#mattsun immediately feels sorry that he and his friends were so loud and he promises to be more quiet
writingbymoonlight · 2 years
♡ @omimosa & matsukawa issei ♡
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trope: neighbors to lovers, with a slightly rocky introduction. you moved into a new building, but had yet to catch a glimpse of the guy who lives in the apartment across the hall from you. for the most part, he's a good neighbor. however, when he has friends over, they're super loud and you can hear them from your apartment (especially this one guy who you think is called "oikawa", but someone always refers to him as "shittykawa"). one night, you are trying to sleep because you have to wake up early the following day, but your neighbor and his friends are being incredibly noisy. so, you head over to confront him and when he opens the door, you realize that he is super attractive.
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Keeping Up With Seijoh Ep. 3
a/n: uwuwuwuwu this is an au since yanno,,,, they didnt really make it to nationals :(
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
may i request a scenario where seijoh made it to nationals and atsumu flirts with reader🥺
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to be honest, it was,,, unexpected
you were sitting there, on the bench and gripping it in anticipation as seijoh and shiratorizawa were once again at a match point thanks to kyotani’s angry spike
going past 31, they were now 31-30 with seijoh in the lead
you could tell ushijima was getting antsy despite him covering it up and encouraging his team with a one-liner
your own team was buzzing with both nervousness and hope and iwaizumi was clenching and unclenching his fists in anticipation for the last toss
when the ball went up, oikawa’s eyes flashed, arms moving to set and the red-haired spiky guy was now watching which spiker he was going to give it to
he tossed it to no one
instead, oikawa’s hand flicked and he dumped the ball
it was like in slow motion and as shiratorizawa’s players scrambled to the floor, 
it was too late
the ball bounced on yellow polished floor before rolling away, completely unaware of what just happened and the lives it just changed
your mouth hung open, eyes trailing after the rubber ball like every single people in the gym
then it finally hit you
a scream from iwaizumi lit the candle of happiness and you didnt even care, running out to the court to jump on your captain, tears flowing down his face and his arms squeezing you tightly against his chest
it was all a jumbled noise from everyone, your team, your coaches, the fans in the stand, and even from that orange boy and his team
the boys were hugging each other and crying and sobbing but oikawa’s hold remained on you, your own tears mixing with his sweat and coating his neck
‘you did it, oikawa-san. you did it’
you whimpered and he laughed and you felt him nodding
‘we’re going to tokyo. nationals!’
he choked out 
the entire gym rumbled and you basked in the joy that the entire team radiated before having to stand with the coaches so they could shake hands with shiratorizawa for a good game
the locker room was loud, even much louder than the gym, with kindaichi’s loud sobbing and mattsuhana’s loud celebratory singing and iwaizumi’s joking shouts and eventually joining in
iwaizumi held his arms out for you and you giggled, crashing straight into him
you wiped his sweat filled face and he sat down on the bench, with you standing between his legs and his large hands gripping your waist
‘it’s not a dream, right?���
he whispered, eyes closed at the gentle feeling of you caressing his face
‘no, iwa-san. nationals is ours’
you soothed and he let out another loud laugh before pulling you close and burying his face in your stomach, probably crying again but this time, out of joy
for years theyve tried
and now, they succeeded
well,,, nationals should be a good thing, right?
hmm,,, maybe the honor of going
but the other players??
oh god
it was obvious when miyagi’s representative entered through those doors and eyes immediately went to their manager
it wasnt like you were the only female manager but you were an unfamiliar team so you have never been seen before
uwu youre so pretty like bow down to the goddess
oikawa’s hold on your hand was tight and his eyes flitted to everyone who looked at them, as if signalling them to back off and you were his
‘wahh, oikawa-san! kageyama told me that the best of the best are in here! he told me to look for fukurodani and nekoma!’
seijoh’s eye twitched at the mention of your new-found friend who you’ve been texting back and forth and him secretly teaching you everything about volleyball since your own team has been too busy preparing for nationals
they watched you try and stand in your tippy toes to find the apparent red and black jerseys and the black, white and gold jerseys
hmm,,,, it seems everyone had the same colors
‘ne, y/n-chan, you trust our team, don’t you? if anything, we’re part of the best of the best! you got the best setter right here!’
oikawa grinned but you nodded distractedly
‘come on, we got to go unpack and train’
iwaizumi nudged so you had to stop looking and you followed your captain, who still held your hand
but this is a typical fanfiction ladies and gents
as you were walking towards the locker room, there was a team that wore maroon colored jackets and were walking towards you
again, this is seijoh’s very first nationals so nobody really knew of them
they were more familiar of the white and purple jackets of shiratorizawa rather than the mint green and white of seijoh
however, oikawa seemed to know them
he whispered out, making you look up at him but his sights were straight towards them, a hard and cold look
‘ara? fresh blood?’
you cringed at the weird analogy and the guy with the black tips, who you infered to be the captain, elbowed him
 ‘excuse us’
he nodded in greeting and you noticed the guy with the bleach hair and you did a double-take, blinking rapidly
‘oh sangwoo?’
watari coughed, knowing exactly what you meant and it seems nobody else did except for the sangwoo look-a-like
and he raised an eyebrow in interest
‘hm? you called?’
another guy with gray hair, who looked exactly like him, rolled his eyes and he pulled him forward to walk after their captain
but he didnt let off yet
as he passed you by, he leaned close, breath fanning your ear
‘but its miya atsumu, baby girl’
kyo, who was behind you, growled at him and pulled you behind himself
‘she has name, fcker’
atsumu faked a surprise and backed away with his hands up
‘alrighty, then. didnt know you had a bodyguard, girlie. but maybe,, later on, we could get to know each other. alone’
osamu was annoyed and dragged him away, leaving you with your team, who were also extremely pissed off, especially oikawa
‘heh, the best setter in the country and yet he acts like a horny dog’
oikawa seethed, a pointy smile etched on his face
‘eh? best setter?’
you wondered but not given an answer because your captain would be damned if that atsumu decided to show up again
the locker room was actually the same back home
but kindaichi was sobbing again
‘t-this room! the best of the best! i cant-too much-’
you were busy hugging him and wiping his tears to notice the third years huddling over by the corner
oikawa was sitting on the bench while iwaizumi was changing into his practice jersey and the other two were flanked beside the captain
‘of course theyve got their eye on her now’
oikawa mumbled, fingers laced together and touching his lips
‘what can you expect? y/n-chan is an extremely pretty girl’
mattsun shrugged
‘but ugh, if i see that cheese face again,, i will fight’
iwa threatened, angrily slipping his arms through the holes
‘he reeked nasty! gross!’
makki agreed
‘so we’re agreeing to keep her in our sights right?’
they agreed to oikawa’s question and were going to stick by that word
what can you expect from star-struck players?
maybe its because theyve worked for so long to reach this point that the fact that they’re even standing in the tokyo stadium felt like a dream
‘guys, i need to go and fill the bottles really quick’
they mumbled distracted agreements so you sighed and lugged the crate of bottles
thank god there was a fountain nearby and as you were capping the last one, a familiar voice rang from behind you
‘oh? baby girl?’
you flinched at the weird nickname and thought that if you stayed quiet, hed leave
‘chibi? hey?’
he asked and made his way to your side, you closing your eyes and looking off to the side
atsumu thought you were interesting, not like every girl who would spread their legs at him and press up to him
the fact that you even AVOIDED looking at him was so foreign to him and your dismissive attitude made him so drawn to you
‘look, im sorry if i made ya uncomfortable earlier’
he,,, apologized?
but you didnt know who he was so you didnt know how out of character it was for him to even say ‘sorry’
'miya-san, hello’
you mumbled, eyes now opened but still focused on the bottle you gripped
he cracked a smile and was he,,,, nervous?
usually, hed say something dumb or sarcastic to cut the tension, but it was like he was even,,, careful,,, with what he wanted to say next
‘how-um-you like it ‘ere?’
