#min yoongi mafia auu
stratus-skye07 · 4 years
Suga Craze [Four] | Suga
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[Three] [Masterlist]
I bought what I needed from the convenient store and Jungkook drove us back to the penthouse. Once I got home I immediately went looking for Yoongi. I ran into Namjoon as I made my way towards his office.
“Whoa, Y/N where’s the fire?” He asks.
“Um, I’m just looking for Yoongi. Is he in his office?” I ask but end up going in that direction without waiting for a response.
He nods, “Yeah, I don’t think he’s busy right now.”
“Okay, thanks.”
I rushed past him to enter Yoongi’s office. He’s on the phone when I enter so I take my time in closing the door behind me. He quickly rushes the call when he sees me enter.
Once he ends the call he looks at me with a smile, “Hey, how was your visit with your dad?”
I don’t answer right away and when he notices my hands holding the plastic bag from the convenient store shaking, he approaches me with a worried look.
“What’s wrong?”
“Yoongi,” I say in a hushed tone, “do you have some time to spare?”
That’s pretty much how we ended up at the hospital to see Jin. Yoongi held onto my hand as Jin returned. I begin to squeeze Yoongi’s hand to prepare myself for whatever he might tell me.
“So? What’s the verdict, Doc?” Yoongi asks.
“I ran the tests numerous times just to be sure but they all came out the same.” Jin semi-smiles, “Congratulations, you’re pregnant.”
Hearing what I already suspected, I managed to breath. The notification on my phone was for my period tracker app. One of the tools of the app is to alert you when your period is late especially when you note the dates you’ve been intimate. I bought a pregnancy test to make sure that it was true. Yoongi and I sat on the bathroom floor waiting for the test to show the results. It came out positive but we wanted to be sure so we called Jin.
Yoongi was lost in his own happy world as he smiles, “Really?”
Jin nods, “You’re about a few weeks along so it’s still in the early stages.”
I begin to think about my temper and cravings, “So these mood swings were most likely caused by the pregnancy?”
“Yeah, I’m sure at some point you’ll begin to have morning sickness as well.”
Oh joy.
“What about what I’ve been seeing?” I want to know if this is what’s been triggering my seeing Hyung-Sik everywhere. The hormone imbalance caused me more worries than were actually happening.
Yoongi stares at Jin for an answer to what’s been going on, “There’s no sure answer that you being pregnant is the cause of seeing things. I’m sorry I can’t be more helpful about that.”
Shortly after going over the plans of what’s to come with the pregnancy, Yoongi and I return to the penthouse to give the news to Bangtan. They were more excited than I was at the surprise.
“Noona, you’re having a baby?” Jimin lifts me up in a hug.
Namjoon shakes Yoongi’s hand, “Congrats but I’m not surprised that you would get her knocked up this early.”
J-Hope nods, “Yeah and V owes me a hundred bucks.”
“I was so close. If only you could’ve waited another month.” V hands J-Hope a bill from his wallet as he huffs back to where he was sitting.
“We should throw a party.” Jimin suggests with excitement in his voice like he was going to be a big brother.
Yoongi shakes his head, “No, this news stays between us.”
“What?” J-Hope exclaims.
“We still don’t know who’s been terrorizing Y/N and this would only give them more ammunition to hurt us, so just between everyone in this room and no one else. We can’t risk someone we know being behind all this.”
“I understand what you’re saying but it’s gonna be pretty hard to keep this secret when she starts growing a belly.” Namjoon adds.
Yoongi nods, “I know, hopefully we can get rid of the threat before the baby’s born. I’m counting on you guys to put a stop to this person.”
Namjoon nods his head, “We won’t let you down.”
As soon as the meeting is over, all the members disperse to get to work. I stay looking out the window. A million thoughts going through my head while I look out into the city lights like what happens now? How will this child be born when their mother is losing her mind? Am I even ready to have a child?
I’m taken out of my thoughts when Yoongi’s arms wrap around me. He leans his chin on my shoulder while his hands begin to stroke my stomach. Images of my stomach growing start flashing in my head.
“What are you thinking about?” He whispers in my ear.
I sigh, “Nothing and everything my mind wants to think of.”
He asks, “Are you happy about this at least?”
“Of course I am. It’s just I’m scared of everything that might happen to our baby before and after they’re born.”
Yoongi turns me around to face him, “Nothing is going to happen to you, okay? I won’t let anyone hurt you or our child. They’re gonna have to go through Jungkook, V, Jimin, RM, J-Hope, Jin, and lastly me.” He brushes my hair behind my ear. “It doesn’t matter who it is. If it’s Hyung-Sik, I’ll kill him all over again.”
I nod leaning my head into his shoulder and the worries slowly settle in my mind. We had gotten through what I thought was the worst but now involving our unborn child tops that.
“Suga,” Jungkook calls from the hall, “CL is here to see you.”
Yoongi looks over his shoulder and nods, “Let her in.”
