#middle aged steve and robin yelling at the tv like
whenyouwakeup · 6 months
stobin would take one (1) ballroom class and think they’re qualified to judge dancing with the stars
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Ok, based on this post about a bunch of college dudes putting up a craigslist ad for a "BBQ Dad" to attend their backyard barbecue:
A No-Upside-Down AU where the Party is in college, freshly of legal drinking age, and they decide to throw an end-end-of-year backyard barbecue bash. However, as a group composed primarily of hardcore nerds (many of them lacking in paternal figures), they're not exactly the most qualified when it comes to top-tier grilling. More than that, they need someone who can bring the 'it-factor,' someone who can work a crowd and really get the party going. So naturally, Dustin claims, the logical move is to put an ad out in the paper.
Robin is the one who finds it — she buys a paper every day, reads Nancy's articles, then skips to the funnies and the advice column and finally the classifieds. Obviously she has to show Steve — c'mon, he'd be perfect! Steve can work a mean grill, he listens to dad music, he yells at sports on TV and wears khakis... He may only be pushing 30, but Steve has the energy of a middle-aged father-of-three.
Steve is embarrassed, but he's never one to turn down one of Robin's dares, so he writes a reply. It's not like those kids are actually going to respond to him anyway, they're probably looking for someone older, a real dad. Right?
The Party proves him wrong (for the first time but not the last) — they call him almost immediately and officially invite him to the barbecue. And Steve is a sucker who can't turn down such a nice group of kids, so the next thing he knows, he and Robin are loading his grill into the back of Eddie's van and headed across town to the shabby little house shared by Dustin, Mike, Lucas, and Max.
(Eddie, by the way, is a grad student and friend of the Party's. He may be a 'real adult,' but he has no BBQ Dad vibes whatsoever and he downright refuses to be caught dead manning a grill.)
As far as the Party is concerned, Steve is the 'prophesied-hero' of paternal figures. He's the stuff of legends, the kind of father (in spirit) that all dads aspire to be. He shows up wearing khaki shorts and a polo shirt. He brings not only his own grill and grilling tools, but also a sun-powered radio already tuned to the local baseball broadcast. He calls the Party members 'kiddo' without a hint of irony on his face, and has the lamest but most contagious sense of humor they've ever heard. Just standing next to Steve (and what name is more dad-like than 'Steve'?) feels like shooting hoops on your driveway until the sun goes down, or washing the car as an excuse to hose off on a 90-degree day, or getting picked up after soccer practice, dirt-stained and weary, but happy down to the bone. And yes, his burgers and brats really are that good.
Naturally, Dustin immediately takes credit for finding him and doesn't hesitate to crow about it.
By the end of the evening, they've already made plans to throw another barbecue in a few weeks. Steve quickly becomes the official Party Dad, an inseparable member of the group. He doesn't just do barbecues either — whether they need a reliable ride, some sage advice, or a necktie tied, Steve is there for his kids.
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daisydaisybilly · 3 years
ice cream and regret | j.h
summary: things are going great with Hopper, you basically live with him, you get on great with his kid and you love him, like actual really love and you're ready to tell him. You only hope he feels the same.
pairing: Jim Hopper x Reader (gn)
warnings: bad written handjob (at the beginning so you can skip right over it), kind a lot of angst, age difference( reader about 20 ish), fluff, swearing and hinted smut at the end
word count: 1.1k
a/n: as well i've changed a few people's ages to fit better in the story. can i say how happy i was to get his request 😍 Hopper is my favourite from strange things so i hope i did him well in this. and thank you being so kind 😭 love you too
edited but might have missed something
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The soft morning light was shining through the shitty curtains in Hopper’s bedroom, calling it a bedroom was a stretch it was a corner of the cabin section off by another curtain. The not bedroom bedroom wasn’t what you care about.
You cared about the chief of police in bed next to you, Jim Hopper. You still got a rush when you thought about him, even his name sent you crazy.
A grumble sounded by your side, Hopper turned over facing you, hiding his face from the sun. “Damn curtains” he groaned.
You laughed. “I’ve been telling you for weeks to buy new ones” you smile.
He mumbled something you couldn’t make out.
“You got something to say” you poked him in his side.
He grumbled again. Then jumped on you. You cried out in surprise, as he rubbed his face into your neck. Kissing your neck and collar bone. You squirmed under him laughing as his beard tickled you. He finally took his attention away from your neck and launched onto your lips.
You opened his mouth against his advancing the kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck grinding against him. Your hand wandered down to the waistband of his underwear, he kissed you more hungrily biting your bottom lip making your hiss. You wrapped your hand around his hardening cock. At first contact he gasped against your lips.
Slowly you moved your hand up and down building speed. Taking your time teasing him, smiling the whole time. “Why you gotta do this to be darlin’” he rasped, growing breathless. It gave you a power rush to get this big strong man weak.
You kissed his softly still keeping the same pace, “I like seeing you worked up honey”.
He made a deep sound in the back of his throat when you picked up the speed. In your hand you felt his cock twitches. The faster you went the deep the sound went. His face was pressed against your neck mumbling dirty words building himself up.
