#me?? writing fluff?? wild
starrylevi · 7 months
Thinking about civilian!reader falling in love with postwar!levi. He would tell you the events that occurred before you met him as you softly brush the scars on his face. If he didn’t have permanent reminders, it would be difficult for you to believe the person he was before and what he’s gone through. The man in front of you now is so soft and so gentle. He was slaying titans before and now you’re wheeling him out onto his porch, sharing a cup of tea with him and admiring the garden you helped him grow. You would accompany him to his weekly trips to his favorite tea shop and he’d educate you on all the blends. Every once in a while he’d pull you onto his lap and give you a soft kiss on your cheek, making you giggle. He’d do little things for you that make you happy. His past would be nothing but a ghost. And every time it would dare come back to haunt him, you would be his light and bring him back to the present with your comforting arms.
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haespoir · 1 year
cave me in: mkl.
⨯ pairing: plug!mark x reader
⨯ word count: 1.3k 
⨯ summary: haechan introduces you to his dealer friend, and mark lee makes it so hard to keep the relationship strictly business. not that you minded anyways. 
⨯ warnings: mentions of drugs (weed), some suggestive content, i think thats it enjoy :3
⨯ playlist: cave me in, gallant / half moon, dean / wfm, realestk 
⨯ extra content: part two
⨯ a/n: im completely normal about mark lee i swear ty @markonthemoon​ for furthering my completely normal feelings about mark lee... there might be a part two. 
. . . 
It had been at least 3 hours since you had picked up edibles from Mark. Three whole ass hours, and yet he was still laying on his bed feeling less than whole. Who did you buy them for? Were you getting high with someone else? Was it a guy? 
The first time Haechan had introduced you to him he didn’t pay it any mind. You were a close friend of the younger male’s situation-ship… Whatever the fuck that was. But it was no more than that in his eyes. You were someone who occasionally bought from him, and you were always so polite about it too. And for some unknown reason, or at least unknown to him, that bothered him. A few weeks later, a not-so-sober conversation with Haechan revealed that Mark had a crush on you. One he denied vehemently. Though he guessed out of everyone he sold to, you were the most ideal to date. 
Who the fuck said anything about dating? 
Mark shakes his head as if to rid himself of such wild thoughts. “I’m just hungry,” he says to himself, thinking of ways he could fill that empty void in his stomach. If only he knew, there was no amount of food that would help him feel whole. He grabs his phone, shooting a quick text to someone who knew would also be high at this time. 
mark [11:48 pm]: ramen?  jungwoo [11:50 pm]: and netflix?  jungwoo [11:50 pm]: mark… are you asking me to hook up?  jungwoo [11:51 pm]: say less baby i’m otw!  mark [11:53 pm]: dude what mark [11:53 pm]: no, just ramen  jungwoo [11:55 pm]: mark lee you want me so bad  mark [11:57 pm]: hurry before i change my mind
Jungwoo’s texts cause Mark to roll his eyes, but he grabs his keys. “Yo, Haechan,” he calls out, peeking into the male’s LED-lit room. On his monitor, he sees a discord call and what he believes is your profile picture. Why were you on call with him? “I’m going get ramen with Zeus, want anything?” 
“Nah, I’m going over to my girl’s in a bit,” Haechan replies, smoothly muting the call as he gives his roommate his attention. “I’ll just see you in the morning?” Mark hums, and he’s out the door quickly. He doesn’t want to even think about the relationship between you and Haechan, not when there’s a green little monster creeping through his veins. 
Once Haechan is sure Mark is gone, he’s unmuting the call. “Personally, I think he’s into you.” 
Though he can’t see it, you’re rolling your eyes. “Haechan, you’re just saying that. You’re tired of me third wheeling?” 
“Listen... Your words, not mine, sweetheart,” he says simply. 
“Whatever dude,” you sigh, rolling onto your side on your bed. “Have fun with your shawty. I’m going to sleep.” 
“Just ask him to smoke you out or something,” Haechan says, like it’s the easiest thing in the world to do. “I’m leaving.” 
You hear the noise of him leaving the call before you can even reply, and you’re once again rolling your eyes. You didn’t understand how your friend was into Haechan. What a fucking brat. 
I mean, you can’t just ask someone to smoke you out, right? Isn’t that something that’s offered? You groan loudly at the thought, locking your phone and tossing it on the floor. “Fuck you, Haechan,” you think bitterly. Why the hell did he have to put that godforsaken idea in your mind? 
Because the idea doesn’t leave your mind for weeks after that night. Every time you buy from Mark, you find it harder and harder to deny your attraction to the male. His actions don’t help much either. In fact, you’re convinced you’re delusional. There was no other reason. 
You had mentioned you liked rice krispie treats, and suddenly Mark has rice krispie treat edibles. With extra marshmallows no less.  
One time you heard your friends complaining that Mark had increased his prices. Which was odd because you were spending less on weed than you ever had before. Maybe they were just buying more? 
Or sometimes there’s a small baggie of only the clear gummy bears with the things you buy from him. It’s not like you had told him that the only valid flavor of gummy bears was the clear ones. 
These things weren’t just coincidences, right? Or were they? Haechan also liked marshmallow treats, so maybe they were for him. You had taken a liking to edibles, so you weren’t smoking as much as you used to. Meaning you were spending less money anyways. And Mark said that he liked the red gummy bears the most, so surely, you were just getting the ones he didn’t like. 
You let out a loud groan, ignoring the call from Haechan on Discord. Instead, you opt to shove your face into your pillow before letting out a small scream. Mark Lee was driving you absolutely crazy. 
Perhaps if you picked that call up, the text messages that flashed on your screen 30 minutes later would not have sent you into the panic that they did. 
mark [12:20 am]: yo mark [12:20 am]: i got a new strain  mark [12:20 am]: let me smoke you out? 
Maybe Haechan wasn’t a brat, and maybe you would thank him for this at your wedding years later. But none of that matters when Mark Lee is asking to smoke you out. 
you [12:29 am]: uh yea you [12:29 am]: my place?  mark [12:32 am]: say less mark [12:32 am]: i’ll bring your favorite gummies
He does bring them, and he does smoke you out. Which is why you find yourself in the position that you do. You’re sitting on the floor in your living room, your cheek pressed against Mark’s knee as he sits on your couch. You swear he looks perfect from this angle; his hair is pushed back by a headband he had stolen from you a few days ago, claiming he thought it was like a personal head massage device. You can see the way his eyes are slightly red, and you’re sure yours look exactly like his. Most importantly, his neck is on display, and you want to do nothing more than mark it up. It takes everything in you to not climb into his lap and do exactly that. 
“You look like a puppy,” Mark says, running his fingers through your hair, stopping when he reaches your ear. He’s rubbing small circles on your earlobe with this thumb, his eyes drinking in the sight of you. “My puppy.” 
God, Mark Lee was dangerous. Absolutely lethal. You groan at his words, pressing your face into his thigh to hide away from him. Unfortunately for you, this has the opposite effect, and there is no such thing as hiding from him. The sight of you nearly burying your face into his lap like this does wonders for Mark’s confidence. 
“Come here.” It’s a demand from him, and it’s one that you quickly listen to as he guides you to straddle his lap. In this new position, Mark’s hands quickly go to your thighs; the grip he has is almost bruising. But you don’t mind it, not when Mark’s got his head resting on the back of your couch and he’s staring at you in a way that makes you nervous. 
“Sorry for making you wait,” he says, and you’re feeling a bit confused. “Haechan might have given me a hint or two.” 
The confusion is gone quickly; you were going to strangle that kid. 
Mark laughs at the look on your face, easily reading the emotions as if you were an open book to him. “Don’t think about it, we’ve got a lot of time to make up for.” 
And when Mark Lee presses a kiss against your jaw, his hands traveling under your shirt, you know you’re done for. 
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adrift-in-thyme · 1 month
@telemna-hyelle it took more than an hour (sorry about that) but here it is! The Four/Dot fluff I promised!
I hope it helps you end your day on a good note <33
He isn’t ready for this.
Four moves along the wooded path as if in a trance. He knows every step of this place like the back of his hand. But usually, he is much more attentive than this. Usually, he keeps a watchful eye on the surrounding area, scouting for the stray chu or keese. 
Today, however, he cannot seem to keep his mind on such things. The sunlight dappled earth beneath his feet, the scent of leaves and bark baked in the afternoon warmth, the breeze that caresses his cheeks, and the chittering of the many critters that scamper about within the foliage – they are all lost on him.
He feels Dot’s hand in his, her palm smooth and warm. He smells her perfume – light and sweet like the cotton candy they spin at the yearly festivals. He hears her laughter, bright and unrestrained and free as she tells a tale from her day. He sees her, radiant, hair like strands of gold and eyes the color of the joyful sky.
She looks at him, says something he can’t comprehend. He nods, conjures up a smile. With luck, it won’t be as strained as he feels that it is.
He has faced beasts one hundred times his size, navigated the pain and confusion of being split into four, saved the world twice. But by the golden three, he is not ready for this.
And yet, he is going through with it anyway. He can’t back down now. Not when his best friend is right here beside him, every moment of basking in her presence strengthening the love he feels for her. 
Four squares his shoulders. Yes, this is the right thing to do. The hardest things often are. 
The Minish have done a spectacular job preparing the clearing. That much is evident as soon as it comes into view. Everything is as they had planned. Every detail has been attended to with immaculate care.
Vines drape over tree limbs, their slim strands heavy with layered blossoms. Flower petals drift down in lazy pirouettes to join the coat of vibrant pink already lying on the forest floor. The sun glimmers through slightly parted branches. Not far off a fairy fountain casts its soothing glow. Soft notes of magic drift to Four’s ears as he leads Dot forward.
“Link,” she breathes, gazing upward and all around, eyes wide with adoration, “this is beautiful.”
“Yes, it is,” he agrees with a calm he in no way feels. “The Minish worked very hard on it.”
Dot turns to him now, head cocked in question. “The Minish? What do you…”
She trails off as he drops to one knee.
It feels as though he is kneeling on a bed of silk. But the sensation in his chest as he reaches into his pouch is about as pleasant as the Big Octorok sitting on him.
The ring is in his palm though, a delicate thing melted and shaped and fired by his own two hands. It had taken countless tries to get it right, to meld the corners into the perfect curve, to carve the designs in the way he imagined them to be. Making jewelry is not quite the same as crafting a sword. It requires a different sort of skill.
But he had found that skill within him. And he had created something beautiful. Something he will be proud to see upon her finger.
“Zelda,” he murmurs and curses the way his voice trembles a bit at the end, “Zelda, Princess of Hyrule, my dearest friend…” He raises his head, gazes into those big blue eyes. The ones that had shone with empathy when the pieces of himself had threatened to shatter him anew. The ones that had glowed with mirth and joy at the festivals, brightened when he told a joke, gone sharp with interest when he told a tale.
The eyes he has gotten lost in so many times before, and hopes to many more times in the future.
“Zelda, will you marry me?”
She stares at him for a long, agonizing moment, hand held to her mouth, emotion surging across her face. Then, she laughs. She laughs and the world sings with the noise. And she swoops down and lands a kiss right on his lips.
“Was…” he croaks when his surroundings have swung back into focus and the dizzying mixture of elation and trepidation have abated somewhat, “...was that a yes?”
“Oh, Link, of course, it was! Of course!” Her hands are on his face. The ring shines on one of her fingers, though he can’t remember placing it there. Everything is a haze, a haze of wonder and joy and fear. 
It looks perfect there, though. Almost as though she was born to wear it.
“I’ll marry you, Link!” She cries, visage aglow. “I would like nothing more!” 
A laugh bubbles from his lips now, smaller and more hesitant, but overjoyed nonetheless. He stands and suddenly, his arms are around her and hers around him and they are hugging like the world depends upon it. Like if they let go, this moment, this delicate, beautiful moment will solidify and shatter. 
Perhaps, it will. But Four likes to think that it is stronger than that. Like they are.
He blinks away the tears and smiles.
As a sword is forged to endure the struggles of time, so is their friendship made to withstand the toughest of tribulations. And that makes moments like this one even more precious.
“I love you,” she says and her very soul is in the words.
Four holds her tighter and makes himself a promise that he will never let her go. He will never allow her to fall in harm’s way again, never leave her to face life alone. No, they will stand tall through it all. Together. 
“I love you too,” he whispers. “I love you too.”
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jongseongsnudes · 1 year
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warning; 💍💍💍💍 1.4k words.
the glass in your hand also meets its fate on the ground, its content spilling all over the carpet but you’ll worry about that later because right now, sunghoon’s lips were on yours, kissing you like you had hoped for...
the man kisses you with urgency, his hands already on your waist, pinning you down against the couch. your mind is spinning so fast, you feel so nervous. everything is happening so fast. his hands are already under your sweater, grasping onto your bare skin... but you as much as you want to melt into his hold, you just can’t. not when you-
“oh my god- did i really pass out in the middle of the kiss?!”
everything came back to you, every single detail of the moments leading up to you passing out on the couch the previous night. what started out as the kiss you had waited all night for ended all in about two seconds.
sitting up, you find yourself still on the couch, by yourself. it’s oddly quiet around the house, as if no one else was here, no traces of your step brother at all. but you’re thankful, thankful that  you didn’t need to face him after having yet another heated make out session.
you wonder how he’ll be like this time round, hopefully not a dickhead like the last time you both kissed.
after washing up, you’re startled by the sound of doorbell. you ponder for a minute, contemplating on whether it was right for you to answer the door or not. but curiosity has always been a problem of yours because before you knew it, you were at the front door, facing mr lee, mr park’s personal assistant.
it doesn’t even surprise you anymore that mr park had found you yet again.
