#minecraft top ten servers
hawkinshald76 · 10 months
Beyond Survival: Innovative Gameplay on Minecraft Servers
Minecraft The Crafting Dead Servers Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios, is renowned for its survival gameplay, where players gather resources, build shelters, and fend off hostile mobs. However, the world of Minecraft servers offers a vast array of innovative gameplay experiences that go beyond traditional survival mode. In this article, we'll explore some of the exciting and innovative gameplay options available on Minecraft servers, allowing players to embark on unique adventures and expand their Minecraft horizons. - Roleplay Servers: Roleplay servers provide an immersive experience where players take on various roles, such as knights, wizards, or villagers, and interact with other players in a collaborative story-driven environment. These servers often feature custom-built worlds, character development systems, and questlines that allow players to dive deep into their chosen roles and create captivating narratives. - Skyblock Servers: Skyblock servers challenge players to survive and thrive on a small floating island in the sky. With limited resources, players must be resourceful, using clever techniques to expand their island, gather materials, and build their own virtual paradise. Skyblock servers often incorporate unique challenges, custom economies, and cooperative play options to enhance the gameplay experience. - Creative Building Servers: Creative building servers provide a platform for players to showcase their architectural and artistic talents. These servers typically offer vast plots of land where players can let their imagination run wild, constructing impressive structures, intricate landscapes, and breathtaking cities. Creative building servers often host building competitions, offer collaborative projects, and provide opportunities to learn from other skilled builders. - Adventure and Quest Servers: Adventure and quest servers present players with thrilling narratives, epic quests, and challenging dungeons to conquer. These servers incorporate custom maps, unique gameplay mechanics, and interactive NPCs (non-player characters) that guide players through a series of captivating adventures. Players can explore immersive storylines, solve puzzles, and battle formidable bosses, all within the Minecraft universe. - Minigame Servers: Minigame servers offer a collection of bite-sized, fast-paced games within Minecraft. From parkour challenges and PvP (player versus player) battles to spleef arenas and racing tracks, minigame servers provide endless entertainment and friendly competition. These servers often feature leaderboards, rewards, and matchmaking systems that enable players to engage in exciting and dynamic gameplay. - Modded Servers: Modded servers introduce modifications (mods) into the Minecraft experience, enhancing gameplay with new features, mechanics, and content. Modded servers offer a wide range of possibilities, including technology-focused servers with automation and advanced machinery, magic-themed servers with spells and enchantments, or even servers that introduce entirely new dimensions and worlds to explore. - Economy and Towny Servers: Economy and Towny servers simulate a thriving virtual economy where players can trade resources, establish towns, and create bustling communities. These servers often incorporate plugins that allow players to buy and sell items, manage virtual currency, and collaborate on ambitious town-building projects. They provide a unique blend of social interaction, resource management, and strategic planning. These innovative gameplay options on Minecraft servers offer a wealth of experiences beyond traditional survival mode. Whether you're seeking immersive roleplay, creative expression, challenging adventures, or friendly competition, the world of Minecraft servers has something for everyone. Dive into these servers, embrace new gameplay mechanics, and forge unforgettable memories in the ever-evolving Minecraft universe. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.
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goodnightwindy · 9 months
its like a fucking switch flipped in my brain and now im thinking about the goddamn qsmp again. help me
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futtrupgustafson69 · 10 months
Exploring Endless Possibilities: Minecraft PC Download
Minecraft, the iconic sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios, has captured the hearts and minds of players worldwide since its initial release in 2011. Its PC edition, in particular, offers an expansive and immersive gameplay experience that has become a staple for both casual and dedicated gamers. If you're ready to embark on an adventure filled with creativity, exploration, and boundless possibilities, then the Minecraft PC download is your gateway to a world limited only by your imagination. In this article, we'll explore the reasons why Minecraft PC Edition is a must-have and how to embark on your own limitless journey. Endless Exploration and Adventure With Minecraft PC Edition, you'll step into a vast and procedurally generated world, waiting to be explored. From rolling hills and majestic mountains to sprawling oceans and mysterious caves, every corner of the Minecraft universe offers unique landscapes and surprises. As you traverse the land, you'll encounter a diverse range of biomes, encounter hostile creatures, and uncover hidden treasures. The sense of discovery and adventure is truly boundless in this digital realm. Creative Expression and Building One of the standout features of Minecraft PC Edition is its creative mode. Here, players are granted unlimited resources and the ability to fly, allowing for unrestricted creativity and the freedom to build anything imaginable. From simple homes and intricate castles to sprawling cities and redstone-powered contraptions, the only limit is your creativity. Minecraft's intuitive block-based building system makes it accessible to players of all ages and skill levels, offering a canvas for artistic expression and architectural masterpieces. Dynamic Multiplayer Experience Minecraft PC Edition allows players to connect and collaborate with others in a multiplayer environment. Whether you're joining a server, playing with friends, or participating in online communities, the multiplayer aspect adds a dynamic and social element to the Minecraft experience. Collaborate on grand building projects, embark on thrilling adventures together, or engage in friendly competitions. The possibilities for multiplayer interactions are as vast as the Minecraft world itself. Modding and Customization One of the reasons Minecraft PC Edition stands out is its extensive modding community. Mods are modifications created by players and developers that add new content, gameplay mechanics, and visual enhancements to the game. From adding new creatures and biomes to introducing technology or magic systems, mods offer a wealth of customization options, allowing you to tailor your Minecraft experience to your preferences. The Minecraft PC download opens the door to a world of modding possibilities, empowering you to create a personalized and unique gameplay experience. Thriving Community and Endless Content Minecraft PC Edition boasts a vibrant and passionate community that continuously contributes to the game's ever-growing library of content. From adventure maps and custom game modes to texture packs and resource packs, the Minecraft community offers an abundance of user-generated content to enhance and expand your Minecraft world. Engaging with the community, whether through forums, websites, or social media, provides opportunities for inspiration, collaboration, and sharing your own creations. How to Download Minecraft PC Edition To embark on your Minecraft PC journey, follow these steps to download the game: - Visit the official Minecraft website at www.minecraft.net. - Navigate to the "Get Minecraft" section. - Choose the PC Edition and click on the "Buy" button. You will be directed to the Minecraft store page. - Create a Minecraft account if you don't have one, or log in if you already do. - Complete the purchase process and select your preferred payment method. How to select multiple servers to direct connect to minecraft - After the purchase is complete, you will receive a Minecraft PC Edition download link. - Click on the download link and follow the prompts to download and install the game onto your PC. - Once the installation is complete, launch Minecraft PC Edition and sign in with your Minecraftaccount. - Congratulations! You're now ready to embark on your Minecraft PC adventure. Minecraft PC Edition offers an unparalleled experience of limitless exploration, creativity, and community engagement. Whether you choose to delve into survival mode, express your creativity in creative mode, or immerse yourself in the thriving multiplayer community, Minecraft PC Edition provides an endless playground for adventure and self-expression. So, don't hesitate to embark on your Minecraft journey. Download Minecraft PC Edition, unleash your creativity, and prepare to be captivated by the boundless possibilities that await you in this iconic and beloved sandbox game. The Minecraft world is yours to discover, shape, and explore—let your imagination run wild and experience the magic of Minecraft PC Edition.
