disco-weapon · 4 months
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pramugianiqbal · 1 year
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Kasmek sirot so ana elbenten, si ev azmaki, aplangska handa.
Jo kondenoxum exo agdi akogna benolebrus sei ore so mekri.
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444names · 2 years
theological angels and demons + arab names
Aafiq Abadin Abailah Abashtanna Abbarus Abbatah Abdehdi Abdekr Abdelloth Abdulra Abeel Abeha Abibudir Abini Adhid Adrizayn Afari Affifa Afres Agdak Aghatahjah Agoruq Ajhin Ajimiry Alaadah Alaamed Alahi Alahres Alaim Alajj Alakhuk Alaman Alamsin Alasmi Alassimaid Alberaza Aleck Aleif Alekara Algaraheri Alhamma Alhana Alharef Alhod Alidar Alihamaif Alilah Alisman Aljamoory Alkam Alkarekeeb Alkha Alkharek Allaw Alleed Alphojava Alphou Alqad Alquddees Alshan Alshee Alsheef Amacro Amarahrom Ameed Amehaelaid Amono Anazimin Anifri Ansoha Anwah Arafanas Ariam Arishoul Aronabatt Arrus Asaaccubud Asadi Asbeh Asbeife Ashad Ashalqad Ashazid Ashiel Assajam Assie Assimar Athadin Aureff Awalada Awaladdar Awarwehsim Awayed Azetaji Babil Badreef Badrier Bahanan Baheezzi Baich Bajwalib Bakad Bakat Baphaimad Barief Batawfi Batur Bechery Bellos Bendeef Bhana Bharim Bhuman Bidilaineh Bionanaji Bucimuref Busira Camin Cassan Chajjawi Chakhtah Chkadel Chulas Daham Daimal Dajjafiq Dalata Dangdyas Daousli Dayeem Dehseen Domanani Dulevid Elestah Eshdya Essieen Estawasul Fahid Faibelah Fairmar Fakid Fakri Falit Falqad Farabhan Farufir Fatabduhar Fateeziyya Fawan Fawneim Flantrah Foodecaran Foodi Furafique Gadin Galoor Garki Gazeen Geerey Geewaseid Ghady Ghaeel Ghagery Ghanielibi Ghari Gharoun Gheshami Ghoori Ghoyouda Ghrahussi Grihaq Gullouneh Habani Habdeer Habegi Hadafah Hahis Hajumi Hakat Haligi Halthi Hamadia Hamak Hamari Hamir Hamsultati Hanabsi Haran Harkaki Hawayadija Hayalna Heelel Hielsin Himat Hoelatraja Homalila Horsifria Huljafilya Huqassaman Huseidalh Hussawah Ibaydhust Idiarkim Ikarissa Imasli Imimtiba Ipalamiri Iperielat Ishai Isharin Jafzaf Jalam Jalehasani Jalsheh Janaa Janallaf Jarhafif Jarth Jashamshta Jasib Jawanazi Jeharrami Juaqtael Jumahimani Jumahsi Jumet Kabiddin Kabud Kadalh Kanabbassi Karia Karisla Karukaid Kasia Kasri Keyra Khafiq Kharahsayn Khatahis Khomaq Khosa Khraeemi Khroorgon Khtalqa Khtammat Khtani Khumahil Kirid Kokhasamdi Kotfy Kusawadeh Kusri Larawuda Lechey Lilbadia Losathieli Lushafaq Lussaue Madik Madir Mahan Mahemer Mahhas Mahidine Maikhalim Maimi Mairair Makimtah Malaa Mamiel Manegad Mardalma Maridi Masghad Maues Meebus Mekry Mohal Mohin Mohmer Molowena Morcan Mothy Moues Moukhah Moury Muham Mujalh Musharri Mussim Naady Naaniman Nabar Nabbar Nabdur Nabury Naeef Naghbahra Naghoun Naidaelsan Najeh Najjam Nakhsi Nakkabesta Naloum Namet Narrusaa Nazaisalah Nazami Nazem Naziah Nehur Nohsayeen Noveel Nsurus Nuddabi Nudden Nurashanir Obabassim Obasabies Odavy Pashabi Periel Pussarasi Qadar Qassan Qassi Qazachem Quatis Quawah Qubili Quzmatan Rabbi Rabil Radied Rafdani Rahan Rahatibi Raisheth Rajjari Ralgara Raqqib Rayolage Razzi Rukhaswery Rulehas Runus Rusarrob Ruwah Saalan Saani Sachaffrel Saduq Saeem Safadin Sahin Sahroser Saiddiq Salikia Saljabi Salomar Salqaque Salwajaz Samagiel Saman Samareem Samdusafif Samini Sanzoa Sayendhim Seikan Seinin Server Shabasi Shabuadi Shahim Shaid Shakihanda Shalan Shamaradda Shara Shassi Shazi Sheglah Shirs Shisameten Shordala Shouth Shraphory Shuqub Sidreleyin Somary Soubussir Souni Stabhameem Sultasmael Sumaas Surely Sweendi Tafsail Taine Tanissadan Tannaki Tarbezabi Tarkan Tazza Thimanban Thmer Thmommoain Umaque Usmah Utejateik Uthas Utros Uzzadhehbi Uzzalam Vachani Vezben Walamlecha Walel Walim Walouad Wariel Wazrar Womazmi Woolhata Yambiel Yatahmadi Yoummareqi Yousabus Yundi Zakkil Zalwasmek Zamzy Zanni Zansohi Zaqoom Zarch Zazein Zeeny Zendar Zgherheh Zimilinkin Zulthy
