#metaphors shmetaphors
flyonthewall24 · 7 years
Metaphors shmetaphors
So what's it like to like someone and know there's absolutely no chance-              It's like an expectant cloud of vapour bursting, and falling on heated earth in anticipation.         but only to be carried away by the wind.                     It's like a firm handshake being offered,         but only to be met with an                awkward, accidental fist bump.      It's like taking a bite of death-by-chocolate and not                                  feeling that feeling              of being killed by its divine after-taste.                    It's like making mental to-do lists          and pasting floral post-its on the refrigerator,               but only to be cancelled last minute.
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flowerandthesongstress · 11 months
“They’re writing because they love a character, and not for interaction!” — Writing? Perhaps. Sharing? No. “She’s writing for herself.” — Writing? Perhaps. Sharing? No.
Writing: contemplative, introspective, processing trauma, quiet celebration, I Am Enough For Me, active, reminiscing, self-soothing, self-care, therapeutic, fun, safe, shielded. Sharing: hopeful, reaching out, in search of understanding and communal acceptance, I Feel That I Am Not Enough, passive, powerless, lonely, anxious, perceived, observed, vulnerable, exposed.
I implore you, stop confusing these two. Stop merging them, if you are. They are not one and the same. They should never be one and the same.
Oh, and also, separate your laundry, I can’t stress this enough, seriously! I once washed both batches together, and now all of the white bedding is gray-pink and no matter how much I wash and wash and wash, this yucky hue just won’t rinse off >.<
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It’s simple. 
Do I love Neil Gaiman’s writing? I’ve acquired everything of his that I could, and enjoyed most of it a lot, but disliked one book he's written in collaboration, several short stories which were too scary and dark for me, and something written in a format I can't process well because my brain be brokey. Although I have tried reading those, and I do recognize their literary merits from the height dark corner of my amazeballs pretty-useless-otherwise education; and for the latter I found a different format, wooohooo!!! I will always be honest about it. I will continue to acquire and check out everything he graces the world with, and feel happy at every new release. Yes, what I’ve just described does constitute ‘I love his writing’.
Do I love Chitra Divakaruni’s writing? I liked only one novel by Chitra Divakaruni, which I read because it was about something I found enticing and also because ‘nggghhh pwetty moovie pwetty gurl ohhhhh mglomnohomnom she so pwettttyyyyy! 😍 book?! yeth? book pwetty gurl!!!’ (hoo boy was I in for a surprise in the novel…). I will always be honest about it. I have not, and would not, buy and read her other stuff. Yes, I do realize that this might be immature of me and insulting to the author; but, again — honesty. No, what I’ve just described does not constitute ‘I love her writing’. It does not constitute ‘I enjoy her writing’ or ‘I adore her writing’ either.
See? It is really quite simple. 
Let’s say you love rum, but avoid coffee, sugar, and dairy. In this case, saying that you love tiramisu is, uh, not the best way to express your love for rum. Not only is it disrespectful towards tiramisu and offends James Hoffmann in the process, it’s also kinda stupid. Not to mention MEGA dangerous; if you say it like this to an Italian grandma, she will declare a lifelong vendetta against you and hunt you to the ends of the Earth to drown you in rum in a show of ironic cruelty, 100% true story. 
So, dear stranger, please don’t say that if what you actually mean is something else. Stop saying it. Please. Every subsequent occurrence of me hearing you say that and then watching you throw the rest of tiramisu in the bin, transforms more and more of my cells into Italian Grandma cells. Please stop. Please try and learn to be more honest. 
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