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man im just like. thinking about egg signs and how they've evolved over the course of the qsmp and how the qsmp has evolved over the course of the qsmp and just feeling so much love and affection for every part of the project. i dont have any grand overarching point with this just. like. here's a history of egg comms bc of the kind of person that i am
so wayyyy back ten months ago now at the start of the short and sweet egg event that was planned to last maybe a month at most, the eggs had their own custom, decorated signs!
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[ID: Leo with a pink sign with an egg on the bottom corner that reads "hello" in all caps. Her nametag reads Leonardo. End ID]
They were extremely simple, single word signs. There was hello, hola, story, feed, sleep, and maybe one or two more and each was its own separate sign. The eggs could only communicate the most basic needs in words and everything else was through minecraft body language or just hoping their parents guessed right.
But obviously, there was a lot more that parents wanted to hear from their children. I'm not sure who was actually first, but the earliest departure from this system I know about is BadBoyHalo giving Dapper a simple oak sign so he could name his pet slime. (Screenshot from @/lxrd-ren)
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[ID: Dapper wearing a diver's helmet standing next to a tiny slime in a boat with an oak sign reading "Bouncy (slmecicle but better)" End ID]
Parents quickly realized how much more convenient this was and pretty soon every single egg had stacks of signs to communicate with.
The next innovation came from Vegetta, who was the resident mod knower at the time. He knew about colored canvas signs and gave Leo signs in her favorite color purple because he loved her and gave her everything she wanted.
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[ID: Leo's bed in her room under some Fooligetta fanart with a purple sign reading "<3" End ID]
Colored signs obviously had a lot of advantages. Being able to tell at a glance which egg placed which sign was a huge step forward in eggs being able to have long, complicated conversations as well as leaving obvious marks of their personality everywhere they went. It took a little while for them to be standard for every egg though. Bobby never stopped using oak signs even after Richas and Pomme both showed up with colored signs.
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[ID: Two signs reading from right to left a red Pomme sign reading "we already started working on a guillotine factory" and a dark grey Dapper sign reading "thats the most french u have said so far pomme" End ID]
And this was the system for a while! And it worked pretty well for most people! The biggest struggle most people had was egg signs not being translated, but streamers adjusted to that by reading signs out loud so the translators would pick up on them. This also lead to adorable and fascinating dynamics like Richas swearing in signs he wrote for Bad and then warning Bad not to read them out. There was also the genuinely phenomenal development of Leolingo where Leo writes only in Spanish to Foolish because it's easier for her to write and he takes his time to puzzle his way through it and learn in a way that's super cool to watch someone else do onscreen.
Then Tubbo joined the server. And Tubbo himself had no problems at all with the system, but he is dyslexic and he casually mentioned offhand that it was getting kind of annoying to read signs after a ten hour long stream and the admin team Fucking Cooked.
Within 24 hours, they had TTS working on the signs. Within 48 hours, it was working on books too. I can't remember how long it took to get translation working, but it was definitely under a week.
And this opened up a whole new world of possibilities for the entire QSMP. The admin team has been on top of capitalizing on it for story purposes, but also just allowing the egg admins to speak in their native languages to everyone whenever they want has been so enriching for everyone involved. Leolingo is awesome but Foolish has been learning Spanish insanely fast and his process is a lot slower and more frustrating than most people can do in front of an audience of thousands of people without feeling discouraged. That's also one language. We've had everything from Foolish being able to check his work a bit more faster to Phil insisting on his eggs taking a day to speak to him in their native languages to Ramón writing a book for Fit in Cantonese, a language we haven't even seen on the server in any other context!
And all of it is fully understood and fully communicated! Sometimes the translators mess up but no one expects them to be perfect and people ask for clarification if the translator says something that doesn't sound right. It's not only a massive step forward in communication technology, but it's a great demonstration of how to use it and when you can and can't rely on it.
And finally, the most recent innovation! One of BBH's viewers sent him a dono saying they had trouble reading certain signs because they were too low-contrast. Bad, Richas, and Pomme just. Took it upon themselves to fix the problem right there and then. Based on One (1) bringing up their own personal struggle, those three came up with new signs that innovate tremendously on the originals.
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[ID: Two separate images of the before and after. The first is the egg signs in their original colors with the corresponding egg's name written on them to demonstrate the font color and the second is in the new, higher contrast colors with the same text. The new signs also have custom decorations for each egg. The second picture also has two signs from Pomme in all caps that read "Send all the love to Richas he spent a whole night making this he's the best <3" End ID]
There are three main innovations visible in the above pictures
1: Obviously, the colors are higher contrast. The signs with white text have darker colors and the signs with black text have lighter colors.
