#maybe kinn and porsche didn't get much this episode because otherwise the episode would be toooo powerful?
On the one hand I loooove to see Kinn and Porsche just be in love and out in the open. They've been going through a lot together, so it's nice, but like... I can't help but be a bit disappointed??? Like now when the high of last episode has settled. Like nothing really happened in their scenes? while the other couples (especially vegaspete) had so much going on. It's nice that they didn't have to experience much drama, but couldn't they.... Idk, maybe have talked about Big? I am sad his death wasn't addressed at all and I feel like Kinn and Porsche having soft scenes could be a good opportunity to talk about it. Big sacrificed his life for them to be together. They could have had a nice scene, and cherished the fact they are able to be together and talk about Big because Big's death must have affected Kinn, right? And Porsche as well, since he died in front of him. Let them talk about it pleaseeeee
I love Kinn and Porsche, but after ep 9 it feels like something is missing with them??? Idkkkk
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fromperdition4 · 2 months
Kinn the Star
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There is so much to say about this scene in the woods - where Kinn and Porsche are finally on equal footing, and they both take turns encouraging the other to open up.
One line from Kinn here sticks with me the most -
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He explains how he'd wanted to be a singer as a kid, entered a competition but quit. Not because he didn't do well, but because he thinks his father bribed the judges to let him win.
And my mind's just whirring with all the implications here:
First, there's what this shows of Kinn's character - he has all the makings of a nepo baby, and definitely uses his money and privileges to get things that he (or rather his father) wants (see: expensive diamond necklace that no one's ever going to wear). But, he also has pride and integrity - he can recognize when other people are more deserving than he is, and he doesn't want undue recognition. Not when it's something that would be personally meaningful to him otherwise.
Then I'm also struck by Korn's side of this (because I can't stop thinking about Korn's relationship with his sons) - was bribing the judges an act of fatherly care, one of those intrusive things that controlling parents do because they think it would be better for their kid (even when it's something their kid would hate)? Or did he see an opportunity to improve the family's reputation, and couldn't stand to see a Theerapanyakul lose? How did Korn take Kinn quitting, if that was the case?
Of course there's always the possibility that Korn didn't bribe the judges, and Kinn won on his own merit...
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never mind
That Kinn's long-forgotten dream was to be a singer of course reminds us of Kim, who's now following that same dream and seems to have carved out some freedom from the family in doing so. Did Kim's interest in singing come from Kinn, from bonding with his big brother/wanting to be like him? Did Korn meddle with Kim's career too, when he was young? Does he still try to?
And finally, it occurred to me on this rewatch that there's a bit of ambiguity here in just want kind of competition Kinn entered.
I'd always assumed it was a local competition - maybe one meant for kids, where they would compete first in their region/school and then the winners would move on to a larger, national competition. That would make sense for how Kinn could both win but also quit - he just didn't move on to the next competition.
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But the phrasing here could also imply that Kinn went on an actual televised singing show! His family would certainly have the connections to get him on (and hey, they may or may not have a modelling agency now that would totally have hired Jom to star in a new series)...
Can you imagine baby Kinn singing his little heart out under the bright studio lights? How much he would have been adored and hated in equal measures by the viewers at home?
(There may be some who still talk about that weird kid on Thai Idol, who crooned out a bunch of oldies and stole the heart of the judges, but then dramatically bowed out in the very last episode...)
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DID KORN KIDNAP PORSCHE? What do you think?
So I am working on a few metas on Korn and his machinations (slowly as it's too damned hot and we are all dying) and I am also watching KP with first-timers we are currently on episode 7 (those thoughts coming soon) and I have a theory to football at you all.
Korn might have orchestrated the kidnapping in episode 5. Hear me out!
We know now that he faked his death to essentially get the minor family and their allies to act and wipe them all out.
Why wouldn't the first try be the kidnapping as we know our lovely strategist here doesn
Through a proxy, Korn could have had Porsche kidnapped but Kinn wasn't supposed caught up in it.
We've also seen that Porsche and Kinn together tend to interfere with his plans causing him to re-evaluate multiple times, first punish, then appease and then accept. This could be a good way to separate them, especially when the feelings between them aren't as good.
The result of the kidnapping was the wiping out of the Italians as there doesn't seem to be any love lost between Don and the Major clan. Since it's the same strategy he employed in the finale this could a thing he does, create the opportunity to justify an attack (my Korn meta will go deeper into this)
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As others have eluded to, Korn is kind of afraid of Porsche, especially on this effect on Kinn. [@hael987 x] [@csparkles123 x] [@rileychester x] [ @majestictortoise x]
Korn is aware deep down Kinn is soft and deeply carves to give and receive love (some said maybe too much like his mother), but Kinn's his faithful little soldier the one who always listens and is ruthless enough to do the job, but here comes this kid whose all swagger and Kinn's been acting irrationally (to him).
No Porsche means better control over Kinn.
He knew Kim was beginning to pry. Kim so far has been the most capable of screwing up his plans, getting Porsche out of the picture means that Kim may lose interest, as he could have easily lie that Porsche was dead, or ran away with no witnesses to say otherwise.