“good morning miss,” the man slightly bows his head and hands over a phone, the word chairman printed across the screen, “the chairman would like to speak to you.”
his words has you frozen in place, anxiety immediately overtaking your body at the thought of mr park punishing you and sunghoon after your runaway stunt last night. if he could abuse his son so easily, there’s just no telling what he would do to you. a nobody.
“he- hello mr park?”
“i’m going to make this quick. if you don’t want to cause any trouble for sunghoon and your mother, i advise that you show up to lunch today with the chois,” his tone of voice alone is enough to give you shivers, the emphasis on every single word keeps you on your toes, “i think you are smart enough to know exactly what i mean, darling.”
he wasn’t giving you a choice anymore. bringing your mother into the equation meant that he was done with you, that this was your last chance. it had you questioning whether the man even loved her, what his true intentions were by marrying her if he could so easily use her like this.
“ye- yes sir. i’ll be there.”
as cryptic as he was being, you could’ve easily guessed what he meant by trouble. financial related, banishment, will involvement. perhaps all of the above. the last thing you wanted was to cause any harm for either your mum or sunghoon.
after hanging up, you watch mr lee disappear into his car, just as a taxi coincidently pulls up to the house with sunghoon getting out. the look on his face is one of displeasure, obviously having seen his father’s assistant.
“what did mr lee say to you?” he asks you the moment he reaches the front door, the man now standing way too close to you.
“i need to get back and change. we have lunch with the chois in two hours.”
“my dad sent him here to tell you that?”
“that’s not the problem sunghoon, we don’t have much time left,” you’re unknowingly trying to avoid eye contact, his gaze making you feel even smaller than you already were in front of him. you don’t want to lie to him but you don’t have a choice at this point, not after mr park’s threat. “if- if you don’t want to go, at least call me a taxi back to the house. i need to get ready.”
you fully expect an incoming snarky comment, perhaps calling you dumb or whatnot but the man doesn’t say a thing. instead, he’s staring down at you with a blank expression, his face completely unreadable.
“call it yourself,” his words confused you at first, until you see him reaching into the little shopping bag, fishing out a phone that eerily looked like yours. the one he smashed on the ground weeks ago.
“is this... my phone? you had it with you?” you take hold of it, baffled that sunghoon had kept it with him this whole time, “you got it fixed?”
“yeah,” is all he says before walking past you into the house but the one word was enough for you to understand. his soft tone and the sigh that follows is one you’d describe as deflated and dare you say, defeated.
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“you are truly as beautiful as they all say you are, our beomgyu is a lucky man,” mrs choi smiles at you from across the table. she had been complimenting you from the very moment you walked into the private room, where everyone was already seated and waiting for you. if you had a choice, you wouldn’t have came late but traffic wasn’t being so kind to you today.
the entire lunch was nothing short of nerve wracking for you to say the least, your fingers constantly clutching onto the poor table cloth that you were so sure was going to rip. thankfully you didn’t need to speak much.
“thank you mrs choi, you’re really too kind.”
“please. call me mum, you’ll be my daughter in less than three months.”
“speaking of which,” beomgyu interrupts his mother and gets up from his seat, his hand reaching into his pocket.
it’s happening. the moment you had dreaded was finally here.
“i was going to do this later when we’re alone but with everyone here now, i’d like to take the time to ask you,” he pulls you to stand, an opened ring box in his hand. the diamond jewel is blinding to say the least, almost as blinding as the grin on his face as he turns to mr park before focusing back on you, “marry me?”
you pause for a moment, eyes also going to mr park who was watching like a hawk, a threatening smile hanging off his lips. right beside him was your mum who looked so happy for you, so oblivious to the truth behind it all. you just pray that her husband treats her right because that’s all that matters to you.
a defeated sigh leaves your throat at the thought of spending the rest of your life in a loveless marriage with some you barely knew, with someone who doesn’t love you.
with someone you don’t love.
you’ve always been a sucker for cliched love stories, a simple boy meets girl, they fall in love and together, build a loving home and family kind of story. growing up, this was all you wanted, a simple love story.
but all of that was just a blur to you now, a childhood dream you’ll never get to accomplish.
“yes, beomgyu.”
the ends of your fiancé’s lips curves into a grin as he slips the ring onto your finger, sealing your fate and the deal between the choi and park household. that’s what you were really, a business deal to these people.
“congratulations!” mrs choi gets up to hug you, her smile seemingly genuine but you can’t be sure. this was one of the many lessons you’ve learnt since living this life, that you can’t trust any of these people.
“i apologise for being late, i had an urgent meeting to attend to,” a very familiar voice beams from the other side of the room as the doors open up, revealing someone you weren’t expecting to see here at all, “i hope i didn’t miss anything important.”
“work is important, sometimes being late is inevitable. our beomgyu really needs to learn from you, sunghoon,” mr choi’s face lights up to the sight of your step brother, as if the boy was his own son, “luckily you’re just in time, beomgyu just proposed to your sister.”
your eyes meet with sunghoon’s from across the room, a devious smirk immediately on his face once his gaze falls onto your hands in beomgyu’s. particularly, the new sparkle on your ring finger that could be seen from a mile away.
you try to read his expression, try to decipher what the man is really thinking in that moment because the only thing on your mind right now was him.
but it was all too late now. this was your fate after all, a fate without sunghoon in it.
“wouldn’t miss it for the world. congratulations, step sis.”
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taglist; @i-dalso @wony6ung @jeonjungkookkk @j4yluvr @soobsbby @astra-line​ @drunkanddazedalways @shine-your-light​ @02zprotector​ @yabukkura​ @sonmil @byunhoebaek​ @artgukkx​ @nowrosesaredead​ @lhsng @abdiitcryy​​ @y4wnjunz​ @uuvjungwon @dehydratedami @enhasengene​ @enhacolor @my5colors @kyutiepeachy​​ @miiiwaa @miixsh @vantxx95​ @1115phile​ @outrologist @9900z @axartia​ @yuakagi @bunhoons​​​ @3nh4luvr​ @duckieanon​ @manaswi-madhusudan @skylaryoung2002 @lix-freckle3​ @uuwonnie​​​ @emoworu​​​ @kyoyangwon​ @sunshine-skz​ @paolennenicole​ @cherryblushtzy @carateum1 @ahnneyong​ @hhganyu​ @duolingofanaccount​ @hseungi​​​ @omgjwon​ @jays-blue​ @jaykedpotato @gobighee​ @jiawji​ @taekbokki​​​ @wonwon-ie @mavlogist​@thedemonundernikisbed ​ @rosie-is-everywhere​​​ @kuleo26 @ii4enha-jwn​ @thejjrl​ @taytaymuse @cococake​​​ @sunooslover​ @inlovewsimjaeyun @muffinminnie​ @sashamifasolla @yoonjin96 @choibeomgogi​ @flower-lise @princesjy​​​ @she-is-dreaming @n-wjns​ @simksl @love-enhaa @mimikittysblog​ @letapostropheesgo​​​ @f0rlov3rs ​  
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runningupthatvecna · 1 year
the law of seat partners | part 3
part 1 | part 2
a/n: ok this chapter is honestly a wild ride from start to finish, really had to look into google maps to get the geographics right here, sorry if it's a bit inaccurate, the dimensions in the us are a bit difficult to grasp for my european brain lol. same goes for the bus interior and the structure of road houses. also this is gonna be super self-indulgent since i keep picturing eddie as someone with this wholesome, kind and super soft stray dog side of personality that you only get to see once you break through his shell and i'm basically just romanticising the shit out of him in this entire story. also i apologize if the whole part is a bit random, it's just that i didn't plan for this thing to even have more than one part lol. anyway, thanks for reading and please leave me comments and reblogs if you're enjoying this little series! there will be a part 4.
summary: you're still on that damn bus with eddie. he plays you some of his favourite songs and they turn out to sound really familiar. when you do finally arrive at the camp, you find yourself spending even more time with your favourite metalhead and he makes it just a bit more clear that he might really like you back. and yeah, everyone around you already seems to know.
cw/tw: first off i want to clarify that eddie and reader both are at least twenty! slow burn, mutual pining, friends to lovers overall, (brief) allusions to +18 adult content (minors go away!), sexual tension, lots of physical touch, reader being self-conscious, angst, not feeling good enough briefly, a bit of self-sabotage if you squint, a few more pet names, bestfriend!Steve being reader's rock once again, reassurance, eddie not committing a crime, no mention of y/n, no mentions of reader's physical attributes except hair.
Lunch break acted as a reminder that the rest of your friends were also still there.
That's how lost you were getting with Eddie Munson and your legs in his lap.
The gang was once again standing in a kind of circle shaped form outside on the parking lot next to the bus. You had passed Chicago already a while ago and the blue sky hadn't exactly followed you to Wisconsin, but thankfully it wasn't raining either.
Without even thinking about it you had taken the position between Eddie and Steve.
Jonathan and Nancy were standing opposite of you, the former holding his beloved pentax in his hands, it dangling from his shoulder on a strap being the guy's default. Always ready to press the shutter, just so now.
Steve groaned a little, complaining about how his hair just wasn't looking good enough to be in a photo right now, but no one cared. As someone who loved taking photos – probably even more than the Byers boy – it was in fact one of your pet peeves whenever someone complained about having their photo taken. In your book, photos depicted memories. Why wouldn't you want to be in them?
"You gonna fill that film up today, Jon?", you asked with a grin, and the photographer just nodded.
"Alright, now that we caught Steve's mesmerizing beauty on film, anyone wanna go grab a bite?", Robin asked into the round while shifting her weight continuously from her toes to her heels and back, trying her best not to sound too desperate to get something between her teeth.
"Oh shit yeah, I'm dying", Steve replied after a quick yawn and stretch and the three freshmen boys agreed with heavy nods and exclamations of the words yes and finally.
Their boyish eagerness made Nancy chuckle just a little, and she continued by taking the hand of the older Byers boy and pulling him along with her, leading the way to the building for the rest of you.
Jonathan kept turning around every few meters to just take candids of everyone, trying to fill up the roll of film just so he could reload once you guys would arrive at the camp.
Everyone in the gang seemed to be willing to at least check out the offers from the shop, and like, get a slushie or something.
Eddie had squinted one of his eyes shut looking at you while holding his arm out for you to hold onto it, just so you both could follow the group.
"Oh, thank you good sir."
He was just a little taller than you, which made walking with your arm hooked into his quite comfortable.
You threw the knowing smile of his towards you right back at him.
And while you were following the rest of your friends, he leaned in to talk to you. Even more.
"Quite rude of Ms Kelley to interrupt our sacred listening session like that. I guess she just doesn't seem to value a good tune, huh?"
"We didn't even start the tape, Eddie."
"But we already had headphones on so we were about to, that still counts."
He poked a finger into your side while walking, trying to stop you from bringing another absolutely valid and logical argument to his silly remark, making you squeak and jump to the side a little instead, letting go of his arm.
You only could see Steve's head turn towards you, having heard your exclamation of surprise. More of his reaction was kept hidden from you though, since Eddie had decided to continue poking, so you were left with no choice but to run, giggling like a toddler.
"Eddieeee, stoooop", you yelled in a higher pitch than your normal voice, trying and failing miserably at the attempt to hide between Robin, Will and Lucas.
You could hear your friends laugh, the sight must have been hilarious.
There was no escaping Eddie the freak Munson.
You had almost reached the motion sensor of the front door when he grabbed you by the waist, pulled your back flush against his front and apparently felt no hesitation encasing you in his arms entirely. He let out a short, low hum at the feeling and it sent a shiver straight through you.
You were slowly getting warm at the frequency you were having physical contact with him, but having so much of his body touching yours in this way did not leave you unaffected in the slightest.
His embrace made your heartbeat speed up, but it also transported this really comforting, almost soothing wave of feeling protected.
And it had you yearning for him. And it was essentially confusing you.
"Say that I'm right", you heard his deep voice mumble, the side of his head pressed lightly against yours.
You could feel the warmth radiating from his body. The way he smelled. The way he held you tight.
Yeah, bye.
You wanted your voice to sound equally low to his, but it didn't come out quite as such.
"Ms Kelley disrespects the law."
He couldn't be serious.
"Eddieeeeee!", you laughed at his silliness and the great amount of dramatics he put into his persistence with referring to his law of seat partners rule joke thing.
The long haired boy let go of you since the others had caught up. You just saw him grin at you, before Steve swung an arm around his shoulders, pulling his best friend through the sliding doors, while you felt Max grab your hand.
The road house your teachers had decided to stop at consisted of a restaurant, bathrooms of course and a small convenience store, the latter being the destination of Max and you, while the others ventured out into the restaurant, trying to find something warm and edible to stuff themselves with before they would join the both of you.
"Are you having a good time? With him, I mean", Max dropped at you, slowly strolling through the aisles of products that ranged from sweets over car supplies to toothpaste.
The widest grin was plastered over her face as she eyed you curiously.
The question surprised you a little. And maybe you hadn't really been aware of your surroundings for the last few hours, for obvious reasons.
