#miura peninsula
fudeen · 14 years
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magical-magyars · 1 year
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三浦半島城ヶ島 水仙ロード 2023.1.31 “PhotoDirector”で加工
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lierrelearns · 3 months
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天守閣 小田原城天守閣 「天守」とはお城の象徴ともいえる建物で、お城の内外を見張るための物見櫓や蔵などとして用いられました。江戸時代までは「殿主」「殿守」などとも記され、「天守閣」と呼ばれるのは明治時代になってからのことです。江戸時代の小田原城は江戸の西を守る要の城とされ、徳川将軍家の宿所としても用いられました。寛永11年(1634)には、京都へと向かう途中の三代将軍徳川家光が天守に登り、武具を見たり展望を楽しんだりしたという記録が残っています。 元禄16年(1703)の大地震で、天守を含めた小田原城のほとんどの建物が倒壊・焼失しますが、天守は宝永2年(1705)に外観三層内部四階の「天守櫓」、入り口の「付櫓」、両者を結ぶ「続櫓」の三棟からなる櫓群として再建され、明治3年(1870)の廃城・解体までその姿を保ちました。 現在の天守閣は、昭和35年(1960)に市制20周年の記念事業として鉄筋コンクリート造で復興されたものです。復興に際しては、江戸時代の天守引図(設計図)や模型を参考に外観が復興され、最上階には周囲の景色を楽しめるように高欄が設けられました。 そして、平成28年(2016)には耐震改修工事と展示の全面的なリニューアルが行われました。天守閣内部では古文書や甲冑・刀剣、発掘調査による出土品などを展示し、小田原城の歴史を紹介しています。 標高約60メートルの位置にある最上階からは相模湾が一望でき、晴れた日には三浦半島や伊豆大島、遠く利島、房総半島までを望むことができます。
“Tenshukaku” means “Castle tower”, the symbolic structure of a Japanese castle. This castle tower served as storehouse, watch tower, or others in Edo period. Having a role to protect the west of Edo, the capital of Japan, the Odawara Castle was a special castle that even the Tokugawa shogunate family stayed at. Although having been demolished during the Meiji period, it was restored in 1960. Since a large-scale renewal completed in 2015, various historical materials such as armors, swords, etc. have been exhibited inside the structure. From the topmost floor of the Castle tower, the superb view of the entire Sagami-wan Bay can be enjoyed.
文久図(小田原城天守閣蔵) 文久年間(1861~1864)に作られたとされる絵図で、幕末期の天守の姿が描かれています。
天守閣入場料 Admission fee 個人 - person | 団体 - Group (more than 30 people) 大人 - (over 15 years old) 500円 (500 en) | 400円 (400 en) 小中学生 - Elementary/Junior high school student 200円 (200 en) | 160円 (160 en)
開館時間:AM9:00~PM5:00 (入館はPM4:30まで) 9:00A.M. - 5:00P.M. (Last admission 30 minutes before closing time)
Vocab 天守閣(てんしゅかく)castle tower, keep, donjon 天守(てんしゅ)castle tower 象徴(しょうちょう)symbol, emblem, representation 内外(ないがい)interior and exterior 見張る(みはる)to stand watch, guard 物見櫓(ものみやぐら)watch tower 用いる(もちいる)to use, make use of 殿主(でんす)(Buddhist) priest in charge of a temple’s clerical duties 殿守(とのもり)palace guard [same for 主殿(とのも)] 記する(きする)to remember, to note とされる )…is considered to… 将軍家(しょうぐんけ)family positioned to accede the shogunate 宿所(しゅくしょ)address, lodgings, accomodations 途中(とちゅう)en route 徳川家光(とくがわいえみつ)Tokugawa Iemitsu 武具(ぶぐ)arms, weapons 展望(てんぼう)view, outlook 元禄(げんろく)Genroku era (9.30.1688-3.13.1704) ほとんど almost all (of) 倒壊(とうかい)destruction, collapse 焼失(しょうしつ)destruction by fire, being burnt down 宝永(ほうえい)Hoei era (3.13.1704-4.25.1711) 外観(がいかん)outward appearance 付櫓(つけやぐら)attached turret/watchtower 両者(りょうしゃ)pair, two people, two things 続櫓(ぞくやぐら)a row house watchtower that continues from the gate watchtower)(櫓門) 棟(とう)counter for buildings 群(ぐん))group 廃城(はいじょう)abandoned castle 解体(かいたい)demolition, taking down 保つ(たもつ)to keep, preserve 市制(しせい)municipality 鉄筋コンクリート(てっきんコンクリート)reinforced concrete 復興(ふっこう)reconstruction, restoration に際して(にさいして)at the time of, during 設計図(せっけいず)plan, blueprint 模型(もけい)model 最上階(さいじょうかい)top floor 高欄(こうらん)railing 設ける(もうける)to prepare, provide 耐震(たいしん)resistant to earthquakes 改修工事(かいしゅうこうじ)repair work 展示(てんじ)exhibition, display 全面的(ぜんめんてき)total, complete, extensive 古文書(こぶんしょ)historical document, archives 甲冑(かっちゅう)armor and helmet 刀剣(とうけん)sword 発掘(はっくつ)excavation 出土品(しゅつどひん)artefact, archaeological find 標高(ひょうこう)elevation 相模湾(さがみわん)Sagami Bay 一望(いちぼう)sweeping/unbroken view 三浦半島(みうらはんとう)Miura Peninsula 伊豆大島(いずおおしま)Izu Oshima 利島(としま)Toshima Island 房総半島(ぼうそうはんとう)Boso Peninsula 望む(のぞむ)to expect, hope for, look forward to 入場料(にゅうじょうりょう)admission fee 入館(にゅうかん)entrance (into a library, museum, etc.)
