#michael gioia
soletear · 8 months
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avatars - Michael Gioia (400x640)
credit : soletear
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oldcountrybear1955 · 2 years
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Reflex Homme July 2015 - Michael Gioia photographed by Marc Tousignant
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ragazzoarcano · 2 years
“E adesso sapeva: c'erano mille e mille forme di gioia ma, in fondo, tutte si racchiudevano in una sola: quella di poter amare.
E gioia e amore erano la stessa cosa.”
— Michael Ende
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1-800-cr33py · 1 year
How I Think The Boys Love Pt.2
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Paul’s love is greedy and uncouth; he doesn’t care about people’s opinions or thoughts about his style and personality, why would he give a flying fuck about his relationships?
He loves to love, but his version of ‘love’ isn’t considered quite normal. He’s playful, his romantic relationships almost never leave the honeymoon phase. He loves the feeling of anticipation he gets whenever you do something unexpected or say something he finds cute.
He’s rather attentive, someone bothering you? He’s dealing with it as you speak! Want something outside of your price range? Don’t worry that pretty little head of your’s! He’s stealing it while you play some rigged carnie game! Paul loves to shower you with gifts, it’s his way of marking you and bragging to other people that you’re his
He’s possessive, he wants his things to not be shared, but with three other brothers and being the ‘middle child’, that means he doesn’t get much exclusivity with his possessions So the few things that he’s been able to hide away he’s deathly protective over. He’s fought tooth and nail (probably literally) over you! Why would he be willing to share whats his?
Paul’s love language is physical touch and gift-giving. He tends to love bomb without meaning to he just wanted to know that his Sugar knows he loves them.
He bites, not to draw blood necessarily, which he does on occasion, but to let you know he’s still there. He likes to nibble on the tips of your fingers, drag his teeth across your neck.
All and all he just doesn’t give a fuck, he’ll show everyone in Santa Carla that you’re his and his alone.
Marko’s love is certainly…something. His affections are brash and rushed. Hardly anything is taken slow, so if you aren’t a slow lover he’s your best pick of a partner.
He wants everyone to know you’re his and only his. He’ll throw a shirt and a worn jacket at you and expect you to wear it, his scent heavy and a pleading look in his eyes. ( no babe, that tee totally goes with your pants! Ps, it didn’t)
He’s Italian, so you have many nicknames that roll of his silvery tongue; Cuore mia, gioia mia, cerbiatto, topolino. So many nicknames..
He loves giving you love bites, but he’s a prick and leaves them in obvious places. Thighs, neck, wrists, anywhere that can be easily forgotten about and noticed by a surf n*zi.
Marko can takes things slow some days, even an erratic shark-toothed bloodsucker like him has his days where he just needs to be grounded by the safety of your arms.
Marko doesn’t crave to control your every movement like his older brothers, he wants you to have as much freedom as you possibly can before he turns you eventually; because none of them had that option when they were changed.
He does try and get your body used to their schedule while it’s still mortal. Baby bats require training, he’ll gladly provide!
Nests in the higher parts of the cave, but only lets his brothers up there once in a blue moon, so feel free to hide up there when they get on your nerves, and trust me, they will.
You’re his muse! There’s so many pictures, paintings, sketches, etc of you laying around the cave. He wants you to remember what you look like after you turn.
Love language is word of affirmation and quality time! Sometimes Marko doesn’t like the feeling of his own skin, so you just sitting there with him and letting him vent/cry makes him fall harder for you.
He likes to hold you and smell you, he just likes your shampoo+conditioner combo.
Marko has non-verbal days, he just copes differently than some and nobody questions it, just spend some time with him and leave him alone when he needs self-care time.
