pass faster than you think. And it’s not like we won’t be able to see or talk to each other.”
“I know,” you put all your energy into speaking with no sign of distress, but your voice betrayed you with a wobble. Jooheon frowned a little, resting his arm around your shoulders as you started to sniffle and tears pricked at your eyes.
“I’ll talk to you as often as I can. That’s a promise. You remember I made you that promise the first year we dated,” he reminded you of that night. Of course, the memory was engrained in your mind like a movie you had just seen yesterday—most of your memories with him were. You recalled you two sitting on the couch, sipping on some beer and eating take-out. He had just finished a media run for Monsta X’s most recent comeback, and he had finally got a night off to spend with you. The topic of his enlistment came up and brought down the mood, but somehow Jooheon always knew what to say to make you feel better.
“_________, I promise, on everything I own and love, that during my enlistment I will use any means and any time I have to talk to you, first and foremost,” even a little tipsy, with his hands jokingly on his chest and in the air (respectively), he managed to say those words so sincerely. You had no choice but to trust his words back then. And even now, you trusted him with everything you had.
“I feel so dumb for crying. It’s not like you’re leaving forever,” you wiped your eyes with the back of your hands, and the smallest smile finally cracked your lips when his laugh sounded from beside you.
“Exactly,” he said, “I’ll be back sooner than you think. And I’ll be sure to set aside lots of time just for us. Just for you,” he corrected himself, pressing a kiss to your head. When you looked up at him, his eyes softened at the redness and teariness in your own. His hand reached up to hold your chin still while he leaned down to give you a tender kiss.
It was a wonder that Jooheon always knew what to say in every situation, but especially without saying anything at all. It was like he spoke with his body language too. Because the kiss he gave you then seemed to whisper it’ll be okay. His other hand holding your waist assured you i’ll always be here when you need me, even if i’m not physically here. The way he rested his forehead against yours after pulling away said i’ll always be yours.
“When you get back-” you started speaking tentatively, and to your surprise, your words came out more confident than before, “-we’re not leaving this bed for a few days, at least. You understand?”
His brows raised and his dimples made an appearance as he chuckled. He nodded, biting his lip subtly before replying, “I was already planning on that. Make sure you have the condoms stocked when I get back.”
As he leaned in for another kiss, your hands were holding onto the fabric of his shirt, feebly attempting to keep him closer, “But I wanna feel you when you get back. Not latex.”
You tried not to smirk against his lips when you felt a low rumble from his chest into his throat.
“Fuck, don’t get me started, _______,” he whined, his hand already going back to your face. His fingers caressed your jaw as his eyes traced between your eyes and lips. Everything in him was begging to have you in that moment.
“Come on, Joo. One more time before you go?” you breathed out against his cheek in between the kisses you pressed to it.
You could feel his breathing getting heavier, and one glance at his lap let you know he was at least considering it. You tested the waters by leaning down and kissing under his jaw, his weak spot. You hummed, “Please.”
Your boyfriend merely groaned in response before he was taking your face in his hands, bringing your lips to his in an abrupt, smashing kiss. He took control easily, you always melted into putty in his hands. You molded to him in any way he manipulated you. He had eased you onto your back, your thighs at the edge of the bed as he continued to make out with you fervently.
Despite how tender and careful he was in his touches, there was an underlying, waiting sense of ferociousness. Like he was waiting for the perfect moment to unleash on you. And you couldn’t wait for the moment to come. You tried to coax it from him, using your fingers to grip at his back. You urged him closer with the rocking of your hips, with the nudging of your feet against his ass. He simply chuckled at your attempts, finding you cute when you were so desperate for him.
He whispered sweet nothings to you as you both discarded your clothing, utters of how beautiful you looked. How good you would feel. How he already couldn’t wait to come back even though he hadn’t left yet. Before the sadness could settle in you again, you were moaning at the feeling of his bare cock resting over your pelvis. His lips peppered kisses all over your chest as his hand pumped his erection in preparation for you. He smiled to himself when you started to move your hips up, quietly exhorting him to fuck you.
“Are the condoms still in the drawer?” he asked you, starting to peel himself away so he could go get them.
You stopped him, hands holding onto his biceps for dear life, “We don’t need to use them. If this is the last time we do this before you go, I want to feel you, Jooheon. Just you.”
Your boyfriend’s dick twitched, and he leaned back down to capture your lips again. He was so whipped for you. His heart skipped a beat when he felt your body pressed up against his. When he heard the sounds you made for him. When he felt how wet you were already. His fingertips swiped up your slit, and he relished in the airy moans you let out before he circled your clit.
“I can’t wait to feel you wrapped around me,” he said, watching your resolve crumble beneath his touch, “It’s been so long since we did it raw.”
It was; over a year, in fact. And it nearly didn’t happen at all. The two of you were getting hot and heavy in his car one day on a road trip, and had gotten to the best part before realizing neither of you had a condom on you. After a minute of panic, you decided to say fuck it and went through with your actions anyway. But you lived in anxiety afterwards. You weren’t really nervous about getting pregnant with Jooheon’s kid, though being pregnant at all did make your stomach sink. But you were more so nervous about tarnishing Jooheon’s career and/or reputation. You wouldn’t be able to live with yourself if you were the cause of such turmoil. Luckily, you didn’t fall pregnant, but you two swore not to do it with condom again until you were both sure that’s what you wanted to do. Now just felt right.
“I want to feel you,” you repeated eagerly, getting impatient. You could feel him lining up at your entrance, his hand still stroking his erection.
“You’ll feel me, baby. All of me.”
Boy, did you. You sucked in a breath as he sunk between your folds, filling you to the brim with his thick length. You watched his face screw up with a disgruntled expression as he felt your tight walls constrict him. He forgot how good you felt like this.
“Holy shit,” he grunted.
You smiled, urging him to start thrusting by pulling on his waist with your hands. Your nails lightly dug into his skin. He hissed while he pulled out, barely keeping his tip in before thrusting back into you slowly. His hips bucked into yours in a growing rhythm. Heavy breaths and the sounds of wet kissing surrounded you two. It was like the two of you made lustful music when you made love. That’s what it always was with him. “Fucking” didn’t sound right to Jooheon. If he was going to have sex with you, he was going to pour in every ounce of his love and appreciation for you that he could muster.
He drilled into you, but his lips were soft and smooth in the way they touched your body, wherever they could reach. He made sure to tell you how good you made him feel and how well you took him. Little did you know that it was mostly because he could feel the effect it had on you. Every touch, every kiss, every word had your insides fluttering, your pussy clenching on him as if he would disappear if you didn’t. In a way, he was going to disappear, you supposed.
“I’m going to miss you so much,” you pouted, feeling that sinking sensation in your stomach as you felt tears welling up in your eyes again.
Jooheon’s hips faltered as he made eye contact with you. His orbs began to mirror yours briefly before he pulled himself together. He continued to thrust into you, softer than before, “I’ll miss you so much more, trust me. I’m gonna think about you every second of every day. Gonna count down the minutes until I can see you again.”
“Joo,” you moaned as you felt your climax building in your lower belly. Your leg muscles were tensing up from the impending sensation.
“Baby,” he whimpered, on the brink of his own release. This was the only bad part of not using a condom; you felt too good. There was no way in hell he could last as long as he usually did. All he could do was hope that you would want round two, and maybe a round three, or four . . .
“Want you to cum inside.”
“I will,” he nodded, eyelids closing tight as he shuddered. He was so close, “Gonna take it all?”
“Mhm,” you hugged around his shoulders, drawing him close until his forehead was on yours. He pressed a haphazard kiss to your nose out of passion, and you chuckled softly.
“Fuc-“ he couldn’t even finish before he was cumming, painting your core. He shook under your touch, his strength wavering under the weight of his orgasm. “Holy shit, that feels so good. You feel so good. I wish you could feel this the way I do.”
Your head was spinning from the way he talked you through it. You could only moan out his name as you came after him, his warmth filling you up sending you over the edge, “Oh my God.”
“That’s it,” he kissed your neck, then he leaned down to hug you properly. It felt oddly nice having his body weight on you, like a comforting blanket.
You would miss this. Not just the love-making, but all of it. Him. You would miss him. It was hard enough being away from him most days due to his job, but having him be unavailable for long periods of time was going to be a form of hell. All you wanted to do was have him like this all the time. All to yourself. You wanted to be able to kiss him and hold him whenever you felt like it. You didn’t want to worry about him up and leaving at any time for any reason. You wanted to have him completely. Was it still selfishness if it was out of pure, uncontainable love?
“Eighteen months,” you didn’t realize you had said it out loud until Jooheon pulled away to regard you with a crestfallen nod.
“Eighteen months,” he confirmed. You prayed that it would be the fastest year and six months of your life.
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— taglist #1
@jaylaxies @xiaoting999 @kookthief @zaddywilk @wonrangwoo @pedriswrld @ikykleeknowww @abby-grace @odisdad @jungwonloveer @pinklemonadeflav @celestialplatinum @luvkpopp @nlklstan @kisses4denji @jenos-eye-smiles @a-l-i-y-a @channiesprincess @bekah931215 @heerinnie @fairygirl18 @cinnikoi @im-ur-calico-cat @unlikelysublimekryptonite
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femdomlieeh · 11 months
Riding your thigh (m)
Sub!Monsta X ✧ Dom!Fem!Reader
WARNINGS—nsfw ✧ thigh-riding ✧ praising ✧ degrading ✧ dirty talk ✧ mentions of spanking, breath play & oral sex ✧ BDSM ✧ pet names (mommy, babyboy, puppy, princess)
NOW PLAYING—vampire ✧ Olivia Rodrigo
[A/N.] This is unedited and I wrote this a long time ago but I want to prioritize my time and energy on writing new fics instead like
M.LISTS—random idols/groups ✧ latest updates ✧ read on wp
All rights reserved © femdomlieeh
✧ ੈ ✧ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✧‧₊˚** ੈ ✧‧₊˚*
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이호석 / wonho
Wonho's cheeks would puff up, as well as redden at your words. He likes it when you introduce new positions, and in return always acts all innocent with a flustered reaction as if he never knew those types of positions existed — but it's just an act. His cutie-like self would not question you at all; he'd smile and get on your lap without a word. To add more effect to his angel acting he'd maybe ask you about directions.