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confusinglystupid · 2 months
short list of characters for my star blazers project
sorry if its a bit short, this is only like a couple, ill add more later
EARTH CHARACTERS Vice Admiral Juzo Okita (沖田十三) M61 Famed hero of the 2nd Battle over Mars. A stern, fearless stoic. Captain of the Yamato (UNS BBY-001) and formerly captain of the battleship Kirishima (UNS BBS-555). His battle strategies are nearly always high risk, high reward, and it miraculously always seems to work out perfectly.
Commander Mamoru Kodai (古代守) M27 Elder brother of Susumu and captain of UNS DDS-117 (JSS Yukikaze). His family was wiped out by an interplanetary bomb that struck the Miura Peninsula. Only he and his brother Susumu survived. He is shot down by the Gamilons while drawing their fire during Operation M so Okita could return home.
Commander-in-Chief Heikuro Todo (藤堂平九郎) M59 CinC of the Earth Defense Force. A calm, collected, reasonable man. Believes in the prioritization of morals over orders.
Admiral Kotetsu Serizawa (芹沢虎鉄) M55 Todo's right hand. A stern, angry, stubborn man. Harsh, immovable, but well intentioned. Reasonably disliked by the general public. Foil to Field Marshal Zöllick.
Lieutenant Commander Yuki Mori (森雪) F21 First mate aboard the Yamato, formerly a staff officer at EDF central command. Highly intelligent. A woman of great forethought and consideration. Kindhearted, consistently collected, fiercely believes in legitimate justice & the invalidity of sheer revenge, no matter how heinous the crime. Closely resembles the beautiful Sasha of Iscändar, who crashed on Mars.
Lieutenant Susumu Kodai (古代進) M19 Chief of the Tactical department. Hotheaded, righteous, brooding when upset. Mamoru's only surviving relative. Main protagonist of this story.
Lieutenant Daisuke Shima (島大介) M19 Friend and compatriot of Susumu. Yamato's Helmsman and Navigation department Chief. An expert navigator with an interest in astronomy. Calmer, more proper and more level-headed than Kodai. The exception being when Kodai is actually around, in which case Shima is even more rash and foolish than he.
Lieutenant JG Hajime Hirata (平田一) M21 An older fellow student at the Space Force academy when Kodai and Shima attended. A sort of "older brother" type friend to them.
Dr. Sakezo Sado (佐渡酒造) M54 A brilliant physician and a confidant of the Captain. Appointed as the ship's Medical department Chief despite no prior astronaval experience. A widely beloved drunkard. Cat person.
Makoto Harada (原田真琴) F21 Field medic, officially a civilian.
Analyzer (AU09-Q1309) X3 AI companion of Dr. Sado and improvised autonomous subframe of the Yamato after the original was destroyed. Prefers to be called "Analyzer", as opposed to AU09 or Q1309.
Lieutenant Shiro Sanada (真田志郎) M28 Science and Technologies department Chief. A highly analytical and intellectually gifted man. His mind was designed to create machines. Highly emotionally intelligent, though bad at reading and expressing emotions. The Wave-Motion Gun is his brainchild.
Lieutenant JG Saburo Kato (加藤三郎) M23 Captain of the Yamato's Air Corps. Damn well coulda been born and raised in a cockpit, for the way he flies. Righteous, a little bit of a control freak. Close with Yamamoto.
Lieutenant JG Yasuo "Dash" Nanbu (南部"DASH"康雄) M20 Chief of Gunnery subdepartment of Tactial. Very much envies Kodai's position. About twice as hotheaded as Kodai, and 10 times as pigheaded. Excellent, loyal soldier, even if he disagrees with is commanding officers.
Ensign Yoshikazu Aihara (相原義一) M21 Operations department Chief and Comms officer. Reports to XO Mori. Sort of on-edge a lot of the time. Often overshadowed by those around him.
Ensign Kenjiro Ohta (太田健二郎) M24 Radar officer and Chief of the Space Weather Prediction subdepartment under Navigation. Eager and enthusiastically helpful. Bit of a mild Osaka hillbilly stereotype.