A/N: So sorry for the inconsistencies in my writing schedule, I’ve been dealing with a lot family wise, nothing bad just some changes! I’ll probably end this series with Michael and Star since there’s barely any content for her outside of sisterly and platonic stuff (no hate, but she needs to reject me so i can move on)
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lunamagicablu · 2 months
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“Era un canto senza parole, la grande e semplice melodia della pura felicità. E chi la udiva si sentiva aprire il cuore dalla gioia.” MICHAEL ENDE art _by_lunar_spectre ********************* “It was a song without words, the great and simple melody of pure happiness. And whoever heard it felt his heart open with joy.” MICHAEL ENDE art _by_lunar_spectre
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lapizzicata · 7 months
Il primo ricordo musicale che ho è legato a George Michael.
Ho sei anni e sono nella cameretta di zio Michele, a casa di nonna. Salto e mi dimeno come solo una bambina può fare sulle note di Wake me up before you go go. Faccio la mossa di suonare la chitarra e indosso gli occhiali da vista di nonna, facendo finta che siano quelli da sole di George. Posso fare tutto questo perché sono sola. Zio è andato in bagno, nonna è in sala a cucire e mia sorella credo all’asilo. Mi vergogno di ballare davanti agli altri, ma vorrei farlo.
Immagino la felicità di poter esprimere tutta quella gioia di ballare e inventare parole senza nessuno che guarda e sfotte, perché da una bambina come me, così compita, taciturna ed educata, non ci si aspetta la vivacità degli altri bambini. A me però sarebbe piaciuto poter scatenarmi, urlare, saltare con le scarpe ai piedi e inventare le parole delle canzoni.
George Michael però l’ho sempre cantato con mio zio che cercava di insegnarmi le parole giuste da dire mentre faceva gli addominali a terra con me a tenergli le caviglie, avvicinava il suo bellissimo naso al mio ogni volta che tornava su e mi soffiava il fiato in faccia; quel fiato che sapeva sempre di buono. Mi sentivo così importante a reggergli i piedi durante quelle fatiche e così felice a cantare l’inglese in quella stanzetta di adolescente piena di dischi e di segreti, che mi commuovo ogni volta che ci penso e vorrei dirgli “zio, chiudiamoci in stanza a struppiare le canzoni di George Michael, chè abbiamo bisogno tutti e due di ricordi solo felici, senza le lacrime”.
Stasera zio, che ha soltanto 11 anni più di me, verrà a casa, come ogni lunedì da quando mia nonna se ne è andata, a respirare un po’ di tranquillità e a cercare di recuperare i cocci della vita sua che è andata in frantumi in un solo anno. Io cucinerò per lui e con fare vago metterò gli Wham!. Sai mai che si mette a terra e mi chiede ancora di reggergli i piedi per non tornare più in America.
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tetw · 7 months
10 Great Essays about Music
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Is Old Music Killing New Music? by Ted Gioia - Old songs now represent 70 percent of the U.S. music market. Even worse: The new-music market is actually shrinking.
The Dark Art of Mastering Music by Jordan Kisner - Shedding light on the elusive studio practice that’s all but necessary to make music sound great.
The Last Time New York Was Hardcore by Michael Stahl - In the ’90s, one high-octane underground music scene desperately held on to its rebellious roots of power chords, slam dancing and stage diving. What happened to hardcore?
Some Notes on Attunement by Zadie Smith - A voyage around Joni Mitchell
Is There Anything Left Of Hip Hop? by Jason England - Hip hop has reached its midlife crisis
The Problem With Saying Oontz Oontz by Spencer Kornhaber - The story of dance music in America is a story of boom and backlash. As Beyoncé and Drake turn to house-inspired sounds, will the cycle happen again?
Why Do We Even Listen to New Music? by Jeremy D. Larson - Our brains reward us for seeking out what we already know. So why should we reach to listen to something we don’t?
How Twitter Changed Music by Eric Harvey - Hashtag rap! Kanye rants! Terrifying stan pile-ons! For better and worse, Twitter has forever altered the music landscape.