But once he got to action he no longer seemed like an innocent angel who didn't know what thigh-riding was. His hips would be grinding very seducingly — as if it were an erotic dance he'd practice for months — and his hands would be on your shoulders so there would be space between you so you could see him. He'd love to get praised. Praises would be motivating. This boy would love it so much he'd continue riding you even after cumming if you allowed him to. His stamina comes in handy.
"Should I take my clothes off or keep them on, Mami?"
After your answer he got on your thigh and sat down, ready for fun time.
"Am I doing this right, Mami?" he asked innocently, fully knowing he was a pro, because he wanted praise.
He will not admit that he's a dirty boy. No way. He'll still act like he's too pure to know what thigh-riding is, but every time he gets back on your lap he proves your theory of him being a freak to be true. Despite craving to ride your thigh again, he'll wait for you to tell him to do it instead of asking you. If you want to mess with him you can refrain from ever bringing it up. If you rile him up enough his innocent bubble might burst and he'll beg to get on your though again. Innocent angel? Pfft.
... ✧ ...✧✧✧✧✧✧
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 손현우 / shownu
Hyunwoo's a softie, but he likes it rough. He knows that if he ever were to ride your thighs he wouldn't be able to go any different. Thus he'd be worried of actually getting off too hard on your thighs :C He'd be blushy and try to slow down, even if it wasn't enjoyable for him. You'd have to encourage him and grab his hips and physically make him ride your thigh harder and faster. After a while of seeing that you're completely fine, he'd get more comfortable and let loose of the tension he was previously feeling. The effort he'd put into it would be shocking since he's so shy and 'innocent'.
"B-But, Mama," he stuttered as his cheeks reddened.
"But what, Babybear?"
"I-I don't wanna hurt you," he looked down insecurely.
"You've been such a good boy this week, you deserve to get off on my thigh. Now listen to Mama and ride, okay?"
"Ye-Yes, Mama."
In the future, he would get flustered even at the mere mention of the first time he had ridden your thigh. And because of the embarrassment, he won't have the courage to ask you to do it again. If you asked him to do it again, however, he'd gladly do it (still blushing as if it were his first time, of course). He'd say he'd do it 'because he's a good boy', but the truth is that he had wanted to do it again ever since the first time.
Progressively, he'd feel more easy-going about it, and would muster up the courage to ask you if he could do it again. He'd be stuttering during the little speech that he had prepared beforehand and his face'd become red if you allow him to. Thigh-riding will only be occasional because it's his guilty pleasure and he feels abashed about asking you — but he'll give his all any time he does it. Take the first step for his sake.
✧... ✧ ...✧✧✧✧✧
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이민혁 / minhyuk
Minhyuk is the human version of a puppy. He would get on your lap and hump you like there was no tomorrow. Boy has no shame and is always up for the dirty.
"Get on my lap."
"Okayyy~" he sang cutely.
Baam! In a second he was sitting comfortably on your lap like you ordered.
"Now ride it, Puppy."
He grinned.
"Okay, Mommyyy~"
Not caring enough to take time to dedress when he's horny, he'd be the one to do it fully clothed. You would maybe need to slow him down, because his great excitement would make him go crazy on your thigh. Guide him through it.
If he doesn't listen to you, give him a spank and he'll be sure to listen. After a while into it, he'd take off his shirt or drag down his collar so you could give him some hickeys. Your attention and affection is important to him. Your hands guiding and caressing his body, your lips and teeth nibbling on his purple skin would be the only way to get him to cum.
"This is so much fun, Mommy," he moaned and arched his back at the sensation.
He threw his head further back to give you more access to his neck. Panting, he managed to say what he wanted the most during that moment: "M-Mark me, Mommy. Please, please, please—"
He will act like such an adorable and good boy for you if it means that he can ride your thigh in the end. From calling you Mommy in sweet scenarios to giving you head without wanting anything in return — he'll do everything to prove that he deserves it. He'll love to do it randomly too. Imagine watching a movie with him on your lap and he suddenly starts grinding slowly on you and whimpers out pleads.
✧✧... ✧ ...✧✧✧✧
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유기현 / kihyun
Kihyun's eyes would pop out. He'd be shocked people even do that, because he's a pure, holy child of God. It wouldn't take long until the stupefaction would turn into shyness. He'd be so flustered and ask you if he heard you right just to make sure his brain hadn't messed with him. Oh boy would he become even redder after you confirmed he'd heard you right. You'd have to lead him through the whole process or else he'd just sloppily ride you with insecure thoughts hunting him. In a very foreign situation like this one he'd need you to tell him what he should do and what he shouldn't do.
He'd be very obedient and would flush at any compliment you gave him, but on the inside he'd feel very sexy and confident in himself at the praising. By the end of it he'd be back to being pure and holy and would deny that it was indeed very pleasant to ride your thigh. But when you two'd go to sleep that night he wouldn't be able to stop thinking of it as he reluctantly smiled.
"You want me to w-wHat?"
"Ride my thigh."
"A-Are you for sure?"
"Yes. Now."
"I— Uhm— Okay—"
Sheepishly he followed through your command.
"Good boy."
"T-Thank you, M-Mommy."
He will never admit that it feels good. The only time he ever could go against himself and actually admit he was into it will be when he's very, very, very needy for your thigh — which is very rare. But you could also find out that he's into it if you find him watching thigh-riding porn, which by the way would result in him not being able to look you in the eyes for at least a week. It'll be better for you both if he himself tells you that he likes it. And if he does decide to tell you one day, he'll expect you guys to start doing it often.
✧✧✧... ✧ ...✧✧✧
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채형원 / hyungwon
Hyungwon would get on your lap and look you in the eyes confidently. He's often sassy and shit, but in the bedroom his missions are to impress you and satisfy you — he'd still be a power bottom, but he'd be a nice, not-too-bratty one. You'd have to grab his butt with one hand and choke him with the other, or else he'd physically bring your hands to where they should be. If you called him something other than Princess he'd tell you off. He's the definition of thigh-riding Princess. Since he wants to be a good Princess he'd need you to tell him he is one.
If you didn't praise him enough he'd think he didn't do good. But he wouldn't become sad about it, instead he'd ask you for guidance. By the end of the session he'd be tired and want the Princess treatment — cuddle him and let him sleep on top of you.
"Wanna take a ride?" you asked and patted your thigh.
"Of course, Mommy."
He made his way to you and plumped down on you, putting his ass out in an arch.
"This—" he looks down at your lap and up into your eyes, "—This is my throne."
He will start sitting on your lap more often. Both because he wants some lovey-dovey time and because he wants come touchy-touchy time. If it's the latter he wants, he'll move a little against you to send you signals of what mood he is in, even if it makes him a bad Princess. Another occasion he'd sit on your lap would be when he's jealous and wants to show that he obviously is your Princess. Back to the thigh-riding, he'll make it your routine to do it at least once a week, because it's his favorite form of masturbation.
✧✧✧✧... ✧ ...✧✧
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이주헌 / joohoney
Jooheon would love the idea as soon as it went past your lips. He's always up for anything Mommy wants. But he'd feel like he needed to put on a show for you and would thereof feel pressured to be good enough for you. Confidentally, he'd get on your thigh, but when it came to actually riding you thigh he wouldn't be as confident since it's his first time doing it on you.
He'd try his best and be as cute for you as possible, moaning out your name, telling you how much he appreciates you, pecking your neck as he hides in it — everything to prove to you that he loves you. If you say something filthy in return he'd keep his head on your shoulder and wouldn't look at you for a while out of embarrassment. If you praised him cutely, however, he'd get giggly and encouraged to continue showing how much of a good boy he is for you. He'd be so exhausted after he cummed, because of how much work he put into it. You better give him nice aftercare.
"Your thigh is so nice, Mommy," he whimpered out.
"You're doing so good, Honey. Only you can look this pretty riding my thigh."
With deeper dimples from smiling, he fastened his pace.
At first he'll only do it if you encourage him to, because then he knows you like it too. Eventually after you've requested to do it a couple more times, he'll become confident and start surprising you every now and then. It'll both be sexy and cutie time. He'll be able to make thigh-riding cute with his small whines at your praises and with his fluffy hair sticking to his forehead. If you don't cuddle afterwards he'll become pouty and cross his arms until you hug and kiss him.
✧✧✧✧✧... ✧ ...✧
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임창견 / i.m
Changkyun would be like 'finally she asked me'. Like this is something he's wanted to do for so long. No matter how cute he is, he is not innocent at all. Just the thought of rubbing himself against your thigh, whilst looking into your eyes, and moaning for you turns him on. He'd be a little bratty at first, because you didn't want to do it earlier on in the relationship.
Out of all the boys he'd be the one most likely to ask you if you two could do it. Anyway, he'd be a soft boy and would want affection such as kissing, touching, or just praising words, from you at all times. He'd also love it if you helped him by keeping your hands on his hips or if you grinded your thigh up against him. After cumming he'd stop being whiny and would instead be fully satisfied.
"Took you long enough, Mommy."
"What do you mean?"
