#misc. klaine
klainegifs · 19 days
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 2 months
Looking for something to read?
Hello Readers! While we really don't mind answering your fic requests, here are some pro-tips to help you out:
The search bar is an excellent resource to locate what you're looking for. If it's a specific title, put the title in. Looking for stories by a specific author? Put the author's name in. If it's a story with a certain character or song in it, put that in the search bar. For a reaction fic for a specific episode, put in the episode number ie: 2X06. If a particular subject isn't listed in our tags, put that in the search bar. We know that the tags don't appear on the app (use the web version!), so we'll list the tag page links here and pin this post for you. Happy reading!
KLAINE MISC (ratings, fic length, awards, genres, etc)
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cryscendo · 11 months
cryscendo’s edit masterlist
hey everyone! i am finally getting around to creating a masterlist for all my edits and projects. i intend to update this list regularly so hopefully it will continue to grow!
kurt hummel in every performance klaine edits glee edits kurt hummel edits glee tarot deck blaine anderson edits
fall out boy edits the academy is edits
all edits everything i create
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nineofhearts4 · 1 year
WIP Titles game
Thanks @likestosolvethepuzzle for the tag! You are about to see how many WIPs I truly have...
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I have 35+ WIPs right now, across like 6 fandoms but I'm just going to pick the stuff that I've worked on in the past year that I may pick up again and then bold the stuff that I'm serious about finishing:
Nancy Drew (Nace)
Codebreakers: Nace
Claim to Fame - Nace
Earth Day
Julie and the Phantoms (Juke)
Come From Away
Jesse McCartney
Juke hockey
Mendes - Juke
JatP Kid Nation outline
Jatp - hockey
Glee (Klaine)
The Best Secrets are When I'm with You
A Safe Place to Hide
Klaine - Big Time Rush inspired
Camp Caesar Creek
DIY Lies
Good Trouble (...shocking twist: this fic is for Good Trouble Callie/Jaime)
hsmtmts - tis the damn season (for hstmtmts - EJ/Gina)
Austin and Ally final episode
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glee-gif · 6 years
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blaine for the character ask! :)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! (he's gay i would not bang a gay man) | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
best quality: he's so caring and kind and generous, boy has the kindest heart.
worst quality: he's impulsive and makes some shitty decisions when he feels like he's losing someone.
ship them with: kurt hummel <3
brotp them with: sam & tina!! also kurt because klaine’s friendship is immaculate 
needs to stay away from: sebastian, eli c.
misc. thoughts: holy fuck why do people hate him so much? this is rhetorical, not an invitation for you to tell me why you hate him - but really, what causes people to be so fucking cruel with their hate about him? isn’t it enough to dislike him? why do you have to go out of your way to turn him into an abuser or a horrible person to justify that dislike? 
isn’t it enough to just say he’s not your thing and move on with your life? i don’t get why people are so fixated on him if they hate him so much, just ignore him and talk about what you love instead! jfc, i have never seen any fandom be as vicious towards a character as some kurt stans are towards blaine, and it’s honestly concerning. 
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satellitesunset · 3 years
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life 
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
best quality: he was a good friend to Sam!!
worst quality: while he was a good friend, he was a shitty boyfriend (to sum up everything lightly) (if you like him, I'm glad he is a character you adore <3), and I think my opinions on him are influenced by the fact he reminds me of an ex of mine
ship them with: I don't think there's an character I ship him with, because I don't really think about him much
brotp them with: I liked his friendship with Tina and Sam!! (also I have a soft spot for platonic klaine with fanon blaine, I will die on the hill that they were better off as friends)
needs to stay away from: canon blaine from Elliott and maybe let Kurt take a break
misc. thoughts: he's definitely one of my lesser favourite characters, also my guy needs therapy
send me a character & I’ll answer the following about them!
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1908jmd · 3 years
Me for the character ask😆
The living Pav
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
Whichever one Hedwig is in
best quality: his yellowness; his chirpy little singing voice - one of best on show He gave up his life so Klaine could get together
worst quality:  Scaring Kurt when he moulted, and then making him cry
ship them with: Hedwig from Harry Potter. Bit weird though
brotp them with: Mr Puss, Lord Tubbington, and had he lived with the pigeons in Season 5
needs to stay away from: Sebastian - don't know why, i just think everyone does
misc. thoughts: Did he have any children to pass down to the next Warblers, or did that tradition die out when he died?
