llyfrenfys · 1 month
Cymblr, do you have any Welsh music reccomendations?
I've tried and tried, but a lot of popular Welsh music just isn't in the genres I like. Could you help a guy out?
I like Llwytha'r Gwn by Candelas, but haven't found any more music which is more rock, synth, prog, metal, rap, goth or electro rock. There's this really good Scottish Gaelic synth-traditional band called Niteworks which I love. But I don't know of anything like that in Welsh.
Help plîs! Diolch
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coto524 · 1 year
banger llwyr
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pontydd-a-choed · 3 months
Wythnos Pump
Heddiw dw i eisiau siarad am gerddoriaeth. (Echdoe roedd y Dydd Miwsig Cymru ond dw i'n hwyr, y thema fy mlog i) Dw i'n mynd i rannu pum cerddor/band. Heb drefn penodol:
Chwalaw: Darganfyddais i nhw trwy Rownd a Rownd ac eu cân "Diflanu". Mae'n well gyda fi eu cân "Dim Arwyr". Dyna gân efo alaw sorbiaidd, iaith lleiafrifol o'r Sorbiaid yn Sacsoni a Brandenburg (taleithiau yr Almaen)
Adwaith: Dw i ddim yn cofio sut darganfyddais i nhw ond dw i'n hoffi eu cerddoriaeth. Gaethon nhw gynherddau yn yr Iseldiroedd yr wythnos 'ma a ro'n i eisiau mynd. Ond does dim amser gyda fi (a dw i ddim yn byw ger yr Iseldiroedd ar hyn o bryd) Er hynny dw i eisiau mynd ar gyngerdd yn y dyfodol. (Ella ym mis Mai yn Antwerpen, gwelwn ni) Un rhwng fy hoff gân yw "Cwympo".
Sŵnami: Dw i ddim yn cofio chwaith, ond dw i'n gwybod bod nhw fy hoff fand cynta pwy sy'n canu yn y Gymraeg. Dw i'n meddwl oedd "Mynd a Dod" y cân cynta clywais i ganddyn nhw, ond dw i ddim yn siŵr. Dw i'n hoffi "Wyt Ti'n Clywed".
Gwilym: Dw i'n nabod nhw ers sbel ond oedd y fideo ar Lŵp am eu halbwm newydd "ti are dy ora' pan ti'n canu" yn... ansefydlog ond grêt. Yr holl albwm yw grêt. Dw i'n hoffi "Dwi'n cychwyn tân"
Thallo: Darganfyddais i nhw trwy Lŵp, sianel YouTube efo cerddoriaeth Cymraeg. Dw i'n hoffi ei chân "Pluo", y clarinét yn arbennig.
Os gennych chi argymhellion dwedwch wrtha i! :D
Geiriau newydd:
thema, themâu, eb - theme cerddor, cerddorion, eg - musician trefn, trefnau, eb - order penodol - particular, specific argymhelliad, argymhellion, eg - recommendation darganfod - discover alaw, alawon, eb - melody sorbiaidd - Sorbian lleiafrifol - minority Sacsoni - Saxony clarinét, clarinetau, eg - clarinet er hynny - nevertheless ansefydlog - unsettling
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zerodaryls · 3 months
Dydd Miwsig Cymru Hapus i Chi!
Fel dysgwr, mae gwrando ar gerddoriaeth Gymraeg wedi bod o gymorth mawr i ddysgu seiniau’r iaith.
Dyma un o fy hoff ganeuon Cymraeg:
Mae croeso i chi ychwanegu eich hoff ganeuon Cymraeg! (Dwi wastad yn chwilio am gerddoriaeth Gymraeg newydd i ychwanegu at fy rhestr chwarae.)
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9 février : la Journée de la musique en langue galloise
La Journée de la musique en langue galloise (Dydd Miwsig Cymru) est célébrée chaque année le deuxième vendredi de février. Elle a été créée pour célébrer toutes les formes de musique galloise et sensibiliser à l’importance de préserver la langue galloise. La musique a toujours été un élément important de l’identité nationale galloise. Mais surtout Dydd Miwsig Cymru fait partie de la vision à long terme visant à voir un million de personnes parler et utiliser le gallois d'ici 2050. Actuellement cette langue en perte de vitesse n’aurait guère plus d’un demi-million de locuteurs soit quelque 17% seulement de la population galloise.
Le festival a lieu chaque année à Cardiff, la ville natale de Huw Stephens, le présentateur télé qui est à l’origine de la fête, mais il organise également des événements dans d'autres villes du Royaume-Uni, notamment à Londres, Caernarfon et Swansea. Le Welsh Language Music Day englobe de l'indie, du rock, du punk, du funk, du folk, de l'électro, du hip-hop…. Parmi les artistes mis en avant, Mellt, Gwenno Saunders, The Gentle Good, Chroma, Adwaith, Candelas, Meic Stevens, Los Blancos et Alffa. Des organisations de tout le Pays de Galles sont impliquées dans l'événement annuel, notamment Sŵn, BBC Horizons, Forté Project, Clwb Ifor Bach et Big Fish. 