After he came you pulled your hand from his boxers and licked your fingers clean. You barely had time to pull your hand away before he kissed you hard and messy.
“You can’t just look me in the eye and do that” he sighed face pressed against yours.
You played with his chest hair, “thought you liked it” you asked faking confusion.
He growled, attacking your neck and chest moving a hand down your body. You threw your head back biting your bottom lip. Outside the curtain your heard El’s door open and shut.
“ahhh” you stopped him. “The kid’s up”.
He kissed you one last time, “to be continued”.
When El’s was feed and happy in front of the tv, you started the washing up. Hopper wrapped his arms around your middle, pressing himself against you. “You need a shower” you laughed nudging him away. He kissed your neck.
“Join me?” he asked pulling at your top.
“Gross” El remarked from the sofa.
You chuckled nodding, “I again gross”.
Hopper spun your around laughing with you. You wrapped your arms around his neck. Looking at him you felt happier than you had before. “You’re an idiot…but I love you”.
The room went silent, Hopper was just staring at you open mouthed. You struggled to say anything staring back. “I need to go…I said I’d cover Steve’s shift” you pulled away hurrying to grab your bag then leaving.
You hadn’t lifted your head for 5 minutes, softly mumbling to yourself.
Robin totally unprepared for this patted your head, trying to comfort you.
“I’m such an idiot” you cried.
“I wouldn’t say that” Robin said patting your head some more.
You sat up with a start, “I am! I looked him in the eyes and told him I loved him!”. You ate a mouth full of ice cream, “I mean what did I expect would happen? He has a kid and he’s so much older than me! why did I think he would want something serious”.
She looked unsure what to say.
“I love him Robin like I could go crazy with loving him” you whispered close to tears.
She pulled out a spoon to eat some ice cream, “Been there and it sucks”.
“Yep” you smiled sadly, “it does”.
Having to sleep in your own bed was terrible, it was uncomfortable and most of all lonely. You had gotten so use to waking or falling asleep next to Jim now it was impossible to sleep alone. It was over, it was over you lay there repeating and repeating it, hoping it would set in.
The phone had been ringing no stop all day, caller ID told you in was Hopper. Instead of answering you sat there watching it ring going through all the things you or he could say.
You sat up with a start hearing someone knock on your door, heart racing you waited for it to stopped. Just your luck someone was trying to break in and kill you when you weren’t talking to the chief of police.
After a few minutes the knocking stops relaxing you lay down back in bed, then the knocking started at your window.
Pulling a basketball bat from under your bed and went outside being as quiet as you could.
“I’ve called the police” you lied, “So you better not try anything funny”.
Hopper stepped out the shadows holding his hands up. “I know you’re better liar than that”.
You put down the bat, “Jesus Hopper” you huffed. “You trying to give me a heart attack”.
“I wanted to talk to you” He stepped forward reaching out.
You spun around, “There’s nothing to talk about”.
“Come on Darlin’” he stopped you putting his hand on your shoulder.
You breathed, “I told I loved you and you said nothing. What else is there to say”.
“Darlin’” he started.
“No” you held up your hand, “You don’t get to call me that when you stood there and said nothing. It’s over, I won’t stay with someone who doesn’t love me back”.
“Would you let me talk” he spoke louder than you.
Setting your jaw you nodded.
“I didn’t say anything this morning cause I was scared, okay!” he moved his hand from your shoulder to your cheek. “After losing my wife and kid, I thought that was it for me, I wouldn’t get a second chance”.
You looked at him not knowing what to say this time.
“Then you came along with your charm and cockiness. And you stole my heart”.
You opened your mouth but he cut you off.
“You know how many morning I’ve laid next to you trying to find the words for how I feel?” he yelled slightly.
“So you’re saying…”.
“I’m saying I love you”.
You kissed him messy and fast, taking him by surprise. “Are going to come in?” you asked in between kisses.
He pick you up with a huff, “did say to be continued, didn’t I?”.
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Hawkins’ Charm (Part 5/?)
Synopsys: They had gotten out of Hawkins. After all the shit that had happened, all the heartache and pain, Billy and the Reader had gotten away from that hellhole, building their life in California as he had dreamed. But when Max’s graduation rolls around and they go to celebrate, it’s as if the Upside Down was just waiting for all of them to return. And it has a bone to pick.