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klainegifs · 4 months
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 9 months
hello there used to be a list of tags but l cant reach the section can you pls share tags page again tyvm
Our tags are still there! Here ya go. ~Lynne'
Klaine Tropes A to M
Klaine Tropes N to Z
Klaine Finder MISC.
*Reminder: Mobile users - please use your browser to access our tags as they do not show up on the app.
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whatstheproblembaby · 7 years
Fic: Game Plan
Inspired by this art. ~1200 words, PG, all fluff.
“I’m so excited!” Blaine said, swinging his and Kurt’s joined hands higher than strictly necessary as they walked up the stairs of the subway station. “I can’t believe the skating rink at the Rockefeller Center is still open even though we’re already into March.”
“It’s been cold enough,” Kurt observed, smiling at his husband. “So at least the ice won’t end up melting beneath us, which is possibly the only thing I won’t have to worry about while skating.”
“Hey, I won’t let you fall,” Blaine said with a squeeze of Kurt’s hand. “And I’ve seen you skate before, I know you can do it.”
“When we went skating that Christmas, I’d just gone with Rachel and What’s-his-face a couple weeks before - I still remembered how to balance. I haven’t been skating since then, so I’m probably about to faceplant into the ice in front of a bunch of tourists.”
“Again, not gonna let that happen.” Blaine laughed softly. “At least we’re not Beyonce-famous? Any falls you suffer probably won’t be commemorated on social media for the rest of time.”
“You always see the bright side,” Kurt said, a smile pulling up one side of his mouth. “Alright, you go get us some skates while I see if there’s an open locker. I’m not leaving my shoes out in the open where God only knows what could happen to them.”
“I wouldn’t expect you to,” Blaine teased, pecking Kurt on the cheek before wandering over to the rental station.
Kurt smiled after his husband for a moment before heading off the other direction. Thankfully, a family was clearing their items out of their locker as Kurt headed over, so he just waited for them to clear out before sticking his shoes in the small space to reserve it.
Blaine reappeared soon afterward, brandishing two pairs of skates with a flourish.
“What a gentleman,” Kurt said, accepting his pair with a playfully dainty gesture. “I knew I kept you around for a reason.”
“I live to serve,” Blaine said. He sat down on the bench in front of the lockers and started tying on his skates, Kurt doing the same next to him. Once they both had their skates on, Blaine stood up and turned to Kurt. “Shall we?”
“We shall,” Kurt replied, taking Blaine’s extended hand to hoist himself up. They walked awkwardly on their skates over to the ice, where Kurt entered first and immediately grabbed onto the side of the rink.
“I’m almost jealous of how tightly you’re gripping that wall,” Blaine said, wobbling slightly as he adjusted to the new surface.
“Believe me, you’d break something if I held you the same way I’ve got this wall,” Kurt said, scooting along the rink in awkward, staccato motions. “If you want to do a lap or two, don’t let me stop you. You look like you’ve already got your ice legs.”
Blaine snorted softly. “That’s a new term for me. Let me do a quick lap just to make sure I’ve got my balance, then I’ll come back and help you. I came here to spend time with you, not make myself dizzy skating in circles while you try to meld with the sides of the rink.”
“Oh, but I’d already picked out an ad for them to paint on my side once I become one with the rink,” Kurt teased. “Go! Do a little skating where you’re not in danger from me and my ineptitude.”
“Try not to leave an imprint of your hands in the walls while I’m gone - we’re not rich enough to afford the damages yet!” Blaine said, smiling at Kurt before zooming off.
Kurt slowly made his way along the side of the rink, completing about half a lap while Blaine did two. He could feel himself gaining a little more stability as he moved, but he still hadn’t moved his hands off the wall by the time Blaine got back.
“You want me to try to help you out?” Blaine asked, resting a hand on Kurt’s elbow.
