#merlin 1.10
wumiings · 1 year
“I should like to see Emma in love, and in some doubt of a return; it would do her good”
…but it’s me wanting Arthur to be put in a situation where he’s forced to understand Merlin’s friendship/loyalty as something he could lose, rather than something he can take for granted regardless of how he treats him.
The few times we see Merlin consider leaving Camelot— [1] when Gaius is fired during the Edwin Muiren debacle, [2] when he’s reluctant to return after Will’s death, [3] when he plans to run away with Freya, [4] when he wants to bring Balinor back to Ealdor— Arthur doesn’t know about it.
He knows that Merlin essentially resigned when he left to help deal with Kanen (which possibly catalyzed Arthur’s decision to go after him), which makes their interactions in 1x10 particularly interesting because like,, he’s still bossing Merlin around in Ealdor, implying a mindset of “well I’m here to solve this problem for you, therefore you don’t have to stay afterwards, therefore you are still my servant despite having quit yesterday” which sure is an Assumption.
But then there’s also the armor scene that’s such a rare moment of Arthur ‘lowering’ himself to treat Merlin like an equal. Helping him prepare for battle and validating his fear, even acknowledging that same fear in himself. He shows vulnerability intentionally for Merlin’s sake and doesn’t seem embarrassed or backtrack. His actions demonstrate that he values their friendship and doesn’t want to lose it.
And then!! Merlin’s best friend- his only friend for the first fifteen years of his life- dies saving Arthur’s life, and Arthur reacts by being unforgivably callous at his funeral. Will’s body is literally still burning and Arthur is talking about how “you should have told me” because “sorcery is dangerous,” and Merlin isn’t having it!! Why should he return to Camelot when he’s just lost half his world and isn’t even given time to grieve because Arthur is already making it about Him??
Except this internal crisis plays out after Arthur has walked away; Merlin is talking to his mother. Arthur never learns that, just as his initial actions (coming to help Merlin’s village) worked to keep Merlin at his side, his later actions (being a dick about Will) might have cost him that friendship for good if Hunith hadn’t convinced Merlin to go back with the whole, “He needs you” bit.
I think he should have. He should know that his words are capable of damaging their bond, and be forced to acknowledge that it’s something he values- that he cares for Merlin as a friend and equal, not just a servant.
And he should be left in some doubt of a return; it would do him good.
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a-tad-bit-obsessed · 11 months
In the current situation with streaming services and all, can people please start properly releasing stuff on dvd again?
(And like preferably with all the extras such as behind the scenes stuff and audio commentaries)
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misandriste · 16 days
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ANGEL COULBY as GUINEVERE merlin ⧽ 1.10, "the moment of truth"
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atdawn · 6 months
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MERLIN | 1.10 The Moment of Truth
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oliviasdunham · 19 days
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MERLIN, 1.10  — “The Moment of Truth”
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twistedshipper · 3 months
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MERLIN | 1.10 The Moment of Truth | 3.07 The Castle of Fyrien
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jaeausten · 9 months
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Does this bring back memories of when I used to beat you? That never happened!
Morgana Pendragon in Merlin, 1.10- The Moment of Truth.
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eddiediaaz · 2 years
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MERLIN REWATCH | 10th year finale anniversary ↳ 1.10 - the moment of truth
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nextstopparis · 2 years
sometimes i do think merlin was smart but then i remember the convo in 1.10 where arthur was like “it must’ve been hard” and he was like “yeah its like rock” bff………………………
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musicoftheheart · 3 months
i really love merlin's goodbye to arthur in episode 1.10 before he goes to ealdor
at first arthur is almost distraught by the fact merlin doesnt plan to return, but he understands and comforts merlin in his decision to put his mother first. that, put with their lighthearted teasing, really shows the sort of bond theyve managed to create over the past year (or so) of merlin's servitude and i think its a beautiful scene
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manyprofoundbonds · 4 years
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#how small are you from 1 to arthur’s hand basically covering half of merlin’s back
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pendragoon1112 · 3 years
I love the way their dynamic changes in life threatening situations
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Merlin: What are you waiting for?
Arthur: To see if it's safe.
Merlin: So if I don't die, will you take yours?
Arthur: Precisely. Go for it. Well, at least we know it doesn't kill you instantly.
They’re both joking around about who’s going to drink Gaius’ potion first because they both KNOW it’s safe. Gaius wouldn’t willingly harm them, and would likely be able to reverse any effects if they were to arise. But then we compare that to this scene…
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Arthur: We have to find a way to determine which goblet has the poison. And then I'll drink it.
Merlin: I will be the one to drink it.
Arthur: This is my doing. I'm drinking it.
They know that this one is completely UNSAFE, and are bickering over which one of them gets to sacrifice themselves for the other.
Ugh when will I be over these two😫
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fy-merlinxarthur · 3 years
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You know how dangerous magic is. You shouldn't've kept this from me, Merlin.
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merlinpetpraises · 3 years
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atdawn · 1 year
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MERLIN | 1.10 The Moment of Truth
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merlinpetpeeves · 3 years
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