"I basically live on your lap. I want to be on your lap all the time, Mommy. Whether it's for cuddling or humping," he whined and pouted dramatically with crossed arms.
"Come here, my Babyboy," you said and opened your arms for him.
He kept arms crossed but still listened to you.
"Show me what you want to do on my thigh," you whispered and pecked his pout.
His pout turned into a dimpled smile.
"Okay then, Mommy," he whined softly.
Oh how he was going to enjoy every single moment of it.
He'll ask you to do it again for sure. He's very submissive and baby-like and isn't ashamed of himself or his sexual preferences. If you denied him he'd be all pouty and whiny, and would complain along the lines of 'But I've been a good boy~' and 'Why not, Mommy? I thought you loved me.' Let him ride you for fuck's sake. He's a good boy and he deserves it. He also deserves the best cuddle sessions afterwards.
✧✧✧✧✧✧... ✧ ...
❝ And every girl I ever talked to told me you were bad, bad news
You called them crazy, God, I hate the way I called them crazy too
Went for me, and not her
'Cause girls your age know better ❞
—olivia isabel rodrigo; 2023
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silv3rswirls · 5 months
Their s/o likes to play with their hair
Requests are open!
Notes: sorry this is so late anon! I took a little break from requests, but I’m so glad you enjoy my writing. I hardly ever get requests for the boys but I’m so happy when I do! 💕
Anon asks: Hi, I saw that you opened the requests for the boys from MX, I have a lot of ideas but I don't want to be a bother 😅, so I just picked the one I thought was the most adorable: Like how would they react when you pet and play with their hair? Do they get sleepy, feel calmer, or just get annoyed that you messed up their hairstyle? Lol Also, thank you so much for including Wonho in these, i miss them all together 🥹 sorry for the long text, i love your imagines💟
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While he doesn’t understand your adoration for his hair, it feels so nice when you pet through it he forms mind at all. He’s always giving you head pats in return <3 He’ll definitely fall asleep while you do it though, and oftentimes asks you to do it to help him fall asleep.
He likes to wrap his arms around and lay against you as you okay with his hair. He finds it so endearing, he’ll let your hair back or draw little shapes and squiggles on your leg as you both talk for the evening.
He cherishes any and all affection you give him. It feels so nice to have you aimlessly playing with his hair. No matter how long you’ve been together his face always gets a little red when you do it, or just dote on him in general.
He’s always ruffling your hair so you decided to do the same for him. He pretends it’s annoying and you’re messing up his hair, but you both know he loves it. He sighs in content and falls asleep fast cuddled in your lap after a long day.
He thinks it’s silly, but doesn’t mind. He really only wants you to do it when the two of you are in bed, talking about your days and drifting off to sleep. It’s not his favorite display of affection, but as long as you’re with him it doesn’t matter.
He doesn’t mind and finds it cute if you’re part. He’s known for picking at your hair and telling it around as well. It makes him feel loved and all soft, it puts his mind at ease.
He loves any and all love you give him. He’ll lean into you, snuggling closer as you okay with his hair. It’s gentle quality time spent together. He’ll let you do whatever you want with his his hair. Gently twirl it, place tug it, twist it into little pigtails, or decorate it with your hair clips.
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lubbuub · 8 months
sweet, gentle fingering from jooheon pls
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imagine being between his legs while he places sweet kisses along your neck. feeling the warm breeze from the cracked window, the smell of the vanilla candle burning on your nightstand, and the partynextdoor slight drowning out your moans. his fingers deep inside you curling at the soft wet texture, you called your g spot. his free hand occupied by your hard nipples twisting and pinching at them. hearing him talk you through it asking if it feels good, telling you that you’re a good girl. rolling your hips to feel his hard bulge underneath you, knowing he’s ready to explode at any moment. “f-fuck.. i’m gonna cum” are the words that come out of your mouth as you feel the overstimulation building up in your stomach, your body jerking at the soft movements of his hips bucking up to match your rhythm as he leaves trails of purple-reddish bruises down your neck and shoulders. your breathing getting more heavier as you looked down to see your cum painted all over his fingers.
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breezybangtanbebe · 5 months
💭❤️‍🔥Boyfriend Hoseok❤️‍🔥💭
The Gentle Giant Boyfriend
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Hoseok is no stranger to attention. Everything about him, from his handsome face and healthy physique to his fashion sense and warm personality, he attracts just about anyone with eyes and a pulse. But everything was different with you.
You werent one of the typical cases fan girling over his persona or obsessing over his body parts. (something I honestly think is a big ick for him but he just tolerates it because of how much of a people pleaser he tends to be.) 
On your first date, you barely even looked at anything below his chin and held him in your eyes for most of the conversation..
"You have really pretty eyes.." you remarked, stirring your drink mindlessly with your cheek resting in the palm of your other hand.
Hoseok's mouth twitched in a tiny reluctant smile of confusion. He too toyed with the straw of his drink, mashing the ice cubes about before taking a sip.
"Um..thank you." he swallows, blinking as if he were on the brink of choking. It wasn't hard to fluster him, you picked up on that early on when you met him at that pottery class you took up as soon as the pandemic was over. Any reason to get out of that apartment that felt even smaller when you had no where else to go.
It was his eyes that caught your attention first, mainly because it was all you could see of his face since the mask mandate was still enforced. Apart from his hulking frame under his oversized hoodie and the way his massive legs made the stool he was perched on look like it was designed for a child, there was a soft innocence there when he focused his fingers on the sepia ball of clay.
When he wasn't focused, those eyes had a way of finding you on the other side of the room, looking away bashfully when you felt his stare..
Crinkling cutely when the teacher made a joke.
Widening comically when the perfectly shaped bowl he was working on collapsed into a squishy warped ball of disaster.
This went on for a few weeks before he finally worked up the nerve to sit beside you at the beginning of the next class, introducing himself. Up close, you got an even better gauge of his size.
"Good lord he must work out every day.." you thought, but its only on your mind for a second after resuming eye contact when he asked you a question.
The most gorgeous combination of browns melded in the ridges of his irises. From afar you couldn't notice but this close, you couldn't see anything but those eyes. Eyes that told so much about a man you hardly knew.
It was you who asked him for his number despite him being the one to ask if he could see you again outside of class. So you did, grabbing tea and coffee at the bakery near the pottery studio.
"Youre blushing again." you smirk triumphantly and Hoseok immediately resents himself for being such an easy read. Without his mask to hide behind, you were given a full view of his face that was as equally charming as his eyes.
The colored apples of Hoseok's cheeks lift slightly as he shook his head in pure denial.
"No Im not." 
"Im looking right at you. What do you mean?" You tease and Hoseok tucks his lips against each other to fight his bodies natural response to flattery.
"Its the steam from the tea or something, I don't know.." he shakes his head again, turning his head at the bakery's door chime as a few customers walked in and you couldn't help but think it was to hide the way his blush worsened. There was no steam. He wasn’t even drinking tea so the excuse was as ridiculous as it was adorable.
It made you smile knowing he was this affected and you vaguely wondered what else your attention to detail could do.
"If you say so.."
You were different to him because you saw him in ways others didn’t. No one compliments a man’s eyes when all attention is on his body. The amount of times he caught women and men alike struggling to keep eye contact when he wore a fitted shirt that accentuated his upper body. And while he did work diligently to achieve such a body, it felt good to be seen and not just something to look at. Which in his profession,was often a feeling he faced.
Water signs tend to be very emotionally connected and Hoseok will know what youre feeling before you say anything because he's just that observant. That's just him. He can walk into a room and get a gauge of everyone's energy and while he may not show it, he's affected by it.
He appreciates a person thats similar. Someone who can tell when he's bothered or uncomfortable but too polite to express it. He appreciates someone who can anticipate his needs the way he will anticipate yours. And he absolutely would. If you like coffee in the morning and he's up before you, he puts on a pot because he knows you hate waiting for it. He'll put things within your reach without thinking about it. He’ll cover sharp corners with his hand if you bend down suddenly too near them. Just a quiet caretaker.
He's very emotionally intelligent (it took him going through ALOT to get this way) , and he too has very little patience for games or things that don't make sense. So talk to him about your feelings vs acting impulsively. Don't push him away when you're upset. He may chase you for a little while but if you're not reciprocating his energy , he'll lose interest.
Very reserved in front of others because he's just polite but will hold your hand and kiss you proudly in public. He keeps it cute though, nothing outlandish.
He is the jealous type so if someone is looking at you a bit too hard, expect him to mark his territory with one of those little kisses. Or a few.
In private, He's big and warm and soft and hard all at the same damn time. Hoseok loves cuddling,prefers to be the big spoon most of the time because he feels like he's protecting you but occasionally enjoys curling his big ass into you while your massage his scalp until he falls asleep.
He's much more touchy feely. Lots of stolen kisses and booty grabs. Although I predict that you'd be most inclined to want to touch him all day because...well. Look at him🌚
It was a day worth shutting the world out for. Raining and relentless. Plans were cancelled ,alarms were snoozed and clothes were optional at Hoseok's apartment.
Its been several months since that day in the bakery and those routine meet ups next door to the pottery class evolved into evenings spent at his place. He'd been to yours plenty but you preferred being with him at his because his felt more comfortable. 
Plus he had all the snacks.
The morning light creeped its way despite the sun being hidden and the bed felt much too big when he wasn't in it. So after pulling on one of his t-shirts and slipping into his bathroom to freshen up, you were relieved to find the object of your desire in the kitchen.
He's shirtless with his magnificent back on display for you as you watched him busy with something on the counter. His hair was wild, sticking up in all directions and his pajama pants hung just low enough on his hips for those two delicious dimples to be visible.
