#mod squirrel
fatphobiabusters · 11 months
Does the dog die has a filter/tag for fat jokes
I wasn't sure how many people knew this so thank you to the hard working crew at DTDD and the community that helps them.
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ask-cari-and-floea · 7 months
Intro Post
This is an ask blog for two Kirby OCs who totally don't ruin our brains, Cari and Floea.
Our main blogs are @hunty-long-legs (Cari's creator) and @mistilteinn-magolor (Floea's creator).
Feel free to send in any kind of ask you'd like, this is for the purpose of getting to know these two better, after all. Just be sure to keep asks PG-13 at most, as we are both minors. So no NSFW or anything like that. Other characters may appear, if the ask calls for them or it makes sense to put them there. Also, remember that Cari and Floea are best friends and adoptive sisters.
Below the cut will be basic info and backstory about the two blorbos <3
She was a human living on Shiver Star before it froze over, but after it did, she ended up dying from the cold. However, Morpho Knight decided to give her another chance, and made her into a puffball, and she ended up in Dreamland. Floea and Magolor found her crashed down on the ground and Floea took her in. From then on, Cari and Floea ended up adopting each other as sisters. Once, Cari ate an apple that Dark Meta Knight poisoned (because of... another oc) and nearly died, and she met Papi in the Underworld. At a later point Cari fled from Floea's house, where she lived, to the Halberd in fear that she would hurt someone, thanks to random Cari intrusive thoughts. Floea was super worried when she went missing, but was able to find her, and let her stay with Meta Knight because she realized that she had not been feeding her well on accident. Oops. Now, Meta Knight is Cari's adoptive dad, and Kirby is her adoptive brother. She even became Elfilin's girlfriend.
Floea is part of one of the species of Ancients from the New World and she lived there with her parents. One time her parents went to Lab Discovera without her, bringing along Leon, Fecto Forgo used Leon to murder her parents. Some time later, she fell through one of the occasional portals Forgo was making pre-KatFL and landed in Dreamland. The Mage Sisters found her and took her in, raising her and teaching her ice magic, but when they all started getting a little crazy because of the whole cult thing, Floea got scared that they were going to hurt her or something, and ran away. That's when she met Cari and Magolor. Months later, Floea and Magolor ended becoming boyfriend and girlfriend. He even begrudgingly let Floea keep a doomer that ended up in the Lor one day that Floea named Gear. Also, Beryl (from the light novels) is a huge simp for Floea and once kidnapped and impersonated Magolor to try to get Floea to like him, but that just made her hate him.
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thewoyboyz · 1 year
like to hit lil bits with a semi-truck
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thekenisisclans · 2 years
Finally working on the OFFICIAL Kinesis clans doc!
Which means I'm starting to write out official information to do with the base of this AU!
If this post gets 20 likes (not by mods) then the link to the doc will be shared!
Hope everyone is excited!
~ Mod Squirrel
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sweetestofbelles · 3 months
Boss, footsteps, i think we're being followed
-Look-OUt anon
(ooooh, now I want to see Sweetie in a Mafia outfit -Mod Squirrel)
". . . that's not good." Sweetie would look over to the baby changelings, each one staring up at her with big pleading eyes.
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mp100days · 2 years
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008 - mogami
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 3 months
JAKE: At over 40 feet its the tallest statue of a skateboarding squirrel in the northern hemisphere!
DIRK, thinking: ...Wait, who in the heck... Brazil? South Africa? Australia? Squirrels aren't even native there...
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nyaagolor · 3 months
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Another round of little guys!
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sonicchaoscontrol · 6 months
hi this is the at some random time check to see if you are alive and doing okay :]
are you alive? ☐
are you doing okay? ☐
please check each box that applies to you
*end of message beep*
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I'll check that first box, but not the second, because oops, here come the scales of consequence. Or rather -
Hangin’ in there, but only barely!
Enter, stage left: My horrible habit of disappearing off the face of the planet when things are too much. Everyone has been so kind, and so patient, and as it turns out, I didn’t plan this surprise break, either. The personal details don’t belong on this page, given that I’m trying to keep non-comic posts to a minimum, but the TLDR is effectively ‘I am currently in a rather dire financial situation, and have no energy to spare on this side hobby’.
It’s irresponsible of me to let things go so long without updates, but at the same time, I am overbooked and Big Stressy, and I have to prioritize my current IRL situation if I want to be able to eat. Thank you, as always, and this check-in was definitely appreciated.
I will continue to do my best to stay afloat, and believe me, I’m just as frustrated as a lot of readers are! Bear with me as I fumble with that mythical thing called ‘being a responsible adult’.
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jorrated · 10 months
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yourfaveisomegaverse · 6 months
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Saul Goodman from Better Call Saul is an Omega
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fatphobiabusters · 7 months
Theres something really insidious about how gastric bypass advocates deny that essential organ mutilation is unhealthy.
"I've lost so much weight I'm so healthy" your stomach is mutilated.
"My doctor is praising my progress" your stomach is mutilated.
"I fit in so many more clothes now"
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Because an essential, life sustaining organ in your body was cut up and your digestive system rerouted.
Health isn't the end all be all of value, humanity or importance but I feel like there is a huge lie here when this is "healthy" and it's just ignored.
Sorry to just bring this up out of no where but I was reminded of how little this is really talked about in bypass circles. Like, no matter what, you are now unhealthy. The spector of health continues. The Ouroboros is unbroken. Only this time it's doctor approved.
-mod squirrel
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planetbeanie · 1 year
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Beanie Baby Date Night
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lavapulsemods · 25 days
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cmd: homophobia -> delete
ANB Mod Update
Been a minute since I posted about mod progress. I did end up having to use the gender swap method for the main character, and all is going well. Currently in the playtesting/dialogue hunt phase. As before, I've been fixing any preexisting typos that I come across along the way.
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Gaia always knows the right thing to say.
Breaking News: ANB Secretly Run by Squirrels
It turns out that A New Beginning is written in a language called Squirrel. This game is the first I've heard of it, but it reads like a hybrid of Java and Lua with minor squirrel-themed syntax sprinkled in, such as how script files use the ".nut" extension. I love knowing that the game devs chose a somewhat obscure language themed after little forest critters.
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thekenisisclans · 2 years
Please come watch as I work on character concepts for this world!
~ Mod Squirrel
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mathmodder · 8 months
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Sneak peak of the day 👀
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