"Hm? Oh yeah, he's being so sweet", you replied to your friend, "not sure what's gotten into him today though, he's never been like this."
Max gave you a questioning look, clearly asking you to elaborate.
"I don't know, I mean he's always throwing arms around me and stuff, but this, I don't know, this feels different", you continued, not being able to meet her eye, "I mean, he's always nice to me when we're around each other, but he seems so much m–"
"He likes you."
Max interrupted your sentence.
"It's so fucking obvious. Have you seen the way he looks at you?"
I mean, yeah sure you had taken notice of the way he had been gazing at you with his baby cow eyes all day today. Actually, ever since he met you all those months ago, now that you're thinking about it. But why would you read anything into that?
You felt warmth spreading over your cheeks.
Did Eddie Munson really like you? Like that?
"He's just being nice, Max."
Only now you shot her a look, trying to tell her what you were too self-conscious, even anxious about to say out loud.
Guys never really seemed to see you as someone they could like. You were so used to the vast majority of them treating you as one of their bros, if they even treated you like anything at all, so when there was someone showing interest in you in other ways, it freaked the living hell out of you. To the point of denying yourself something potentially nice. Or more like, someone nice.
"Just nice? He is never that nice to me! I think you're just way too much in your head about this. You know you like him. And he likes you back, it's crystal clear to me, in fact, to all of us."
Wait. All of them? Had he talked to anyone about you?
Now you were the one giving her the questioning look, and before you could say anything, Robin popped up next to the both of you with a pair of wide eyes along with raised eyebrows.
"Okay, what are we buying, hm? I need more cookies, Steve and Jonathan ate all of them already", she informed you, walking off to find her restock of baked sweets, just as quickly as she had appeared.
You giggled lightly at the similarity of her and your snack situation.
Max only gave you a grin and a wink through her sky blue eyes before following Robin to the cookie section. The boys and Nancy returned from their feast not long after and you had tried your best to bring your focus to the task at hand: finding something snackable that wasn't too much of an overload, but also essential for the remaining time on the road.
Steve grabbed and pulled you away from the others on the way outside, back to the bus. The thirty minutes were almost over and no one wanted to risk being left in the middle of nowhere aka Bumfuck, Wisconsin, nor having a search party consisting of Ms Kelley and Mr Clarke out roaming the area.
"Hey there", Steve looked at you while walking by your side and throwing an arm around you.
He truly was your best friend and so you just happened to know everything about each other's lives. He had always been your rock throughout high school and mainly responsible for having you be part of the gang. He knew about your issues and always tried to give you advice.
You let your arm sneak around Steve's back, around the height of his waist.
"Everything alright with you, honey?"
You glanced up at him just nodding and he shot you a knowing look, before turning his head around to wink at someone.
The grin on his face widened before turning his attention back to you.
"Uh yeah, I'm having a good time, thanks for checking on me", you replied to him while holding onto the box of chocolates you had ended up buying.
"Munson treating you right I hope, yeah?", Steve inquired further.
You could feel your heart jump a little at the mention of Eddie's name. What you also could feel was the eyes of the long wavy haired boy on your back. He had run after Dustin who had pinched his ass on the way out and you just assumed they were a bit further behind you and Steve.
"A bit more than usual, yeah. I don't really understand why, though. Max said he likes me? But–"
A little frown now covered Steve's lightly freckled face.
You stopped. He stopped. And kept his arm around you. And then you sighed, when his big brown eyes found yours and the way he looked at you changed into a worried brow furrow.
"I think I'm terrified, Steve. I don't know how to behave around him seriously and I don't know how to handle all the affection. That's all so new and I don't want to disappoint him because he deserves someone who's able to give him everything he wants and he's already making himself vulnerable by letting someone in close like that and what if he's gonna realise that I'm just really weird for not being used to–"
"Hey, hey sweetheart, slow down", Steve put a stop to your little ramble, a soft tone to his voice, "you're overthinking. You like him, isn't that right?"
You just looked up at him, almost a bit teary eyed since you were realising a lot of things at the moment, and dealing with your own insecurities and issues was just not easy. Especially in a situation where you couldn't retreat or flee.
And then you nodded.
Steves frown shifted into a grin.
"Then there's absolutely nothing to worry about. Eddie right there is probably genuinely surprised that you're not shying or running away from him, like everyone else. Just look."
Steve pointed in Eddie's direction which made you turn your head. Next thing you saw was the metalhead chasing after Dustin again, both of them running through the group trying not to bump into anyone, all the way over the expanse of the parking lot like two headless chickens, his dark mane flowing in the wind which carried the laughter and giggles of the whole group over to you.
The sight made you laugh a little.
"I mean, not that he really ever tried to get close to someone, like, he doesn't have to try for people to be sort of intimidated and even scared off by him, but that's besides the point. Anyway, I just know for a fact that you could never disappoint him. I'm very sure he's gonna be fine adapting himself to your pace", Steve explained and then paused to take a deep breath.
"It's up to you of course, but I'd just hate to see you get in your own way just because you're too much in your own pretty, little head."
You had snapped your head around again, and Steve lovingly ruffled your hair a little, the way he always did when he tried to tell you that he'd always be there for you and the situation you'd found yourself in would turn out just fine.
You would be just fine.
Deep down you knew Steve was right.
"Yeah, yeah I know. You know how I can get sometimes", you replied to him, reciprocating the same look Steve was now giving you. The depth in his brown eyes was radiating warmth and it helped you calm down your racing thoughts. Steve had known Eddie for a bit longer and was closer with him in general, which was one of your reasons to believe the words of your best friend. In this moment at least.
It was time for the tape.
You took off your shoes again and pulled your legs up to rest your feet on the barrier, this time right in front of you, facing more towards the window.
The boy next to you was still trying to catch his breath from shaking off some energy, pulling a squished paper bag with greasy spots out of the back pocket of his jeans and placing it on his lap, before he lost the vest and leather jacket. He then proceeded to sit down, take both of your headphones and held yours out to you.
"Alright, unlike Ms Kelley, let's obey the law again, huh?"
He let out a deep chuckle when you nodded with a smile.
"Oh hey, and I got you some extra fries, just in case you get hungry."
He handed the small paper bag to you.
Did he just carry fries in his ass pocket?
The thought made you snort.
Oh Munson.
"Did you pay for them?"
"Yeah of course I did. Is that all you think of me, sweetheart?"
There they were again. His dark brown doe eyes blinking at you all sweet, the purest form of Eddie he was willing to show you in this moment.
He was clearly letting you in. Showing himself to you. Letting you read his eyes, hoping you would take the hint which he secretly was yet too insecure to speak out.
He was the town's freak after all and getting his hopes up had never really turned out too positive for him. It had painfully taught him to better keep everyone at a distance.
It took every little ounce of willpower that you could find in yourself to not melt into a puddle, right there in that seat.
And if that wasn't enough already – him being thoughtful enough to think of you while devouring his own lunch – he pressed play on your walkman, before you could give him any sort of response to the fries situation.
The fact that the opening chords of Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tears for Fears now filled your ears, your absolute favourite song, was sending you into another dimension.
How did he know your favourite fucking song? Did he ask Steve? He must have asked Steve.
He had asked Steve specifically about your music taste.
So many thoughts were flooding your brain at the same time, you were having trouble catching up.
The boy next to you just grinned at your visibly delighted reaction. And then he leaned in a little and you felt the heat once again rise to your cheeks.
"Is that good, that's a real good song, yeah?", you heard him ask, a very light sultry tone to his voice, after you quickly pushed one of your headphones behind your ear.
"Yes Eddie, immaculate choice right there", you praised him in a similar tone, before giving him a genuine giggle, unable to hide the way he was undeniably making you all flustered and earning another warm chuckle from him in return.
The way his cheeks turned into a beautiful shade of rose almost made your heart combust in your ribcage. At this point he was practically beaming with pride, reveling in the fact that he had elicited praise out of you. And it was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen.
You lightly nudged your shoulder into his, which made him lift his arm, a gesture for you to lean into his figure.
"Come here, you."
That head of yours landed on his shoulder and you let him drape his arm over your torso like a seatbelt. A (still very) warm hand was placed between your waist and hip and you were pretty convinced it was going to burn a big hole right through the fabric of your shirt.
He just had to touch you, right?
His boldness however gave you enough of a confidence boost to return the gesture. At this point you needed to tell him, too. Make him feel the burn on his own skin. So you just hugged his arm, pulling it close and nuzzling the side of your face into the soft fabric of his hellfire shirt covering the skin between bicep and shoulder.
With every song you went on listening to, it became more clear than ever that Eddie Munson must really have gone all the way to Steve Harrington's house to ask him for a list of your favourite songs. Which he could then put on a mixtape. For you.
That's what you do for friends, right?
Yeah, right.
For a few songs you both just sat there in utter peace as you watched the landscape outside the window pass by. The wide plains of Wisconsin, fields of crops, forests, small gatherings of houses, farms, barns and horses and cows and sheep. The sky was slowly losing its light grey cover, which had you anticipating an actually nice sunset later.
He had leaned his head against yours, which made his warm breath trickle down the side of your neck down to your collarbone. And you had felt the goosebumps spread all over your arms underneath your longsleeve.
You were feeding off of the warmth radiating from Eddie's body once again, and the ringed hand on your waist had started rubbing up and down softly and slowly.
When Eddie felt you leaning more of your weight into his side, you could hear him let out a satisfied little sigh.
Every second of this part of your little road trip, whenever he tried to search for some form of physical closeness, felt like a fever dream.
And you didn't want to wake up just yet. How about never?
Golden hour announced itself by coating the trees of the forest, the earthy paths for walking, the accumulation of dark wooden cabins and the water on the vast lake in gradients of yellow and orange.
Said lake would look more like the sea to you, it made little waves that were lightly crashing onto the shore of a small beach of a bay around which the camp was located, and it was so vast in fact that you were unable to see the opposing shore on the horizon.
You had just woken up from another nap which you had slipped into after one, two, you actually don't know how many hours of watching the endless fields and forests pass by through half-closed eyelids. Listening to The Romantics, New Order, Fleetwood Mac, The Cure, Genesis and of course Metallica, on Eddie's account.
Still surrounded by the warmth of his body, still tucked in between torso and arm. His hand however had sneakily breached an invisible barrier, now resting comfortably beneath the hem of your shirt on the skin of your waist. You didn't dare to check, but the hole in your shirt was certainly there now, burned through.
Even Ms Kelley's announcement of your arrival didn't bother any of you to move or shift positions. Or god forbid, separate your bodies.
You only slightly turned your head to watch Mr Clarke leave the bus in the corner of your eye, probably to head into the administration office of the camp with the intention to make your arrival known to the staff and to pick up keys for about 40 students.
From what they had told you pre-trip, you were gonna be sharing a cabin with Nancy, Robin and Max, since the plan foresaw keeping the middle schoolers separate from the older kids. And of course there couldn't be any cabins accommodating groups of mixed genders.
Which is precisely why Eddie was going to share his cabin with Jonathan, Steve and Dustin, while Lucas and Will had the honours to be joined in theirs by Gareth and Jeff.
Before letting you go to take the headphones off and gather all your things, Eddie's grip on your waist tightened a bit as he pulled you minimally closer for just two seconds, the vibration of his chest against your back telling you that he was humming softly.
You already missed him, and you hadn't even left the bus yet.
The structure of the camp was simple. There were ten cabins, each of them intended to accommodate up to four people comfortably. A row of them was spread out along the shore of the lake directly by the water. Another row spread out further towards the forest. Both separated by the same earthy pathway stretching and winding itself through the entire place, connecting the cabins to the rest of the camp. There were little houses with sanitary facilities not too far from the cabins, a little square with lots of seating opportunities intended for bonfires, barbecue and other gatherings, the office house, the beach further down the path past the cabins, and a pergola kinda situation with benches for mealtime and a corner with outdoor couches and further more cozy seating.
The cabin you were designated to spend your next 6 nights in was one of those directly by the water. Excitement spread through you at the thought of falling asleep to the peaceful sound of the lake water lightly hitting the shore at night and cicadas singing their songs after sunset. Frogs croaking and birds chirping away. The ambient background noise of a forest by the lake.
You had always been a dreamer.
"Top one's mine!", Robin exclaimed as she was the first one of you to enter, throwing her bag onto one of the top beds that were part of two bunks standing opposite of each other in each corner, a window with light beige and pastel floral curtains separating them.
You were loving the rustic atmosphere. The log aesthetic gave off the biggest summer cottage vibes, so taking in the interior of your small home for the next few days made you smile.
There were two closets with multiple drawers, enough space for accommodating clothing of four people.
The bag hanging from your shoulder landed on the bed below Robin's, while the other two silently agreed on Max above, Nancy on the same level as you.
The beds themselves were about the standard bunk bed size, nothing too fancy, but of course all wooden, fresh bedsheets folded into a neat pile along with a towel decorating the mattress.
While you were getting to making your bed (you knew that you'd thank yourself later), your mind started wondering if you could fit maybe even two people in there. For science, of course.
All of you had agreed to meet at the fireplace once everyone had dropped off their stuff, and when you and the girls arrived there, six pairs of eyes were already awaiting you.
The boys had probably just messily thrown their belongings onto their respective beds, not giving a flying fuck about pulling the covers over the duvets or maybe even taking power naps after the journey.