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x f!Reader; platonic!Steve Harrington x f!Reader
Genre: angst
Warnings: blood, mentions of injuries and death, fighting, swearing
Word count: 4262
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When they arrived at the old Byers’ house, the sun was already over the horizon painting the sky and their surroundings with deep golden hues, pastel pinks and even some light greens. If the situation wasn't the way it was, he'd think it might even be the prettiest sight ever. Nothing would compare to the sunrises in San Diego with Y/N by his side, but there was something eerily beautiful in the view.        “They’re all most definitely asleep,” Johnathan warned placing the key in the lock and twisting it.        Billy was barely listening to what he was saying, how maybe they should talk to Joyce first, and then wake the kids up, but the second his eyes befell on Alex, he wanted to disappear.        He looked so much like Y/N; the same hair, the same eyes, just his mouth and nose were their late father’s. If there wasn’t the age difference between them, they could pass as twins. With how much taller Alex had grown, most definitely.        They were all in the living room, Mike and Lucas splayed on the couch while the rest were in sleeping bags littered around the floor. Soft snores filled the air, and Billy’s gaze befell on Max. His little sister that he used to genuinely hate, then managed to somehow tolerate and now called her family without hesitation.        Her ginger locks was a mess and even that was an understatement, nose hidden in the pillow underneath her head. A soft smile pulled up at his lips before it dropped. He’d have to involve all of them in this mess. Again.     It was his fault, and now he’d be the reason the week they were supposed to be having fun before the panic of moving to universities and colleges would start, would be replaced by fear and genuine terror.        A groggy Joyce stepped in the living room, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand to get rid of sleep.        “What’s going on?” her raspy voice was quiet as to not wake the kids. They were practically adults, but for them, they’d always be kids.        “Y/N’s missing,” Steve whispered. “And the Demogorgon is back.”
       “What? But… that’s impossible.” Joyce shook her head. “I closed the Gate. Hop…” she struggled to get the word out and had to look to the ground. “Hopper gave his life so I could do it. I saw them pour cement down every single crack of every single door. And the one at the lab has been closed as well. We checked. Four. Years. Ago.”        Joyce looked at Will as he slowly stirred, sighed and then turned to the other side going back to sleep.       “Are you sure, the Gate’s open again?” she whispered.        Everyone simultaneously nodded.        “There’s no other explanation as to how a Demogorgon and a bunch of Demodogs could be in Hawkins again.”        “Demodogs?” it was Dustin who butted it lifting his head from the ground, a trail of drool down his cheek. “What’s going on?”        Hearing the chatter, the rest of the Party slowly woke up, small grunts escaping most of their mouths ‘cause they’d only slept for a few hours, spending most of the time watching movies and playing one last game of Dungeons & Dragons.        “El, we need your help,” Nancy was the one who spoke up and watched as the girl’s eyebrows furrowed mind still ruled by sleep.        “Why?” she yawned and stretched her neck.        “Y/N… she’s missing.”        Alex’s head whipped to the side to look at the young woman. “What do you mean by she’s missing?”        “Alex…” Joyce stepped forward ready to be a buffer between the two people, but the younger one shook his head and stood up.        “No,” he pointed at his brother-in-law, “answer me – what do you mean by Y/N’s missing?”        Billy couldn’t lift his gaze to meet Alex’s.        “Don’t make me ask again.”        Robin sighed and went to place a hand on his shoulder. “Now’s not the time.”        “Where’s my sister?!” he roared and finally got his answer, though it was one that chilled him to the core.        “I don’t know!” Billy yelled. “That fucking thing took her!”        Alex felt like he might vomit, much like Billy did. “What thing?” he got out through clenched teeth.        Billy couldn’t respond, he didn’t want to. It would mean confirming everything that had transpired since Tina’s just a couple of hours ago was real, and he didn’t want it to be.     Steve broke his silence.        “The Demogorgon.”        “That can’t be right,” Mike shook his head. “I thought it was all over when we fought that thing at the mall.”        “It’s true,” Will said and had to swallow a lump that had grown in his throat. “I – I didn’t want to believe it when I first felt it. I just thought it was the nerves cause graduation is in two days… but… I think I knew it all along, just didn’t want to admit it.”        Will’s words were what sealed it as the truth. Even though they wanted to question it more, even though they wanted to dismiss it and go back to sleep, write it off as a horrible nightmare, the fact that Steve, Billy, Robin, Nancy and Johnathan all sported cuts and bruises and looked like they were about to collapse was proof enough.        “Please,” Billy begged through tears dropping down on his knees before El, “please I need you to find her.”        She didn’t say yes, or no or anything, just that she’d need something of Y/N’s.        “Like what?”        “Anything I can use to connect to her.”        He had nothing on himself that was a piece of Y/N except… his hands trembled as fingers wrapped around his wedding band and slowly took it off. The skin was so much lighter where it had snugly sat for years, and Billy didn’t feel right without it on.        “Will this do?” he choked out looking at the golden circle. Not once in his life had it been taken off. The day Y/N had slid it along his skin and helped it rest against the base of his finger was the day he had vowed to keep her safe. Seemed fitting that Billy parted with it when he’d broken the promise.        