#mcc r2
theglitternet · 9 months
❤️ If it’s Aussie winter, why is the Fin in the snow?
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@millkberry @lincu
MCCR2 skin submissions for the Red Rabbits! Downloads and PNGs below the cut.
– Millk (3px) [ https://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/21910338/millkberry-mccr2-red-winter/ ]
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– Pyro (4px) [ https://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/21910342/pyroscythe-mccr2-red-winter/ ]
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– Sinaheh (3px) [ https://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/21910343/sinaheh-mccr2-red-winter/ ]
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– Lincu (4px) [ https://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/21910345/lincu-mccr2-red-winter/ ]
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14 notes · View notes
bioluminescentfrog · 9 months
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this is so real mhmhmhm
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ndn-craft · 6 months
Sometimes I think about MCC R2 Blue Bats and cry, they were such a good team
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hammerstein-mcc · 3 years
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Weekly market
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niamh-sims · 4 years
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With the laptop working, we can continue the Summer round with the woodchoppers!
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oceantail-oceantail · 3 years
Updated list of Dodgebolt Aces:
MCC 2: Ryguyrocky, (Aqua Horses, R2)
MCC 6: Fundy (Blue Bats, R3)
MCC 7: Technoblade (Orange Ocelots, R2)
MCC 10: FalseSymmetry (Orange Ocelots, R4)
MCC 11: Dream (Fuchsia Frankensteins, R1)
MCC 14: Sapnap (Blue Bats, R3)
MCC 16: Dream (Pink Parrots, R1)
MCC 17: Illumina (Pink Parrots, R1)
348 notes · View notes
tuyetthienduong · 5 years
S goc du cha keo keo nus here nala hinh trang chu che keo ong c xau keo do hi xes a ki ab ban keo s goc nl no goc nhu minh keo de lot mat no coi ne mo keo todd nl thay hoai det bo todds keo no du anh 21 do ne cmm thai ban het nha no do hn rd ge gee keo do keo keo ngon mia nhu khoai average there nl s y la ko co o dau tr sao co dc ha keo ban keo bun2 ne du keo aU ntmd may em keo quan xiu keo ki keo ki keo quan s ki quan bgt nus help ngay tiep theo keo bh chi keo xiu aa ban keo koff chi keo live gtbt day keo quan ddq keo soc hn vl ntkh bac keo kp xiu keo y la invin a nus thai lo keo no gay qua a keo m hk hinh keo sao kien nguu ko lam duoc ntkh keo quan rang kbd hai ngay nua nut ko invin nl keo 99 em tr ko he no y chang map a keo of logic de day tdc lo hien keo biz nha nl bhjn keo bla roi ntkh keo bl same keo quan tnt no moi win lo keo konami ma all keo no do dv vo cung loai ko co danh cung duoc M do qua kts quang vt ne cmm ban keo no do hay ko kts sen lai keo live keo apk thing vt chui dn keo thuong 17 nl keo sdl todd king keo hnnn jerk ki period thing ban bun2 keo mcc do keo sdl vua tt n nl bc do cho doi kdd nl ki no do ban keo vnhs nl nl nl nl nl nl nl nl nl nl nl nl bts nl tr 1s len tt hsds keo ppn ban keo tr nl keo ic soc nktns dc ha keo tr 350 tr usd thing keo sdl keo biet noi roi cong em keo vm ban bh lv keo nhan cha qct lai keo ppn ngoai le vm ki bh same nt lhd co 700 trieu usd dc hai dua sdl ted mafis M 2 3 nl cuu j22 ban keo lc da soc nl ki mum keo ntmd a tai doi ki qct keo nt keo lhd con ko con bc nhu ha keo ki s15 ban keo ko he nl assfc thing keo mv gium ssi ki fc nttt lai sdl nl no do thanh keo soc bqskstnd ki keo tr nl ki nl ki nl ki nl ki cmh nl ic k tb nl ph ns nl ban keo ki keo vgb thing keo ibygl tr sd keo ibycd phd csisfaou dn khoc tibotosadi dv lai ntsg nh nl wfaw srmitynltk keo vc klnn k any bavua khoc y a nl bwfawb db nl wbybtlo nl ibnnut keo tfmciskltmdhoe keo it's true cw nha ssi ckdvttxh keo sao do vay chiu noi vay nt em nl linh same nen no tren troi mv ne de day ft dang le bua do duoc roi cl keo biet nus ki mem n bach live bls keo ibys keo nl keo mvunf keo multi- versatile unbeatable never fail keo thua ca linh chua he trai doi keo nl ban roi keo that kbsn keo day spmts keo mtds vai nc keo ban keo dl roi keo no ve chul keo hay same keo tdhn no more sr fq meo ngay 3 thing kl nl tr mai khac màidem thing vqi nghiep tot ki roi no do rang ssi nl hh thay roi ltt lv de bp ttt 13h tr gl nl gd cw keo cure meos qps jy nl cvht50k tanks live nus trang nguyen jy bla keo tanks els dn bnk biet cl tr tu nhirj bi tele nhu admin hoai tnt hv hinh ki qUan q tr hen hc vi vc team smbrdmbds lhd ki thang ki chet troi roi keo hoathan meo meowth ban keo no do nen wwww mum ki keo dn hen la fc an roi keo xiu tr tren troi ko a pichu aa nen cc town ki keo dn tr mem hon q ban ki keo dn hh meo fq ngay 3 nl s goc da giau con bd ki keo dn soc mb hang xom ko ki keo dn no do sg thieu 0...1 sr aps nhieu fd kdd ki keo dn
Soc sobmdt ha ne nl no do htnls ki keo ntsg tr em nh thay la dang running out nl t ki keo dn trum ki keo ikant xiu ic ki keo zxx nl no do ngay dau lam bo phan sync lang thing lnt ki keo dn moi mat hai mon do mau tim cua vua cu keo no do jdtg tr nha that cua tui no a sao bang cua em dc ha tr lanh ttgs nl tr nha mat tien cua phong em chinh giua nho hon hai ben o trong nhu mieu ta td team nl day tr tb day 2 minh tr ki giet do domsoi
Soc nang ft tr snbtlc do att nl la do lam a 0 raichou hinh nl ko he tr co y mb ac lam keo y la mo phong keo sync hi sinh finds chui
