#mlp lil litters
otterloreart · 22 days
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someone on MLPTP asked for Lil' Litters puppies/kittens so I've been attempting them in the background.
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More information about these sculpts (aka down the rabbit hole) after cut
The coloration of the models in my shots were based off the My Little Puppy "Pretty Poodle" family, but models were reused for other sets
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For example, Sweet Spaniel family had the "blue poodle" model but a unique sitting spaniel, although it looks like the proportions + ears are the same as the other two
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And then the next release had the "Funtime Spaniels" set which had the same poses but was more colorful, and also the puppies with the other "mom dog" sculpts:
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The website Toysisters, where I got the above photos, mentioned that the entire second line of My Little Puppies is hard to find so I looked them up and
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This was the only My Little Puppy 2nd year release I could find and its a single figure for $75.
Also in the 1980s hasbro purchased the rights to a Barbie competitor (originally made in the UK) called Sindy and reused some of the pet molds in pajama party packs:
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And this one also sells for a lot and isn't really available in many places
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I don't bring up the prices, btw, as a critique of vintage toy collecting or anything. I don't make these models because I think people should just make new ones all the time. I /like/ that we're preserving old toys.
Rather, I hope my sculpts are used for collectors who have part of a collection and can't find a real vintage one, or people who think it is sweet and want to make a custom one (like they could do their dog or just a fun new thing). It's just for fun and not a replacement
I think what really disappoints me about all the lil'litters characters is they don't have the colorful marks like the ponies. If you didn't know, the original pony marks were made to imitate the marks on an appaloosa horse
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And to me, while they aren't the only reason the ponies did well, they're definitely one of the things that makes them unique, like the carebears stomachs or strawberry shortcakes' fruit hat
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Like they made a dalmation dog and they didn't even give it like... heart shaped spots. Huge missed opportunity there imo.
Also they did the siamese in reverse dark-light colors and iut looks like a fox. Siamese cats don't work this way, they gotta be darker around the tips for a reason.
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Hasbro did release a line called Little Pretty that had a similar conceit, but I find the sculpt of the toys... underwhelming. They look more like Proto-Littlest Pet Shop to me than My Little Ponies:
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The one on the left is supposed to be a dog and I only figured that out because she has no ears, just hair...
I much prefer the Lil Litters sculpts, they look more detailed and unique to me, and more similar to the OG MLPs
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the My Little Kitty / Lil Litters were actually released concurrently with the Little Pretty line, both around 1990, so the discrepancy in artstyle feels really weird. but also it's just such a weird choice to create two similar looking brands to me? I don't... get it.
This was also year 9 of my little pony so the brand was going wild with the ponies and its interesting to me how plain and early-years the dogs+cats were in comparison
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they were giving the ponies neon colors, false eyelashes and built in pockets and decided that their other animal lines would just be... different colors.
anyways my send-off is here are the first releases of lil litters:
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tallowandport · 4 months
Here's the start of my very own mlp Infection au! Here's part 1 and part 3
Some basic info about the stages of infection, with lil traditionally drawn concepts to accompany them. I apologise if my handwriting is hard to read at points, lol.
I will put it under this cut because I've drawn some monsterish-body horror stuff and a lil bit of blood, so if you don't want to see it, don't read more.
(Edit: I will also write a transcript describing what's written under the cut for accessibility, smh can't believe I forgot something so simple.)
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Stage 1: Victim experiences a sudden and drastic growth spurt regardless of age.
Growing pains are persistent and severe.
"It feels like things are growing out of my bones" - a quote from the victim.
"There is something itching under my skin." - another quote from the victim.
[pictured below is a nervous looking pony that is now almost twice the size of its original state.]
Stage 2: The growth spurt has developed into a far more worrying mutation, as it has continued to grow and lengthen the victims bones; to the point where their skin has become taut and strained.
Reduced movement as a result.
Small cuts have appeared all over the victims body, though the victim swears they don't remember getting hurt.
Victim is also experiencing mental fog, and sleepwalking has developed.
[pictured below is a haggard looking pony that appears to be suffering from dehydration and malnutrition, but in actuality it looks like that because its skin has become so taut and stretched thin its basically being shrink wrapped. It has also grown even taller and more spindly. the cuts on its body look like cat scratches.]
Stage 3: The victim is hostile.