2: The colors themselves are lower saturation. Richas said this made it easier for him personally to read them so he corrected that way, but that's open to change if it causes difficulties for more people than it helps
3: The decorations are for accessibility reasons! People with various different forms of colorblindness will find different sets of colors easier or harder to distinguish, but any of them can look at the decorations and use them to identify whose sign is whose instead.
But! Those innovations are not why I made this post! It's these ones!
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[ID: The backs of the new signs when placed on the ground. Most visible are Chayanne's with vines and a hardcore heart, Sunny's with shining sunglasses, and Pomme's with an apple and the Eiffel Tower. End ID]
Richas added distinguishing marks to the backs of the signs too! This is something that Bad brought up specifically as something he wanted because it was hard for him to tell who was talking when he was using TTS from behind signs and couldn't see the colors at all.
We went from custom egg signs (a hotbar or so of words and nothing else to communicate with) through a long journey of expanding communication and expanding who we're bringing along on the communication and how easily they can join in and we've circled all the way back around to custom egg signs (they can say anything they want in any language they want and anyone will know it's them saying it from any angle)
and i guess i have enough feelings abotu that to write All This about it
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atthebell · 3 months
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Mariana just became the 10th most followed streamer on Twitch with 9.34 million followers, just surpassing Pokimane, and I wanted to share some highlights from the article Stream Charts wrote up on him & on the Spanish-speaking Twitch community!
At the end of 2023, Streams Charts named ElMariana the fourth-most-watched Latin American streamer of 2023, having recorded 28.89M Hours Watched for the entire year. Not only is the creator highly watched, but his community is also one of the most active on Twitch. Earlier this month, we scoured Twitch chats across the platform to determine which streamers had the most active chats on the platform. ElMariana ranked within the top 5 channels by Active Chatters and was the only Spanish-speaking streamer to rank so highly by this metric.
Here is a chart from the most-watched Latin American streamers article (note: these particular stats include all platforms, not just Twitch):
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You can see Mariana is in fourth place, just above Rivers and Roier at fifth and sixth respectively.
From the original article:
ElMariana is now the second Latin American Twitch streamer to rank within the top 10 most followed channels, falling behind Colombian juansguarnizo in 8th place with 11.17M Followers. Critically, the departure of pokimane and the arrival of ElMariana has tipped the scales for the biggest demographic of fans on Twitch. With ElMariana taking 10th, the top 10 most-followed Twitch channels are now majority Spanish-speaking. 
Super interesting! Below is the chart of the top ten most-followed Twitch channels, again from the same article:
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6/10 of the most-followed streamers are Spanish-speaking, and two of them (ElMariana and juansguarnizo) are Latin American. The other four create content in English and from either the US or Canada.
I'll also note that Stream Charts does not include Brazil in their Latin American stats; they do separate stats for Brazil (Cellbit took 7th place if you're curious).
The article also mentioned QSMP:
This success only continued to snowball in 2023, when ElMariana was invited to the QSMP Minecraft server in March, becoming one of the original creators to join. Exposed to new creators and their audiences, the Mexican content creator continued to grow his brand and by the end of 2023, he was one of the biggest names in live-streaming throughout Latin America.
All in all I think it's incredible that Mariana has gained such a following, and that Spanish-speakers have blown up so much on Twitch. I'm hoping to see further linguistic diversity on the platform and in online content generally.
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derww · 1 month
Loosely inspired by this headcanon by anon. Thanks, anon.
It takes Ash a little less than a week to discover that Squiddo... is not just one person.
The second Squiddo looked like the first Squiddo and fell on his head during nether travelling. She, however, did not seem to know him personally, referring to him as "Funny Purple Guy" and complained that the portals refused to extinguish the damage from the fall. 
She gave him a strange-looking turquoise spear and an obviously living mushroom, which did not stop giggling and trying to hit him with its forehead. While he has not yet moved away from the stage where he swears and asks stupid questions, she said goodbye and was about to run off into the sunset, but fell off a cliff right into a lava lake. She had no death message. 
The spear was equally likely to either pass through objects or leave very unpleasant itchy burns, and the mushroom was called an Idiot and ran around spawn for almost a month until it turned over in the water and drowned.
This Squiddo – Ash started keeping a list after he met the third one, and in this set of squiggles, crooked drawings and blurred text, she was called the "Tourist" – she consistently looked in once a month, falling out of various types of portals, sometimes right in front of him.
She was always full of enthusiasm and desire to tell him the next story of her own adventure, she loved to bring some absolutely random things and died a lot and absurdly, managing to die even in the most harmless circumstances.
Another Squiddo – Squiddo the Wanderer, as he signed, adding a bunch of question marks and outlining in ink a strange squiggle of snaking holes in the wall – took it into the habit of teleporting straight to him. 
Once she scared him so much that he swung his sword, but it just went through her, as if she were not even here. This did not prevent her from dying in a surreal way – she was in the top 3 among all Squiddos in terms of the number of deaths.
Squiddo the Wanderer didn't remember much, so she got to know him over and over again every time. "Hi, I'm Squiddo," she said. "I don't know what I'm doing here. I usually explore the most remote places in Minecraft. I think I know you, but I do not know who you are." She never remembered who he was.
Next Squiddo, however, knew him all too well. "What's up, Ashswag?" she said when she appeared for the first time, coming out of a door that appeared in the middle of nowhere. "It was a hot minute, right? How are you?".
Then she mentioned a bunch of their adventures together, in which Ash had never actually participated, but for some reason she stood her ground.
It turned out they were hunting ghosts together. And they were running away from monsters. And they were surviving an apocalypse. "For some reason, it seemed to me that even different you would remember," this squiddo said. He called her the Ghost Hunter. "But at least you know me. This is already good."