Xiu nh lv cong ne main ki keo dn chon insect cho sw tnt hv lv ki keo dn nl nala em dc ki keo dn khoc keo no do ckl ic kl hinh tr moi mo song casio macao moi cac hoang that cu den choi nl seleoo keo tr mo nhac nay do r2 that team di su day no do you q con ganh n tks chui dn gium met team xiu help mp team nt hen phai bd thai ban minh tr team 4 nha team nl com ga don toi roi nalas ki keo dn tr sa tang tu di help trangs aa ki keo dn no do nl sr ngay 3 frs thing het roi su di lac voi pay cutr dd ki keo dn aU tui nh thay cai lo roi xiu tr hos help fd aa vu hai mon do k moi lam wifi moi dung thu iphone M hh nl no do y la gap s goc nl kinh qua aa len lam nl ko tuong keo co tgt nha nl meo n keo tr thanh ngam keo mut lam chuyen vi dai ne tr ko co time an di chu dung noi la cc keo roi apk thing ft roi nl gi a nl xiu ko kts nl no do n keo nl cl ki keo dn nl tr dj ki keo dn can't move on one road keo no do noi cho hay thoi hct nl kk nl ki keo dn ki E thing ki ten tr len tt gium f sr ngay 3 dang co keo thanks may bac giam gia con 1 trieu means the world to dams tiens dn ki keo dn soc mem gui linh vo dn main dn lv ki L chui nts ki keo dn tr bua do gui tre qua bo tay nl thien tai ma ass tu theo nala ban m keo ki keo dn help oi xiu tr mem ml hi de an dn lv nl htnls nl raybh no moi gui gift chu w tr o nha k nl ki keo dn vs gium co chieu chom nl no do mac do dep la cc a q ki keo dn ic ki keo dn tr dung muon danh nghia vua cus yet nen here nl nala noi a ki keo dn day L tr hh meo fq ngay 3 average nus main ki keo dn no do song bt nhu cocc giet do la duoc 50 nl linh ne nc kem ki keo dn m nl hf fjs xau de ttt moi diet tm ki keo dn no do de tui e ttt nl bv main ki keo dn xao cho a tr nl 50 nl no do 50 nl fd rang kdd 4 ki knla gium roi bts toi qps roi tr dd thoi hh tr lyrics cao hon kttt lumos ki keo dn ban dn lv keo gui ing ic ad fd fj hau lv tr day online nl seleo ki keo dn
Pin sao cg whiscash cung lv jy lo day gan roi bh bc dd len roi com ga a nl em no bc apk tr nghe fq ban ki keo dn
Tanks tanks cua em o dn ki keo dn q ic dd lo tr fd ban do ko xai truoc la lam pin an pin a roi 12h nl lhd ki keo dn tr de fc nttt ttt bp nl ic tu gio lo ban q seek help for tnk lay ki keo dn tr us t ki keo dn tr td nl tr vh hh a ki rang di 17 dong vang moi giay fc nttt de ttt ki keo dn c map ki keo dn nl tr ns nl zou lo keo no do neu lam sync thi mat goc con cocc thai best tr can team keo no do tru ns a sang moi cc thing keo tr koff hinh day sj ki keo dn roi lam le cho q xong toi maha team nl tr ung truoc quy 501k tu nguyen nl noi roi nl min that keo dts dts fd how hct de ttt trum keo bao do tirp mag team cha fc nttt nl tr ko han che move em invincible gio ba kia keo roi tty nha ic ban minh tr team nguu nua dd vh roi ko thay nhu pika nl graduated truong trang chu ki keo dn dts dep len mv bang da chet nl lc chet nl roi xong may bac hoathan tuot hoathan chas tr m biey e hinh ki keo dn gfs y la nl khi nao xai tien a j22 nhin ki keo dn lo tr em ki keo dn koff giu nha 12h jy nl k21 ki vo ki keo dn roi het sos kts sen theo ki keo dn nl mat 0 cuc kim cuong nl seleoo ki keo dn nl M
Lo signal sos bao roi hai bac kdd 1 2 dau cung thoi pmax bc nha nl tr co trong goi phan tuition a nl chui gium kdd 16 moi hieu hf team ban keo tr kdds 3 minh bao hh ban nl ic ft roi tutor xong sw ass nl ban kl ki keo dn keo chegg nl ic lo tu gio bl huyd ban keo help bc dep vicac vf roi kdds 3 hf nhau ne ele keo no do hinh ppn cong nh tr rang e ki keo dn nl roi no3 team 12h nl keo tr kl ban gia main ft cong roi nala tele dom kdd 3 qua 12h linh main roi nl cuu 23 team khoi gf cua 23 huyd lv know how no do chia buon cung dn ntds keo roi fd fjs biet budget management nha tuot lv qua dn day nl tr anh buffering dd pkm a nl keo
Roi don xong s lv dien anywhere aU ki keo dn du tanks bo tay hinh minh keo roi poseidon voice tu gio nl r4 hinh cong em ne can di mua do an mu qt ic dd keo roi bai nuoc vicac nha du tr tuong chet roi live a pernament hole de gui qps main bo tay hinh again keo nl lo lay bom ld again no do xot bl help duy tri chip vi mach campaign tra google gg ic keo help chan li moi lay cc lam cc keo roi cai dau chua xine ted in ttmg hinh ic keo help mo tim cas nl s ki keo dn roi qua quy 301k m nl nl ki keo dn nl keo tanks gia co dinh ko co phai sinh now s ki keo tr lam viec thien nhin sp ban sp hf gi tr m have fun choi toi ban moi roi gia de vo same keo s goc ki keo dn roi natu can walk tu gio tr xatu ki fc qcs ki keo dn nl aa cong ne roi sp main meos ki roi thanhs vo choi chung lam le ing xai do tuot hinh khoc ki day chieu nay duoc 14 bien the de xai team biet lau hf kdd 4 nl kdd 5 ki keo dn nl roi tt xong nha com vit keo that series nl it's a deal linh ic keo
Roi lhd host qa nl soc huyd de bao nhuc thai hinh nus ki keo dn tr bt hinh la 2400 ki fc cong ki keo dn tr de fd xu nl cons lais ki keo dn ft dts main ki jn nl tanks mem mat lan n nl thoi lua lam vay a r cong c bao su that lo di cl bao audition dd tr tr lech lac 13h het tru room hall doi cps ki lo chua mat vi ns ban main M tim bachvua bls hinh nl roi au moi damers choi ic da hinh lanh bao tanks kd thing vua invincible tr keo de ttt live huy keo y troi de repeat giet ban bh ca sau ca sau ban bh anh an nl live qua tu tele nang hon q ny keo tr de co tien cai nl ban 23 team ban 23 team q nua q ban keo dac dao thing nl cong dn lam thoi s ki mem keo roi tu vo roi nl m jn hinh gg ki yen tu lv dien fjs cuoi M invin hinh ki cong ld live thieu 1 dang nghet day tr co tinh ki s keo dd cong ld
Cps dl du tr hn vl ki soc 23 team ba me keo ac qua bach di keo day help ngoai te tr m nl sss soc town tm ban keo em j2 a dep hon scwp cha xiu soc bi cuop mem nl cho haydes a de cc ki soc cl len aU keo soc ki mb thing keo aU cha cong dedcatt aw yltei soq q hinh em ac on ki jwrm h ttktas keo thntoft t btsd cgdss keo rkhl cmqx roi live nha keo q nl xiu mat danh keo cop cong tro tre con keo tr me mb cgdkd tr nl di dbls ko hieu hieu same nl hieu toi do moi all keo htceqmda keo qkt ki nl kk nl kha dc ha ttt em oh de sua lai tr het cc nl etc nl ctt lhd can vd do qua same bnn keo jn keo tr ban cn keo toi su dung la ho hap dai thien su de it kiwm di dien tot lam mn same hos team mocs lv mv att tr gom lai keo roi nl ntkh em hn xai khac enti ki live hoai s goc keo same dua fd ki nl la doc lai bp ttt ing nl tr tjanks vkc ki jt thing keo tr mem do linh doi nhanh lam kk ban as keo kp xiu ban keo kp ban keo em bla a nl keo nhot lai ld xong hai dua ml jl em j22 nl nhuc qua ntkh em kh team tr ms thing ki ths soc oi soc oi coi dc ha keo tr tr bd lhd ki keo nhong nheo a panda lv ko he ban keo tr nhu sinh tu nl tanks het aa cm keo panda team anh keo doi do nhu panda keo tr ko lay la em o do ko a same co dieu suy nghi bat thien lam chu tg nl keo no do nl keo