Brain function has deteriorated, and victim has ceased any identifiable efforts to communicate.
Bone growth has not only worsened, but ligaments and joints have begun to fail- leading to dislocations and visible disfigurements.
The cuts observed on the victim in stage 2 have grown and begun to swell.
Taut skin has begun to tear due to victims now violent movements.
Strange shapes are forming under their skin.
Mane and fur loss.
[pictured below is a creature only resembling the general structure of a pony. it is bald, its jaw has dislocated and hangs limply from its head, it's eyes are wide and bloodshot, the cuts on its body now resemble pustules. Looks almost entirely skin and bones except for the few places where the skin has torn and hangs limp like the skin of an old popped balloon, muscle and bone exposed underneath.]
Stage 4: The victim can no longer be recognised as a pony.
It has been twisted into a new shape.
Its skin now hangs of f of it in torn rags, wrinkled and sagging from the constant strain.
Sharp and jagged bones protrude randomly from its body.
It has gaping dark holes littering its body.
The "cuts" from previous stages have split open and revealed themselves as hundreds of new, bloodshot, eyes; always rapidly looking around.
Its jaw bone fell out, and now it just swallows its prey whole.
It's hunger never seems to be sated.
[pictured below is a monster. the stage 4 report describes it mostly. but it does also now stand entirely using its exposed leg bones. its hooves appearing to have fallen off at some point. And it's mouth has split vertically all the way down its neck.]
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sleepyartmajor · 1 year
Okay so
Mothwing X Leafpool X Feathertail X Nightcloud kids
Sombra X Chrysalis kids
Clearsight X Listener kids
So I ended up doing two of these, LOVED trying to figure out the appearance / genes of the group of four, it was a fun challenge. I also almost mixed up Sombra/Chrysalis as Sombra/Cadence, but thankfully I caught it early enough to fix it 💀
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First up is Scarab! Son of Sombra and Chrysalis. You may notice the odd bits, being his legs, wings, and tail, those are just from my personal headcanons about Changelings, in a more mlp style, he would have the holes in his legs, tattered wings, and a tattered mane. In my style, he's got those insectoid legs, a scorpion tail, dragonfly wings, and lil stubs on the top of his head where, once he's a bit older, antennae will unfurl, seeing as he's "royalty".
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And then from the Mothwing x Leafpool x Feathertail x Nightcloud litter, we've got Honeydrizzle and Lionstep! Honey is shorter and mega floofy, gotten from Moth and Leaf, with the feathering in her tail from Feather (obviously). Her colors mostly come from Feathertail and Nightcloud, but she's also a calico, hence the orange bits that come from Moth and Leaf. Her markings mostly inherit from Feathertail, with her legs being a bit more similar of Mothwing's. I'd like to think she went on to become a medicine cat, since she's too fluffy and smol for the moors, and her fur is too thick to really swim without her getting heavily weighted down. She could be a warrior in Thunderclan, but of them, I really feel like Feather or Night would carry the kits instead of..yknow, the two medicine cats, given the culture.
Lionstep is T A L L. He's got an angled face, but really fluffy cheeks. He's a lot more serious than his sister, and a lot of his genetics come from Leafpool's corner of the family. He's tall and lanky, like Nightcloud, and he's got her tail, with the fluff genes coming in through on the tip, which combined with his coloring makes him look like a lion. Maybe he's got some shaggy fur on the back of his neck too.
The three of these guys will be going up for adopt on my ToyHou.se in a few hours, so be sure to keep your eye out for that if interested!
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toyutopiausa · 9 months
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theponiesiownies · 2 years
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And with this wee baby, my My Little Kitty/Bunny/Puppy collection is complete after 14 years.
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theboysfromaustin · 2 years
Wanna try drawing some of the MLP Lil Litters. My sister had the Dalmatian and Persian ones. One of the kittens had my tooth marks because I was tiny and dumb and apparently it looked like candy.
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ponyguru · 4 years
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KITTIES!! I got a bunch of these cuties, and I knew an idea would come to me... and several ideas did! These beauties are based on the Lil Litters Persian, and I got them from @katzeyestudios shop! It’s closed right now due to quarantine, but if you want one, go check out her shop later! 💖 #mylittlepony #mlp #hqg1c https://www.instagram.com/p/B_GpoJTAOm9/?igshid=79le814gcuim
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lynxadventure21 · 6 years
Fore-shadowing in RotG for Jack’s Center is crazy!
