#mihara ichiro
koushirouizumi · 5 months
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{Series To Know Me By} ~ C.H.O.B.I.T.S (C) C.L.A.M.P ~ Miharas
(Cap'd by Me)
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Hello there Ichiro "Icchan" Mihara fans.
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alexandriaisburning · 11 months
032: Tetris the Grand Master, or how Street Fighter and Japanese comedy changed Tetris forever
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When you think of Tetris you probably think of Game Boy Tetris, the NES World Championship, or maybe even Tetris DS. What you probably don't think of is Street Fighter, or Japanese comedy. But that's exactly the lineage that led to the creation of Tetris the Grand Master. 
TGM is now known for its ludicrous speeds and intense difficulty, but despite its reputation, it's also the origin of several features that would make Tetris easier to play, and a crucial step in the development of modern tetris. 
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Let's rewind a bit. Before we talk TGM, we need to talk SEGA. While Nintendo's Tetris games hold the mindshare in here, SEGA's arcade Tetris set the standard in Japan. Key to this was the introduction of Lock Delay, a mechanic which gives you a few moments to continue moving the pieces after they've hit the stack (1). SEGA Tetris can feel stiff and archaic to people familiar with modern games, but additions like this made it the definitive game for a generation of Japanese arcade players. 
That was definitely the case for Ichiro Mihara, the now vice president of Arika, and producer on the Street Fighter EX series. Arika itself was founded Akira Nishitani--designer of Final Fight and Street Fighter 2--and Akira Yasuda, aka Akiman--key artist on several Capcom projects. 
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This fighting game lineage definitely made it into Tetris the Grand Master, which initially began life as a competitive game intended to be a collaboration with manzai comedy duo Downtown. As part of Downtown no Gottsu Ee Kanji, a Japanese variety show starring the duo, they'd run a segment where they'd challenge guests to compete in a game of Tetris. Inspired by this, Mihara felt he could create a more competitively focused Tetris, and his team began work on a new title. (2)
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Described as having a "Parappa style aesthetic" with 2D anime style characters in a 3D environment, the game featured high speed play and items you could use to interfere with your opponent. Seeing the difficulty in differentiating the game from similar titles, they pitched a collaboration to Downtown, but they received feedback from them that adding too much might complicate the simplicity that made Tetris work so well. 
Unfortunately, complications with the show's sponsor led to the end of the show, and the project was shelved soon after. Months later Mihara would return to the project, overwhelmed with desire to continue making a Tetris game. 
Mihara's aim was to surpass SEGA Tetris, which he saw as the current peak of the game. The focus on speed and precision remained from it's incarnation as a competitive game, but several additions made it more palatable for beginners as well. Thanks to feedback from one of the Arika office ladies, Tetris the Grand Master implemented a new Wall Kick system. Previously, if rotating near a wall would cause a piece to collide with it, rotation would be blocked, as if the wall had physically interfered with it. With the new rotation system, the piece could now "kick" off the wall, and be moved a unit over to make rotation possible. This also had the side effect of making advanced techniques like T-Spins easier to perform (3).
Wall Kicks, alongside the Initial Rotation System (allowing you to rotate pieces before they enter the play field), and the Temporary Landing System (aka the ghost piece, which shows a preview of where your piece will land), led to more intuitive play for beginners, and raised the skill ceiling for technical play.
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Many of these features would be integrated into future titles, such as Capcom's own Disney themed versus title--Magical Tetris Challenge--which credits Arika for the use of the ghost piece. The Tetris Company integrated TGM's ideas into the Tetris Guidelines, a "minimum spec sheet" for licensed Tetris titles, allowing players to easily move between various iterations of the game. Nearly every Tetris since 2001 has used the guideline, making TGM a major contributor to the shape of Tetris over the last two decades.
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Ironically, it seems that those same guidelines may have been what kept the series from wider exposure. Tetris the Absolute: The Grand Master 2, often considered the peak of the series, had several deviations from the standard, including the Sonic Drop, which behaves similar to Hard Drop, allowing you to drop them instantly to the stack, but move them for a moment before they lock into place. Combined with a locking soft drop, thus enabled techniques like the Zangi-move, where you drop a piece to the the bottom then slide and lock it into place, but doing a circular motion, not unlike the motion for doing Zangief's command grab in Street Fighter.
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By the time the sequel came out--Tetris the Grand Master 3: Terror Instinct--it was required to add a guideline compliant mode, and by Tetris the Grand Master ACE, the only game in the series made for a home console (4), the systems that made the series unique had been pushed more and more towards coming in line with the design of Guideline Tetris.
