#meanwhile rei isnt even trying he just wants to live
quasarifxxy · 1 year
“____ is the comedian out of the duo” Can we TALK about how funny both Kazuki and Rei are. Like they always manage to get me. Kazuki with his overdramatic mom tendencies and desperately tries to get his shit together. Rei with his blunt side comments paired with a monotonous delivery. And most of all these two have no idea what they are doing. These two are absolute disasters together holy shit
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Heyyy!Have you seen the spoilers for chapter 389? what is your opinion? :>
Hey, anon. I assume you mean chapter 388? Because chapter 389 isnt out yet. And for new chapter 388, there is not much say but here we go;
Bnha Chapter 388 Opinions;
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Rest in peace, Mr. Robot, you are true hero.
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Finally, Rei has the chance to show how much she loves her children, Touya. She goes towards fire to save his son. I love how first two thing she says 'Touya! I am sorry!' because thats exactly what Touya needs to hear. His mom is here to save him, trying to cool him down and tells him that she is sorry.
And i wish we get more clear reaction from Dabi because his face is...hard to read. He looks so shocked and sad but still, i wish we get some child Touya rec to his mom since we get with Endeavour scenes so we should've get with his mother and siblings too. I hope we get it at some point in story.
And this is personal opinion but i dont like Fuyumi and Natsuo's speech, compared to Rei's.
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Though it is understandable why they say this, i dont like it. Fuyumi says she doesnt want to lose 'anyone else'. This speech is like 'we already lost you so at least, i want my parents to stay alive'. Its like she is saying that there is no hope for Touya.
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And Natsuo's 'stupid big brother' thing reminds me of Shouto who said the same thing to him. He is thinking about his past and he says 'stop causing more trouble!'. As if this is all Touya's fault. As if Touya shut his mouth, none of these would've happenned. I think this is the last thing Touya needs to hear right now.
So i know most people might not agree with this but i dont like those speechs at all. I know its such an emotional moment and all, but i wish they told him that they want their brother to live too, that they love him, that they should come home already etc. It is realistic that they are talking this way, and at least they are trying to save their brother too, mostly their mother and father but i think they also want to save Touya too so i get it but once again, i hate their speechs. Its not helpfull.
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And Endeavour lol. I never have any expectations for him so i am not surprised that his decision is to kill Touya. Once again leave him behind, the black sheep of the family. Look, i do understand that Endeavour doesnt want other family members to die but he had so many chances to make it right, he constantly throw all of these away and since beginning until the end, he is just ugh.
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Meanwhile, Touya is already mentally out of it. I dont even think he understands what is happenning right now. He kinda lost the control of his power, his mind. I think he cant stop the fire even if he wants to. But i think at the end he seems kinda happy that his family is here with him so thats why he is imagining a world that he is accepted, happy with his family. Except Shouto, because because in his mind, he didnt accept him as family member yet.
This was painful to read. Touya deserves better. I am worried about him because he might get 'too exicted' to be with his family again and might be out of control more. I dont think he will die but still, its painful to read. I hope he and other gets saved in time.
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unordinaryquotes · 4 years
Yo ik this isn't necessarily your forte, but since you do the reviews and stuff I figured it might be fair game: what do you think would happen if John had been paired with Remi instead of Sera?
Man....that’s hard to think about. I don’t think it would get rid of John’s hatred for the hierarchy or the progression of his PTSD (or other mental illness is he has one) However, he would see that Remi tries to make a change in the world and probably guide her on how to really help.
A friendship with Blyke and Isen would also be on the table. I think at first they would quarrel over differences, they’d eventually become close friends. Meanwhile, Sera would slowly be crushed over time with the responsibilities she had forced on her. She may be a rival to Remi and John or even start working with Ember all to maintain her high society placing. Arlo would be in the middle on the dispute between the two parties.
To go into more detail about story beats, Remi going away for her brothers funeral would end up being a rough week for John. He ends up pissing off Sera and she threatens him. Remi would hide her sadness over her brothers lost from John, only trusting Arlo since he knew Rei as well. This would get John concerned and he invites her out to the mall, just the two of them. Remi would find out about the power rating booth’s scheme when she got the bear and she would try to shut him down but it would end up going like how it went in canon when she confronted him.