What Will Happen When Machines Write Songs Just as Well as Your Favorite Musician? by Clive Thompson - Artificial intelligence tools will hurt some musicians and help others.
The Violin Doctor by Elly Fishman - He’s trusted to repair some of the world’s most fabled — and expensive — instruments. How does John Becker manage to unlock the sound of a Stradivarius?
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alostangel · 9 days
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Michael Gioia - By @brianjamie
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a--piedi--nudi · 5 months
Questa mattina, in macchina, passando sopra il fiume è partito un pezzo alla radio, il volume era basso, ho sentito una specie di piacere dondolare nel cervello e delle domande, chi è cos'è, poi ho capito, babbo ha cominciato a fischiettare e la giornata si è come aperta; risalendo verso il centro ho avuto l'impressione di "essere al mondo" e di percorrerlo in istanti di bellezza. Andavamo all'ospedale per vedere se uno di quei medici che ti accoglie come un figlio in qualunque momento fosse lì e lì era a fare un'impegnativa veloce per un controllo e sorriderti, chiederti di mamma e stringerti forte la mano. Doveva entrare in sala operatoria. Piano, piano, una cosa alla volta si può fare tutto. Now And Then. Dopo pranzo ho avuto un raptus: siliconare e stuccare tutte le parti del bagno messe male, mi è venuto in mente Michael Jackson, ho cercato fra i vinili e prima di mettermi all'opera ho piazzato sul piatto Dangerous. Brutto, brutto quanto mi è sembrato brutto. Tanto. Tornando a casa, poco fa, sempre in auto, è partita "Animal Instinct"; quando sento la sua voce, ora, mi si blocca sempre un istante il respiro. È un leggero dolore. Ho sempre ascoltato musica nella vita, ascoltata ovunque e male. Mai approfonditamente, mai tradotta, sempre mischiata ad altro e soprattutto cose di epoche antecedenti alla mia. La voce di Dolores che arriva da una finestra sopra una pizzeria nell'estate dei vent'anni, della gioia e dell'energia è, forse, l'unico ricordo forte di contemporaneità che mi porto nel cuore. Pop.
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clementinecompendium · 11 months
Book List: Maestromind
For the "siren" archetype; a villain with mind control powers through music.
Every Brain Needs Music: The Neuroscience of Making and Listening to Music by Lawrence Sherman, Dennis Plies
Your Brain on Art: How the Arts Transform Us by Susan Magsamen, Ivy Ross
The Aesthetic Brain: How We Evolved to Desire Beauty and Enjoy Art by Anjan Chatterjee MD
How Music Works by David Byrne
Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain by Oliver Sacks
Music: A Subversive History by Ted Gioia
This Is What It Sounds Like: What the Music You Love Says About You by Susan Rogers, Ogi Ogas
Why You Like It: The Science and Culture of Musical Taste by Nolan Gasser
Every Song Ever: Twenty Ways to Listen in an Age of Musical Plenty by Ben Ratliff
Why You Love Music: From Mozart to Metallica--The Emotional Power of Beautiful Sounds by John Powell
The Psychology of Music: A Very Short Introduction by Elizabeth Hellmuth Margulis
On Repeat: How Music Plays the Mind by Elizabeth Hellmuth Margulis
Music, Math, and Mind: The Physics and Neuroscience of Music by David Sulzer
Emotion and Meaning in Music by Leonard B. Meyer
Musical Emotions Explained: Unlocking the Secrets of Musical Affect by Patrik N. Juslin
The Science-Music Borderlands: Reckoning with the Past and Imagining the Future by Elizabeth H. Margulis (Editor), Psyche Loui (Editor), Deirdre Loughridge (Editor)