I stayed in Yoongi’s embrace when CL came walking into the living room. She looks more casual than when I saw her at the party with a white button up shirt that was tucked in her ripped jeans.
“Is it a bad time?” She asks when she sees us.
Yoongi shakes his head, “Just a second.” He pulls me away to look down at me, “Can you give us a minute?”
“Actually,” CL interjects, “the reason for my visit isn’t to talk to business. I came to see if Y/N had some time to spare for a little girls day.”
I’m surprised to hear that CL had come to the penthouse just to spend time with me, someone she just met recently. Although, I have been interested in knowing more about her since I know that Yoongi will only sugar coat his past with her.
Yoongi, who’s equally surprised, turns his attention back to me, “You feel up for it?”
I nod, “A change of scenery would be nice.”
I don’t know what kind of person CL is but if Yoongi trusts her that much then she must be an honorable ally. Plus, it’s pretty difficult to have a girl friend to talk to. I’ve been close to Taeyeon but she’s a civilian that doesn’t think twice that I’m a mafia leader's wife, let alone has had associations with the underground lifestyle. With CL, at least we have one thing in common, that being a daughter of a mafia leader.
I head upstairs to change my clothes when I hear Yoongi talk with CL. “Have her back before it gets dark out. She’s been on edge lately.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll have my best men watching us so you don’t have to be worried. She’s in good hands.”
CL really meant what she said about having a girls day. She took me to a salon where we got our nails and hair done, along with a spa treatment. I’ve never taken time like this for myself before but I can’t say that I didn’t enjoy it.
After the spa, she took me to a fancy restaurant to get something to eat. The place had indoor and outdoor seating. CL thought it would be better if we sat outside to keep the fresh air flowing. Of course, she had her guards standing close by. 
“I really appreciate you doing all this, CL.”
She smiles waving me off, “Don’t worry about it. We may be a part of the mafia but us girls still need time to ourselves.”
“I’ve never really had a friend of any kind in the mafia before. My dad felt it would be better to have me go to school and away from it all. I knew that no one at school would understand me so I never bothered getting close to anyone.”
“Yeah, it’s not easy making and keeping them for girls like us. Besides, Suga mentioned that you’ve been stressing lately so I figured what are friends for. Don’t get mad at him for telling me but I could sense when I was talking to him over the phone that something was wrong. If you’ve been friends as long as we have, you have a sixth sense for it.”
The curiosity gets to me as I ask, “So how did you meet Yoongi?”
She smiles thinking for a moment, “I met him when I was about a year into inheriting 21 Mafia. I’d run into him while I was doing a job. We had the same objective. If I had met him now, I would’ve killed him right then and there but I was naive back then. He asked for my help in becoming a mafia leader.”
I looked at her in surprise, “He asked you to take him in?”
CL nods, “I told him no at first because, having grown up in the business like you and I, this isn’t a life I would curse anyone with.”
“How did he convince you?”
She chuckles, “He said he had something to fight for. There was someone he owed a huge debt to, that he wanted to repay and he was willing to give up a normal life to make it up to her. Hearing how passionate he was, I agreed to help him and Bangtan. I taught him a lot of the stuff he knows now. Some other things he learned on his own. All of it for you.”
“Sometimes I wish he hadn’t joined our world. I saved him that day because I wanted to help him live a peaceful life later on.”
“I understand how you feel. I feel the same way at times when he got hurt. I felt even worse once he started getting better at it. It sometimes feels like I created a monster.”
“We both helped him become who he is today. At least he didn’t turn out like Hyung-Sik or else I would’ve never married him.”
“Don’t feel too guilty, Y/N. Suga loves you and for people like us it’s hard to find someone that genuinely cares like that. He made his way up the mafia ladder for you and he won’t hesitate to jump off it for you either.”
It’s true. I never once doubted Yoongi’s love for me and now with a baby coming into the picture I know that he will do everything in his power to protect him/her.
I reach out to raise my teacup to her, “To being the princesses of the underworld.”
She raises her drink to clink with mine, “Princesses of the underworld.”
I drink the entire cup of tea in one gulp, raising my head like it’s a shot. I place the cup down on the table to look up at CL. Looking past her, my eyes catch something strange off in the distance. Seeing him stand there with that cocky smirk sends shivers up my spine, Hyung-Sik waves playfully at me from the other end of the crosswalk.
“Y/N, are you okay?” CL asks.
Not taking my eyes off the figure I whisper to CL, “There’s a man standing on the corner watching us.”
CL straightens her back and pretends to fix her hair so she can strategically look over her shoulder. Finally, she turns completely to look across the way where Hyung-Sik remained to stand.
She turns back around at me with a calm face, “There’s no one there.”
My heart drops once she says that. I rub my eyes and look back to find that he was gone once again. 
“You know what?” I chuckle, “I think that spa relaxed me so much that I’m starting to get really tired.”
She nods, “Yeah, it’s getting late anyways. Let’s get you home.”
