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taxusbaccata6 · 1 year
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I have seen babushka dolls but this is ridiculous.
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justsweethoney · 2 years
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roxannepolice · 2 months
I was going to write an in-depth analysis of how The Giggle approached the Toymaker's yellow face past/origin by neither brushing it aside nor going for a lecture in intercultural relations, but instead recontextualising it by having him cosplay a handful of other doll-like national stereotypes (the German shopkeeper, the French mime, the napoleonic era English soldier, the American pioneer pilot), thus going even deeper into the concept of play-element of culture, essentially presenting nationalities (or all other distinctions used as ways of discriminating against others) as fancy chesspieces, which goes along with the Spice up your life scene being about the "fun" of fighting others because you're the only one who's right, and there might have even been a tangent on how the Doctor's strategy of dealing with the Toymaker was to use a game's rules against itself, while the Master's was to tip either result in their favour-
But my brain said, nah, you're going to spend the rest of the evening incapable of thinking of anything else than Neil Patrick Harris and a series of Neil Patrick Harrislings dressed as stereotypical babushka matryoshkas
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higgssupremacy · 3 months
Troy Baker says on Middle East Film & Comic Con In Abu Dhabi:
“Higgs is very much like a Babushka [doll]. There are masks within masks, within masks.”
“I don't even know where [Kojima] pulled his inspiration from. It plays into the narrative, and you understand why he looks the way that he does.”
“He's entrusting Norman [Reedus] and Lea [Seydoux] and myself to bring our best, to do this job.”
Two things here catch my attention:
He talks about masks, meaning of course the Matryoshka toy, which is set of wooden dolls of decreasing size placed one inside another. The meaning of the the matryoshka is to display the hidden, to present surprises where it would seem there are no more layers. We see at least two Higgs masks in the trailer (red fake Amelia and a white one The Crow-like makeup), but how many more is he hiding inside?
and 2. Norman and Lea and myself (fan of Sam/Higgs/Fragile dynamics inside me screams with hope) - so maybe this will be their story, their conflict unresolved in the first part?
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hollowsart · 2 years
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A porcelain vessel.
Decoyant --(lv33)--> Ambushka
The Porcelain Effigy Pokemon
It feeds on the life energy of those around it from birth, storing it inside its hollow fragile body. Upon evolution, however, it gains a more carnal desire to feed. The unassuming appearance it has draws in many before it opens its mouth to swallow the prey whole. It prefers meals smaller than itself, it stands at about 4 and a half feet tall, while the young stand at just 8 inches.
Despite this, however, they make for great Pokemon to keep around the house for protection in the Volya region. Using their psychic abilities to warp the perception of reality of intruders they lead them either to their demise if they are deemed a threat or are lead far away from the home if they pose no harm.
They are very protective over that which they consider family and will protect their homes and families with their lives. They’re also quite social among themselves, but can be a tad hostile to outsiders.
Decoyant: Decoy, Coy, Clairvoyant Ambushka: Ambush, Babushka, Matryoshka
based on Russian porcelain and matryoshka dolls.
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whygodohgodwhy · 1 year
Conversation Prompt
“I’m like one of those Russian nesting dolls. Inside of me are many worse and worse versions of me, all waiting to come out.”
“They’re called babushka or matryoshka dolls, not nesting dolls.”
“The worst version of you lives on the outside.”
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queen-selkie · 4 months
My boyfriend is a jerk BUT at least I'm going to a lolita meet tomorrow so I'll be with my girls so that will be therapeutic for me ;-;
My little sister (she's my bestie) is coming tomorrow too and we are both going to pick a Lolita JSK for her to wear! IT'LL BE HER FIRST TIME WEARING A LOLITA COORD. 🥺💜 I'm wearing a sweet coord for the first time ever but it is like one of my dream prints that I bought. I'm sentimental against the print because I have A LOT of slavic heritage. It even came with the babushka and the apron!
Tomorrow's JSK for me is
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Matryoshka Doll by Temps de Fille
And my sister will wear one of these from my collection:
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Rose Palace Ribbon by Metamorphose Temps de Fille
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Holy Lantern by Angelic Pretty
Both JSK are pricey so I hope she doesn't stain them up but I guess we will find out lol 🙃
Look forward to a sister photo shoot 🖤🖤
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Steph and Pete walk hand in hand through the Hatchetfield Historical Society Museum.
"Hey, look," Steph says, pointing at one of the displays. "They have those Russian nesting dolls."
Pete glances over. "Oh cool. I love Matryoshka dolls."
Giggling, Steph shakes her head. "Of course you would know the actual name for them." She leads them closer to the display. "Hey, why isn't that one made of wood?" She asks as she points to the largest doll on the display. It's puffy, made from cloth.
"Oh, that's a Babushka doll," Pete explains, "The largest Matryoshka doll goes inside of it."
Send me an emoji and I'll write a drabble!
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edurdik · 10 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 🇷🇺 RUSSIA VINTAGE BABUSHKA / MATRYOSHKA HAND PAINTED NESTING DOLLS.