She was the most calm Squiddo he had ever met. She weighed her decisions, almost did not die, and walked with her dog. She was plagued by oddities, glitches, and one (1) Herobrine, but was surprisingly calm about all of them.
Ghost Hunter sent him polaroids with all kinds of monsters and silly signatures painted with markers. He was present in the photo three times. Once, he had a human face. In another time, he had a gun.
Scientist Squiddo was the strangest of them all, because she could count to ten and knew what pronouns were. She always carried a wooden tablet and papers with her and wrote down anything. She was interested in everything about the server. Much more than she needed to know.
He began to seriously worry about her safety when she began to deconstruct the revive process in order to revive the local Squiddo if she died. He called her an idiot and said she had no idea what she was getting into and that she was risking everything she had, including her life. She grinned and said: "Bet."
At one point, he was seriously expecting admins on his own doorstep every fucking day – Scientist Squiddo, of course, settled in the same place where he lived. They never came. He couldn't decide if this was good news.
With all this, this Squiddo, Lifesteal Squiddo, did not go anywhere – she was like her other versions, constantly disappearing somewhere, but unlike them, she did not travel between worlds. She got lost, disappeared, and died a lot.
Lifesteal Squiddo didn't seem to be affected by the consequences of the deaths of all the other Squiddos; she was doing a great job of dying herself. And, among all the people, it seems that even Squiddo herself was on the list of those who did not know that there were many versions of herself on the server.
Zam fed apples to the Tourist and once even went on a trip with her, Planet communicated with the Wanderer using a language consisting of clicks and whistles, Spoke explored the mysteries following the Ghost Hunter with great enthusiasm, and Ro supplied the Scientist with calculations and data. 
Of course, Ash tried to tell Squiddo that there was a lot of her. She wrinkled her nose, giggled, and asked if he thought she was Sans from Underdale, clearly thinking he was joking. He didn't know what an Undertale was.
And then Lifesteal Squiddo got a call and disappeared. And he, surrounded by the reflections of her wandering around, wondered what kind of disaster it would lead to this time. But it was Squiddo. She was going to be alright. He would just visit her one day and ask how she was.
And when he tries to figure out where Squiddo is now, when they have only half an hour and an orbital cannon is aimed at spawn, alter Squiddo, whom he has not seen before, comes to him.
They look surreally like him. Their body is unstable, disintegrating into black smoke every now and then, and even through the usual orange glasses, an abyss seeps through.
"What are you doing here?" He tries, and they slowly, as if every movement was an effort, again and again stratified and coming together, point first at him, and then to the side.
Ash is staring at them. With hissing and gurgling gestures, Suiddo shows several numbers. Quadrant. Height. Limit. Corner. It clicks in his head.
– Thank you,– he says sincerely, and Squiddo, with a ceremonial bow, turns into a voidfog. He stares at the empty space for another moment, then takes off and calls the Foundation.
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erstwhilesparrow · 1 month
haven't made a list of thoughts in a while. thought exorcism time:
i feel like i've told this story a billion times but when i started university i told myself, "okay, that was a fun little summer jaunt writing fic and all, but you gotta chill now and focus on school stuff," and then i just could not do it at all. i'd have a google doc open on my laptop to add a couple sentences to it in the ten minute break between classes. i'd walk around campus thinking about editing this or that sentence. my friend turned to me while we were hanging out yesterday and told me something to the effect of, "i like writing, but i don't think i need to write in the way that you need to write." sometimes i think about what i would do if i had to stop writing for any reason and then i have to sit down for a few minutes. saying this in text i feel like-- a joke character? like how the fuck am i a real person that exists in the world and is like this. it is nevertheless true that i am like this!
so if i were to attempt narrativizing mcsos, there's two directions we could go here. one is to look at what's been produced so far and make a story about that, the other is to consider "if i were asked what sort of plot beats might be fun and interesting to do on this server starting from our current point in time, what would i say?" and the looking back direction i think is just. it's a game. lean into the themes, you know? everything you do is a love letter to the world, and in some ways, the game is the practice run for the love letter you are writing with your life beyond the game. and i also am thinking about that post that's like "minecraft's natural generation feels like an invitation to build on top of it," to smooth out the rough edges and make it look ~more like the thing you are expecting? i like the idea of the universe taking these players and going, "okay, here, for this brief span, inhabit these breakable little bodies and help me build a world with a history. help me make a place that people have been." and it works with the Not Doing Lore because none of the players are strictly Playing Characters, but they have ideas about the sorts of people who would be In This Place. owen's skeletons in the jungle are, yes, literally a place he is living for now, but they are also making someone else's story and putting it into the world, even if we never meet or know about that someone else. pix's massive excavation is a story about people who could pull chunks of the world up into the sky, and this is what pix's story is, but it's also not about him -- he is building a history that didn't happen, or at least didn't happen to him-as-excavator. i think there are ways to tell this story that make it ring true to what the videos give us and still Make It A Story.
another bullet point for the other direction: when the first mcsos videos were posted and people kept making "no lore! ;)" jokes and all the SOS promo material seemed like it was about people in modern day clothes stranded out in a weird magical wilderness, i mentioned to a friend that it would be really fun if what happened was a story about building a world so well it eats you. "we're not doing lore," they say. "it's just a game and we're just going to play it as a game." and it is a game, for a while, and they really aren't trying to tell any story, and then things beyond their control start happening and they become increasingly trapped in this world and they're not telling a story here but a story is demanding to be told anyway. this can also be about the horrors of being a creator, probably.
i do think that in conversation with an empty room and a microphone isn't even nearly as good as some of the stuff that was inspired by it, but i also don't care at all because i'm so fucking pleased that that fic did almost exactly the thing i wanted it to. i get why people are not always on the "all fic is meta" train but this is the train i am on and there is not much more satisfying than knowing that i played in a role in a really really interesting and ongoing Conversation Via Fic. it doesn't matter that i maybe didn't say everything i could have with that fic; other people can and have and will fill in those gaps!! it rules!! it's so cool!! i like this fact a lot. forgive me being sentimental.
