#me realizing it's past 1am and i am only half way through the episode: ....i don't even wanna finish this now i'm not in a TV mood
zerodaryls · 2 years
adhd culture is watching a time travel show and pausing every two minutes to be like “wait did that really happen” and then going down a wikipedia rabbithole and thus taking three hours to watch one single goddamn episode
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mothmansfriend · 4 years
when i’m happy oh god i’m happy
TW: alcohol abuse, non-graphic sexual content, unhealthy coping mechanisms, self harm (in many forms), drug use, couchsurfing, mentions of delusions and paranoia, otherwise reckless behaviour
Note: this takes place in @illogicallyinclined’s hockey au and is a Prequel this is supposed to represent what Remus’s manic episodes look like everyone is different, but im using a mix of my own experiences with bipolar i and some friends who were willing to talk about theirs, then changing it to fit Remus’s existing Absolutely Feral personality, Jared and Payton are OC’s and teammates of Remus, the three of them are known for wrecking havoc at all times because none of them possess a braincell.
The art studio was empty, filled only by the assorted music of Remus’s sculpting playlist on the bluetooth speaker he brought in, and Remus himself. His hands glide through the wet clay and he basks in the slimy feeling between his fingers. Remus’s hair is held back by a small headband and he is wearing a tank top and jogging pants already covered in various mediums he has used through the day. He does not know where the energy to finish every project for this semester came from but he isn’t about to object.
If you were to look around this studio, there is a high contrast painting of a tentacle creature that is unsettling in an almost unidentifiable way, half of a self-portrait which uses resin teeth as the main element, as well as his current project of a large cup shaped like a decapitated head. In short, while Remus believes these are his best pieces, the chances of the university permitting them to be displayed are very low.
Remus gets frustrated that the music didn’t seem to be filling his inspiration in the way he hoped he changes the song revealing it to be approximately 4am, and no texts received since he sent D a picture if the teeth pile around 10pm.
“Can you go wake Remus up and ask if he wants any breakfast, he really shouldn’t sleep in this late, even if it is Saturday” D asks from the stove while Roman grabs his carton of milk from the fridge and doesn’t bother grabbing a cup.
D grimaces at him as he chugs back the milk, once again thankful that they have separate ones (even if that is at fault of Remus deciding to mix apple juice with milk in the carton without alerting anyone else in the household). “He actually headed out like, real early this morning, I spoke to him when I got up for a shower at like six. He said he’d be back today though?” Roman replied ignoring D’s look.
“Well, that’s even weirder. I’ll make extras so he can eat when he gets back, it's already eleven.”
“Sounds good,” Roman noticing D’s almost done slides a few plates next to him and accepts D’s soft ‘thanks’.
Suddenly they hear someone miss the keyhole three times before getting it and entering. Unsurprisingly, it’s Remus inappropriately dressed for a casual outing, surprisingly he seems to be holding several bags full of merchandise. “Helloo roommates! Look what I bought!” Remus shouts, slamming the door with his foot and bringing his bags to the couch.
“Are those... cups?” D asks turning off the stovetop to curiously check out Remus’s merch load.
“Hell yeah they are! I figured since you-” He pokes at D, “Took away all our glass cups after me and Roman went to that last party, I would take it upon myself to replace them. Look!” Remus proudly pulls the ugliest Jar Jar Binks cup out of one of the bags.
Roman visibly recoils as his brother parades the worst cup he’s ever seen around their apartment. D rolls his eyes but collects the cup and hesitantly places it into the dishwasher. “Thank you, Remus, these cups are horrid but they’re functional, which, I guess is good enough. Though, how much did these cost?”
“No idea, probably around sixty bucks total though, maybe. I went to three different thrift stores. Look at this one!” Remus holds up a vaguely terrifying cup that seems like it may have once resembled Spongebob Squarepants to Roman.
“That’s… Great, Remus, thanks” Roman says taking the offered item.
The three make it to practice 20 minutes early because Roman likes to prove he’s dedicated and a good captain. Coach Thomas and Joan greet them and Thomas talks to Roman briefly as Joan finishes setting things up. D and Remus do some stretches as others begin to show up, D comments on Remus being shaky and Remus hops around quickly explaining that he just woke up with a lot of energy for some reason.
Coach Thomas reminds Remus to take his time during practices speeding through everything doesn’t work if he keeps messing up before he even makes it halfway through.
D is going to kill Remus tomorrow morning. The repetitive sound of the bedframe slamming against their shared wall, and Remus wailing like a cat in heat at 1am is not something he wants to deal with right now. It’s a Tuesday night and D knows Remus has a class at 11am, one that D will not let him skip because he decided getting laid was more important. How does Remus even get a man to willingly enter that nightmare of a room? D rummages through his bedside table for ear plugs and regrets giving Roman the far room so easily.
“Jesus- Hello? Do you know what time it is?” The tired voice answers the phone after the third time of going to voicemail.
“Of course I don’t, Jared, I’m not a fucking nerd! I just thought I might extend my offer of filling the fountain in the middle of campus with bubble bath and a swim to you and Payton! D already said if I woke him up he would cut my dick off and feed it to his snake,” Remus audibly pouted at the end of his sentence.
Despite it being three am, it didn’t take a lot for Jared to wake up Payton and agree to meet him just off campus to run to the 24/7 convenience store for soap for the fountain. Remus leads the group in talking a mile a minute about something that Jared and Payton actually missed out on entirely. They try to contribute but realize Remus doesn’t notice when they have their own conversation anyways. They listen to him vaguely flit through topic after topic and get lost and confused in his own sentences, and once the soap is collected, they head to the large fountain in the middle of campus.
The fifth bottle of soap has been discarded and the fountain is sufficiently bubbly by the time the three hockey players strip to their boxers and begin their bath. There are attempted drownings, bubble beards, and the fountain change being thrown around.
