#mcd Nekoette
dante-enthusiast · 7 months
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“So when I die, which I must do, could it shine down here with you?”
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sweetiepotatofry · 23 days
So if Dante's hair is dark blue and Nana's is pink, and their daughter, Nekoette's is light blue. Does that Imply blue hair in the aphverse works like blonde hair irl?
As in some are born with dang near white hair and then it darkens (sometimes to brown) around adolescents?
Also I feel like Katelyn dying her hair light blue and it being treated like she's a bottle blonde somehow ties into this but I'm not sure how.
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This gonna be a quite controversial one but I headcanon KC (Nana) as aroace. Now I KNOW, I know people ship her with Dante, or Zane, or Katelyn I think I've seen before and don't get me wrong I absolutely love reading fanfics of them, but the way I see her is as aroace and yk what I'm perfectly okay with that soo. I love exploring different relationship dynamics and looking into how so many different families can function in their own beautiful way and I'd love to interpret that here.
In my MCD rewrite, the way I saw her was as a character who just LOVED to bring love, light and life to those around her. Be it through her sweets, her hugs or literally bringing dolls to life: that has always been her TOP priority. Making friends and making sure they're loved and happy. But romantically? She's just never managed to feel that attraction. However, she did feel a deep love for Dante when she went back to Phoenix Drop and saw him there alone, but the love she held for him was just moreso platonic then it was romantic. Dante knew that and understood, putting his feelings for her aside because he also cherished the bond they had managed to form.
However they both knew one thing - they both wanted children. Families can have different types of dynamics and every single dynamic is valid. KC and Dante decided to be platonic coparents to their daughter (I still haven't decided on her name as I want to get rid of the stereotypes), sharing a house just for the convenience. Their daughter in no way ever felt unloved, as KC and Dante were incredible and attentive parents, treating her with the love she so deserved. Yes, it sometimes faced some judgement, but they never really cared. Because they had each other, they knew what they felt and they knew that they had a beautiful family.
When Zoey came back with Levin and Malachi, she had immediately understood - being in a similar situation with her own husband, except for the fact that she had always loved women but had wanted children. Levin and Malachi loved the opportunity as to helping with Dante and KC's daughter, and so they began to rebuild Phoenix Drop to protect it from those who wished to harm it. It was their home, and even though the heart of it was gone, they still cherished the memories they had all shared there together.
Even within the darkness, they managed to find that found family once again through the clouds and restored it stronger than ever, the memory of their friends held so dearly in their hearts in the hope that one day they'd be able to see them again.
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gaybae1021 · 1 year
Dimitri and Naoko (Nekoette)
Sharing some art and headcanons about my favorite half-siblings!
Mystreet Designs
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The fact that they weren’t in mystreet was a crime!
More art and Headcanons under the cut!
Dimitri is a very active kid, he enjoys karate and the occasional game of soccer. When not in school he spends a lot of time at his mom’s gym, and is her biggest cheerleader during her boxing matches. They have a pretty good relationship, Nicole is pretty hands off with him, and he appreciates the independence, but it leads to him being pretty disrespectful the few times Nicole has had to go mom mode on him
Dante and Nicole dated in high school, where Nicole accidentally got pregnant. Dante did the best he could to help out, but they eventually decided they should go their separate ways. Dante hasn’t seen Dimitri since he was around 2.
When Dimitri got a bit older and Dante got settled with KC, Nicole and Dante decided try more of a coparenting situation. Dimitri was apprehensive at first, but quickly became friends with Naoko. After that, bonding with Dante and KC came pretty quickly.
When first meeting her, Naoko was as much of a girly girl as a person could be. Princess dresses, tea parties, dolls, the works, all of which she begged Dimitri to do with her. This was embarrassing at first, but he eventually got used to it.
One day Dimitri showed her his videogames, and she immediately hyper fixated on them, quickly matching and eventually surpassing her brother’s skill. She enjoys the cute little farming sims but is equally into more combat based games.
Imagine this sweet little seven year old suddenly dropping into professional gamer speak
Videogames quickly become their favorite bonding activity, as it’s something they enjoy equally !
Get Back! (Redraws)
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This. This right here. This is my favorite dynamic. This rabid “get away from my family you bitch” energy.
Season 3 Designs
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Dimitri (12) and Naoko (9)
I wanted to keep their basic armor vaguely matching, but not just pink and blue copies like the og skins. Since Naoko showed interest in the bow and arrow I gave her a lot of ranger inspired details, with the hood piece and leather bracers. I kept her outfit practical but still a bit femme, despite her serious expression here she’s still very much a little kid who likes pink and flowers.
For Dimitri I wanted him to have pieces of both of his parents. So he has some samurai inspired tunic and shoulder plates like Dante and arm wrappings like Nicole. And while in season 2 he uses his dads old katanas, in season 3 he’s switched to his own pair of short swords, he kind of wanted his own thing rather than copying his dad.
