#meeformers Megatron
liaswritesrobots · 2 years
IDW Megatron merformers au part 2, please? 🥺
Ever since that chance encounter where he saved your life, you could not stop thinking about the shark mer. You spent days… months… trying to find him again in the vast sea, but every journey ended in nothing.
You had almost given up on ever seeing him again, but your stubborn nature told you to give it one last try.
You had set out on a small boat with enough supplies to last for a month. You know it's dangerous to go by yourself but all the other times you went with a crew and couldn't find him so perhaps if you're alone he'll come out.
You set sail. With your map laid out and compass nearby you find the spot that you first met Megatron and head for there.
You had chosen a clear day to sail, but fate had other plans, for when you were far enough out on the water, storm clouds rolled across the sky. You thought about turning back, even though you have a sturdier boat this time, but your stubbornness persisted, and so you kept to the sea.
An hour out you looked out at the vast sea, waves rolling as thunder began to boom from the sky, and you gulped. Perhaps you should have turned back after all. Sure this boat can take more than a mere fishing vessel, but a storm on the sea is still dangerous. You begin to turn around as you feel the first raindrop on your hand.
It only takes seconds for the gray sky to become a downpour. You pull the hood on your coat over your head to try to keep at least a part of you dry. Your pants are already soaked and you can feel water slide down your boots. Maybe this wasn't a good idea after all.
You power through the discomfort and try to focus on reaching dry land. The thunder above is loud and makes you jump on occasions, while the brief flashes of lightning lights up the sky well enough for you to see. Waves crash against your boat and rocks it back and forth, but you hold tight and try your best to steer on course.
You don't truly lose yourself until you see a bolt of lightning strike the sea in front of your boat, causing a huge wave to crash over it and knock off of it. Shortly after you're thrown into the water you come back up, gasping for air, and try to swim over to the boat, but waves carry it away from you and roll over your head.
You try your best to stay afloat, but the waves engulf you causing you to panic and go under. You kick and wave your arms as you try to go up, but only seem to sink further down. Your vision blurs and you feel dizzy as you keep trying to hold your breath in. If you could just reach the surface...
You then see a glimmer of red in the dark water. Something big is swimming towards you. You start to scream and water fills your mouth. You succumb to the dizzy feeling and pass out.
You wake with a jolt, shooting straight up, coughing and gasping for air. Was it a dream?
You feel cold damp rocks under your palms. You look around. A cave? Could it be?
You're pulled from your thoughts by a sudden splashing as a huge figure emerges from the pool in the middle of the cave. You look onwards, your eyes adjusting to the dim cave, and you see Megatron before you.
"We gotta stop meeting like this." You joke, then cough up a bit of sea water.
Megatron rolls his eyes with a disapproving frown, "Then stop sailing in storms."
You finally catch your breath and look back up at him, "Yeah I guess I should stop doing that." You smile, "But to be fair, it was a clear day when I started out. Although I could have headed back sooner I suppose."
"You shouldn't be in this part of the ocean anyway. You already know it's my domain."
"I know. That's why I came here."
He gives you a curious look.
"I wanted to see you again." You smile.
His cheeks flush red, "Such nonsense. You humans are reckless."
"Perhaps. But I… I can't stop thinking about you."
His eyes go wide and his whole face turns red upon hearing you say that.
"You seem so… alone out here. I know it's not really my place to, but I want to know more about you, Megatron. I want to be your friend."
The shark gulps, "I see." He pauses, "And you think constantly drowning is the way to do this?"
You laugh, "Well, no, those are accidental."
"You should stay on the shore. It's where your kind belongs."
"Yeah I'm not going to do that."
"I figured as much."
You crawl closer to the megalodon mer, reaching out to touch him. He stops you, holding your small hand between two fingers. He stares down at you, peering into your sparkling eyes. He can tell that you mean what you said. He lets out a deep sigh.
"Alright. I… suppose we can meet again."
You smile at him.
"But closer to the shore this time. I can't guarantee your safety if you keep sailing out on stormy waters."
You laugh again, "Yeah alright. I promise I won't sail out carelessly just to come see you."
"Good. Now, come on," He sets a finned hand down for you to climb, "The storm outside has settled. Let's get you back to land."
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