At some point Remus stops talking for a second, observing the lithium bulbs through the fountain streams and bubbles floating across the courtyard. For a moment, he thinks he’s never been this happy in his life, these last few days have been the best days of his life. He lets Jared and Payton know this and like stare at him for a moment before teasing him about going soft and a few “I love you, bro” “Dude, you mean so much to me” and such were exchanged. They leave moments before campus security’s due to do their rounds in the early morning and laugh when about an hour later they receive a campus-wide notification to avoid the courtyard for repairs.
Remus spends most of practice being more annoying than usual. He gets a bit more of a stern talking to than he has in a while, in response says that he’ll try to do better to prepare for the game this weekend.
He did not succeed and got an even sterner talking to by Coach Thomas and Joan, and then by Roman separately.
Remus has a brief moment of clarity regarding his spending habits from the last week and a half in the middle of his current project. His solution is instead of buying the club size container of hot sauce, he makes a trip to the Taco Bell off campus. After dropping off the rest of his goods at the apartment, it was pretty late in the evening and he was dressed in nothing but neon green basketball shorts, slides, and a pretty badly stained grey tank top. Thankfully, Florida weather permitted this, though the looks he had been receiving all day disagreed. It likely did not help that if prompted, Remus wasn’t 100% on the last time that he slept, but if he had to guess it was two or three days ago, but that was probably a maximum of five hours. Surprisingly, he had never felt so good in his life. He’s also pretty sure he’s said that a lot this week.
He leaves Taco Bell with a small meal bag full of hot sauce at no cost.
D doesn’t ask any questions when he uses the bathroom in the early morning and is met with the sight of Remus in the bathtub. He is covered in a large variety of substances. The floor is covered in Taco Bell hot sauce wrappers, there’s a box full of water balloons of various colours and sizes. Remus waves with his available hand before he resumes filling the current water balloon with what may be a bulk container of banana lube. D pisses, not bothering to ask Remus to leave and just pulls the shower curtain over a little before washing his hands and deciding to figure it out tomorrow.
The next day, D woke up around 10am to a few texts saying some prick is throwing weird water balloons at first years off this academic building on campus. D didn’t think much about it until he was leaving his 12:30 lecture walking past splatters of mayo, egg, egg shells, hot sauce, and more, all separately. While observing the damage he found Remus asleep on some grass outside said academic building and had to call Logan for help to get him home. The two are used to this by now and D reminds himself to tell Remus to clear his ‘great ideas’ with someone containing a braincell.
Remus spends a good majority of his day listening to one song in the living room of the shared apartment. He was there when D left for classes, he was there when Roman left a little later in the day, failing to go to his own classes at all that day. The second D returns for lunch Remus is trying to explain a hidden meaning in the song, D brushes it off and reminds Remus, that to pass his classes he has to at least go.
This is Remus’s third night out in an area of town he really doesn’t know. He went home yesterday for early practice before coming back out. He knows it didn’t go well.
In attempts to make himself feel better, he blew a guy who’s name he already forgot but was hot as hell, he lost count of the shots he’s done, but at least there’s no practice tomorrow. He doesn’t have to worry about when he goes home, doesn’t have to worry about Roman or D and their weird concerned looks. He’s doing great! Why are they concerned, they just don’t get it.
At 2 am everyone gets kicked out of the club. Remus walks six blocks with his new friends with the promise of couch space to crash on and additional alcohol.
It’s suddenly 4:47 am and Remus is the only one awake and all the booze is gone. He is sitting under lithium streetlights smoking a cigarette on the porch of a strangers house with the humid Florida wind enables him to sit comfortably without a jacket. There is a moment, with sirens in the distance that Remus lets his eyes go out of focus. For the first time in who knows how long, he feels present. There is cracked cement under his feet, a dog barking a few houses down, and he wonders why he’s even here. The hidden Prince twin, here, in a city he has only been to once for a tournament, in a stranger’s house, drunk off his ass, his phone dead. He takes time to wonder, is this fun to him? It has to be right? Why did he just leave without telling anyone? Spending nights on the streets, or finding someone to go home with just so he didn’t have to find somewhere else to sleep. Is this who he is now?
He doesn’t know if he can answer that. Remus shakes himself before putting out his cigarette on his arm and deciding it doesn’t matter.
He still doesn’t sleep that night, but plugs in his phone and decides he needs to go home soon.
This is a different club than the previous night, someone sold Remus a few pills earlier and he figured why not? He feels better than ever. He lets the man he’s making out with know that and he lets out a kind of raspy laugh that Remus thinks is the hottest thing. He lets the other man know that too before sticking his tongue down his throat.
Remus is in the park yelling. It is almost 6pm, he pauses for a moment, completely forgetting what he was yelling about. He realizes that he is pretty drunk. Remus would normally like to say he only drinks with an excuse, but he doesn’t remember why he’s drunk, or how he got to the park. This isn’t near campus, he doesn’t recognize this park at all. He just stops yelling and googles the next bus to take him home.
Upon arriving home and greeting D, Remus falls asleep in his room for almost 12 hours to make up for the missing sleep from the last four days. When he is woken up for food and offered tylenol for his hangover, he tries to tell them he doesn’t have one. They don’t believe him, but he takes the food. Remus makes a joke recalling how the other day all he had eaten was some stale croutons he found in a pantry and half a bottle of Fireball he found in the fridge nearby. The joke did not land, but he was too busy laughing about it to notice.
The three eat their Sunday lunch with small amounts of banter and D switching between who he agrees with based on who’s statement didn’t sound like it came from a six year old. As they clean up, Remus starts excitedly talking about something that’s topic changed around four times in one sentence. Roman feigns interest but got lost and doesn’t care enough; D listens and has to ask Remus to repeat things slower every few minutes.
Several times throughout the night, D hears Remus loudly leave his room to check the front door. In the early morning D doesn’t hear Remus return to his room, but faintly hears netflix turn on in the living room.
In the morning, Remus seems wary of the door but does not say anything.