Now when Arlo starts getting suspicious of John’s abilities, he confides is Sera as she is the strongest in the school. She would stay confidant, proudly boasting that no one could defeat her.
John would gift Remi his UnOrdinary book and Remi would remember it as a book Rei used to own. He never showed her it, but she remembers him talking about it. She takes it with no issue. However she becomes careless when Sera visits her room to talk. She spots the book and turns her in. Sera wants to revoke Remi’s title but Arlo stops her from doing so.
Remi is sent away on leave and she tasks Blyke and Isen to watch over John. John apologizes to her over gifting the book but she says that it was worth it. She wanted to see another piece of her brother, now that he’s gone. The first week of Remi’s suspension is a bit rough, Blyke and Isen can’t be with John all the time, but he finds an unlikely support in Arlo. The two build up their friendship like they did in canon and eventually John ends up following him out there.
Arlo attacks him with Veintus and Meili yada yada John enters beast mode for a moment, his PTSD taking full control of him. He calls up Remi, and debates on telling her on what Arlo did. He remembers he’s pretty important to her so he’s conflicted. He resolves to tell her when she gets back but Remi decides to go back early.
However Arlo’s attack was actually a plan coordinated by Sera. She wanted to see if John really was strong as Arlo though so she used him as bait. After seeing Arlo beat up she feels fear for the first time in her life. Not used to such an emotion, she vows to bring John down to cripple status for real. We might also get a phone call with her mom which shows that she’s being abused as well but that’s for later.
Remi’s mother wants her daughter to stay for just another week, the loss of one of her children had really destroyed her and she needs the comfort of the other. Feeling sad for her mother, Remi decided to postpone her trip back to Wellston another week.
However that week is living hell for John. All of sudden Zeke and every middle tier seems to be after him. Blyke and Isen are seemingly nowhere (Sera made sure they constantly had duties to attend to during free periods and after school) and Remi wasn’t coming back for another week. It’s over that week that John comes to realize just how much Remi did for him at school.
When she gets back John cries in her arms and she’s speechless. When she hears what Arlo did she immediately storms over to his place. He doesn’t reveal John, he knows not to do that, but after several minutes of prodding from Remi and a mention of Rei, Arlo softens up and tells her Sera set it up.
Remi then goes to confront Sera, in front of the school I may add. She’s so angry that all reason goes out the window. She says Sera is cowardly for hurting a cripple like John and that sets Sera off. The two end up fighting and Sera wins with little effort. John runs to her when he learns she’s in the hospital. But she refuses to see him, not wanting to see him after she failed to get justice for him.
She meets John’s dad and he ends up treating her like he did Sera in canon. John’s dad leaves and John goes to school. Remi decides being cooped up all day won’t make her feel better so she goes for a walk through town. She ends up getting targeted by Ember. Yada yada lost power yada yada angst time. Though she had been campaigning for lower tiers to have more support she didn’t realize just how bad they had it. She used to jump in and do whatever she want because she had the power but now she’s brittle and weak. John tries to comfort her over it but being powerful himself he doesn’t know just what to say.
Remi, throughly depressed with all that happened this year, locks herself in her room and doesn’t leave. Soon news of Remi’s status as Queen is called into question and Sera decides to revoke it, giving it back to Cecile who gave her info on Remi’s lost powers. Arlo, Blyke, and Isen aren’t happy with this decision and go to confront Sera about it but she simply blows them off. The school learns Remi became powerless and begin harassing her. At first it’s not physical, they just talk to her about how annoying all her preaching was and make suggestive comments now she put her body to use now that she lost what made her special.
They start escalating by putting pins in her bags and dumping water on her (she’s always been afraid of that because of how easy it would be to shock herself like that). They bullies don’t physically beat her up, they know Arlo, Blyke, and Isen would tear them apart if they did. John, seeing how the school ignores Remi in her time of need and keeps such a crooked system where those who are powerless are bullied, decides to do something about it. He becomes Joker and starts fighting the people tormenting Remi.