SP3 Haruki Ando (安藤春樹) M18 Wave-Motion Ballast & Shield technician. Brilliant kid, rushed through school with the goal of helping the cause against the Gamilons. Did not intend to be a soldier, merely a scientist, but is overjoyed nonetheless. Follows Kodai around like a duckling.
Kaoru Shintani (新谷かおる) M43 Chief OMCS technician. AKA, shipboard cook.
Lieutenant Commander Hikozaemon Tokugawa (徳川彦左衛門) M62 Chief engineer. Like Sado and Okita, quite brilliant, though quite odd. Former Chief engineer of the Kirishima. Very warm & paternal to all, considered the nice grandpa of the crew.
PO1 Sukeji Yabu (藪助治) M31 Tokugawa's favorite student. Cautious, introverted, kinda weird. Extremely intelligent. Refers to Starsha of Iscändar as a goddess.
Lieutenant JG Sho Yamazaki (山崎奨) M45 Tokugawa's official right hand.
Ensign Akira Yamamoto (山本明) F20 Another prodigy seemingly born to fly. Similarly to Kodai, she and her elder brother Akio were the only survivors of the early planet bombings by the Gamilons. ALSO similarly to Kodai, said elder brother died in Operation M. She and Kodai seem to keep ending up in bleak situations and having to save each other.
Ensign Hiroki Shinohara (篠原弘樹) M24 Deputy Captain of the ship's Air Corps. Quite unserious and smug in general. Very mature and insightful when the time calls for it. Never angry, and excellent mediator.
Lieutenant Akira Nemoto (根本明) M31 Captain of the Yamato's Marine Corps. Cold, quiet. Foolhardy, but a quick learner. Eager to kill Gamilons.
Corporal Kazuhiko Sugiyama (杉山和彦) M18 Deputy Captain of the ship's space Marines. Smug asshole most of the time, but humbles up quick when he deems it necessary. Doesn't like to take things too far. An EXCELLENT shot.
MCPO Isami Enomoto (榎本勇) M36 Boatswain's Mate. Kodai, Shima, and Hirata's former Practical Skills instructor. Simultaneously bubbly and friendly & strict and unforgiving.
PO3 Shinpei Iwata (岩田新平) and SP1 Kiyoshi Toyama (遠山清) M27 and M26 3rd deck operators. Inseparable. Idiots. Simultaneously fully competent and woefully incompetent. Often subjected to Enomoto's wrath.
WO2 Yuria Misaki (岬百合亜) F19 Member of the Supply department and self-proclaimed ESP haver.
WO2 Shigeru Hayashi (林繁) M18 Member of the Navigation department, plagued by visions (suffering from nightmares).
Lieutenant Kaoru Niimi (新見薫) F37 Chief of the Security department. Friend of Serizawa.
Lieutenant JG Shinya Itou (伊東真也) M21 Chief of the Armed Security department. Eerily friendly. Unnervingly polite. Gives of bad vibes.
WO1 Toru Hoshina (星名透) M19 Member of the Armed Security department. Love interest of Misaki.
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minusboy · 28 days
3, 4, 7, 8
hello my mortal enemy (affectionate)
3. that encompasses my style
this scene from the goya fic i think<3
The Miura peninsula is beautiful in autumn. The colours are softer this time around, more muted. Other things are different. too, because this time it was Chuuya who suggested it, a whole week before, and this time they’ve got a blanket, and Dazai has watercolors, and the wind ruffles his hair gently where he’s hunched over his sketchbook. Chuuya smokes and watches him, a complicated feeling thrumming in his chest, like a bird flapping its wings. Not for the first time, and certainly not the last, he feels like his ribcage might burst open with the force of it. Here, he thinks about offering his heart, hands soaked with blood. Have it, I insist. Indulgently, romantically, he briefly allows himself to entertain the idea that maybe they were always destined to find one another, like it was written in the stars somewhere. A fate foretold. Patroclus leaving Opus. 
7. that i nursed in a daydream before finally writing
this scene from bleeding heart dove
Four years later finds Dazai in an alleyway, staring down at a barrel of a gun on his knees, smiling as he cradles his right wrist. Any minute now. The man holding the gun seems confident that he’s got him cornered, enough that he’s completely forgetting to check his surroundings. He clearly did not get the memo that there’s a vicious dog currently off the leash. The thought makes him chuckle. ”What’s so funny?” ”You should be careful with that,” Dazai says idly, clicking his tongue, goosebumps rising to his skin as the air vibrates with tension, a change in gravity. And there he is- his delightfully violent guardian angel, ascending on them like such from seemingly out of nowhere, grinning wildly as he kicks the gun out of the man’s hand, the red glow of his ability surrounding him like a halo. He exacts his divine justice while Dazai watches, mesmerised. And finally, Chuuya turns around and smirks at him, flashing sharp canine teeth. He wipes the blood from the corner of his mouth, like a fox after a fresh kill, his gloves discarded now, knuckles raw. “What’d I miss?” he asks, extending a hand for Dazai to take, pulling him on his feet.