if osamu was to see him now, he’d think his brother was kidnapped by those aliens oikawa swore up and down were real and was replaced by some opposite dimension version of atsumu
you gulped, mustering up a small smile before turning to look at him
‘miya-san, dont take offense to this, but just know i have a very loud voice and i can lift 80 pounds. and im the first one to ever beat iwa-san in an arm-wrestling match’
you puffed your cheeks in intimidation with your eyebrows furrowed but accidentally looking more cute rather than scary
were you,,, threatening him?
atsumu paused for a second to assess the situation and really understand the underlying meaning of your words
then he laughed
a real hearty laugh that made him go for a whole minute
‘-ahahaha!! whew, chibi-chan, ya’r a rare one’
wait i dont know how to type you’re with an accent !!!!!
he let out a few more chuckles then wiped a tear that fell
you just stood there 🧍‍♀️ 
‘you think its funny, miya-san? yahaba-kun and i also have a supernatural telepathy phenomenon-’
‘chibi-chan, i swear i wont hurt ya’
he promised but you backed your face away, an eyebrow raised
‘thats what they all say. if anything, youre scaring me more so i’ll-’
he held out a hand out but he quickly curled it, pulling it back to his chest
‘i,,,, listen i know how basic this may sound but,,,, youre the first to ever be like this to me’
you rolled your eyes
‘you think i havent heard that before? i have oikawa-san in my team, for god’s sake! ‘youre one of a kind’ ‘youre not like other girls’ yadda yadda’ try harder, miya-san’
you tilted your head with a crooked smile 
were you,,, playing hard to get?!
atsumu’s eyes shined, wanting to finally do the chasing rather than being chased
‘well, first off, chibi-chan, i need to know your name’
he leaned forward with his hands buried deep inside his maroon jacket pocket
‘my name? what good will that do? you already call me something else dont you? a name is meant to help people call each other and youve been calling me ‘chibi’ so what’s the point of giving you my birth name?’
even with a straight face, atsumu right away knew of your teasing as your eyes were shining brightly and had a hint of amusement in them
oh my god hes in love with you
he was in disbelief of your attitude towards him so he nodded slowly and laughed again
‘what can i do to earn that name then, chibi-chan?’
ehehehe kuroo,,,,, im in danger
you crossed your arms and pouted, leaning forward
‘ehh? why do you want it so bad? do you call others ‘chibi’ too?’
your expression of suspicion was so adorable that he couldnt stop himself from lunging forward and squeezing your cheeks between his fingers
‘so cute. youre my only chibi, chibi-chan’
you hummed, swiftly wiping his touch away from you
‘doubt it. ive only met you today and you’re already acting like this. what makes you think i think youre genuinely interested in me, miya-san?’
this time, you chuckled, head leaning down
and as you looked back up, your heart stopped
by the distance, there was a familiar-looking haired boy with golden eyes and an also familiar black hair and steel blue eyes
oh dear
your emotions went sour but you saw the black and white-haired male laugh and the steel eyed male shake his head in disapproval but had the hint of the smallest smile
they,, were now happy
‘fate, you say’
you mumbled distractedly
‘fate instilled magnets in us so i just cant help but be drawn to ya’
atsumu grinned but you averted your eyes to look at him, a soft and genuinely happy look
‘would those magnets be strong enough to draw us together, even if we were in another life? if we were fated, would we meet again?’
you looked up at him, your eyes still glistening but this time, with the slightest bit of hope
atsumu sent you a confused glance but he still shrugged
‘i guess so, if i’m so drawn to you right now. maybe in our past life we were,,, together?’
he tested out, expecting you to roll your eyes and walk away but you laughed
‘well, i just witnessed it happening so maybe its possible?’
you wondered out loud
atsumu blinked again, getting more and more interested in you
he asked you and you jumped slightly to look at him with a smile
‘say, miya-san, what if i told you that i remember my past life? and what would you say if i told you that you were in it?’
you grinned but atsumu scrunched his face together before smiling
‘hmm, i dont know what youre sayin but it proves my point!’
he exclaimed but you cocked an eyebrow, a sad smile resting on your lips
‘now what would you say if i told you that you were my nurse?’
a/n: omg i actually hate how this turned out like bls blast me on this
a/n pt 2: during my break, i actually re-read ‘in another life’ and i wrote this up after i finished it again and can i just say? I WILL NEVER SHUT UP ABOUT THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CREDITS TO LITTLELUXRAY ON AO3
a/n pt 3: hewwo im back again and since no one replied with a link, i can,,, guess??,,, that the book is gone??? or taken down?? but anyways, i just really wanted to post something and tbh, stuff like this cant be helped but i really do hope that it’s gone and if its not, dkasjdfkslf again send me the link
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oiikawabii · 4 years
best of friends
oikawa x fem reader x matsukawa, implied iwaizumi x reader
short thing based on this episode of grand army on netflix that was written while i was on a caffeine high after work, so good luck my reading my guy. i really just wanted to get this out before halloween since it’s been a while since i posted and i wanted to get my writing motivation up
Friends fuck each other all the time. The circumstances only suck when one of them is pining and jealous, and the other two don’t actually care about your well being.
tw and cw: ns//fw, noncon, rape, cannabis, public sex 
“So you’re just gonna ignore me all night?” You ask, coming up to Iwaizumi’s side.
He glances at you, but quickly averts his gaze. “What are you talking about?”
“You know what I’m talking about-”
“I thought we had a thing going and now you’re all over my friends all of a sudden?” He interrupts. All night he had to watch you be all cuddly with Oikawa, sitting on his lap and giving him puppy dog eyes, but you made it seem like he was the problem. “I mean, like the least you can do is turn me down.”
A scoff mixed with laughter leaves your mouth. “First of all, you mean our friends. I mean, I’ve been part of this group long enough to be considered their friends right? Second, I just want things to stay normal between us; if they change we all fall out with each other.”
“That’s dumb.”
Your arms swing over his neck and you giggle, “You’re dumb.”
He kisses you. Just a peck, a quick one at that, but he was tempted to do more. Though he wasn’t the one who had to initiate when you start sucking faces with him. Iwaizumi wants to go on, he really does, but he’s so done with your shit. 
“I’m not doing this with you tonight.” He says, backing away.
“Iwa,” You whine, reaching out for him but he dodges your hand.
“I’m actually serious this time.”
“Fine, whatever.” You back off and then announce to the others, “I’m gonna go to the restroom. You douches better not leave me here.”
Watching you walk off, Oikawa comes up and pats Iwaizumi on the back. “Trouble in paradise?”
“Fuck off,”
“You gotta chill-”
“Don’t even fucking touch me! It’s not even like that.” He leans away from the touch on his back.
Oikawa snorts. “Yeah, but you were hoping it was gonna be something. You’re so obvious, it’s barely even funny.”
He rolls his eyes. “You love it when she gives you attention. You know, her and I, we’ve actually been-”
“What? Sucking faces?” Oikawa teases. “I mean, I can’t believe you’re hung up on her and still haven’t gotten it in yet. You know how easy she is?”
Iwaizumi knew it was true, though he didn’t like the way it was implied. “Don’t say that about her.”
“She gives it up so easily,” Oikawa laughs. “I got with her! Hell, even Mattsun was able to get with her. If you haven’t been with her yet then maybe, just maybe, it’s because you’re a pussy.”
Iwaizumi's eyes glare at Oikawa and his comment. “No, I’m just not an asshole like you guys.”
“Acting so high and mighty all of a sudden that you’re hung up on one bitch,” Matsukawa comes over and jokes. “You’re unbelievable, you know that?”
You come back out, walking towards them with a pep in your step. “Alright idiots, let’s get going!” You beam, throwing an arm over Oikawa. “Got your hash pen?”
Oikawa pulls it out of his pocket and hands it to you. “Don’t steal it.” He scolds, watching you take a hit.
“Too late, this is mine for the night.” You take another hit, blowing it into his face and suppressing a giggle, skipping away from him.