You stepped silently over the warm wood floors, one bare foot after the other until you were creeping up behind him.
Hoseok flinched a little when you snaked your arms around his waist but he soon relaxes at the feel of your lips pressing against the middle of his back.
"Hi.." you grumble against his warmth, skimming the tip of your nose over his skin. Hoseok chuckles softly as one of his hands covers your two that clasp below his naval.
"Morning. Did I wake you?" He looks over his shoulder and you shake your head, pressing your cheek against his shoulder blade.
"Just missed you." You respond sleepily and the sound of it has him chuckling softly.
"Ive been up for less than ten minutes.." he chides and you shrug.
"10 minutes too long. I got cold. What are you doing anyway? I thought you had nothing to do today." You mumble, peaking around his body to spot him organizing several different types of capsules into little baggies.
"Im putting my supplements together for when I go out of town next week."
"Oh yeah.." you say. You return to nuzzling his muscular back, settling in the dip of his spine between his shoulder blades with a solemn sigh.
Detecting you sulking, Hoseok takes one of your hands and pries it from his tummy to lift towards his face.
"Its just a few days. Don't pout, big baby.."
A gentle kiss to your knuckles was all it took to send a tingle through your body, making you tighten the back hug you had him in . Your affection evolves due to an intrusive thought and you accentuate the embrace with an unexpected bite of his flesh. Your teeth pinch a healthy bit of skin between them and you pull back on the release.
His yelp makes you snicker evilly and you soothed the faint toothmarks with a few kisses before pulling away from him.
"Look who's talking.." you tease.
He didn't appreciate the way the temperature changed the moment you weren't touching him and he turns around, spotting you leaning against the kitchen island. This had to have been the moment he realized you were wearing nothing but his t-shirt, noting the stiffness of your nipples poking through the fabric.
His gaze drops from your breasts to your shapely thighs that were unsubtly pressing against each other.
With a sultry look in your eye, you smirked up at him as you hopped up on the marble countertop and spread your legs just enough to hint at your lack of panties. Not that any hint was needed.
If you had any on, it wouldn't be for long.
Hoseok seems like a massive giver. So he's not at all a selfish lover. Whatever your satisfaction requires, he's pretty open to it if its not uncomfortable. If any kinks, I could see some bondage or food play. Maybe some sensory deprivation. Hes not afraid of toys at all. I actually imagine him owning some of his own for his solo sessions.🌚
Not super dommy. If anything, he's a switch (both dom and sub depending on the mood). When he's the dom, he teases your body alot with whatever he has at his disposal.
He praises you heavily and rewards you. Would much rather do that than punish you, but if he has to, he confirms that all of those muscles aren't just for show. He'll never hurt you though, thats actually one of his worst fears so don't expect him to get TOO TOO rough. Some hard slaps on the ass and a hand around the throat might be aa far as he'll go with you. Even then, hes very careful.
As a sub, he's very bratty and mischievous. He wants the punishment 100%. He wants you to talk shit, scold him, pull his hair a little. He wants you to make him feel small even though hes literally a hulk. Some orgasm denial would drive him crazy. But once you finally let him cum, put as much into the aftercare as he would for you. Talk to him nice and touch him alot. Slow Kisses with lots of tongue.
He's an ass man. Touching your booty actually brings him some sort of comfort, like a human stress ball. In the morning, its customary for him to rub yours for at least a minute when he greets you. He probably enjoys eating you out from the back so he doesn't have to waste time bending you over after. I also think he's most attracted to thick women🌚. He just gives me that vibe.
Large hands grip your ass underneath the tshirt,holding you up with your legs wrapped around him as he walked you back to the bedroom.
Your lips suckle his bottom lip, making him groan and squeeze you when you lips finally part to invite him in. Hoseok wasn't a sloppy kisser by far, always intentional with each stroke of his tongue and little nibble of your lips. He's passionate and most dominant when his tongue needled its way in and massaged yours.
You let him in gladly, earning a grateful sigh from him as you sucked his tongue greedily.
That always turned him on and you simulated the way you planned to suck him off by bobbing your head slowly, slurping his tongue loudly and shamelessly until it's too much for him.
You giggled when he tossed you on the bed, bouncing against the fluffy white comforter as he climbed on top of you. He cages you under the canopy of his huge body and doesn't hesitate to snatch his t-shirt from your body.
Now that he had you naked again, his lips found every place begging to be kissed.
Your neck.
Your nipples.
That spot just below your breast.
With both of your hands trapped under his above your head, Hoseok teased your body with his tongue until your back was arching from the bed.
He was kissing a trail down from your naval to the mound of stubbly skin of your pelvis. You felt you needed to shave but Hoseok didn't give a damn about some hair. In some ways he preferred it because he could smell you so much better that way.
His chin grazes your clit and making you twitch, making him smile against your skin.
"That sensitive huh? What am I gonna do with you?" He teases, moving down to hold you at your hips. You lift up just in time to watch his tongue extend and flick a few times over the throbbing nub before sucking on it obscenely hard.
You called his name again but he ignores you, simply combining flicking and sucking on your clit in favor of paying you any mind.
Seems as though he had his mouth set on your pussy for breakfast from how he alternated between sucking your clit and tonguing at your hole.
He knew what he was doing and you could keep your composure anymore. Damn his neighbors, they would just have to hear you.
Your hand found its way to his messy bed head, tugging at the strands from the scalp. He moans with his lips wrapped around you, the vibration of his tone making your legs shake.
Without warning, Hoseok pulls away from your heat and pulls you up by your arm. He grabs you by the neck gently to kiss you as he was before. But instead of him tasting like mouth wash and strawberry yogurt, he tasted like you.
With your legs spread wide enough to fit his huge frame, you hooked them over his hips to lock him in place. He chuckles at the desperation he felt on your lips, guiding you down to lay on your back one more.
"What baby...what it is it?" He asks, eyes black as night on yours. Long gone were those innocent eyes you'd fallen for at first.
Hoseok reached between your bodies to pick up where he left off, strumming over you back and forth.
Back and forth.
Your mouth gaped in a gasp when he upped the pace, rubbing you so good that you were sure you'd cum any second.
"Baby..please yess yess yess.." you cry and Hoseok kissed your trembling lips casually.
"Feels good?" He asks and you hum in response.
"More?" He lifts his brow.
"More..more.."you pant, now gripping the hair at his nape. With that, his fingers slipped inside of you, fucking you slowly as his tongue found yours. You moaned senselessly amidst kissing and Hoseok only took that as you begging for his fingers to go deeper.
"Is this what you want, baby? Hmm? Want me to suck on this pretty pussy some more? Wanna cum on my tongue like you did last night?" He mumbles, planting another wet pussy flavored kiss on your lips as he awaited your response.
"Please.." you shudder, too lost in the way his fingers went back to toying with your clit to kiss him back properly.
But this was how he wanted you anyway and he was only getting started.
Love Language:
I believe our big boy is a Gift giver/receiver and Physical touch. The gifts don't have to be expensive (even though he will for sure spend his monies on his gifts he gives you), it just matters to him that you know what he likes and that you're thinking of him. And touch on that man. Big boys need love too.
Quality time is big for him as well. He just wants you around. It doesn't have to be for any specific reason. Just be there and exist with him.
Pet names/Terms of endearment:
Calls you his baby or his world. Not much in between. He's very playful and light hearted so you might be his brat or headache from time to time, but takes his relationships very seriously. You don't have worry about any fear of commitment with him. Once he's locked in, you've got him.
So dont hurt him please🥹 He's very soft hearted.
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<The other Boyfriends >
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etherealyoonghwa · 1 year
Monsta X Recommendations
feel better @moonhoures
He Calls You Clingy @blu-joons
‘til death do we part, changkyun @mxnrly
Babe @kimbapuhkidding
chasing love - two @peachoony
“Why can’t I ever get enough of you ?” @crabsxdragons
“Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?” @milfgyuu
Time for a Change @kwanisms
Jealousy @kwanisms
Give it a Chance @kwanisms
Close your eyes and hold out your hands @bebecue
Wrong Number @prettywordsyouleft
Affectionately Attached @jae-bummer
“You’re still here and I already miss you” @crabsxdragons
Ditto @svtcarat-exo-l
a blackout @shownusgfayoooo
Angel @eternalmx
Unknown Number @heartau
Fuck Away The Pain @seunguwoos
[10:49 p.m] @bearseokie
Friends Don’t Do That @welovekpopscenarios
I Only Hate You A Little- Part 4 @little-chimchim
Cruel Lips @little-chimchim
Borrowed @little-chimchim
Dating Jooheon would include @ultkpp-blog
When He Carries An Item Specifically For You @blu-joons
When You Feel Lonely @blu-joons
When He Gets Jealous Of Another Guy @blu-joons
When you confess your feelings to them @narika-a
Them crying in their s/o’s arms after a hard day @narika-a
Monsta X as the guy who hits on you in a bookstore @thesnowinthemountains
You wearing their shirt/sweater as pajamas @sugarjaee
Asking to call you baby girl @cho-ji-eun
First Time: Kissing @fymoanstax
Zoey Masterlist @k-llama-llama
Zoey Masterlist P.2 @k-llama-llama
"when I get home you better be on the bed waiting for me" @kpurereactions
Thigh riding @taexual
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purp1einmyh3ad · 8 months
POV: Changkyun is your boyfriend and he gives you random short but cosy calls just to nonchalantly share fragments of his daily life with you and include you in his space regardless of the distance and his busy schedule. Those little cyber dates include him showing you the Han river under the night sky and sharing the radiant sunset after work because you're still connected and under the same yet ever-changing sky, the same way your love stays the same no matter the changes of time and place. You're dating a Pisces Venus man.