8. that i hurt my own feelings to write
again from the goya fic
”Why am I not getting better? I’m doing everything right aren’t I?” he asks. Suddenly, it feels like someone’s dragging a knife in a jagged line across his palm, right on top of the old scar, bleeding all over the delicate white fabric, and the pain makes the edges of his vision go white for a moment. He chokes on his next inhale, digging dull fingernails into the meat of his palm. ”Why don’t I… does it still…” ”Stop,” Dazai commands gently, covering his fingers with his own, making Chuuya flinch. Dazai gently pries the dress from his hands and carefully sets it aside on the table, his movements delicate and quiet, never taking his eyes off him. And suddenly Chuuya hates how he can touch him so easily. Like he isn’t taking him apart and painfully putting him back together every time like some grotesque version of a matryoshka doll.
send me numbers !
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leagueofgardens · 11 months
Kaiseizan Girls' High School
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This is an expanded and rewritten version of a thread originally posted on Twitter. It's a hassle to find old stuff on Twitter and who knows how much longer the site will even last, so this seems like a better place for it.
Yurigaoka isn't the only place like it in the Assault Lily world. There are tens, if not hundreds, of Gardens like it in Japan alone, and even more elsewhere in the world. Today we'll take a look at an in-depth look at a different Garden: Kaiseizan.
Kamakura and Koshu
First, let's talk geography.
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Most Assault Lily stories take place in the greater Tokyo area of Japan. Yurigaoka itself is located in Kamakura City in Kanagawa Prefecture: it's close to the southern coast of the prefecture, just west of the peninsula (the Miura Peninsula.) In the AL world, Kanagawa Prefecture has been renamed to Kamakura Prefecture, so when I refer to "Kamakura" I mean the entire place.
By the way, if you search Google Maps for 'Yurigaoka Japan', you'll get sent to a neighborhood in Kawasaki. That isn't where Yurigaoka Girls' Academy is. Search for 'Yukinoshita' for the correct location, at least in the AL anime.
Forget about Yurigaoka for now and look at the right side of the map above. You've heard of Tokyo, I hope. Let your eyes wander just west of it and check out that place called Yamanashi. It's famous for its vineyards and also has a mountain in it, Mount Fuji, that you might have heard of.
If you watched Assault Lily: Bouquet, you're familiar with Yamanashi too. See, in both the real world and the AL world, Yamanashi is also known as "Koshu." To minimize confusion, I'll refer to it as such from now on.
Koshu has another name on top of that: "Kai." Kaiseizan literally means "Kai Holy Mountain"—that is to say, Mount Fuji. The Garden itself is located just north of Mount Fuji, close to the prefecture's southern border with Shizuoka.
The Koshu Withdrawal
For how major an event the Koshu Withdrawal was in the AL world, we don't know all that much about it, but here's what we do know. Two years prior to the events of Assault Lily: Bouquet, the Huge invaded Koshu with overwhelming force, and the local defense forces fought to check their advance while the civilian population retreated to safe regions.
Some Lilies from neighboring Kamakura got caught up in the battle, such as a junior high school reserve team from Yurigaoka that included Shirai Yuyu, Kawazoe Misuzu, and Yoshimura Thi Mai among its number. They were in Koshu for a training camp. After fighting in the Koshu Withdrawal, the survivors were promoted to a full-fledged legion and named Legion Álfheimr.
However, the main Garden that fought in the Koshu Withdrawal was Kaiseizan Girls' High School, which was at the time considered the strongest Garden in Koshu itself. With a focus on defense and recovery, they trained their Lilies to hold positions and render medical aid, favoring those with Rare Skills like Testament (Shenlin's RS.)
They should have been in a good position to defend Koshu against an onslaught by the Huge, but unfortunately, they were caught totally off guard and were slow to react. Koshu's a fallen region now, so you know the rest.
Kaiseizan Girls' High School
Koshu fell to the Huge, but Kaiseizan was still there. A fortified Garden, relatively safe from the Huge, with a full battalion of Lilies (although many were novices, in junior high school or their first year of high school.)
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Kurumatani Keine
Kaiseizan's student council president at the time was Kurumatani Keine, a 2nd-year. She pushed to have the entire Garden retreat to Kamakura Prefecture and reestablish themselves there, part of her motivation being their shameful performance during the Koshu Withdrawal.
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Yumeno Kanon
This didn't sit with many of Kaiseizan's Lilies, in particular a certain 3rd-year junior high school student, Yumeno Kanon. Kanon made a passionate speech, declaring "If we refuse to defend this very land, then when and where will we stand our ground? This is the most sacred of all places to us. If we cannot protect it, there is nowhere in the world we will be able to protect."