“Fucking idiot.” He laughs, chasing you down the sidewalk. When he catches up to you his arms wrap around your body, lifting you up as your feet kick helplessly.
You squeal, holding on tight to him. “Don’t drop me! Don't drop me!” He hoists you up and down, pretending to lose his grip and almost giving you a death scare.
“Hurry up before we miss the taxi!” Matsukawa calls, running towards the nearest stop with a car about to leave in just a few minutes. 
The group runs toward it, pushing past the busy people on the sidewalk without even a 'sorry' or an 'excuse me'.
“One of you guys should sit in the front.” You comment.
“No, let’s all squish in here.” Oikawa whines, already taking a seat next to Iwaizumi, who was the first inside. He pulls you in after him, tickling your sides and saying some stupid joke about you being all his. He looks over to Iwaizumi, hand resting on your outer thigh, only earning an annoyed sigh in response. The space between everyone grows smaller as Matsukawa gets in last and slams the door shut.
Matsukawa gives the driver instructions before closing the little window that separates the front and the back.
You lean your body over Oikawa to get a clear look at Iwaizumi. “Hey, can we talk or something?” Your response is him shaking his head. “Come on, don’t be that way.” You try to get comfortable and sit next to him, but Matsukawa pulls you back.
“Get over here, princess. If he doesn’t want you then you got us!”
“You fuckers!” You laugh. “I can’t do shit around you guys.”
Another hit. You cheer, throwing your head back as the smoke leaves your mouth.
“Oh my god, are you about to give Matsukawa a show?” Oikawa jokes.
Just to egg you on further, Matsukawa’s hands rest on your hips to help you from swaying with the car. “No,” You drag. “I would never.”
“Come on, show us some moves.”
“How about you show me yours first?” You jab back, poking at his sides. His body jolts, loudly laughing. “Iwa, where are your moves?” You giggle, tracing a finger down his arm. 
“Makki’s already starting to let everyone in for the party, said they were just chilling outside.” Iwaizumi comments.
Matsukawa shrugs. “We’re gonna be late. Fucking traffic!”
You poke at his face, grabbing onto his arm to steady yourself. “Think we should bail? Most of the good stuff might be gone by the time we get there.” He says.
“Dude, no, I’m not bailing on this party tonight.” Oikawa retorts. “Tell him he better save some for us.”
“So you’re just not gonna talk to me now?” You pout.
He stops your hand from swinging in his face. “I’m not not talking to you.”
At this point, you’re slurring. Sometimes you forget how easy it is to get high off of hash, especially as a lightweight. “But you’re not having fun with me anymore, and-”
“Okay, sorry! What, you wanna get on top of me too? Give me a lap dance or something, yeah?” He snaps. “You need any more attention? It’s no problem, let’s go.”
It takes a second for you to register what he said. And when you do, your brows furrow, slapping his chest. “Don’t fucking say shit like that.”
“Chill.” Mattsun snorts, grabbing your hands before you could do more damage. 
Oikawa leans over and whispers into his ear. “I promise you, keep acting this way and she definitely won’t be fucking you anytime soon.”
Matsukawa tries to calm you down, running his hand against your cheek, though you can’t easily ignore what Iwaizumi said to you. “You’re so hypocritical, you know? You know how many girls I’ve seen you fuck around with? I mean, let’s just take it back to the girl you fingered in the dirty ramen shop bathroom! And I didn’t say shit, did I? I don’t need you fucking judging me, okay?”
“I’m not judging you babygirl!” Oikawa snickers.
“I get to do whatever I want with you and whoever the fuck I want to do it with! Fuck you, Iwa-chan!” You slur. You take another hit. “I’m just saying, you guys get to do whatever you want; well, so can I.”
His head shakes. “I’m not saying you can’t.”
“But… you are.”
“I’m just saying I don’t need a fucking blunt.” 
You lean back surprised by his comment. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what he meant by that. “Scoot over a little.” You tell Oikawa, swinging your legs over Mattsun’s lap and pressing his face between both your hands. You laugh a little, hips grinding into his before pressing your lips onto his.
There’s a loud chuckle from Oikawa as he drums on your back. “Oh shit! Holy fuck!” He takes out his phone and instantly starts recording. The flash shines on and off of you as he tries to capture the moment. 
Iwaizumi sits off on his side, staring down at his phone to ignore the three of you.
“I get to do that! I need to be able to do that!” You proclaim to him. “And you can’t make me feel fucking guilty about it!”
Matsukawa’s hand gently grabs your cheek to pull you back into him and a disgustingly wet kiss. His hands roam up and down your body, squeezing your thighs and making sure to guide your body to what he liked.
“Yo, you’re like hogging her.” Oikawa nags, putting his phone away and pulling at your wrist. “Come on, can’t just leave me out of this babe.”
“Back off ‘Kawa.” Matsukawa mumbles.
You pull away from him, hands resting on his chest. “Hey, don’t be mean. It’s not that hard to share is it?” You slide between the two of them, lips immediately latching onto Oikawa.
He pulls at your coat, pulling it down your arms to expose more of your body. “Jesus, I forgot to tell you how much I love this dress on you.” He breaths.
At this point, there are two pairs of hands on you; Oikawa’s and Mastukawa’s. Mattsun’s are on your hips, teasing you with soft caresses, keeping your body planted against his chest, feeling every exposed area he could get to as he sucks up and down your neck. Oikawa’s hands are squishing your cheeks, making sure to keep you in the kiss for as long as he wants. His fingers tangle in your hair, hardly giving you any escape. You’re on his terms and you don’t get to stop until he does. It’s not long until you feel the need for an actual breath, though he’s still at it--jesus how was his breath control so good?
You hum against his lips to give him a hint. It seems he doesn’t notice, instead thinking you’re just enjoying the pleasure. It’s not until you pinch his waist that he jerks up, panting with red lips. You wipe yours, looking at Iwaizumi to see what he’s up to. 
Back to looking at that damn phone. 
You lean over Oikawa, a hand resting on Iwaizumi’s leg to see if he would pay attention to you. “Iwa-chan… I think you’re missing out.’ You pout. He rolls his eyes, brushing your hand off.
“Screw him, just means more for me.” Oikawa chimes, pulling you back onto him.
“Look who’s hogging now,” Matsukawa’s hand grips your inner thigh, pulling it towards him. You hiss at the feeling, at how rough he was being all of a sudden. Oikawa’s hand grips your other thigh just as harsh, successfully spreading your legs wide open for the two of them.
Your head swings back onto the seat. “Fuck, that hurt.” Your body wriggles against theirs, trying to close your legs. “G-guys… just wait, just wait,” You huff, soft hands pushing at them.
Your pleas go ignored as both of them are on either side of your neck, trailing down feverish kisses. Matsukawa’s hand is the first to trail up your leg, resting between your thighs. His fingers slide up your slit and press down onto your clit, making a choked groan seep through your mouth.
“I know just how you like it.” He whispers in your ear.
“Mattsun- you guys-”
They giggle and chuckle like schoolboys as you try to fight them off, only using more force and putting more pressure down onto your body. Oikawa’s hand is the next to skitter up your thigh. 
There’s no prep, no warning, no comfort as two--maybe even three, you were too hazy to tell--of his finger thrust into your cunt all the way down to the knuckle. Even the kicks of your legs couldn’t keep them off.
“Iwa- Iwaizumi!” You stagger. You could barely get a good look at him through your blurred eyes, but you know he isn’t paying any mind to the three of you at all, off in his own little world.
“You’re so wet.” Oikawa coos, pumping his fingers in and out of you. He’s fast, skilled with his fingers and in any normal situation it would’ve felt good, but it hurt, and it hurt badly. Every time his fingers curl, your body jolts up and he laughs thinking that you’re getting off when really you’re trying to hold back the pain.
Matsukawa isn’t doing anything better for you. His fingers are tracing sloppy circles over your clit, missing and slipping every so often. It doesn’t even feel like he knows what he’s doing when he’s using more than a light pressure in an attempt to get you off. 