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I cringed a bit but I liked this aesthetic and delulu is the solulu and I'm in my feels today, plus, this is tumblr, let me be ✌️😗
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tinytinyblogs · 11 months
Changkyun As Your Boyfriend
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(n.) A person who 90% of the time annoy you, and 10% of the time makes you forget the 90%
Monsta x masterlist here
When you and Changkyun get a couple tattoo, he will love to touch it and take cute pictures of the two of you together. He will even set your couple photos as his lockscreen, and he will smile widely every time he opens his phone. He will be so proud of your couple tattoo, and he will love to show it off to everyone. He will tell everyone how much he loves you, and he will always be grateful for the special bond that you share. Your couple tattoo will be a constant reminder of your love for each other, and it will bring you closer together. It will be a symbol of your commitment to each other, and it will be a source of happiness for both of you.
He will set his photos as your lockscreen without you knowing it. and once you open your phone and you will see his face smiling back at you. You will be surprised and touched by his gesture, and you will know that he loves you very much. He will do this because he wants to be the first thing you see when you wake up and the last thing you see before you go to sleep. He wants you to think of him every time you use your phone. When you see his face on your lockscreen, you will feel loved and appreciated. You will know that he is thinking of you, and you will feel closer to him.
He loves to send you cute texts, asking you about your day and telling you how much he misses you. He will often start his texts with "How was your day, baby?" or "I miss you so much." He will also tell you to take care of yourself and to eat and rest. He knows that you are busy, but he wants to make sure that you are taking care of yourself. He wants you to be happy and healthy, and he will always be there for you. His texts are always full of love and affection. He will often use pet names like "baby" or "honey" to show how much he cares about you. He will also send you pictures or videos of himself to make you smile.
He will prepare a date with you, making sure that he doesn't mess up. Even though you've been together for more than a year, he will still be nervous. He will want to make this date perfect for you, and he will want to show you how much he loves you. He will start by planning the perfect location. He will want to take you somewhere that is special to both of you, or somewhere that he knows you will love. He will also plan the perfect activities, making sure that you will have a fun and memorable time. On the day of the date, he will be so nervous that he might even be shaking. But he will take a deep breath and remind himself that he loves you and that you will love the date. During the date, he will tell you how much he loves you and how lucky he feels to be with you. He will also let you hear a song that he created for you. The song will be a beautiful expression of his love, and it will make you feel so special. By the end of the date, you will know how deep his feelings are for you. You will also know that he is the one for you.
He will give you sudden hugs everywhere when he feels like he wants to. This man will be so soft only for you. Sometimes, he will hug you from behind when you are cooking in the kitchen. Other times, he will hug you from the front when you are sitting on the couch watching a movie. He might even hug you from the side when you are walking down the street. No matter where he hugs you, you will feel his love and affection. He will hold you tightly and squeeze you gently. He will whisper sweet nothings in your ear and tell you how much he loves you. You will melt in his arms every time he hugs you. You will feel so safe and secure, and you will know that you are loved. Changkyun is a soft-hearted man, but he is only soft for you. He is strong and protective with everyone else, but he is gentle and loving with you. He knows that you are his soft spot, and he cherishes you more than anything in the world. If you are lucky enough to have Changkyun in your life, cherish him. He is a rare gem, and he will love you unconditionally.
Every time he sees you, he greets you with his lovely smile and says, "Miss me?" He knows that his smile makes you blush, and he loves to see your face turn red as a tomato. Changkyun's smile is one of the things that you love most about him. It's so genuine and heartwarming, and it always makes you feel happy. He is a truly kind and loving person, and you are so lucky to have him in your life.
This man is smart, you will wonder how he can be so smart. He reads you like he reads a book. He understands you and all your problems really well. You don't need to hide anything from him, he'll know right away when you're not in good condition. He can tell when you're feeling down, even if you try to hide it. He can see the changes in your body language, and he can hear the changes in your tone of voice. He knows you better than you know yourself, and he always knows how to make you feel better. He is always there for you, no matter what. He will listen to you when you need to talk, and he will offer you his advice. He will never judge you, and he will always be there to support you. You are so lucky to have him in your life. He is a true friend, a loving partner, and a wise advisor. You can always count on him, and he will always be there for you.
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marzmeltdown · 1 year
Bad Decisions
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⌦ Pairing: Prof!Changkyun (I.M) x Fem!Reader ⌦ Genre(s): Smut ⌦ Warning(s): swearing,, age gaps (changkyun's in his 30's readers in their 20's),, power dynamics,, exhibitionism (kinda),, nicknames (changkyun: sir,, professor,, reader: doll,, princess,, idk if slut constitutes itself as a nickname but its used,, ),, cream pies(pls be practice safe sex besties),, deep throating,, face fucking,, desk sex,, choking,, oral (m receiving),, Dacryphilia,, dirty talk,, spit eating (idk if thats what its called),, fingering,, humiliation,, ⌦ Word count: 2.66k ⌦ Summary: You're struggling in your history class, so naturally, you go to your professor for help. You weren't expecting to receive that type of help as well. ⌦ A/N: Listening to Hollywood Undead and Monsta X while writing this was an experience to say the least. I may or may not have written this for myself as well. Have y'all seen that tiktok of Changkyun pulling out of a parking spot w one hand? Twas truly beautiful. If there's anything you feel I should improve on in the future, don't hesitate to let me know! You can find progress updates on everything I write in my pinned post every Wednesday.:)
⌦ marz’s tag list ⌦ marz’s req form
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You cried as you looked at the exam grade displayed on your computer screen. You couldn't believe what you were seeing. D+, you had studied so hard; how could you have gotten such a bad grade? You sat at your desk with your knees to your chest, crying into them.
Your head flew up as you heard the door to your dorm room swing open, followed by your roommate's keys jingling as she walked in. She sat her bag on the floor beside her bed, oblivious to your crying until she took her headphones out of her ears.
"Oh my god, y/n, are you okay? What happened??" She asked, tossing her headphones onto her bed as she rushed over to you. You sniffled a bit, turning the laptop towards her with one hand while the other wiped away the tears that had taken residence on the tip of your chin.
"I got a D on my history exam," you said. It took everything in you not to scream with how upset you were; history was the only class you were struggling in. Which didn't make any sense to you, as you really liked history.
"What the hell? You studied so hard! You study more than I do!" Your roommate gasped, her brows furrowed in confusion and irritation as she too tried to wrap her head around how you could have done so poorly on an exam you worked so hard to prepare for. You sniffled once more, turning the laptop back to you and beginning to write your professor an email asking if he were free tomorrow during his office hours.
"I'm going to go talk to him tomorrow and see if there's anything I can do to get my grade up," you said, your voice slowly going back to normal rather than the shakey, upset voice you had when your roommate walked in on your crying session.
"That's a good idea. Mr. Im is a nice professor; I'm sure he would be more than willing to help you out." Your roommate said she hugged your side reassuringly before walking back to her side of the room.
Mr. Im replied to your email sooner than you had expected; he has always told students that as soon as 5 p.m. rolled around, any emails he had would be answered the following business day.
⌦ Mr Im:
ㅤThank you for reaching out regarding your performance in class, my office hours are open all ㅤday.
ㅤThank you, Mr. Im.
You smiled as you read the email, looking back at your roommate, who had gotten comfortable on her bed. "He's free all day tomorrow; hopefully we can get something figured out."
"That's great; I'm sure he will work with you about your grade," she reassured once more.
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You sighed shakily as you stood outside your professor's office. Rarely did you ask for help, so knowing that you were about to knock on Mr. Im's door to do exactly that made you nervous. After a couple deep breaths, you knocked on the door. You were worried that you'd knocked too softly until the door swung open, revealing your professor.
"Y/N, come in; it's good to see you." Mr. Im smiled, and you stood there in awe for a moment as you soaked in his smile. He was ethereal, and you felt as though you could stare at him all day if you could.
"Nice to see you too, Mr. Im," you stuttered, stepping into the room. It was neater than you had expected; every book on the shelf was in order from biggest to smallest, and the couch that sat against the wall looked untouched. His desk looked unused aside from the stack of papers on the left corner and a water bottle that sat next to his computer; the floor was spotless as well.
"What was it you wanted to talk about, y/n?" Changkyun asked, following you to his desk once he shut the door. You both took seats in the chairs opposite each other.
"I wanted to talk about my grade; it's not great," you said, rubbing the back of your neck nervously.
"I'm well aware that your grade isn't anything to brag about," he replied, leaning back in his chair.
"Right.." You said that, blushing a bit as you looked down.
"I suppose you're hoping I can help you fix that?" He asked, and his tone came off more condescending than he had meant it.
"Yeah, if you'd be so kind,"
"Well, if you paid better attention in my class, you might do better," he suggested. Your head snapped up at him as you looked at him with widened eyes. He smirked softly, beginning to speak as he stood up from his chair. "Don't act so surprised, y/n; I see how you stare at me during class; it's pretty obvious." He said, you hadn't noticed that he was standing right next to you until he gently took hold of your chin, forcing you to look up at him.
"It makes me wonder what's going on in that pretty little head of yours," he said, running his thumb against your bottom lip as he spoke. His voice had gotten deeper—sexier even, if that were possible. Instinctively, you parted your lips as you kept your eyes trained on him. "You and I both know that you're capable of studying for my exams, so I'll cut you a deal; I'll fix your grade if you do something for me."
Your professor seemed more talkative than normal, but you assumed anyone would be if they were discussing "deals" with another person. It was your turn to speak now. Before you could, however, his thumb found itself inside your mouth, pressing itself down on your tongue. Changkyun stood still as he waited for an answer, looking down at you with lidded eyes. You nodded in response to his offer.