Keine did not argue against her, Kanon rallied many students to her position, and eventually only about 30% of Kaiseizan's Lilies followed Keine when she retreated to Kamakura. Kanon would later rise to a position on Kaiseizan's student council.
Thus, Kaiseizan remains an active Garden within the fallen region of Koshu. It has to receive support from Kamakura Prefecture, but its Lilies are still eager to fight for their home. It also has an Arsenal department which develops special gear for its defensive focus.
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Taneda Seina and Yumeno Kanon
Kaiseizan's uniforms resemble those of a marching band, and are admired throughout Japan, as well as by the students themselves. Seeing a Lily in blue is a particular comfort to the remaining civilians in Koshu, especially when there are hungry Huge nearby. However, because their hostile environs often demands that they fight fierce battles, many Kaiseizan Lilies don't wear their jackets in the field and fight in just their blouses instead.
The Kataphraktos Tactic
You know about the Neunwelt Tactic. It's supposed to be the only way to effectively fight against stronger Huge. Except that isn't true. There are some (far less popular) alternatives, and Kaiseizan has wholeheartedly embraced one of them: the Kataphraktos Tactic.
This tactic relies on a single Lily, called the "tank", deliberately placing herself in the way of Huge attacks to absorb their energy. The tank often uses a shield-like CHARM, and the entire team (which can be as few as 3 Lilies, or as many as 9) uses defensive Rare Skills such as Heliosphere to protect her.
Using a specialized CHARM OS, the tank channels a portion of the absorbed energy to her allies. The team can then create a spherical field around the Huge with this energy and cause an explosion within it, doing severe damage to them.
Sagami Girls' Academy (in Kamakura) is another Garden that teaches Lilies to use the Kataphraktos Tactic, but only if they want to learn it.
Magie Crystal Limit Breaking
Because it's located in a fallen area, Kaiseizan's Lilies have a unique privilege in battle: they can disable the limiters on their CHARMs' Magie Crystal Cores. Doing this is referred to as a "Magie Crystal Limit Break."
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Kanon after a Magie Crystal Limit Break
This results in the Lily expending more magie than usual, which has the visual effect of causing her aura (and hair) to change color to match her CHARM. It's a similar phenomenon to Divine Possession—well known as the state Shirai Yuyu often enters when she uses Lunatic Trancer.
However, compared to Divine Possession, a Magie Crystal Limit Break is relatively safe. The tradeoff is that it doesn't boost the Lily's power as much, but considering she remains in full control of herself, it's not a bad one.
Fang Sisters
Like many Gardens, Kaiseizan has a traditional oath of sisterhood that its Lilies can take. The resulting Lilies are known as "Fang Sisters." Unusually, Lilies of the same school year can be Fang Sisters. Even more unusually, it's not two Lilies who are Fang Sisters, but three.
This is because you need at least three Lilies to perform the Kataphraktos Tactic. Becoming Fang Sisters is likened to the legendary "Oath of the Peach Garden" taken by Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.
Taneda Seina, who is Kanon's friend and roommate, dreams of becoming Fang Sisters with her someday (we don't know who would be their third.)
Kaiseizan's Legacy
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Rokkaku Shiori
Finally, what's up with the former student council president, Keine? She was seriously injured during the Koshu Withdrawal and spent a while recuperating. She then enrolled in Yurigaoka and, having repeated a year, is a 3rd-year Lily there.
Keine formed Legion Geiravör, now one of Yurigaoka's top legions, and remains its captain. She has continuously advocated for Yurigaoka to launch an expedition to recapture Koshu. While some consider her a coward for her past actions, she cares about Koshu in her own way.
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Serizawa Chikaru
Other noteworthy Lilies who have history with Kaiseizan are Rokkaku Shiori, who attended it for a while before transferring to Yurigaoka (prior to the Koshu Withdrawal), and Serizawa Chikaru, who was a Lily at Kaiseizan during the Koshu Withdrawal. Chikaru watched a close friend die at that time, and it was a traumatic experience for her that nearly made her unable to continue being a Lily.
To get more meta, Kaiseizan was one of the diverse roster of Gardens that the Assault Lily doll line featured prior to Bushiroad Inc. investing in AL in 2018. When they got involved, Bushiroad decided to laser-focus on Yurigaoka and a couple of other Gardens in Tokyo, and virtually ignore all of the others. Kaiseizan was one of the casualties; it has very little actual story relevance nowadays. Which is a shame, because I hope you agree with me that it's cool.
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Now you know almost all there is to know about Kaiseizan Girls' High School, and the state of Koshu in the Assault Lily world! Thanks for reading, and if you ever visit Mount Fuji, watch out for any Huge lurking nearby! You don't have to go there to find Ramune, FYI.