One day while messing around in the kitchen Remus is struck with the need to just go. The urge is so strong that the more he stands still in the kitchen the more his body just begins to tremble with barely contained energy. He doesn’t quite know where he’s going yet, but as he grabs his wallet, double checking he has his bus pass and ID, a jacket, his phone, and his keys. Without telling anyone, he walks to the main exchange near campus where he hops on the first bus that arrives. The bus isn’t particularly busy, and it makes it easier for him as he settles into the back of the bus bopping to his music, but not having the focus to listen to a song all the way through. He hits his hands softly on the very 90’s looking patterned seats to the beat of the song, watching out the windows with both legs bouncing. He rides this bus to the end of the line and catches the next bus to arrive at that bus exchange that takes him into a new smaller city. The sun is beginning to set and he finds a pub to grab some food and a few drinks at.
An hour and a half and four drinks later Remus is fighting some asshole in the pub and they both get kicked out. He wanders these smaller streets buzzed and poking at forming bruises while he smokes a cigarette. He walks by a convenience store and two homeless men outside ask him for a cigarette, he shares and spends a solid amount of time socializing with them and gets some booze for his troubles. They eventually part ways when one of them come out from the bathroom with a pack of stolen cookies. The store attendant chases them away and Remus finds himself wandering down empty streets again. Eventually, Remus decides to sleep for a few hours curled up in a stairwell, he doesn’t quite sleep, but does relax. Again, in the sounds of small city life, yellowed flickering light bulbs, and humid wind, Remus wonders why he’s out here.
The flashing neon lights and bass heavy music resonate through Remus’s bones like electricity giving him a never ending feedback loop of energy. Just before the club closes Remus sweet-talks a kind of nerdy looking guy into taking him home, while he’s mostly just hoping to not sleep outside tonight, getting laid wont hurt either.
Sneaking out of someone’s house before they wake up isn’t something Remus is necessarily proud of, but he doesn’t want to risk them doing something cheesy like make him breakfast. Sorry sir, Remus is a Manic Pixie Nightmare Boy, do not catch feelings, do not use for your own character development. He laughs to himself a little walking down the morning rush streets.
After waking up in bed with a man he doesn’t remember meeting the night before is a little jarring, but this is not the first time. It makes him wonder briefly if something is wrong with him. Remus is tired. Exhausted with himself and getting a little tired of this much fun. Instead of finding a diner for breakfast he catches a bus home and asks Logan if they can hang out tomorrow. If anyone will force him to go home, go to practice, sleep and not give him a choice to study or not without expecting him to explain himself. It will be everyone’s favourite Large Nerd. Remus doesn’t know what’s happening or why he feels like this, but he needs to go home and stop this for a little bit.Virgil, D, and Logan will help him get things a little back on track.
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lunawings · 5 years
King of Prism SSS episode 4 commentary (Kakeru)
Ahhhh.... finally seeing this episode again after a long time was really good. You may think I’m just being over-dramatic, but I honestly think I felt normal again for the first time since seeing SSS Part 4 while I was watching the stream with you guys. Like halfway through I was like WOAH IM SMILING... ahah....... ha......... Part 4 messed me up even more than I thought holy s--
Thanks for always coming to the streams! And thank you Kakeru, for reminding me about love.....
*deep breath* Now, let’s get to it...
So like I mentioned last time, we’re now on what I know as the “Part 2″ episodes.
 My experience seeing Part 2 in the theater was like night and day compared to seeing Part 1. For Part 1 I got to go to the midnight showing, and it was super emotional and exciting seeing it with an entire theater-worth of people also seeing it for the first time. 
But for Part 2 I had to work until 1am and thus couldn’t make the midnight showing. Instead I slept for about 2-3 hours, went all the way to Nagoya, saw this at 8am, went all the way home, and went back to bed before waking up again to go to work at 4pm wondering if it was all a weird dream. So needless to say I was super out of it. I got about two minutes into Kakeru’s episode when I was like... wha... huh..... wait wha....... and comical sweat-beads started rolling down my forehead when I realized I had NO idea what was going on. I felt like the entire theater was just as out of it as I was since they were really quiet. Probably because most of them went to the midnight showing and got just about as much sleep as I did....
The whole what is going onnnnnnnn feeling never quite left me. Especially with this episode in particular. But.  
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My favorite feature of Kakeru has always been his eyes....
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So seeing him go through 8 stages of acceptance in this opening always gives me chills....
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OH MY FUCKING G..............
So in the past I have railed on Crunchyroll for their wonky wording, but this is the first outright mistranslation I think. (Unless “solid style” wasn’t on purpose, but that one was so ridiculous I kinda feel like it may have been....)
If you have seen Pride the Hero, you’ll know Kakeru doesn’t leak the Prism System to his friends. He leaks it to the Itsutomo Group. 
To be fair Sadana doesn’t say Itsutomo Group here. Just Itsutomo. But still, what did the translator think the “Itsu” part meant? They leave so many things as-is, but this... THIS they decide to attempt to translate into something. 
Okay. OKAY...................................
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I really, really like Kakeru’s dad. But not for anything he does in the movies/anime. He’s a super boring pushover here. But if you take Young of Prism and layer it on top of all that..... he’s fucking great. 
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I was so out of it when I first saw this the entire natural gas plot went over my head. I was just like “Episode 5: Kakeru goes to Madagascar. Does a prism show. Then he comes back for some reason. The end?????” 
I also missed the earlier reference as well. To think when Kakeru looks at the newspaper in episode 1 and is like “Natural gas is expensive!!” that was foreshadowing ahah. 
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So this is the most controversial part of the episode I think. Globalization/colonization/industrialism has done damage lot of nations which were just fine beforehand, and I think paving over all of Africa’s natural habitats would likely cause.... various problems. 
Do I really have any right to be commentating on this? No. But I don’t think King of Prism does either. I just don’t think it’s really the time/place for it. 
But all-in-all I suppose Merina’s opinion isn’t too unusual for someone who works for Juuouin Group. I just wish they made it more clearer that his opinion and not the general opinion of Madagascar. 
But then again what do I know. I really don’t even want to be talking about this!! It was just such a weird choice to take this episode to Madagascar at all. 
