nucleiaster · 2 years
(also, hi! nice to meet you, name's Midnight!!)
(hi ! nice to meet you Midnight !! thanks for the ask !!)
So, yeah ! Science fantasy space opera, where to begin... I started working on it in 2016, actually wrote a good chunk of the first draft during NaNo 2016 and threw all the progress away by changing the very premise of the story haha. I’m currently working on the new outline, the first part of the story is pretty much ready to be written ! I have an ending, I just need a middle now. I also need a title, but for now I’m tagging it as #radio isotope (no writing in this tag (yet) but a lot of drawings !)
A quick summary : A crew of pirates desperately looking for a job to make some much needed repairs to their spaceship find a paying passenger and a pretty easy smuggling mission. Finally feeling like luck is on their side, they soon realize that the passenger has brought her own problems aboard. Chased by the Imperator, the biggest bounty hunter spaceship in the galaxy, the small crew of the Radio Isotope must figure out a way to escape and stay alive, and find out why the Emperor, the captain of the Imperator, wants their passenger. Meanwhile, a third party bigger than both the pirates and the bounty hunters is weaving its own web, hidden in plain sight.
It’s pretty much a road trip in space, with a heavy focus on the characters and their relationships ! I want to explore themes of struggling with identity and the futility of fleeing the ghosts of one’s past, but also the power we give to stories and how they help change the world (more or less litteraly)
I want to do a proper wip intro sometimes soon(ish), with clear character posts and stuff, but ‘til then, here’s a quick overview of the characters !
On the Radio Isotope : the Captain (he/him) [character tag] : born in space, great swordsman, excellent storyteller, awful liar, has more than a few skeletons in his closet. Etha (she/her) [character tag]: first mate, ethnologist, cartographer, linguist, braincell of the crew, will call the captain out on his bullshit. Jill (she/they) [character tag]: mechanic, the ship is hers (the captain stole it), stubborn, will protect her little family at all costs Meden (ael/aer) [character tag]: medic, shy, mom of the crew, has a very dry sense of humor, doesn’t believe in ghosts and other stories Nua (she/her) [character tag]: passenger, doesn’t really remember the last year of her life, her mouth talks too fast for her brain.
On the Imperator : the Emperor (they/them) [character tag]: no one really knows what they are, there are a lot of legends about them and most are true, ruthless, fair leader. Wenn (she/her) [character tag]: second in command, kind, swears a lot, can beat you up but won’t the Lieutenant (he/they) [character tag]: mercenary, amazing pilot, professional liar, is here for the money and nothing else Raki (he/she/they) [character tag]: independant bounty hunter, she’s after something and will crush whatever stands in her way, very tired
The main characters are the Captain and the Emperor, and we switch between their POVs throughout the story.
What else... well it’s science fantasy, so what’s fantastical ? There’s no “established” magic (like the Force in star wars for example), but there is...weirdness. Spaceships powered by singularities that are said to be sentient, stories of ghosts haunting wrecks, rumors of space dragons living on the Edges of the galaxy... It’s mainly legends, told from spationaut to spationaut, mocked by the world dwellers, but every legend comes from a truth (or is it that every truth comes from a legend ? In space you never know).
There is so much more, but we’d be entering spoilers territory so i’m going to stop here ! Thank you so much again for the ask, I love talking about this story !
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