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pix4japan · 2 years
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Speeding Around the Curve
The train on the right is a Keikyu Line commuter train arriving at Yokohama Station from the suburbs. The outbound train on the left is a Toei-Asakusa Line train running on Keikyu Line headed for the suburbs from Tokyo via Yokohama during the evening rush hour.
Keikyu Line trains are typically red with white stripes, and run all the way from the Miura Peninsula to the heart of Tokyo at the Shinagawa Terminus covering a distance of 66.9 km (43.43 miles)
Established in 1895, the Keikyu Line is one of the major lines transporting commuters to Yokohama, Kawasaki, and Tokyo for work and school. The train carries approx. 1.12 million passengers daily and can operate at a max speed of 120 kmh (75 mph) on some stretches.
My favorite part of this line is the elevated tracks between Yokohama and Tokyo, where the train winds back and forth between high-rise buildings close to the tracks, and passes by several old Buddhist temples and their large cemeteries. I got motion sickness the first time I rode this train, but quickly got used to it during my daily commute to Tokyo many years ago.
Fujifilm X100V (23 mm) ISO 3200 for 1/80 sec. at ƒ/2 Astia/Soft film simulation
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nintendoteuthis · 2 years
It has been pointed out that the map of the Splatoon region the devs have been using matches up with the coastal outline of Kanto, Japan pretty well.
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I'm not surprised by this - knowing the devs, I suppose there's no reason why anything else should have been expected. I'm nevertheless a little disappointed by the implication that it is meant to be what is today the Greater Tokyo Area.
I'm now going to explain why I, personally, will probably not be taking the devs' statements at face value and reject this area being Greater Tokyo Area. But since I know y'all might not be interested in my grumblings, I will be putting the analysis behind a readmore:
Note that this map is at an angle. I distorted it to try and counteract this, and will be using both for the following analysis.
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First - the coastlines are not identical. Several proportional things are noticeably different (e.g. the Miura Peninsula being shaped differently). Some of this can be chalked up to sea level changes and erosion, potentially (the patterns of doing so are weird and don't lnie up with elevation, though). But this also makes it little difficult to line it up one-to-one with the eastern coast of Japan, and thus where each location here would be in modern-day Japan. However, based on rassicas's read of the Japanese version of this map, Inkopolis looks roughly equivalent to Chiba.
There are three things we could use to estimate scale. First, and most generous, is by just looking at it and roughly matching up the topology to Japan. rassicas's interpretation has that massive crater being where Mt. Fuji used to be; that'd make Splatsville around where Kofu is. The distance between Chiba and Kofu is ~135 km. That's a bit less than the distance between downtown Los Angeles and the outskirts of San Diego.
Alternatively, since the devs mentioned the distance between Inkopolis and Splatsville is roughly like Tokyo to Atami, let's roll with Atami for Splatsville. The distance between Chiba and Atami is ~110-115 km. That's about the distance between New York and Philadelphia.
Things get even smaller if we assume this map is to scale. According to the devs, Inkopolis Plaza and Inkopolis Square are about 1.2 km apart. Taking the distance between the two on this map, dividing that by 1.2 to get how long a kilometer is, and measuring the distance from Inkopolis to Splatsville - that calculates to roughly 50-55 km. That's San Francisco to San Jose, Brisbane to Gold Coast, one side of O'ahu to the other. Point being, if this is meant to be Greater Tokyo and/or if we take the devs' word for it, this is not a whole lot of area.
So how is the desert of the Splatlands so close to the wetter and more temperate Inkadia?
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It is hard for me to believe that these two places are closer together than LA and San Diego.
The most common way that you get deserts this close to a forested region is through the rainshadow effect. Basically mountains force rainclouds to dump water on the side they come from, so the air is dry by the time it passes over. This makes deserts on the other side. This phenomenon can lead to, for example, lush forests on one side of the Andes Mountains and the dry coastal South American desert on the other . And, commendably, there are some mountains in between Splatsville and Inkopolis (if the rain's coming from the bottom right, then the rainshadow would be where the Outer Splatsville Desert is). If we take the devs' word for the scale, though, then there are nowhere near enough mountains to cause a significant enough rainshadow. You'd need more mountains and/or more desert to cause that severe a rainshadow event. And then there's that area to the southeast of Splatsville that has nothing blocking the rain.
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I'm gonna point out a couple more inconsistencies with this map corresponding to Greater Tokyo.