[all of the other thoughts that would go here have to be redacted because i'm STILL not done outsiders and i am saving those thoughts for after i'm done to avoid people spoiling things]
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bee-arts · 1 year
Okay bee here me out. This must be very controversial opinion suggestion but. What if I combined my current fandom [Dream SMP] and this fandom [Hetalia] to paved way for a New AU huh? What do you think?
Nevermind too much work I guess...
Okay, THAT sounds like a whole new cluster fuck of a fandom...
That's the kind of crap that reaches the top ten list of most problematical fandoms...
But honestly I'm vibing with it.
Not a Dream SMP person really (there is WAY too much lore) but I would be on board with it.
Literally the only think I know about Dream SMP is "Ranboo"...
Now, I think an AU where all the nations are on a minecraft server would be epic, and I WANT it.
The kind of chaotic dumpsterfire of a server it would be.
Prussia, America, and Denmark would all walk around with dynamite because "hehe house go boom"
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thetomorrowshow · 1 year
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I posted 2,047 times in 2022
That's 851 more posts than 2021!
423 posts created (21%)
1,624 posts reblogged (79%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,811 of my posts in 2022
Only 12% of my posts had no tags
#q - 983 posts
#minecraft stuff - 737 posts
#art - 589 posts
#empires smp - 202 posts
#ask - 176 posts
#jimmy solidarity - 120 posts
#empires superpowers au - 116 posts
#3rd life smp - 116 posts
#mas speaks - 106 posts
#esh au - 103 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#like he walked in. 'hey guys keeping it short today bc i have to go to the dentist on tuesday. were there any questions abt the work?'
My Top Posts in 2022:
TFC's sister posted a link to his obituary on twitter. It's very lovely, but I wanted to point out this specific part:
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[ID: Edward moved to Tulsa in 1972. He went out on his own for many years, without contacting friends or family. Much about where he was and what he was doing during this time remains a mystery. In fact, Edward was not seen again until 1992, when it was discovered that he was living in Indianapolis, Indiana, where he was employed by Pizza Hut, as a delivery driver. He had also lived in Arkansas, before returning to Tulsa. End ID]
I can't get over this. This is the most TFC thing I've ever seen
1,980 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
Jimmy has murdered a human on rats smp. Jimmy killed the gardener and has now promised scott the gardening job in exchange for keeping quiet about it. jimmy has yelled at the janitor that he's going to cut his arms off and threatened to kill him too. I repeat jimmy solidarity has murdered a human. this is the LEAST SAFEST RAT
3,150 notes - Posted November 3, 2022
Got my dad to watch mcc (scar pov) with me, here are some highlights of the occasion
he's colorblind and struggled telling teams apart, but appreciated color indicators on some blocks in games
did not understand survival games until he saw the border and then went "oh it's like fortnite!!"
asked questions about every ten seconds which was actually quite lovely, but included:
asking me how mcc teams are decided
asking me who scott smajor was no less than five times
asking me to explain the concept of hermitcraft.
did not care about the game chat until he realized that's where i was getting stats from and then started leaning as far forward as possible to read it
i don't think he ever really grasped the concept of rocket spleef. he had fun watching though
thought antfrost's skin was a bird
asked me if ace race was only for ace people (definitely trying to connect with me after i recently came out as ace. much appreciated, very sweet)
complained if people punched scar off during tgttos
asked if scar would be interested in coming to our family server to build
desperately wants minecraft slushies. i wouldn't be surprised if i joined the family server tomorrow to find he'd added a texture pack for them
i think his favorite game was meltdown, he got very excited about scar's killer aim
he says that most of the streamers he watches are british and hearing american accents on twitch was weird. ok
got happy every time scar wasn't last in team rankings for a game
guys he got so into dodgebolt. he was jumping up with every hit. he was very disappointed when i accidentally changed the channel during the second round and wouldn't let me touch the remote again. he actually cheered at the final shot
he didn't know anyone playing but he still really enjoyed it. he wants to watch again next time :)
3,197 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
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new copypasta dropped and this is my favorite one
6,304 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
You know what makes me the most angry about the hbo max ordeal?
Librarians saw this coming years ago and tried to prevent it. Corporations refused to work with them, afraid of the loss in profits there might be.
27,396 notes - Posted August 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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churchchair3 · 2 years
Ridiculously Easy Methods To enhance Your Minecraft Java Download
Minescape is top-of-the-line Minecraft worlds ever constructed. In one among their survival recreation modes, you start on an island largely submerged in acid and need to discover a method to survive. Because this stuff are in extremely restricted supply in the game world (and venturing right into a populated space to find them normally results in a player-fired bullet to the brain), it's nearly a necessity to buy them in the shop. Gamers have enjoying around on the planet of Minecraft for nearly ten years at this level. In the event you allow cheats in Minecraft: Home windows 10 Edition or Xbox One, players linked to your world will not have the ability to earn Xbox achievements for anything they achieve while related to your world. 3. As you enter the above command, Windows will uninstall gaming companies out of your Laptop.4. It should come in a compressed file, so open it utilizing an archive utility. I in your keyboard to open Settings. F3 on Mac) to watch your frame fee as you attempt completely different settings.
He is a former lead author for TheGamer's YouTube channel who has been a hardcore gamer since the age of four. Justin has been writing articles for over four years. Over the previous few years soft launches have change into more and more widespread -- particularly for creators of on-line games. Second, a wired ethernet connection is really useful over the usage of wireless web. Shaders are a few of the preferred downloads on the web. These are all nice selections, however there's one recreation mode that’s performed much greater than the remaining. You’re put right into a replica of Los Santos where there are essentially no guidelines. There are very minimal pay-to-win parts with Manacube, making it a preferred alternative. I do not have a good example of software for this one, however there are a lot of firms use it. Manacube is an excellent alternative for many who don’t need to spend cash in-recreation. Ever wish to get more severe together with your in-game fashions of St. Paul's Cathedral, the pyramids, or every other historical landmark that involves mind?