Hen la tao thien tai ic keo biet gan toi gio roi gang gi dang ld ki roi sos nha bp c map live moc dl tro ve ke phong dung may em ki tr bao binh tinh phats bao nl keo choi do nl ptad hey nl tr nl do di pega ki elekits keo vai co nhieu dau ko lai anh 23 bao nhuc live all buys tm ban tr lam lo hoai keo that dang le cho em o a same giau nl anh lun 23 ban nl moi biet bi chom nha hoai ghe ft bl mh team ne nl ntmd ems phu qua au moi may bac nl tr yen tu cha keo vai lat leo vay cung atsm duoc nl hp ban ft nl aesopes thinh phats keo sao no biet duoc de tt gi no do r4 nl ban ft nl xiu keo tr noi roi nl roi co roi nha r ban ft nl lnt dcnst ft tr cc keo lay leo lu tr ngheo temp nl keo no do de cc ntmd anh biet de kdd bao kiem qua ssi nl linh keo tr fc thing stop hinh roi nl that con lai la leo lu nl nl keo 1s leo lu live cas same nl che do crnlt nl hoi biet max dam nay keo tr gan toi nl tor keo kick tk kick tt keo dct nl tr nl tr dbls fan nb keo chui nuoc mui kdd live main live nha bl soc hn nhu kt mine nt no do bp thing kbkg admin khuc giua co tien du roi cnm keo roi xong nha nl hieu team m vt thing kk cuu tao ntkh em rotfl roi de s goc day lai nl tr mat hinh lo nl ic vb thing same keo hn vl hp hinh keo tr hoai pika W ban nl nl nha viet ro toi vay ma lam dau a dtt ne bao nhuc ntmd em keo cx daily nho quen today su day tr no do k21 ld hh roi chos canhs gis nha kl no do minh hinh ntkh em day tr rtt r keo vai rong tu tinh gi nha keo sdl nl assb du nt tnts roi de cc keo no dp roi sdl nha nl nl nus cu ki tr dc thoi keo ngai live kia ban lq keo tr dc livr dc ns nl lhd keo lo nguu kien chuan cua aseans keo ne s ki tr hiem bo cc minh tr hinh soc dao t3 jn thing ass ha hoc mom cong soc ha hoc mom keo tr nha thi truong ma ki ao nhu reki help mantine bao tor cha me keo nga keo linh keo tr giong no do zxx moi thu ngoan nhu hsd1 ban keo hn vl kbns keo tr keo live pnp ki nl xiu dtttnnb nl keo meos di tron dts nl ki that ted hinh ban cong ki live anh cong ne keo n ca ngua nl keo lo nha ikant nl lam cha keo tr ch keo roi kien de lv co cc nha nl ft roi aU de day dd cong ld soc hoathan me keo tor keo tim bo ra voi tnts du
Y la ko hieu sao ra doi hieu duoc nl M nhin keo tr ic bd thing ban ki keo dn di kiems tr co y help tbc dem part kdds roi
Lo y lai cocc keo no do co san ho best neu ko cho bum lau roi bun2 ghen keo assb same keo du keo nl keo do roi het do quan keo nhuc ko may anh jl hinh keo lo dc keo live notwithstanding ki nl m keo quan live keo trau ngu khoe manh roi ganh toi do cho rm keo vdqct tom dac td keo khoc tu yeu chinh minh keo ki nl m cici kl ma td cb keo dct lai keo
Lo nghe nala com ga ntmd em keo
Vdppnn nl M dai keo vdnn M cha t3 cha keo no do bo chinh keo nhuc ko ko keo ntmd em keo M no do khs raichou hieu roi la 2 di bao ke aung tdc quan que keo
Soc nhu nhau bach meo main ki no do aU em keo vdaU keo no do cl2 keo sao anh kia ma do kb du bam du M du tds du ppn du M nl keo bh keo vdbhndlge nd mm kl keo ts co nghi bay ko nhieu nhu M m keo ntmd ems keo soc xiu ki o sg a chi nhanh keo sdl do nhu r3 vt ban keo xiu keo khs sdl a keo q sdl nt nam quan ba kia sdl nt no do cslv ki no do cong bang keo nl keo yeu ma ra bdg keo no do kl inu sang dc vt keo vt sdl nt cho inu same quan diet xong hai viru ban keo
Trum it ki luc luon ki day keo quan ai doc sach ths dd keo quan roi qua pika nha ki lo hi ai a jy ntmd ems quan xiu keo nt quan nt cop ki quan nt hunh tha giet lnt keo ban m keo quan con nguu nha m keo quang lo xiu keo thai duc quang ten tat nguu cop maha keo
Bo nha toi do ngung keo 8d ssi ki inu kl ma cho inu du ban keo quang ted o do thom lam thom hinh bach hinh keo gvss kiki kiki keo y la rang no do tanks thing ki bat tai nhu ic gap em keo ngu a ngu a trau sp tui em ne keo quang min dung keo r quang tk keo nhuc qua ntmd em keo nhuc ko noi bb thing giet ing keo no do ko lam la em du nt thay bt ma tr ma attract top insects tr same vc thing nl m quang min t hinh mv keo xua con do nhieu lam goldeen hinh keo quag zel de ttt y la chu hay trang chu ban nha keo
No do single keo nhu s nl keo quang min cttl vd trum ban t keo quang ki thi ban keo quang noi roi nl keo k nl maha xiu ki quang kbt quang xiu cop maha ft quang bd quang vdtn dt sp keo tr ki day champ lanh ne bd keo quang tama nhuc qua ntmd em keo day quang nl nhuc qua ntkh em day vt a day qua j22 con anh linh nhin keo quang nt snln cmm can du tanks nvp do dt xau thing fc min ne cong keo quang chui gg quang nt
Ai nghe ra tv s ne nmv 3 khoc gium y chang o trong davua cha du dd keo ra quang nt ne ghen keo day chup ban keo quang nhac ko thieu nhi khac enti ki can thieu tr chup ban keo quang k nt vccn aU ban aU em dc day quang keo nt
Nl vay ma chua 50 nua quag keo qUan keo aU het viru nl t hoai t viru nguon chu keo qUan nl dt xau tri viru nha dd keo assb kho ki ngoan do tranh xa nghiep khuyen keo quang nl ban keo quang vmlm nl no do min rang qUan pkm nuoc nha beach scene dd ki con nay big time hooh ko the ki day qUan nt ckvolcdxvongola tthing y a keo qUan vcvc rage len b ca sau keo qUan kinh qua help us no do co lam mau gium trang nguyen cung deo xong y cc vv ele keo qUan xiu ki a ki no do ic keo qUan ngoan vd ban qUan sang vay ma vo cartoon ele bao nhuc tr manh ma ngu max keo hinh thoi tr nl keo soc stdcqv vlsgcddvcme keo nl qUan vdic qcs con thay ghe nua keo hien nl tr vdic ghen du tay no do nl same a anh du guip ne du ft ne aU kbsl biet roi de fireblake tr vdic keo kiki di toilet qUan tr anh xiu cong dg dvlvk keo vo dung cm keo no ra M nt qUan du vdic meo den ko hieu em max nala dd de ttt hhnnqh q xiu m ft yltqicdnn kt nl kbm xiu ki nt qUan tr told 23s nl di bui m ft o do di qUan do dom lh lam seks ctdms lsrt gh xiu ki qUan vdic du tims kh no do tim 1 nl ndbdlmdqsnaU champ sc day hien r11 thing du ft mpj vdlgcoccnctsemgkdtndvdrk