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glimmerbugart · 2 months
My Babushka Heart Sings!
Last week in our weekly watercolor class, we focused on the art of the Russian Matryoshka dolls. These dolls are very special to me because my ancestors emigrated to the US from Antopol, Russia (near Kiev). My father loved his heritage when he was alive, and we have a large collection of these dolls that he gave to us when he died 6 years ago. Miss him every single day, but seeing these dolls daily in our house bring us happiness for sure!
The colors, details and beauty of these dolls has always inspired me as an artist. I love drawing them, building them from clay and painting them. So our focus this past week was to create our own Matryoshka dolls using watercolor, pen, colored pencils and doodles. Look at how gorgeous they turned out! I am blown away by the sheer beauty, detail and imagination! Love! Love! Love!
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xasha777 · 3 months
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In the heart of Russia's storied capital, where the red bricks of the Kremlin have stood witness to centuries of history, a most peculiar event unfolded, altering the course of an ordinary day into the fabric of legend.
General Ivan Braginsky, the colossal guardian of Moscow, a figure as old as the folklore whispered in the chilly winds of Russian winters, awakened from his century-long slumber beneath the iconic St. Basil's Cathedral. As the hands of the Spasskaya Tower clock ticked with an ominous cadence, the ground rumbled and the air thickened with anticipation.
As the city’s denizens hustled along the cobblestone streets, a bizarre spectacle erupted. With a thunderous roar that echoed through the alleyways, General Braginsky emerged, towering above the city, his uniform adorned with medals of bygone eras. His presence was a relic, a mythic embodiment of the nation’s unyielding spirit.
But it was not a call to arms that had roused the General from his slumber; it was a far stranger duty that beckoned. From his gargantuan mouth poured not words of command, but an endless river of green slime, the likes of which the world had never seen. It oozed and flowed, filling the Moskva River with a viscous tide, engulfing the cobblestones, and trapping the city's peculiar, stout inhabitants in a sticky embrace.
These citizens, characters sprung from the pages of Russian fairy tales, found themselves in an uproar of confusion and delight. There were the Matryoshka men, their round bodies nesting within one another, scampering about with bewildered joy. The babushka ladies, their scarves fluttering like banners, chattered with excitement, while the street musicians, their balalaikas in hand, strummed a tune to the rhythm of this odd new world.
In the center of it all, a group of merchants, their samovars now bobbing like boats upon the green sea, adapted with the stoicism of a people used to the harsh whims of their land. They turned their impromptu vessels, hawking their tea and sweets to anyone who would partake.
Amidst the chaos, a little boy named Misha, with the courage of a storybook hero, navigated the slime with his makeshift raft, a door uprooted from his own home. He weaved through the laughing, singing, and occasionally grumbling figures, making his way to the General.
With a voice that belied his small stature, Misha called out, "General Braginsky, your wake-up has turned our day upside down! What can we do to restore Moscow to its former ways?"
The General, his face softening into a grandfatherly smile beneath his bushy moustache, replied, "Little one, Moscow has always been a city of wonder and surprise. Let this be a day of celebration, a day where the stories of old come to life and dance with the modern age. As the sun sets, so shall this green tide recede, leaving behind memories that will be told for generations."
And so it was, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow upon the city, the slime began to retreat. General Braginsky, with a final salute to the city he had watched over for centuries, sank back into the earth, leaving no trace but the stories that would be passed on.
The people of Moscow, their hearts full of laughter and eyes sparkling with the magic of the day, cleaned their beloved streets and monuments, knowing that life had granted them a story of their very own—a day when their city had been awash not just with history, but with the fantastical essence of fairy tales come to life.
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tamlovesfashion · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: VTG USSR Nesting Dolls 4-Piece Hand-Painted Family Four, Matryoshka Wooden.
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mybookof-you · 5 months
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"Russian Matryoshka nesting dolls, otherwise known as Babushka dolls in the west, are decorative gorgeous wooden dolls that can brighten up any home or living space. Every single Russian matryoshka nesting doll is guaranteed to be unique since every nesting doll is hand-carved out of the finest linden wood and hand-painted with opaque gouache and acrylic colors. Given the degree of care that each nesting doll is made with, no two pieces can be alike.
This nesting doll theater is a unique combination of traditional Russian souvenir dolls and Russian fairy tales. Moreover, the set is unusual for a matryoshka nesting doll, as instead of pieces being nested inside one another, they are all contained inside the largest piece. The set is based on the well-known Russian fairy tale, called Teremok. Teremok ("A Tower") is a Russian folk tale. This fairy tale tells the story of tiny animals who lived in one house until a bear sat on the roof and crushed it. Among these animals, there was a mouse, a frog, a rabbit, a fox, and a wolf. Fortunately, they did not panic and built a new house!"
Teremok Fairy Tale Nesting Doll Theatre
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Matryoshka - Russian Nesting Babushka Hand Painted Wooden Dolls Set Of 4.
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alwaysinstitchesco · 9 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Russian Nesting Dolls Matryoshka Hand Painted Set of 5 Babushka Vintage.
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