#WelshLanguageMusicDay  #DyddMiwsigCymru 
Un article de l'Almanach international des éditions BiblioMonde, 8 février 2024
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meddwlyngymraeg · 4 days
Dwi'n dechrau deall mwy pam dwi'n gwrando ar y radio yn Gymraeg y dyddiau hyn. Dwi'n gwella yn araf, ond yn bendant. Ro'n i'n gwrando ar BBC Radio Cymru, ar y sioe Rhys Mwyn, cyflwynydd (wrth gwrs) a cerddor bwysig i'r sin roc Gymraeg o'r 80au a 90au.
Heddiw, wnes i ddysgu bod: Oedd Huw Williams, aka Hue Williams/Hue Pooh o'r band Pooh Sticks, y manager i fand Big Leaves am gyfnod. Oedd Huw ar y radio nawr achos ei fand newydd Swansea Sound yn rhyddau sengl newydd am recordiau a siopau record, enw Markin' It Down. Mae band yn cynnwys Huw, Amelia Fletcher (oedd yn y band 'c86' indie, Heavenly, a wnaeth hi ganu gyda Huw ar gyfer Pooh Sticks yn y 90au) a Rob Pursey (yn y band Catenary Wires gyda Amelia yn fwy ddiweddar), ac eu sengl newydd yn ddoniol iawn. Cwsmer mewn siop record yw Huw, a mae fe'n trio bod yn 'cwl' a 'hip' gyda blas miwsig da, yn chwilio am albwm ddiweddaraf Yard Act, ac mae fe'n siarad gyda gweithiwr yn y siop (Amelia) am y recordiau, ac mae hi'n ddweud bod mae recordiau yn y discount bin, mae hi'n 'marking it down to £11'. (Dwi'n gwirfoddoli ar radio cymunedol, so mae Amelia wedi anfon y sengl i fi hefyd eto, ro'n i'n hapus iawn amdano fe!)
Wnes i ddysgu bod 'cyhoedd' yw public, a cyhoeddiad yn announcement, hefyd.
A meddai Rhys, Cadwch yn saff, stay safe!
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adlamu · 3 months
dydd miwsig cymru, you say? dim problem! here's a random selection of personal welsh language(/bilingual) faves!!
rownd a rownd (round and round) -- sage todz (grime, drill)
6.5.99 -- anweledig (twotone, ska punk)
cymru lloegr a llanrwst -- y cyrff (punk, nearest eng. equivalent = the clash)
anrheoli -- yws gwynedd (indie)
llwynog -- 9bach (basically recoil if you imagine that alan was welsh and a woman)
lipstick coch -- adwaith (b0yg3nius but welsh and better/actually good)
creithiau -- ffatri jam (rock)
gwenwyn -- alffa (welsh royal blood - very fucking good)
archfarchnad -- fleur de lys (indie rock)
annwn -- mari mathias (folk)
hope you enjoi, bois bach
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swnamii · 25 days
sŵnami master post!
been working on this for a while now and thought it might be of interest to the other sŵnami listeners on tumblr - a masterlist (with links) of all of sŵnami's music so far, including official releases, unreleased tracks, and remixes :)
officially released music:
mynd a dod
du a gwyn ep
breuddwyd brau
songs that currently don't have full official releases available, or have never been officially released:
ar goll (music video)
ar goll, mwrdwr ar y manod, morfydd, synthia
dydd yn dod (cân i gymru 2014)
dydd miwsig cymru 2024 secret soundcloud playlist
"teigr a tortoise" acoustic set (eisteddfod 2012; the song "symud 'mlaen" seems to be an early acoustic version of what later became "cysgodion")
remixes of sŵnami songs:
theatr (bryn morgan remix)
uno, cydio, tanio (nate williams remix)
theatr (lewys meredydd remix)
bob yn un remix
remixes by sŵnami themselves:
deryn du remix (original song by yws gwynedd)
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userblaney · 3 months
what if i post a playlist of welsh songs for dydd miwsig cymru
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musicblogwales · 4 years
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Album Review: TJ Roberts - ‘Best New Reissue’ (Libertino) 
TJ Roberts’ Best New Reissue is just that, a best new reissue. After a misguided “birthing” some time ago by Roberts these songs drifted like nomads but have been found and brought together and re-released by the currently unstoppably stellar Libertino label with the demand that people actually listen to them this time round and, thankfully, they have our attention.
His own descriptions of the subjects of his songs might be a bit scary - Japanese cannibal folklore, Scientology and Sunday malaise -but don’t be fooled, he is a good guy writing really good music and however eclectic, evil, transcendent and bizarre those topics sound, they are working for him. Influences are more familiar and immediate from the first listen. Cate Le Bon, Wilco, and The War On Drugs are cited to name a few.
The first time I heard TJ Roberts I was struck by the texture and the musicality of the songs. BNR is no different and the tracks show incredible range. Lead single ‘Midnight Stores’ is presumably named after the renowned shop at the top of Gelligaer Street, familiar to any Cardiffian, famed for its “loose” opening hours. This comforting reference plants the album’s feet firmly in Cardiff soil and along with its garage rock influence melding with frantic Arctic Monkeys guitar riffs its other Cardiff nod is its Racehorses-esque synth runs. 