Your eyes try to open again to look for help, to look for Iwaizumi. Through hooded eyes, you make contact with him. Your mouth is agape and, god, you’re probably drooling as you look at him. You can’t even get out normal words, just a garbled mess of moans. His eyes fall from your face to your legs that are twisting in pleasure, no, pain? He gives you a disappointed look, turning away from the sight.
“Do you hear the noises her pussy is making, Mattsun?” Oikawa squeals. “She’s so tight, so fucking tight.”
Their fingers trade places and you don’t know if it’s better or worse. Oikawa is more gentle when rubbing your clit, more considerate. Mattsun pumps into you at a steady pace, testing to see what could make you squirm under him. When you do react, hips jutting forward into nothing, he chuckles and says, “Fuck, I wish I could put my cock in you right now.” At this point, it doesn’t matter what happens to you. Everything is starting to hurt, but it also feels good. You’re conflicted and you just know that you want it over with.
“Gonna- gon-” You choke.
“Aw, she’s gonna cum.” Oikawa mocks. Matsukawa snickers after him.
That’s all you heard all night; Oikawa, Matsukawa, and their stupid laughing fit. You just needed them to shut up, to keep quiet.
Your chest rises and falls rapidly, biting down on your lip hard enough to bleed just to hold onto some dignity and not sound like a prostitute in the back of a moving taxi. One last thrust of Mattsun’s fingers help you come undone for the two of them.
And what lucky timing it was. The taxi comes to a stop as it pulls up to the house with loud music blaring through the walls.
“I’m sick of your guy’s shit.” Iwaizumi mumbles as he opens the door. 
The other two follow suit in getting out of the car, greeting other peers, and mingling around. Though you’re still processing everything. Your head falls between your knees, wiping the streaks of tears away and putting on a happy face before hopping out to join everyone.
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misora-msby · 3 years
桜雨 | cherry blossom rain
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rating : mature
pairing : oikawa tooru x iwaizumi hajime
word count : 3.5k
themes/warnings : angst, a bit of fluff, takes place post timeskip, non-descriptive sexual content
notes : reposting here from my ao3! heavily based on SuG’s song Sakura Ame, have a listen :)
Baby pink petals fluttered to the ground, dancing in the wind that gave a light chill to those admiring the falling flowers. The air smelled sweet but Oikawa could only feel bitter at the sight of flowers. He hadn’t properly visited Japan for years, and even if he did return, he had always tried to avoid this time of year. But he couldn’t avoid it this time.
“Hey, it’s our last year as high schoolers, isn’t it?” Oikawa hummed as the two volleyball players walked in through the school gates. The pink cherry blossoms falling from the trees dotted around the campus signaled the start of their final year. Iwaizumi turned his head to look at the team captain.
“Is that not obvious enough for you?” Iwaizumi asked with a raised eyebrow.
“I’m just saying. It’s our last year together.” the brunet shrugged. 
The two went silent.
Until a light whack was heard.
“Iwa-chan! Why would you do that?!” Oikawa whined while rubbing his shoulder lightly. Iwaizumi turned to look at the school building, thinking anything would’ve been better than looking at his lifelong best friend. He knew that already. They were likely to go their separate ways after this, and he had been thinking of that since they entered high school. 
“Don’t think about that now. I bet you were gonna say something cheesy like “I’ll make this year worthwhile, I’ll bring the team to nationals!”, weren’t you?” Iwaizumi grumbled, looking away from the slightly younger boy. Despite the unfriendly tone of voice that would’ve pushed anyone away, it only made Oikawa gasp, 
“Iwa-chan, you know me so well!” before attempting to give a tight hug.
It resulted in a painful kick to the shin.
“Nationals, huh…” Oikawa muttered to himself before shaking his head. He still couldn’t forgive himself for that. For talking big and never being able to get past the other team. For practicing until he incapacitated himself and had to take temporary leave from the team. For not pushing himself in a better way to get the team further. For letting the team and Hajime down. 
Letting out a long sigh, he figured he might as well get home quickly, especially to get past the park with the huge cherry blossom tree where they would make promises to each other. Some were simple and they managed to keep; Oikawa lost a race in elementary and promised to buy ice cream for Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi promised to stay the night after they heard a scary urban legend.
Some were a little harder to keep but they managed; Oikawa promised to not let volleyball get in the way so much that he would avoid his studies. Iwaizumi promised to help him walk home whenever his knee started to ache again after the incident. The two of them kept their promise to go on a romantic date once a month.
But the biggest promises were the ones they couldn’t keep; to go to nationals, and to stay together.
Looking back, it was futile. There was no way they could keep those promises, and yet for years Oikawa still felt the guilt bite at him for being unable to do so. 
“I’m going to Argentina, to continue with volleyball.” Oikawa mentioned casually, as if it wasn’t a big deal to suddenly travel to the other side of the world. Iwaizumi’s eyes shot wide open and he sat up to look at the other male in the dark with an incredulous expression on his face, 
“Huh?!” to say he was shocked would’ve been an understatement. It came out of nowhere, and he didn’t even know what to say. 
“There’s some really strong teams there! I figured I’d improve a lot if I could go!” 
“... when are you leaving?”
“Hm… I’d say almost immediately. Maybe I’ll hang around a month or two to say my goodbyes.” 
Iwaizumi laid back down and shifted around in the bed uncomfortably. 
“When will I get that last goodbye?” 
Oikawa didn’t say anything for a moment. He just continued to lay beside his best friend and partner. 
“Tooru, when will-”
“If you want, right now. But I don’t want that.”
Oikawa knew for a while they’d have to say goodbye eventually. It was just a matter of time. For weeks now he wondered when would’ve been a good time to say it, but he always got scared. He tried to prepare himself, he really did. But with every kiss they shared, every night they spent together, he found himself wanting more. 
Even if it was by just a single second, Tooru wanted to stay by Hajime’s side. 
“I don’t want to let go of you yet, Hajime. So… if you’re alright with it, I won’t say goodbye yet.” There was just the slightest crack in Oikawa’s voice as he pleaded for him to stay. The tension in the few seconds he spent waiting for a reply made Oikawa feel as if his heart would burst. He made no movement besides a turn of his head to look towards Iwaizumi instead of at the ceiling. Just as he was about to repeat his words in a more direct manner, the bed shifted and he felt a muscular arm pull his leaner body into a warm but slightly stiff hug. 
“I hate you, Shittykawa.”
“I love you too, Iwachan.” 
There was just a slight scoff from the man beside Oikawa, but within milliseconds he felt a semi rough kiss to his lips. It sent his heart aflutter and his cheeks warmed up. 
“Good night, Tooru.” 
“Yeah, good night, Hajime.” 
The two closed their eyes and drifted off to sleep still in their warm embrace. 
“I wanted to stay like that with you forever.” 
Oikawa looked once again at his childhood bedroom and ran a hand through his soft hair. Aside from a little bit of dust which had collected on the desk, and the fact that the closet was emptier than it once had been, it looked the same. He had finished unpacking a while ago after dinner with his family, and already took a relaxing bath, so he figured he might as well sleep a little early tonight to get used to the change in time zones. 
There was a light knock on the door before it creaked open.
“Tooru-chan, you’ve grown a bit since high school haven’t you? Do you still fit on that bed? If not, I can get you a futon to put in here.” his mother asked. 
“Yeah! I haven’t become a giant, mom!” he laughed. 
“Mm, okay. You look really tired so get some sleep soon, Tooru-chan.” 
“Was just thinking about doing that. Goodnight, mom.” 
“Good night.”
The door shut quietly and Oikawa turned off his lights before walking carefully to his bed, careful not to trip over the suitcase that was still left out. The bed was still the same as ever, it felt like home and smelt of nostalgia. And yet it didn’t feel quite right, like it was too big. No matter how he shifted, it never felt right. He tried different positions, changing the setting on the aircon, a different blanket, and yet it still didn’t work. 