Changkyun only smiled at this as his free hand worked at his belt. You moved your eyes to his hand as your hands reached up to aid him in taking his belt off. He jerked your head up gently, forcing you to look back up at him. "Eyes on me, doll."
Undoing the clasp of his belt and the buttons of his pants without being able to look at them seemed to be somewhat of a struggle. But the reward behind the zipper was worth the struggle. Changkyun moved his hand from your chin to your head once you pulled his pants down just enough for his cock to spring out.
You broke eye contact with your professor long enough to glance at his cock, your mouth watering at the sight. You brought a hand to pump at the base, looking back up at him as you began pumping his cock with a steady pace. His breath hitched slightly when you let your tongue run against the pink tip of his cock.
"Fuck, you look so pretty like this, princess," he breathed out as you took the head of his cock into your mouth. He gripped your hair roughly, forcing himself the rest of the way into your mouth. You did your best not to gag, though your efforts proved futile when the tip of his cock brushed against your throat.
The sound of your gag seemed to spark something within him as his hips began thrusting themselves into you and shoving his cock further down your throat. Tears began to form in the corners of your eyes from how harshly he was thrusting into you. The lewd sounds of your gags mixed with his groans of pleasure and the saliva being churned in your mouth filled the room. You were surprised no one had heard you two yet.
Just when you were certain your professor was only going to abuse your throat, he pulled out of you, pulling you to stand. Immediately, you leaned in to kiss him, the both of you hungrily attacking each other's mouths. Your hands found their way to Changkyun's collar, tugging him closer as you sat on his desk. Your fingers worked to undo the buttons on his shirt while his worked at the buttons on your pants. You mentally cursed at yourself for not taking your roommate's advice on the skirt she suggested you wear.
You pushed Changkyun's shirt off his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor, before aiding him in taking your pants off. His hand found itself resting against your heat as his thumb rubbed itself against your clothed clit. You whimpered at his soft teasing, bucking your hips against his hand.
"Patience, princess, I'll fill you up soon," he said against your lips, his fingers still teasing you through your panties.
"Yes, sir," you replied, whining when he pulled your panties aside to continue teasing your hole. "Just take them off," you begged, moving a hand down to push your panties off.
Changkyun chuckled at your impatience but obliged, pulling your panties off the rest of the way, his hand finding itself attached to your heat once more. "You're so wet already, doll," he commented, emphasizing his words by slipping his middle finger into your hole. A soft moan escaped your lips, and you pulled away from the kiss to let your head fall back.
You let your eyes close as your professor began to pump his finger in and out of your hole. You pulled your shirt off as Changkyun inserted another finger, the surprise causing you to drop your shirt onto his desk, letting yourself lean against your hand as his thumb rubbed itself against your clit once more.
"F-fuck, professor, please," you begged as your head fell back. His fingers felt like magic against the nerves between your thighs.
"Please what, princess? Use your words," he said, his free hand reaching behind your back to unclasp your bra. You were surprised at how well your professor did tasks with one hand that would have required a normal person to use two.
"Fuck me, please," you whined, your free hand gripping at his toned biceps. He smirked at your request, pulling his fingers out of you and leaving your hole empty momentarily as he reached into his wallet to grab a condom. Your head snapped up to look at him, and your hand flew up to stop him, looking at him pleadingly.
He looked at you with a confused expression, his confusion disappearing once you opened your mouth to say, "I know you want to fuck your cum into me just as much as I want you to."
You weren't sure where this new bout of confidence came from, but the look on your professor's face when you spoke went straight to your core. You could feel the slick beginning to run down your thighs as you bit your lip. He tossed the partially opened condom onto the floor along with his wallet before pulling you closer by your thighs.
"If you keep talking like that, kitten, I might have to take you home with me," he said as he took his cock in one hand, his other pushing your thigh up even more, causing you to lie on your back. You whimpered as Changkyun rubbed his cock against your folds, propping yourself up on your elbows to watch him.
"You'd like that, wouldn't you, princess?" Changkyun began as he slowly thrust himself into you. It took all the strength you had not to let your head fall back so you could watch as your professor's cock disappeared into your hole before reappearing again once you'd had time to adjust to his size.
You bit your lip as Changkyun began speaking again, painting a more detailed picture in your head of what he was talking about. "You'd like it if I took you home and fucked you like the little slut you are," he said, letting his hand rest against your throat, squeezing just enough to feel good but not enough to cause any serious harm.
You nodded in response, letting your body fall back against the desk so you could use your hands to hold your thighs open. "Yes, sir, I'd like that very much." You whined.
Changkyun wasted no time as he snapped his hips into you at a rapid pace, leaning his body against yours so you were eye to eye. The way his body pinned you in place prevented you from arching your back while simultaneously forcing your legs to rest themselves against his shoulders, allowing him to pound deeper into your walls.
You couldn't help the loud moans that came out of your mouth as his tip brutally hit your sweet spot. His hand moved from your throat to slip his fingers into your mouth, muffling any noises that escaped your lips.
"Be quiet, princess; you don't want anyone to catch us now, do you?" He asked, and his question, along with the taste of your slick still on his fingers, caused a whimper to fall from your lips. You shook your head, and the sight of you tasting yourself on Changkyun's fingers caused his dick to twitch inside you.
Only when he thought you were capable of controlling your sounds did he remove his fingers from your mouth, this time gripping at your jaw just as he had done earlier.
"I bet you let all your professors slut you out like this, don't you?" He taunted, angling his hips so every thrust would push the head of his cock against the bundle of nerves that had you seeing stars each time it was hit. His hand keeping a firm grasp on your chin prevented you from shaking your head in protest; he took this opportunity to spit into your mouth to further humiliate you.
His words and the act of him spitting into your mouth went right to your core, and your walls began to contract around his cock.
"N-No sir! J-Just you—fuck, I'm so close," you moaned, digging your heels into his shoulder blades in attempts to pull him closer. You reached back to grip the edge of the desk, effectively pushing the ungraded papers onto the floor.
"Go ahead, princess, cum on my cock," he panted, feeling the knot in his stomach begin to tighten as well. He propped himself up on his hands to give himself more leverage, his thrusts going deeper and harder than they had been previously.
It took a few more harsh thrusts on his end before the coil in your stomach snapped and you were sent over the edge. Your hand clamped itself over your mouth to muffle the wanton moan that escaped your throat as you felt your hole flutter against his cock and your arousal slowly ran down Changkyun's cock. You were positive he would have a stain there afterwards.
The tight grip your walls used to hold Changkyun in was enough for him to fall over the edge, a soft whimper escaping his mouth as he finished. He thrust his cum back into you a few times as he rode out his orgasm, his thrusts coming to a full stop, and he caught his breath before pulling out. He watched as his cum dripped out of your hole and down the side of his desk.
"Here," Changkyun said, handing you a water bottle as he helped you sit up. You weren't sure when he'd walked away, but he had already cleaned himself and adjusted his pants. You winced as you sat up, taking the water bottle from him.
"Thank you," you said as you opened the bottle, taking a sip. You watched as Changkyun gently wiped you clean with a few tissues he had taken from the box that surprisingly didn't fall.
He tossed the soiled tissues into the trash can beside his desk before he leaned in to whisper into your ear.
"I expect you to pick those papers up, and I was serious about taking you back to my place."
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blu-joons · 2 years
When Your Niece/Nephew Calls Him Uncle ~ Monsta X Reaction
A small hand tapping against his leg made Hyunwoo turn around, glancing down to see your nephew staring back up at him. “Are you alright buddy?” Hyunwoo asked, kneeling down to be at your nephew’s height.
Your nephew hummed as he extended his arm out to him, “Uncle Hyunwoo, can you open my sweet packet for me please?”
“Of course,” Hyunwoo told him, taking the sweet packet and tearing it open before handing it back to your nephew and watching him run away. As Hyunwoo stood back he was surprised to see you smiling back at him.
“Uncle Hyunwoo,” you sniggered, “that’s a new title for you.”
It took a moment for Hyunwoo to realise as he let go of a sigh, “it didn’t even register with me that he called me Uncle Hyunwoo, it just felt natural to say.”
“That’s a good thing,” you assured him, resting your hand against Hyunwoo’s arm. “I wonder if he’s going to keep calling you that now?”
“Maybe the sweets were a test,” Hyunwoo jokingly suggested, “to see how I’d respond.”
“Knowing Y/N/N, it wouldn’t surprise me.”
A loud laugh came from Minhyuk as your niece screamed to go higher whilst he pushed her on the swing. “Uncle Minhyuk, let me go higher!” She yelled out, only to realise Minhyuk was no longer behind her.
You were stood just to the side, looking anxiously between the two of them. “What did you just call me?” Minhyuk asked her.
“Uncle Minhyuk,” she whispered, feeling the swing slow down without Minhyuk helping it to move. “Did I do something wrong?” She then asked, worried by the look of surprise that was etched on Minhyuk’s face.
“No,” he quickly assured her, “you just shocked me, that’s all.”
Your niece’s smile turned up once again after Minhyuk smiled across at her. “You’re my favourite uncle because you make me laugh so much.”
“I’m already your favourite uncle?” Minhyuk asked her in surprise, “that was the easiest job that I’ve ever had in my life Y/N/N.”
“Is he better than me?” You couldn’t help but ask, “or is Auntie Y/N your favourite?”
“No way, Uncle Minhyuk is way better.”
You just managed to catch your nephew as he ran over to you to show you one of the drawings that he had done. “Is it a family portrait?” You questioned, struggling to make out what everything was on the paper.
Your nephew nodded as Kihyun took a look too, “it’s me and you, and Uncle Kihyun too when we went to the cinema last week.”
