gerardpilled · 2 years
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#mcyt #dream #minecraft #gamergirl #yaoi #fyp #twitch #mcytfanfiction #georgenotfound #technoblade
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ender-thorn · 2 years
so goodbye, goodbye
(short au/oneshot based on @fathermooshroom's fic guided evolution with big spoilers for post chapter 58)
“Wil..” Kristin’s voice was shaky and horse on the other end. “Wil, it’s Tommy.” It was barely 9 in the goddamn morning and Wilbur’s world had shattered. “What?” He suddenly couldn’t feel. His entire body felt numb; a storm had just hit him, like a hurricane had run through the school but only he could feel it. “Wil… You need to come home. Ask-” Kristin took a shaky breath before continuing. “Ask Quackity to let you off and come home.” “Kristin.. What happened to Tommy?” Wilbur’s voice was barely a whisper but he knew she had heard him. “Mum?” He paused as he heard muffled voices on the other side of the phone. “He’s.. He didn’t come home last night... He.. went out and wasn’t back this morning. We think… Well no- Tommy’s- he’s missing,”
OR I've been crazy obsessed with fathermooshroom's fic guided evolution so I wrote some angst (read that first otherwise this spoils literally everything)
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kat-got-lost · 3 years
sapnap with a country reader
you can find the original ask here :)
i am in a very sapnap mood at the moment pogchamp
(A/N: i am a very much a uh,,city boy- i live near the LA part of california, therefore i have n o experience with like, anything country? so i had to play a bit into stereotypes so im sorry for anything here is a bit inaccurate) 
sapnap x f!reader (pronouns aren’t mentioned but f!reader is implied :)
warnings// my exceptionally bad understanding of anything country, like, one sex joke
genre: fluff
format: headcanons 
-texan boy and country girl? sounds like a pog match up 
-for the sake of this let’s say you live on a ranch or a very rural area my lack of understanding of the definition of being country is showing so hard
- ANYWAY, sapnap would love to help you with that whatever chores and tasks you had to do
- i feel like he would have a soft spot for animals, he would so love taking care of them, especially like cows and horses 
- i get such heavy cow lover vibes 
- he would also wanna get those like, matching couple shirts, but again, not those cute ones those really tacky ones: 
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- calls you names like sugar, that’s not even a country headcanon, just one in general :)
- if you have an accent he would most definitely playfully mock it, like if you happen to have a strong southern accent he would so try and copy it
- but it’s literally so adorable, like,,he sounds so cute doing it,,
- cuddles, cuddles are a must after a long day of helping you out
- gets all pouty if you don’t cuddle with him
- overall, it’s literally so adorable, he’s so sweet and such a cuddlebug and he’s so helpful, 10/10, boyfriend sapnap supremacy 
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sugarcoated44 · 3 years
~Love over War ~  [A Technoblade x reader] Chapter 2: Pogtopia
~ Welcome to the second chapter of the story I hope you enjoy! ~
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[Sugar’s Masterlist]  [LOW Masterlist]
Story Cap
You and your best friend Techno are renowned across the land under your respective aliases, Technoblade and The Diamond, not necessarily criminals but popular anarchists that were either hated or adored. You both simply travel around challenging people to duels or causing chaos as you go. With few strings attached to you, it was a surprise to both of you when a favor was called in by your old friend Wilbur Soot. He was an old friend of yours and now a government leader (both to you a Techno’s distaste) who was apparently now engaged in a war over his country. Never ones to give up the chance to help overthrow a rightfully elected government you both headed down to what was left of L’manburg to help cause chaos. Was this more than you could handle and will you lose each other in the process, only time and battle can tell.
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<Previous Chapter | Next Chapter>
Chapter 2: Pogtopia
Y/N’s Perspective
It had been around 6 hours since you and Techno had found Wilbur Soot and his companion hiding in a small makeshift cave a few miles away from L’manburg, 5 hours since you had negotiated the terms of your deal, and 4 hours since you had hunted alongside Techno to get food for your ragtag bunch.