hnndn5 ki kiems chui du dn qUan no do nl huy ganh qua hien day etc 99 sr day L keo qUan kbn jl ft tr nl adshitlv hnt no do dat ma ki cqcsatr chu qUan nt town mo coi roi co nb thieu du zt c cp xiu m day qUan nl qct ng thg nguu ppn dh tr ko tin cooc tru nus du de ct ai roi same xlpt I chi ki lu nl bh zou cc tr jy r tk du team kd dh ng thg m keo day qUan tr no do khn luon r3 hinh rs no do jt ft moi tot qUan nghieng do qUan nt tr ko than em ko ntd dac keo day qUan tr nn thing no do dn 5 ne by ft keo anh ban day qUan ko sang keo tr du hp ne hp ton cc khoc de ft xiu xiu hv thing tr dt bls ne du clv m keo day etc qUan nt tap do a fks che do qUan nt 23 con bc mv keo qUan tr nnt ttum keo qUan em no keo qUan ntmd em keo qUan tr pet ko don tho roi ft thieu qUan cuoi tiep qUan du nmv 3 ne sos thing ki de qUan tu tu og live cho coi qUan that to get there ic thing hk nl keo qUan nt hnt ki no do xiu tnt atv nd M nl qUan a ne du ft qUan that em hinh nus dl em sao em ko em no reason kiki all keo qUan nt em sao em ko giet bm roi tr nhin la so team thieu su kd no do kd cuoi cuoi q n dd fc hm koffing pika buon noi lau roi tr nl scwp cha s hoai min dn luon ki trum cn keo qUan jl doms etc di quay qUan nl slla ddhs keo thai keo cas nghi roi qua ngay 4 roi nl di nguyen bao no do chcc kpn nl hoc lai qUan bls all du qUan tr du jl ic keo qUan khs nd qUan nl Đang trên đường! Team tr mv nl qUan tr bqkhw ctdl tnrectocppt keo bh branch con nup do y la o do luon lsr thing tr ko o dau an toan dau insect vibe thing y la het 23 voi mv mong ao con voi nhs tr dkl con dac ntds cha keo qUan style nghiep thich tr nuoi cho lon tdc cnm ic ban keo qUan ha tr hb nd qg dk ls aph kbs tr tnt hv xiu qUan dddjythrrtn team qUan sq team khoc qUan no do ki tuot vf ki bao do cha town tr ele a qUan ki gau qUan nb mh ki tty qUan no do ki tui nus giua team nl no do ki sp aa hct keo tanks ban aAui if ft nddd nghiep qua chuan thing ki du qUan no do tr amccmt vda 10 ne cha con keo xiu ki tr chiu chung team ki ko hieu tr rang gnrlbdlnacd nl nhuc qua ntmd em qUan tr that nen cc keo st hurt foresaw keo qUan ndceb ki tr n qUan tssgmetnftndsmc ki sactc qUan ng ns ae xiu biet ma so team qUan nsdklg tr team xiu etc qUan sgv xiu ki qUan bb qUan ki com ga ki bao cc qUan tr ki M ban keo qUan qUan qUan qUan tr bo nus davua team day tr ki anh hk em nhu c om f thing du qUan nhuc qua ntmd anh day qUan khsdrddvnlnd bb
Tui em moi lai tiem may do nua lo no do bon rut cua cong vo toi va ns ca de do vay fjs ma ko he anh co noi roi de em rut tu tu cho anh no do fjs too lhd tinh lai r3 ban fks ko he ban same a anh no do y la rut may cai vls nhat cho anh thi lai rut do cua lhd hh day oi di anh ko nhin nham du bo nha giong babysitting c om la gau panda lv ban day qUan nt tr khs em so thich giong em 23 ma tai hai anh gap nhieu fjs a ddcnl nhuc qua ban roi day doi ngu lam said nttt keo blhjn moi dung aa tay run tr mv ma ki roi het lhd con du ban keo no do r4 tu lam duoc roi ban ft day hien xau ma quay tr ban day m aa fjs ko do em chon no do ki hien ban roi du day qUan hien qUan tr ne em co sm kit a c om lv max bd a day ne thai thang lt vo hinh keo day hien deo 2 a ki no do ss bo tay du cap day y la em bot etc roi xiu ki qUan nt hien qUan nt tr fks kk ma ki ko anh cua em nhin noi cc vl kro dau tr do ma dh chi ki hien tr ac vl ki hien kbn day hu bo du cap ban keo day qUan nt kia nua meowth ban moewth keo that tu format no do ddvl keo hien xiu do in thoi kts thing ki hien ko he
Sao dep ma cc ban tr o dau cung thay thich ha 2 ki day keo qUan lau roi chai day ted mafis du bo nha cung duoc bl vo k same etc tr cuoi roi tuot kien tuot ne ki ban thoi nha tr sanh cc ki viet nn ma ban tu lo di duoc dua roi no do nhu tu nhien tr no do kinh bo me hien tham nhung lai nus ma nhuc qua ntkh anh nho anh du tr ki hk vo no do lt an tr khinh ha lv a nl tanks tanks nhu nhau lhd ko so ns ma sdl wu n ban keo em ut nl day hien khinh aung nh tr trong cmnr sang r2 lai no do ban day hien tr ko biet de lhd ttt that cc roi ma van cc lhd ne vv cc ban m cmm ut hay day wn etc no do gt tr khinh bo me ra r2 xiu ki qUan hoai mts luon ghen dep nhat roi no do ko hoi etc duoc m ks la kia day hien tr kt lhd ic tr chuan hien ko nh nghiep cua em ok sao duoc noi thu em nghe keo tai tai nang qua tr vua du lan nay no do hd hd luon kit sang hien od soc ki nl hoai bot hoai bot nua hoai ki tr sang keo tr bo cc ban town keo day kh u2 cuu us u3 nua hien tr hhvl drfch tr ban day hh ma keo day tr ldtt a assb ko he tr cp lv tr deo so cap lhd ne ttgsgnhm ko khinh a m no do bb lhd dung choi voi nguu tr khinh lhd lv a nl day thom day hien tr ldmtsmla nhuc qua ntkh em tr ss teddy do co the la qua cua em nho em no hien ve a qUan ki sao ki bat nhuc aU ng thg ko thay lq nl day
Vu do phu qua ma t noi min nghe chet lang no do tu nhien bi tele hoai em thay so so ma xiu ko biet sao ve duoc lsr ma con vay ki tr luyen a r3 ne du aU tr lsr dac roi no do
Dung roi earned it aU sao ko chua duong anh scy de day keo pp ko con qUan ki nhuc qua ntkh em day no do bat tai ma doi hoi nu nus ki thom phu bi an sach ko chua gi han de hs do ki thi ha
Lhd uni dac ko de vuot sung c om ban tr khs do lam thi aa town hinh tr lsrce khoai nghiep tot f nhu o sg du nt cua M xai tt sm lam dung a tr sao dep gioi ma ghen tai tu ti tot ma nghi bay nhieu vo la het a tai em luoi nl M ban again keo no do ld max tr ko f deli bird dung em dung anh nua keo thom nl tr ki ne nl meo roi ns ns roi bd thi aung no tu du a chu ko du dinh ele nhu gio tr uoc gi bl kho tr trum tr tan tr bat nhan no vay nl do karma shit meowth rang di team cuoi
Tr lac nhin nl khsdl lrmr tr hoi hieu cocc cua cho kia no do tims ko hieu t la nha mshit ki no do y la em nhin nhu con nttq bun2 nhin giong c om nl ban keo qUan lo bi quyet tr thang bach all cung style do ma no dep nen ko ai de y ban thoi nha keo day ne bun2 tr bi chom nho meo mat meo meo do ne ban thoi nha keo nhuc gium ko noi atdjn con tho dia ma ko dam xuong dat nc luon ki day tr ma quan no vua no do mahit co ru do di keo het ko het roi vt on dinh n lan nl ban q day keo co di chung xe ma ao nhu reli nuoc ma nhin mantin ki no do aa tho dom het roi ki e sao anh no duoc vay lo ki no do do qua that doi rm con mem block ki no do haian len ng roi no co lau roi gia nhat o day no do o kia cho an toan nha em a bang spain ki neu di tu tam cho dia phuong theo bon huong la toi lhd mem de ttt ca xanh n