“I see,” you murmured, nervous to look at Kihyun beside you after your nephew’s sudden admission. “Since when has Kihyun been your Uncle Kihyun?” You asked as Kihyun remained quiet right beside you.
“Since now,” he excitedly chuckled, “he’s our family, isn’t he?”
You looked to Kihyun as he finally cleared his throat. “Of course I’m your family Y/N/N, I can be your Uncle Kihyun if that’s really what you want me to be.”
“Yeah,” your nephew cheered, beginning to talk you both through his drawing, unaware of your eyes meeting behind him talking together.
“Are you alright with being uncle?” You whispered, not wanting Kihyun to feel forced at all.
“I’m over the moon to be his uncle.”
There was a look of surprise on Hyungwon’s face as soon as your niece spoke to him, unsure if he’d misheard. “What did you just say?” Hyungwon asked your niece, wanting to check what he’d heard for definite.
Your niece ran back up to Hyungwon after beginning to walk away. “I told you to come and play Uncle Hyungwon,” she repeated.
“Uncle Hyungwon?” He quizzed, looking between your niece and then back across to you. “Don’t you mean Hyungwon?” He added, running his hand through his hair as he struggled to know what to say to her.
“Uncle Hyungwon,” she repeated again, “are you deaf or something?”
You struggled to hold back your laughter as your niece jokingly snapped across at Hyungwon. “She’s got a point, she’s said it plenty of times for you to hear.”
“I’m just surprised,” Hyungwon told you both, “am I going to have to get used to being Uncle Hyungwon from now on?”
“Yeah,” your niece excitedly told him, “you’re too nice to just be Hyungwon to me now.”
“Well, it’s an honour to be uncle.”
A puzzled expression formed on your nephew’s face as he read through the birthday card that you had written for him. “Why does it just say from Auntie Y/N and Jooheon?” He enquired, “not Uncle Jooheon?”
Jooheon knelt down beside him as he read through the card once again, “that’s because that’s who I am, Jooheon, aren’t I?”
“Why not Uncle Jooheon though?” Your nephew then challenged, leaving Jooheon speechless. “If you’re going out with my auntie then doesn’t that make you my uncle? I can’t just call you Jooheon, can I?”
“You want me to be your uncle?” Jooheon asked, “are you sure?”
Your nephew nodded in reply as Jooheon looked to you for a little bit of help. “I think it makes perfect sense, I should’ve written Uncle Jooheon on your card.”
“It’s all Auntie Y/N’s fault, don’t you think Y/N/N?” Jooheon added, unable to stop himself from berating you alongside your nephew.
“You two are a terrible team,” you scolded, “the worst uncle and nephew in the whole world.”
“We’re the best team in the world!”
He hovered behind you as the two of you entered your family home, greeted by noise straight away. “Y/N/N,” you called out to your niece as you watched her running around, deciding to quickly catch her attention.
Straight away she ran over to you both, leaping into Changkyun’s arms. “Auntie Y/N! Hi Uncle Changkyun!” She yelled out.
“Uncle?” Changkyun asked her in surprise, staring at her with a smile on his face as she innocently looked back across to him. “Am I uncle Changkyun now all of a sudden?” He then quizzed to make sure he heard.
“Yeah, you’re uncle,” she explained, “just like Auntie Y/N is auntie.”
Changkyun’s nervous eyes looked to you as your head nodded back at him. “Do you want to be Uncle Changkyun?” You asked him, worried that he was panicked.
“Of course,” he quickly responded, hearing the giggles of your niece right beside him, “I would absolutely love to be your uncle Y/N/N.”
“Uncle Changkyun,” she repeated, “don’t you think that that sounds super cool Auntie Y/N?”
“I think that it sounds the coolest.”
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spacequokka · 2 years
Monsta X Kinks & Turn-Ons
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@iibonniee​ Hide ya brain cells. I’m back with another kinky shit post that’ll likely end up with Monbebes throwing me in a closet.
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Hyunwoo || Venus: Gemini, Mars: Taurus || Turn On: Control
Mr. Traditional. Likes fun and variety with witty conversation. He’s a sensual guy, but it takes a lot to get him going. Try harder, baby. He can be romantically impulsive. Likes to please and tease at his own place. Just give him the reins, you know you want to.
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Minhyuk || Venus: Libra, Mars: Scorpio || Turn On: Foreplay
Mr. Idealistic. He’s willing to make your relationship by conceding and adjust his life to accommodate you. Loves to share everything with you, but don’t take advantage of it! Treats you exactly how he wants to be treated. Has a taste for mature partners. He’s a hopeless romantic who loves a challenge and finds it difficult to share his partners. Not saying he’s against it. Just might struggle to watch you. He’s attracted to “taboos” and wild fantasies, so share yours with him. Pretty sure he’s down to try it. He’s got stamina for days and enjoys submissive partners.
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Kihyun || Venus: Scorpio, Mars: Sagittarius || Kink: Shibari Bondage
Our resident kink master. He’s intense as fuck. That prince charming grin is a trap. “Isn’t afraid of getting his mind dirty.” Excuse me, wtf. Penny for his thoughts. Never gives up. “Strong sexual powers.” So he’s what, the Harry Potter of sex? I have several questions. He’s blunt and eager, amorous and sensual. We knew that tho. He tends to focus on his partner with laser precision and you know what requires that much attention to detail? Shibari. It’s its own art form and I can see him being a HUGE fan of it. He can get possessive to the point of jealousy if you don’t prove your loyalty to him. All the dom vibes. Fight me. Though he’s not incapable of giving you control once he feels secure enough in your relationship. Good luck.
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Hyungwon || Venus: Capricorn, Mars: Capricorn || Turn On: Someone willing to ride
The Pillow Prince. He’s a realist and will be “upfront” with you. He’ll try to win you over by showing you he has self-control (it’s a trap) and likely bait you into doing most of the work. He’s a romantic looking for a soulmate, and when he thinks he’s found The One, you’ll see him exerting more of his precious energy. Shy but willing to commit. Wants to show you off in a quiet way. And the sex? Keep it nasty if you can.
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Jooheon || Venus: Scorpio, Mars: Leo || Kink: Praise (Receiving)
No one is shocked by this. Has a strong need for a partnership. 🥺 Someone cuff him. Like Kiki, he gets possessive and makes it his mission to ruin you. Get you addicted to him through pleasure and commitment, body and soul. Sign me tf up. Wants to explore every inch of you, inside and out, but will guard his secrets until he feels he can trust you with them. Another guy prone to jealousy but it's because he’s so devoted to you and he’ll fight dirty to win your heart. Borderline nympho as he’s easily turned on (no fr, tell him he did a good job) and will give it to you anywhere (like, say the backseat of his car). Honey acts with his heart and goes all in.
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Changkyun || Venus: Pisces, Mars: Aquarius || Turn On: The Art of Seduction
Our Lone Wolf favors instant gratification except when it comes to choosing a partner, even if it's just for one night. He’s straightforward (ofc), dreamy and soft-hearted. Can be sweetly playful when he starts to fall for you. He does have a Captain Save-a-Hoe complex so you gotta make sure he’s attracted to you and not your situation. Expect lots of tender moments and romance. Extra points if you’re older. Likes surprising you with his open-mindedness. Don’t just give in; make him work for it. He’ll delight you with his wit and determination and turn you out in bed.
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Hoseok || Venus: Aries, Mars: Cancer || Kink: Breeding, Switch
Mr. Thirst Trap. This shameless flirt has a childish charm, and he uses it like a weapon. You will not survive. He loves to tease and is looking for an energetic partner to keep up with his stamina. Requires plenty of stimulation and likes to lead and please you. Just trust him. Reacts spontaneously and intensely to the Object of Obsessive Horniness and will make it known. Though he doesn’t want kids, he still gets a kick out of the thrill and possessiveness of stuffing you with cum. 
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iibonniee · 8 months
Don't Look Away
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Pairing: Lee Jooheon x Reader
Genre: Smut
Warnings: mutual masturbation, dirty talk, cum eating
Rating: R
Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: It was Jooheon who mentioned wanting to try something different
Masterlist | Tags: @beautifulworldandmore @kyunnielove @iamkyunie @doveslittlekpoparchive @dessianna1
It was Jooheon who had brought up the idea. It was abrupt, as all things seemed to be with him, but the idea was thrown out in the air as if it wasn’t something so blunt. His phone had caught his attention; one hand was lazily scrolling while the other rubbed her skin absentmindedly. She remembered what he said and how he said it almost too casually.
“We should watch each other masturbate.”
As far as Y/N knew, there was no building sexual tension to have sparked such an idea. She was well under the intention that her lover was bubbly and excited, having gone back and forth showing her silly videos he had found off his Instagram reels.
Her mind whirred, processing Jooheon’s proposition. He’d lightly tossed his bold suggestion into the atmosphere as if it were no different from the comical Instagram videos they’d been sharing. The transition was swift yet smooth, a testament to Jooheon’s ability to color outside the lines, to blur the boundaries between laughter and lust.
As Y/N mulled over his words, Jooheon’s fingers ghosted down her arm, his gaze dropping from his phone to fix on her face. His eyes, always so expressive, were filled with curiosity now, an inquisitive glint replacing the playful shine from mere moments ago.
“What do you think?” he probed, his voice barely above a whisper, tinged with anticipation and masked apprehension.
Y/N found herself surprisingly drawn to the idea. There was no previous arousal or suggestive touch that might have topped the proposal. Instead, flurry of emotions stirred within her, yet curiosity, excitement, and love for him toppled her doubts. But the more she thought on it, the more she enjoyed the thought of it.