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mogai-headcanons · 3 years
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Mekris from Vast Error is a gay systemfluid neutrois proxvirflux trans man with OSDD who uses he/him and vey/vem pronouns!
dni transcript here
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comicwaren · 3 years
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From Savage Avengers #018, “The Night Flyer Job”
Art by Kev Walker and Java Tartaglia
Written by Gerry Duggan
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Knet-Mekri, Boneguard
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saahble · 2 years
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Amine Mekri or "Prime" on youtube
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mekrivolkan · 5 years
Halden Anlayanım,
Ruh sağlığın neden bozuk diye soruyorlar ya, aklım başımdan çıkacak gibi hissediyorum. Bugüne kadar başıma gelmiş her musibetten bi şekilde, yarım yamalak bile olsa kurtuldum. Ama hep bi türevleri çıkıp beni zorluyor. Küçükken oynadığımız toplar gibi, et top, atıyorum dönüyor, atıyorum dönüyor, kovuyorum, sövüyorum, yoruyorum, sekip sekip dönüyor. Benim aklımla oynuyor da oynuyor. Ben bu kadını sevdiğim kadar da bu kadından bıktım da. Ben uzak kaldıkça bi yerden karşıma çıkıyor. Anlamadım gitti. Derdi nedir? Niye böyle yapıyor? Anlayamıyorum. İlgi hoşuna gidiyor diyenler var; ben hiç ilgilenmiyorum.. bu kız kötü, kötü yolda diyen var; çünkü bir eşi var. Benle yatıp kalkmaktan keyf alıyor, bu başlı başına kötü.. uzun süredir görmüyorum, görüşmüyorum, önüme çıkabileceği yollardan uzak duruyorum. O caddelerden gitmiyorum. Kendi evime başka yoldan giriyorum. Da falan falan da falan işte. Geçen yine sanal ortamda çıktı ortaya, bende ifşa ettim; kulaklarım çok çınladı. Çok da iyi oldu, hiç pişman değilim.. mutlu da oldum. Ama hala karmakarışığım..
Ruh sağlığın neden bozuk diye soruyorlar ya, küçük sevgilim ile kısacık bir vakit geçirmeden sonra onunla da olmayacağını çok ama çok net anladım. Küçük diyorum, çünkü hem yaş olarak hem zeka olarak küçük ve iradesiz bir mahluk kendileri… bizim köpek bile ondan çok akıllıdır desem net olur. Sağolsun bigün içinde tüm ünvanları kullanıp, kafamı sulandırdı.. benim kafam zaten yeterince sulu değilmiş gibi.. Güzel güzel konuşurken, eğitimden, hayattan, işten ve eşten; yukardaki sebepler nedeni ile bitti dedim ve bitti. İnanabiliyor musun? Ama içime düşen kurt konusunda haklıymışım.. Ve onu da tüm ortamlardan öteledim.. ama o da takip etmeyi bırakmadı ve isimlerini alt alta görmeye başladım.. ve final, bitti dedikten 8 gün sonra bi fotoğraf.. Nişanlanmış, boy boy poz vermiş.. 40 kişi aradı, kardeş, abi, birader, nasıl lan diye? Böyle dedim.. alıştım ben dedim.. her bulduğun böyle mi yapıyor demekten çekinmediler.. sonra bi çocuk, seni elimden alacakmış abi.. artık sen onunmuşsun… bende onu alayım mı? Kocaman bi ekip oluruz. Bende onunla mutlu olurum dedi. Fotoğrafını gösterdim.. saatlerce boş boş baka kaldı. İşim yok ona da üzüldüm.