So yeah, night number one ended with all of you sitting by the fire that Mr Clarke and some guy from the staff team had set up. Conversations about everyone's most anticipated activities that were planned and scheduled for this week were held, your friends' former earth and science teacher telling stories about his first time field tripping back in the day.
Once again you were sat between Steve and Eddie, the metalhead's leather jacket around your shoulders, because he had insisted you'd take it. A sly grin on his face directed at you at the gesture, before turning his attention to the mutual best friend on your other side.
The younger kids had been tucked in by Ms Kelley already, since their curfew had been set to 9pm. Yours was at eleven.
You admired the multiple strings of fairy lights that had been hung into the lower maze of branches long ago, illuminating the earthy pathways throughout the whole camp to keep the kids from stumbling off into some bush or having to pull out flashlights.
At least until midnight, cause that's when the lights were going to be turned off.
Your first full day at camp. The teachers had taken the whole group to a hike through the forest and up the hill at the end of the bay, overviewing the stunning scenery and you had taken a few moments away from everyone to take in the enormousness of the vision opening up in front of you.
Closing your eyes, you tried to wrap your head around the moment, taking a few deep breaths, feeling the freshness of the air surrounding you.
Slow down.
The sun made the deep blue of the sky reflect on the lake, a shimmer on the surface in the distance, sparse trees and bushes covering the top of the hill you were standing on, a bit separately from most kids.
The light brush of a hand against yours caused you to shoot open your eyes, jumping lightly at the sudden delicate yet profound touch.
"Uh, sorry I didn't mean to sneak up on you. I can also leave again if you want another moment to yourself?", you heard him say, an apologetic tone to his voice.
The rough facade now showed cracks.
Traces of softness, a great amount of empathy and hints of sensitivity were shining through them. He had always been a little more gentle with you than with everyone else in the group, but this telltale sign of trust he was instilling in you over the last hours? That was new.
So new. And so new to you.
Your head turned towards him, eyes squinting a bit because yeah, it was quite bright up there with almost no trees to throw shade, and of course clumsy you had forgotten your sunglasses on the little nightstand next to your bed.
"Eddie no, it's okay" was the only thing you managed to get out, brushing the back of his hand with the back of your index finger, in silent search for more contact, trying to support the words that had just come out of you.
It was just Eddie. You tried to remember Steve's words from lunch break yesterday. He's gonna be okay with adapting.
He turned his back on the sun, more towards you, and the light formed a halo around his head.
Given his reputation back in Hawkins, it looked hilariously absurd.
"Did you have a good first night?", you asked him then, in such a tone indicating your expectation of a sincere answer, while his shadow was covering half your face so you wouldn't have to stare into the late afternoon sun.
"More or less. You know how Steve snores", Eddie said before continuing his dramatic act, "plus, it was really lonely. I think there should be an additional paragraph in the law about an extension from bus seats to beds, you know? I think that would make a real difference and save me from eternal doom and misery."
He returned your previous gesture with his own index finger, his eyes finding yours, giving you a sheepish grin as your cheeks started imitating the colour of very ripe tomatoes.
Your entire body bloomed with electricity from just one light touch. If you didn't know any better, you'd say it was ridiculous.
Yes, there had already been touches that were way more direct than this, but there was something in the way and in the lightness of his touch now, that had your head spinning.
The lightness basically fuelled whatever this thing between the two of you was.
Ms Kelley's voice announcing the beginning of your descend ripped the both of you out of whatever moment you were having right there, and it sucked.
You could have stood there with him for the rest of eternity, if it meant being looked at by his warm, reassuring eyes, making you feel as if you were the center of the universe. It felt like his gaze was reaching the deepest corner of your soul.
And your brain started going 200 kilometers an hour, thinking about the allusion Eddie had just made. He was starting to consume your every thought at this point.
As a collective you managed to return to the deep green veils of the forest around an hour before sunset.
Slowly the day was coming to an end and since it had been a rather warm experience for everyone, the teachers had kindly granted you an evening dip in the lake.
High schoolers only though. Thank fuck.
Honestly, you probably would have gone for it anyway.
The beach included a small wooden pier leading into deeper water, which the boys delightedly acknowledged before using it to gracefully yeet themselves into the cold wet.
They also didn't deem it necessary to strip themselves of their clothes beforehand.
Too much enthusiasm and even more longing for relief from the day's heat and physical efforts. Who knew Michigan could be this warm already in May?
The girls and you had preferred to change into actual swimwear before joining the boys on the beach. A wise decision.
Because now you found yourself standing on the pier together with Nancy and Max, watching Robin follow Steve and dive in head first.
You were silently hoping the water was deep enough for her to not hit her head.
Next thing you saw approaching you on that pier was Eddie, dripping wet everything and soaked to the bone, some worn out jean shorts and dark blue Metallica shirt as well as his dark curls sticking to his skin like glue.
He left a trail of wet footsteps and sprinkles and splashes of water on the dry wood, grinning at you almost eerily and you threw him a similar glance back, because you knew he just wasn't anticipating your abilities to foresee the future when you jumped out of the way the second he started running towards you, trying to pull you into the water with him.
He landed face first, while everyone who had just witnessed that scene bursted into laughter, including you.
"You wish, Munson", you shouted at him and his poorly executed attempt once he had resurfaced, his appearance now reminding you of a wet poodle with his wet dark curls that were sticking to his reddened face, a piece of some green sweetwater plant decorating the top of his head.
You weren't ready to hit the water just yet, which is why Nancy and you decided to just plop down on the pier for a moment with crossed legs, while Max joined Robin and the boys.
Observing the scene happening in front of you, there were Dustin, Lucas and Jonathan, all of them fusioning their powers to swim after a screeching Will who was trying his best to escape being cruelly dunked by his brother and friends, Robin trying to stand on Steve's probably slippery shoulders while Eddie and Max were aiming for the same acrobatic performance.
Nancy next to you let out a chuckle at the sight before turning her head in your direction, "today was so nice, don't you think?"
With a nod you replied to her and leaned back on your arms behind you.
"Yeah it was beautiful! You just don't get those views in Hawkins."
"Yeah, absolutely not. The closest thing you're getting there is Lover's lake with a bunch of drunks fishing in their tiny boats, and that's about it", she paused, "are you in with us for the flower crowns tomorrow?"
Midsummer was still a few weeks away, but that didn't stop you from plucking and braiding.
You and the girls had been having this fantasy of spending this excessive amount of time in nature with flower crowns on your heads, inspired by Scandinavian summer solstice traditions. For weeks you all had been painting this picture in your conversations, anticipation bubbling up every time the topic came up. The picture of the four of you with the flowers of summer in your hair, in the deep green shades and distinct scent of the forest surrounding your every breath these days, had rented a big part of your mind, long before you had stepped on the bus, bringing you here.
"Hm? Oh yeah, definitely."
Losing yourself a little in the thought again, you hadn't yet taken notice of how two figures from the group of people in the water in front of you were missing.
You would learn soon, though.
Because before you knew it, a pair of strong, wet hands hooked themselves in the space of your armpits, lifting you up to stand, while another set of arms wasn't too shy to grab both your legs off the ground, wrapping themselves around your knees.
"Let's get you nice and wet, shall we?", you heard Steve's voice come out behind you in an absurdly husky tone, while–
"Time for your bath, princess!"
You were so taken by surprise, you couldn't even get anything in form of a verbal protest out.
The only thing you saw before your vision went black due to your reflexes was Eddie's mischievous grin between strands of his dark and wet curly mane, Steve's pearly whites being flashed at you equally prominent. Their laughter got muffled by the water invading your ear canals, and the sudden shock of the cold liquid surrounding every inch of your sun warmed skin was forcing a gasp out of your lungs.
When you returned to the surface, both of the boys held onto their bellies, high-fiving one another and still laughing on that pier like two fucking dipshits at you as well as at Nancy who apparently got to suffer the same fate as you, being dropped into the ocean mere seconds later.
With the back of your fingers you wiped the water out of your eyes along with strands of your hair that were clinging onto your cheeks for dear life, while you gathered back clear vision.
Unknowing to the two boys, Jonathan, Lucas and Dustin were currently in the process of sneaking up behind them. With big splashes both Eddie and Steve were forced to ungracefully breach the waves next to you, letting out equally surprised gasps for air before they had to instinctively hold their breaths.
You burst out into another laughing fit when the metalhead slowly appeared next to you just as soaked as half an hour ago, his hair now covering his entire face.
You took one stroke towards him while Jonathan and Dustin landed in the water not too far from you, shortly after being followed by Lucas and Max cannonballing their way in to join everyone.
The laughter and giggles filled the warm air, and you took both your hands to wipe Eddie's mane out of his face, just to reveal his brown chocolate orbs and a dorky smile, gazing at you from underneath.
The ground of the lake where you were finding yourself was close enough for you both to stand on, which made not sinking a lot easier.
"Thanks, sweetheart" was the only thing he brought out before putting a hand on your waist, pulling you closer before wrapping both his arms around your middle, while you responded by wrapping yours around his shoulders.
You thought he was going to bury his face in the crook of your neck with how close he was leaning in just now, connecting his lips to your skin, but all he really did was briefly running his nose over the side of your neck in an upwards motion. Giving you a little nudge while letting out another one of his hums.
It was almost like he wanted to do more than that, it was almost like you could feel him holding himself back. It was almost like you wanted him not to.
His warm breath hit the wet skin on your collarbone and it sent a slight shiver right through your system at the sheer thought of what exactly he was holding back.
And just when you felt him let go of you a bit more, you saw your chance at taking at least a little bit of revenge on him. For conspiring against you with Steve Harrington.
You placed your hands on his shoulders, found purchase on the ground, and your own weight forced him to go head below surface once again.
"Oh darling, that was an unwise decision", was all you heard before he returned the favour, his entire weight on yours as he drowned you beneath him, just before bringing one of his unnecessarily muscular arms around you to pull you back up again swiftly.
Soon after a few more dunks that you practised on Steve and Dustin, your swimming session came to an end when the sun had disappeared behind the trees and the sunset-ish colours of the horizon had faded into several shades of purple and blue.
After fresh showers that helped with rinsing off the lake water and smuck and sweat of the day, the older boys had decided to drop you off at the flower cabin, a nickname for your particular accommodation facility Lucas had come up with during the first bonfire.
To say goodnight or something.
Eddie held you in his grasp, pressed you into his chest for a second, letting you know that you meant something to him, shooting you one last glance, a hint of wistfulness in it, before disappearing surprisingly quickly into the dusk of the forest, towards the cabin he shared with the others.
You hugged Steve and Jonathan goodnight as well, the latter wearing a smirk on his face and you instantly wondered about the reason.
When you looked at your own pillow, you stopped wondering. A polaroid photo had been placed there for decoration, and you let yourself plop down on the mattress to inspect it more closely.
Jonathan had only recently started shooting polaroid in the first place, and the sun had delivered enough light for him to avoid using flash for this one, which had the colours of everything come out more natural.
The photo showed Eddie in his bus seat. You in yours, resting with his arm wrapped around you, his head on yours, both with your headphones on, both passed out. Steve, Dustin, Will and Robin behind you with widened eyes, tongues out and peace signs up.
Unable to hide the smile that spread on your face, you placed the photo on the little nightstand accompanying the bed.
Everyone knew. You knew. Eddie probably knew. But who would say it first?
taglist: @josephfakingquinn, @ghost-proofbaby, @spellbounddd, @imjuststeddietrashatthispoint, @mystars123, @gothmingguk, @kennafild, @chloe-6123, @michaelfuckinglangdon and @bakugouswh0r3
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candy8448 · 4 months
Photo (for the one word prompt)
Used a fic idea i had since i basically joined this fandom but never wrote so i got carried away and wrote 1580 words 0.0
This fic idea came to me when playing totk for the first time when it first came out, i took a photo of the old champions photo and put it in the gallery of my new house
Get ready for some fluff! (From me? I know, shocking!)
Send me a one word writing prompt
"And this room, i actually made with you guys in mind... i didn't have space for full beds but those mattresses are a lot comfier than a sleeping roll. Sometimes i even prefered sleeping in here than in my own bedroom," imagining that i was still with you lot, he left out. Wild turned back to the chain as he finished showing them around his new home. Twilight glanced around, noting something,
"Where is the champions photo? I thought of all things you would want to bring, it would be that?"
Wild tried to hide his upset expression, "well, Zelda kept it... and she is the one with all the real memories of them... so its okay"
He tried not to think about losing the champions photo, but he couldnt help but think it was like loosing them all over again. Still, nothing would come from burdening the chain with his emotions.
The next day, while Wild was out running errands, Legend burst into their shared room on the top floor, canvas and paints in his arms, dumping them on the table in the center of the room,
"We're painting him a new one."
"You saw how sad he looked when he didn't have the champion's photo; we are repainting him a new one"
Warriors grinned at the vet, "wow, didn't know you were soft, collector."
That earned a glare, "You never know when you could lose someone, sometimes you need something to keep their memory alive, like a song, or a picture."
A few of them nodded in agreement.
"Right, who's doing what?" Time said as they all gathered around the table.
Wind's hand shot up first, "ooh, OOH! I can draw! Let me draw it!"
Legend looked at him, "okay, you do the sketch and i do the painting, BUT im gonna check over the sketch before we're done" ever the perfectionist.
Sky nudged Four, "bet we can make a pretty good frame eh?" Four grinned back and nodded, running off to find somewhere he could start.