Could this really be because of the pregnancy or am I just losing my mind?
Since the events of yesterday have been playing over and over again in my head, I take the opportunity to sleep in. I didn’t tell Yoongi about it because I didn’t want to worry him any more to the point where he wouldn’t let me out of the house again. Now with a baby involved, it would just make matters worse.
Of course sleeping in didn’t last long once I started to hear a lot of movement going on in the hallway. I finally give up trying to sleep and decide to investigate the noises. I find Jimin and Jungkook carrying some furniture out of the extra room from down the hall down the stairs. I head into the room where Yoongi is with Namjoon. V and J-Hope were on the other side of the room painting the walls a creamy color.
“Yoongi?” I call out to him.
He turns his attention towards me, “Y/N, did we wake you?”
I go past the question to ask, “What are you doing to the spare room?”
He gives me the widest smile, “I was just getting a head start on the nursery.”
“Nursery?” I repeat.
“Yeah, we’ll have to wait to start getting baby stuff but I’m getting a head start with the color. Since we don’t know whether it’s gonna be a boy or a girl, RM thought it would be a good idea to go for neutral colors.”
Namjoon points at the paint cans, “White and gold is the color scheme we’re going for. Of course when you find out, it’s up to you if you wanna change it.”
“A hundred bucks says it’s gonna be a girl.” V declares.
J-Hope shakes his hand, “I say it’s gonna be a boy.”
“Yoongi, it’s a little early to be starting the nursery. I mean we just found out about it yesterday.”
“I know, we’re just planning ahead. For now, it’s just the basic furniture. Once we get everything under control then we can bring in the baby stuff.”
I can tell that he’s extremely looking forward to having this baby more than I am right now, mostly because of the things I’ve been seeing. As long as he’s distracted by this I can deal with what’s going on in my head and he won't have to be worried about me as much.
Yoongi snaps his fingers, “Speaking of babies, I was thinking we should at least tell your dad about the pregnancy since he was the one that was looking the most forward to it.”
I nod at the idea, “I called him yesterday but he said he wasn’t feeling well so I let him rest. I’ll call him back later.”
“Well why don’t we go visit him today? I’m sure the surprise will be better in person anyway.” He says squeezing my hands.
I nod, “Yeah, why not?”
We set out to give my dad the good news that he would be a grandpa soon. Growing up, I never pictured myself having a child, only because things were never going to be easy. With my dad encouraging us to have kids makes me think that if he has so much faith that it’ll be okay to start a family then I should be confident in the future and have our baby with peace and at ease.
Yoongi and I exit the car followed by the rest of Bangtan. Yoongi was carrying a box of those horrible chocolates my dad loves so much as a gift. It’d be less extravagant than a whole lot of balloons to get anyone suspicious of the occasion.
Entering the house, we came across my dad’s assistant.
“We’re here to see dad, is he busy?” I ask him.
He smiles and points towards his office, “He’s in his study. You may go on in.”
I squeezed Yoongi’s hand at how nervous I was to tell him the surprise, “Dad?” I knock lightly on his door before opening in completely.
He was standing in front of his window with his drink in hand like he would usually do when he was in the middle of thinking of future attack plans.
I call out to him, “Hey dad, it’s me and Yoongi.”
Dad turns to face us. His face looks pale and his other hand clutching his chest.
“Dad, are you okay?” He drops his drink on the floor causing it to shatter on the wooden floor.
He begins to lean against his desk as I run towards him to check on him. He pushes me back as he coughs up blood right in front of me then collapses on the floor. I manage to catch him but with his weight I end up falling to the ground with him.
I turn to Yoongi for help which he yells out to Namjoon, “Call Doc!” 
I do my best to keep my emotions under control while helping him survive, “Dad, I need you to tell me what's wrong?”
He reaches out for my hand and pulls me down to his level as he whispers in my ear, “Don’t...trust...don’t...believe...it.” He barely manages to spit out.
“What? Don’t trust who?”
Yoongi kneels down beside me, “Just hang in there. Jin is on his way.”
Dad looks up at Yoongi and nods then turns his eyes back to me, “Yoongi will protect you.”
My eyes begin to blur as the tears begin to form, “No, dad. You’re gonna be fine. I just need you to hold on until help gets here. You have to live to see your grandchild. I’m pregnant. You’re going to be a grandpa.”
He cups my cheek, “A beautiful mother you’ll be.” His grip on my hands goes completely limp.
I gasp as I begin screaming my heart out, “DAD!” Thinking of anything that could work, I start performing CPR on him.
Yoongi begins pulling me by the shoulders but I continue to push down on my dad’s chest. I check his pulse again and again but it never comes back.
“Dad?” I called him in hopes that he would somehow wake up again, “Daddy?”
I finally realize when there’s nothing more anyone could do. I reach up to kiss my father’s head one last time. Yoongi pulls me away from his body and embraces me into a hug where I just start crying in his chest.
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