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It's been speculated that the Tetris Company's reluctance to deviate from the guideline has kept the series from being re-released. Meanwhile, TGM has been developing a cult following internationally, gaining popularity among the Tetris community and building a larger awareness through demonstrations at events like Games Done Quick. 
It took until 2022, nearly 25 years after its original release, for Tetris the Grand Master finally received an official port (5) through the Arcade Archives series. That was followed up this year with a port of Tetris the Absolute, finally making these cult classics widely available. The reasons why it’s now possible remain unclear, but perhaps Arika’s work on Tetris 99, and the relaxing of the Tetris Guidelines for Tetris Effect’s competitive modes helped move the needle in showing there was space for alternative Tetris experiences. 
Whatever the reason, two major parts of Tetris history are finally available to a larger audience. Each is overflowing with technical nuances that I could never do justice, giving them a long term appeal that continues to this day. That's all before you get to the versus mode, which contains its own unique competitive ruleset. At the same time, their grading system gives you a tangible measure of improvement, and even casually remains an excellent way to strive towards improvement at Tetris. 
As someone who developed a fighting game mindset from Puyo Puyo Tetris, it's easy to see the spirit of fighting games flowing through it. That strange magic that compels you to strive towards greater mastery, to show off your skills, it's all there. The Grand Master is a name that speaks to great ambition, but given its legacy, it's more than earned it. 
Tetris the Grand Master and Tetris the Absolute Plus: The Grand Master 2 are currently available on Switch and PS4 through the Arcade Archives series. An arcade ROM to PSX conversion also exists for the first game.
Stack, the formal name for the collection of pieces already locked down.
This story comes from an interview series previously hosted on Arika's Japanese site. An archive of it is available here.
A T-Spin occurs when you rotate a T piece into a spot where it's locked on three sides, often used to clear a line.
TGM ACE was published on the Xbox 360, but only in Japan.
The game recieved an unofficial conversion to the Playstation, and obviously was available via arcade emulation.
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fictional-birthdays · 4 months
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Happy Birthday! (January 12th)
Ichiro Mihara (Angelic Layer)
Cherumin (Pop’n Music)
Moe (Animal Crossing)
Cinque (Final Fantasy Type-0)
Shino Koganei (BanG Dream!)
Dr. Hiluluk (One Piece)
Kaya Naoe (Little Busters!)
Soichiro Shimoda (Corpse Party)
Donovan D. Dawson (VA-11 Hall-A)
Kimberly La Vallete (VA-11 Hall-A)
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I see Watanuki, But where is ichiro Mihara from Chobits/ Angelic Layer? Kurogane from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles? Yuna D. Kaito from clear card? Clow reed from almost all CLAMP shiz? Touya Kinomoto, if he counts as one. What about Subaru Sumeragi, Lelouch britannia, seishirou Sakurazuka, so kuch for black hairs
you are clamp's no.1 fan i see 👍
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mahousekairpg · 3 months
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EN BÚSQUEDA DE RESPUESTAS 𝐍𝐮𝐞𝐯𝐚 𝐃𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐚 𝐝𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐤𝐨𝐫𝐨
✹ Escrito por Inoo Hinata.
​​Una nueva noticia recorre los pasillos de Mahoutokoro, la líder del clan Miura, mejor conocida como la Bruja del Milenio: Miura Ayase, ha renunciado a su cargo como directora de la escuela japonesa, nombrando a su colega, Miura Ayaka como sucesora en dicha posición. El anuncio ha generado diversas opiniones en la comunidad mágica en medio de la actual crisis yōkai; el hecho ha generado desconcierto, en especial entre los padres de los estudiantes de la institución; quienes — tras el avistamiento de yōkais en el bosque Aokigahara, el cual concluyó con la desaparición de 8 estudiantes (Entre ellos herederos del clan Saito y Hayashi), 23 gravemente heridos, decenas con lesiones leves y el lamentable fallecimiento de 5 jóvenes; — no consiguen mantenerse tranquilos en el panorama presente.
El enfrentamiento ha marcado un capítulo en la historia de la legendaria escuela, por lo que, en conjunto con el Ministerio de Magia de Japón (NIMASHO)(¹), han fichado el ingreso de un numeroso grupo de estudiantes internacionales comprometidos en participar de los entrenamientos especiales, ahora guiados por la docente Mihara Kaho, encargada de la asignatura de Kotodama(²). A pesar de la autonomía en las decisiones tomadas al interior de la academia en las cuales no interviene el NIMASHO; en uno de los últimos discursos del Ministro de Magia de Japón, Saito Ichiro, confirma a la comunidad que, “confía plenamente en la resolución de Miura Ayase.”