“As long as you’re willingly accepting the risks,” Kurt said with a smirk. He shuffled around so his butt was against the wall instead of his hands, giving Blaine an opportunity to grab onto him. “You’re gonna skate backwards?”
“I don’t think I can do it for hours or anything, but I can get us started this way,” Blaine said, pushing off slowly and craning his neck around to make sure their path was clear. They skated along for a moment before Blaine said, “See? Easy as-”
Kurt wobbled so violently that it almost took them both to the ground.
“Or not,” Blaine finished wryly. “Maybe this is the wrong approach. Hang on.”
“Wait, where are you-” Kurt flailed a little again as Blaine let go of him.
“Let’s try this,” Blaine said, wrapping his hands around Kurt’s waist from behind. “Maybe bracing you will help more.”
“Makes sense to me,” Kurt said, placing his hands over Blaine’s on his waist. “Let’s give it another try.”
They pushed off together, luckily not clashing skates, and continued off around the ice. Kurt tried to wobble a couple more times, but Blaine’s hands tightened on his waist whenever he got too off-balance, keeping both of them upright and moving for a few laps.
“This is fun!” Kurt said, turning his head back as much as he could to face Blaine without falling.
“Glad to hear it,” Blaine said with a smile. “Mind if we put it on pause for a minute, though? I really need to find a restroom.”
“Please do,” Kurt said. “Skate me over to the wall first?”
Once Kurt was safely braced against the wall, Blaine zipped away toward the entrance. Kurt kept skating on his own, taking his hands off the wall for brief stretches when he felt comfortable, but mostly keeping close to his support. He didn’t want Blaine to come back unexpectedly and get any funny ideas, after all.
Kurt was on the opposite side of the rink from Blaine when he returned to the ice. He stopped to wait for Blaine to skate back over, but as Blaine headed back, he skidded over a rough patch on the ice and went sprawling to the ground hard.
Kurt flew over the ice, coming to a controlled stop next to Blaine before crouching down near his head. “Are you okay?!”
“Oof. Yes, I just got the wind knocked out of me,” Blaine said, rolling onto his back and sitting up slowly. “I may be hallucinating though - I could’ve sworn you just skated over here as if you were an Olympic champion skater.”
“Well…,” Kurt said hesitantly, biting his lip. “I may have played up how bad I am at skating a little?”
“A little? Babe, you just broke a speed skating record to get over here.”
“I wouldn’t have had your arms wrapped around my waist all afternoon if you’d known I was good at skating, though,” Kurt said.
“You could’ve just asked,” Blaine said, rolling his eyes fondly.
“Where’s the fun in that?”
“Point taken,” Blaine said, pushing himself back up to standing. “So do you want to actually skate together now, or would you like to go back to pretending you can’t skate in order to con me into cuddling you?
“Can we do a little of both?” Kurt asked, standing up as well.
“I was hoping you’d say that.”
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Firsts and lasts of glee - Klaine
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brittanacedes · 6 years
I'm interested in your S3 hate list, if you don't mind
Because this list would be so long if I named every individual issue I had with the season, I tried to break it up into sections and grouped things together. I also listed them in order of my biases because admittedly some things that made me hate the season, others might not care about at all and vice versa.
IKAG. Honestly, the seething hatred I have for that episode is probably enough to bring down the entire season for me, but it’s just the tip of the iceberg. I’ve already discussed why that episode is The Worst 42 Minutes of Anything I’ve Ever Seen On Television before, so lemme not rehash it further.
Brittana. Pretty much everything about how Brittana was handled in S3 is so beyond frustrating and makes me SO bitter. I don’t even think I can properly explain all the reasons they failed Brittana in S3, but let me try. They dated all season but they literally only had 5 minutes worth of conversation the whole time, none of which were private (always in a crowded place or supervised by an adult). Brittany had zero POV regarding anything in their relationship and was completely ignored in what should’ve been their biggest storyline that season (IKAG). The sextape storyline, full stop. Just utter garbage. They officially got together in 304, but weren’t allowed to kiss until 313, and only after fans had to literally fight the writers on Twitter for it. They had no discussion about their future all season long, unlike the other couples. It took forever for them to get a duet and it was meh when they finally got it. They existed purely in the background for most of the season, and most of what we got was just thanks to Heya doing their thing. There was just so much wasted potential for them in S3 that just went down the drain.
