#moishe postone
weil-weil-lautre · 1 year
Interview with Moishe Postone. On Marx, Value, and History, deutsche UT, Abend zu Postone 2/3
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naipan · 3 months
It is the responsibility of Western activists to know who and what they support and to distance themselves openly and decisively from programs and regimes based on violence and oppression. Why does this succeed when it comes to barbaric organizations such as the "Islamic State" or Boko Haram, but not in the case of Hamas? A reckoning with the shocking reactions of the global left to the massacre of the 7th October
Es liegt in der Verantwortung westlicher Aktivisten zu wissen, wen und was sie unterstützen, und sich offen und entschieden von Programmen und Regimes zu distanzieren, die auf Gewalt und Unterdrückung basieren. Warum gelingt das, wenn es um barbarische Organisationen wie den »Islamischen Staat« oder Boko Haram geht, nicht aber im Fall der Hamas? Eine Abrechnung mit den schockierenden Reaktionen der globalen Linken auf das Massaker vom 7. Oktober.
Essay von
Susie Linfield
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autolenaphilia · 7 months
An interview with Moishe Postone.
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edwordsmyth · 8 months
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Moishe Postone
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arlindenor1 · 11 months
A superação do trabalho: um olhar alternativo para além do capitalismo - Robert Kurz e Norbert Trenkle.
O texto “A superação do trabalho” apareceu em 1999 no livro Feierabend! Elf Attacken gegen die Arbeit, organizado por Robert Kurz, Ernst Lohoff e Norbert Trenkle, que reúne “onze investidas contra o trabalho” formuladas no contexto teórico alemão da “crítica do valor”.  Juntamente com o Manifesto contra o trabalho, publicado no mesmo ano, o livro é uma síntese das análises e polêmicas…
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shoujoegg · 8 months
you do NOT need to read the other gv books lmao, as someone who read and in spite of myself enjoyed them Leigh ATTEMPTED to do a critique of imperialism but she spread herself wayyy too thin and relied on a really sloppy ‘bad king gone good king remains nothing systemically changes’ ending. and i was forgiving albeit frustrated because again she was trying to embark on a lot of themes in a single series but then she released the nikolai duology and oh god it was so much worse
omfg that makes a little more sense and smthing ive always chalked up to be related to her world-building problems too? tbh id read the og trilogy just to understand how her grisha-as-jewishness in imperial russia allegory operates earlier in the series bc i find it (and its internationalization later on in the soc duology) intriguing in spite of all the problems hinged to such racial metaphorization. u could not pay me to finish king of stars tho i tried it once n idk wtf is going on there!
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fatehbaz · 2 years
Downtown Chicago is surrounded by three sides: the West Side, the North Side, and the expansive South Side, which is also the name and location of a TV series that recently completed its second season on Comedy Central. [...] [The lead characters] work for a corporation called Rent-T-Own. And what makes the show futuristic is that there’s no household object that South Siders don’t rent from Rent-T-Own. The toaster is rented, the lamp is rented, the Xbox, beds, and end tables; whatever furnishes a house is not owned, but rented.
What looks like sitcom surrealism here is also the direction the world is moving in. What Marx called the consumption fund -- domestic goods purchased outright and in full (in short, a capitalist temporality with a defined beginning and end) -- is increasingly out of reach for wages that have been flat or falling for decades. [...]
[M]any rent-to-own schemes and operations of our time do suggest that everything is, to use an expression devised by Carlo Vercellone, “becoming-rent.” In the Fordist days you had wages that rose with inflation (due to escalator clauses established by union–management agreements), but in the post-Fordist world you instead have to borrow your inflation-adjusted wage increase. This translates into consumer debt, which skyrocketed following the 1990s -- the decade of capital’s defeat of union power. Labor had no need for credit cards during the Trente Glorieuses following World War II. You actually owned your toaster, your fridge, your end table.
The twilight of this postwar period is the world of the 1970s TV show Good Times, which ran on CBS between 1974 and 1979 (roughly between the Nixon Shock that brought an end to the Bretton Woods system, and the Volcker Shock that initiated there is no alternative–style capitalist realism in the US). Good Times was set in Chicago’s North Side, which, like the South Side, represented a section of urban Black America. [...] In the twilight of the good times for America’s wage-earning class, [the lead character] is a product of the American Century [...]. This place is very different from the economic and social world that William Julius Wilson observes in Chicago in his book When Work Disappears, and which Good Times sees a transition toward. [...]
With becoming-rent capitalism, whose aim is to totalize the society of speculators, wages no longer provide Keynesian effective demand (the defining postwar form of value extraction), but instead provide revenue streams that are securitized and distributed to high-end speculators around the world. Even those working in the gig economy -- an economic sector that fulfills the dream of human capital as promoted by Chicago School economists -- find that any repurposed item in the consumption fund is soon captured by speculation. [...]
Are there new weapons to challenge this new capitalist temporality, the time of endless debt servicing? [...]
The weapon against the capitalist totality determined by the universalization of speculation is none other than the universe itself. But how? It is by way of a wonder that detonates upon the collision between speculative temporality and the temporality of the cosmic. This is a wonder that breaks the spell of speculative time. It is also a wonder that exposes a form of time that precedes the clock time described by E. P. Thompson in “Time, Work-Discipline, and Industrial Capitalism,” a 1967 paper that influenced Moishe Postone and Lisa Adkins. This is sacred time, the time of the gods and their voices in the clouds.
Text by: Charles Mudede. “The New Black Politics of the Cosmic.” e-flux (journal) 127. May 2022.