Roles were assigned to each member: Four and Sky would work on a frame, Wind would sketch and Legend would paint, Warriors would find Flora and ask to borrow the original photo as reference, Time would also go with him to learn more about the champions, and finally, Hyrule and Twilight, having no artistic skill and being the closest to their cook would distract Wild until the painting was finished. It was a good plan, and they began too work.
Legend and Wind sat in the top room all day, Wind was getting frustrated at how the sketch was just not looking right, Legend came to pull the pencil away,
"No you do it like this!" He said, rubbing out a piece of the drawing and sketching it on himself. Wind's eyes widened in understanding, and he grabbed the pencil again, fixing up other similar mistakes. Legend noted that the rito happened to look the best and he had to wonder if that was because it was the only race outside of hylians he had a lot of experience with. Wind noticed the same thing. He almost felt the spirit of the rito looking smug as he pridefully gloated on the others, and Wind giggled.
"It's really nice you're doing this for him, i wasn't aware that he would feel upset that i kept the photo. I thought he would come and tell me if something was upsetting him," Flora said as they sat around the table in her own house in Hateno village. Warriors and Time had told Wild that they wanted to speak to her and Wild, being unsuspecting at the two 'leaders' of the group wanting to gather information, called Zelda over with the Purah Pad. She had teleported to them with the old Sheika Slate and Warriors couldn't help but gape at the glowing blue antlers and her purple and blue eyes. Zelda then proceded to take them to her house once they told her they wanted to speak to her in private, much to the displeasure of Wild, who wanted her nearby to make sure she was safe, not that anyone could blame him.
Time smiled at her, "well, hiding one's emotions do seem to come with the hero's spirit"
She nodded uncertainly.
Wars drew the girl's attention, "Can you tell us about the champions? Our friends Sky and Four would like to make a frame and were hoping to make it something special."
Wild excitedly showed them around Tarrey town and was pulling Twilight and Hyrule along with him. When wild came running back to the house, Twilight first asked to have help with Epona, but because the house stable was already occupied, they had to go to the nearest stable. Hyrule also tagged along, hoping to use up time exploring once Wild's attention would eventually shift from horses to something else. Twilight was currently just following behind them, trying to catch up to the duo and making sure they didn't get hurt.
Wild had decided that it was a good idea to dive off the side of the town and into the water to reach the construction grounds. Twilight tried to stop him but the champion, as slippery as he is, got past him, already with his shirt off and shouting as he went down, followed by a massive splash that almost reached up to them. Twilight sighed and turned around, only to see Hyrule missing from his side. The traveler's laughter joined Wild's own as he knelt on the moving tracks platform and waved at him, Wild waving back as he swam to shore. Twilight sighed harder but smiled, at least his brother seemed in a better mood.
Sky hummed to the rythm of Four's hammer hitting metal. The skyloftian had decided to join the smithy in the forge to spend time with him. The carving in his hands would theoretically slot into what four was making, the metal to hold the canvas in place and the wood for the details. Sky used what Warriors and the old man had relayed to them from Flora to create intricate markings which he hoped represented the champions. Four hammered away, joining his humming with his own layer to the tune until he stopped hammering and looked at his work, "how does that look?" He asked, sky stood up, halfing his unfinished piece nearby and comparing the two, looking at the but where the two would slide in together, "it looks great!"
Hyrule excitedly dragged Wild to the top room by his arms. When the champion saw everyone in the room he looked confused, waiting for an answer. "We made something for you" Wind said, ushering him to the table.
Wild walked up to the table to see a canvas resting on it, one with a very familiar image. His breath hitched in his throat as he silently.
It was almost identical to the original image, the champions photo, but newer. Everone in the image looked perfect, careful strokes of paint marking out their individual features. Wild sniffled as he inspected the frame. Wood and metal worked into eachother. The metal sides of the frame had the words "champions ballad" indented in his hylian. The wooden sides had carvings, depicting the four regions the champions came from, it also had things which he knew the champions loved from his scattered memories. There were indentations of more things, and Wild wondered where they got this information from. The frame was detailed, he could also see where the wood and metal intertwined with one another. There were no carvings of the divine beasts, Wild noticed suddenly, no marks of duty; just six friends, together and happy.
Wild worlessly looked up at his traveling companions, and only now noticed the river of tears running down his face.
Twilight stepped forwards, offering Wild a tissue, "legend was the one who suggested we do this because we saw how sad you were about not having the original. He and Wind sketched and painted it. Wars and Time got the original image from Flora and learned about the champions for the details on the frame, which Sky and Four both made. Hyrule and I were distracting you so it could be a surprise"
Wild sniffed, happy tears overflowing him, "th-thank you guys, it really means a lot" his voice cracked, "i-um... can we take a new one? With all of us? If you dont mind" he stuttered.
Flora held the Purah Pad, looking through the lens. She called out, telling everyone to move around and making sure they were in shot, "Time, move down, yeah like Warriors, you might not be that tall but you are still out of shot" laugheter errupted out of the others, the old man deadpanned before his face returned to his smile. Flora decided to take advantage of everyone's laughing faces, "Ready?" She giggled, borrowing Purah's iconic phrase "Click-" Twilight grinned mischieviously, "-snap!" And pulled everyone in suddenly with his strong arms.
The image was put up next to the champions painting on the top floor where they all slept. Wild took a step back, smiling softly. Everyone had a mixture of shocked and laughing faces, Wild himself, in the middle with a beaming smile and a tear running down his cheek...
Ao3 (oneshot collection)
Ao3 (the fic on its own)
I have notes and headcanons featured in this fic in the end notes of both of the Ao3 versions
Hope you enjoyed! :)
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andiwriteordie · 1 year
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byler accidental kiss fic coming at you today!
better late than never right? we’ll go with that.
the party in college
will being a stubborn dummy when he’s sick
mike’s disastrous panic over his feelings for will 
lucas being a bi king 
byler speed-running from “just friends” to “basically married” 
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amee-racle-ofmyown · 6 months
your hands have always held their own
Heist!Mark x reader | Words: 1,063 | read on AO3
Heist!Mark finally asks his partner in crime out on that date.
It was early evening and you and your heist partner sat nearly shoulder to shoulder in your shared living room. The sun hung low, just barely brushing its rays against the clouds, tinging their edges amber and yellow.
Recently, there had been a lot more of these calm afternoons where you would sit together, discussing everything and nothing, perhaps watching TV or whatever videos took both your fancy; sometimes you simply watched the sky until you felt sleepy. Occasionally one of his hands might come up to play idly with your hair (a more affectionate gesture than either of you had ever previously initiated, but you didn't really mind, and neither of you mentioned it).
'This next heist…’ he started, ‘it's supposed to set us up, pretty much for life. And it got me thinking—'
'That's dangerous,' you interrupted.
'Yeah, maybe for you,' he quipped back, eyebrows raised mockingly, but there was no malice in his voice.
'Anyway,' he continued, voice softening. 'I was thinking about the future and stuff. Like, what do we do after this? And as nice as it would be to be able to relax and just enjoy the rest of our lives without worrying about the next spot to rob, I think I would kind of miss doing these jobs with you.'
That got your full attention. He wasn't quite meeting your eyes — instead, a loose strand on his clothes was apparently very interesting — but something about his words and the gentle sincerity with which he'd spoken them took you a little off-guard.
‘...I hadn't really thought much about it. About what happens after.’ And it was true, you hadn't; nothing past the first few wild, exciting dreams that sprung to mind when reading the amount of money the pair of you were being offered for this particular artefact. No real, solid plans.
‘I think I'd miss it too,’ you continued quietly. ‘But I mean, who's to say we can't do a couple more every once in a while, just for the fun of it, y'know? We don't even have to go after anything that valuable. More like just… for old times’ sake.’ You caught his gaze and he smiled, a little fond and a little hopeful, dark eyes twinkling.
‘Yeah, cool… So, uhm,’ he averted his gaze again and you couldn't help but find his uncharacteristic hesitance and bashfulness adorable, wondering what was on his mind that was making him act this awkward.
‘So I was wondering, once this heist is over, if you'd maybe wanna go out sometime?’
‘Sure, is that it?’ you question, oblivious. (Or maybe not wanting to get ahead of yourself. Surely there's no way he meant it like that.)
Your crime partner’s head perked up, eyes wide and looking directly into yours, as if searching for something.
‘Umm, yeah?’ you say, incredulous. ‘What's got you so nervous? And… surprised? We go out together all the time.’
‘No, buddy, you don't get it…’ he said, sat looking a little like a kicked puppy. The look of disappointment that crossed his face broke your heart and instantly made you regret your words.
His hands returned to fidgeting and oh, you wanted to take those hands in yours and ease the nerves from his palms, thread his fingers through your own, press your lips to his knuckles.
Mark sighed. One of his hands came to rest on his knee while the other carded through his hair. You found yourself wanting to do the same.
‘Listen…’ he began again, eyes downcast while his hand came to rest in his lap. ‘We've been friends for what feels like ages now, working together for even longer. I know we butt heads at times, I can be an idiot and you can get on my nerves but-’ Finally his eyes met yours, and the affection in them made your breath catch in your throat.
The sun was setting by now, casting a gorgeous orange glow through the room and over his features. It made his eyes appear almost golden, and it suddenly occurred to you that no shiny trinket you could steal could ever possibly be worth more than the look those eyes were giving you in this moment. You internally cringed at the thought, but you couldn't deny it was true.
‘You're really important to me,’ he said earnestly. ‘I don't always agree with you but I always trust your judgement. I probably trust you more than anyone else, to be honest. You're my best friend, and maybe I'm wrong, but I think there could be something else here? And I wanna try being more? If that's okay with you.’
‘You mean-’
‘Yeah.’ He took your hand, said your name, foregoing any of his nicknames for you. ‘I love you — I always have, as a friend, but I think I have feelings for you. So, if you reciprocate even a little, let me take you out. On a real date. And if things don't work out,’ (you didn't miss the small flicker of something sad as he added that part) ‘well, we can still work together. And we'll still be friends, right?’ he asked hopefully.
You could feel your heart thrumming wildly, from his words, the intensity of his gaze and the warmth radiating from his hand to yours.
You took his other hand, the one still atop his knee, and replied softly: ‘I'd really love that, actually. To go on a date with you, I mean.’
The smile he gave you was genuine, unlike the typical cocky. It was wide and crinkled the skin beneath his eyes. You briefly wondered whether he could feel your racing pulse through your intertwined hands.
‘Then it's agreed. After the heist.’
‘After the heist,’ you promised.
Inevitably, you would run into problems and possibly danger in your next heist, as you usually did, but you trusted Mark, and you knew you could count on him when push came to shove. You knew that you would follow him anywhere, and the two of you had a better chance of conquering any obstacles you faced if you were together, as you always had.
The sun dipped beneath the clouds, the room was warm, and things felt comfortably the same and yet like this was a turning point for the pair of you.
You were sure this heist would be one to remember.
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bisexual-horror-fan · 4 months
"Theoretically Stupid." Freddy Krueger X Amber Cottrell.
Hey, if you are like me, you have seen everyone as of late posting about the orange peel theory. The idea is you ask your partner to peel an orange for you, a task you are more than capable of doing yourself, just to see if they will do it for you, simply because you asked, to show you that they love and care for you. My brain was like, oh, okay, Freddy and Amber time. It's been a while since I have written them, and even longer since I have done fluff of them. So here we go. Done in one sitting, lets' go!
Rating. SFW. Length. 1.5K. Freddy Kruger X Amber Cottrell. Warnings: Banter. Emotions. Brunch.
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It’s totally fucking stupid, and that is exactly why she eventually decides she wants to do it. Or that is what she tells herself, at least. She loves stupid things, loves partaking in them, why not, right? What does she have to lose?
She keeps seeing people talking about it, posting about it online, she doesn’t pay it much mind, the orange peel theory, like who cares? Amber Cottrell is capable of peeling her own damn oranges at the end of the day, but after a conversation with Mark about it over brunch, it makes her reconsider it. 
It’s a warm sunny day, winter is giving way to spring, they are seated on the upper balcony deck of the Pop-Over Pantry. Amber’s table setting has her heart shaped sunglasses folded neatly on one side, her phone face down on the other, she has her second mimosa in her manicured grip. She is waiting on her ridiculously decedent blueberry cheesecake stuffed brioche’ French toast and Mark on is waiting on his breakfast skillet, and they are talking. 
“So that’s why Amanda couldn’t join us today-” He finishes, and she sighs, “So now I am stuck with just you? Terrible, truly.”
He scoffs and rolls his eyes, “Yeah, you are so hard done by.” 
“I am, I totally am.” Amber nods with a small smile, she watches Mark take a sip of his coffee and once he does, he asks her the question that sets this all in motion, “So have you seen this orange peel theory thing everyone has been talking about?” 
“Not you too.” She groans and Mark laughs, asking, “What?”
“Just everyone and their mom is talking about it, my sister sent me a video of it the other day.” Comes the response from the redhead.
“What, Jules sent a video of her husband doing that for her?” Mark asked and Amber said, “No, she sent me a video of the priest at our old church working it into his Sunday sermon.” 
A look of recognition crosses Mark's face, a nod that shows that makes much more sense than his suggestion. Amber sets her glass down and sits up a little straighter, her voice drops into a deeper pitch, a serious expression as she does her best to impersonate him, “Have you ever considered all the ways that God peels an orange for you?”