About an hour later, there were a few little dings from his phone making the former Seijoh captain grab it immediately. 
iwachan to “3rd years!!” : Just a reminder we’re meeting at Okonomiyagi at 11:30. 
mattsun to “3rd years!!” : i still think that store has a terrible name 
makki to “3rd years!!” : i think it tastes good tho
mattsun to “3rd years!!” : true, it’s not too bad
iwachan to “3rd years!!” : Oikawa, you got that? 
“Oikawa…” said man let out a deep sigh. Who knew he could miss being called “Trashykawa”, “Crappykawa”, or even “Shittykawa”? He slowly typed out his reply, 
“yeah of course! how could i miss meeting you guys? 🤩🤩”
He stared rather intensely at his phone, waiting for a reply. Although it came within the minute, it still felt like ages.
iwachan to “3rd years!!” : “Sure sure, see you there.”
Oikawa put his phone face down and curled up in the thick duvet on his bed. His heart still felt heavy, like a pressure wouldn’t leave him. It felt like it hadn’t left for years but now it felt stronger than ever.
After some more twisting and turning, the brunet finally fell into an uncomfortable and restless sleep. 
There was the sound of muffled thumping from the party downstairs, but more importantly was the sound of giggles, kisses, and rustling clothing in the dark bedroom. Safe to say, enough alcohol had been consumed between the two for this to happen. 
Oikawa relished in the feeling of the rough kisses from the soft lips of his partner. They tasted like alcohol and juice, probably from whatever cocktail the house owner fancied making for the night. He hadn’t felt anything like this in so long, so he enjoyed every bit of it despite the slight haze in his head from his own drinking.
Before he knew it he was laying on a bed, he didn’t know who’s, but what mattered was how the head in between his legs drew moans and sighs from his lips while providing him intense pleasure. He had been so busy with training he hadn’t realised how long he had gone without this kind of interaction and how badly he missed it. 
It didn’t take too long before he reached his end with a loud moan of his partner’s name.
They pulled away and began to get up. In his daze, Oikawa looked at their shadowy figure, still hard to distinguish in the darkness.
“Where are you going?” he asked, the slightest pant audible in his voice.
“My name isn’t ‘Hajime’.” a strangely feminine voice sighed bitterly. 
Oikawa’s eyes shot wide open and he inspected the figure more carefully. God… how drunk must he have been to think that person was his past lover or that Iwaizumi would’ve been anywhere in Argentina?
“I- I’m sorry.” he managed to get out. 
“It’s fine. I’ll just get going. Though I really didn’t expect this from the notoriously flirty Tooru Oikawa.” 
Neither did he really.
Oikawa woke up with a startling feeling as his alarm rang. He groggily reached over and switched it off before staring at the ceiling with slightly squinted eyes. “That was way too embarrassing.” he cringed into his duvet at the painful memory. After that night he swore to never let his teammates drag him to any party like that again.
Oikawa arrived at the little restaurant two minutes before the designated time. Hanamaki and Matsukawa were already sitting inside, looking through the menu while waiting for their friends to arrive. 
“Woah! If it isn’t the pro.” Matsukawa waved towards Oikawa as he sat in the chair beside him. 
“I really hope that’s a compliment, Mattsun!” the former captain pouted as he took a menu and began flipping through as well.
“It is, captain,” Matsukawa chuckled, “It’s just been a while.”
“Yeah, that’s for sure. I mean, I bumped into you guys at the shrine once or twice during New Years. But we didn’t actually sit down to talk.”
“You were always really busy those times. Iwaizumi said the two of you haven’t even met since we graduated.” Hanamaki stated.
“I uh… well, our schedules never really matched when I was back visiting! But now I’m back for three months, so I made sure to meet you guys.” Oikawa put on a big grin.
“Not that you really had a choice.”
“Yeah. I know.” 
A couple more minutes had passed and the three looked at their watches, wondering where their last friend was. Just as Hanamaki was about to send a message to their group chat to check on him, Iwaizumi ran up to the table. 
“Sorry I’m late! Oh, Oikawa, you’re finally showing up.” he said, somewhat surprised.
“I’m kinda hurt you’d think I wouldn’t show up to meet my best friend.” he teased before receiving a flick to the forehead.
“Yeah yeah, sure you’re hurt, Shittykawa.” Oikawa felt the fluttering in his heart again at that nickname. His eyes widened ever so slightly and his single second of silence spoke for itself. 
“Sure am.” he laughed lightly while Iwaizumi turned to talk to someone behind him.
“You don’t have to be shy, they’re just my former teammates.” 
“Yes, but I’ve never talked to Oikawa-san.” a shy feminine voice spoke up while the person stepped out and gave a small bow of greeting to the three men. 
“Oikawa, this is my fiancee, Nami. I thought it’d be good for you to meet her before the wedding.” Iwaizumi spoke, and Oikawa felt a pain pierce his heart.
Matsukawa and Hanamaki shared a glance, already realising how Oikawa still felt after all the years. It must’ve been painful to hear that.
He was expecting it, he knew he was invited back to Japan to help plan the wedding and be the best man for the wedding. But it still hurt way more than he expected.
“It’s very nice to meet you, Nami-san. Oh, should I call you Iwa-chan too then?” he asked with a little laugh. Of course, it was met with a whack on his back.
“No way, dumbass!”
But Nami giggled and nodded, “Go ahead! But I think it would be confusing, since that’s what you call Hajime.”
“She’s really nice…” Oikawa thought to himself. Had she been a rude person, he’d have a reason to dislike her, but he had none. Especially from what he’d seen on her social media which Matsukawa had sent to him. She was an event planner for some high end brands, regularly helped out in charities, and she was extremely pretty. She could probably do modelling if she wished. Everything about her made Oikawa jealous and made him regret half of his later life decisions. But he continued to smile and said,
“I think I’ll just stick with calling you Nami-chan.”
“It was really nice to meet you all! I’ve got a meeting to go to, so I’ll see you again another day!” Nami waved and hurried off to the bus stop. The four men waved goodbye to her as well before turning to each other.
“I’ve gotta go too. Girlfriend asked me to pick up some stuff from the grocery store.” Matsukawa said.
“My mom asked me to mail some stuff at the post office.” Hanamaki spoke as well.
“I guess we’ll just discuss more about the wedding plans tomorrow at dinner. Kindaichi and Kunimi told me they’d make it then, so make sure you’re on time.” Iwaizumi reminded, making the two laugh. He still retained some sort of habits of giving reminders as the former vice-captain of the volleyball team.
“You were the only one late today, Iwaizumi.” Hanamaki reminded him in return. 
He rubbed the back of his neck in slight embarrassment, “Yeah, sorry about that. Well, see you guys tomorrow then,” he smiled and waved as the two of them headed their separate ways.
“What about you? Doing anything?” Iwaizumi asked Oikawa.
“Nah. I’m just gonna look for a temporary job or do training until I go back. But until then I’m free. You?” 
“Same here. But if you’re free, I want to talk to you.” 
For some reason, that surprised Oikawa. Especially with how they parted those years ago. It was painful and they couldn’t talk for weeks before Hanamaki and Matsukawa ranted in their group chat about how university was basically shortening their life span. It wasn’t the most conventional way to get the four of them talking again, but it definitely worked.
Without having to think about it, the two of them began walking in the direction of their houses. It felt like high school again, maybe just with a slightly different view as they grew a couple centimeters taller and a couple of new shops popped up.
“Are you okay?” Iwaizumi suddenly asked.
“Of course I’m fine! I’m glad to see you’re happy, and Nami-chan looks like a perfect match for you!” Oikawa gave a wide grin. 
“I know that much, but are you alright?” 
The smile on Oikawa’s face faltered slightly before slowly transforming into a small smile of self-pity and strange fatigue.
“Are you sure you want me to be your best man?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper, but it was enough for Iwaizumi to hear.
“Who else would it be?” he replied nonchalantly, as if it were always meant to be that way. 