El just nodded, not wanting to say anything that could cause more pain. She sat down on the floor crisscross, Mike turning the TV on static with the old radio as well, helping her slip a black blindfold across her eyes.        Billy knew it could take a while, but every second that El just sat there, blood trickling down her nose and towards her lip was a second of agony.        “She’s,” she finally spoke up after about five minutes, her eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. “She’s laying on the floor on her side. There’s blood on her shirt… a lot of it…”       “Is she breathing?” it was Steve who asked the question, but Billy was not about to yell at him, it was the same thing he needed to know. Had to know to figure out if he himself should keep breathing.        “I – I think so,” El nodded, wiping away a little trickle of blood from her nose. “I think she’s cold. She’s shivering. I can see her breath in the air.”        “Where is she?” Nancy tried to steer her in the right direction. It was good news to hear Y/N was fighting, but if they didn’t get to her in time, that might just be it.        El shook her head. “I don’t know. It’s a dark room… it looks like a big fridge…”        Cautiously she stepped towards where Y/N laid, and that’s when she noticed that all the shivering was not just that, but it was the woman crying her shaky breaths making her whole-body rattle.        She stepped around to look at her face, to see if she was hurt more than the slashes littering her back.    Y/N’s eyes were wide open, jaw clenched in either pain or in an attempt to stay composed. El watched as her Y/E/C orbs moved along the far end of the unmarked room as if tracking something.        “It’s the Demogorgon,” El breathed out watching the creature as well. Y/N didn’t move a muscle, as it slinked around the wall.        “What’s it doing?” Mike pressed on.        “Is it hurting her?” Alex’s voice broke in the middle of the question. She might be his older annoying ass sister, but she was his sister.        “No,” El shook her head. “He’s… pacing…? It’s like he’s guarding her. Waiting for something…”        “Guarding her?” Robin looked to Nancy and Johnathan. “I don’t remember you two mentioning it did that.”        Johnathan replied just as confused. “That’s ‘cause it didn’t.”        “Is there anything else there? Can you see anything through the door?” Mike tried to lead her in the right direction and not get distracted.        ‘No’ she motioned with her head but tilted it to the side and everyone could just imagine her squinting her eyes as if she was trying to see better. “But there’s something on wall… it’s like a vent…?”        She suddenly flinched and was bombarded with questions, but she just brushed all of them off by saying ‘something’s coming’.        Rhythmic thuds echoed through the small room, and El heard Y/N’s breathing pick up. From the corner of her eye, she saw the woman’s grip tighten around something.        “She’s holding something… Y/N… it’s a piece of a pipe…”        That’s when El sprung away, even though nothing could hurt her in the weird space in between, but it was still startling, when Y/N charged at the Demogorgon, jamming the jagged piece of metal through one of the open lapels of its mouth and running towards the vertical little window.        “Help!” Y/N screamed, trying to slam against the wall (door?), but it was just too sturdy. “In here!”        The glass shattered, and Y/N yelped shielding herself from the shards, making both of the girls spring back. As quickly as she could, El rushed to see what was on the other side but was greeted by a screeching swirling black mass. A moving red light shone through and what looked like a cash machine at the back of a diner counter sat still.        Screaming El ripped the blindfold off and fell back into Mike’s embrace.        “What happened? Is Y/N alright?”        “I don’t know,” she cried out. “The Mind Flayer attacked.”        Suddenly Billy was very light-headed to the point Max had to hold his back, to not let him fully collapse. “Her?”        El shook her head looking at Billy. “Me. It’s very angry. But it didn’t want to hurt her… it wanted to hurt you… it wants to punish you…”        A chill as sharp as an icicle went down his spine, and everyone’s gaze turned to look at him. It made sense, in a way, he just didn’t want to believe that the Mind Flayer had enough of a brain to hold a grudge, but of course, it would. And what was a better way to hurt him than hurt the one person he loved most?        “Billy, Billy look at me,” Joyce’s voice was calm and soothing, just like her palms on his cheeks. She reminded him so much of his own mother, that he couldn’t help the additional tears that feel. “We’ll find her okay? Y/N’s gonna be alright.”       He nodded not having the strength to do anything else. And that’s when he broke. Billy’s body shook with sobs as Joyce allowed him to use her shoulder to cry on, his hands grasping at her nightshirt as if he was a kid and had just woken up from a nightmare.       Fuck, how he wanted all of this to be just a nightmare. To wake up in San Diego, with early morning light filtering through their pearly curtains. With Y/N soundly sleeping next to him as he kissed her on the cheek and rushed outside for a quick swim. To come back home and have his two girls on the couch, eating breakfast with Tom & Jerry playing on the TV.        “It’s my fault,” he cried holding onto Joyce tighter. What he didn’t see was how Max had to turn away and grab Lucas’ hand. She had never seen her brother so utterly broken, it was breaking her as well.        “Because of me she went to the woods, because of me she went to the junkyard, because of me she got attacked and now, possibly will be killed. It’s all my fault.”        “Billy, don’t say that,” Max croaked. “You know Y/N loves you, she’d never blame you.”        “But it’s true,” he laughed running a hand through his hair. “It’s because of me all this bullshit’s happened.”        “You don’t know that,” Alex spoke up. He’d calmed down enough to know it was something out of Billy’s control. “She was coming to my graduation anyway. It could've happened then...”        “Yeah, but it was me who wanted to go to Tina’s fucking party, not her. And you heard El! She said the Mind Flayer was mad at me, it’s angry at me!”        No one had a response to that because, in a way, it was true. Yet had Billy not stood up against the one who’d enslaved his mind, everyone was pretty sure - all of them would’ve been dead. Yeah, Joyce and Hopper had managed to close the Gate, but the moments Billy had fended off the Mind Flayer’s monster from attacking Eleven had saved her life and in turn the lives of everyone else.        “Fine,” Billy sighed, and Joyce gave him a tight-lipped smile. “I need to uh I need to see her mom…What do I say to her mom?” There was no way he’d possibly even utter the words – hey, so the reason your daughter used to wake up in the middle of the night screaming and hyperventilating was because her best friend was killed by an interdimensional monster. And oh, yeah, she kinda fought one as well a few years back, and now she’s been kidnapped by one. And it has a personal agenda against me. So, no biggie.        “Tell her she’s staying with me,” Nancy said chewing on her nail. “Tell her we’re having a little get together until the nerds’ graduation; a girl’s night and you guys are having the same. It’s not that far off from what we used to do.”    Alex nodded. “I’ll cover for you if needed. Besides, she already knows I’m hanging ‘round Byers’ until Friday.”    There were a few places they had decided Y/N could be kept at by the description of a large fridge and a cash machine, so they had split up in little groups. Joyce, Will and Dustin would go to Benny’s, the rest would investigate the mall and visit every eating joint they could, to see if it matched what El had seen.        Billy would’ve never agreed to stay out of the search, but, in the end, had relented, when Joyce told him someone had to stay at the house.        “She might show up somewhere, and someone needs to be by the phone.”        “No, what I need to do is find my wife.”        Joyce sighed and placed a gentle hand on his chest. “Billy when was the last time you slept?”        “I don’t know, does it really matter?”        “You’re not in the right state of mind, sweetheart…”        He knew he wasn’t. At the thought of seeing the Demogorgon or any of those creatures, the only thing he saw read and knew - he wouldn’t stop to even think when presented with the chance to kill them, no matter if, in turn, his life would be in danger.        “Then what am I supposed to do? I’ll go nuts just sitting here.”        “The Mind Flayer doesn’t like you,” Max spoke up. “It wants to hurt you, punish you for what you did, for saving El and everyone else. I kinda think it knows that by hurting Y/N it hurts you. Imagine if you just so happened to walk into its trap, which it clearly is.”        Max had a point, and he hated it. There was nothing left to do but watch as everyone else piled into the respective cars, his own Camaro the only one left behind. Billy would never forgive himself if there was even one more scratch on Y/N's body. He was already the reason she was in that position.    He huffed and plopped down onto the couch. It wasn’t long before his eyes slipped closed.
       “Billy?” it was Y/N’s voice that made him shoot up from the couch, eyes wide in disbelief at the sight of her. He looked around and noted that he was still in the Byers’ home, but the door was unmistakably open, sunlight streaming inside. It looked like it was already dipping down, indicating he’d slept through most of the day.        He couldn’t believe the sight in front of his eyes, but Y/N was right there. Battered, bruised and covered in blood, but alive and real. And there.        “Baby? Oh my god,” his arms were instantly around her body, pulling her as close to him as possible. Desperate lips found hers in a second, and when she responded to the kiss, it was like all the worries melted away into nothing.        “Where were you? How did you get away?” his palms cupped her face, looking over every feature, trying to ingrain them in his mind. Billy didn’t think it would be possible, seeing as he already knew where each scar and birthmark was, but there was no harm in doing it again.        “I didn’t,” she shook her head taking a step back. “It let me go.”        Billy’s eyebrows furrowed. “What?”        “It just…” Y/N shrugged, “let me go.”        And that’s when he remembered, that there was no way she would be so nonchalant about everything. By what El had said, he knew Y/N’s back had to be slashed open, and she’d be in severe pain. He looked at his hands and saw black blood covering them. But he noticed it too late.        The pipe hit against the side of his head and everything went black.
***        His whole body was throbbing in pain, but most of all his head; it felt like it was on the verge of splitting open.        Billy groaned and winced, trying to lift his hand to press against his temple, but found himself unable.        “You made him mad, Billy,” Y/N tusked as if he was a toddler. “Very, very mad when you disobeyed the orders. Now, he wants to repay you the same way.”       His hands were bound behind the chair he’d been propped on. Even through his blurry vision, he could distinguish he was still at Byers’, the picture of Joyce, Will and Johnathan all smiling being the dead giveaway, and that scared him the most. It meant Y/N or rather the Mind Flayer didn’t care about being found. There wouldn’t be anything left to find once she’d done whatever the hell she wanted to.        Looking to the side, he saw a pair of tubes that he couldn’t really distinguish, but the sight of them made his stomach turn.        “It’ll look like an accident, don't worry. He wanted to make them pay as well, but it would’ve taken too much time. And we have so much to do…”       She was walking around the room, like it was nothing, like the rips across her back didn’t cause her any kind of pain. Billy was pretty sure, right now it didn’t, so he was somewhat thankful for that.    “What will look like an accident?” he prodded, trying to figure out the Mind Flayer’s game plan and buy himself some time.        Y/N shrugged. “Joyce…Nancy… Johnathan… the little buggers with them.”        It was like he was dunked in an ice-cold bath head first.        “The brakes just wouldn’t stop, and there’s that tight corner not far from here. I’m sure they’ve figured everything out by now and are on their way here but… panic makes people reckless.”        The wires… they were brake cables.        “Think about Clara,” he pleaded and had to push down the bile rising in his throat. “Think about our daughter! Y/N fight this, fight it for her! You love her! This is not you doing it, it's that fucking thing! Alex is in one of those cars!”        “You were supposed to help us stay,” she purred not listening to a single word he was saying. Billy could see how the red little veins in her eyes had turned back, her pupils dilated to an unnatural size. “You were supposed to make sure she died. Now… you’ll have to see what happens to the ones who don’t do as they’re told.”        With terror coursing through his veins he understood what she meant, or the thing possessing her meant. Billy had disobeyed, so now he would be punished. But when he thought the monster would rip him apart piece by piece, with slowly settling realization he realised that was not his punishment.        Like a mindless zombie, Y/N stood before the moving wall. A lamb ready for slaughter. And only one creature made entrances like that.        Billy struggled against the ropes, the material cutting into his skin, no doubt leaving bleeding red marks on his flesh, but that was nothing to the all-consuming fear of seeing the Demogorgon tear apart the apartment’s wall and drop into the living room.        The TV was going haywire, and he thought he could hear his own car wailing even through the ringing in his ears. A sharp pain went through his knee, and he heard something crash to the floor but didn't care about what it was.        “Y/N, please don’t! I know you’re in there.”        Her eyes were soulless as she looked at him. “This was your fault, Billy.”        But she didn’t even get to make a move towards the monster, as the door slammed open to the house. It was a split second of a distraction, but it was enough for an invisible force to fling the Demogorgon against the wall, and enough time for the other assailant to wrap his hands around Y/N's throat and lift her above the ground.        Her hands gripped around the palms squeezing her neck. They were strong, and with every passing moment she was losing consciousness more and more, but right before succumbing to the darkness that promised nothing but sleep, her Y/E/C eyes looked up to glance into Jim Hopper’s blue gaze.        “Hop?” she choked out.        “Sorry kiddo,” and he squeezed a bit more until her eyes rolled to the back of her head, and her body went limp in his grasp.        Gently, like Y/N was made of glass, Hopper laid her out on the floor, careful not to put her in the shards of the broken coffee table that Billy's leg had kicked against and destroyed it while trying to get out from his restraints.        A beat passed, everyone in a complete state of shock, not only by his sudden appearance but by his resurrection, heroic act and subsequently the aftermath.        “You fucking killed her!” Alex yelled, rushing past the ex-Chief to his sister’s side and knelt down much like Billy was already pushing strands of Y/H/C hair out of Y/N's face, two fingers desperately checking for a pulse while the other boy held a piece of glass against her nose to see if she was breathing        Hopper slumped against the wall. “I didn’t kill her, I made her pass out!”        “Yeah, by choking her to death!” Mike screamed back, even though he was ecstatic to see Hopper again.        His body was thinner, but not in a sense of ‘I’ve been working out’, but ‘my meals consisted of a piece of bread and a glass of water. Sometimes the bread was so uneatable, I could carve paintings on the wall’.        “Do I need to remind you she tried to kill you first?”        “It wasn’t her it was the Mind Flayer!” Mike said.        “Yeah, in her body!” Hopper replied again, not even thinking about apologizing. “I just saved your lives you ungrateful little shi-“        “Hop…” Joyce’s palm cupped his cheek, and he leaned into the soft touch the anger melting away in a second. He hadn’t felt something so sweet in four years, going on five. She had walked into the house right when he’d lowered Y/N to the ground, not believing at all what she was seeing. “How are you alive?”        “Russians,” was the one word he said. It kinda didn’t need elaboration.        El had been stuck to his side, the second she was done keeping the Demogorgon away, arms wrapped around his middle, the. It had slinked back into the carved-up wall and disappeared with one last screech. But she was one hundred per cent sure it’d rear its ugly head again.        By that point, everyone had gathered back inside the Byers’ place. Nancy had converged with Joyce when they were on their way back and noticed something was leaking from her car. They’d been lucky that the speed they’d been driving in was slow, given how both vehicles were missing their brake cables.       “What do we do?” Steve asked the trusty bat with nails he’d been holding now lowered to the floor. “We can’t just leave her like this with that… thing inside of her.”        “He likes it cold,” Billy sneered as he leaned down and lifted Y/N, pressing her body tighter to his hoping that his warmth made the demon inside of his wife squirm in discomfort. “He put her in a fucking freezer… So, let’s put him in a sauna.”