Brittany. They failed Brittany in so many countless ways in S3. The most obvious way is how she was pretty much mute for a great deal of the season, to the point that they even had one of their ~hilarious meta jokes about it. She had no storyline, which sucks enough, but to make matters worse, the storylines she SHOULD have had went to/were about other people: she wants to run for student council president to prove to herself and others that she’s not dumb, but that lasts for about an episode before she’s reduced to the dumb cheerleader handing out pixie sticks and promising Topless Tuesdays and tornado protection, all so Poor Kurt can lose unfairly - and then once he does, her being president isn’t mentioned again until Prom, when it’s just used as a joke for the prom theme. As mentioned above, she and her girlfriend were outed and she got to say one single line about it (”She is normal”), and honestly the biggest offense: SHE FAILED SENIOR YEAR AND ONLY GOT A SINGLE THROWAWAY LINE ABOUT IT IN THE FINALE AFTER PUCK GOT A MULTI EPISODE ARC ABOUT EVERYONE HELPING HIM GRADUATE.
Quinn. Do I even need to summarize how awful every single thing about her this season was? Surely even people that love S3 know how horrible she was treated, yes??? So lemme just leave it at that: Quinn.
Samcedes. First it was dropped and Mercedes got reduced to saying lines about “chocolate babies” or whatever it was with her new love interest that they gave no importance to. But then they finally bring Sam back and give them a storyline, and it was a messy, convoluted mess. They give them a small decent arc, only to have them cheat (which was OOC for both their characters) and then drop them. They had a cute scene in 3x16 but then??? Were they dating??? Who the fuck knows! They got no screentime or focus for us to know.
Finchel/Double Standards. They ATE the show. Yes, they were always the main couple of the show, but OH BOY, did they get shoved down our throats in S3. The amount of screentime they got would’ve been awful on it’s own, but when you factor in the double standards and how little the same gender ships got in comparison, it was honestly so gross. And let me not forget what Rachel Berry’s character was reduced to in order to facilitated their storyline that season. Rachel Hudson was just painful to watch and in the end, it all amounted to nothing.
Finn. I’m not gonna list everything I hated about him this season because it’s a touchy subject and everything, but wow. My issues with how he was written were at an all time high that season. Obviously everyone knows how I feel about his role in Santana’s outing, but the hero worship!!!! Remember when the Juniors dedicated their song to the Seniors specifically to Finn in the finale? Honestly summed up that season perfectly.
#GleeHatesGirls. It was a running theme throughout the show, yes, but it was at its peak in S3. If my write ups for IKAG, Brittana, Brittany, Quinn and Rachel didn’t prove that enough, there’s also how Tina was made a prop all season long, the entire domestic abuse storyline in Choke, Quinn getting HIT BY A CAR but Blaine singing Fighter the next episode, the comparison of how Santana’s outing was handled vs Karofsky’s (and Brittany’s failing vs Puck’s), all the ~bro scenes compared to how few girl scenes there were, the fact that Kurt dedicated his song in the finale to the dudes in the room even though he was pointedly excluded from ALL the bro scenes, and lets not forget the almost all dude ND line up for Sectionals (that beat the all girl group, I might add).
Bad/Offensive Episodes. In the spirit of not giving every episode it’s own write up, a special shout out to: Asian F (Mercedes Jones Deserved Better), The First Time (Rachel’s virginity basically being a consolation prize, The Car Scene, Brittany’s disgusting line implying she was raped), IKAG, obviously, Extraordinary Merry Christmas (so! boring!), Saturday Night Gleever (the sextape, enough said), Dance With Somebody (Whitney episode so soon was tacky as fuck and the Klaine storyline was awful), Choke (how about teaching the BOYS not to be abusive perhaps???) and Goodbye (just absolutely horrendous from pretty much any angle you look at it).