Mark winces, “Fuck, that’s bad.” 
“Right?” Amber and him share a laugh. Plates of food are brought, and after the first bites are taken, she asks, “Why are you bringing it up?”
Mark looks across the table and says with a tilt of his head, “Just wondering if you’d ever do that to Freddy.”
“Give him a fucking relationship test?” Her question has no shortage of confused bewilderment in her tone, it’s met with a serious nod and a half smile, “Yeah, would you ever ask him that?”
“Why would I?” Amber’s eyes drop, she focuses on cutting another bite sized piece off her toast. 
“So you know where you stand and how much he cares about you?” Mark says it like it is obvious and Amber laughs, “I know where I stand, I know he cares about me.”
“I mean, knowing he cares about you as more than a fun set of holes to fuck.” He deadpans, and that makes Amber’s eyes glance up at him. 
She sets down her silverware and rests her elbows on the table, she leans forward on her hands under her chin, “Mark, darling, dearest, why do you think I want him to care about me more than a fun set of holes to fuck?” 
“Because you are so painfully, clearly in love with him.” Mark says with a grin that is too wide, and there is a beat. Tension. 
She breaks first, laughing, she picks up her knife and fork, her tone is fond as she says, “You are such a fucking asshole.” 
“C’mon I thought that was your type.” Mark teases and Amber’s stiletto meets his shin, a kick that is playful but a hair harder than it needs to be to drive the point home, he plays it up more than needed to add to the comedy and makes her bark out a laugh so loud it causes the people at the next table to look over at her.
Brunch was nice.
The conversation lingers on her mind. 
Hours and hours later, even when she is going to bed, it is still on her mind. She is slipping between crisp white sheets, head hitting the pillow, muttering over how stupid Mark is. 
She can’t believe she is really going to do this. 
He isn’t in the playroom when she pulls herself there. He will probably be along shortly. She walks over to the kitchen's island bar, she looks at the space she wants it to show up, with a sigh she concentrates, snaps her fingers and the bowl of fruit appears. She reaches into the bowl and plucks up the single orange. Amber sits herself on one of the barstools, passing the orange between her hands before setting it down. Her fingers rest on it, rolling it in slow circles, she leans on her other hand, she is contemplating zapping the fruit out of existence, but she hears him. 
“Heya shortstack.” 
Her head snaps up, she abandons the fruit and turns on the stool, looking over at him, a smile crosses her lips and she returns his greeting. “Hey Freddy.”
“Why didn’t you call and let me know you were here, gorgeous?” He asks as he makes his approach, he has his non-gloved hand in his pocket as he comes over, he is in no rush, his walk unhurried. She shrugs, “I knew you’d feel me soon enough and make your own way over.” 
“Awful trusting.” He muses, and she smiles, “Yeah, I do trust you way too much.” 
He is next to her now, gloved hand rests on her lower back, he leans down and presses a kiss to the top of her head, she returns it when he starts to pull away, laying one on the underside of his jaw. Freddy hums pleased, and some part of her purrs in satisfaction in kind. His glove leaves her, she momentarily mourns the loss with a small pout.
“So.” He leans on the bar, focused on her, asking, “How are you?”
Her eyes glance down at the orange quickly, she feels silly, she doesn’t know if she should bring it up, she doesn’t have to do it. What does Mark know anyway? She is secure in what they have, she shouldn’t let him effect what she shares with Freddy in any way, she can just forget about it. 
“Good, had a good Sunday. Met up with Mark for brunch.” She tells him and Freddy snorts, “And how’s our favourite dork doing anyway?” 
“Mark is Mark.” She sighs, resolutely deciding to not tell Freddy about their conversation earlier, thoroughly giving up on the idea her old friend put forth, instead choosing to focus on just spending time with him.
“How about you?” She asks and Freddy stands more up right, he shrugs, a sigh, he looks frustrated, “Teenagers these days, their fears are getting more esoteric and existential all the time, Amber” 
She comforts him and teases him all at once, “Oh I am sure you are doing great, but don’t you love a challenge?”
“I mean, sure, but you try to shape-shift into the physical representation meant to be the mortifying idea of being known to scare some traumatized 17-year-old with daddy issues. What happened to snakes? Why can’t I run into some kid who is scared of spiders or some shit?” He rants and her smile broadens, turns dreamier. God, she really does love him, the passion he has.
He sighs, and his shoulders drop, seemingly feeling a bit better having gotten that out, “Anyway, I’m going on too much about work, how’s stuff at the office?”
She starts to tell him about that week, it had been a good one honestly, was filling him in on some silly story that had to do with her assistant and while she is animatedly telling him, he does something unexpected and unasked.
He picks up the orange.
She doesn’t falter, but her brows raise, he uses the blades of his gloves to peel the fruit, he is still listening, looking between the task and her, smile playing on his face, small chuckles where appropriate. 
The pieces of peel fall away and onto the countertop and when the fruit is fully exposed he removes a section of it, leans closer, holds out a piece and that makes her stop telling the story to ask, “What are you doing?”
His look is quizzical, “Giving you some orange? I didn’t bring this here so I know you did, it was sitting in front of you, I figured you wanted some.” 
Something inside her melts. 
She was right. The test was fucking stupid and Mark is wrong, it wasn’t necessary, because between Amber and Freddy? He knows her so well, she never has to ask. 
“Yeah I do.” She admits softly, and she takes the section of orange, he smiles, and she matches it, saying, “Thank you.” 
“Don’t mention it, now c’mon what did he say next?” Freddy asks, his investment in the story makes her laugh again and she tells him.
They share the orange over more stories of their respective weeks, by the end her face hurts from smiling, she is out of breath from laughing, her fingers are sticky, and she's decided it’s the best tasting orange she has ever had. 
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unexpectedstormy · 11 months
Shelter in the Storm (part 1?)
Random fic I had the idea for last night and I spent all day today writing. Wild gets stuck in a cave in a cliff in a storm. I do have some more written and an end goal in mind for this story but who knows if I can focus long enough to get there. Anyways. Here you go. (1373 words)
Wild wakes. He’s cold. Everything hurts. He blinks his eyes open. It’s dark and he can hear rain falling and wind whistling and moaning. He doesn’t know where he is or how he got there. He’s there, but not really there, and he doesn’t even notice his eyes closing and he slips off to sleep again.
The next time he wakes, he’s cold. So cold.
He needs warmth. That’s all he can think of: warm, warm, warm, he instinctually seeks it out like a lizard in the morning. He can’t see anything but he doesn’t need to. His hand finds a way into the pouch on his belt and gravitates toward the heat of his flameblade. He takes it out and lays it beside himself surprised when his arm lances with pain above the cold-dulled soreness he has everywhere else in his body, but he doesn’t care to figure out why.
The light of the flame blade is the only thing Wild can see in the darkness and he takes comfort in knowing he isn’t blind. He tries to sleep again but only dozes on and off for an indeterminate amount of time. The sword isn’t doing enough to stave off the chill in the air. He groans and rubs his face in his sleeves. Again, he reaches into his pouch. His hand shuffles around clumsily and with minimal feeling in his cold-numb hand. His hand closes around a bottle and he pulls it out. It’s glowing softly orange—a warming elixir—just what he needs.
With great effort he sits up. His grip strength is weak and his hands shake as he wrestles the cork from the glass, then downs it in gulps, suddenly aware of how thirsty he was. It may not be a heart elixir but it still has a minor degree of healing effect. He slumps against a stone wall and closes his eyes and drifts as warmth washes over him and the pain fades away.
Wild wakes up sometime after the sunrise but it’s still dim. The warmth of the elixir has worn off and he’s cold again, but it’s tolerable. He starts, eyes widening when he sees how his hands and arm are a bloody mess. His clothes are damp and filthy and tattered and he has no recollection how it happened.
He’s in a relatively small and shallow cave of jagged and crumbly stone. Beyond arm’s reach at the mouth of the cave, his glider lays, the cloth shredded, just like his sleeves and arms. What could have done all this?
Wild staggers to his feet and limps stiffly toward the mouth of the cave. The ground where the glider lays is splatted with bird or keese guano and he grimaces in disgust. He picks up the glider and tosses it further in away from the edge. He can’t repair it. He doesn’t have any spare fabric suitable for it, nor does he even have a sewing kit or skills.
He looks out into a dark and stormy sky and far below, a field of bright green grass. He’s in a cave high up on a cliff. He leans out as far as he dares and looks up to see the top, but he can’t, rock overhangs the cave entrance blocking his view. He can’t glide out of the cave with the glider (and his arms) in the condition they are, nor can he climb the rain-slicked cliff. He’s stranded in the cave until the storm lets up.
He backs away from the opening and looks at he slate. No map. They’re not in his Hyrule.
That’s right. This is a new Hyrule.
It comes back to him now. The Chain had entered a portal into a new Hyrule and Wild ended up alone at the top of the cliff in the storm. He’d walked along it for a while but didn’t find anyone. He’d thought he’d heard Hylian voices echoed up from the field below and he had jumped off the cliff to glide down.
His memory of what happened next is foggy. He remembers being in great pain and terrible fear, scrambling to not die. There’s a gap in his memory and the last thing he remembers is flopping to the ground in the cave and immediately passing out.
What had happened to him while he was gliding? Had he been attacked? Did he slip off the glider’s handles and fall? Had he been struck by lightning? Did he run out of stamina? Had he fallen into the cave or climbed up to it? Were his injuries and the damage to the glider caused by the jagged cliff rocks or by something else?
At any rate, he was stuck. He’d have to camp out and make the best of it.
Wild had another warming elixir and then went about starting a fire. Once it blazed strong enough that a gust wouldn’t put it out, he set up the cooking pot and started heating up water. Gingerly he peeled his tunic off, splashing warmed water onto his arms to unstick the tattered fabric from where it had adhered to his wounds. Tunic removed, he inspects his hands and arms, rinsing off blood and dirt (he hoped he hadn’t gotten any guano on them, but he couldn’t tell). Hot red streaks (rope burns?) spiral around both his arms from the knuckles of his hands to his elbows like ivy encircling a tree. A multitude of cuts and bruises litter his skin from his fingertips and along his palms and the undersides of his arms. It feels as if the bones themselves were aching.
As much as Wild hated to admit it, he ought to use the ointment Hyrule gave him once. It was some kind of sticky honey-based ointment that was supposed to somehow prevent infection and help with healing. While Wild had an excellent immune system and rarely ever got sick, he’d been told that being cold, dirty, and not caring for injuries immediately all increased his chances of getting an infection.
Wild finished washing up, used the whole bottle of ointment to cover both his hands and arms, then bandaged them. He put on his snowquill set and tossed his dirty clothes in a pile. Between the warming elixir, the snowquill set, and the fire he was quite cozy. He dumped the washwater at the mouth of the cave and it ran out and away off the cliff, washing away some of the guano. He set a new pot of water to boil in order to make tea and porridge.
He frowned at the thick and heavy clouds. How long would this storm last? How long was he going to have to linger in the cave? He doubted the others would find him halfway up a cliff in a cave; when could he leave to go look for them? The storm didn’t answer but raged on with no sign of letting up anytime soon. If he had to guess, he was going to be stuck there all day at least, and probably all night too.
After breakfast Wild sets up camp. He constructs a low windblock wall around the fire of loose stones he’d found from the back of the cave, sets out bowls and pots at the entrance of the cave to collect rainwater, hangs up his dirty clothes on the cave wall, piles firewood nearby, and rolls out his bedroll. Taking inventory of his supplies, he finds that while he had plenty of ingredients, he is low on actual meals and elixirs. Hmm. He knew what he was going to do to while away the stormy day.
But first, a nap sounds nice. Despite only having been up for an hour or two, he feels himself starting to crash again. Though it is rather unusual for him to be so tired, it did happen from time to time on his adventures. There was nothing for it except to sleep and hope he felt more awake and less foggy once he awoke up again. And so he lays back on his sleeping mat, feeling warm and safe and well fed, even if the ground was a bit lumpy and his body was sore.
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celestialcomedy-aa · 3 months
//: Just assume this is my face when writing physical related horrors.
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imperiuswrecked · 2 years
Can’t wait to get canceled by new fans who come into Namor fandom. :D
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freezethebeez · 2 years
late night catalyst!ranboo ramblings
transcribed from his mind onto paper. takes place somewhere around ch 14/15 which doesn't make much sense now but will in a month or so <3
fully thingy below the break :]
I know you don't like me and I know you're afraid of me and my hands that hurt and my teeth that kill but can you just hold me?
Just for a bit. Just for tonight– just for right now. Maybe–
Wrap your arms around me and maybe–
Your hands tracing patterns on my back sounds lovely right now but playing with my hair works, too, I think– if that's what you want.
Don't just– don't let me go to bed alone tonight. I can't– I won't make it another night without anyone beside me, I don't think–
You can just lay beside me.
That'll work, I think.
I can listen to your heartbeat from afar; I don't need my ear pressed against your ribcage; my head doesn't need to lay on your chest.
Maybe I could hold you instead.
Maybe that would be better. Maybe. Less selfish.
And me holding you is the same as you holding me kind of so maybe it'll fill the same holes in my heart.
Do you think it could beat with yours, too, one day?
Do you think I could hold your hand and keep it warm in the winter? Do you think we'll make it to winter at all? Do you think I'll ever be able to look at you and not your neck? Do you think I'll drain you of your blood before then? Do you think–
Do I think I even love you at all?