Ruh sağlığım böyle böyle gidiyor benim. Hep aynı tekrarlar yüzünden.. ve içimden tutuyor, bana söylenenler. Sessizlik bile boğuyor, uyuyorum sadece, içiyorum ama eskisi kadar bile değil..
Her yeni kadında bi kez daha yıkılıyorum.. ama bi tek seni uzak tutuyorum.. çünkü seni kaybetmek istemiyorum.. üzülme diye aklını bulandırma diye söylenmem bundan dolayı Halden Anlayanım..
Bana yakışmadı mutluluk, ama kendini rahat bırakta sana yakışsın..
Anlatmak istediklerim var demiştim. Kısmen anlattım.. belki sanane ama beni dinleyen 2 kişiden birisin. Mektubunu da yazacağım..
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dabbabalti · 2 years
Gudibande Lake View Near Bengaluru
The Start:
I was all set to ride with my ex-colleague Venkat this time. This was my fourth ride from the time I got my bike in December 2021. I am still new to the whole riding experience. I follow some pros on YouTube and watch all kinds of bike videos. They do help a lot and I have been able to apply some of the learning from the videos.
The Ride:
The ride was planned for 6:30 AM departure from home and meet at Hebbal. I am in JP Nagar and Venkat lives near Marathalli. As usual I end up being excited like a child and not having a good night sleep before a ride. I managed to get some sleep but luckily got up on time. I wasn't sure if Venkat had got up to get ready (he had a party the previous night so I was not sure if he could wake up on time). Just when I thought I would give a call and check I see his message "Starting...". Well, now I have some catching up to do as I am not fully ready and need to wrap up the last few things before the ride starts.
As the ride was the first for Venkat on his new bike, I had the responsibility of being the leader but I was late to reach Hebbal to begin with. Venkat had reached Hebbal as soon as he messaged me "Starting.." It was like he started from Hebbal. Anyway that puts some additional pressure there.. first for being the leader, second for being late. Well, I start from home with some mind map having two to three milestones to Hebbal. Yes I can be there in a jiffy. As I reached my first milestone I started feeling confident of reaching Hebbal on time. Before I reached my second milestone I remembered I missed another milestone before that, no big deal we will get there after this, so I thought. Once I reached the third milestone, many more missing milestones from my mind map started appearing. As soon as I reached Golf road I was like yeah.. here is Hebbal. Nope that was not Hebbal, it was Mekri circle. Anyways.. it seemed like an endless puzzle of milestones and on top of that Venkat had called me twice. Finally I got to Hebbal a little late, it was good training to navigate Bengaluru Traffic. I was happy to see Venkat fully geared up for the ride.
The ride began from Hebbal and I had to take the lead (remember, I am the experienced one here). My thought was to make sure I maintain a slow pace to give Venkat some time to get in the rhythm, vibe or whatever you call that. I was maintaining a 60 km / hr kind of speed. I kept on making sure that he was in the visible range behind me. After a few min. I could not see him, he must have been left behind, maybe I was too fast for the newbie. So I thought of slowing down further to close the gap between us, but as soon as I was slowing down I saw him overtaking me and giving me a hand signal to move fast. Ok I thought it's better he stays ahead so that I can sync up with his newbie speed. That also is a good idea, it's not like we are racing you know. As we got into a few more min. of the ride, he moved from 60-->80-->100+ within a few seconds, I couldn't believe his Meteor could do that. Well I started following him at 100+ now. I could see from the back that the Meteor was kind of a toy for him, he kept moving so fast with zero body movements (during the ride I adjusted  my seating to get comfortable). He seemed like a pre-programmed robot cruising through the airport road (remember the Terminator on Harley). Well, the tarmac was brilliant throughout so it was the smoothest ride ever. It was like meditating, you are not connected to any gadgets… no music, or listening to music, it is just you and your bike and your mind so it is definitely meditating. 