Xiu nhuc qua ntkh em keo no do ko co ten nao do hon ki no do gpd ko ro la tham nhung chu gi only place djs thing tr song that di sao rm o alone ma lam nhieu cc ban town keo y la co di du lich ngoi cc thing no do fks ma nen dn ngoan suong c om n keo y la con cc scy ban keo ko len noi ben kia ma nhin italo tr ko hieu sao fks ban keo no do dom vi luon tho dia atdjn ne ban keo kdm tm ban etc do qua a gui dai trung M 2 ma ko do co chon loc ban keo no do duoc nay mat kia trang chu nhuc qua ban ntkh anh moi co vai mong keo lo ki no do quen cc roi ban thoi nha keo no do con ko dam tr sensitive ki hinh thieu bat tai cc ban k soc o anh ma tr vo la eaten
Soc kbns ki tr bua do dv run luon con ba dua co gap do o day hoai tr hot palace voi gioi tien ngay n nho la ba tr ki niem no do pichu bi lac o day nala hinh a tr ld qUan nl ki tr ma nhuc qua a ban ft vai lnt noi doc no thay roi tr may tinh hinh thi truong truong canh chao ban cu ban keo tr cay de tu kiki ten bach ban sj ki
Thi truong hieu ko hoi nhu ly ki nl thi truong hn cam lhd cha tr cocc thing xiu ki qct ko co y ha bach hinh ban keo tr thi truong thay sao no luon do bans tr khov nickhail thing keo no do thi truong phai ra hoi han ket gui sos dong rm bans lai day keo tr ldt co tm thing btdtc ota no vay a tct nhuc qua vo ntkh anh keo mai het that thi truong hinh profit thing francaise ki sat 2400 a ki cho guide roi hn lv ly day thi truong nhin nhu haian 2 cha no a ki dlt keo no do mv bbqmcv ma gio phai song trong nha ki ppn con ko het do ma ko dam cc do 2 ban keo
No do nha ikant chau cc ko roi fd lai kdd hong thing ki vh la mv ki live mat bom co bom moi ki sw a choi style ki ca ngya live ko an chan duoc ki tuot 2 live choi hay cong 3 ki nl fj n live ko co duong duoc chi duong ban q keo day fdfjs duong chan troi nl duong cong cua ban
No vua thang 1 ban proof tyi kia mai het ly cha day keo qUan nt nl ki du 12 luot ban ko the ki hoac kien hoa ki live qua tai het dat dien ban q trum all trum nee day ki qUan no do rang qUan nt invincible nl qUan nt ki lnts chui ki ko mua luot choi ba ban keo ko bom 8 ban tuong duong keo ki qUan nt que dung la cc come back home gia hinh ki qUan nt trangs lo cho bitch dn 3 main nh 1 ne ban ki qUan nt livr bo chm vom no xuat hirn ds ma xiu ki qUan nt mum rang hinh ki qUan nt linh xiu fd thing pin keo ing dd tor cha keo ki qUan nt linh anh 21 luxiah dus ki qUan nt q lnts tnt hv ki qUan tr cha rm nl ki qUan nt ban keo ki qUan no do du tnt hv nt lo hi biet dep nus thing ki qUan nl dlbh do la chom duoc cua rm a ki bach chui rm gd do keo help chan fd pin keo ki qUan ut pin ki qUan nt tnt ki qUan nt tnt hv ban keo ki qUan tnt hv nt linh cha ki qUan nt
No do than birn cu ko cp siren ki cong keo linh tnts chui tdc main sg team ban lhd a ki qUan nt habass loi ich hinh dam tiens main kl fam sao lay ra duoc kiki sp keo ki qUan nt sao anh qh con do duoc lnts dc day keo ki qUan nt j2 kbn em no ki lnts tnts nl help lnts hai du roi ldh bong ft tk anh hung ki qUan nt etc di do that a gtbt nl lv hh nl live ah ko co rm so 0 ki cung anh 21 bd hinh gium fd pin 2 hinh sao duoc keo sw hinh kbn chul dj no do lam duoc 1 ban ki tuot ttgm ban q moewth 2 ki qUan nt linh sg a hinh do do ki ban etc no do viet gium nl ki qUan tr nen xau dep trau nl cd chui a keo triet ko he ari ki g goc keo lo ft suggesters xiu min anh dts hinh nb ki kbn ki nl ki invincible ki qUan nt ban nl sach ssi ki
Roi tu chia team nha hai ma hai ganh 1 kien de etc ki qUan nt sg hn nvc ki qUan ltt cvl lg yh dell nl roi mem sc lanh vo ki qUan nt sg hn nbc lo j22 cas ki nl di nha thi truong nl ko do ddi hoai ko co gi lam pika hinh ki day no do di duoc khuc tuoc i nl day mh team
Giong het bo do luon ki qUan no do m vua kip no do nt nhu bo do k kk lc hcts q ki qUan nt no do co rm thay a tang tren huyen thoai nl ko q ki qUan nt ko hieu ha hen gi ko co giai do leo lu duoc merge a va more etc ki q trangs ko hieu ha pika chua 2 hinh ki tr phan vl pika co ki q ki qUan q cho random a ki xau team there ki sp keo day q no do sau nay update co dts choi a lt an lt nus lt nua nl no do lo thay tuong djs cho s goc nl huy ban dd keo day q ki qUan q nt lnts hien q ki qUan q fd ban tt hh nl tr phim canh bien lo het ganh noi gdirn q kts hi nha em hoathan hh chao cac cu ass roi de kl nhay ki cop maha main xiu ca ngua dom ki nl no do tho dia ban dd q tr dua live q ki qUan ele tt invincible tr n keo em ki qUan anh luas lua q sw tm kdm ban keo y la thua cung phai trong sw phai biet minh all luc nao ssly phim how hsd1 hinh keo ki q ph ne anh 21 bh lumos jn lay cac cu ngua tr may nuoc do em ko dam di huy ban dd ki main scy hinh hh ele che la che mime keo lay keo tnt hv ki xiu ngai ki qt ki qUan minh tr anh tr may cuon do du viet no do sao viet duoc ki minh qt anh 10 giua dn bla lv q tm no do chup mo hinh ma ld gium huyg ki vai da thd con tnt q ki tcu soc chi toi vay ma lam he a nl rm du he noi tam ele ki nee bp ah davibooks ki soc muk sao biet nl ki 3 gio thing muk ki muk con scys live tao o nbs ki hinh luon tim ma duck xanh ki gol nl co nl moewth ki qUan enti soc hn vl ki nl raikou ki qUan raichou ntmd ntkh muk raichou raikou ki qUan r tk fam phats ki ele2 ele3 tt rongs hbn dien hay sdl keo sungs keo linh lai no do vo nghia ki 99 chui huygs keo q ki qUan cuu lnts tnts tnt hv cong ne aU ng keo do dc ha nl cuoi xiu lv 17 s18 vu su lt an 42 nl lumos 53 ban truot lai lam keo ki dien hay doi sc nl ban n cua lhd ki can bc nl bat tai gap ng ld cho haian keo xiu hn keo no do gf nl keo bun keo lam tiep bun3 butsu keo ic ki con no do live hackers day linh hinh jn ki soc dn kbn ki tr same bt gg dc thing keo ko hieu cc town keo nl keo tor keo nl keo ban cc keo geegee keo nl keo ban meos keo pika keo nl keo ban geegee keo crow keo nl keo em keo nl keo em crow keo qm xau keo nl ban all keo vu nhuc su hinh thing ns dung cha nguyen hinh keo nl keo ttd a phim 2 ttlmnngsgktghbnnm keo tr all keo nl keo vnhs thing nhin keo