At first it’s for her, but eventually that’s just a front to him. He finds joy in hurting the people who made his life miserable. Soon he decides the only way to destroy the hierarchy is to take out the remaining pieces. With a heavy heart, he beats up Isen and Blyke. Remi is shocked that something happened to those two and begins investigating, finally getting her pep back after seeing her friends hurt.
Meanwhile Sera tries to up the antics to tear John down further but it ends up making him more resentful. He defeats Cecile and Arlo and threatens Sera that she’s next. Cocky that she can beat him, she accepts his challenge. She’ll reveal him as the true coward, she isnt scared. That emotion has no place inside a god Tier like her, right? That’s what she was taught. Crush those who refuse to comply by whatever methods. Her stupid sister refused to understand that but Sera wouldn’t be another screw up like her.
Sera and John fight, getting more and more heated. It’s hard to tell who’ll come out on top, but eventually using his karate moves, something Sera didn’t expect, he defeats her. But Remi was watching the fight and puts two and two together. She collapses in tears and enters depressive state even bigger than the last. Her entire personality has shattered, and she only allows Arlo to come see her. She rarely sleeps anymore, it’s too hard to. Same with eating. Every time she does, it reminds her of the meals she shared with John.
Okay I’ll end it off there cause this was getting waaaaaay too long for a simple ask. Probably not what you wanted (or were expecting) but this is the best I could come up with.
Also I probably have arthritis now.
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romana73 · 5 years
Post written by ME. The animated gifs and pictures shown, however, AREN’T MINE and DON’T BELONG TO ME IN ANY WAY. Sorry for my mistakes, but English isn’t my first language
"I'll destroy her...and you...and all of it" (Kylo Ren, from "Star Wars, Episode VIII, The Last Jedi" movie) I read much worry ‘cause at end of movie and book "Star Wars. Episode VIII. The last Jedi ", Kylo Ren has decided and declared he wants to destroy Rey... who could read Episode VIII script said, at movie’s end, Rey and Kylo are described as" enemies with complications". In book, after explosion caused by their struggle for possession of Anakin’s old lightsaber, Kylo wakes up surprised to be alive. He discovers Rey has awakened before him and he understands she hasn’t killed him and... he blames her. Kylo thinks Rey was wrong and decision didn’t kill him would have destroyed her. He would have destroyed Rey. This is perfectly in line with Kylo’s character. Unlike Anakin who fell into Dark Side for FEAR OF LOSING LOVE, his wife Padmé, Kylo REFUSES any kind of feeling. Commenting on Finn’s escape, a former First Order soldier who, at the beginning of "Star Wars. Episode VII. The Force Awakens" movie, Kylo observes:
“How capable are your soldiers, General?”
“I won't have you question my methods”
“They're obviously skilled at committing high treason. Perhaps Leader Snoke should consider using a clone army”
(Kylo Ren and General Hux, from "Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens" movie)
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Joke about Clones isn’t just a reference to Star Wars prequels. In Star Wars. Episode II, it’s explained clones are PROGRAMMED to war, to take orders, without disobeying or posing moral dilemmas. In this perspective, we also understand some parts of this dialogue between Kylo and Rey, in "Star Wars, Episode VIII, The Last Jedi" movie:
“Why did you hate your father? Do you have something? A cowl, or something you could put on? Why did you hate your father? Give me an honest answer. You had a father who loved you; he gave a damn about you!”
“I didn't hate him”
“No? Your parents threw you away like garbage”
“They didn't”
“They did, but you can't stop needing them. It's your greatest weakness. Looking for them everywhere, in Han Solo, and now in Skywalker [...]”
“Let the past die. Kill it if you have to. That's the only way to become what you were meant to be.”