Tags (crossed out wouldn't take):
Forever tags: @lumelgy @palaiasaurus64 @supernaturalbaesduh @breezy1415 @crazy--me @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @sea040561 @staryeyedgirl @deathbyarabbit @s-c-a-r-e-d-po-t-t-e-r @reblogger-not-a-blogger @m-a-t-91 @dalilx @i-need-a-hero-i-need-a-loki @maladaptive-ninja-returns @averyrogers83 @in-the-end-im-still-trash @gallifreyansass @dewy-biitch @avxgers @unlikelygalaxygiver @sweet-ladyy @magicwithaknife @ollyoxenfrees @bnhvrdy @tvwhoresblog @celebsimagines @thatkindofgurl @sj-thefan @teenwolflover28
Hawkins’ Charm tag list: @genius2050 @aiifandomsunite @ashleymarieriffle @littlefool-smalljester @infinitelycharmed23 @llcalumllhoodll @benevolentgemini @rxmanovbby @euphoniumpets @krazykatykat456 @believerofall @cracked-sidewalk98 @ccidk @babechief @meganmj @blackhood5sos @fml9603 @noodlenerd101 @universefinds @kuroidesuchloe @im-a-stranger-thing @grxxn-gardxns @springholland @beforethebraces @robinisourlesbianmom @queeneliza108 @neenaw-neenaw @lexisntthatweird @choicesismylife @mckenzie2020 @kcd15 @snuggleducky @reckless-sofia @didyouseetheflair @silver-winter-wolf @jay-ta-blog @hopeless-lovex0 @anyasthoughts @robinismyqueen @yeah-butyourenot-dacremontgomery @mcrganstarks @psychoticobsession @cutehipstergirl25 @sbfandom @mickmoon @jackyfrost01 @txhmine @dark-princess99 @morgangrice18 @changingmylifestyle367 @graveyard—baby—666 @sweetdayme4427 @alowexpectation @sexyvixen7 @golddvstwoman @evelynfreakinaddams @sunfucked @sataninsatin @queenbbarnes
A/N: I’m thinking just like the show has 8 episodes each season, there might be eight parts, but we’ll see :)))
P.S. my tags are always open, just drop a message ;)
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100 questions
it’s long so it’s under the cut, but man was this fun. thanks for the tag @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold ♥ i’ll tag my loves (if you want to haha this is a lot) @dylanobrienisbatman @blueshirtbell @granger--danger @nightbleeder
1. What is your nickname? lol I have so many. Linds is the most common on here though.
2. How old are you? 23
3. What is your birth month? october
4. What is your zodiac sign? libra, but it’s only like 60% accurate imo (I’m not fragile, or a flirt? ya girl can be charismatic, but I don’t think that’s the same?)
5. What is your favorite color? green
6. What’s your lucky number? when I was in high school/sports, I picked 13 for my number because everyone was like oooo it’s unlucky and I was like cool, guess I’ll win while wearing an unlucky number then (and that’s today’s slytherin mood)
7. Do you have any pets? not in the city with me :(
8. Where are you from? california
9. How tall are you? 5’ 9"
10. What shoe size are you? 10
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? more than I should, probs
12. Are you random? oh goodness no. I believe in patterns and I’m pretty dang predictable.
13. Last person you texted? my sister
14. Are you psychic in any way? lol no
15. Last TV show watched? queer eye again
16. Favorite movie? IMPOSSIBLE <--stealing Kath’s answer on this one
17. Favorite show from your childhood? sooooo we didn’t have a tv haha my mom really really wanted her daughters to be well read
18. Do you want children? I want to foster!
19. Do you want a church wedding? I’m not sure? i’d want everyone to be comfortable and they might not be in a church…I do know that I want a brunch wedding though, bc dancing isn’t my thing and breakfast food is
20. What is your religion? I’m Christian! Seventh-day Adventist is the specific denomination, but nobody ever really knows what to do with that haha
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? not for me/like I’m sick, but for other people, yeah, too much
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? Lol not at all. I’ve gotten pulled over four times, but never ticketed though.
23. How is life? better than I deserve
24. Baths or showers? showers
25. What color socks are you wearing? i’m wearing heels for work, so no socks
26. Have you ever been famous? goodness no, whatever for?
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? I think I would, to get to have that platform to make a change and give other people a voice would be awesome
28. What type of music do you like? something with words that mean something, or a melody that surprises you. I’m so weak for key changes though…I’ve always said that my perfect music is driving music: I can belt it alone on a highway at 3am, or laugh over it with friends in the afternoon.
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? nope
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? two
31. What position do you usually sleep in? on my right side, with my hands under my pillow
32. How big is your house? it’s a nyc apartment, fam, it’s the size of a broom closet. it’s cozy though, and I love it
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? I’m so bad at eating breakfast…if I do get something, it’s at the bagel place across the street from my office
34. Have you ever left the country? ages ago
35. Have you ever tried archery? on retreats/for school; I wanted to be like robin hood
36. Do you like anyone? I might have a bit of a crush at the moment and it is stressing me out
37. Favorite swear word? so I literally never swear irl, and the first time I swore online was when I was writing my stranger things fic—it’s literally impossible to write dustin and steve and have them not cuss?? ummm I don’t know, they all have their purposes, but I think fuck is just next level emphatic. it’s crazy that it’s just a word, but it conveys so much when you use it
38. When do you fall asleep? if/when I establish a normal sleeping schedule, I’ll let you know
39. Do you have any scars? in the middle of one of my eyebrows, from when I cracked my head open as a kid, which is why I always fill my eyebrows in. also acne scars, which I’m working on not caring about.
40. Sexual orientation? straight
41. Are you a good liar? yes
42. What languages would you like to learn? Literally all of them, so many. I’d love to learn Tagalog so I could have that connection with my mom’s side of the family, and then Spanish is just so beautiful and I really should’ve kept up with it after high school. French and German and Italian would be nice too, and then maybe an ancient language or three?  