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This brought me so much joy. Please go read Young of Prism if you haven’t yet. 
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NNghkdhgkdhg baby Kakeru................. face......... uuuUUUgfh and his cute little voice...........
I also often wonder what Kakeru was doing in Kodama’s office in the first place. He’s not actually his uncle I believe.
My headcanon is that his mother dropped him off there one day when she was busy with something and needed someone to watch him quickly, then Kodama-san’s office just gradually became Kakeru’s daycare. 
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In cheering people will point up one concert light shaking with increasing intensity. Usually orange because nobody knows what other color to use. 
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.......GGDGDGDGdksl;fl;sgs.......... AHHHHHHHHHH.....HHH........hhhhhhhhh.. K.....
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Crunchyroll agrees with me that Kakeru’s father is “Momojiro”. I know that’s the most likely reading, I’m just really bothered and concerned that there is just no furigana for it anywhere.
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And behold, my favorite Kakeru face of all time. 
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh poor baby you were so pure back then
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And behold my second favorite Kakeru face of all time aahaha
Okay now is as good a time as ever to bring it up, but. 
I’m a bit disappointed that young Kakeru doesn’t wear glasses. 
Because most kids get glasses before middle school if they are going to get them, don’t they? It makes me worry Kakeru’s glasses are just an image thing. 
I mean he’s certainly frikkin adorable without them, but I dunno.... It made me weirdly happy to learn that Hiro wears contacts in episode 1. 
I just want visually impaired comrades in my anime I guess!!!
Or maybe he just went without for longer than he should have by memorizing the eye test by listening to the kid in front of him like I did. 
Kakeru can you see I’m worried about you.
Okay I’ll move on......
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So someone pointed this out in the stream, but he doesn’t really say “mood” here. He says “kao iro” which would translate more into like... health? I don’t know. I honestly have no idea what he was getting at and it’s always puzzled me. 
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Oh the controversy.....
Okay so, that whole non-issue aside. About the rest of this scene. 
I am not particularly offended by it for two reasons. 
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Kakeru’s grandfather is giving him important life advice while his face is IN A BOOB
King of Prism has a tenancy to pair serious moments with ridiculous visuals that nearly ruin them on purpose and it’s a whole other level of humor ahah. There is an even better example of this in the next episode.......
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In the theater people hold up two light blue lights as soon as she rises up and then go nuts. It’s the best. 
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While most of the other characters were inspired by watching male prism stars like Hijiri or Rei, Kakeru watched mostly the girls and I get a kick out of that. We have already known he’s their fan for a while due to his Blowin’ in the Mind ringtone and side materials saying he has their magazines in his room, etc. 
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“What” - cheering audience
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So if you look up “kakeru” in a Japanese-English dictionary, you’ll know it has.... a lot of meanings. And since they always write the boys’ names in katakana (to make it ambiguous I guess) you can never know for sure. 
Here we confirmed for the first time it is intended to be 翔 = to fly/soar
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This is a theme throughout SSS. How much Shin changed things for everyone............(I’ll come back to this)............
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So I guess when Kakeru got back from Madagascar Leo was like “So what do you want for your Prism One outfit?” and he was like “Make me a flamingo” and Leo was like “......You got it.”
Or maybe Leo was already like half done with Kakeru’s outfit and then he just burst in the door like “LEO I NEED TO BE A FLAMINGO--” 
I only have one bad thing to say about Kakeru’s prism show and it has nothing to do with Kakeru’s prism show. I noticed that his legwork is really similar to Taiga’s, which was when I realized for the first time that it’s the same person doing all the motion capture. So that kind of brought me back to reality a little bit. But oh well. That person is really fucking talented. 
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They have been talking about Kakeru doing a prism jump where he’s naked with a pile of money for YEARS. HE DID IT. I’ve seen it in manga, I’ve seen it on Prism Rush... BUT THIS
Also how similar this is to the Prism Rush version amazes me...
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.....So I guess the translators haven’t watched PriPara either huh.
Wait is this even supposed to be for “Cyalume Change” because the subtitle is at such weird timing. 
Also I felt bad afterwards about putting “CYALUME CHANGE” as one of my shitty out of context spoilers ahah. I hope I didn’t ruin it for anyone. At least I didn’t say what episode it was. My hope is that anyone who read it has been waiting to be blindsided by CYALUME CHANGE and it came at the best possible moment. 
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The first couple times I saw this episode I really wondered how cheering would go since so much of this episode is just business mumbo jumbo and if a lot of people would even show up for Part 2 cheering at all. 
But then after about a week in I found myself waiting in the lobby before a sold out cheering show and saw a girl whip out a giant pink feathery fan. 
Then the girl next to her was like hold my beer and took out a giant (fake) money fan. 
Never underestimate Kakeru fangirls is a lesson I have learned over and over and over again. 
A lot of people will also have three or four pink concert lights in one hand and an orange one or a color changing one in the other for this part ahah. 
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(The lyrics to this song are nonsense. But it’s Kakeru, you can’t expect anything less.)
Prism shows with jungle animals are always a good time. (I can’t help but think of Shi Yoon.) 
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And there you have it, Kakeru saved the entire country of Madagascar.... with his prism show........ let’s not..... let’s not think too hard about this........
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I suppose there are multiple ways this could be true so I shouldn’t be thinking too hard about this either. But. 
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The debut of the Leo pigtails. 
Well actually I think he had them earlier in the episode too, but this was the first time I noticed. 
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Nothing warms my heart more than the few times Taiga throws Kakeru a bone by showing him the tiniest bit of affection. Even if it’s tsundere. Look at him. He’s just so happy. Aw Kakeru. Good for you.  
I think this moment was kinda ruined by the new ending music though. In the theater it’s more quiet. 
So I have always kinda felt like the Part 2 episodes are a bit weak compared with Part 1 and Part 3, but that’s probably a bit unfair considering how I experienced them. All of them grew on me more with time. It was also kind of hard coming down off of Taiga’s episode. After Taiga’s was so high tension I kinda expected the same for Kakeru too, but they went in a totally different direction. It was nothing like I thought it would be.