Misc. Who gave a fuck about Rory or Joe? The Shelby/Puck storyline! Yikes! How the fuck did the Troubletones lose to ND? lmao. Quinn and Santana fixing the prom queen votes for Poor Rachel when Becky was Right There! Them talking about how their high school experiences were ~perfect compared to Rachel’s LMAO. Hey Tina, I know we’ve ignored you all season but here’s an episode dedicated to you learning to just sit down and shut up and wait for your turn. It’s never gonna come but still! The disgusting people shipping Santana with dudes (namely Finn and Sebastian)! Admittedly not entirely the show’s fault, but having her have scenes with them while barely any with her actual girlfriend didn’t help. I don’t pretend to like Klaine, but they got the shaft post 3x05, too.
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lady-divine-writes · 7 years
Klaine fic - “Need for Speed” (Rated NC17)
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Kurt Hummel moves from California to Lima after his dad's heart attack causes them to lose their repair shop. Kurt leaves his prestigious performing arts school and any chance of moving to New York and getting into NYADA. His only other joy in life is custom tuning cars, but his father doesn't approve. Things seem to get back on track when he joins the Dalton Crew as their mechanic, behind his father's back. He'll make the money he needs as long as he can put up with the unwanted attention of Sebastian Smythe. But, how will his dreams change after he meets the head of the McKinley Crew, Blaine Anderson, who decides that winning Kurt Hummel will be his next big challenge?
For those of you who don’t know, this is one of my first and, in my opinion, flagship fics, so I’m doing a little touch-up job on it in preparation for the sequel. I’ll be posting the revised chapters here one at a time to give everyone who wants the chance to re-read it and get re-acquainted with it. It is posted in its entirety on AO3 and FF.net, with the majority of the chapters revised, if you want to go that route, but if you guys could also spread this around, I would really appreciate it <3 The cover for this story was done by the incredible @freakingpotter so you guys should all go and give her some love because she hella deserves it :)
Chapter 1 (2772 words)
Kurt sat cross-legged on his bed, elbows propped on his knees, head in his hands. He felt like crying, and not just a calm, rejuvenating sob, but an all-out, throw-yourself-on-the-floor-kicking-your-legs-and-flailing-your-arms-while-you-wail-like-a-skewered-seal tantrum. He looked around at the worn cardboard boxes piled high in his room, each labeled accordingly - clothes, books, music, Vogue magazines, misc. - all waiting patiently to be unpacked and put away, but Kurt wanted none of it. Unpacking his things and settling in felt so permanent. It felt like giving in. Once he put his clothes in his closet and his books in the bookcase, it would all be real.
Setting his room up would mean he was staying.
It had only been a week since they moved to Ohio from California, and he knew, with every fiber of his being, that he didn't want to live here.
"Give it a chance," his dad had pleaded. "I'm sure everything will work out."
Kurt highly doubted it, but he couldn't really blame his dad - not for his heart attack that caused the hospital bills, which in turn zapped all their savings, or for the recession that started to drag them under so far there was no way for them to recover. No, he couldn’t blame his dad for any of that, but in the end, because of his dad's unwillingness to franchise out, they had lost the shop and had to move to Lima, of all places. What kind of name was Lima for a city, anyway? Lima wasn’t the name of a city. It was a type of bean - a curled, sickly pale, ugly bean that most normal and rational people pushed to the side of their plate and forgot about long after their steak was gone.
That's what Kurt's life in California had been for him. Steak - rich and flavorful, and extremely fulfilling. Kurt sighed with longing when he thought about it. Even for a boy who didn't believe in a God, he had felt incredibly blessed. He had a good life in California. He had friends. He had a future. He was on his way.
Now, here he sat, aging Texas Instruments calculator in hand, trying to figure out how he was ever going to make it out to New York and his dream school NYADA when he was resigned to making ten dollars an hour at his dad's new shop. His dad had already dropped the bomb that with settling the hospital bills, the move, and all their other numerous expenses (which seemed to crop up out of nowhere on a daily basis) he would most likely not be able to help Kurt afford the college of his dreams.
Kurt's only dream.
With a frustrated groan, Kurt tossed the calculator violently to the floor, but the horrid 1960s green shag carpet mocked him by shielding the tiny machine from shattering into a thousand satisfying pieces.