Mount Nantai is a little over 125 km from the edge of Tokyo Bay. So either that's not the same Mount Nantai, or this isn't that area
In fact none of the mountains line up with the topography of Japan at all. Formation of new mountains would require tens of millions of years of either tectonic movements or volcanic activity. Global sea level rise cannot do this. So this doesn't line up with the implication of this being Japan 12,000 years in the future
And I'm not sure if the winds come from that direction in Japan... if north is up (which both the alignment with Japan and the direction the sun rises imply), and if the winds are coming from that direction, that might be more consistent with this all being in the southern hemisphere
Note how the devs bring up Tokyo to Atami and Los Angeles to Las Vegas as comparisons for the Inkopolis to Splatsville distance. Those are very different distances. Tokyo to Atami is 108 km, about a two hour drive. LA and Vegas are over 400 km apart, about a five hour drive. If the distance between Inkopolis and Splatsville was more like Los Angeles to Las Vegas, then the difference in climate would be more easily justifiable
So I highly doubt the implied scale of this map, and I definitely don't think this corresponds to the Greater Tokyo Area (or indeed Japan at all). It'd make more sense if there was an even more significant distance between Inkopolis and Splatsville than this map and the devs imply. For me personally, this is a place where I'm headcanoning over it for now.
That being said, Shintaro Sato did say that this map is tentative, and mostly to help them block out relative locations. The main point of that being the Splatlands/Splatsville/Alterna being a significant distance away from Inkopolis/Octarian territory. So who knows, this could be subject to change in the future?
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Enoden and Me: Memories of wandering and sand in my blue age (prose poetry)
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In 1978, the year I entered the University of Tokyo Science 1, I lost my enthusiasm for science very quickly, and went on a sketch trip around the Kanto region with a sketchbook in hand. In that sense, the Miura Peninsula area is full of good subjects for painting, so I boycotted my attendance at the final exam and went to paint. At that time, I had no doubts that German was a second foreign language, and I did not even think about studying French during the spring break of university and transferring to the Department of French Literature in the Faculty of Letters. It was around that time.
Speaking of Kamakura and Enoshima, it was the destination of school excursions for elementary school students in the northern Kanto region, and it was the second time I visited this place. However, to put it bluntly, for me, who was suffering from "the troubles of youth", the way I see things is somewhat different from when I was in elementary school, and I have a desire to find the realities hidden in the depths of things. was holding What I learned from that experience was that I thought that there would be things I couldn't get in the "boring" science field.
My BGM around this time was Machiko Watanabe's album "Fog Lamp", the singer-songwriter of "Mayoi-Michi", which had been a big hit since 1977. Among them, the song "Black Angel" was the best. I don't know the gender of that, but I care about my friend's "black angel" who lives a self-indulgent life, and it is a song that reproaches me that I can't continue such a life. At the time, I compared myself to this "Black Angel".
The representative means of transportation in this area is, of course, the Enoden. As for what kind of train it is, if you quote from the wiki
Although it is a short distance of less than an hour from Tokyo, you can enjoy the atmosphere of a local line on a single track (operating every 12 minutes during the daytime, so it is reasonably convenient), and the areas along the line are "Youthful and bright images of Shonan and Enoshima". And it is a famous sightseeing spot in the metropolitan area since ancient times, called ``Kamakura, the ancient capital where the shogunate once existed.'' As a result, there are abundant tourism resources, scenic spots, and historic sites along the railway lines.
In addition, the Enoden itself is characteristic and easy to be a subject, so it is very often used for taking pictures of TV dramas and gravure photographs (see the section ``Works based on the Enoden''), such as "SLAM DUNK". Occasionally appearing in cartoons, its recognition is not only in Japan, but it is a railway line that is known all over the world. Especially in recent years, the number of tourists taking pictures at the railroad crossing at Kamakurakokomae Station has increased, and security measures have been strengthened, such as placing security guards near the railroad crossing.
There are few cases where it is called by the official company name 'Enoshima Electric Railway', and it is generally called 'Enoden', and even the company actively calls it 'Enoden' on its goods and other items, and even writes 'Enoden' in hiragana.
This slow feeling is good, isn't it? I also got off at Enoshima and did a crayon drawing featuring the Enoshima Lighthouse. When I look at this painting now, I can tell that he was in a state of high spirits, or rather, that his nerves were tense. It's like slamming yourself into a sketchbook with a rough touch.
During this short trip, I bought a collection of essays about the Enoden called "Enoden Calendar Day" (authored by Umihiko Ito), and thoroughly enjoyed the moist and lovely description of the Enoden. I don't have it with me now, but it was a good collection of essays. I remember a story that said, ``I tried to imagine the person who dropped the 'sand,' which was a remnant of summer, on the car of the Enoden in the summer.''
Today's word: I wrote above that I boycotted the final exam, but this subject is "absolutely necessary for admission", and if I fail it, I will have to repeat the grade, so I submitted a "petition" to the professor in charge.  I took a supplementary exam and managed to advance. It was an uncool episode (sweat).
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sumiretranslations · 7 months
Walk!Walk!Tashiro Sumire (23.09.29)
I'm Tashiro Sumire💜
Today I went on a walk♡
With my older sister、and Ton-chan!
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I took some photos📷
The scenery was really The Ultimate Nature!笑笑笑lollollol
We went to Jogashima in the Miura Peninsula!