Oikawa’s brow furrowed in confusion. How could he be fine with that? He had hurt Iwaizumi and they hadn’t had a proper conversation in ages, let alone met up. 
“I thought you hated me. Especially after-”
“You’re still the most important person in my life. As stupid as it sounds. It wasn’t exactly what we had planned for as kids but I want you by my side in the most important part of my life.” 
The setter was almost frozen in his tracks. It was like he was hit by some sort of revelation, but he still felt pathetic. How many years had it been since they graduated and properly broke up? How many times had he tried to get into a relationship only to break up with them because he felt like he couldn’t really get over his best friend? How many times had he laid in bed thinking of what could’ve been of them? 
“It was hard. You decided to go to Argentina a little after we lost to Karasuno so it felt like I was punched in the gut twice,” Iwaizumi started, “But I couldn’t get too angry. I thought if going there made you happy, then that’s fine. If you were happy, I’d be happy.” He then shot a glare at Oikawa, “It wasn’t easy to finally accept that though.” After being decently amused by his former captain’s reaction, he just smiled and looked back at the familiar road they walked down.
The two walked in silence for a bit as Oikawa collected his thoughts. He realised he had been clinging onto a hopeless dream for years now, trying to fix a thread between them which he frayed himself with blunt shears. But as frayed as the thread had become, it still existed and remained strong throughout the many years. Surely, with a little mending it could be fixed, he thought. It wouldn’t be the same but it could be fixed. He would do his best to make sure it was.
“We’re here.” Iwaizumi said, and Oikawa looked up from the road to see the large cherry blossom tree under which they had spent their youth. The baby pink flowers fell slowly, dancing in their path down to the ground.
One kiss was followed by another, and then another. The petals from the tree continued to rain down with the cool wind of the night.
“Tooru, you have to get back already. Your flight is in the morning.” Iwaizumi muttered against the bruised lips of his partner. 
“Just one more.” he muttered and pulled his vice-captain in for another deep and longing kiss while the other tried to pull away.
“Tooru, we can’t-”
“Please, one last one. I promise-”
“Stop, dammit! I can’t take it!”
At that, Oikawa froze. His half-lidded eyes shot wide open and he looked at Iwaizumi who had gripped the setter’s wrists. Slowly, he let go of the ace’s shirt and took a step back. The expression on Iwaizumi’s face was one of agony and anger, and Tooru could only think, “I put such a painful look on his face. What’s wrong with me?” There was a sharp feeling of pain in his chest as he realised what he had done. 
Slowly, Iwaizumi let go of his wrists and took a step back as well. 
It was like a knife became sharper and pierced deeper into the wound in Oikawa’s heart. He realised quickly he was being woken from the dream he loved so much. The wind no longer just cooled his flushed skin, but froze his heart as well.
“I… I’ll miss you, dumbass.” 
As he said those words, Tooru couldn’t help but think Hajime looked so handsome with the way the cherry blossoms fell behind him. That look accompanied by the slight glitter of the single tear rolling down his cheek, illuminated in the moonlight and streetlights, was a sight Tooru would never forget.
Thinking back to that time, and looking at the way the petals fell around Iwaizumi, Tooru was reminded of how painful their last interaction was and bit his lower lip. The old scar on his heart ached slightly, but it didn’t hurt near as much as before.
“Think I’ll be able to find someone at the wedding?”
It earned a half-incredulous look but it quickly became a hearty laugh, followed by a light whack to the setter’s back with just the slightest lingering touch.
“That’s a stupid question, dumbass.”
The old scar hurt and Tooru realised he may never love someone as much as he loved Hajime, but he could learn to finally move on. Bit by bit.
And maybe he could learn to appreciate the falling cherry blossoms in their dance once again.
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thots4daze · 5 years
My Boy - Oikawa Tooru x Reader
Hey hey heyyyyyy y’all~! guess what i started and finished tonight?! that’s right, a one shot
BOOM go me~! i did have inspiration and help from @summon-the-stars and @supern-a-vengers
aside from language - cause i use the word FUCK a lot, this is your only warning for that . . . also also i listened to billie eilish “my boy” on repeat for the ENTIRETY of writing this . . . which was like, a total of 2+ hours eeeep
soooo, enjoy y’all!
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its almost gender neutral, but i think i fucked up and wrote “she/her” in some places sooooo, imma be safe and say fem! reader 
It was no secret that Oikawa Tooru, THE Oikawa Tooru, the King of the court and volleyball all-star, Oikawa Tooru, who was the bane of every guy’s existence and every girl’s wet dream; was a serial dater. If that was even a thing.
He probably went through girls faster than he does hair product. Though that didn’t seem to stop girls from throwing themselves at his feet, wishing, hoping, wanting . . . begging, to be his next victim. You were the exception. If exceptions still craved for attention from said serial dater. The only difference was, you knew better! Or at least you liked to think so.
Other members of the same sex, hell, even those of the opposite, would shoot you nasty glances anytime the king would waltz through the halls, or classes, or the court. And while everyone else around you were hurling their bodies down before him, you stood erect and just . . . watched on. With what you hoped was an indifferent stare. 
No matter what was going on, Oikawa Tooru attempted to gain your attention, if even for a short while. To have everyone else around him be so smitten and caught up in his presence definitely did a number to his ego. Iwaizumi has always made sure he was aware. And he was. He was no idiot. Not by a long shot. Though the majority of the time he couldn’t stand all the attention on him for his looks alone, he still craved to have it. And from everyone. And that meant you too. And since he wasn’t gaining it, it really burst his bubble.
So, when the Seijoh Squad was having a small gathering, there at their usual lunch table, and Makki and Mattsun brought up the ideas of completing dares for the month, Oikawa snapped his head up from his hands and looked at the meme duo with intrigue.
My boy's being sus
“Go on~” he practically purred. The others just glanced at one another before smirks of their own crawled onto their faces. And if he wasn’t so interested, he might have been a little apprehensive of the whole situation.
“We have to ask out someone, of the other’s choosing of course. And date until the end of the month. The one who can last the longest wins.”
“What do I win?”
“Who says you’re gonna win?” Makki quested pointedly at his captain.
“Psht, please. Have you seen me?” Iwaizumi just shoved his hand in his best friends face and pushed, “You can’t keep a relationship together for longer than a week, let alone a month.”
“Wahhh, Iwa-chan, so brutish. You’ll never keep a girl like that~”
“Having a relationship doesn’t sound all that difficult,” Mattsun voiced out loud, ignoring the other two completely. The others thought about it and agreed.
“Obviously, we’d have to make it public - dates, with pictures. And the occasional hand holding and kissing - that would have to be a must . . .” Makki continued to ramble on under his breath, but just loud enough for the others to hear and agree.
Oikawa was busy staring at you from across the lunch hall, chatting it up with your friends. You were quite popular among the students of Aoba Johsai. Straight marks on everything, leading position in your club. You were cute to boot. Even Oikawa could admit to that. So, when he let out a sigh, his next words trailed after without a second thought, “What about a trophy.” It was more a statement than a question.
The boys around him raised their brows in silent questioning. Snapping out of his daze, but only a fraction, Oiukawa continued, “Ya know, a trophy. Of a conquest.” When the others still didn’t speak up he rolled his eyes, “Undergarments?”
“Ohhhh.” It hit them like a truck. A deep blush crossing each of their features. And then it was settled. Of course, the “trophies” idea was thrown out immediately by Iwa, who announced that if it were to become a thing, he was going to personally kill each and every one of them. No more talk of “trophies” was ever spoken again.
The boys knew of your denial of Oikawa in the past and felt that you were the perfect target for this lil dare. One, you wouldn’t easily fall for his shit and two, that because of that he would be out first. It was a win-win in their eyes. So, at the end of the day, when Oikawa walked into your club room; sauntering the way he does, you didn’t think twice.