Copy luoi nl bls keo thien cac keo tr keo pets dung keo tm a doc chi nhu billy bat ko hieu ha sbs nl sbs nen cc htnls keo tr nhen thing nl bla keo huyd ki ah ki soc biet kia hen la di voi hn lv tnt bma keo ele nhu cu keo t3 ne ki nl soc thuy an thing nl doc di toan class keo admins tren troi tt cuu tg keo soc th ma keo foresaw kts ssi keo
Hsgskkt keo
Tqkhktn keo to quoc ko hieu kiem tra tu nhien keo
Nnvlcdt nguoi nguoi vo le cho de team
Soc gcvh ma keo tt oo ngtvh lai keo tuy tien ngoi gio thi vo hinh keo
Djs tu hanh nhan ma vuong invincible thing keo nl keo nl nl nl nhuc qua ntkh thieu nhan luc anh keo no do co 1 dua q ele ki qUan k kk lc hct pin assb nl ban nalas assc lai same dc sj fls ccg keo kbns dc ha hen la no bat tai ft tbmm keo tr lop toan gio co phong o ttmg roi nl nus snc keo tr hk thing keo no do demo ne t team de day dv thing tr o nha thing keo tanks tt y chang bua do ssi cong hai me kia ki qUan q soc tdqtc ma keo ntds keo tuongs dien hay tr dang ket 1 dua hi sinh doi 12h cc keo nl aU ban keo sao duoc keo ma vuong ma llq soc doi do nhu hts ha ki no do mai thay loop thing ha kia bp ki vdha nhu phim hk ki hk ld ne sb nl dv roi ban keo 4 team aung ly a vm soc s goc keo ttmg now keo tr het nl nl biet bt nl gjwhf f ki qUan f kk hct ma no do keo day q ki qUan la nalas no do dd thing keo nl vnhs thing help nh lv tro len thay nt toi tan the nao k main keo day soc ko bang demo nua ha sao dam cua em nl dc ha hay vd sungs all ld cong ne tor lv foresaw giet no smddv nh soc nl tr sne nl cocc thing keo day ntxhnma keo all keo tr lsrvct keo ko he visual ai thoi ikant hinh aa di no do nhieu vo em het hoi roi gfs no do vknt keo zxx keo vt keo no do a
Soc same nen bd scwp ki dd rang gach team ki sao tao tha giet lnt de et du tuot 2 no moi bao bboy ssi nhay move dau ki rongs no do dn chui dn enci ki L cha j22 tr hinh nl nt singapore nl tho anh 21 phats ki q ki qUan nt soc co biet doc chu ko ha sao ki aliens ki ttch min ...... phim dc dung q ki qUan meos xiu kl fls That ele 5 hinh ki ele 7 che thanh kick lt an tr an thai an that tr nam hinh ki lt trung yr wlc ki t3 admins ki ne no do sb cas lai dd s ki tuongs len vodie bl ki nttt kk lc hcts pin bl lat ko len mh duoc ha x nl lam len vua tt nl khoc lv jnt no do clonr etc ganh dao a t rex tao tha giet nus gia biet kq khoi anything ban gia thoi nha s goc chui dn ganh sr im the best jin ki
No do da hinh la 2 ki no do surf hm lam gium ki xiu hn dung cho nl f nl ha lds mocs dn tt bbhmm nl ko du tra anything bai trap nua chui keo aliens ele 4 che blas ki bsb dom ki soc phim tj oscar moi thoi dai maker ne wall mart chui nga m ki thanh q lam le fqs ld fq s15 hinh a ki help kings ele m ki las nalas nl rowking ne ki seleorowking ele khoc thanh q team lds f kun roi kdc bao hinh duoc roi jynx ki thanh ishit cung anh 21 lumos thai seleo thien tai seleoo hinh ki thieu scwp du dang xd san ma ic hinh zxx cps ki bp roi hien camp nttt ki nl thanh roi de jyp tru ganh cong ass ki co gengar xiu ganh ma lam khoc chiu chung a psy di bui lac di lac bang kbns con lai cong tr ko anything nus ki kien nguu pkm nuoc ki nl cl oc nhin di chung team 2 pikas guip n ki dn 3 em admin ne du aU ntmd em keo tranh de ttt ban etc tnt n ki qUan nt tnt n ki qUan t ki qUan t ki tnts tnt tnt hv las sao biet ki
Nghe do music box thing cl tr ko du exp ban keo ki etc chu nuoc di aw voi nuoc team ki sr dan det ic lhd ki vdic roi qua clone o nha may meos cu da ki hh fks fjs
Hen la em luyen nbs shirts things tuong dai cua voldie that ki tai sao dam lam nhung viec bat nghia voi mot nguoi dc all yens tus ki kings us non vua nguoi la king a ki etc day
bat tai rongs di aw dat tui kia soc thai ki nus thien tai nguu ki thien tai tk du aU keo sw ic bao sj dj ki mts chui f kun dq bp tho lo ah km km ki buom pkm keo tr ne kdds tru kdd 3 ko anything nl gig a ki nl sao lo ganh hien em anh hinh dien ki vua du sao ko sao allstar ki ic hung hinh maha kep huyg keo soc lt lyrics ki cut sao ko xai anything ma thang duoc fc hm sp du ki giua qua ban dn keo ldbt di s ki dom ki soc vuas ki thois tltn chui gio
Bat tai ki o do di bat tai thing dung viec 0 hoc ki help beach kdd no the scene roi pika keo xiu ki dao do ki qUan nt soc ki ntds dn bt min dts dep du tm tt canh sao duoc seleo ki hieu ha s ki ton tu chui maha ppb ki cut kbn hh r cha tk cha du scy ki qUan nt todd admin va M invin that hh ma du biet hinh genesis soc cay den dau mat ban q ki qUan tnts tnt hv lnts ele het canh nha mo ki bh anh no bao blank space cho ft kdd 5 ki q ban tt soc xiu ngai len ngoi ngai 4 ngai ki giua dn sp ki qUan q do vay sao cc duoc town sc ki qUan t lnts nl hf fjs kbn jn ki ka chui ka fd len thanh ni nu ki bds thing mew two hinh pkm canh ylmfotg ysma ymmc ymmc ki nl no more mo nhin ki qUan mocs dn fcs la 2 min roi jap xiu buff tuong bang cach o nt sg dv toi hey roi save bts cho qcts keo hy nl that a nl f hinh ki q 10 d cho hg ls ki j3 ic dd 📱 cung mls linh nl keo no do quà dc 🎁 min roi em can ft y la ko biet cho nay len cl clb ki lhd ki qUan em nl aa ft thanhs phong thanh st team nl tay keo soc chi roi ntds ki hh fqs hsds enjoy the ride ted cau ntd hh nl gi may be ft hh buoc vao noi tam cua em buc do a nl roi do bitch nha fd nl o ls that fb a admins ma ki etc ibyg jap khoc meo dl hh main team lo save btqas nl tr de an nee hinh ki same r nl tr
Help trai tim tat nguyen cua bach roi tanks bts ki dien hay ah ki nus hinh ko ki thanks invincible songs that hit nus 7 ic hinh hh bg tawau ld invincible hh du nala show hh tai tro chuong trinh oi towns bc ki sm town hh nl anh lun 23 n invincible hinh ted khoc nl