Vocally Roberts sounds like (I think, unrelated Canadian) Sam Roberts, not a bad thing. His voice has both power and sympathy. The contrast between songs is vast as we are taken from vintage dirty guitars on ‘Mountain Man’, to a cleaner, chilled ‘80’s surfer, grungey song with that reminds me of Two Door Cinema Club in ‘The Party’ and a beautiful, bare Maccabees influenced ballad in ‘Have a Slow One on Me’.
Such eclectic references are used with accomplishment, not clumsily, however and are to be treasured, enjoyed and I already have this album on repeat. PB
TJ Roberts: https://www.facebook.com/TJRobertsmusic/
Libertino: https://www.libertinorecords.com/
Best New Reissue on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/5Lqbsf9EwPXNgCnapcwVnO
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coto524 · 3 years
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i was tired of spotify not having a “This Is...” playlist for sŵnami so i’m halfway to making one myself, but idk i should use the “dyma sŵnami” or the “this is sŵnami” version
pros of dyma:
less like the Official Spotify Style (which afaict uses “this is” even for artists who don’t sing in english)
pros of “this is”:
my smart speaker cannot handle multilingualism very well so this has more of a chance of me being able to launch by voice instead of having to use my phone every time
so uh, vote now on your phones. or don’t. i’m not your boss
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beastpr · 4 years
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Ymunwch a @LisaGwilym nawr ar @BBCRadioCymru lle Bu sengl newydd sbon @HMSMorris yn cael spin fach a llawer mwy o tracs newydd o ledled y wlad xxx https://t.co/kESponF9Ne cymru #HMSMorris #Babanod #Miwsig #Cymru #BBCRadioCymru (at BBC Radio Cymru) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7ohL5cA6Wn/?igshid=ylq7qszrlyau
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musicisthelife · 4 years
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queerwelsh · 4 years
For #DyddMiwsigCymru - Welsh Language Music Day - here is one LGBT+ themed Welsh-language track.
In 2014, the band Clinigol released ‘Ymlaen’ (Forward) with this video to celebrate marriage equality.
Clinigol was made up of Aled and Geraint Pickard - Aled married his partner Robert in 2013, which he created this song for - before Aled left, to be replaced by sisters Carys Eleri and Nia Medi, who is also gay.
The video for ‘Ymlaen’ (#Forward was used to promote equal rights) follows a bride, played by Carys Eleri, before her wedding, to the other bride played by fellow Welsh actress Tara Bethan.
Geraint translated some of the lyrics as: “I’ve had a feeling from the beginning. A feeling that our souls were on fire. So there is no need to be afraid, as long as we keep on running forward. Hold my hand and we’ll go on a distant journey. Hold tight and we will fly. Hold my hand and we will go to somewhere better. Moving forward, forward, forward.”
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helenhuntingdon · 5 years
As it’s Welsh Music Day (#DyddMiwsigCymru) here’s a gay Welsh music video that makes me happy~~~
(also other recs on spotify https://open.spotify.com/user/1155501715/playlist/1I9arEtUNeSRBYSp3mCA5O?)
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meddwlyngymraeg · 1 year
Wnes i gychwyn y radio heddi ar gyfer hwyl, dim rheswm, ac am ddewis! Ar Radio Wales, mae Huw Stephens, yn chwarae artistau newydd o Gymru (ac allan), maen nhw’n artistau alternative yn aml, fy hoff o gerddoriaeth! Ac ar Radio Cymru, mae Rhys Mwyn! Wnes i bostio postiau hir yn Saesneg am y sîn roc Gymraeg o'r 80au a 90au, sy'n creu'r 'sîn miwsig' modern, sy'n creu'r sîn pop culture o'r presennol. Wnaeth Rhys Mwyn rhan bwysig o'r sîn alternative ma! Wnaeth e yn y band Yr Anrhefn, band pync Gymraeg yn yr 80au, a wnaeth e greu'r label Anrhefn Records, label DIY. Wnaeth lawer o fandiau o'r 80au a 90au yn rhyddhau caneuon, EPau ac albwms ar Anrhefn.
Beth bynnag. Mae fe ar BBC radio Cymru nawr, ma fe'n cyflwyno rhaglen cerddoriaeth rheoliadd, a heddi mae fe'n sgwrsio am gerddoriaeth 00au. Wnes i gychwyn y sianel a wnaethon nhw weud am y sîn roc 90au: bandiau fel Super Furry Animals, Catatonia, Big Leaves a Sibrydion, y band ar ôl wnaeth Big Leaves ddiwedd, a hefyd, am y gyrfaoedd solo o ein aelodau. Ac yna mae Rhys Mwyn yn chwarae Ymaelodi Â'r Ymylon o'r albwm Mwng gan SFA (albwm alt roc Gymraeg dylanwadol iawn!)
Fel wnes i ddweud: am ddewis!
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