Ok so I was re-watching Rise of the Gaurdians and it has crazy good fore-shadowing for Jack’s center being fun.
1) when he first found out he had magic his immidate reaction was to start playing.  While this isn’t one of the better examples of fore-shadowing it is still there because there are many ways people would react to suddenly having powers, expecially if right before that you were feeling scared.  (as seen in the blurry pictures below) he started adding frost to the ice running around and smiling.
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2) he froze the kids tounge to a water fountain.  While this coud be seen as a cruel trick you need to keep in mind that when he was written (during the script writting faze/the very first step of making any movie) he was planned to be a 14 year old immortal boy.  So to him he probably sees it as nothing more than a harmless, mischevious, prank.  Something that many (except the victim) would consider fun, and this is proved when not only Jack laughed but so did the kid’s friends.  And he continues to freeze things such as another child’s gold fish bowl and frost buildings continuing to laugh thinking of it as nothing but harmless pranks.
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3) directly after all that, still laughing he says “now that, that was fun”  while this is not the most subtle fore-shadowing it should still be taken note of.  Directly after this he calls out for the wind to take him home and lets out a hearty “woooooohoooooooooo!”  as the wind carries him he seems to be spinning almost out of control and laughing the entire time, kind of like a thrill seeker doing sky diving.  But as you continue to watch the scene like how he does a jumping position over the clouds it appears that he has control over how the wind carries him and merely chooses to fly in a way that Woody from Toy Story would describe as ‘falling with style’ simply because he finds it more fun then flying in a more stream lined position.   Jack continues to flip and do a sort of flying parkour while freezing everything he touches not once did he stop laughing.
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4) Jack has been stuck as a 14 year old boy with no memory of anything before Jack Frost for 300 years. 300.  300 years of no one seeing him, and pretty much no one talking to him.  The guardians seem to have heard of him but other than Bunny it dosen’t appear that any of them had offically met before hand.  Let’s do a head count.
Tooth: We see Tooth swooning over his teeth which are SAID to ‘sparkle like freshley fallen snow’ and she said “I’ve heard so much about you so clearly she never met him.
Sandy: While North was doing the introductions he introduced Sand Man.  And when Sand Man tried to explain what was going on Jack had no idea what he was saying therefore Jack has only ever played with Sandy’s sand but never interacted with Sandy himself
North: Other then knowing that Jack holds the record of being on the naughty list he defintly dosen’t know anything about him.  He didn’t even know that Jack had tried many times to break into his toy factroy.
Bunny: Clearly the 2 have a history due to him freezing Easter Sunday in the blizzard of ‘68.  When North was doing the introductions he said “you know Bunny, obviouly” with Jack responds to with “obviously” however any and all of their interactions seem to have been in a bad nature
so in short any contact he’s ever had in 300 years was to show exreme dislike or possibly hatred, but deffinitly anger.  300 years and he has somehow remained complely sane.
So Jamies mother reminds Jamie to wear a hat and says “Jamie, hat.  We don’t want Jack Frost nipping at your nose.”  and when Jamie asks who Jack Frost is she tells him that he dosen’t exist and that it’s just an expression.  Granted Jack did retiliate by yelling “HEY!” but other then that he did nothing.  We all know had his mother said that Jack was the one who brought winter Jamie would have beleived it in a heart beat but instead she said he didn’t exist.  Jack has not been seen for 300 years, and lets be honest, he’s pratically desperate for someone to see him.  Out of spite he could have easily done something like freeze a patch of ice under her feet and file it under another harmless prank, after all he has made people slip on his ice before and was fine with it, but he dosen’t.  Instead he starts a snow ball fight with the kids.  300 years and he gets a chance to be seen only for the hope to be ripped out from under his feet and instead of retiliating cruelly he decided to have a little fun instead.
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5)  He makes a snowball then blows on it causing it to glow a bright blue.  Jack then throws the ball at Jamie.  We see glitter appear in front of Jamie’s eyes then he grins from ear to ear and starts laughing.  Jamie soon starts throwing snowballs at his friends.  