Breakfast and Destination:
We stopped at Nandi Upachar, this place is at the intersection of Rt 44 and Nandi Hills Rd. Very good Dosas. If you ever go there, don't forget to order Dosa. We relaxed a bit and had a good chat while we had scrumptious breakfast. Once done we started towards the destination. Just because I had the navigation on my mobile I had to stay ahead. I am sure Venkat must have gone through a patience testing cycle in this ride to the lake view. The road to the lake was beautiful, lined up with beautiful trees on both the sides and best quality road. I was honestly surprised by the road condition. Riding in the city makes you hopeless on infrastructure. We reached and the lake was just beautiful and totally untouched by humans. Very clean roads next to the lake. We could see some more bikers also had come on that day and it makes you feel good to see some fellow bikers. It's a bro thing with bikers, we are all friends.
The Return:
Now that there is no need for navigation you can imagine who would take the lead. Yes, Venkat. Right after we refueled our bikes Venkat remembered he forgot his card in the breakfast place. We had thought of not taking a break while we rode back home. But now we need to stop for checking on the card. We started from the petrol pump and I followed Venkat. I could see him going 100+ right from the beginning and then what? We were at Nandi Upachar in a few min. It was a jiffy. I felt bad for the poor guy Meteor, he was happily enjoying local rides while swinging bags of groceries filled with onions, potatoes and more, also taking the max load of a toddler pillion. Suddenly he had to go through this stress test. Looks like he made it with flying colors. Finally at Nandi Upachar we were able to get the card back. Well with the summers kicked in we decided to take the break and went for Fresh Lime soda. Now the humble Fresh lime soda is a simple drink, but at that moment with Summer heat peaking it was as if we came all the way 100km just for this, it was the most refreshing drink ever. Even the mighty Coffee couldn't beat it at that moment.
Well, finally it was time to leave and we decided not stop anymore and directly stop at our places. Again Venkat lead the way and I happily followed all the way to Hebbal. What a wonderful ride it was, the best ride quality. We will do more of these rides... I think we are taking baby steps and we will soon be taking up more challenging rides and it's only going to be more exciting and fun with wonderful destinations in India.
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resould · 4 years
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Presenting a fabulous original wall plate by Hilkka Mekri Säynäjärvi for Arabia Finland 🇫🇮 Circa 1960’s $85 Perfect for ‘that’ space to fill your gallery hang 🖼 ... #vintage #classic #modern #brunswickheads ... #arabiawallplate #hilkkamekri #hilkkasäynäjärvi #arabiafinlandvintage #midcenturymodernwallplaque #galleryhang #isoredecorating #homelove #shoplocalfeelgood #buylocal #brunswickheadshomewares #byronbayinteriors #reuse #relove #redecorate #recycle #rethink #resould (at Brunswick Heads, New South Wales) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDFVS8vpLa2/?igshid=k3c6gtwwmfu4
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247newsgh-blog · 5 years
Dymon Style - Money (Prod by Mekri & Mixed by M.Fresh)
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NG artiste Dymon Style is out with a brand new tune he titled this one "Money" you need to listen to this song, money is everything human needs. Download, Listen, and Share. Dymon Style - Money (Prod by Mekri & Mixed by M.Fresh) Read the full article
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disco-weapon · 11 months
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eaicomprou · 5 years
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Cafeteira Arno Dolce Gusto Melody 3 DM06 Vermelha - ☕ *Sò 220V R$ 189,00 Até 3x de R$ 63,00 sem juros Compre aqui➡ https://desconto.page.link/meKRY
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mogai-headcanons · 3 years
Mekris from Vast Error is a gay systemfluid neutrois proxvirflux trans man with OSDD who uses he/vey pronouns
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comicwaren · 4 years
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From Savage Avengers #011, “Blood Memories”
Art by Butch Guice and Alex Guimaraes
Written by Gerry Duggan
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pamphletstoinspire · 7 years
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Chapter 16 - Part 2:
14. At length he appeared to the eleven, as they were at table: and he upbraided them with their incredulity and hardness of heart; because they did not believe them who had seen him after he was risen again.