The Song Machine: Inside the Hit Factory by John Seabrook The Billboard Guide to Writing and Producing Songs that Sell: How to Create Hits in Today's Music Industry by Eric Beall
On Music Theory, and Making Music More Welcoming for Everyone by Philip Ewell
The Oxford Handbook of Music and the Brain by Donald Hodges (Editor), Michael Thaut (Editor)
The Science of Music and the Music of Science: How Music Reveals Our Brain, Our Humanity and the Cosmos by Michael J. Montague
How to Listen to Jazz by Ted Gioia
The Musical Human: A History of Life on Earth by Michael Spitzer
The World in Six Songs: How the Musical Brain Created Human Nature by Daniel J. Levitin
MUSIC AND THE MIND by Anthony Storr
This Is Your Brain on Music: The Science of a Human Obsession by Daniel J. Levitin
Philosophy of the Arts: An Introduction to Aesthetics by Gordon Graham
Art, Aesthetics, and the Brain by Joseph P. Huston (Editor), Marcos Nadal (Editor), Francisco Mora (Editor), Luigi F. Agnati (Editor), Camilo José Cela Conde (Editor)
Philosophies of Art and Beauty: Selected Readings in Aesthetics from Plato to Heidegger by Albert Hofstadter (Author, Editor), Richard Kuhns (Author, Editor)
Aesthetics: A Comprehensive Anthology (Blackwell Philosophy Anthologies) by Steven M. Cahn (Editor), Stephanie Ross (Editor), Sandra L. Shapshay (Editor)
The Cambridge Handbook of the Psychology of Aesthetics and the Arts by Pablo P. L. Tinio (Editor), Jeffrey K. Smith (Editor)
Of Sound Mind: How Our Brain Constructs a Meaningful Sonic World by Nina Kraus
The Rest Is Noise: Listening to the Twentieth Century by Alex Ross
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heavenboy09 · 10 months
Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 To You
1 Of The Greatest & Most Bad@$$ Action 💪 🎬 Movie 🎥 Star Actors Of Our Time
Since 1976 In The Greatest Sports Movie 🎥 That Gave Him Legendary Fame 👏
He was born in the Hell's Kitchen neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City on July 6, 1946, the elder son of Francesco "Frank" Stallone Sr. (1919–2011), a hairdresser and beautician, and Jacqueline "Jackie" Stallone (née Labofish; 1921–2020), an astrologer, dancer, and promoter of women's wrestling. His Italian father was born in Gioia del Colle, Apulia, Italy and moved to the U.S. in the 1930s, while his American mother is of French (Breton) and Ashkenazi Jewish descent. His younger brother is actor and musician Frank Stallone.
in 1976 with his role as boxer Rocky Balboa, in the first film of the successful Rocky series (1976–present), for which he also wrote the screenplays. In the films, Rocky is portrayed as an underdog boxer who fights numerous brutal opponents, and wins the world heavyweight championship twice.
In the 2010s, Stallone launched The Expendables films series (2010–present), in which he played the lead as the mercenary Barney Ross. In 2013, he starred in the successful Escape Plan, and acted in its sequels. In 2015, Stallone returned to the Rocky series with Creed, that serve as spin-off films focusing on Adonis "Donnie" Creed played by Michael B. Jordan, the son of the ill-fated boxer Apollo Creed, to whom the long-retired Rocky is a mentor. Reprising the role brought Stallone praise, and his first Golden Globe award for the first Creed, as well as a third Oscar nomination, having been first nominated for the same role 40 years prior. Since 2022, he has starred in the television series Tulsa King for Paramount+.
Stallone is the only actor in the history of American cinema to have starred in a box-office number-one film across six consecutive decades.
Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 To You
The Greatest & Bad@$$ Actiom Movie 🎥 Star Actor 🌟 Of Our Time
You Know Him & You Are Always Going To Love Him
The 1
The Only
MR. SYLVESTER STALLONE 💪  #SlyvesterStallone #RockyBalboa #Rambo #BarneyRoss
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thenerdynarrative · 1 year
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Started the morning off with only the best type of short story EVER on a Monday - “The Sequined Spector” from MIRACLES FOR MASOCHISTS by James G. Carlson and Michael R. Collins, publisher by @gloom_house_publishing It’s a fantastic mix of horror and comedy, at least this first story is, and I had so much fun reading it. It put me in the best mood to start off my day/week. I generally wait and see how my morning starts before deciding how to decorate my daily journal page. “The Sequined Spector” is referring to the ghost of Elvis Presley, so I chose my sheet music washi tape with a smaller washi of happy faces since I had so much fun reading it! Musical washi - Amazon Happy face washi - @thecoffeemonsterzco Pen: Gioia Tramonto Sano from @goldspotpens Ink: Queen And Castle from @ferriswheelpress (I’m an ambassador for FWP - use code NERDY at checkout - you get 10% off your purchase) #Journal #ReadingJournal #MiraclesAndMasochists #ShortStory #Humor #Horror #Reading #CurrentlyReading #Elvis #FountainPen #FerriTales #BestInk #MostMagicalInk #FerrisWheelPress #Gioia #GioiaTramontoSano https://www.instagram.com/p/CpK4EvALs-w/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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idkiwillfindone · 2 years
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I decided to do this so welcome to me sharing low quality drawing of my oc that I did instead of sleeping
The oc in question it’s her
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Cinderella Giovanna (but everyone calls her Cindy)
Stand: i ship it
It has the powers tha makes fall in love two people for one week it doesn’t work on her
History: daughter of Ungalo and the one I ship him whit but I don’t want to say their name, she has three siblings an adoptive older sister named Prada, a twin brother named Michael and little brother named Peter.
All her life she grew up listening and reading fairytales and stories where at the end the protagonist end up together so when she started high school she expected to find her Prince Charming.
She’s a hopeless romantic and during her years of school she falls for countless guys but it always ends up badly
Some are simply not into her
Some don’t enjoy the same things as her
Some are too old
Some are in love whit her parents
At the end of her senior year she finally find a perfect boy that reciprocate her feelings but she still feels like something it’s wrong,
she finally the perfect man but she it doesn’t feels different from any other relationship she has whit any friends of hers
Years later she understands why she’s aegosexual/aegoromantic
Around when she’s thirty years old she gets her psychology degree and opens starts to work as a couple therapist
Where if you give her a little more money then a normal session she will give you a special medicine that will make you fall in love whit your partner for a week ;)
Sorry if this is confusing I’m not the best at sharing lore for my oc and her story it’s not even canon in my universe whit Gioia lmao
But she’s precious and I love her
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boomerissimo · 1 month
John Wayne, critico letterario: così stroncò William Shakespeare
John Wayne sistema il Bardo: BANG BANG 🛑 L’ha steso così, senza pietà 👇 #boomerissimo #JohnWayne #Libri #Shakespeare #MichaelCaine #UnoCinema
Anche i lettori più improbabili possono trovare gioia con i libri. Michael Caine racconta in un video l’incontro improbabile tra John Wayne e un capolavoro di Shakespeare.  John Wayne, la torreggiante figura che ha segnato la storia del cinema è stato molte cose. Ma pochi l’hanno sospettato di essere un fine intellettuale.  John Wayne sistema il problema con Shakespeare: BANG BANG –…
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lunamagicablu · 1 year
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“Era un canto senza parole, la grande e semplice melodia della pura felicità. E chi la udiva si sentiva aprire il cuore dalla gioia.”
art by shamilov              
“It was a song without words, the great simple melody of pure happiness. And whoever heard it felt his heart open with joy.”
art by Shamilov
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cinquecolonnemagazine · 2 months
Illumination e Nintendo annunciano l'imminente uscita di un nuovo film animato basato sul mondo di Super Mario Bros.