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6) During the snowball fight one of Jamie’s friends accidentally hits Cupcake.  Cupcake clearly upset and angry in a threatening manor bears her teeth and growls.  The other kids are visibly scared.  Jack throws another one of his special snowballs and glitter appears before Cupcakes eyes.  Soon she starts laughing then starts playing with the other kids having fun.  He turned Cupcake’s anger into joy.
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7) Despite just have a very sad one sided conversation with M.I.M when Sandy’s dream sand appears he giggles and smiles.  He even plays with the dream sand.
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8) His immidiate reaction after getting out of the sack was to laugh and respond with sarcasm.  Almost like he was talking to a bunch of old friends doing a stupid prank.  I litterally said the exact same think to one of my closest friends when she litteraly lassoed me.  Considering pretty much everyone in that room is a stranger and the only one he actually knows has a strong dislike for him he dosen’t act like most people would: weary, angry, upset.  Basically just negative emotions, while he wasn’t exactly happy about it his immidate reaction was to try and have a bit of fun with it.
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9) another obvious one, while he was trying to convince the guardians (mainly North) that he wasn’t guardian material he said “Look, this is all very flattering, but ah... you don’t want me.  You’re all hard work and deadlines, and I’m snowballs and fun times.  I’m not a guardian.”
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10) yeah all his sarcasm and stuff is a personality trait, but when you think about it that’s kind of his center to.  The center is kinda like what they all revolve around, everything that makes up who they are one way or another it connects to their center.  (I like to think of it as a similar thing to MLP cutie marks)  During his argument with Bunny his immidiate reaction is to make fun of him, call him a name.  In a way kind of even crack a joke.
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11) His reaction to the sleigh.  He was surpirised, intrigued and probably thinking ‘cool’.  Sure you can put that down as what North says “everyone loves the sleigh” but come on, we all know that’s not true.  Bunny absolutly HATES it.  To me it seems like a roller coaster.  You either love em or you hate em no in between.  When he sees Bunny clearly freaking out on the sleigh he chuckles.  The entire scene when they are sleiging through the ice tunnels to gain momentum he is smiling from ear to ear, tbh honest that smile was big enough to be worthy of the Joker.  Not to mention how he also played a trick on Bunny by pretending to fall off the sleigh only to be lying on the feet.  And his face when North gave Jack the reins to the sleigh, need I say more?
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12) When they go to collect the teeth Jack immidiatly goes into competition mode.  Not only did he Bunny start taling smack about racing but they also competed with the amount of teeth they gained.  Even using certain tricks such as making ice for Bunny to slip on.  In all honesty can any of you tell me that this isn’t just like a fun competition between friends?
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13)  He’s a lil prankster.  Which I did mention earlier.  When Jamie’s greyhound starts growling at Bunny he decideds to start messing around.  “But that’s a um, that’s a greyhound.�� Do you know what greyhounds do to rabbits?”  While Bunny is distracted going on a rant on how he can take the dog down Jack taps the alarm clock with his staff causing the alarm to go off.  Scarring the greyhound and causing it to chase Bunny all around the room.  Because of this Sandy’s dream sand hit pretty much everyone but who it was intended for.  First putting Tooth to sleep soon followed by Bunny, they the greyhound, the North, folowed by Jamie.  While watching the result of his chaos Jack laughed and said “Oh I wish I had a camera right now.”
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14) Jack vs Pitch.  During the first real fight (at least on screen that we’ve seen after all it was loosley implied that there was a battle in the dark ages) Jack won.  Some people may say this is because fun, Jack’s center, is the oposite of fear, Pitch’s center.  This is both right and wrong at the same time.  Like bravery, fun and fear go hand in hand.  Many things that we call fun wouldn’t be fun without just a touch of fear.  Rollercoasters for example have quite the touch of fear to them but we are able to let go of the fear therefore allowing us to have fun.  When we play tag or hide-and-seek we fear getting caught/tagged yet we are able to let go of that fear and have fun.  Jack isn’t the opposite of Pitch he’s more like the better side to him.  In all honesty if Pitch weren’t evil they’d make quite the dynamic duo but I’ll get more into that in another post.  Anywho he was able to beat Pitch in the battle by ‘letting go’ of fear.  He litterally exploded the nightmare sand.  And at the end of the battle when Pitch is in his lair he declairs “finally someone who knows how to have a little fun”
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15) Despite never being seen he understood how to play with children better thant the guardians.  The guardians who can be seen by kids since the end of the dark ages. Because they are, as North said “we are very busy brining joy to children we don’t have time, for children”  Despite Bunny probably being his least favorite guardian he used his magic on Bunny to help him play with Sophie.  Using a snowflake much like he did with his snowballs glitter appeared in front of Bunny’s eyes and he smiles.  Then he starts playing and interacting with Sophie without any more mess ups; having fun. (looking at you Tooth, blood and gums, gross!)