Groom Porsche away from it all. The only thing I believe him in is that he wanted to reunite Porsche with his mother (not out of care but control), with Porsche away from it all how much do you think he could mess with his head. No other dissecting voices could blame the minor clan for what happened to Porsche and his mother, so he would wield Porsche against Kan/Gun. We have already seen that Korn is aware of Porsches weak spot, he tried to use that anger to have someone killed. Now imagine Porsche, without love on the brain, hurt and angry, desperate to protect his family, angry at the minor family for what was done to his mother, how much more ruthless could he be (as he's already quite ruthless at protecting the ones he loves)?
So here's some of my evidence:
Korn knew that Porsche was home after all he sent him home when it would be so much easier and work far better to let him guard Tankhun for a few days. He also insisted that he will take care of Chay so I am sure he's aware of some of his movements, especially things like trips.
The kidnappers never tried to harm Kinn and Porsche initially, and also explains that it was actually their people that Kinn heard in episode 6.
Kinn didn't react with fear/caution at the guard at the end of episode 6. We might say it's because he's too wrapped up in his emotions be he reacted faster than the shot when he figured it out. If Korn used a proxy this plan might have gone all wrong or they were already infiltrated by Vegas or Dons men (without Kan/Gun's know-how because he wouldn't have wanted Porsche harmed).
Korn looked very pensive here-
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Look at him here, he seems a little anxious, tapping his fingers in deep thought before Chan informed him to specifically to say that Kinn's GPS is leaving Bangkok. He might be worried about Kinn leaving randomly but, Kinn's an adult he seems to give him a bit of space.
He looked more annoyed than scared after he found out.
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But did he know Kinn would be there?
While it might seem dumb to leave without a bodyguard or some kind of protection, particularly when you're target #1, in episode 3 Kinn picks Time and Tay all by himself without a bodyguard present. It seems on some occasions he leaves without a guard so Korn could reasonably assume he may have gone to them, or the few safe places he has.
So he's surprised when he's taken and after they have their little nature adventure he re-formulates gets Porsche to work with the minor family (familiarising him with his future work), tried again to warn Kinn off and takes out an enemy and ally of the minor family weakening them.
Anyway, I am kind of drunk, it's too damned hot still, so this is a mess let me know what you guys think?
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The animosity between Kinn and Vegas is started by Vegas (technically speaking, his Dad, 'cause we all know Vegas is just another one of Gun/Kan's puppets like Kinn is Korn's).
Kinn has no intention of being an inciter or causing a war between the families, mainly because it would threaten his position and generally make his life harder. We see this when him and Gun/Kan talk in episode 14 with Porsche pointing a gun at Gun/Kan and him pointing it back at them.
Vegas' hatred is entirely one sided and Kinn only retaliates because when buttons are pushed, obviously he's not going to let it slide. There's really no reason for Kinn and Vegas to "talk"...
As for Porsche, Vegas has extreme envy of everything Kinn has, caused by his extreme inferiority complex and his need for validation and love from his father. In the book(s), Vegas fucked all of Kinn's past lovers and people he had sex with. I'm actually sad the show didn't dive into that. Vegas was attempting to do the same with Porsche, and we see that he succeeded with Tawan. He wanted Porsche to choose him over Kinn especially knowing his importance to Kinn simply to one up him because if he can't take away his empire, he'll go for the next big thing, his lover.
That being said, what could they possibly talk about?
That's not to say I don't hope that they both realize, especially Vegas, that this rivalry they have isn't real, its created by the generation before them, and work together to bring down Korn, but I don't think they'll ever get to the point where they could even get to see each other as acquaintances after the attempted coup, kidnapping and nearly killing Porsche and Chay, sleeping with Tawan, kissing and pursuing Porsche relentlessly, and costing him Big and Chan's lives and others, plus sending in Ken as the mole.
I just don't see it, and to be honest, I don't want to see it next season (provided we actually get one). That doesn't mean I want to see them as enemies, I really, really, don't, but it just isn't realistic to have them be more than business partners. And so, the question remains, what could they possibly talk about?
but what problems do they really have? bc all it looks to be its the pressure their parents have put on them. kinn can't lose to vegas/the minor family bc he has a face to keep, otherwise people will call him unfit to lead, he has to win he has no other choice. vegas always comes second bc vegas lost to him in the business side of things more often, he got obsessed. in the end, isn't it just prejudice they both inherited from their fathers?
i did say the exact same thing in the previous post, maybe in not so many words and english is not my first language. i guess i am not as articulate as you are. i couldn't get my message across. let me try again.
i am not trying to discount any of the things that went down between them, all i was saying the dislike they have for each other is mutual but it's clear for kinn it's mostly business which later turned personal bc of porsche and vegas is obviously jealous [edit// but i believe vegas has pretty good reasons to hate the main family, who knows what papa korn has been doing to the second family behind kinn or justifying to kinn, he can be pretty cruel in the name of 'it had to be done']. what i really meant to say is exactly what you said, they are both their father's puppets. in the end, it all boils down to generational trauma. how do you fit all that into a 'heart to heart' between kinn and vegas?
so yeah, i have the same question really, see the first line^. it's my wishful thinking that they'd talk and patch up, it just favors papa korn so much if they are divided you know? vegas has a lot to make up for, kinn was even remotely interested in hearing him out. at the stage currently kinn's at, even porsche can't point out the faults the family has without him getting defensive. it'll admit it's unlikely to happen but never say never.
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