(Rey and Kylo Ren, from "Star Wars, Episode VIII, The Last Jedi" movie)
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Kylo was TEACHING Rey to have less possible feelings ‘cause, for Kylo, ​​HAVE FEELINGS means having WEAK POINTS. ‘Cause this, Kylo becomes enraged when he realizes Rey might feel something for him: ‘cause it means he hasn’t taught anything to her, ‘cause HE has become Rey's WEAK POINT, 'cause he’s in DANGER, since he could REPLACE Rey and this would be an OBSTACLE to accomplish what he proposes ... to explain all this and to reassure those who believe Ben Solo/Kylo Ren CAN’T REDEEM HIMSELF, ‘cause he killed his father Han, he chose Dark Side in full awareness, etc... I decided to propose parallels between Reylo and old robotic cartoon "Baldios". Comprised of 34 episodes, Baldios was produced in 1980 by Ashi Production. Unfortunately, cartoon was too modern for that time and, due to poor audience, it was interrupted abruptly, leaving without end Earth’s story and LOVE STORY between MARIN, male protagonist and APHRODIA, Marin’s BIG ENEMY. Fortunately, in 1981, Toei Animation produced "Baldios. The Movie" animated movie, which represents story’s end:
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Story is this: getting too close to sun, contaminated by radiation, Saul 1 planet (S1) is dying. Sea and vegetation have disappeared. The air is unbreathable and population is forced to live underground, but even this solution begins to no longer work, due to lack of resources. S1 EMPEROR is called to make a decision, mediating between two groups in struggle: scientists, led by Professor Reigan who found a solution, able to make living S1 again, but they need time to study it and implement it. Military, led by Theo Gattler, commander of Aldebaran’s army, S1 militias, wish instead to take away S1 population and colonize a second habitable planet, Earth. Battle also ends with Marin Reigan, a pilot, Reigan’son who, in front of room hosting the meeting, clashes with soldier Miran and two of his friends. To sedate spirits, arrived Aphrodia, Miran's elder sister and head of Gattler's guards, as well as his beloved. Affected by girl, Marin doesn’t realize he has lost his identification card, collected by Aphrodia. Gattler proposes to Aphrodia and Miran a decisive solution to win dispute: murder Emperor and all scientists. Aphrodia is responsible for Emperor’s murder, in whose room he drops Marin’s ID card so he’s to be blamed for murder. Miran and his men will instead take care of killing scientists. Plan’s first part is fine: Aphrodia kills Emperor, dropping Marin badge on floor, while Gattler declares himself Dictator, electing Aphrodia as ARMY’S SUPREME COMMANDER. Miran goes to scientists' lab and, showing Marin's card, he informs Professor Reigan his son is accused of murdering Emperor. Knowing Marin is innocent, Reigan reacts to defend him. Miran prepares to shoot, but Marin arrives to save his father. Miran tries to kill man again, but Marin throws a piece of iron into his neck, killing him. Aphrodia arrives, to whom dead brother’s  sight breaks her heart. Learning Marin was who killed her brother, Aphrodia swears she will never forgive him and she will take her revenge. Marin answers he will never forgive her. Marin and his father try to escape, but man is killed by military. Marin takes his spaceship and tries to stop Gattler's mother ship from leaving S1, but Aphrodia arrives trying to kill him. In battle, Marin's ship is sucked into a vortex temporal space. Marin crashes on Moon where he’s picked up by the Blue Fixers, a special team at United Nations terrestrial service, which take him to their base on Earth. At beginning, Marin was met with suspicion and treated as a prisoner, interrogated and incarcerated. Only beautiful Jamie Oshino and Professor Era Quinstein, base scientist, seem to believe him. Upon forces of Gattler and Aphrodia’s arrival, who have decided to conquer and colonize Earth, everything changes. Marin’s knowledge and his skills in battle make him win trust of Blue Fixers and Jonathan Bannister, base’s head. Marin accepts to stand on Terrans side against Aldebaran. Meanwhile, despite battles and hatred, Aphrodia begins to feels something for Marin, but... In a flashback we learn as children, Aphrodia and Miran lost their parents in a tragic car accident. Gattler has come to their rescue. He has adopted and educated them. A Baldios. The Movie’s scene suggests, having become ADULT, Aphrodia was ABUSED by Gattler, although this is NEVER explicitly said:
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Kylo Ren was MANIPOLATED and CORROTTED by Supreme Leader Snoke, who took him to Dark Side:
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In closing theme of each episode of Baldios cartoon series, Marin and Aphrodia hold hands, watching sunset over sea:
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In "Star Wars. Episode VIII. The Last Jedi" movie, Rey offers her hand to Kylo and he ACCEPT TO TAKE IT:
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In first cartoon’s episode, Marin notices Aphrodia is a beautiful woman, despite always wearing glasses, uniform and wear hair hidden under military hat:
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In "Star Wars. Episode VII. The Force Awakens" movie, Rey remains disoriented when Kylo removes his mask, revealing to be a normal boy:
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In cartoon’s first episode, Aphrodia declares: "Emotional alterations lead to unpredictable mistakes ..." (Aphrodia 1x01 Baldios)
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In "Star Wars. Episode VII. The Force Awakens" movie, when Snoke informs Kylo that BB8 is on ship of Han Solo, his father and Kylo will have to kill him, he answers: "He means nothing to me" "Even you, Master of the Knights of Ren, have never faced such a test" "By the grace of your training I will not be seduced " (Kylo Ren and Snoke, from "Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens” movie)
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Marin and Aphrodia flee from Gattler. Arrived on Earth, exhausted, they faint on a lighthouse’s floor. Aphrodia recovers first and she tries to KILL Marin, still unconscious, but she can’t do it:
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In "Star Wars. Episode VIII. The Last Jedi" movie, Rey and Ben Solo/Kylo Ren fight over Anakin's lightsaber possession. Fight causes explosion of spaceship on which they are and throws Rey and Ben Solo/Kylo Ren to opposite sides of Throne Room. They falled unconscious. Rey recovers first and flees, LEAVING IN LIFE Kylo Ren:
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Awakening, Marin leads Aphrodia to base, where she’s imprisoned and brutally interrogated. Marin disagrees, but his friends remind him how many terrestrials Aphrodia deliberately killed, including their families. In end, Marin blocks interrogation, bringing Aphrodia to doctor who, reluctantly, cares her:
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In "Star Wars. Episode VIII. The Last Jedi" movie, Kylo Ren brings Rey in Snoke’s presence, who interrogates her in a brutal way:
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In "Baldios. The Movie ", Gattler incites Aphrodia to KILL Marin: "Come on, Aphrodia, it's your time! You take your revenge for your brother! Isn’t it true you fought until now for this moment? " (Gattiger to Aphrodia, Baldios the film)
But Aphrodia kills Gattler himself:
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In "Star Wars. Episode VIII. The Last Jedi" movie, Snoke incites Kylo Ren to KILL Rey:
“My worthy apprentice, son of darkness, heir apparent to Lord Vader. Where there was conflict, I now sense resolve; Where there was weakness, strength. Complete your training, and fulfill your destiny”
(Snoke to Kylo Ren, from "Star Wars, Episode VIII, The Last Jedi" movie)
But Kylo Ren kills Snoke in order to save Rey:
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To escape from Blue Fixers' base, Aphrodia takes Jamie hostage. Marin, Oliver and Roy arrive in order to save Jamie: "Aphrodia, let go of Jamie, please. I know you well, I know you would not be able to do it ... " "…but please! Do not make me laugh! What is it, do you think you allow me to be touched by your COMPASSION? " "Heard? In that witch hasn’t been humanity left" (Marin, Aphrodia and Oliver, Baldios, the Movie)
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In a deleted scene from "Star Wars. Episode VII. The Force Awakens" movie, but reported in TFA novel, Snoke accuses Kylo to feel COMPASSION for Rey: The Supreme Leader's voice was flat. "You have COMPASSION for her." "No-never. Compassion? For an enemy of the Order? " (Snoke and Kylo Ren talking about Rey, from "Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens" novel)
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In "Star Wars. Episode VIII. The Last Jedi" movie, Rey tells Luke there isn’t LIGHT in Kylo Ren:
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In "Baldios. The Movie ", Aphrodia asks for a DUEL with laser guns with Marin, to kill him and avenge his brother. Marin accepts and, before starting, he says to Aphrodia: "Perhaps, Aphrodia, if you hadn’t chosen to go wrong way, things between us would have been very different" (Marin to Aphrodia, Baldios, The Movie)
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In "Star Wars. Episode VII. The Force Awakens" movie, Rey and Ben Solo/Kylo Ren fight a DUEL :
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In "Star Wars. Episode VIII. The Last Jedi", with a broken heart, Rey looks at Ben Solo/Kylo Ren to replace Snoke as First Order SUPREME LEADER and she asks him DON’T TO DO THAT :
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In "Baldios. The Movie", Aphrodia is badly wounded and exhausted, so Marin SCOOPS HER IN HIS ARMS and he take her on beach:
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In "Star Wars. Episode VII. The Force Awakens" movie, Kylo Ren captures Rey, he falls asleep her and he SCOOPS HER IN HIS ARMS, take her on his spaceship:
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yellowbluemoonshine · 3 years
The Wrong Way to Put Out Fire
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I wanna talk about some details about Touya, Todoroki family and the different situtions Touya and Shouto had.