Before it aired I wondered if it would be about Kakeru trying to decide if spending his life in the Juuouin Group was right for him or not. And he did question it at one point when he was younger, but unless I misinterpreted it this episode was more about him loosing what he had and trying to get it back? He had doubts in his mind at one time about whether love exists, but he already came to believe it does before the events of this episode. So I guess Kakeru really has no doubt in his mind about what he wants for his future. You know, I think I like that better. I worry about him burning out with all the stuff he does, but it really does seem to be his true calling.  
I find it rather sad that the Edel Rose boys never found out Kakeru’s backstory though. Instead he shares it with Merina. He couldn’t even tell them he was leaving. But then again, Minato quickly interpreted that it was probably too difficult for him, I’m sure he was right. The other boys seemed to understand and support him regardless. Kakeruuuuuuuuu...............
In side materials it’s kinda of hinted at here and there that Kakeru really wants to be more like Minato. He wants to be someone strong who supports everyone. He also really seems to not want to show any weakness to anyone, especially his friends....? (As I’m typing this I’m thinking back to the White Day event on Prism Rush when he was trying so hard to organize everything while also trying his hardest to hide that he was falling apart......) I guess he picked this up in the business world as well. Because of this I still feel there is a lot to Kakeru we still don’t know. 
Well. Since I remembered this time and I liked this one: The special video for this episode that they show in the theaters has a voice over describing Kakeru’s  intense schedule on a normal day. 
But apparently on weekends he does no work at all. He gets caught up on manga and then plays with his friends. They showed a lot of stills of him hanging out with the Edel Rose boys, but my favorite and the one I remember the most was him playing arcade games with Shin (on a mysteriously PriPara-looking cabinet.... I think it was a fighting game though?)
Also Kakeru has a secret trunk in his room which must never be opened. 
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Of Robots and Rocketships: Chapter 2
For @platonicvldweek​ day 2: Lion / Lamb
Chapter 1
Read it on Ao3 | Read it on FFN
It was Katie who texted first.
Two days after the competition (two days of Hunk not wanting to be the first one to say anything cuz would that be seen as too clingy??) his phone went off.
Katie: hey! how’ve you been? dad said he was sorry he missed you
A thousand thoughts were running through his head. He stared at the message for a long time, mentally dissecting it, trying to think of how best to respond.
The last part especially stuck out to him, since it implied two very important things: firstly, that Katie (and Matt?) had told their dad about him--and secondly, that Dr Holt actually wanted to meet him.
Hunk took a deep breath, quelling his thoughts, before starting to type out a response.
Hunk: Hi! I’ve been pretty good, you? And I’m sorry your dad couldn’t make it too; maybe next time?
Okay. That was good, right? Open, friendly, not too eager—
He was taking this too seriously.
He flopped over backwards onto his bed with a groan. Why was this so hard?
Katie: unfortunately ‘next time’ isnt until next year unless youre going to robocup
Hunk: I don’t think so :/
Katie: boo
They went on like that a little longer, making small talk about the little things, the things they already knew about each other. After about half an hour, the conversation dwindled to a stop. And it was days before it was picked up again.
It started that way at first: brief conversations, making general small talk, testing the waters. As the months went by, they got more and more comfortable with each other; by the time winter melted into spring came around, they were texting nearly every day, about the smallest things.
Katie: what about ur dad?
Hunk: Oh actually I don’t have one
Katie: oh shoot im sorry
Hunk: No that’s not what I meant XD I don’t have a dad cuz I have two moms
Katie: OH
“So who’s Katie?”
Hunk glanced up at his mom in surprise. “What?”
She gestured towards his phone, which was sitting on the table a foot away from him while he read. “You got a text message, sweetie.”
Hunk lunged for his phone, opening the message in a rush.
Katie: random question: star wars or star trek?
“It’s that girl he met at the competition back in Flagstaff,” Mama called from the next room.
“Phoenix,” Hunk corrected offhandedly. “Flagstaff is where her school was from.”
Hunk: Aw come on, you can’t make me choose!
Katie: help me win an argument against my brother
Katie: help me obi wan kenobi youre my only hope
“Oh, you made a friend?” Mom continued. “That’s great! What’s she like?”
“Um,” Hunk mumbled, still distracted. “Well, she likes peanut butter. And peanut butter cookies? But not peanuts, she says they’re too dry.”
Hunk: I’m sorry Katie, I’m going to have to go with Star Trek. The tribbles episode owns my soul
“Oh!” Hunk added with a smile, setting his phone down and giving his mom a starry-eyed look. “And you’ll never guess who her dad is!”
Hunk: So...what’s up?
Katie: i am eating peanut butter by the spoonful and i couldnt be happier
Hunk: Sounds like a day well spent :P
Mid-February, Katie was in class, her phone in her lap hidden under her desk. She and Hunk only had an hour difference in time zones, but that still lead to schedule conflicts. Hunk had texted her when he got out for lunch; Katie, and hour later, was already back in class after her own lunch break.
But that didn’t stop her from continuing the conversation.
(It’s not like Mr Hedrick was teaching anything new, anyways.)
Hunk: I’ve actually been looking into the garrison application process. I’ve been wanting to go there for ages and I’ll finally be old enough this fall
Katie: !!!!!!!!!
Hunk: I want to!! But the application is pretty intensive
Katie: aw come on i know you can do it
Hunk: Thanks ^_^
Hunk: What about you, are you you applying?
Katie: still too young *eyeroll* its still a few more years till i turn 16
Hunk: What??
Katie: dude im like 12
Katie: i turn 13 in april
It was a couple minutes before he responded, and Katie bit her tongue to keep herself from laughing out loud in the middle of class.
Hunk: But you’re in high school?
Hunk: I’ll be honest here, I thought we were the same age O.O
Katie: yeah i skipped 7th and 8th grade
Hunk: :O
Hunk: You’re like a little child genius or something
She stifled another laugh with a cough. She glanced up to make sure that the teacher hadn’t looked over, then went right back to her phone.
