#mike how dare you
yourelosingains · 2 years
No but imagine it being your 15th birthday, and being so excited to see your best friend who you haven’t seen in half a year only for all of this to happen
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jay-wasstuff · 7 months
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The 'own way' Vanessa spoke of:
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me 🤝 eddie munson
being absolutely obsessed with steve harrington and unable to comprehend how no one else is
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blushweddinggowns · 1 year
The first thing Steve could hear when he woke up was yelling. A lot of yelling. 
It was hard to even make out what they were saying through the collective noise, but he could at least recognize Eddie’s voice, “You little assholes said we were going to the hospital!”
“We will! Right after we finish the plan!”
Eddie was fuming, Steve could tell just from the tone of his voice. Though it usually took a lot to make him that angry. What the hell could have happened?
“I swear to God,” Eddie hissed, “When this is all over I am kicking all of your asses.”
Steve groaned, shifting his head. It hurt like a bitch, like someone had taken a bat to it. But the voices around him were getting clearer and clearer. 
"Shut the fuck up!” Eddie hissed out, venomous enough for it to actually work on most of them, “I think he's waking up. Baby, can you hear me?”
"Why do you keep calling him that?!" That was Mike, Steve was sure. 
"Why the fuck do you think?!"
As much as Steve loved the sound of Eddie’s voice, he’d really appreciate it if he toned it down a little. He opened his mouth to tell him just that, but all that came out was a pained whine. He felt cool hands go to his face, gentle as he murmured, “Sorry, Stevie. I’m here, are you okay? Can you hear me?”
Steve slowly blinked his eyes open, cringing at how that just made his head pound worse. Eddie was hovering above him, petting his hair from his spot in his lap, looking like he was on the verge of tears, “Eddie?"
"Oh thank god,” Eddie said, voice cracking near the end, “Are you okay? How’s your head?"
“Hurts,” Steve whimpered, struggling to sit up. Eddie scrambled to help him, easily lifting him by his arms pits and into his lap. Steve let his head fall onto his shoulder, grimacing at the lights flashing by. His head was fucking pounding, hard enough to make spots cloud all over his vision. But then Eddie’s arms were around him, subtly rocking him back and forth, instantly comforting.  
But then Mike was yelling again, “Is he cheating on my sister?!”
Steve cringed at the noise, eyes still struggling to adjust to the difference in light. 
“Just give him a second,” Eddie seethed back, his hand rubbing up and down Steve’s back, “He probably has a concussion.”
Steve brought a hand up to his forehead, a futile attempt to rub the pain away before asking, "What’s happening?”
He was at least starting to be able to see again. He looked up at Eddie who was gnawing on his bottom lip. He looked weirdly guilty like he just knew he was about to be in for it. He coughed, “A lot of things are happening, but they can wait. How do you feel?”
He felt confused, despite his vision fully clearing. He was just about to say as much when he stopped, eyes drifting down to Eddie’s chest. Had his shirt always been that red? With a trembling hand Steve reached out to touch it, eyes widening when his fingers came back wet. It was blood. Eddie was bleeding. 
The sight of his boyfriend hurt was enough to snap him right out of his pained haze. He started trying to find where it was coming from, voice near hysterical when he asked, “Are you okay?” 
Eddie stopped his wandering hands, holding them in his own, voice soft, “Hey, hey, I’m fine. Don’t worry, it’s not mine.”
Okay. Okay, Eddie was fine. And Steve wasn’t dying so things could officially be worse. Steve could work with that. He needed to catch up with what the fuck was happening here. It was getting a little easier to think and to see. Steve looked around, vision still a bit blurry but clear enough for him to be confused. They were in a car, with the kids? But why were they in a car? Whose car was this? And if Eddie was in the backseat with him….then who the hell was driving? 
He leaned forward, struggling a little against Eddie’s hold before he caught a glimpse of who was in the driver’s seat. 
Steve’s mouth fell open, before what sounded suspiciously as a screech came out of his mouth, “Is Max driving?!” 
“Baby calm down! I was driving at her age, it’s fine!” Eddie said right as she mows down a freaking mailbox. 
That was not nearly as comforting as Eddie thought it was. Steve stared at him, incredulous when he asked,  “What the fuck happened!?”