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Touya is introduced us as innocent, nice kid who just wants to enjoy his father.
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Thats actually first difference we saw between Touya and Shouto. Sometimes children fond of one of their parents more than other one. For Touya, he was daddy’s boy. Shouto is more like mommmy’s boy. (Even their clothes are parallels. Fire, ice. Daddy, mommy.)
And let me say this;
This marriage was wrong to begin with. Quirk marriage, the fact that Endeavour decided to put his ambitions on his children is wrong.
But as a first born, for Touya, his family was normal. Children dont magically understand what is right or wrong.
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He simply saw that he got his father’s attention and it made him really really happy. Training was the bond he had with his father. Touya’s thoughts probably like; I am daddy’s son, my father is really happy when i become more strong etc etc.
Even he realize his family is different from other people, he probably simply thought that it might be different but its their thing. This is why we saw Touya as happy. Touya felt special when he got his father’s all attention.
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And Touya saw his mother is okay with it. He probably saw that many times even when father being disrespectfull, mom doesnt seem to mind that much. This is probably why he starts to looks down on his mother too. Its just children dont respect adults who dont respect theirselves. If child think he can get away with it, they would simply do it. Mommy allows daddy to be the boss of the house, mommy allows daddy’s to be disrespectfull to herself so its ok to disrespectfull to mommy too. Thats how children think in those situtions.
What was Shouto’s difference then?
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Shouto as last born, he never think his family is normal or this sitution is okay cause when Shouto is born, everyone in family already starts to break down. Mommy wasnt okay at all.
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Endeavour put his own ambitions on Touya’s shoulders, he gave him impossible expectations which is literally name of the chapter. Wrong way to put out the fire. Those impossible expectations is abuse, btw.
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Everything started cause Endeavour put out fire on wrong place, his family.
And after Touya failed, he was thrown away. Touya probably felt like; his father took him to the highest hill of the building, made him feel special but then threw him down.
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Touya started to get the attention he had at first place to the point he started to burn himself over and over again. Look at how terryfying he looks when his brothers were born...
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At this point, he understand he is replacable which made him question why was he born at first place.
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Of course, Touya wouldnt listen Endeavour when he said ‘there is a life outside of being a hero’ cause Endeavour himself doesnt live his life like that. Children arent stupid, they observe adults’s actions too. Endeavour’s words condract with his actions thats why his words didnt reach out to Touya.
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Touya was in a lot of pain to the point his heigh stopped growing (Look how he is shorter than his siblings), burns himself, his hair starts to change probably cause he used his quirk too much, he even starts to pull his hair which is sign of suicide. He was literally small kid who was mentally breaking down and he expressed his pain every way he can do but he was ignored.
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Fuyumi-chan didnt understand him. Natsuo-kun doesnt listen him either. (Touya thought Fuyumi-chan didnt understand her cause she is girl but the reason she and Natsuo doesnt understand is they didnt have the same expectation at first place.)
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And mommy is at fault too cause she is the one who allowed daddy to raised him like this at first place. She is the one the accepted this marriage, she is responsible too.