Por su parte, la lideresa Miura asegura que: “He demostrado mi compromiso con Mahoutokoro desde el primer día, sin embargo, hoy tenemos un reto que como sociedad no podemos ignorar. La trascendencia de estos eventos ha influido inclusive en nuestros vecinos países y visitantes, es por esto que he tomado la decisión de unir fuerzas con el Ministerio, con ánimo de llegar al fondo de esto.”
Sin embargo, uno de los mayores retos al interior del colegio de magia para Miura Ayaka, será apaciguar el creciente descontento de los padres y tutores preocupados por la presencia de estudiantes descendientes de yōkai. La política de ingresos y el margen de admisión de la institución no se ha visto sesgada por su linaje desde finales del siglo XVII, lo cual deja un incógnita con respecto a posibles cambios como respuesta a dicho grupo.
✹ Notas Off Rol. (¹) NIMASHO (日本魔法省): Nihon Mahō-Shō (Ministerio de Magia de Japón). (²) Kotodama (言霊): Lenguaje mágico.
✹ Etiqueta: #MS_KITEN03 ✹ Instrucciones Off Rol en la publicación compartida en ON: NAKAMI (中身). ✹ Válida de manera indefinida.
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I just remembered angelic layer exists
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I am in love with him
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yuukibutterfly · 4 years
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Clamp Boys - Glasses
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Ichiro Mihara (Kidou Tenshi Angelic Layer)  » January 12
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clamp-box · 6 years
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Why is Icchan like this. Why did Chitose even marry this weirdo XD
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koushirouizumi · 5 months
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"God told me that if I had any wishes, that they would grant just one." - Kobato {Kobato}
"...I... I still... haven't granted it. ... Your wish... I promised... ...that I'd grant it... ...I promised..." - Kimihiro to Yuuko {Holic}
"I answered that I wanted to live." - Kobato {Kobato}
"I'll do whatever I can because I want to be here." - Kimihiro {Holic}
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"What is happiness {/to you}?" - {Chobits}; Dark Chii {as Red 'Atashi'} to Chii {Pink 'Atashi'} {Card Captor Sakura: Clear Card Arc}; Lilie Shinomoto to Sakura {Sakura relating this to a canon Non-human Character}
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"My wish is for you to go on existing. That's ALL I want." - Yuuko to Kimihiro {Holic}
"But the one Tsuyuri {Kohane} cares about most is YOU." - Doumeki to Kimihiro {Holic}
"{Doumeki} didn't want {YOU} to vanish forever." - Yuuko to Kimihiro; on Doumeki {Holic}
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"To be happy... that's a rather vague goal, don't you think?" "{YES}, but that's what makes it {interesting}. All the more interesting... in that most people would consider it {IMPOSSIBLE}." "{Impossible}. How so?" "Well, you need a {life}... a {soul}. And if you're not alive... If you don't have a {soul}... what then? Then happiness is just a story... in a fairy tale book." - Zima to Dita; {Chobits}
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"Even if a {combination}/{of two [or more] people} Looks a bit 'odd' on the outside... They can still be happy on the inside." - Ichiro Mihara {Angelic Layer} x {Chobits}, to Chitose Hibiya (later Chitose Mihara {Kobato})
"The greatest happiness for me is to let the person I most like have the most happiness." - Tomoyo; {about Sakura} {Card Captor Sakura}
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"One day a man had a dream. He dreamed that he was a butterfly. He fluttered and fluttered, flew and flew. He so loved the feeling of freedom… That he decided that he was a butterfly. But when he woke up, he wasn’t a butterfly. He was a human after all. Then the man thought… “I wonder if I, The Man, dreamed that I was a butterfly… Or if this moment is truly the dream. Maybe the man I am now is a dream that a butterfly is having"" - Haruka Doumeki, who primarily communicates to Watanuki through dreams; relating a story, about dreams {Holic}
"Some things are worth caring about." - Doumeki to Kimihiro {Holic} {Heavily implied to be about Watanuki}
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"{Yuuko said} 'at this rate', {Watanuki would} 'disappear'" - Implied by Doumeki {Holic}
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"I don't love Chii because 'I wanted' to 'make love' to {Chii}.