“Let’s try,” Y/N replied, setting the unusual, intimate experience in motion. His smile was all the consent she needed, and soon, their laughter-filled living room transformed into a bedroom filled with shared whispers, lingering touches, and a mutual journey that would deepen their connection.
A layer of sweat already enveloped Jooheon’s skin, making it glow like molten gold. It was a sight that stole Y/N’s breath, the droplets of sweat forming a dewy constellation— a testament to the anticipation thrumming through their bodies.
Stealing seductive glances and catching each other’s lust-filled gazes fueled their rising passion. The tension mounted, its intensity reaching a peak bit by risqué bit. Jooheon’s hand danced across his body, his movements soaked in a guilty familiar rhythm. His eyes never left Y/N’s, tracing her pleasure-stricken expression with dark satisfaction.
Y/N, too, found her rhythm, a rhythm that was as sinful as it was enthralling; the provocative sight of Jooheon and the awareness of his burning gaze heightened the electrifying sensations coursing through her veins like sinful wildfire.
The air between them crackled with raw intensity, trapping them in a potent mix of unrestrained desire, liberal passion, and the electrifying thrill of embarking on a journey into the unknown—just another steamy night within the thrilling expanse of fun. Their shared exploration fractured the bonds of normalcy, creating an exciting world tailored to their adventurous desires.
Each ragged breath and deliberate wriggle of their naked bodies was a lustrous beacon of sin, ensnaring them deeper into the forbidden vortex of their mutual ecstasy. Their desires were on raw display, each gasp and squirm an enticing invitation to partake further in the voluptuous dance of their shared pleasure.
The graphic unveiling of their unabashed desires, amplified by the exciting novelty of the situation, added a sinfully exciting layer to their explorations. Each glimpse into each other’s pleasure and every tantalizing touch magnified the deliriously wicked nature of their game.
“Feel good?” Jooheon broke the silence, his voice hoarse with desire. A throaty moan was the only response he needed, Y/N blushing at his words and the sharp flick of her wrist.
Trapped in their mutual stare and the intimate exposure of their own pleasure, they flirted daringly on the ridge of a climax, far more thrilling than any pleasure previously discovered. Their erotic experiment etched itself into memory, branding its lascivious mark onto the very essence of their bond. The potent mix of sin and pleasure was weaving a whole new, thrilling chapter in the story of their relationship, stark and unapologetic in its raw intensity.
Unabashed by their shared gaze and salaciously absorbed in their individual pleasure, they danced daringly on the brink of an orgasm far more intoxicating than anything they’d experienced prior. This carnal exploration, searing itself into their collective memory, left a tantalizing impression on their relationship’s foundation, forever changing its essence beneath the weight of their shared sin.
“Do you enjoy watching me get myself off to you masturbating, Y/N?” Jooheon finally dared to break the silence again, his voice as rough as raw silk and thick with desire. The sight of her lost in the throes of self-service was breathtakingly sinful, a sight he had branded into his memory. “Look how fucking soaked you are. You’re leaking all over the sheets, baby.”
“God... yes, Jooheon.” The flush creeping across her cheeks and the wetness coating her fingers offered the only necessary response, her voice shaky but determined, echoing their shared sentiments. Each gasp, each moan slipping from their parted lips, weaved a detailed tale of pure, unadulterated pleasure, unshared with anyone but them.
The intoxicating aroma of their shameless deeds was painting an exhilarating backdrop to their connection, resolute in its untamed intensity and wickedly appetizing in its passion. The forbidden moments they were etching together, mirrored in each gasp and soft moan, became permanent lines in the sketch of their relationship.
“Watch me, Y/N,” Jooheon commanded, his voice thick with rising pleasure. His grip tightened, his movements a tantalizing spectacle under her watchful gaze. His muscles flexed beautifully, highlighted further by the wicked tableau they were part of. “Watch me fuck myself while I watch you play with your pretty pussy.”
Captivated, Y/N echoed his actions, her own crescendo of pleasure reflected in this mirrored exploration.
“I can’t tear my eyes away, Jooheon,” she confessed, her voice trembling like caught prey. “I can’t stop watching you.”
It felt almost like when they would fuck over a Facetime call. Jooheon was never one to shy away from being vocal or wanting attention on him. And when he had his cock out, he made sure she was always watching what he was doing. She enjoyed it. She loved the way he would tease himself and edge himself. Or seemingly how perfect his cock was.
Their erotically charged exploration escalated, inching them closer to the precipice of sheer delight. Their gazes entrapped, shared sighs echoing in the space around them, the erotic symphony they stirred together was peaking— a sensual collage splashed with uninhibited submission.
The climax of their mutual fun infused their intimate adventure with a decidedly scandalous edge, painting a sight as seductive as it was sinfully raw, just like their video calls where Jooheon’s desire for attention, his devilish tendency for self-tease, always had Y/N mesmerized. The same captivating scenario was at play now, except they were not separated by a screen but by sweat-soaked sheets.
As the two of them grew closer, Jooheon’s breathing staggered, a foreshadowing tremor before the pleasure wave washed over him. The evidence of his release coated his hand generously. He was panting, glancing up at her through hooded eyes and a smirk.
“Taste it, Y/N,” he commanded, his pupils dilated and consumed by lust. His assertion left no room for resistance, the greedy command a testament to their uninhibited play. She watched as he scooped up every drop of his cum onto his fingers, making sure not to leave a single drop. “Drink my cum.”
Her eyes widened momentarily, a murmur of surprise escaping her. But she quickly complied, leaning over to take his stained fingers into her mouth. The tangy taste lingered on her palate, her own climax shattering through her moments later in response to the salacious scene they were part of. Her body quivered as waves of pleasure coursed through her, leaving her spent and basking in the shared decadence of their lewd dance.
“Fuck,” Jooheon groaned out, his eyes not once leaving her dripping cunt as she rode out her high. “You’re perfect. Fuck. I’m ready for more. More of you. I need you so fucking badly again.”
His whines filled the room as he grabbed her and pulled her close. His lips were on hers in seconds, greedy and eager as he grinded into her, his cock now hard and ready for more.
“I promise you, Y/N. Tonight I’m going to fuck you so good.”
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silv3rswirls · 1 year
You give them flowers
Anon asks: Hii! I've been reading your content and it's so cute💖💖 I have a request if they're open, could you do monsta x's reaction to you giving them flowers? if you don't like the idea please feel free to ignore, thanks🌸
Note: Thank you 💖 I hope you enjoy!
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He wears a warm smile when you come to him with flowers. He thanks you and gives you a big hug. He finds the gift endearing and loves them just as much as he loves anything else you give him. You help him cut and vase them, he leaves them in a place that he’ll see every day.
Exclaims dramatically when you hand them over, says something like “Finally my turn!” He’s just excited to get them and appreciates that you thought to get him flowers. He plans to pick out the perfect bouquet for you in return.
He’s so happy when you give them to him. He’s grinning as he holds them, you should get him flowers more often; he’ll ask you too even. He gets a bit sad when they begin to wilt, but he takes extra care of them.
Being an idol he’s gotten plenty of flowers, but when it's from you it's just extra special. He gives you a big hug after accepting them. He immediately finds a good vase and puts them up in his room.
What’s this? He went to the studio to get some work done and you’ve sent flowers for him? He melts, why are you so wonderful? He’s content with them all day and sends flowers back to you as well.
A little shy to take them from you, it’s not something he expected you to give him. But he’s grateful for everything you give him. He thinks of what he should give you in return to give you the same warm, happy feeling the flowers gave him.
Loves them, treasures them, and wants you guys to get each other flowers more often. He loves them. He says thank you but thinks about them for the rest of the day.
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lubbuub · 8 months
hyungwon smut pls
just friends, right?
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the quiet ones are always the best ones.
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you're always hanging around the boys, its just you've never had an actual conversation with hyungwon, just some smiles and glances here and there. nobody would notice the way you both look at each other right..?
you both kept it cordial around the others, no one would ever assume you two would have anything going on. the heavy eye fucking you two were doing made it clear you both wanted each other, but you knew you couldn't have him anyways, you didn't want any type of drama between you or the guys.
you guys had been texting for about two weeks now, telling him how much you wanted to fuck him. you never knew he was such a freak, especially since he was just so quiet, he never said a word really. but when he told you to come over that night, you found out.
fucking him wasnt the ideal plan. you just came over to chill, but chilling turned into you wiping off the leftover cum painted over your face.
he watched your ass bounce perfectly, watching how you swallowed his dick, how you creamed on him. he bucked his hips up to match your rhythm, watching you crumble on top of him. he wanted to see your legs give out, wanted to see you struggling, knowing you were talking shit in the messages but of course not backing it up.
"you like when I stretch you out like this.. huh?"
no words could come out of your mouth, the only thing that was coming were you, and the moans spilling from your lips.
feeling both of his hands rest on each side of your hips as he drilled your shit even harder, your body could give out at any moment with the way your body shook, achieving your third orgasm of the night. his movements slowly stopped as he pulled out, you slowly fell back on the bed trying to regain yourself and your breath.
"if you think im done, im not."
he leaned forward, kissing your lips before sliding back into your sensitive pussy, hissing at the tight and wetness before him. he pushed your legs up to your chest, opening you up for him, wanting more access. he kissed you even more, down to your neck leaving his marks that were soon to bloom purple, down to your boobs sucking at your sensitive nipples. all emotions you had became blurry, the feeling of pleasure and pain mixed together felt like heaven. accepting the fact that he really was the freak he claimed to be.
your body arched off the bed as you reached your last and final orgasm, squirting all over him and his bedsheets and soon after he pulled out, stoking himself a little bit more, releasing all over your body.
tired, he laid down next to you hearing the words-
"were.. just.. friends."
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