“Here for another victim, Oikawa?” You mused, looking up at him through long lashes. Cheeks a little flushed, hair disheveled, and your uniform top rumpled up. There was a heat wave passing through this season and it was killer - especially in the afternoons when you had club meetings in the older buildings on the outskirts of the campus where the AC was constantly on the fritz.
His tongue darted out to lick the seam of his velvet lips. The heat slowly getting to him as he took in your features. You were so much prettier in close proximity. However, your little jab at him brought him back down to earth and with a well placed smile, that everyone took for genuine, he replied, “Why, Y/N, you wound me~ I was just swinging by to see if you would like to walk home after clubs over?”
You were at a loss for words and only managed to glare at him slightly, still being wary of his intentions. But nodded anyways. You weren’t going to flat out deny a chance to spend time with the handsome captain. Are you crazy?
“Great!” He beamed, “Just swing by the gym when you’re done here and we can head out. Later, Y/N-chan~” with a blown kiss, he was out the door and around the corner outta view. The rest of the club that was there were just staring between the door way and you standing there like an idiot. Some of the members even went to work texting out to everyone the situation that just took place. Oikawa Tooru was showing interest in you. And you didn’t shoot him down. The world was coming to an end.
He walked you home, like he promised, stopping at the corner store on the way and purchasing some cold drinks for you to enjoy in the simmering heat. Granted, the sun had set by now, but the heat lingered and it was sticky. Conversations ebbed and flowed easily enough and you soon find yourself melting into his charm and charisma. He was cute and funny and smart. Who would have known? The evening ended with him walking you all the way to your door, before planting a sweet, chaste kiss to your lips and then waving goodnight with that same smile from earlier. And from that moment, you knew you were gone.
--- X ---
Over the past month, your relationship with Tooru grew. Yes, relationship. Yes, Tooru. It was strange, you couldn't get over the thought that this was happening. You were happy, he was happy and you enjoyed every minute of it.
 He was shady enough
At the beginning you were skeptical, especially when he asked you out, in front of everyone. You tentatively accepted but at the back of your mind you knew that it was only going to be for a day or two - so you didn’t do anything different than your normal routine. And so when Tooru would come around to try to be a loving boyfriend, it threw you for a loop. Once one day turned to one week and then to two - you had found yourself sliding into the relationship easier than you would have thought. 
You enjoyed it. You enjoyed him. Cute lil cafe dates - which weren’t really your scene before - somehow became something you looked forward to with him. Pictures taken together were always a must. And of course he always wanted to make sure that you both looked the most perfect you could. When you went to post the picture, he stopped you with a firm grip to your wrist, “Tooru?” You looked at him with a questioning expression.
But now he's just a shadow
“Oh, sorry, Y/N-chan~ I just don’t want my fan club to see and then flock here. Then our lovely date would have to be rushed and over waaaay too quickly.” He let go of your wrist once his plight was heard. Slowly you nodded, that made sense. So, you complied and continued on with your date. A nagging feeling presenting itself in the back of your mind.
My boy loves his friends like I love my split ends
Since the start of the relationship, you noticed that him and his friends didn’t spend too much time together - outside of practise, that is. Which struck you as odd. Thinking back on it, and looking around the lunch hall, you spotted the boys with their new relationships. It was uncanny for all of them to be in relationships at the same time. Normally it was just Oikawa, and then the occasional thought that would float around that Makki and Mattsun were a thing - but obviously not, with the way Mattsun has his tongue down some girl’s throat.
And by that I mean
But since this whole . . . thing started, he hasn’t spent any time away from you. Other than when it’s called for [i.e. home, bathroom breaks, classes etc.] and while you’re appreciative of all the attention you’re receiving from your boyfriend, something seems off.
He cuts em off
The nagging thoughts that he was just going to go through you like all the others before you flashed through your mind and didn’t seem to want to leave as you sat there on your bed. Homework was strewn across the comforter of your bed. Trying to focus on anything other than the negative thoughts of Oikawa Tooru was futile at this point. Music flowed softly from your laptop speakers on your desk to the left of you, but you were too caught up in the confusion to pay any mind to the song, let alone the lyrics. Just that it was smooth.
My boy, my boy, my boy Don't love me like he promised My boy, my boy, my boy He ain't a man and sure as hell ain't honest
Eventually, you push the thoughts to the back of your mind to deal with another time. Final exams were coming up and it wouldn’t do you any good to worry about something that’s obviously not an issue. So, after gathering up all your materials and placing them on your desk, you turn to the laptop making sure to close the music player, noticing the song as you do so. “Hmm, ‘my boy’.”
Sooner rather than later, having slipped into the sheets, sleep takes you and you dream of Tooru. The serial dater.
My boy's being sus and he don't know how to cuss
The next morning, he wasn’t there to walk you to school like he had for the past couple of weeks. You thought it was odd, but didn’t dwell too long. Spring prelims were upon you and you must have not heard him when he said extra practices. Right? Yeah, that must be it.
Making your way to school, you were early enough to stop by the corner store and grab some milk bread for Tooru. He’d be so excited that you got it for him and for breakfast no less. You couldn’t help but let the giggle that was bubbling inside out. You could just picture it now. And it was cute.
It didn’t take much longer after purchasing the food that you were on school grounds and letting your feet take you directly to the gym where you could hear the echoing of volleyballs and the screeching of sneakers on freshly polished wood planks as the team was running drills. It warmed your heart to know that your team was kicking ass and taking names - working their asses off to compete and be at the top.
“Maybe I should make some snacks next time and bring ‘em for the whole team?” Your musings were for nobody but yourself as you walked through the open gym doors. Everyone was busy and so no one took any notice of you entering. Which was fine by you. No need to interrupt their practice just to give Tooru some food.
Looking around you noticed that the other third year’s significant others were nowhere to be found and something in you vibrated. Like the kind of unsettling vibrations where when your standing on a ladder and someone comes around and shakes the base.
Scanning the gym your eyes lock onto their target of fluffy chestnut hair. Regardless of the sweat he’s probably covered in, his hair manages to stay put. For the most part at least. He’s standing off to the side with other third years, rubbing their faces with towels and taking swigs from their water bottles - just taking a small break.
The feeling in the pit of your stomach eases a tad bit as you begin making your way to him. ‘Maybe just to say hey, good morning and a kiss? Yeah, that wouldn’t be too distracting.’ With a steely resolve you continued on your way, making a beeline to get to him and the others. His back was to you and the others didn’t seem to notice your presence at first, so when you heard them talking, you decided to listen in. Curiosity and all.
He just sounds like he's tryna be his father (who are you?)
“Alright boys~” Oikawa cooed like the cat that got the cream. They all groaned in unison as if this wasn’t going to happen. “Fess up, I won.” He stood their victoriously, hands on his hips, a towel draped over his left shoulder. 
Iwa rubbed his hands over his warmed and tinted face, practice had already been brutal for the wing spiker and it was only going to get worse knowing that he, they, were going to have to admit that their captain was a winner. And he, and the others, were not thrilled with this.
So, he opted for what he normally does in these annoying Oikawa situations. He brought his fist down on the top of his head, “Shut it, Trashykawa!” Makki and Mattsun couldn’t stifle their grins, let alone their laughs.
My boy's an ugly crier 
“WAAHHHHH~! Iwa-chan! You’re so meeeeeeeean! That’s why you lost the dare! Your little cutie of an arm piece couldn’t stand your brutish ways!” Which earned him another fist to the head, and more tears to flow from his beautiful eyes. Eyes that you were now privileged to see since arriving that morning.
“Uh, oh. . .” the meme duo, did everything in unison and at this moment, that didn’t change.
“Arm piece?” Every word outta your mouth just brought more and more confusion to your already fried brain. You couldn’t think properly.
But that all changed as soon as Oikawa made a move to get to you. As soon as he reached out to grab your arm, to try and touch you, to make you understand, to listen to him, it all clicked. All of it. Every little moment with you was a farce. A joke. You were a joke to him and his friends.