'I wanted' to 'make love' to {have sex with} Chii because I LOVE {CHII}." - Hideki Motosuwa, on Chii {Chobits}
"Chii Persocom." "Yeah" "Chii is not human." "Yeah"
"Can't do SOME things. ..." {Implied as: 'Have sex with'}
"YEAH." - Hideki; - Chii to Hideki {Chobits}
"Happiness... That is..." - Someone Just For Me {Chobits} (Storybook)
"Maybe the man I am now is a dream that a BUTTERFLY is having"
"Because if we can all find that special person{/people}, then the world would be a happy place. The love that we all feel may not be the SAME, but it won’t matter if it’s the ‘someone just for you’." - C.L.A.M.P {Chobits}
"Happiness doesn't just come in one shape." - Ichiro Mihara {Angelic Layer} x {Chobits}, implied relevant to Ichiro and Chitose Hibiya (later Chitose Mihara {Kobato})
"I wanted to create, with {C.C.S}, a series with a girl who saw {MINORITIES} as normal. For example, Syaoran and Eriol are foreign exchange students, but to Sakura they’re the same as {people} who transferred in from a local school. Similarly, Sakura believes in all the forms of love {Sakura} sees. Towards the end {of C.C.S's 1st series} I had several characters give advice to a worried Sakura, showing that there are many kinds and forms of love. I wondered how the series would be received, since it ran in Nakayoshi, but it was received better than I expected. - Nanase Ohkawa (C.L.A.M.P) {x}
"Ohkawa: (…) I am glad that the readers are happy that Sakura and Syaoran got together, but that anyone would think it’s {just} because they make a normal {combination}/couple… it’s a little disconcerting. Sakura didn’t chose Syaoran because {Syaoran}'s a boy close to {Sakura} in age. If Syaoran had been a girl, if they had been far apart in age, as long as {Syaoran} was still Syaoran, I think Sakura would have fallen in love with {Syaoran}. It’d sadden me if you thought they’re a good {combination} because they’re 'normal'." - Nanase Ohkawa (C.L.A.M.P) {x}
"Normal? What’s normal? To only do what the masses do? And what is the benefit of that? Where is the problem in adopting a custom that is ‘abnormal’ if it has no negative affect on the world at large?" - Yuuko {Holic}
"I don't see anything wrong with being what everyone calls 'not normal'." - Yuuko to Watanuki {Holic}
-Observations made when rereading many C.LA.M.P Lores (To Be Re-Compiled, Someday)
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Doumeki, probably:
"I don't love Watanuki because I wanted to 'have sex with' Watanuki."
"I wanted to 'make love' to Watanuki because I love Watanuki"
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{Holic x Drug & Drop Cross-over} (Read panels right-to-left)
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a good half-decade back, former megaman producer Ichiro Mihara started posting a lot of notes about what megaman 5 would eventually turn into
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among them are a listing of various different tentative robot master names
at the bottom is クリスタルレディ, “crystal lady”, with “レディ” (lady) circled
this was rejected, and thus became just crystal man
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alvistem · 7 years
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llybian · 7 years
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Top shelf diva move.
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mal-likes-biscuits · 5 years
Favorite Character Bingo
I borrowed this meme from @janzoo to fill out, so you all can see the lengthy depths (years?) of my fandom hell. I’ve written fic for a lot of these characters over the years. You can guess which ones.
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From left to right, top row to bottom:
The Doctor (12th); Pavel Chekov (rank, Admiral pfffbt); Toph Beifong; Artemis Entreri; Gaara
Ellie Arroway; Zuko; Garrus Vakarian; John Tracy; Spock
Tybalt Leftpaw; Michael Burnham; Rock Lee; L
Ichiro Mihara; Severus Snape; Roy Mustang; Ken Ichijouji; Ana Amari
Wedge Antilles; Jack Harkness; Tiny Tina; Sabriel the Abhorsen; Malthael
I really hesitated putting Snape on here because I have mixed feelings about his character after the fact. But I still think he’s a fascinating one. Just not nearly as sympathetic as he is made out to be.
There are at least a couple people on here without black hair don’t judge me.
Anyone get any bingos with their own faves from here?
And if you want to do the meme, the original version is below the break. Also, the list of the characters I’ve written fic for. If anyone is horribly curious.
The fic victims:
The Doctor (9th, not 12); Pavel Chekov; Artemis Entreri; Gaara
John Tracy; Spock
Severus Snape; Ken Ichijouji;
Wedge Antilles; Jack Harkness; Malthael
The original meme:
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yououui · 5 years
My Horitsuba head-cannons: Fai greatly looks up to his grandpa, Ichiro Mihara, which lead Fai to also becoming a rather rambunctious playful scientist. Yuui decided to take after his patient and even toned grandmother Chitose who taught him how to cook. Fai's and Yuui's mother, Elda, was adopted since Ichiro and Chitose couldn't have their own children- which explains why their whole family is Japanese and they are Russian. Icchan doesn't approve of Kurogane at first- loudly and publicly.
I love... all of this. Why does Icchan not approve of Kuro in your hc though, I just gotta know
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