Now, we'll get the shader recordsdata installed. Now, carry up the Minecraft client and once again click "Edit" on your profile in the bottom left corner. Minecraft java Click on "Choose file". Then upload. Run the .dmg file to put in Minecraft to your Applications folder. 3. At the underside-right, select "Shaders Folder." It will open the folder where all of your shader files will go. Click on "Set up shopper" and then "Ok." Forge will set up the required files and folders. Click on Open to LAN. If you do not, shut"Minecraft"and open it once more. Shaders make "Minecraft" extra graphically intensive, to the point where some older graphics playing cards may battle to sustain. It’s up to you to make your strategy to other skyblocks and find higher supplies. It has helped people to do better and sooner works with using the most recent sort of expertise in the sphere. Some people are inclined to spend their leisure time by travelling to totally different locations, some desire to go through interesting books, some want to play games, and so on. Many of us spent so much time in front of our PCs grinding the game, and now you could possibly do the identical in Minescape.
After all, this server is going to be much more violent than anything you’d usually find in vanilla Minecraft, however it’s still an incredible time regardless. You may discover several completely different internet hosting plans and options, together with WordPress internet hosting, electronic mail hosting and domains and transfers. 3. 2. Find the .jar file you downloaded. Don't unzip the file. While there are tons for you to do, you possibly can solely do them solo. There are dozens of internet sites to get them from. You’ll want to keep your head on a swivel to outlive on this server as there are primarily no rules. The primary choices you’ll need to make to your server are what to name it (something you like) and, more importantly, how a lot RAM to provision for the server. Customize "Minecraft's" graphics. The exact methodology to install and set it up will differ slightly relying on whether you utilize different "Minecraft" mods, but listed below are the general steps. Each jetpack presents completely different armor rankings and velocity, depending on what your wants are. There’s quite a lot of content material value checking out in Manacube. Accumulate all of the Pixelmon, discover the Pixelmon wilds, or conquer all gyms to prove your price as the ultimate Pixelmon coach!
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mothlegs · 9 months
aa dreams again
uhh is in roblox but kinda real
it is in Doors. but different
uhh. s. big n fancy. when a server starts if you're the first player you ride a train in and walk through a garden and then theres another train and it is real cool
private servers broke it tho so you had to walk along the traintracks and the sound was default roblox sound
uuum. there was parkour? and there was a huge flashlight like everyone was ant sized
there were like pods you could go into to change your avatar. and there was a kitchen where you could get water from the sink
oh also all the rooms were the same every time, not randomly chosen like in the real Doors
one of the rooms was a monster that would like chase you around while you found stuff, but if you were good at it you could just walk out and skip it. but if you were to do that and did another thing the game would glitch or something and it would look like the monster was giving you head???
thenn when i was in the private server this just. wasnt there. it was like a biiig and i mean huuuuge hall. like more than ten people tall hall. it was golds and browns and really gorgeous, with side halls and pretty decorations everywhere. the side halls were blocked in some way since it was made to have one path but since i was in the private server i fucked around to get out of bounds and explored. i found a secret balcony with a minecraft skeleton on it and a buncha other funky unfinished stuff:)
thenn. suddenly there were other people in my private server?? i was vaguely part of some small talk at some point, a brown woman asked me my name and i gave her my deadname and someone said theyd heard me ask to be called by my chosen name and i tried to play it off as just having a lot of names (which is also true, not just for trans reasons). then the brown woman said something about being called Black [her name i forgot it] and then saying thats always what B (housemate) calls her, and everyone was sorta like 🤨 Racist? but no one said anything
this was at the top of some stairs btw and there were like tiny christmas trees on the other side. at the bottom of the stairs was a group of people
then there were some Creatures? like orcs or something maybe, i didnt see them just heard them. but we knew they were bad
we got across the railing but it was very difficult and then we got to the next room and now somehow had a bunch of boxes?
the maybe orcs were pushing on the door by the stairs so we had to get everyone up here, which we did by having them push against the door and then run up and somehow that worked. my job was to move boxes out of the way so people could get in
then we barricaded the door with all the boxes and everything was fine..?? but then there was something about people becoming evil
i guess we all had to go to sleep now? i found a place upstairs with some couches. there was something weird...about the evil thing. people changing
but i found a couch and said it was mine, some other dude took the couch next to and put them together so we'd sleep up against each other? the couches were sorta colour changing- gold in light and blue in dark
i dont remember what but there was something spider man here?? and something with spiderman having put a painting on his butt to recreate a meme but it actually was a mirror turned around so when he was facing someone they could see his actual butt and balls in the mirror cause apparently there was no ass in his suit??? it was. so weird
and thats. all i remember. ! it was a very pretty dream. like really 10/10 for location and design. people of doors make my dreams pretty
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thetoxicgamer · 1 year
Minecraft players really want their dirt cube back
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Players are mourning the loss of the Minecraft grass block as the sandbox game‘s launcher icon, just as the Minecraft 1.20 release date has arrived. As it turns out, tens of thousands of players (at least over the last day) have made it known that they prefer the simple elegance of the Minecraft grass block over the face of a Creeper for the game’s PC launcher, and I couldn’t agree more. As it turns out, one of the most vocal corners of the Minecraft fandom comes from PC launcher stans, as one of the biggest recent threads on the Minecraft subreddit doesn’t come from anything to do with the features of 1.20 or any new Minecraft servers, but rather the picture Mojang and Microsoft use for your PC icon. As of the time of writing, almost 18,000 people have upvoted a post about the Minecraft launcher’s desktop image which laments the loss of the dirt block in favor of a Creeper face, of all things. “Who at Mojang and Microsoft thought this logo change was a good idea,” Snackable1 says, unaware of what they’re about to unleash. “I want my dirt cube back. The same one I’ve seen for the last 15 years of my life!” For me, while the Creeper face might be more easily recognizable considering no one walks around with Minecraft grass block hoodies, there’s just something about the elegant simplicity of the Minecraft grass block I find more appealing. Sure, it’s not a marketing magnet or expressive in literally any way, but it’s the most important Minecraft block, in my opinion – you can even see how everyone changes it up in Minecraft texture packs, which is always fun. Here’s where things start to get complicated and weird though, as when you open the Minecraft launcher itself (as I did through PC Game Pass) both the Windows and Java editions of the game use the grass block, and the latest release dropdown for Minecraft 1.20 still uses a grass block too. To top it off, the subreddit post has been in debate as to which version of the launcher image you get depending on either when you downloaded the game or what edition you have. I’ve not been able to decipher if you get a different launcher icon from playing a specific edition or if it’s from when you first downloaded the launcher from the website, but one constant remains; the grass block is dead. There is a way to resurrect the iconic block though, as pointed out by user TropicalIslandAlpaca: “Pro tip: If you’re using the legacy launcher, you can download a png of the old grass block icon, convert it to ico, then set it as the icon of your launcher shortcut.” If you want even more Minecraft after getting the grass block back, we’ve got breakdowns of the best Minecraft seeds, most game-changing Minecraft mods, and even the best Minecraft skins as well. If you want something else entirely though, you should check out our look at all the games like Minecraft worth your time. Read the full article
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savhannah-write · 1 year
In this like, you'll find the top ten best adventure servers that are fun for Minecraft!