They’re mostly trained by Katelyn, with some occasional lessons with Dante. The art is definitely a bit misleading, they’re far from cool and composed warriors at this point. But they love training together, and are both eager to learn.
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iridiss · 1 year
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aarmaudiaries · 21 days
hope u guys like this tho it took me days fr
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roxxie-spirt · 6 months
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Meowmeoomsoemwomewomrow Katelyn , I KNOW I SAID ID POST A MASTER POST OF SHADOWKNIGHTS BUT.. a lot happened this week just busywork woof.. so here’s a silly doodle I did of Katelyn with her kitty ears honestly this was just a random doodle because I messed up on my HC of Katelyn’s brows I like her with smaller lil angry brows but she’s super pretty and I didn’t wanna redraw them.
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Just some side doodles , and my Nextgen Trevor , I mightttt do a post of my nextgens because I love them and the story i made continuing MCD
.. also I just really like my angst boy Trevor I didn’t do him justice here because my hand was cramping
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xyxofspades · 2 months
Tl;dr: I think we should rename Nekoette to Kitty
Kawaii~Chan always bothered me as a kid because I was raised in Japan (ages 4-18) and every time she spoke or tossed a Japanese word in there or gave certain characters certain suffixes I was so
So very,,,,, adjective. Mostly confused. That’s the adjective.
She named her daughter Nekoette: Transliterated to cat-ette. -ette usually being tacked onto names in English to be more feminine and dainty, so OK her name is dainty cat.
But then they use the -tan suffix which isn’t a real name suffix it’s BABY SPEAK for -chan and I figured, alright well it is her daughter, and mothers baby speak their literal babies all the time. But then Nekoette never outgrows the -tan suffix? It’s with her the whole time. Meaning even as a teen she’s being called (baby voice) dainty kitty. Essentially her name means
If Nana is Kawaii~Chan (可愛いちゃん : cute girl) then Nekoette is Kawaiisou (可愛いそう : poor thing)
Set her up for failure SO HARD. Transliterating her name gets you a mess, but localizing it it very easily localizes to Kitty. Which is such a cute name and also actually. A name.
Here’s the kanji for Nana’s name if anyone was curious: 那那 芦田
Not canon I had to write it out myself but that’s the most probable kanji for her. The kanji for Nana means beautiful, and the kanji for Ashida means rice farmer. Maybe her family in Tu’La were rice farmers??? Hidden lore?????? There’s no way her name was that thought out
Here’s that for Nekoette: 猫エト (猫エット?) 芦田
And for her rename, Kitty: キティ 芦田
(Technically you can kanji the name Kitty, but I feel like Nana would keep it in katakana because they live in Phoenix Drop and not Tu’La)
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t4tzanechan · 1 year
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haven't seen a lot of baby nekoette drawins... so
taglist: @possuminnit (ask to be added or removed :3)
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lucindasthighs · 1 year
I think Nana should have kept her little maids throughout the series.
Imagine: The broken streets of Phoenix Drop are a cold and desolate, but every so often, you'll see a garish pop of color. Sometimes they're peeking out, curious about the new "customer." Sometimes they're following Nekoette, who treats them more like little sisters than the magical constructs they are. Either way, it serves as a reminder; That not all has changed, and not all has been lost.
also dmitri would definitely think they were her kids and be like "damn auntie is it really that good😦"
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panons · 1 year
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some mcd girlies :P
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goat-guy-tm · 1 month
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I personally adore my redesign of her, I like to think she had absolutely big puffy as fuck hair, like PinkiePie levels, and I like to draw her very tall for some reason. I love all the designs of her short as fuck, but my rewrite kc has always been a lanky gal, for some reason.
I also this it was a missed oppertunity to give her little fairy assistants. I know they were dolls she brought to life with her magic, I still keep that but also, FAIRY ASSISTANTS!! Little pixie girls she dresses up and have collects fruits and flowers for her!
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And also yes I was such a big sucker for Damien in mys and his and KC's relationship that I made them end game in mcd. I'm normal about them.
Kc's hair isn't graying in the second pic, I just realized I had forgotten to make her vitiligo affect her hair, so I guess see it as if the vitiligo doesn't reach/affect her scalp till some time around season 2
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so originally i wasn’t gonna change nekoette’s name in my rewrite
but then i remembered her name is literally neko ette
so her name is Nina now
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gaybae1021 · 1 year
Big Ol’ Family Hangout
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Kind of old designs for Dimitri and Naoko, but a sweet piece I really liked.
Gotta love Naoko and Katelyn’s relationship. Your half brother’s mom’s girlfriend and also your combat teacher who teaches you how to murder
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adrasteatoby · 8 months
Parent and child
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vylad-romeave-5 · 6 months
Mcd and Mystreet characters as cats
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