The terms you had come to with Wilbur and Tommy were that at the end of this war, after you and Techno had assisted them in winning it, the country of L’manburg would owe you both a favor. You had tried negotiating for two since you were both technically separate entities but Tommy clearly did not trust the both of you, he had very openly disagreed with owing you both something that wasn't completely set in stone (not that he was incorrect to do so) and had outright refused to owe you and Techno more than one favor. 
You finished shaking Tommy’s hand and you stepped back to Techno’s side. Tommy was still grimacing as Wilbur clapped his hands together loudly. “Now that thats been sorted,” he said “Tommy and I will be heading in the direction of L’manburg.”
“Why go to L’Manburg so immediately after you've been kicked out?” Techno questioned, his mask lifting slightly upward signifying that his eyebrows had quite quickly been raised. 
Wilbur’s eyes became a bit crazed as he sated, “I want to know what Shlatt is doing with you country.” his voice cold and sharp. 
Tommy gave him a nervous glace and picked up his pack off the floor, “We will only be gone for a couple of hours and I want to check on Tubbo.” He slug the bag over his shoulder as he grabbed Wilbur’s sleeve and dragged him out of the cave. “No funny business between the two of you,” he started, “I don't want cooties everywhere!” he shouted his explosive personality coming back in the last few words of his sentence. 
You felt the blood rush to your cheeks and heard Techno cough awkwardly. You looked at him and he was rubbing the back of his neck staring at the wall very intently. This was going to be a long revolution.
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You and Techno had been left alone together in the small cave that was what Tommy had begun to call “Pogtopia”. The two of you had consecutively decided that a tiny cave was no place to build a revolution and had begun to dig out the area. 
You and Techno had both brought your respective tools out of your packs and stood together facing the wall at the back of the cave. 
“Are we seriously about to dig out a whole cave for this?” You asked Techno. 
“I mean we agreed to help them and I don't exactly think you'll like trying to sleep so close to everyone.” He replied swinging off his massive cloak and throwing it aside leaving him in his white dress shirt that showed off his back a little too well. 
“I sleep next to you all the time.” you say without thinking about it. 
Techno turns towards you the visible parts of his face clearly reddening as he says “Well that's different.” 
You laugh awkwardly facing away from him clutching your pickaxe in both of your hands. What had gotten into you? Tommy’s comment earlier had thrown you off thats all this was. You reached up and rubbed your shoulder again, remembering how his breath had felt against your skin when the two of you had read Wilburs letter, your hand curled into your shirt for a moment before you swung the pickaxe hard against the wall. You were most definitely not letting these stupid thoughts get to you. You didn't need unnecessary distractions you needed to get to work on dismantling this government. 
Techno started to swing his pickaxe into the wall next to where you were working the both of you steadily creating a tall tunnel that gradually slopped downwards. Working with Techno was always like this, perfect and insync. You appreciated the easy rhythm the both of you had created while the two of you worked Techno gently humming a tune you remembered hearing while the two of you were traveling on a merchants ship. Your pickaxed slammed into the the wall in ime with the tune and out of the corner of your eye you saw techno smiling softly sweat dripping down his brow the mask forgotten near the entrance of the tunnel. 
You turned your full attention back to the wall just in time to see it give out under techno’s pickaxe, the stone crumbled away leaving the both of you at the floor of a large underground ravine. 
Techno quickly put his pickaxe down and pulled out his sword, you both clearly heard the clinking of bones and the groans that meant mobs were nearby. You yourself took out some torches you had and held them standing behind techno as the both of you advanced into the wide cavern. You kept the pickaxe in hand as you placed torches behind techno. You had unfortunately left your axe at the mouth of the tunnel and you weren't going to leave techno down here without any light in favor of getting it. 
You both spotted a skeleton and two zombies at the opposite side of the ravine, you placed down one more torch illuminating the area before you both engaged with the mobs.
Techno swung his sword overhead as the first zombie approached him reaching for his head, the sword sunk through the zombies left arm cutting it clean off and the zombie of course continued to advance without care. Techno stepped back arm raising high enough for you to duck under it and take his place. You slammed your shoulder into the zombie knocking it to the side just in time for the arrow that the skeleton had been aiming at techno to shoot clean though the back of its head causing it to slump onto the ground disappearing into particles and leaving some of its rotted flesh behind. 