Ver. 14. At length, &c. in the Latin text, taken according to the letter, is lastly, or last of all: but if we examine and compare the four gospels, this was not the last time that Christ appeared to his disciples after his resurrection. We can only then understand it of the last time mentioned by this evangelist. --- To the eleven. If this apparition (as it was the opinion of St. Augustine) was made when St. Thomas was not with them, they were only then ten, without St. Thomas and Judas. The evangelist here calls them eleven, because the apostolical college (Judas being dead) consisted of no more than eleven. And this way of speaking may be justified by diverse examples: one instance may suffice. A meeting of the Jewish sanhedrim might be called the Council of the Seventy-two, though it many times happened that all the seventy-two were not there present. (Witham) --- Some think that this was the last apparition of Jesus Christ, after which he quitted the earth, and ascended into heaven. (Bible de Vence)
15. And he said to them: Go ye into the whole world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
Ver. 15. No explanation given.
16. He that believeth, and is baptized, shall be saved: but he that believeth not, shall be condemned.
Ver. 16. Let those weep and lament who have not yet seen him, and in a short time they shall receive consolation. Blessed are they that weep, for they shall be comforted, St. Matthew v. (St. Jerome) --- Perhaps some one will say within himself, I have already believed, I shall be saved: he says true, if his faith be supported by good works; for that only is true faith, which does not contradict in works what is believed in words. (St. Gregory)
17. And these signs shall follow them that believe: In my name they shall cast out devils: they shall speak with new tongues:
Ver. 17. No explanation given.
18. They shall take up serpents: and if they shall drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them: they shall lay their hands upon the sick, and they shall recover.
Ver. 18. No explanation given.
19. And the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God.
Ver. 19. By these words it is not to be understood that Jesus is to be confined to that particular posture of body, or that the Father has any hands, or any human shape; for God is a pure, incorporeal, and all-perfect Spirit. The image of God, as he is in himself, comes not within the reach of our mortal senses. When the Scripture, therefore, speaks of God, it uses such imagery of language as is adapted to our senses, that it may thereby convey to us some imperfect knowledge of those sublime mysteries, which are ineffable in themselves, and incomprehensible to our understanding. Thus we are informed that Jesus Christ sits at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty, to signify that, as man, our Lord is raised to the height of glory, and to that supreme beatitude, than which there is nothing higher, and nothing greater in the whole bliss of heaven; and that he moreover holds the same sovereign dominion with the Father over all creatures; because, as God, he is equal to the Father in power, in wisdom, and in all perfection. See Pouget, p. 256. ed. in fol. --- On the right hand of God. Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, was not man only, but truly God, the same God with his eternal Father: and hereby is signified that the person, who took upon him human nature, and became man, is equal in dignity with the Father: he, who, as man, ascended into heaven. [2] When St. Jerome says that most Greek copies wanted this chapter, he speaks not of chapters according to our present division, but only of the last 12 verses, which formerly made what was called a little chapter: yet these twelve verses must have been omitted in those manuscripts by some negligent transcribers. Now they are found in all, both Latin and Greek copies. They are found in the Canons of Eusebius on the Gospels; in St. Jerome in several places; in St. Ambrose, lib. iii, in Luc. tom. iii, p. 292. Ed. Paris, an. 1582; in St. Augustine, lib. iii, de consensu Evang. chap. xxv, tom. 3, part 2, p. 142, &c. (Witham) --- St. Gregory of Nyssa, (orat. 2. de Resurr.) says, that the best copies of St. Mark's gospel finished with the 8th verse, a trembling and fear had seized them: En tois akribesterois to Kata Markon Euaggelion mekri tou ephobounto gar, echei to telos. It is the very generally received sentiment of the learned, that the last 12 verses were given by St. Mark; and the most probable reason yet offered for the omission of them in various copies is, that the transcribers followed a mutilated copy, where the last page was wanting. (Bible de Vence)
20. But they going forth, preached every where: the Lord
co-operating with them, and confirming the word, with signs, that followed.
Ver. 20. Let us here take notice, that, as the apostles confirmed their words by the signs that followed, so also in us must our words be confirmed by works. "Grant, O Jesus! that the discourse we deliver, concerning virtue, may be confirmed by works and actions; that thus, by thy co-operation, we may become perfect in word and work; for to Thee is due the glory of our discourses and actions." (Theophylactus)
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