Kurt felt trapped; trapped like some animal that's meant to be free, too big for its cage and dying inside because it will never be allowed to roam. Kurt hated feeling trapped. Trapped was not a life. It almost felt like not living at all.
Two weeks before the start of school, the start of his senior year, supposedly the best year of his young life, and Kurt sat on a metal stool in his dad's shop, begging silently for business to pick up. I'd better get used to it, Kurt thought. With his dad's poor health, Kurt would be spending most of his free time before and after school right here…on this stool…the minutes of his life slowly dripping away. At his last school, Kurt had taken mostly accelerated and AP classes, so he managed to swing getting first period off. Kurt and his dad, Burt, had only one other employee – Mark. To be honest, the man wasn’t really much help around the shop, but he was doing Burt a favor, and he came cheap.
Mark was a friend of Kurt's parents from back in the day, when Burt and Kurt's mother Elizabeth had lived in Lima. When everything had first started crashing down around them and his father was still trying frantically to keep their heads above water, Mark had been the one to suggest that they move back to Lima and start over. He volunteered to do all the grunt work. He found them the shop, acted as liaison to the leasing agent, found them a house they could afford, he even helped negotiate the move.
Yup, Mark was a stand-up guy.
Kurt hated Mark. He hated him with a burning passion. Mark seemed to know it, too, because he kept to the far corner of the shop and barely said anything other than ‘hi’ and ‘bye’ to the livid young man.
Kurt would never tell his father, but he resented wasting what remained of the summer rotating tires and doing oil changes; not that there seemed to be anything more interesting to do in that Podunk town. It's not that Kurt didn't like working in his dad's shop. He actually quite enjoyed it. He wasn't very fond of getting dirty, but he liked working on cars. If his dreams of New York and NYADA didn't pan out, being a custom tuner wouldn't be so bad. His dad disagreed. Burt Hummel definitely did not appreciate the street racing culture the way Kurt did. Far from it. It had been mortifying back home when his dad would turn away boy racers, especially in California where custom tuners made all the money and little shops like Hummel Tires and Lube were steadily going out of business.
Kurt had built his own car almost from scratch – a 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse. A friend had helped him buy the body at auction. After that, he scoured junk yards for the parts he needed, putting the car together practically one piece at a time. Once it was completely constructed, he traded some transmission work with a local painter who taught him the fine art of detailing. It took an extreme amount of patience, but in the end it paid off in spades. Kurt loved his car, and with the exception of his voice, he had never been prouder of anything else in his life. As much as his father hated the thing, Kurt had spent his own money on it, and his dad couldn't really complain much. His son had done an excellent job putting it together. Besides, Kurt didn't race. He just liked cars...and the guys who drove the cars.
Ding, ding.
Kurt looked up, a little surprised by what was rolling into the shop. Four boys, about his age, in white tank tops and blue jeans, pushed a silver 300ZX through the bay doors. Kurt smiled. 'Now that's what I'm talking about,' he thought. Hot guys and a hot car. Maybe today wouldn't suck so hardcore after all.
Kurt quickly made his way over to the group before they could realize their mistake and split.
"Hello, and welcome to Hummel Tires and Lube," Kurt recited cheerfully.
Ugh. That sounded lame, even to his own ears.
His father demanded that he greet every customer the same way. Personally, Kurt didn't know what was wrong with just saying, 'Hello,' or maybe, 'How may I help you?'
"Hello," a tall, Asian-looking boy said, wiping his brow with the back of his hand. "I wonder if you could help us."
"Okay," Kurt said, eyeing each of the boys in turn. They all smiled warmly at him.
"We've been trying to get this guy up and running for the last month or so," a blond boy said, patting the hood of the silver car fondly with his hand. "I've got big plans for her."
"Yeah," a slightly shorter, dark haired boy, with light skin and bright eyes, agreed, "but the problem is it's making some strange noises, and it doesn't seem to have the pick-up it should."
Kurt nodded his head thoughtfully as he took in the information, trying his utmost to appear calm and professional while at the same time praying to anyone who might be listening, whether Kurt believed in them or not, that his dad didn't come back from his break before he had the chance to get this baby on the lift and put his hands on it.