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donahuekanstrup13 · 1 year
What are Minecraft Realms and how to Create One?
Everything you need to be aware of when joining Minecraft Realms.
You'd like to know more about Minecraft Realms. You might be interested in creating your own Minecraft Realms server for yourself and your friends if you have been playing the game of survival and building for some time. The best way to do this is through Minecraft Realms, a subscription service that provides you with your own server and is ideal for players wanting to invest more into the game.
These Realms have room for up to ten people and since they're private, you won't have to worry about security in any way as you are in charge of who receives an invitation. To create the Realm, only one player must subscribe. Afterwards, friends are able to join for free. This makes it a fantastic choice for children who wish to play in a safe environment. There's also crossplay, so players with different devices can join, though Java players can only play with each other.
They aren't compatible with the majority of the top Minecraft mods (opens new tab). Still, since they are available all the time, the host doesn't require active access to any of the other Realm occupants to play. If Minecraft Realms sounds appealing, you can find the details below on pricing, subscription levels, and how to create it.
How much does Minecraft Realms cost?
There are two different versions of Minecraft Realms. They are the basic version and the deluxe package. The more expensive version has more benefits, as you might think.
The base version costs $3.99/PS3.29 per month. This lets you create a world that can be played by up to two players as well as you. It will remain online for as long as you want. You can cancel anytime during the month-long period in the event that you don't receive the use you want. Mojang provide a free 30 days trial to those who wish to test the subscription out first.
What is Realms Plus?
The more costly version, Realms Plus, costs $7.99 (or PS6.69 and supports up to 10 players in addition to you. This version also provides free access to more than 50 marketplace packs, which include mini-games, maps, and skins. Realms Plus comes with a 30 days of trial for no cost.
Once you've selected the Realms subscription you wish to join, it is time to establish it. This can be done by opening the game (obviously) after which you click Play or Create New, and finally New Realm. You can then build your world in Minecraft just as you would any other Minecraft world. It can take approximately the same amount of time to create your own world.
Once the realm is created it is time to identify it and select the size of your realm. You will then be prompted to invite players to join by sending an invite link. You can find the invite link under the menu Player Settings if you wish to invite more players.
How can you change your Minecraft world in Minecraft Realms
Replacing a world in Minecraft Realms is literally as easy as pushing a button. Which button? The Realms Menu's 'Replace World" button. Multiplayer servers This will let you upload previously downloaded realms. You can also hit the Realms Backup button. This will pull up all of your backups and allow you to restore them. It also includes timestamps, making it very easy to navigate.
You can reset your realm as well by pressing the Reset Realm button. This lets you create a new realm in order to replace your current one.
What is the difference between a realm and servers?
Cash is the main ingredient to success, just like many other things in life. As we mentioned above, Minecraft Realms costs money. Servers don't. Another difference is that Realms remain accessible, regardless of who their creator is. However, Realms have stricter limits on the number of people who can participate.
That's all there is to be aware of about Minecraft Realms. You can now be in your realm anytime you're talking in Minecraft.
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coylecarver51 · 1 year
How to Install Plugins on The Minecraft Java Server
How to Install plugins on a Minecraft Java Server
Last Modified: June 8, 2022 in the Control Panel
By Noah
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Vanilla Minecraft can be fun, but it may get somewhat boring after a while. Mojang can introduce new features to the game, but you don't have to wait for them to add new features. This can help reduce boredom in your server. This is where plugins will come into play.
Plugins are server-side components of software that add features to a server without the need to make any client side modifications that you might need to with mods. There are tens of thousands of plugins available on the internet, meaning that there's almost never a time where you can't find something you want or need.
In order to install plugins, your server has to be running either Spigot or Paper as the server version. Both of them will accept plugins from Spigot and Bukkit websites. Find our guide here on how to change the server version.
How to Install Plugins using the Plugin List
Apex Hosting have a comprehensive list of plugins from Bukkit and Spigot that is directly integrated in your panel. This is the easiest way to install plugins on Java servers.
1. Log into your Apex Hosting Panel to select the server you would like to install the plugins. 2. Select Plugin List on the left-hand side of the panel. 3. On this page, you are able to choose either Bukkit or Spigot as the source. The only thing that may differ is the results you will get. Both plugins should work on the server. 4. You can search by name or by category for plugins. Click on the plugin you want to install once you've discovered it.