No. No, I do. I– I think I do.
I think there's a part of me that loves you, at least. I think that very same part wants you dead, but it– it loves you a little.
I want to love you, too.
A little.
Maybe if– maybe you could just...
Could you sleep in my bed tonight?
Could I sleep in yours? Would that make it easier?
Maybe it would be– if I slept here tonight. Just here– just with my forehead pressed against your back.
Maybe I can fall in love with you here. Maybe you could turn around and kiss me goodnight.
Can you kiss me goodnight?
Would you– would you want to?
I would, I think.
Only if you asked me to.
Because I think– I think if you asked me to kiss you, I would. And I think if you– I think I would want to. I think I would. I think– I think it'd be nice and you'd be... nice. And I think you'd– I'd love you then, maybe.
Is that what love feels like?
I don't know.
I don't– friends don't– are we friends? I don't think we... are. I'm not– I don't want to– if you don't–
You can't read my thoughts, I don't think.
At least I hope you can't.
I'm sorry.
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adrift-in-thyme · 8 months
Read on Ao3
- Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
- Summary: After Al admits how hard the sleepless nights are, Ed takes it upon himself to keep him company. But that proves a rather difficult task
- No warnings apply
It’s quiet in the room. Peaceful. Treacherous.
Ed glares at the page before him, purposefully ignoring the way that the words blur and smear. Usually, he would welcome the unusual calm. But not tonight. Tonight he can’t fall prey to the way it soothes his soul, or blankets him like a plush comforter, or makes the world a bit softer, a bit more distant in a pleasant sort of way…
A yawn pushes past his stubbornly closed lips, bringing tears to his eyes.
“It’s late, brother,” Al says, softly, as though reluctant to break the stillness. “Shouldn’t you get to sleep?”
Another yawn follows the first, this one so wide Ed has no choice but to let it out. His eyes slip closed and beg to remain that way. He wrenches them back open.
“I’m not going to sleep tonight.”
Al cocks his head. “But why not? You need your rest.”
Ed shrugs and the movement seems as difficult as moving a mountain. Stupid body, betraying him in such a way.
“You said the nights are the worst, right?” He gives his brother a small grin. “Well, I don’t want you to have to spend them alone anymore. I’m gonna stay up with you.”
Al blinks, then sets down his book. He holds up his hands as if in surrender. “You don’t have to! Even if you sleep I won’t be alone. Not really.”
That’s a lie if he ever saw one. But Ed decides not to call him on it…directly, at least.
“Yeah, well, company is always better when they’re conscious. Besides, I’ve pulled all-nighters before, haven’t I? I’ll be fine.”
He looks at Al. Al looks back. Doubt radiates off of him in waves.
Instantly, a glare sours Ed’s expression. He shoves a finger in Al’s direction. “Hey! You’re doubting me aren’t you? Aren’t you?”
“No, no! It’s just…” Al shifts, nervously. “You barely ever make it through all-nighters. You sleep…a lot.”
“I do not!” Ed pushes himself up off the couch, hands on his hips. “Look, I’m gonna stay up with you all night, okay? Whether you like it or not.”
“Okay,” Al acquiesces. “But don’t worry if you fall asleep.”
Ed snatches up a blanket and flops down beside his brother, reclining on his armor. “I won’t.”
That promise proves rather difficult to keep. The hands of the clock crawl across the face, moving from eleven to eleven-thirty to twelve. And with every passing moment Ed’s eyelids grow heavier.
His book has long since stopped making sense. Logical thought seems impossible anymore. Thoughts bounce dazedly around his brain – of warm beds and soft sheets and nights where he can rest undisturbed. 
His eyes droop and slide shut. 
He jolts out of the near-sleep he had fallen into, bringing a hand roughly across his eyes.
“I’m awake!”
Al moves to put an arm around him and Ed slumps into the half-hug, ignoring the way the armor pokes. 
“I am grateful for you trying,” Al says, softly. The words drift by like aimless fish and Ed has to snatch at them to try and make them make sense. “You need your sleep, though, to keep up your strength. Just think! When we get our bodies back I can sleep as much as I want! But until then, why don’t you sleep for both of us?”
“It doesn’t work that way,” Ed mumbles, grouchily. But he has to admit the idea does sound rather nice. 
Sleeping for two people means getting even more sleep, right?
His eyes slip closed once more, body growing immeasurably heavy. If he tried to get up right now, he doesn’t think that he could manage it. 
“I’m still gonna try,” he says, words slurred by incoming slumber and the way his cheek is pressed against a rather sharp plate of armor. “Don’t want you to be…”
“I’m not alone,” Al says, as he trails off, grasping for the thoughts that dart mischievously out of his reach. “You’re here with me, aren’t you?”
A slightly loopy smile lifts Ed’s lips. “Guess so.”
“So, go to sleep.”
Ed shifts, rearranging so that he is a bit more comfortable. It’s a little difficult given his armored pillow. But he’ll make do. He is nearly gone, anyway, book fallen from his hand, eyes closed, body limp. He is falling headlong into the embrace of sleep. This is a battle he can’t win.
Damn it.
He had really wanted to.
Someday, though, someday soon he will win the war. Al will have his body back and he will be able to sleep all he wants. Ed will make sure of that.
(And he’ll be able to eat too, and feel the wind and rain and sun, and the coarse prickles of grass beneath his feet, the unyielding firmness of pressed earth. And when Ed hugs him or curls up beside him, instead of the hollow ring of empty armor…he will be able to hear a heartbeat.)
He sighs. Yes, someday soon.
For now, however, for now…he guesses he is forced to surrender. Just this once.
“Fine. But don’t go ordering your big brother around,” he gripes. But there is no heat in it. Only the thickness of near-sleep.
Al only chuckles and holds him a bit closer. “Good night, brother.”
“...and thank you.”
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yuujispinkhair · 4 months
Boxer!Sukuna headcanons
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Inspired by this lovely ask. Thank you so much for sending me that and making me lose my mind over Boxer!Sukuna.
Pairing: Boxer!Sukuna x Reader (female) Genre: fluff + smut Word Count: 1.5k Warnings: 18+, modern AU, smut, squirting. Mentions of boxing injuries, biting, blood. I know that boxers usually wear a groin protector, but I chose to ignore this for this AU because I wanted to write a sexy detail lol. Sukuna + Reader are in a relationship. Minors don't interact. Divider @/benkeibear
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++ Boxer!Sukuna, who always wants you by his side backstage until it's time for him to enter the arena. You are his good luck charm and the only one who is allowed to wrap the bandages around his hands before he slips into his gloves. Not that he needs any luck with the skills he has, but he loves seeing you press your sweet kisses on his boxing gloves and smile at him before you hug him tightly and tell him to please be careful.
++ Boxer!Sukuna, who gets a warm feeling in his heart when he sees how worried you always are. Much more nervous before his fights than he is. But he always reassures you, wrapping his muscular tattooed arms tightly around you and hugging you to his firm body while he tells you, "Don't worry, princess. You know I never lose."
++ Boxer!Sukuna, who smiles while you help him get dressed before a fight, helping him slip into the white silk kimono he wears for his ring entrance show. He can clear his mind the best when he feels your gentle hands caressing over his broad back.
++ Boxer!Sukuna, who gives you his most charming smile before he grabs your chin and asks you for a good luck kiss, not just on his boxing gloves but also on his lips.
++ Boxer!Sukuna, who always tells you he loves you before he leaves the backstage area. And hearing your "I love you, too" in return gives him another surge of motivation.
++ Boxer!Sukuna, whose ring-entrance show always makes the crowd go wild. The whole arena is bathed in blood-red light. A picture of an ancient shrine in a sea of blood gets projected onto the large screens. Dramatic classical music starts playing as a huge throne of skulls emerges from the fog, with Sukuna lounging casually on it, his head resting on the back of his hand. He's wearing the snow-white kimono and a crown on his pink hair, presenting himself as The King of Curses, which is his stage name.
++ Boxer!Sukuna, whose stage name fits him perfectly. One look at him and his powerful body and that dangerous and ambitious glint in his eyes, and everyone knows this guy is truly a King in the boxing ring.
++ Boxer!Sukuna, who gracefully walks towards the ring with an arrogant look on his tattooed face, only accompanied by his assistant Uraume, who walks a few steps behind him as if they are a loyal shrine servant who follows their master obediently. They take off Sukuna's kimono for him and bow respectfully while the crowd cheers loudly.
++ Boxer!Sukuna, who looks intimidating but beautiful as he stands there with a posture like a God while the white silk slips off his broad shoulders and reveals all the firm muscles and the sexy tattoos on his tall, athletic body.
++ Boxer!Sukuna, who drops his serious act the moment he climbs into the ring and instead smirks his most charming smirk and lifts a hand to casually wave at his fans, letting them celebrate him as if he already won.
++ Boxer!Sukuna, whose last glance before every match belongs to you, though. As much as he enjoys the attention and worship from his fans, he always loves your gaze on him the most. You are the one who grounds him before a fight, the one who gives him the strength and the right mindset to lead him to victory.
++ Boxer!Sukuna, whose maroon eyes look directly into yours while he kisses his boxing gloves, at the same spot where your lips left their kisses a few minutes ago backstage. And right before he turns around to face the referee and his opponent, he winks at you and mouths, "I'll win this fight for you, baby".
++ Boxer!Sukuna, who already mocks his opponent before the fight even starts. Smiling tauntingly at him and asking him if he is scared. "You know, you can still run, little boy."
++ Boxer!Sukuna, who looks so sexy during his fights. All of his attacks are powerful and well-planned. He moves gracefully through the ring, like a big cat on the prowl, beautiful and deadly. Everyone can see that he isn't someone who just relies on his brute strength. Sukuna is intelligent, and he uses his mind to win his fights.
++ Boxer!Sukuna, who is both hated and loved by the judges. They hate how cocky he is but admire his skills and respect him for how well-prepared he is for his matches.
++ Boxer!Sukuna, who wins most of his fights with a knockout, laughing triumphantly when the referee counts down the seconds.
++ Boxer!Sukuna, who only loses fights when he gets disqualified for committing a foul. Sometimes, he bites his opponents, drawing blood with his sharp teeth and laughing as he licks the blood off his lips. You know that this is also part of Sukuna's strategy. He is too controlled to let himself get carried away during a fight, but he loves the reputation those bloody attacks give him, basking in the fear he sees in his opponents' eyes when he whispers to them before a fight, "Did you see the guy I bit last month? Let's see how your blood tastes on my tongue."
++ Boxer!Sukuna, who is brilliant at blocking punches but also cannot be stopped if he gets hit. You used to be worried sick when you saw him receiving blows to the head until Sukuna reassured you that he is allowing it on purpose. It's all for the show. And sometimes, because he craves the pain since, it will spur him on even more.
++ Boxer!Sukuna, who laughs after every punch his opponent lands, smirking cat-like as he licks the blood off his cracked lip, and his wild maroon eyes glitter amusedly at the other guy: "Aww, was that all you can do, brat? Gimme more, come on! Punch me! Make me bleed for real, you coward!"
++ Boxer!Sukuna, who looks so sexy with his tattooed skin all sweaty, every muscle in his tall, strong body taut. His veins standing out, and his broad chest rising and sinking as he breathes deeply. The outline of his long, thick cock visible through his dark red boxing shorts, making you want him so much.
++ Boxer!Sukuna, who wears a sexy smirk on his beautiful tattooed face when he gets declared winner. He looks deeply into your eyes when the referee yanks his hand into the air to signal his win. This first moment is always for you alone, mesmerizing maroon eyes silently telling you that Sukuna dedicates this win to you.
++ Boxer!Sukuna, who then punches his fist into the air and does a little round in the ring to let the crowd celebrate him like the King that he is. He is a professional, giving his fans what they crave, even while he craves something very different at that moment after a match.
++ Boxer!Sukuna, who expects you to wait for him in his private locker room backstage, naked and wet, with your legs spread, ready to get taken by him.
++ Boxer!Sukuna, who takes you rough and hard. He needs to fuck you to come down again after being so pumped up during his fight. His tall, muscular body is still dripping with sweat, smelling so sexy, a mix of sweat and musk and his expensive cologne. His breath is loud and harsh in your ear, turning into low, hoarse groans as he pounds your cunt with his cock and his heavy balls, just like he pounded his opponent with his fists.
++ Boxer!Sukuna, who rubs your swollen clit firmly and whispers dirty things in your ear, making sure you give him your everything and squirt all over him when you cum on his fat cock.
++ Boxer!Sukuna, who coos at you and calls you his good girl, his love, as he chases his own orgasm, finally allowing himself to let go, fucking you with hard erratic thrusts, his face buried in your neck, moaning loudly until he captures your lips in a heated kiss when he shoots his hot cum into your cunt.
++ Boxer!Sukuna, who cuddles you afterward, pressing himself tightly against you while he is still buried balls-deep inside you, resting his forehead against yours and thanking you for being his lucky charm and the one who gives him strength. He stays like that, pressing you down with his heavy body, kissing you tenderly until his breathing finally calms down and the sweat on his body begins to dry.
++ Boxer!Sukuna, who picks you up and murmurs to you, "Hold on to me, princess," before he carries you to the shower, not letting go of you even for a second, needing his princess on his cock and in his arms.