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For a child, to be understood is very important thing but they didnt get it. He realized his siblings dont understand him. Even though, Touya was so mentally unstable to the point he attack his baby brother, his parents still didnt get him help or didnt specifically take care of him, instead they constantly ignore him. They kept telling him to forget what happenned and look other way.
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This is exactly why Touya couldnt hold on something else cause in deep, he knows only way to be seen is prove himself.
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For Touya, his mother didnt there for him. His mother allowed this to happen too. This is why his situtions are opposite of Shouto’s.
Touya thought family is normal, his daddy loves him, this is why training was fun.
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This is why he end believing everything Endeavour taught him. Even he uses same words, literally in same chapter.
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‘I live in different world from others.’
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Shouto realized family isnt normal and father is the one who make everyone unhappy. This is why he hated training cause he realized father is forcing him.
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For Touya, mother wasnt there for him and ignored his pain.
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For Shouto, his mother was there for him, this is why she became his emotional support.
This is also why Shouto tried to protect mom cause Rei at this point was really in pain and she was reaching her breaking point. Mommy is there for me, i love mommy but dad make mommy upset, dad is the bad guy here.
Meanwhile for Touya, he didnt really see his mom as sad, he saw her being okay with sitution, thats why he probably think that the way Endeavour treat her as normal cause she accepted this sitution.
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All those opposite situitons made them think opposite way. Not because one is good or bad, its just they had different kind of abuse. (Also hair symbolism is nice parallel too).
Though despite opposite situtions, they were also similar too. They were so cold child soldiers who only think about getting revenge from father, just opposite way cause Shouto has.
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Touya waited his father to come forest to watch him but Endeavıur didnt come until Touya was burn to death.
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Touya’s death wasnt just an accident but its both also suicide and murder. Touya was suicidal, he kept burning himself but parents didnt look at him and Endeavour is the one who push him this mental state. Even Touya says himsef;
 ‘After all, the only  thing he taught me was how to turn up the heat’
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Touya had to burn and reborn to get daddy’s attention again but even after his death, he was hardly mentioned by his family. I mean if Dabi never become a villain, they wouldnt even discuss this case as family.
And i honestly dislike how Todoroki handle this sitution.
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Rei says everyone is responsible but Shouto, Fuyumi and Natsuo were children, its not their fault. Rei is at fault for not being there for Touya and Endeavour is the most at fault for making Touya mentally unstable. I hate how children carry the mistakes of Endeavour, it wasn their fault.
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And with their talk, they made it sound like Shouto is better than Touya cause look, he became a hero and he forgave them!
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I mean, Shouto didnt have much choice cause Endeavour forced him to be a hero. Even Endeavour wasnt there, Shouto had emotional support (mom) and inspiration (allmight) to be hero, he also has strong qurik so no wonder he can be hero, you know. But Touya didnt have any of it. He didnt have emotional support, inspiration to be better or strong quirk.
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Not even need to mention how both Early-Shouto and Dabi obsess with revenge, cold child soldiers who dont pay attention to people around them. Just Shouto was in better environment and then he met Deku and he started to heal.
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Even Shouto saw himself in Dabi, how he could be like him but he was lucky to be saved. Even their wound smbolically shows their pain. For Shouto, it was boiling water but for Touya, it was very strong fire that will burn him to dush.
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Yeah, Dabi is villain but even so. To Deku, Shigaraki is completely stranger but he still thoguht that he needs to be saved. Meanwhile, Todoroki family knew what happenned to Touya. They are personally involved with him but i found it weird it how they didnt mention about ‘saving him’.
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I mean maybe thats what they will try eventually but still....i think heroes are good, villains are bad sitution contnues even in this sitution cause they say Dabi is the one who needs to be stopped and Endeavour is the one who take a hand.
Shouto needs to offer that hand to Dabi, not Endeavour cause the one who needs to be saved is Dabi/Touya, not Endeavour. 
Not to mention how Best Jeanist and Hawks coldy listen sitution.
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I guess, even after this, they still dont really look at Dabi’s pain cause if they saw it, at least they would talk about helping him more than stopping him...what a tragedy.
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Touya, after everything he had been through is still ignored, even by his own family, remind me of Tenko’s sitution :’))).
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