5. At the top of the page verify that there is a compatible version of your server's version, e.g. You should make sure that Paper 1.16.5 is compatible with Paper 1.16. 6. If you are sure that there is a compatible version you can choose it from the Version dropdown menu. Then click install to the right! Check your server console to ensure that the installation is completed.
7. After the process has been completed, restart your server to allow the plugin to load.
How to Install Plugins Using FTP
Sometimes, the list of plugins may not include what you need. In this case, you may require searching online for a direct download of the plugin's Jar file. There are a variety of popular sites to download plugins, including the SpigotMC website and the Dev Bukkit website, and sometimes from the developer's github pages. Generally the best way to find the plugin on the internet is to search the name or keywords of the plugin. IAN BLOG
1. Download the plugin Jar file from its source online.
2. Log in to your panel by going to the FTP File Access tab. 3. After logging in, find the plugins folder and click on it.
4. Once you're in the plugins folder Click upload to the left and drag your Jar file.
5. Once the file has been transferred to 100%, you can return to your main panel page. 6. Restart the server to allow the plugin to load.
Common Problems
Plugins not loading:
Sometimes, after restarting the server the plugins still might not be loaded. In game, run /plugins to check whether a plugin is loaded. If it's green, it should be loaded. It might not be on the list, or it might not be red. Make sure the plugin is compatible with the server version you are using and also check its page for plugins to ensure it has no needed dependencies. Sometimes, if you reboot the server and then look at the console output, it will inform you what error it is giving you, or what plugin it needs to work.
Plugin List Failure:
If you are trying to download a plugin using the included Plugin List on your dashboard and it's giving you errors, for instance it might be stating that the plugin is not downloading properly, this would generally indicate an issue with the original site for the plugin. If this happens , we suggest you manually install the plugin onto the server using the FTP section of this guide.
No Plugins Folder
If you are trying to manually install plugins to the server but cannot find the plugins folder then either your server is not able to accept plugins or you not have restarted after changing versions to Spigot or Paper. Make sure your server is compatible by examining the version you want to use in the Jar File dropdown on your panel. Some compatible versions include Spigot, Paper and Magma.
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hardisonbird25 · 1 year
WoW and FFXIV WoW and FFXIV: Boosted Raptr Playtime And ArcheAge Playtime "cratered"
Another Raptr report for another month. Yesterday Raptr.com released its top PC games list for November and MMOs did rather well. Unsurprisingly, World of Warcraft was able to climb up the list to second place due to the Warlords of Draenor expansion. Raptr's press release states that "The game's monthly playtime was up 71% versus October." Even though WoW "likely" drew from League of Legends' numbers however, it wasn't able to take over the MOBA's number one spot.
ArcheAge playtime fell by 39.97 percent, however World of Tanks (and Final Fantasy XIV) saw increases in theirs. Raptr says that Guild Wars 2 rose in rank but lost playtime in November over October. SWTOR has fallen two places since October.
Raptr roundups are subject to the condition that they only represent Raptr users on desktop computers. Some MMO studios also employ in-game rewards to boost Raptr numbers. But since some of these games refuse to publish data on population and you can call this the next best snapshot of popularity other than navigating the servers yourself.
[Source: Raptr press release which we're putting here] Top Played PC Games November 2014 --- Dragon Age, Call of Duty debut, World of Warcraft revived
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and Dragon Age: Inquisition made their debuts in the Most Played List this month. World of Warcraft's most recent expansion gave the MMO an increase in popularity after ten years. Spider Solitaire also made a surprising return to the top 20 after an absence of a while. The guilty parties know who they are.
League of Legends remained in first place in November despite losing 15.88% of playtime when compared to October. Following the sale on Halloween it reached its peak at the middle of the month. While the game's gameplay was steady for most of the month however, the 4.20 update brought lengthy queues that greatly affected playtime.
World of Warcraft's Warlords of Draenor likely took time away from LoL and other major games. The monthly play time of the MMO was up 71.3 percent over October. As is expected, daily play time was affected by the expansion and the game's 10 year anniversary events. It roughly doubled after Draenor was launched, and continued to grow until the end of November.
The other top five games weren't as fortunate. DOTA 2, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Smite saw a net decrease in hours. Smite beat ArcheAge for the fifth position. DOTA 2 and CS.GO saw double-digit drops (12.49 percent and 11.59% respectively), but Smite dropped less than one percent.
Archeage however, was shattered by 39.97 percent, which is why Smite's small climb to the top of the list.
The downward trend continued with Minecraft (-11.70 percent), Diablo III (down nearly 45% -We blame WoW for this) and Hearthstone (-13.11 percent, but we expect a rebound in December, thanks to Goblins vs Gnomes).
Chart newcomer Dragon Age, Inquisition, landed in tenth position despite a release in November.
While sliding down the ranks, World of Tanks managed to increase 7.72 percent of playtime in comparison to October. While the WGLNA Gold League Qualifying rounds were held throughout the month the game was at its highest during Thanksgiving weekend, due to XP multipliers as well as holiday discounts on premium items.
Final Fantasy XIV saw a 20.97% increase in the amount of time played. The increase could be due to late October and early November hotfixes to the game, and the release of the Game of the Year edition that offered additional 60 free days of adventure (plus all the previously released content). Mid-month DDOS attacks that caused login issues, did not have a major impact on game play.
Warframe and Guild Wars 2 each rose in popularity despite losing playtime in November, compared to October. Warframe held a Movember community event that led to an Guinness World Record. Guild Wars 2's Tangled Path content released with new areas, items, skins and more.
Call of Duty: Advance Warfare -- always more of an Xbox-based juggernaut was released in the first week of November, and based on current trends we may not be able to see it in December's Top Played.
For the first time since October 2013, Spider Solitaire made its way back into Most Played. Free 51 It is now clear that Thanksgiving isn't only about turkey, football and arguing with your family- it's also about Solitaire. The 27th of November was the peak day for Solitaire games.
Note The Share number for each game is the amount of time devoted to that game by Raptr members. It is useful to assess the relative playing time between games.
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