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marxmadness2023 · 1 year
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dooareyastudy · 10 months
Mid Year Book Freak Out 2023
Thank you @lizziestudieshistory​ for tagging me <3 and sorry for doing this so late !! I always procrastinate those and end up doing it after the trend hahaha
1. Best book you've read so far…
Le roi pêcheur, by Julien Gracq ! It’s not really a surprise, considering I love Gracq but each of his books I read seems to updo the other, and that’s a pleasant surprise !
2. Best sequel you've read so far…
I don’t think I read any series this year !
3. New release…
The most recent release I read so far is probably Le Visage de pierre, published in 2021 in France. Dind’t like it at all and probably would have forgot about it if I didn’t keep note of everything I read.
4. Most anticipated release of the second half of the year…
Not really keeping up with new releases ! I usually get my books from second-hand stores so I tend to be a bit late with those also.
5.a. Biggest disappointment…
L’événement, by Annie Ernaux. I really wanted to like this but her writing style just isn’t for me.
5.b. Most hated…
Torn between Le Visage de pierre that I really mentionned and Le Dix-huit brumaire by Albert Ollivier which was the worst historical essay I have ever read, and probably will read because no one in their right mind can publish such a bad book. Le Visage de pierre was not my style of book, but Le Dix-huit brumaire was objectively bad.
6. Biggest surprise…
Sous le soleil de Satan, by Bernanos. Didn’t think I was going to cry when I picked this one up. Really, really enjoyed it. It’s already a favorite for this year.
7. Favourite new author (debut or new to you)…
I’d say Anselm Jappe, an author part of the Wertkritik that I discovered this year.
8. Newest fictional crush/favourite character…
I can’t think of one rn
9. A book that made you cry…
See question 6 !
10. A book that made you happy…
I am reading a modernized version of some of the Arthurian cycles and I really enjoy it !
11. Favourite adaptation…
See question 6 again ! Sous le soleil de Satan had been adapted in a movie by Maurice Pialat (starring…….. Depardieu, yikes, ik) and the movie is really one of my favorites.
12. Prettiest cover…
hummmmmm this one is clearly up there!
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13. A book/books you need before the end of the year…
I have a lot on my to-be-read pile… I really want to read something bu Moishe Postone !
Tagging : no one, I think I am way to late to do that hahaha
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jarry · 1 year
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edwad · 2 years
could you apply the concept of fetishism to other social constructs like gender?
people from/adjacent-to the wertkritik sphere have already done this to some extent
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archivospostinsomnia · 5 months
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hobodiffusion · 1 year
★ 13 janvier 2023 > bit.ly/hobo-13janvier2023
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★ Les nouveautés de nos éditrices et éditeurs sorties le 13 janvier 2023 > bit.ly/hobo-13janvier2023
Guerre en Ukraine Géopolitique des empires Réseau Makhno, Éditions du Monde libertaire
À Arles Collectif Othon, Divergences
Égologie (nouvelle édition augmentée) Écologie, individualisme et course au bonheur Aude Vidal, Le Monde à l'envers
L’Europe en otage Les réseaux politiques, financiers, médiatiques et intellectuels des think-tanks Dostena Anguelova, Le Murmure
Les Consommateurs ouvrent leur épicerie ÉPI, épicerie assossiative, supermarché coopératif, coopérative alimentaire autogérée. Quel modèle choisir pour votre ville ou votre village ? Jean-Claude Richard, Les Éditions libertaires
L'Enchâssement Pierre Déléage, Gruppen
Marx, par-delà le marxisme Repenser une théorie critique du capitalisme pour le XXIe siècle Moishe Postone, Crise & Critique
L’Honneur perdu du travail Le socialisme des producteurs comme impossibilité logique Robert Kurz, Crise & Critique
Uhuru Lumumba Serge Michel, Terrasses
La Grande discorde Déclarations officielles, communications confidentielles, pamphlets corrosifs, articles diffamatoires, lettres aux intimes Bakounine & Marx, Les Nuits rouges
Femmes en luttes La longue histoire de l'émancipation Collectif, Éditions du Monde libertaire
Obscénica Textes érotiques et grotesques Hilda Hilst & André Da Loba, Remue-ménage
Histoires de Blancs Langston Hughes, Les Lapidaires
De vengeance J. D. Kurtness, Dépaysage
Sur les piquets de grève Les femmes dans la grande grève minière de 1983 en Arizona Barbara Kingsolver, Les Bons caractères
La Servante Gustave Geoffroy, Les Lapidaires
Mon corps de ferme Aurélie Olivier, Éditions du commun
Libres pensées sous licence poétique (2)
Monica Jornet, Les Éditions libertaires
« La première question à se poser me semble être non pas ''quelle est la bonne prise de conscience ?'' mais plutôt ''quelles sont celles qui ne sont pas opportunes ?'' Cela, en soi, serait d’une aide considérable pour n’importe quel mouvement anticapitaliste. » Moishe Postone, Marx, par-delà le marxisme, Crise & Critique.
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arlindenor1 · 11 months
Narcisismo e fetichismo da mercadoria - Anselm Jappe
Do original : Narcisismo e fetichismo da mercadoria. Algumas observações de Descartes, Kant e Marx   Fetichismo da mercadoria e narcisismo: é em torno destes dois conceitos, e suas conseqüências, que será estruturado este texto. Sua base teórica é formado pela crítica do valor , trabalho abstrato, dinheiro e fetichismo da mercadoria, tal como foi desenvolvida especialmente por Robert Kurz e as…
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phexagain · 1 year
Interview with Moishe Postone. On Marx, Value, and History, deutsche UT,...
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