Katie: yeah thats what they told me
Katie: probably explains why this class is so fucking boring
Hunk: Wait are you in class right now??
Katie: ....quite possibly
Hunk: Get off your phone, young lady, and pay attention!!
Katie: but i already know all thiiissssss
Hunk: Respect your elders
Katie: booooooo
Hunk: (•̀o•́)ง
Katie: omg you nerd
Katie: fiiiiine
Hunk: I’ll talk to you once you get home from school ^_^ ♥
She smiled down at her phone screen before closing out of the messages app. Part of her was tempted to just pull up something else—a book, or the web browser—but she stopped herself with a sigh. She turned off the phone, stuffing it into her back pocket.
Hunk: I just thought you were really short, I didn’t realize you were a BABY
Katie: i hate u
The Garrison application process was even more daunting when he was actually filling it out. In the past, when he would look it up online to mentally prepare himself for the day when he’d finally get to fill it out, it all seemed so easy.
But now, he was starting to think he was biting off more than he could chew.
Between the GPA requirements, the essay, the mechanical skills project, the letters of recommendation, the other essay, the entrance exam, the preliminary engineering classes—
It was a lot.
And it was especially a lot when he had to juggle all that in addition to his regular schoolwork. Hunk glared at the pre-calc textbook open on his desk until the numbers all swam together.
He groaned, slamming the book shut and leaning back in his chair.
His phone vibrated, and he reached for it blindly.
Katie: maybe a rover-type probe? like what you guys did for the comp. that was pretty good
Hunk let out a long slow exhale. The physical project was causing him the most trouble at the moment, having to prove his engineering prowess by building something all on his own. It was arguably the most important part of the application, and Hunk had no clue what to do for it.
Hunk: Yeah but if I’m going to get into the garrison then my project needs to be more than just GOOD
Katie: how about a robotic turtle
Hunk: ...why?
Katie: why not
Hunk: I can probably think of a few reasons
Katie: turtles are cool bro
Hunk: Fair enough
A weary smile had managed to break through his look of frustration. Hunk glanced back at the pre-calc book, then sighed again as he slowly opened it back up.
One thing at a time.
Katie: bro u should go to bed its 1am
Hunk: Which means it’s 2am for you, right?
Katie: yeaahhh but i drank coffee mixed with redbull a couple hours ago im good
Matt and Sam made a point to come home on the weekends, and it was an occasion that Katie relished in.
She spent her days in Matt’s room, lying on his bed and keeping him company while he worked at his desk. She had her phone open to the messages app, idly relaying her conversation with Hunk to her brother.
“Yeah, Hunk has been working on his application for the Garrison.”
“Really?” Matt asked, spinning in his office chair. “That’s awesome!”
“Yeah, he’s going in for engineering,” she continued. “I’m really excited for him.”
“Does he need a letter of rec?”
“Um, lemme ask,” she replied, already typing.
Katie: matt wants to know if u need a letter of rec
It was a bit before he responded, and she watched the typing bubble appear, then disappear, then appear again. She smirked.
Hunk: Oh my god
Hunk: We only met once, does he know me well enough?
Katie rolled her eyes, reading the message out loud to Matt.
“Psh, ‘course I do,” Matt said flippantly. “I got to see his work back at the competition, and that’s the most important part, if I’m being honest.”
Katie: dude. you guys talked for ages about engineering crap
Hunk: Oh gosh. I don’t want to inconvenience him at all.
“He says he doesn’t want to inconvenience you.”
Matt let out a long groan. “Oh come on, I’m already writing them for Alec and Luca, what’s one more? I like Hunk.” He paused, thinking. “Here, ya know what, give me the phone.” He grabbed the phone from Katie’s hands without waiting for her response.
“Hey,” she protested, but Matt merely shushed her and continued to type away.
“There,” Matt said with a smirk as he hit send. A minute later, the phone vibrated, and Matt cackled, already typing a response.
“What did you say?!” Katie demanded, lunging for the phone.
Matt easily evaded her reach. “You’ll see,” he said cryptically. “But I think I’ve gotten through to him.”
When the phone went off again, Matt let out a cheer. “Alright,” he said triumphantly, tossing the phone back to Katie. “We are a go!”
Hunk: Happy birthday!!! (^▽^)
Katie: im officially a teenager bitch!!
Hunk: Jeez Katie you’re a little baby, you shouldn’t be saying stuff like that, you’re practically an infant!!
Katie: fuck
Hunk: /_(0{}0)_\
It was the middle of dinner when her phone went off.
“Katie,” her mom scolded as the girl grabbed at her phone and opened the message.
Katie ignored her, waving her hand impatiently. “Shh, it’s important!”
“Katherine, what could possibly—”
Colleen was interrupted by Katie’s sudden squeak of excitement. “He got in!!!” she squealed.
“Hunk?” Matt asked, beaming. “That’s great!”
Across the table, Sam’s eyes had lit up. “Fantastic!” he proclaimed. “Tell him congratulations for me,” he said. “I look forward to working with him.”
“Careful,” Katie warned, already typing. “You’re gonna break him.”
Katie: dad says hes looking forward to working with you. he and matt wish you congratulations
Hunk: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hunk: Thank you!!!!!!!! \(≧▽≦)/
Katie: hunk.exe has stopped working
It was summer when the Galaxy Garrison officially announced the Kerberos mission, naming the daring crew of astronauts who’d be going on the shuttle, and setting a predicted launch date in September.
The announcement made every headline imaginable, national and international news, NASA, a blurb in Katie’s high school’s newsletter, and just about every online publication in existence.
Katie was doing her homework at time, her phone stashed at the bottom of her backpack. With her headphones in, she didn’t hear it vibrating, too engrossed in her chemistry work.
She had ten new messages by the time she closed her textbook and fished out her phone.
Hunk: DUDE!!!!!