SANTA MONICA, California e KYOTO, Giappone--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Illumination (sede centrale: Santa Monica, CA, USA; Fondatore e Ceo: Chris Meledandri) e Nintendo Co., Ltd. (sede centrale: Kyoto, Minami-ku, Giappone; Direttore rappresentativo e Presidente: Shuntaro Furukawa, “Nintendo” qui di seguito) oggi hanno annunciato che è in corso la produzione di un nuovo film animato basato sul mondo di Super Mario Bros. Si prevede che il nuovo film animato basato sul mondo di Super Mario Bros. uscirà il 3 aprile 2026 negli Stati Uniti e in molti altri paesi del mondo – in determinati paesi uscirà durante il mese di aprile. Il film sarà prodotto da Chris Meledandri, Fondatore e Ceo di Illumination e da Shigeru Miyamoto, Direttore rappresentativo e Fellow di Nintendo, scritto da Matthew Fogel e diretto da Aaron Horvath e Michael Jelenic. Sarà finanziato congiuntamente da Universal Pictures e Nintendo e distribuito nei cinema di tutto il mondo da Universal Pictures. Partecipando in misura sostanziale alla produzione del film con l’obiettivo di fare sorridere tutte le persone intrattenendole, Nintendo continua a impegnarsi nella produzione di prodotti di intrattenimento unici e nel consentire a quante più persone possibili di goderne. Illumination guarda con fiducia a proseguire la sua partnership con Nintendo, offrendo al pubblico di tutto il mondo, indipendentemente dall’età, un mix di gioia e scoperta, consentendo alle persone di connettersi con amati personaggi e storie creati da uno dei franchise più popolari al mondo. Informazioni su Illumination Illumination, fondata da Chris Meledandri nel 2007, è uno dei principali produttori nel settore dell’intrattenimento di film animati, tra cui Cattivissimo me – il franchise di film di animazione comici di maggior successo nella storia del cinema – e The Super Mario Bros Movie, Lorax - Il guardiano della foresta e Il Grinch, entrambi dalle storie di Dr. Seuss, Pets - Vita da animali e Sing, tutti film che hanno superato ogni record. La biblioteca di Illumination include tre dei 10 film animati di massimo successo di tutti i tempi. Gli iconici, amati film di Illumination – caratterizzati da personaggi originali e memorabili, di grande richiamo globale e importanti riguardo all’aspetto culturale – hanno incassato oltre 9 miliardi di dollari in tutto il mondo. Illumination ha stretto con Universal Pictures una partnership esclusiva per il finanziamento e la distribuzione. Il prossimo film di Illumination è Cattivissimo me 4, che uscirà il 3 luglio 2024. Informazioni su Nintendo Nintendo Co., Ltd., con sede centrale a Kyoto, Giappone, ha creato franchise di videogiochi che sono diventati nomi familiari in tutto il mondo – Mario™, Donkey Kong™, The Legend of Zelda™, Metroid™, Pokémon™, Animal Crossing™, Pikmin™ e Splatoon™ – tramite l’integrazione di hardware e software. L'aziendan mira a offrire esperienze di intrattenimento intuitive e uniche per chiunque, producendo e commercializzando console per videogiochi come la famiglia di sistemi Nintendo Switch™, sviluppando e gestendo app per dispositivi intelligenti e collaborando con vari partner a una gamma di altre iniziative di intrattenimento come parchi giochi e contenuti visivi. Nintendo ha venduto oltre 5,6 miliardi di videogiochi e più di 800 milioni di unità hardware in tutto il mondo. Dal lancio di Nintendo Entertainment System™ avvenuto più di 30 anni fa, sino a oggi e nel futuro, la mission ininterrotta di Nintendo consiste nel creare prodotti di intrattenimento unici che permettono alle persone di divertirsi, ovunque nel mondo. Il testo originale del presente annuncio, redatto nella lingua di partenza, è la versione ufficiale che fa fede. Le traduzioni sono offerte unicamente per comodità del lettore e devono rinviare al testo in lingua originale, che è l'unico giuridicamente valido. Contacts Sarah Rothman - [email protected] Read the full article
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