++ Boxer!Sukuna, who showers with you and lets you wash him, sighing when you massage shower gel into his taut muscles, caressing him, and cleaning him, easing the tension in his body.
++ Boxer!Sukuna, who returns the favor and lets his large, calloused hands wander gently over your naked and soaped-up body while he kisses you nonstop. Who caresses another orgasm out of you while you stroke his long thick cock slowly, making him spill his seed all over your hand.
++ Boxer!Sukuna, who isn't the famous boxer, The King of Curses, anymore, when he is here under the shower with you. Here he is just Sukuna, your fiancé, who is joking around with you, all playful again, grinning that sexy grin and kissing you so sweetly, whispering against your skin how much you mean to him, and asking you where you want to have a late dinner tonight.
++ Boxer!Sukuna, who fucks you once more, this time against the shower wall with your legs wrapped tightly around his hips and your hands in his pink hair. But this time, it is slow, sensual lovemaking. Slow, deep thrusts and tender French kisses until you both find completion at the same time and moan into each other's mouth. The perfect finish for a successful match.
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HE IS SO SEXY 😭😭 I didn't know I would write so much for Boxer!Sukuna, but I enjoyed it so much to think of his dramatic ring-entrance show and the way he boxes, etc. I hope you enjoyed it too!!
Comments and reblogs would be very sweet.
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runningupthatvecna · 1 year
the law of seat partners | part 2
a/n: ok so the response to part 1 of my first ever eddie blurb has been quite surprising and i've had ideas for a second part while writing it so i guess that's what's happening here now. this part is definitely longer (you're welcome) and will lead to a part 3, so no worries there everyone. i definitely recommend reading part 1 first though to get more context. enjoy and i live for reblogs and comments so i'd appreciate you leaving me some :)
summary: the bus ride continues and so does your feeling that eddie might like you a bit more than the others. also, he eats all most of your snacks and it (among other things) makes you realise that you're down bad for him. also you learn that his hands are just generally quite warm.
cw/tw: more of eddie being a touchy menace while trying real hard to make reader aware of his affection. kinda friends to lovers with eventual spice in part 3. slow burn, kinda? slapping of butts, a bit of mutual pining (reader is emotionally ... confused), mentions of eddie being treated poorly by people, mentions of eddie partaking in illegal activities, also a lot of eddie being a sweet bean. no mentions of y/n.
read part 1 here
It was the halt of the bus that woke you up from your pre-noon nap on Eddie Munson's head.
His hand was still resting on your thigh, giving it a reassuring squeeze before he lifted his head from your shoulder and straightened himself.
The touch wasn't entirely new to you, since you had figured out this was the primary way he expressed a certain level of affection. Because he also was like this with the others of your group and you hadn't dared to read too much into it. At least until now.
"Looks like the babies already need a diaper change."
His mumbled comment on what seemed to be the first break on the road made you snort.
You loved the fact that he seemed to share your disapproval of having a rampage of middle schoolers sharing the bus with you on this trip.
Eddie turned his head to you, his deep brown doe eyes slowly wandering over your facial features while is mouth was lightly curled into a smile. Yours was slightly tilted towards him, reciprocating his gaze right before a familiar voice made both of your heads turn.
"Hey, you guys wanna head outside for a stretch?", Steve's pretty lean figure had appeared in front of your seats, he stood on one of the lower steps of the staircase leading out of the back door.
Again, Eddie turned his head to check on you. Because if you would rather stay in your seat, so would he.
You cracked a smile at Steve who was just now followed by Nancy, Robin and Dustin, all of them awaiting his exit in the aisle.
"Sounds good", you replied, while your friends hopped out of the vehicle into the warm Indiana sun which was, thankfully, still more than visible in the blue sky.
It was warmer outside than on the parking lot this morning, which made you decide leave any additional jacket or hoodie inside the bus. You weren't the type to get cold easily anyway. Following an energetically bouncing Eddie down the stairs, you both made your way over towards where Steve, Robin, Nancy and Dustin were gathered.
Not long after, you had the Byers brothers standing among you as well.
"Anyone going for a wee?", Robin asked in her blatant straight-forward no filter fashion you celebrated her for. It made you smile. "We still have six minutes and I've been holding it since we left the parking lot."
"Yeah I'll come", Nancy replied to her, before they wandered off towards the building together and left you among the group of boys who wouldn't have minded just stepping out into the bushes along the fence of the road house.
Steve was the only one who seemed to take the going outside for a stretch literal, because right now his entire figure was bent in half as he leaned forward to let his arms dangle towards the ground while he tried his best to keep his legs straight.
And Dustin's observant facial expression, which was slowly turning into a grin told you that he was desperately fighting the urge to playfully slap Steve's ass.
I mean, fair.
Eddie also had seemed to notice and it took him only a mere few seconds to decide on executing Dustin's obvious thoughts.
"Hey man, stop that!"
Steve snapped back up and let his fist hit Eddie's shoulder with a laugh.
"Just giving you what you don't seem to get anywhere else these days, big boy."
It left both Steve and Dustin speechless. Witty comebacks? Not existent in their brains.
You blurted out a laugh, since you knew that Eddie's remark was true. As one of Steve's best friends, you just knew.
The metalhead grinned widely, threw his arm around your shoulders and pulled you close enough for you to hear his low voice, while moving the both of you back towards the bus.
"Come on darling, napping always makes me hungry."
Yeah. His love language was touch.
"Alright everyone, get back into your seats, we're leaving!"
Ms Kelley's voice echoed through the microphone she picked up from the driver's booth while standing in the very front of the bus, trying to get everyone's attention.
Unlike the middle school kids further in the front, you and Eddie had already settled back in long ago.
The vehicle started moving again.
"Is there anything besides being around children of course, that you're particularly looking forward to this week?", the metalhead asked with a genuinely curious tone.
"Oh please, there's nothing I enjoy more than having screaming kids around me, I thought you knew that about me already."
You pretended to think really hard for a few seconds and let out a chuckle, before you continued.
"No, but I get to spend time with you guys. Outside of school, outside of Hawkins. And I love lakes and being in nature. The fresh air, the cool water, I prefer that over any hotel room in any city, if I'm hone– ... Eddie, what are you d–"
While you were speaking, the boy next to you found it to be the perfect time to lean forward and try to reach for the snack bag you had carefully placed between your feet.
"Keep talking sweetheart, I'm listening." He had turned his head towards you, unable to hide another one of those big grins that you secretly adored on him. So much.
You couldn't necessarily see his movements, but you sure as hell could feel them. His right hand kept brushing and his fingers kept tapping against your jean covered calves and shins and ankles, pretending to be on the search for a certain bag, but the more time it took him to actually get it, the more it dawned on you that he was doing this very much on purpose.
What a fucking menace.
And by the way, where were his snacks?
"Eddie, just fucking grab it", you said with a laugh, letting him know you were well aware of the little game he was playing.
"Hm, it's quite nice down here to be honest. Could get used to it."
You just rolled your eyes at him with a smile, let your head hit the rest behind it and turned your head towards the window, while you felt the bag being pulled away from inbetween your feet.
In the corner of your eye you watched him peek into and rummage through it. He was sticking out his tongue, like he always did when he was trying to focus. You'd seen him do it too when he would be working on writing campaigns for Hellfire during lunch break in the cafeteria.
"Like what you see?", you asked him, without breaking contact with the headrest. You didn't dare to turn your head either.
Four hours had passed since you left the high school parking lot in Hawkins, and you don't think you ever spent that long with Eddie. Certainly not in this close proximity.
There was some form of tension building between you two. And you couldn't quite place it. He was his usual charming self, yeah sure, but there was an additional something to it.
"Yeah, I do."
If you would have turned your head, you would have noticed the fact that his eyes weren't taking in the selection of your snacks anymore.
You would have certainly placed his entire demeanor in a new context if you would have paid attention to the way the tone of his voice changed to something more soft and warm, saying those three words.
You turned your head towards him. And you were way too far down the road of overthinking for you to catch the spark in the dark brown of his eyes and the way the corner of his mouth slightly curled up.
As if he actually liked liked you.
But you still smiled back at him.
"Go ahead then pretty boy, all yours."
And maybe you also weren't referring to snacks anymore. But you didn't expect Eddie to catch that.
What you did notice though was him catching your compliments. The way heat was visibly rising to his cheeks.
Eddie Munson had never received a lot of them. Sadly so, due to the fact that he was known as the freak of the town. Being a nerd with a bunch of tattoos, always involved in some kind of trouble, hotwiring cars, dealing drugs and of course the town's favourite classic: worshipping satan. When in fact, he was just trying to be a good friend, going out of his way to make the people dearest to him feel good (and maybe not using the most legal methods ever while doing so), and just heavily enjoying things he found really cool. He was always just being himself.
You had to admit to yourself that you were more than curious to see and explore the effects of your compliments on him. Because you were sure that if you just kept dropping them, they would eventually help him feel better about himself. And you knew from conversations with your friends that he did need that. And most of all, deserved it.
Soft baby cow personality, yeah.
For more general coziness on a ten hour bus ride, you had taken off your shoes right after the first break. You slightly turned your back towards the window and pulled your legs up to let them rest on the little barrier in front of both your seats.
And just after that, you were handed the snack bag by the boy next to you.
Before you knew it, he grabbed both of your legs a little above your ankles (with his really warm hands, like, really warm hands) and pulled them over his thighs. It made your breath hitch in your throat.
Then he took back the snacks. Between his torso and your legs.
"Gotta set the table then, right?", Eddie flatly said with a smirk, while pulling out a box of crackers. It made you snort.
Why did he have to be like this? And why did you like him so much for it?
You ended up sharing half of the contents of your snack bag with Eddie. Seated like this, one of his hands fumbling in whatever plastic bag or cardboard box of snack he could find, holding them out to you when he noticed you going empty on your last grab, his other resting on one of your shins, while his thumb kept rubbing slow, small circles into the flesh through your jeans.
The warmth of his hand felt like fire.
Eventually you had to keep him from munching through the remainders too, reminding him that you still had at least half of the journey ahead of you.
He had pouted at you all cute, and you had felt your cheeks heat up at him dropping another pet name at you while protesting.
You seemed to keep pushing the right buttons for him to be all sweet with you. And yeah, of course you couldn't deny that you enjoyed his attention.
During your time munching away, you both even came to learn new things about each other.
There were conversations about your families, milestones of your lives, hopes and dreams that some you surprisingly seemed to be sharing, similarities in your outlooks on life, Eddie's slightly questionable moral compass when it came to illegal activities, and your shared love and passion for music.
Pretty much everything he told you was confirming or adding to your already existent image of him.
After a content sigh, Eddie suddenly made attempts to get up into the aisle (he was kind enough to softly place your legs on his seat first though) and reached up into the luggage compartment. He was searching for his own bag of stuff that you were surprised he hadn't forgotten on his bed in the morning.
And yes. Your eyes just had to travel over the stretch of his Hellfire shirt down over his torso, all the way to where a sliver of pale skin revealed itself to you and the light trail of dark hair disappeared into the waistband of his black jeans, which was tied to his hips with his iconic handcuff belt. And it was giving you ideas.
It was pretty much the first time you saw any other part of his skin other than his forearms, even though you'd known him for like, half a year now. There just hadn't been any moments yet where this situation could have happened.
You were so lost in thoughts about Eddie Munson's happy trail that you missed him catching you. Looking. In fact, you seemed to keep your eyes glued to his belly until his voice snapped you out of it.
The growing smirk on his face you saw next was as prominent as your awareness of your own feelings towards him. Just now in this moment you started to realise that if you kept this up, if you kept letting him in, there would probably be no escape. No escape from tripping over the edge and falling into the endless void of pining after him, probably forever.
Ever since you had first met him at one of Steve's infamous parties, it had been crystal clear to you that you were going to have a thing for him.
The way his wild mane had accentuated his beautiful face with his round dark brown eyes and the plushness of his lips in the warm light of Harrington's living room, his smell, a mix of cigarettes, bergamot, cheap cologne and something you couldn't make out but was so distinctly Eddie, the omnipresent leather jacket and Dio jeans vest, tattoos you'd spotted on his forearms, his entire rough metalhead aura that you always found to be so captivating.
"You know that as your designated seat partner, it underlies my absolute obligation to not only eat all your snacks you brought just for me of course, but in return to also make you listen to the best songs in the world.", Eddie explained to you with raised eyebrows, wide eyes and an equally wide grin after he had seated himself again and gestured for you to put your legs back on his thighs.
And who were you to say no to that?
He waved a self made mixtape under your nose. It made you chuckle.
You prided yourself on being a music nerd, so the fact that he was willing to share his music with you was definitely one of the most meaningful things he could have chosen to do with you at this point.
"Oh, how gracious of you, Munson, considering it was you who kept a seat for me", you smiled while taking out your headphones and walkman, which was so technically advanced that it had two plugs for two pairs of headphones. How convenient.
He let out a small, low chuckle while nudging your shoulder with his own.
You held out the second plug of the walkman out in his direction, and he didn't waste the opportunity to place his hand above yours which was holding out the device, to give it more support while his other hand connected the cable of his own.
And just when you were about to press play for the first song to fill your ears, Ms Kelley's microphone filtered voice filled them instead.
"We're going to have lunch break now, everyone! Please be back here in thirty minutes, yes?"
tagged: my dear @josephfakingquinn and @ghost-proofbaby
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