Hunk: That’s literally BILLIONS OF MILES AWAY
Hunk: Sorry for spamming I’m just REALLY EXCITED
She laughed, carrying her phone and her laptop onto her bed where she could stretch out more comfortably. She flopped over onto her back, holding the phone above her face.
Katie: oh did that get announced today???
Katie: theyve been planning for months im so jealous
Hunk: Aaaaaaa this is all so exciting!
Hunk: I’m just
Hunk: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Katie: same
Katie: kerberos must be so cool
Katie: hunk lets go to outer space
Hunk: Let’s do it
Garrison cadet move-in day was in mid-August.
She got his room assignment from her dad. He’d been more than happy to check the student records for her and send her a quick message with the hall name, floor, and room number.
Katie, not even 13-and-a-half, much too young to be one of the students moving in today, walked confidently down the halls, weaving in and out of parents and students.
Presently, she heard his voice up ahead, coming out of one of the many open door. An excited grin spreading across her face, she ran the last few yards to his room. Bracing her hands on the doorframe, she stuck her head into the room, shouting, “Surprise!”
Inside the room, Hunk yelped as he whirled around in shock. As soon as he caught sight of her, his guard dropped and he broke into a smile. “Katie!” He tackled her in a bear hug, lifting her off the ground.
Katie laughed. “It’s so good to see you again!”
“What are you doing here? Wait, no, stupid question.”
She giggled. “I came in with Dad and Matt. They went to do professional officey things, like boring adult paperwork or whatever.”
“Ah, the worst part of adulthood,” Hunk said, nodding sagely. “Don’t worry, Katie, you’ll understand when you’re older.”
She elbowed him. “Shut up.”
He laughed for a moment, and Katie realized that he wasn’t the only one in the room. Standing bemusedly by the closet was a woman who looked so much like Hunk she could only be his mother. She had a gentle smile on her face as she watched the two of them.
Hunk followed Katie’s gaze, and his eyes widened. “Oh, this is my mom,” he said, gesturing to the woman. “Or, well, you know. One of them.”
“Hi,” Katie said, holding out her hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs Garrett.”
“Please, call me Lani,” the woman said, shaking Katie’s hand. “It’s lovely to finally meet you, Katie. Hunk has told me so much about you.”
“Good things, I hope,” Katie said, casting a dry glance at Hunk. He stuck his tongue out at her, and she stuck out hers at him.
“Only the best,” Lani reassured her with a wink.
“So how have you been?” Hunk asked. “It’s so good to see you! We should, like, hang out at some point and catch up.”
“Oh!” Katie interjected. “Mom told me to invite you guys over for dinner,” she added.
Hunk gasped, and Katie could have sworn she saw stars in his eyes. “Seriously?”
“Yes, seriously,” she echoed. “Please?”
“Yes! Absolutely!” Hunk cried. He looked over to his mom. “Right? That’s okay?”
Lani smiled at her son widely. “Of course, sweetie. I’ll go find Kiana.” She squeezed Katie on the shoulder as she walked past her to head out of the room.
“Dinner,” Hunk breathed. “With Doctor Samuel Holt.”
She snorted. “I promise you, he’s a normal person. Just kind of a nerd. But hey, I mean, so are you.”
He rolled his eyes. “Thanks, Katie.”
Hunk: The Kerberos launch is only a couple weeks away, omg
Katie: i knowww im so jealous
Katie: i might just stowaway on the shuttle tbh
Hunk: That sounds potentially life-threatening, please do not
Hunk watched the Kerberos launch live on TV.
They’d only allowed family to watch from the ground, and though Katie had offered to try to sneak him in, he’d declined. Instead, he watched it on the massive projection screen that the Garrison had set up for students.
In some of the camera shots, he could make out the tiny purple-clad figure of Katie on the observation deck, standing beside her mother.
“This truly is a momentous day in human history,” the newscaster was saying. “If successful, the Kerberos Mission will mark the farthest that anyone has traveled from Earth. We’re making history here, folks.”
The launch was glorious. With a blast of fire and a cloud of smoke, the shuttle took off, the cameras trained on it all the way out of the atmosphere, until it was just a tiny speck against the blue of the sky. The crowd gathered in the Garrison commons room let out a cheer. Hunk’s roommate, an aspiring pilot named Lance, propped his elbow on Hunk’s shoulder.
“That’s gonna be us someday,” Lance told him with surprising conviction. “Seeing the stars, traveling to worlds never before seen.”
Hunk smiled. “I can’t wait.”
Hunk: Oh my god
Hunk: Katie I’m so sorry oh my god
Hunk: Are you okay?
Hunk: Sorry, stupid question
Hunk: Can I do anything to help?
Hunk: Katie?
✓ Read 11:17 PM
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Review: Being Kidnapped
 This current website that you’re reading is the second iteration of Random Reviews. The first Random Reviews abruptly ended a few years ago, but there was no proper goodbye. The reason being that I was kidnapped by a person who oversaw a product that I was reviewing at the time. Somehow this person caught wind of the fact that I was going to give a negative review of his product, and he ended up finding where I lived and kidnapping me.
Sure, any NORMAL person would have gone to police after being released from the clutches of a person who is crazy enough to kidnap another human being, but I’m no ordinary person. I’m taking the opportunity and using it as a means to get even more attention by reviewing the experience.
It started with the initial abduction, as all kidnappings do. The person, who from here on will be referred to as “the fucking guy who kidnapped me”, came into my bedroom at about 1am, wearing a Pikachu mask. With a shrill voice, the fucking guy who kidnapped me told me “get in this bag”, pointing to a mid-sized duffle bag in his hand.
Now, I’ve never kidnapped anyone before, but I’m almost certain that you don’t just tell somebody to get in a bag. That made it seem less terrifying, being that I am 5’8” and am 180 pounds. There was no way that I was going to be able to fit into the bag. I chuckled at the fucking guy who kidnapped me, scoffing at the idea that this dummy was going to kidnap me.