The second zombie approached you and you trusted Techno to deal with the skeleton as you swug your pickaxe into the second zombies gut with both of your hands. You pulled the tool out of its stomach and swung again this time sideways into its head and into the wall beside it efficiently ending the creatures undead life. As the second zombie disintegrated you turned hearing the clattering of bones as the skeleton fell apart under Techno’s sword.
You looked at the edge of your pickaxe and grimaced at the blood on it. You saw Techno pull a handkerchief out of his pocket and wipe of the blood and bone dust off his blade before he stepped forward and offered the cloth to you. You took it from him cleaning off your tool as you studied the area around you 
The ravine was wide and open with a tall ceiling and a few glittering ores clustered in the walls, off to one side an open area was illuminated by a torch you had placed and underground stream running through it the surrounding area around it covered in damp dirt and a few mushrooms. 
Techno stepped forward and tested the dirt with his toe stepping forward into the area closer to the stream. 
You walked up behind him and handed the handkerchief back to him as you put the pickaxe into a holder on your belt so you could cross your arms. “What are you thinking about?” you inquire looking up at Technos face. He was staring quite intently at the soil with a look tha you could just not place.
His eyes were slightly glazed over as he turned towards you and said “BrruuUUhhh, I could plant so many potatoes in here.”  
You instantaneously busted into laughter, hunching over and placing your hands on your knees for support. No matter where you went the one thing sure to never change was Techno’s slightly insane love for potatoes. 
“What?” he said head turning to the side clearly confused by your laughter.
You whipped tears out of your eyes and clutched your stomach as you stood up a little straighter. “Oh nothing,” you say turning towards the tunnel you two had built, “I just think I need to give you and your precious new potato farm a little alone time.” 
This statement earned you a glare from Techno as he followed you up the tunnel back to the small cave that was the entrance to Pogtopia. 
“Remember that whole competition you had with farming potatoes? It’s a wonder you can still stand to look at the things after all of that.” you said placing your picaxe against the wall of the cave. The ravine most definitely gave you enough room to work with as a base for the revolution so you decided you were done working for now.
Techno shook his head and snorted, “I wouldn't expect a simpleton such as yourself to understand the value of potatoes.’ he said standing up a little straighter his voice coming out haughty and royal like it always had been back in the early days of your traveling together and how it always came out when people he did not trust were around. 
You rolled your eyes and opened your mouth to give a retort when you heard a thump outside of the cave. You stood up quickly grabbing your axe off the table as well as Technos mask, you tossed it to him as you stepped forward to the entrance peering out to see a battered Tommy and Wilbur rushing forward frantically looking behind themselves. 
“We have a problem.” Wilbur said as Techno walked up beside you.
“That is..?” Techno asked eying the both of them suspiciously, this was simply a recon mission; it wasn't expected for them to come back with more problems than they already had.
“I may have accidentally let it slip that you and Big D were here…” Tommy said looking off the the side sheepishly, causing you to flinch at the unwanted nickname and the information.
Wilbur stepped forward in front of Tommy and said, “What he fails to mention is that Shlatt is uncomfortably excited about the fact that he two of you are around.” 
You and Techo both looked at each other and made eye contact clearly thinking the same thing. 
Your enemy being excited was not something for you to be happy about.
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Hope you all enjoyed and I will see you next time! - Bree
Taglist: (comment or DM if you like to be added)
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voidshithead · 3 years
dsmp oneshot no.4
tommy is blinded by power and stays with technoblade. he leaves tubbo with the rest of his friends.
“THE DISCS ARE WORTH MORE THAN YOU EVER WERE!!” the axe of peace was about to slice tubbo’s throat before tommy stopped. “what?” tubbo whimpered. “tubbo you betrayed me get that through your thick skull of yours!!” tommy exclaimed.
“tommy,” tubbo whispered. “give. me. the. disc.” tommy demanded, with his hand out. “tubbo give me the disc. he betrayed you!” dream exclaimed. “NO! SHUT UP, ALL OF YOU!!” tommy shouted, stomping his right foot down.
everyone stared at tommy in shock. “dream. he....he manipulated me during exile. none of you came to visit me but it doesn’t matter anymore. he has manipulated countries. he is the mastermind behind all of this chaos, do you not see it!?!” tommy exclaimed.