“Billy almost killed you!” Dustin piped up, “And then Eddie came in and he like freaked out and it was awesome!”
“Yeah!” Lucas agreed, gestures wild as he tried to reenact his description, “It was crazy! He like sliced his face open and then he got him on the ground like had his arm on his neck and then knife in the other hand and-”
“And there was blood like everywhere,” Dustin went on, just as imaginative with his demonstration as Lucas, “And Billy started screaming and then Max stabbed him with the needle and we had to tackle Eddie off of him or I think he would have killed him-”
Eddie leaned over, quickly clamping a hand over Dustin’s mouth, eyes flitting between him and Steve, “I will do anything you want if you just stop talking.”
“So you won’t kick our asses after all of this?” Lucas asked, “And you’ll help us burn the tunnels?”
“I-okay,” Eddie took a deep breath before continuing, like he was really capable of an explanation that would suddenly make all this shit not insane, “Angel, I kind of lost the plot when I found you beaten into unconsciousness, alright? I was too worried about you to think straight.”
“So you almost killed someone, got swindled by kids to do this stupid fucking plan, all while letting a twelve-year-old drive?”
“I-yes,” Eddie admitted, at least having the good grace to look guilty, “That about sums it up.”
Jesus Christ. 
From the newest chapter of this fic!
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w0lfwren · 7 months
josh hutcherson went to the aaron paul school of playing it trans
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katierosefun · 5 months
actually as much as i love mike and harvey together. i feel so sad for rachel zane because imagine falling in love with your coworker and then you learn that your coworker is a fake lawyer but not only that, your coworker is a fake lawyer who would literally do anything for his boss. he'll literally leave you at the altar to go to prison for his boss. he'll try to quit his job multiple times but keep coming back because his boss asked him to come back. he'll move to seattle with you, and you'll breathe a sigh of relief because it means that it can finally just be the two of you, but then you learn that he's inviting his stupid former boss to join them. and his stupid former boss agrees. you smile because your husband is so stupid happy at the idea of working with his former boss again, but you've seen this film one too many times before, and you are going to be subject to watching your husband choose his stupid former boss-slash-friend over you again and again and again and again and again and ag
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halfthebrain · 7 months
Harvey found a brick of gold in the midst of endless dirt so can we even blame him for his actions?
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v-i-r-i-d-i-a-n · 4 months
Byler hunger games au with Mike as Katniss and Will as Peeta my beloved
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will80sbyers · 2 years
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for the person that blurred out Will in this picture on pinterest
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howabhwmwn · 1 year
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real quick sketch of my favourite picture of jbanks
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I just think it's hilarious how Mike says "oh. Oh. Heyy how you doing?" when he notices Will at the airport. As if he hadn't expected that Will would be there? He's like "Oh, hey Will, what are you doing in California?? Totally didn't see you there."
Add to that the fact that Mike is wearing sunglasses while hugging El, so we don't see if his eyes are open or where he's looking BUT Will is standing in a perfect place for mike to be looking at him the entire duration of hugging El.
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It's also sus how he takes the sunglasses off after the hug. Like, alright, he has both hand occupied. But why does he even need sunglasses? He literally just got out of the plane and I don't remember ever wearing them again. Are sunglasses a thing about flying to California?
And then he says "oh. Oh." And then hugs Will awkwardly and asks abt the painting and so on and so forth... Mike Wheeler, it's not even funny anymore. I know what you are.
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bbasmos · 2 years
I've seen really crazy theories out there for S5 but the audacity to imply that Will and Vecna have been working together ALL THIS TIME is personally offending the shit out of me.
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omg-kat · 3 months
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I thought it would be fun to read the screenplay for my favorite tv series of all time and then this line on page four just punched me in the gut.
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indieedgycool · 1 year
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bylrndgm · 1 year
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1x04 | The body
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truessences · 2 years
I just skimmed a really interesting "analysis" on why Mileven has been paralleled to every other kind of relationship except a romantic one... the post even compares Mike to Brenner again and how he doesn't see her as a person but a being with powers... at this point, I'm convinced people don't actually like this show and/or these characters... especially Mike even though these analyses generally come from some of those who just don't want Mike with Eleven but with Will. You want someone you're comparing to Martin Brenner with your Prince? Wild.
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