"Just out of curiosity," Kurt said when the boys had finished, eying the car from top to bottom, "why did you stop in here? I mean, we're not really a custom car shop."
"Well," the last boy spoke up, "our regular mechanic sort of bugged out on us, and we saw the Eclipse out front..." The boy motioned over his shoulder to Kurt's car parked out front. Kurt had forgotten to bring the cover he normally kept on it, so it sat outside in the shade. Parked beside his dad's pick up, it kind of stood out with its crystal blue paint job and silver lightning vinyl graphics down the side. "We thought someone in here might be able to help us."
"Yup," Kurt said with a nod. "That's my baby. Took close to a year to get her up and running."
"That's hot," the Asian boy, evidently the leader of the group, commented. "Are you rolling NOS?"
Kurt smirked.
"Not if my dad's asking."
"Gotcha," the boy said with a wink.
"So, can you help us?" the blond boy said, eyes wide and hopeful.
"This is a '96, right?" Kurt asked, and the boys nodded. Kurt crossed his arms and tapped his chin with his right index finger, going over what he remembered of the schematics of the ZX engine in his head, scrolling through several possibilities, and troubleshooting the problem mentally. "Well, your variable cam timing's probably dropped, so that's most likely where you're losing horsepower. And the ZX always makes a lot of interesting noises. I'd have to take it around the block to see for myself..."
The sound of a door slamming shut and heavy shuffling footsteps caused Kurt's mouth to go dry, his heart to sinking into his stomach.
"Hey, dad," Kurt called, already feeling defeated.
"Hey, kiddo," Burt said, walking over slowly. "What's going on here?"
"I'm with some customers," Kurt said, turning his head and fixing his father with a tense smile, willing him with his eyes to turn around and walk back into the office so Kurt could fix this car. His dad didn't seem to understand facial cues. Burt circled the car and the group of kids slowly, examining them uncomfortably.
"300ZX?" his dad asked thoughtfully. "What's the problem?"
"Possible cam timing problem and a couple of odd noises," Kurt rushed out. "I was just about to take her around the block to make sure."
His dad nodded. Kurt had seen this dance before, and he didn’t hold out much hope that the outcome would be different this time. On the other hand, his dad didn't look overly concerned with the presence of four boys surrounding an obvious racer car in his shop. Kurt might just be in the clear.
Burt leaned in closer to the car’s roof and peered at the paint, green eyes narrowing suspiciously.
"Is that an aftermarket silver flake?"
Oh crap...
Kurt sighed and dropped down onto his stool. He knew where this was headed...right out the door with the rest of his hopes, his dreams, any chance of making some decent money, and the possibility of a social life.
"So, you kids running NOS?" Burt asked, looking the car over. Three of the boys looked at each other, exchanging nervous looks, but the boy that Kurt made out to be the leader didn't seem at all intimidated by Kurt's dad.
"Yes, sir," he answered, smiling politely.
Burt maintained a roughly unreadable expression, but Kurt knew his dad, and he knew the grim look in his eyes. This whole deal was about to go sour.
"You guys street racing around here?"
"Yes, sir,” the boy admitted. “And may I say that your son here seems to really know his stuff. We were kind of hoping he could help us out. We have quite a few cars, and we're in the market for a new mechanic.”
Kurt perked up immediately. Did this guy just compliment him? And he was offering to bring them business? His dad couldn't say no to that, right? Kurt side-eyed his father shrewdly. He knew how his dad felt about street racing; that it was dangerous and illegal. He also knew that these kids could give them business, good steady business. Heck, the profit they could feasibly make on some of the import parts alone could pay for his first semester. Kurt sat straight as a rod, bouncing slightly, pleading with his father, but only in his head. Here it was, Kurt going to New York and living the dream, as long as his dad made the right decision.
"I'm sorry boys,” Burt said finally with a determined shake of his head, “but I don't think we can help you."
"Dad..." Kurt hissed.
"No, Kurt.” Burt turned to his son with a look on his face that emphasized that his decision was final. “Now you know how I feel about racing." Burt turned his attention back to the boys with the car. "It's dangerous, and I will not promote it here in my shop. Besides, I don't think we offer the kind of services you guys are going to be needing anyhow."