“Y/N, please listen.” No -chan. There wasn’t a shred of adoration nor affection in his voice like there had been just 12 hours prior to this conversation. Well, less of a conversation and more of him trying to talk to someone who has astral projected themselves outta this situation.
but he's such a pretty liar
“It’s not what you think.”
“It wasn’t a dare, not at all . . .” he was struggling to find the right words to bring this conversation to a close as quickly and painlessly as possible. At least on his part. Liar.
“Yeah, it was more of a bet,” Makki interjected. Even though you were hurting, he was going to get his kicks in at his captain. It just happened to be at your expense.
“Makki!” Iwaizumi jumped at his friend, trying to get him to read the fucking room. 
“A bet? A fucking bet?” At the sound of your low tone rising, Oikawa had to flinch at the noise. This was not going to be pleasant.
“What? You bet that you could woo me and get in my pants? Or, or maybe that you could wrap me around your finger and then humiliate me in front of the school when you broke it off? Get me to make a scene and have me kicked from my position in club?”
“No, nothing like that. . . not exactly.”
“Then what?! What was the fucking purpose!” You were livid. Causing the very scene you accused him of making you commit and if you weren’t so pissed, you would have berated yourself for playing right into it.
At this point the other teammates had halted their practice. Coach had gone off to his office, you supposed, since he wasn’t shouting at everyone to continue and you to leave. But you honestly couldn't be bothered. There wasn't anything he could do or say - that anyone could - that would get you to calm down and leave without getting answers.
“I thought you broke it off with her yesterday?” Mattsun mused from behind them all. His towering frame above the lot of you. His eyes betraying nothing. He wasn’t asking or musing out loud to be rude, it was just who he was. But it still pissed you off.
Oikawa turned slightly away from you to be in view of everyone, “Well, I just never got around to it you know?” He finished with a small, small chuckle. Fixing you with a look that spoke to a different side of Oikawa Tooru.
“Ever the fucking showman.” With that you turned on your heel and walked out of the gym, shoulders back and squared, head high and a trembling lip.
And by that I mean he said he'd "change"
You kept going, only stopping when you got to the club room, no one there that early to bother you. Sinking to the floor, back pressed to the closed door, memories swim through your head as you thought back on the past month. All you time spent with him. How he promised, at the beginning, this was going to be different than his other relationships. You had to laugh out loud at that statement now. He wasn’t wrong.
A few stray tears left your eyes as you sniffed, rubbing them dry and pushing up off the ground. Today was going to be a shitty day.
And as if you were blessed with the clairvoyant gift of foresight, you called it. The whole rest of the day was nothing but whispers among your classmates about how Oikawa had dumped you at practice this morning. And those that didn't know about the breakup - how could you not? - put two and two together when they saw Oikawa flirting it up with the second year cheer captain.
The face you wore betrayed nothing to the masses. They speculated all they wanted, however, it was so far from the truth that you didn’t feel the need to correct them.
My boy, my boy, my boy Don't love me like he promised My boy, my boy, my boy He ain't a man and sure as hell ain't honest
So, the rest of the year came and went without a hitch. With it the changing seasons and graduation ceremonies were taking place across the Sendai region. Once that paper was placed in your well manicured hands you were elated.
--- X ---
University started and orientation came and went in the blink of an eye. You adjusted to the life easily. There were hardly any familiar faces from high school there with you. You were able to start anew - without the curse of Oikawa following you.
Well, you had hoped.
Oikawa Tooru stood there in the doorway of your first class of the day, of the year. He looked around the room, “Probably scoping out his next prey,” you muttered to the girl next to you, a friend that lived in the same dorm as you, a door down. She giggled and stared at the volleyball player. Cause that had to be how he got here. Scholarship.
You shake your head no, you knew that wasn’t true. Tooru was a smart guy. Shifty and shady as fuck, but smart. His eyes land on your friend, who blushes like mad. You don’t blame her, you were once in her position. But you had warned her before hand, regaling in tales of old. Though, those seem to have fallen on deaf ears as you look between her and your, ahem, “ex”. Could you even call him that if he didn’t consider it a real relationship?
Internally shrugging you notice that he’s standing directly to your right, you curse yourself for choosing the aisle seat. He’s ignoring you completely; either out of habit or because he truly doesn’t recognize you, you don’t know and you don’t give a flying fuck either.
“Hello, hello, megane-chan~ mind if I sit next to you lovely ladies -” his litany voice caught in his throat as his sight snapped to your bored face. He may have only been catching your side profile, damn you for looking up at the front of the room, but he was 100000% sure that it was you.
“Y/N, I didn't know you were attending studies here~” he tried to throw on that charm. It might have worked, once upon a time. Not anymore. ‘Sorry, Tooru,’ you thought making it a point to continue your watchful bored gaze to the front, waiting on the professor to begin.
“Y/N?” He whined in that oh so Tooru fashion that just rubbed you in all the ways that matter. Wrong.
You want me to be yours well then you gotta be mine
Sighing you turn your gaze to him and his breath catches. You had only grown more beautiful since that last encounter. Minimal makeup, hair thrown into a messy bun, loose shirt with workout leggings? You were just trying to do things to him. Whether you knew it or not, you were.
He had to internally bite his lip to keep from blurting out something so embarrassing and uncool.
“What is it, Shittykawa?” Like a knife through his heart. He rebounds quickly, “Iwa-chan was such a terrible influence on you,” he makes a motion for you to scoot over so he can join you in the bench like stadium seating, but you make no such move. Just continuing to stare at him, waiting for him to get to his purpose.
When he continued to just stand there, expectant, you sighed loudly again. Blowing a strand of loose hair from your face, you gathered your belongings and stood in one fluid motion. It took Oikawa by surprise with the amount of grace you held in your movements. He wondered if you were as swift in other areas.
Shaking his head, physically, he snapped himself to be present to watch your movements. You stood there before him, books in hand, back slung over your shoulder - now exposed via over-sized shirt - and he audibly gulped. And you definitely caught it.
And if you want a good girl, then goodbye
Eyes narrowing at your ex, they didn’t hold any malicious intent. Not in the way he would have thought, at least. Shifting your weight to one foot, while hoisting your materials in your single grip, you made a move to squeeze past the petrified male.
His caramel eyes watched your every move, trying to figure out your next play. Always trying to stay ahead of everyone, by at least one move. And you were no exception. And when you invaded his personal space he was attentive. Hawk like. What were you up to?
You want me to be yours well then you gotta be mine and
It was almost too easy. You could read him like a children’s book. With pictures and everything. Having grown up with him these last 4 years has made you incredibly aware of him and his ticks. His mannerisms. How he thinks. Or, so you like to think. Based off the entire incident that sent you two into this . . . turmoil, some would think otherwise.
Regardless, shaking off those negative thoughts, you go back to the original plan. Move your seat away from him, but stay in his line of sight. Make him regret treating you like a game. Like a joke. 
But when you saw his gaze on you, trying to burn holes into your skin, you felt a heat dance across your skin that you weren’t too upset over. You couldn’t break! Not now! And not to . . him.
Steeling your nerves, and slinking past your ex, you lean into him. Ghosting your lips over his own. Those velvety lips you used to bite and kiss and lick, just months ago. His breathing hitched, you heard and the smirk that threatened to spill past you was too great. So, moving your lips to the outer shell of his ear, covered slightly by his slightly longer locks, you licked your lips ever so slightly.
Warm breath hitting your neck as he released what he was holding. His hands reaching out, trembling, to get a chance to touch you. To remember what you felt like under his fingers. To feel that bare skin that was taunting him. It looked so soft, so supple.
However, before he could come in contact with you, he froze in his spot for two reasons, the voice with which you spoke was one of soft, teasing tenancies and the motion of you brushing and cupping his growing bulge - only somewhat obscured by the long hoodie he was wearing.
And then of course the words you spoke, in that breathy, soft, teasing tone of yours that was new to him, but he was damn sure he was going to get to know, 
“if you want a good girl, then goodbye . . .”
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