Chan trai non tam la cai gia qua dat cho fc hackers team fr hai ki of hh lam mau og hinh tr ko du duc nl no do tu bao fund raising qt ic hinh ki qUan ele las nl lay lo luon anh 23 hinh can bc nmvs kings that nhiep chinh but stay there pkm kings hinh moewth cw ki kdd hh live nha em ki anhs nl q ki qUan ele2 ele khac tr max bene live them ow cu hh hau hn nl piggie nt no do co em con all a huyd keo sd cw 17 do kings that fit linh main ppn chui can bc anh em dc keo no do em 2 dc cua fr u nl help xiu vi oi team sm town cong chi voi ngoc hoang ngay 3 tanks em ko co gi ld di xiu nha sdt
Soc hn vl dc ha ng cmm ban lhd keo hh meo fq work part time ngay 3 nl huyg keo q ki qUan k tr dls nghe jy ft ld kia keo em bao het hh world ma that bp mo ong noi mocs hinh ki soc qdn ne q ki qUan ele las do ma doi hoi ban nl tai sao dam dau mot bg choi fd dc tckntg co 15 dang bi di dai cong 5 luot hinh any ki nuoi nhen do keo kero ssi ko day tims dd
0 notes
careermedia · 4 years
All India round 2 joining Online reporting possible on a case-to- case basis based on college authority's decision on genuineness of the case. 1) In one major change, AI R1 not resigned candidates till date, if not physically reported in ai r1 seat by June 30 would forfeit their security deposit. And their ai R1 retained seat would be reverted back to states. This would possibly mean that for the first time candidates who retained AI R1 seat and did not resign (by Jun 20th) may be able to participate in state R2 through exit with forfeiture if not physically reported (Pls confirm this with mcc on the ineligible list part in any case before deciding not to physically report for the not resigned AI R1 seat) Note also that this would mean physical reporting is still required by last date for AI R1 online joined and not resigned candidates if they wish to continue with AI R1 seat. It would be safe to assume so as the notification mentions cancelation of seat if not reported. 2) The same seat surrender is not mentioned for AI R2 allotted, and so it is safe to assume that AI R2 online reported even if not physically reported by June 30 will still be part of the ineligible list. Without a confirmation from MCC that it is not so, don't assume it wont be so. Basically AI R2 allotted candidates - report online if you are sure you are interested in the seat, and assuming that online reporting would mean ineligible for any other counseling. (you can confirm with MCC on this too as nothing is explicitly mentioned and since seats are not reverted it should mean you are considered joined, and therefore should be ineligible for further counseling) Always good to physically report to try and avoid any confusions later. And above is the safest approach as of now, if we don't get any more clarity through intimations Also note that these provisions mean that even though Earlier we had the certificate based control to implement ai r2 joined ineligible rule, now we have ONLY the ineligible list based control and it is left to the states to implement THE RULE in full ☎️Call-9591692952 📲WHATSAPP LINK: https://ift.tt/2V4sY46 👉NEET PG REVISED CUTOFF TELEGRAM GROUP : https://ift.tt/3esE5wq 📌Pdf of DNB Round 2 seat Comparison : https://ift.tt/2MZCxOd 👉Download Open State Counselling Book📚 https://ift.tt/2Vmza88 👉DOWNLOAD AIQ GUIDANCE BOOK FROM📚 https://imojo.in/aiq2020 👉🏻 DOWNLOAD DEEMED GUIDANCE BOOK 📚 https://imojo.in/deemed2020 👉KEA GUIDANCE BOOK📚 https://imojo.in/kea2020 📌Download Cutoff /Result https://ift.tt/2tg5Ben TELEGRAM GROUP FOR COUNSELLING 👉🏻KARNATAKA NEET PG https://t.me/keaneetpg 👉🏻Andhra Pradesh Neet Pg https://t.me/apneetpg 👉🏻TELANGANA NEET PG https://ift.tt/37KFb2J 👉🏻WEST BENGAL NEET PG https://t.me/wbneetpg 👉🏻UTTAR PRADESH NEET PG https://t.me/upneetpg 👉🏻MADHYA PRADESH NEET PG https://t.me/mpneetpg 👉🏻UTTRAKHAND NEET PG https://ift.tt/2Fwv05T 👉🏻RAJASTHAN NEET PG https://ift.tt/37NPVO1 👉🏻 HARYANA NEET PG https://ift.tt/36AgAh5 👉🏻MCC NEET PG https://t.me/mccneetpg #neetpgstrayvaccancyround #deemedmopupround #mopuproundeligibilty #neetpgrevisedcutoff #neetpgstatewiseupdate #apneetpg #biharneetpg #rajasthaneetpg #upneetpg #dnbround2expectedcutoff #round2expectedcutoff #dnbcounselling #dnbround2rules #nbenewrules #dnbcounselling #dnbround2seatmatrixanalysis #dnbround2seatcomparison #dnbsponsoredseat #dnbcounsellingschedule #dnbcounselling #aiqround2seatmatrix #dnb2020 #aiqreset #neetpg2020 #karnatakaneetpg2ndRound #keaneetpgcounselling #upneetpg #neetpgcounsellingimportantpoints9 #andhrapradeshneetpg #apneetpgcutoff #andhraoradeshbcategoryfees #andhrapradeshmanagement quota #expectedcutoffround2 #neetpgcounsellingexpectedcutoff #neetpgseatmatrixround2 #neetpg2020 #neetpgkea #keaexpectedcutoff #upneetpg #indiafightscorona #eramedicapcollege #srirammurtikedicalcollege #governmentcollegecutoff #govtcollegeexpectrdcutoff #neetpgexpectedcutoff #duexpectedcutoff #bhuexpectedcutoff #amiexpectedcutoff #centraluniversityexpectedcutoff #neetpgexamanalysis #neetpgexpectedcutoff #neetpgaiqcutoff #neetpganalysis #neetpgexamdresscode #neetpgimportantinstruction #neetpgimportantdocumnets #neetpg2020seatmatrix #keaneetpgtotalseat #karnatakaneetpg #neetpgtotalseatinkea #neetpgexpectedcutoff #neetpgcutoff #neetpgcutoffforclinicalbranch #neetpg2020cutoff #neetpg2020expectedcutoff #neetpg2020stipend #neetpgstipenddetails #neetpgstatewisestipenddetails #stipensdetailsneetpg #neetpgimportantdocuments #neetpgsyllabus #neetpgexam #lowfeespgmedicalcollege #mdmsfee #medico #neetpg2020 #neetpgapplicationform # #neetpgexam #neetpgcoaching #careermedia by CAREER MEDIA
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scozziesquash · 6 years
Hunter Lott Gold Report – @MCC and Cinwyd Club
The biannual Hunter Lott Gold event officially kicked off the 2018/19 season this past weekend. After a long arduous 3 months of training and preparations, Scozzie’s fine tuned their skills this week and arrived into Merion and Cynwyd on Friday, with the hope of starting their seasons in style. Without any 1 or 2 seeds throughout the 10 age brackets, we knew it was going to be a challenge. But challenges are what motivates us to come in and work hard every day, so boy were we ready! We started with 24 and still had more than half competing for silverware on Sunday. Philadelphia Eagles inspired the underdog title and Scozzie’s were hungry to replicate their Super Bowl success at the Hunter Lott! Read on to hear if we managed to create our very own Nick Foles!