“and tubbo. he is controlling you right now,” tommy panted, from his long rant. “tommy. you betrayed me and i’m so sorry. i’m sorry for putting you in exile and what i’m about to do now,” tubbo said, opening the ender chest and taking out the disc.
tommy’s eyes widened. the two made eye contact. one full of anger. the one with sadness and regret. “but it has to be done tommy. you’re a threat to everyone,” tubbo said handing dream the disc. the disc he gave tubbo out of trust and friendship.
“NOO!!” tommy shouted, running towards tubbo. but he couldn’t make it. “hey. you shouldn’t just give someones valuables to someone else.” technoblade’s gruff voice filled the area. he had his hand on tubbo’s arm. the disc was about to reach dream’s hand.
“i’ll be taking that,” techno said. he threw the disc towards tommy who caught it. “let’s go tommy. i’ll cover you,” techno said, equipping his axe and a few potions. “alright,” tommy said.
the two were surrounded by the 30+ members of the server. each one of them glaring the two down. it was them against the whole world. “thank you techno,” tommy said, throwing his pearl towards the nether portal.
“get him!” they all rushed at tommy but technoblade swiftly took a few down. tommy was now pinned down by tubbo who caught him off guard. “YOU BETRAYED ME!! YOU EVEN SIDED WITH TECHNOBLADE OUR ONE ENEMY!!” tubbo shouted, with tears in his eyes.
“YES I DID SIDE WITH TECHNOBLADE. BUT AT LEAST HE IS A BETTER FRIEND THAN YOU EVER WERE!!!” that were tommy’s last words to tubbo before he was teleported away.
everyone was looking at technoblade who stood alone. but it didn’t matter. he had taken armies down by himself. “tomorrow. tomorrow is the day l’manburg is destroyed. be prepared and say your last words,” techno said throwing his pearl to the nether portal.
“there’s no point stopping him,” tubbo said, relaxed. “i guess you aren’t an idiot after all mr. president. but make sure you stare at your country one last time before it all falls,” techno grinned and teleported away... 
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writernomore · 3 years
I had recently joined the mcyt community last year and have been loving it here, I want to start writing fanfiction for them!
I want to write for more than just Harry Potter and be just known as someone who can write than "Oh look! That's the person who writes Harry Potter fanfiction!" I haven't been in my right mindset to write for now since my inspiration and motivation had gone and left me.
I will be in a short Hiatus, but I will post what I can to keep this blog from dying and save all my hard work going down the drain.
I will write for other fandoms to see how I write and portray their characters.
So I hope you guys will be okay with my short absence for now, and I apologize for not posting as much before because I had been busy and homework has been keeping me down and I just wanted to keep up with my grades.
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sugarcoated44 · 3 years
~ Love over War ~ Masterlist [A Technoblade x reader]
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Hello everyone! This is the first story I've written in a while so I hope you all enjoy it! 
[Sugar’s Masterlist]
Note: This story is set in the MINECRAFT universe, obviously it will be written realistically but it will be as if you are in the MC universe. 
       You and your best friend and travel companion Techno are renowned across the land under your respective aliases, Technoblade and The Diamond, not necessarily criminals but popular anarchists that were either hated or adored. You both simply travel around challenging people to duels or causing chaos as you go. With few strings attached to you, it was a surprise to both of you when a favor was called in by your old friend Wilbur Soot. He was an old accuaintance of yours and and friend to Techno, now a government leader (both to you a Techno’s distaste) who was apparently now engaged in a war over his country. Never ones to give up the chance to help overthrow a rightfully elected government you both headed down to what was left of L’manburg to help cause chaos. Was this more than you could handle and will you lose each other in the process, only time and battle can tell.
y/n - your name 
h/c - hair color 
e/c - eye color 
(ht.) - height 
[more will be added if needed as the story goes on]
Disclaimer - (Please remember that Dave is a real person and not to take this story super seriously) 
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Chapter 1: A Letter 
Chapter 2: Pogtopia
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