"But, dad!" Kurt argued, desperately trying to give it one last go, to make his dad see reason.
“No, Kurt. Now I've said my piece. Why don't you gentlemen take your car and run along?”
The blond boy deflated almost as much as Kurt. The Asian boy nodded to his crew, and they started to push the car back out of the garage. Kurt’s cheeks flushed with anger and embarrassment. He glared, shooting daggers at his dad as the man, without a single other acknowledgement to his son, turned and headed for his office. After he locked himself away, Kurt watched the four boys maneuver the 300ZX carefully out of the bay. There it went; another opportunity rolling its way right out the door. Another time his dad could have made things right for them, but instead he chose to let his stubbornness and inability to change get in the way. If his dad thought they were going to get anywhere doing tune-ups and oil changes at a paltry $30 a pop for the rest of their lives, he was sadly mistaken. Kurt couldn’t take it anymore. His dad had told him to give it a chance; that everything would work out, but from where Kurt sat everything looked exactly the same.
This couldn’t continue to be his life. It just couldn’t.
He decided then and there that he was sick of watching his future be decided without him even getting to have his say. Kurt watched as his dad rounded to the office, heading to the back of the shop, then sprinted out of the bay and ran after the boys.
"Hey!" Kurt called. “Wait up!”
The Asian boy turned around, a knowing smirk on his face.
"What's up?"
"I can do it." Kurt glanced over his shoulder to make sure his dad didn't notice his absence and come looking for him. "I can fix your car, and any other one you want to toss my way."
"Really?" The boy looked him up and down. "And what about pops?"
"Let me worry about him." The words came out before Kurt could stop them. He felt guilty about disrespecting his dad, but not enough to give up on his dream. "Can you come back later? Maybe after we close?"
The four boys looked at each other, the blond one’s face lighting up with unbridled joy. Then the three boys looked back at their leader. After a silent moment, he nodded.
“We can do that.”
Kurt exhaled with relief.
“Bring it by tonight. I can have it done for you in an hour. Two tops."
"We'll bring it by at around 7. The races start at 10. And if I like the job you do, you can come with me and my crew. You can be our mechanic."
"Great," Kurt said.
He watched the group limp their silver car away, and while he did he weighed his options - the chance of his ultimate success over his father’s inevitable disappointment.
He shoved aside the bitterness that came with considering his dad’s point of view and returned to the shop, trying not to look too overjoyed.
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kurt and Blaine for the ask
blaine is already answered here :)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! (just like blaine, he's gay & i would not bang a gay man) | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
best quality: he is actually so damn loving. people like to paint him out to be this cold, snarky person when in canon, he loves the hardest. the way that he takes care of his dad, how soft he is with his friends, and how protective he is of blaine...he’s just so damn sweet and so inherently good. 
worst quality: he tends to bottle up his problems instead of talking them out, and that leads to some really bad communication issues and him lashing out at people sometimes. 
also, i think he has somewhat of a hard time admitting when he’s wrong, but i think he worked on that over the course of the series and got a lot better at this by s6 :)
ship them with: blaine anderson, the love of his life!!
brotp them with: santana, mercedes, & elliott 
needs to stay away from: sebastian, karofsky, & all of lima, ohio. 
misc. thoughts: i don’t want this to be taken as anti kurt but i just feel like people let him off the hook too easily and try to make him into this innocent victim, especially when they try to make blaine into an abuser to justify this. kurt is not innocent, he’s caused his fair share of problems in the relationship, but a lot of anti-klaine kurt stans try to act as if he’s some sort of perfect angel. 
on the flip side, i also see a lot of anti-klaine blaine stans who hate kurt because they think he’s cold and awful to blaine. they ignore his warm heart and paint him as naturally cold and distant instead of recognizing that his ‘coldness’ is often a trauma response from years of being treated like a disease. 
kurt is not a perfect angel, but he’s also not a horrible person. he’s flawed and complex and so human with such a big range of feelings and emotions, and i hate how people try and package him into a box. so many people don’t understand kurt’s personality, which is a shame because he’s such an interesting character. 
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klainegifs · 21 days
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You'll find that you were never not mine.
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