#maybe they're mine
shiwden · 2 years
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precious boy
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gomacave · 16 days
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Crawled out the same hole
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Cute little things to call your soulmate/destiny/other side of your coin
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amartworks · 8 months
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monster and monster hunter. much to think about
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levi-lev · 2 months
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hi again
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poopyboiman · 7 months
every time people draw the mercs with smooth skin and zero wrinkles an angel looses its wings and plummets to earth in a raging ball of fire
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clonerightsagenda · 7 months
If you take Ling's blood sugar crashes seriously from a medical perspective and rule out medications I'm not sure existed yet and major organ failure, my best guess at a diagnosis would be an insulinoma, a usually benign pancreatic tumor that overproduces insulin and messed up your levels. Thus I propose the reason he stopped passing out partway through the story is that Greed went "hey what the fuck is this" and ripped it out.
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shapeshiftinterest · 9 months
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isabelle took charge of the festival preparations so redd and tom could prepare kk slider's stage
tom's excited to see kk slider
redd just really wants to hold hands
redd: i wanna hold his paw so bad
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wasyago · 11 months
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im gonna start killing
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ohlexa · 1 year
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#say your prayers and bottoms up!
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staticrevelations · 9 months
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Imogen and Laudna at the Solstice / "Everything" by MUNA
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koifsssh · 8 months
okay first things first
a) i am insane
b) i really like clowns
so put these two things together and what do you get?
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you get clown rainy of course!!! look at him go!!!
I should probably explain what's going on, so i will! I had made clown rainy... and then sort of made an au centered around that idea, not that i really think of it as any proper au, since it's mostly for oc's and such! with that out of the way i will explain his acts! yippee!
he is a dreamer! a wanderer of the stars, if you will! He does tightrope and trapeze! At least, that's what i think fits him best!
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his stage name is the Sleepwalker! very sleepy, very tired, you get the gist! they call him that because he's often mistaken for having his eyes closed on the tightrope, so they think he's "sleepwalking"!
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his solo shows are mostly calmer segments, im not sure how to describe it really. usually he has a microphone attached to him, so he may talk to the audience! however, he's usually talking to himself really, but thats what they come for!
Rainy's ramblings are sort of hopeless romantic, but some of the things he says can be comedic as well, it depends really...
his shows are supposed to leave you sighing, if that makes sense! my favorite quote of his is this;
"I hope you don't make fun of me, but i've always wanted to dance amongst the stars... haha, do you think i would be good at it? Oh, if i had a partner with me we could dance on the rings of Saturn, that would so lovely, wouldn't it? ...Oh well, i suppose it's alright, i don't mind dancing alone, the stars are always a witness..."
on another note, he's a duo with Maverick! (because of course he is!)
they are very silly together, a couple of clowns... a clown couple... clowns...
they do various bits together!
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though, admittedly, Rainy's favorite bit to do with maverick is to gently smack him in the face, he thinks its hilarious
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very silly indeed!
(also! note! yes, i know, rainy's design did quite change a bit, but just know the colored reference is the one i'm going with! as much as i love a good clown, they never cease to make it difficult to draw...)
i should probably note that the au so far has mostly been about them specifically...
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hehe, it was probably obvious though!
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lunetual · 1 year
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PLAVE ✧ ‘Wait For You’ Official MV
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pocketramblr · 1 month
The thing about my students is I love them, but every time I think "oh I should work on my graduation speech", within five minutes I'm so mad at them I have to put it down because I have to be nice in it
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harbingersecho · 4 months
Lasombra fashion show?
Now how did you know I've been meaning to draw fashion 'shows' for all the clans…?
But! Here's some Lasombra fashion stuff for you!
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+ bonus because I love bullying Lasombra abt their tech issues (:
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sunny12th · 1 year
I see where the 'dragons are nukes' people are coming from in terms of the total devastation dragons are capable of in battle and in the hands of those that want to use them in such a way.
However, dragons are clearly meant to symbolize more than just their raw power in wartime. dragons are fire made flesh, dragons are Summer, dragons are flight and freedom, dragons are playful and warm, dragons are life in defiance of winter. dragons are the strength needed to break chains, topple corruption, and burn evil itself. dragons are flaming swords and lightbringers. dragons are loyalty and protectiveness. dragons are passion and mystery and magic.
dragons are the opposite end of the magical spectrum to the others.
and dragons are, above all else, lizard cats that like to bask in the sun and get scratches on the underside of their chins.
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