It was actually my first time visiting Miura、
But it was super amazing〜🥹
There were loads of kitties ^._.^
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So many came to see me!
They were so cute and healing😭
Time spent with family、is the beーst!
(T/N News and information has not been translated)
We'll be performing at
Hokkaido🧡 Kanamin's homecoming🧡
I'm super excited😳 Can't wait😳
Thank you very much for reading🍒
Well thenn!
This has been Tashiro Sumire〜
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wrbabuttons · 1 year
He Shall Reign - washed ashore
This button was first discovered by a WRBA member in Japan, on a beach comber’s blog. The button is back marked 君が代 (Kimi Ga Yo). Kimi Ga Yo is the title of the national anthem of Japan 🎵. Its lyrics came from a poem celebrating longevity found in the 古今和歌集, a 12th Century CE anthology of poems. Ceramic hand grenades washed up on the Miura Peninsula in 2012, Photo courtesy: 拾い物 (found in…
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View On WordPress
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magical-magyars · 1 year
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三浦半島三崎港 2023.1.31 
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daffydave · 1 year
Beauty will reawaken your consciousness to your senses.
(Book (Jumbo Jumble) - January 3)
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Nokogiriyama Hiking Course (Hamakanaya (Uchibo), 1 hour, 2009)
The Tokyo area is full of incredibly scenic coastlines dotted with beaches, rocky coasts and small islands. The Uchibo Line is a trail line that runs down the west side of the Boso Peninsula in Chiba Prefecture (which borders Tokyo to the east), and has scenic views of Tokyo Bay for much of its length. Hamakanaya Station lies on this line, and is within walking distance of the ferry which can be taken to the the Miura Peninsula (less than a one hour ride) as well as about a two hour hike to Mt. Nokogiriyama with its steep cliff walls and large and small statues of Buddhist heritage.
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h-shirota · 1 year
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12_4_2022. 城ヶ島にて(神奈川県三浦半島) At Jogashima (Miura Peninsula, Kanagawa Prefecture) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClyM-FRp6j6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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The Miura Peninsula An astronaut onboard the International Space Station took this photograph of the northern section of Japan’s Miura Peninsula, which separates Tokyo Bay from Sagami Bay. An expressway runs through the center of the image and connects Yokosuka and Yokohama, two cities within the Greater Tokyo Area. Inlets along Sagami Bay are tinged with brown-hued sediment as waves break near the shore. Darker regions near the center of the Miura Peninsula are heavily forested. Mount Ogusu (Ogusuyama), one of the highest points on the peninsula, is neighbored by parks, trails, a golf course, and solar power plants. Along the bottom right of the image, Yokohama and Yokosuka port facilities line the coast and ships linger in Tokyo Bay. At this focal length, the high spatial resolution of the photograph captures infrastructure and individual buildings near coasts, roads, or valleys. Vehicle and electronics manufacturing are just some of the activities that employ thousands of people in the industrial zones of the Yokosuka and Yokohama area, which has a population of about 680,000. Astronaut photograph ISS065-E-236121 was acquired on August 10, 2021, with a Nikon D5 digital camera using a focal length of 1150 millimeters. It is provided by the ISS Crew Earth Observations Facility and the Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit, Johnson Space Center. The image was taken by a member of the Expedition 65 crew. The image has been cropped and enhanced to improve contrast, and lens artifacts have been removed. The International Space Station Program supports the laboratory as part of the ISS National Lab to help astronauts take pictures of Earth that will be of the greatest value to scientists and the public, and to make those images freely available on the Internet. Additional images taken by astronauts and cosmonauts can be viewed at the NASA/JSC Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth. Caption by Sara Schmidt, GeoControl Systems, JETS Contract at NASA-JSC.
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pix4japan · 8 months
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Yokohama Port Symbol Tower
Location: Honmoku Pier, Naka Ward, Yokohama, Japan Timestamp: 16:48 on Sept. 6, 2023
The 58.5-meter tower situated at Honmoku Pier was finalized in 1986 with the primary purpose of ensuring the safe navigation of ships entering and departing Yokohama Port.
From its observation deck, you can enjoy sweeping vistas of the port, and on clear days, you'll be treated to breathtaking views of the Miura Peninsula, Boso Peninsula, the Tokyo Bay Aqua-Line, and the majestic Mt. Fuji.
Surrounding the tower's base, there is a vast expanse of well-kept grass providing a perfect setting for visitors to enjoy picnics, recreational activities, take leisurely walks with their dogs, or simply unwind and relax.
For convenient navigation and additional information, you can refer to the Pix4Japan blog post, which includes Google Maps links to the tower, parking facilities, and the nearest bus stop. Additionally, the blog post offers curated links to relevant websites for further reading: https://www.pix4japan.com/blog/20230906-symbol-tower
Fujifilm X100V with 5% diffusion filter ISO 800 for 1/250 sec. at ƒ/11 Classic Negative film simulation
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