43. Top 10 songs? REFUSING TO ANSWER THIS <--again, stealing kath’s answer. y’all know how much music I listen to and cry over, so you know I can’t do this
44. Do you like your country? yes but not my leadership. I love the people of this country and I hate that the voices of the few are the ones that are loudest and that are yelling and that are deciding. the people of my country aren’t being represented or heard or protected and it breaks my heart.
45. Do you have friends from the web? I do! from this blog and I ran a fashion blog for a while, so from insta too
46. What is your personality type? MBTI: estj, enneagram: 2w3.
47. Hogwarts House? slytherin (as if anyone couldn’t tell)
48. Can you curl your tongue? no
49. Pick one fictional character you can relate to? emma woodhouse (I wish I could say lizzie bennet, but it’s got to be emma)
50. Left or right handed? right
51. Are you scared of spiders? not really? my sister is, so I always had to kill them
52. Favorite food? bread
53. Favorite foreign food? mexican (one of the perks of growing up near the border)
54. Are you a clean or messy person? I’m an orderly person…but sometimes that manifests itself in organized chaos BUT I KNOW WHERE EVERYTHING IS OKAY
55. If you could switch your gender for a day, what would you do? call out my coworkers and not be written off as emotional/sensitive
56. What color underwear? black
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? most days like 20 minutes? from horizontal in bed to out the door...but if i have to do my hair, tap another 3 hours on that, because it has to air dry
58. Do you have much of an ego? so this is complicated because i have high confidence in my capabilities and performance, but struggle with my worth and importance independent of those
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? I don’t really care for lollipops, they just make me want to brush my teeth
60. Do you talk to yourself? yep
61. Do you sing to yourself? also yep
62. Are you a good singer? oh it’s so relative, fam. I can harmonize pretty well, so I’m a good backup singer
63. Biggest Fears? insignificance
64. Are you a gossip? not really. I hate complaining, and I really hate when other people complain; i’m just like okay so what did you do about it? 
65. Are you a grammar nazi? if someone knows better, in a context when they should know better, then yes. so like, in a paper, for a presentation, yeah. people ask for help bc I’m good at what I do. but also it’s such a construct that we judge people off of, so I work on not doing that outside of a professional/scholarly context? also I’m a big believer in knowing the rules and breaking them to make a point (see: all my lower case answers, run on sentences, etc.)  
66. Do you have long or short hair? I pixie-d my hair back in august and regret it constantly lol. it had to be done though
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? i mean, probably? I’ve been to most of them
68. Favorite school subject? always english
69. Extrovert or Introvert? literally the most extroverted extrovert
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? nope
71. What makes you nervous? when I see kids wandering and their parents not noticing
72. Are you scared of the dark? no
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? if we’re alone and I can help them, sure. I despise when people publicly reprimand someone for an unintentional error; it’s just so inconsiderate  
74. Are you ticklish? I find people’s obsession with tickling so weird lol
75. Have you ever started a rumor? no
76. Have you ever been out of your home country? …did we not already do this one?
77. Have you ever drank underage? lol fam I don’t drink at all
78. Have you ever done drugs? no
79. What do you fantasize about? paying off all my student debt, having an apartment in all my favorite cities, being able to travel. being an English professor. sometimes growing old with someone; most of the times being a mentor to younger women/getting to be someone i didn’t have
80. How many piercings do you have? none
81. Can you roll your R’s? yeah
82. How fast can you type? not very, which is funny because I work in IT, but I don’t type with my pinkies so that’s a mess
83. How fast can you run? lol I don’t run
84. What color is your hair? brown
85. What color are your eyes? hazel (green + brown)
86. What are you allergic to? mold and one very specific type of grass
87. Do you keep a journal? no
88. Are you depressed about anything? I disagree with how this question is worded but okay. ummm the fact that all my money goes to student loans and rent? misogyny in the workplace? hypocrisy in my government? the lack of love and empathy expressed by people who profess to be believers in love and empathy? that’s a good start 
89. Do you like your age? it’s where I’m at, either way
90. What makes you angry? willful ignorance
91. Do you like your own name? I do
92. Did you ever get a foreign object up your nose? no
93. Do you want a boy or a girl for a child? not to be a cliché, but all children are gifts? Like I don’t want to physically bear children, but if they’re there, they deserve love (hence the foster thing-- there are SO many kids in a broken system that need security and someone to care for them, and nobody helps them and that just shouldn’t be)
94. What talents do you have? public speaking and writing. I have a passion for making people feel welcomed and known and loved, so I hope that too
95. Sun or moon? sunshine; I’ll always be a SoCal girl at heart
96. How did you get your name? my parent’s loved the meaning
97. Are you religious? I am, yeah. it’s been a journey—other people believing blindy makes me so mad, as well as people who never question their faith or grow in it, or act in a way that shows they don’t actually believe what they say they do—but yeah, my faith is hugely important to me.  
98. Have you ever been to a therapist? I have not, although the farther away I get from some things, the more I think I ought to
99. Color of your bedspread? white with gray tassels
100. Color of your room? white walls and an exposed brick wall
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