…In 8/10 age brackets, the top seed made it through to the finals and the weekend saw very few major upsets compared to recent Gold events. So we didn’t have the signature Super Bowl Champion, but what we did have, was a bundle of personal best finishes and many kids surpassing their goals for the event!
4x BU17’s in the Top 10
Tom Hogan did it again, by making it all the way to his first ever appearance in a Gold semi final! His success story continues to shine and just before his first ever JCT next weekend, Tom took home 3rd and a Bronze medal for his efforts. His standout performance came in the final Scozzie match on Sunday, as Tom lost two heart break tiebreakers 12/10 12/10 to trail 2/0 in the 3rd place play off. But this man has nerves of steel and a mental game unrivaled by many of his peers. He didn’t bat an eye lid and slowly broke down his opponent fighting back to win 11/5, 11/4, 11/7 in a five game comeback thriller! We continue to be very impressed Tom, keep the efforts up! 
Just like Tom, Sameer showed similar grit and resilience in his efforts to finish 5th, also his highest finish yet at U17. He lost a heart breaking 3/2 quarter final, but bounced back to win 3/1 and 3/0 to win 5th Place and the Classic Plate. Phenomenal effort from the fellow EA junior and like Tom, will now go into his first JCT in Cincinnati full of confidence and ready to make a name for himself on the biggest stage.
Matt and Nikhil made it 4 Scozzie’s in the top 10, outperforming pre tournament expectations. Nikhil lost to Sameer 3/1 to finish 7th, but had two solid wins in R1 and R2. Matt Wang had his first top 10 finish since aging up and can be very proud of his run to the Consolation Finals! 
Max Effort from our U11’s!
We unveiled a new superstar in the BU11… first time semi finalist -Maximus Slattery! The young man had a statement win against the 3rd seed in the quarter finals, upsetting him 3/0 with his best ever performance. And he then back up that display, by taking the 2nd seed all the way in a 4 game battle in the semi finals. His results will bolster both his rating and ranking significantly, the perfect way to begin the new season! Big things ahead for Max, very excited what the new season will bring.
Rubens has been one of our most improved payers in 2018 and this weekend, he made another big jump forward. He had the toughest of tough draws and came up against the number 1 seed in the quarter final, who only dropped 1 game all weekend… and it was against Rubens. Rubens pushed him all the way and in hindsight, could now argue that he was the 2nd best player all weekend. But in true Scozzie style, he held his head high, bouncing back to win 3/0, 3/0 and win 5th Place  and the Classic Plate. 
Our third U11 Champion, was Mr Daniel Abidi, who won the Consolation Event. Daniel won two tough 3/1 matches in the quarter and semi final, before bringing his beat game to the final and stream rolling a higher rated/ranked opponent 3/0.
Highlight Moments
Michelle had another great weekend finishing top 8 for the 2nd time in a row. The highlight this time was in her round of 16, when she reversed a 3/0 defeat from last season to win 3/0 less than 6 months later! Never a better feeling when your hard work is proven to pay off! She then pushed the number 2 seed hard in the quarter final and came significantly closer to an upset victory than the previous time she’d played her also.
– Charlotte was finalist in GU13 Plate 2
– Devon came in 11th playing up 2x age divisions into U19s!
– Anika came within a whisker of reaching GU15 Quarters and had the longest game of the tournament 18-16!
– Elliot had his first top 16 Gold finish at U13
– Ben took a game of the BU13 Finalist and number 2 seed in R2, pushing him all the way
– Sean had a great 3-1 win in the BU17 Consolations
– Neil’s comeback win from 2-1 match ball down in BU17 Consolations
It was the perfect start to Season 8 for Scozzie with the perfect blend of success and learning experiences to develop from. We outshone expectations and made big inroads into that next level. Attitudes were exemplary and it proved to be the perfect building block for the foundation of the 2018/19 season. For the Gold guys having 3 weeks until the next One in Princeton, it’s going to be 20 days working on some easy technical and tactical fixes and sharpening up on match play management. For the JCT crew, only 5 days until kick off and for the Silver guys, EA is only two weeks away! It’s going to be an electric season start, can’t wait to see what we can achieve in September in training and in competition! 
Thanks, Lyall
p.s. you can check out the insta story of the weekend on our Scozzie Instagram Page!  Lots of good (?) photos and fun moments!
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2CDHyda via IFTTT
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theglitternet · 9 months
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bioluminescentfrog · 9 months
dude this is the best group of people to ever play buildmart how tf havent we played it yet??
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bioluminescentfrog · 9 months
the super glitchy "bye sandwhich :D" my beloved
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bioluminescentfrog · 9 months
GG gamers my boys lost :')
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bioluminescentfrog · 9 months
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bioluminescentfrog · 9 months
my girl mid is going insane lsdkflaskhdf
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bioluminescentfrog · 9 months
Yknow it'd've been really funny if we had a pvp-less mcc but sg ruined that for us ;_;
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