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16) Can you honestly tell me that that’s not a mischevious smile that says “I did something that I found completly hilarious and others will too and when you figure out what I did it’s going to completly mess up your day”
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17) Since this is technically before he realized that his center is fun I’m going to count it.  His memories.  In it he was entertaining his little sister and her friends hanging upside down in a tree, goofing off with antlers against his head, and of course the ice skating one.:  
“I know, I know.  But your going to be alright.  You’re not going to fall in.  Uh, we’re gonna have a little fun instead.”
“No we’re not!”
“Would I trick you?”
“Yes! You always play tricks!”
“Well, alright.  Well, not, not, this time.  I promise.  I promise, you’re gonna be... you’re gonna be fine.  You have to beleive in me.  You wanna play a game?  We’re gonna play hopscotch!  Like we play every day!  It’s as easy as, one, whoa, two, three!  Alright, now it’s your turn.  One.  That’s it, that’s it.  Two, three.”  He saved his sister by having a little fun.  And this further shows what I said earlier about letting go of the fear.  If you watch his sister you can see that she is afraid, and rightfully so.  But as she plays hopscotch with Jack you can see her let go of some of her fear and have a little fun.  Like when he made her laugh by ‘almost’ falling.
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18) When he goes to get Jamie to keep believing he does it by having fun.  Sure some of you may think that since he can’t see Jack Frost there was no other way to do it.  If Jack can draw an easter egg and a bunny in his frost then surely he can write “the easter bunny is real” in it.  But instead he frosted the windows and drew an easter egg in it then a rabbit.  He made the rabbit sort of come to life (idk how else to describe it) then it exploded making it snow in Jamie’s room.  Jamie laughs and smiles while the ice rabbit hops around in his room.  Having fun.  Which ultimetly lead to his first believer, having fun, using his center, he finally got a believer.
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And that concludes all of the fore-shadowing for Jack’s center that I could find.
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toyutopiausa · 1 year
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toyutopiausa · 1 year
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toyutopiausa · 2 years
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toyutopiausa · 2 years
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theponiesiownies · 5 years
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My Little Puppy:
Li'l Litters: Dalmatian Dots, Pretty Poodle, Sweet Spaniels and Lady Labrador.
Nursery Families: Scrub-a-dub Spaniels, Funtime Spaniels and Sweet Dreams Poodles.
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theponiesiownies · 5 years
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My Little Kitty.
Li'l Litters sets:
1: Happy Tabby. 2: Dreamy Siamese. 3: Precious Persian. 4: Cutie Calico.
Nursery Families sets:
1: Sudsy Angora. 2: Slumber Time Siamese. 3: Perky Persian.
I am desperate to complete this collection so if you see the teal stripey Perky Persian kitten for sale anywhere, please let me know. I'm also interested in upgrading the Perky Persian mama as mine has a lot of flocking loss.
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theponiesiownies · 5 years
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My Little Bunny:
1: Adorable Angora
2: Fancy Flopper
3: Cuddly Cottontail
4: Happy Hopper
There aren't many correct guidelines on baby bunny identifications online anymore so I've made one myself. Unless you own them all, it's difficult to see a difference between them. Eye colour is extremely important in correctly identifying Baby bunnies and due to colour difference in lighting and monitor variations when looking online, body colour alone isn't a good indicator.
If you ever need help working out who is who, feel free to contact me here or on Instagram (@theponiesiownies). I daily check IG but less frequently use Tumblr so IG is a better format to contact me.
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theponiesiownies · 5 years
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My My Little Bunny/Kitty/Puppy shelf only fits 6 MOCs on it. Thankfully I've been able to get two MOCs of each but one day, in an alternate reality where I have more space and more money, I'd like to have the other 6 Li'l Litters MOCs.
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