“Uh, no?” I said, reaching for my glasses on my nightstand. I put on my glasses and could finally see the man before me, with his stupid mask, his big fat belly like a bowl of jelly, his black trench coat with at least 34 chains hanging off of it. “I’m calling the cops” I said as I grabbed my phone. I didn’t have any weapons, and have never been in any fights, so that was the most intimidating thing I could think of doing at the time.
The fucking guy who kidnapped me would have been a big fan of my review of being homeless (in which I pepper sprayed dozens of people), because as soon as I threatened to call the police, he pepper sprayed me. Like a lot. So much so that I fell and hit my head on my nightstand, causing me to lose consciousness.
I woke up in a dark room. It smelled like a basement.
That’s because it was a basement.
I stepped on a chip, the crumbs stabbed my bare foot as it sunk into the carpet. Breaking the chip somehow caused an aromatic effect which gave me a whiff of Cool Ranch. “Oh no” I whispered to myself as I realized that I may be in the basement of a neckbeard’s home. I was in for some weird shit if that was the case.
For those of you that are not sure of what a neckbeard is, it’s a person who enjoys the finer things in life, such as Mountain Dew, Doritos, anime, samurai swords, and the occasional Facebook rant about how “all girls are the same and only date assholes instead of the nice guys that will treat them the way a lady should be treated”.
I yelled for help, and was met with the lights suddenly turning on. At the top of the stairs, the fucking guy who kidnapped me was locking the door behind him.  
“Who are you? What are you doing?” I asked, trying to seem tougher than I am.
The fucking guy who kidnapped me threw a pack of wet wipes at me. “Clean yourself up” he said with his puny voice. The fucking guy who kidnapped me wasn’t wearing his mask this time, and I turned out to be correct- This guy was a neckbeard.
His physique was that of a 47 year old IT guy. He wore glasses, he had a bit of hair on his third chin, as well as a mustache that looked like it belonged to a homeless John Waters. If you were to throw a fedora on him, and if I were a woman, he’d look like he was going to address me as “M’lady”.
“I don’t need to clean up, I need to get the hell out of here” I replied, trying to adjust my posture to make myself look tough. The fucking guy who kidnapped me fell down the last few set of stairs, and I took my chance. I attempted to run up the stairs past him, but was laughing at the fact that he fell, slowing me down a bit. He grabbed my leg, yanking me down, yelling “Clean yourself up!”. His voice made it sound kind of silly.
Not to brag or anything, but I have a lot of really useful skills that can be applied to many different situations. I am very logical, intuitive, and I would be an asset in any environment, working or other. But alas, my skills also include being able to hit my head really fucking hard on things. This time it was a stair.
I woke up a few hours later with the fucking guy who kidnapped me looking down into my eyes. “Do you know why you’re here?” he asked.
I took this opportunity to try out something that I’ve seen in tons of movies- I spit on him.
He stood up slowly, and reached for the same pack of wet wipes that he had thrown at me. “I’m going to clean myself up” he said. The fucking guy who kidnapped me was eerily calm about what I had just done. I watched him intently, waiting for him to fucking stab me with one of his martial arts weapons or more Doritos crumbs or something.
As I watched, I noticed that the wet wipes were something that I was writing a review about. The slogan read “Clean Yourself Up”. All of a sudden, my brain made a connection.
“Are you ----------? Of ------------ Wet Wipes?” I asked with a grin. I was proud of myself. Batman wishes he was half the detective that I am.
The fucking guy who kidnapped me looked at me for a moment. I could tell he was trying to think of something sinister to respond with. Instead, he left. He ran upstairs, locking the door once he was out of the basement. It sounded like he was starting to choke up a little, trying not to burst into tears. I was alone in the basement once again. The window wells had iron grates over them with locks, so the only way I’d be able to get out was through the door at the top of the stairs.
I yelled more, hoping that maybe someone was walking their dog past the house and would hear me. Hours passed before the fucking guy who kidnapped me came back.
He was weeping. “Why don’t you like my wet wipes?” he asked, desperate for any kind of approval.
“How did you know that I was going to give them a poor review? How did you know I was even reviewing your shitty wet wipes?” I asked, totally confused by the situation. This was like living in the shittiest episode of The Twilight Zone.
“That’s not important! Just tell me why you don’t like my wet wipes!” he demanded. I thought he sounded silly before, but damn, his crying voice was hilarious.
I took a moment to compose myself, and to hold back my laughter, before answering his pathetic questions.
“Dude, your wet wipes aren’t wet…. They’re just dry napkins in plastic packaging”.
Yes, it’s true. The fucking guy who kidnapped me was trying to sell wet wipes that were dry.
When I told him the answer, he began to cry even harder, throwing out phrases such as “I can’t do anything right” and “Not even my parents approve of the life I live”. He was rambling about how lonely he was. “I can’t even get a girlfriend because they keep going for the douchebags that are going to leave them for another piece of ass” he sobbed. I chuckled, because I couldn’t care less about what this weirdo was saying. Zero fucks were being given by me.
I took this as an opportunity to get the hell out of there. And I did. But not before quickly uttering the phrase I was thinking the whole time that he was talking.
“I don’t care”.
I ran up those stairs, through his house, which was decorated with posters of anime girls. I stepped on a few more Doritos, ran past a pet parrot, and tripped on some nunchucks that were laying in the middle of the floor.
Luckily, there was nothing for me to hit my head on.
I was up and out of there faster than you can say “-------- Wet Wipes”.
After I made it back to my house, I quickly shut down the first Random Reviews site, and vowed that I would never write another review again.
But it occurred to me that when I ran up the stairs, I closed the door behind me, and that it may have locked when it shut.
So, here’s to hoping that the fucking guy who kidnapped me had plenty of Doritos and Mountain Dew to live off of, and here’s to many more Random Reviews!
Overall, I’d give being kidnapped 3 out of 10. It wasn’t something that I wanted, but hey, I could’ve been like, murdered or something.
P.S. To the person who ratted me out to the fucking guy that kidnapped me, I will find you, and I will call you mean names.
-Sebastian Schielie
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