#masketeers game
daisyfluffinq · 9 months
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Just a character I came up with
It's based off a Masketeers oc of mine (game, even though I've never played it, I've just been infodumped by @navicula69 <3) who got possessed by a king wraith and turned into a massive godzilla-like horrific creature <3 we love to see it
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masketeersgame · 2 years
Hey, it's me again. I'm the one who actually asked about the inspiration behind titans story, and I just wanted to say that your response actually made me cry out of happiness. It's quite difficult to remember that I'm not the only one that struggles in this world, and stumbling upon the wonderful community your game has created has been such a nice addition to my life. You guys deserve nothing but the best for what you've created.
Now to use the ask function properly! When creating the masketeers, did you guys also maybe theorize as to where they came from? Their hometowns, country, stuff like that. (I personally like to think Titan is German.) The maskies are so mysterious, and it'd be cool to maybe have little side adventures based around each one of them! Haha, that's just me though, I really enjoy lore.
That concludes this ask, I hope you have a great day/night
Hey there, thank you so much for this beautiful response! We're very moved to hear our little game has had such a positive impact on you. It's good to know that we can make our players' lives better, even if it's just by a little. :')
Regarding the characters' backgrounds, all the information we want to express about the characters is already in the game! Everything else is up to the players' imagination. We're happy that you enjoy the lore and hope you have fun coming up with your own theories. You have a wonderful day too!
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voxtrotteur · 9 months
1 Masketeers : le ralenti est tombé Disponible sur : iOS + Android Genre : RPG Des héros aux masques mignons combattent des démons intérieurs tout aussi mignons dans un combat contre le désespoir, l'angoisse, la peur et la colère. Associez des orbes de même couleur pour alimenter les héros et activer des attaques spéciales. Combinez leurs pouvoirs et regardez-les attaquer tous en même temps avec les esprits des animaux sur leurs masques. Trouvez et équipez différentes runes et autres objets magiques pour augmenter leur puissance au combat. Faites éclore de mignons petits Wisps pour également aider en augmentant les capacités de vos héros. Bien que vous ne puissiez avoir qu'une équipe de quatre personnes, vous avez le choix entre huit personnages. Le premier est Caine avec un masque de loup de courage, Pixie avec un masque de souris d'esprit, Coro avec un masque de cerf d'espoir et Falcon avec un masque de faucon de liberté. Vient ensuite Titan avec un masque de panda de détermination, suivi de Nightingale avec un masque de rossignol de gentillesse, Felina avec un masque de chat de persévérance et King avec un masque de singe de confiance. Améliorez les masques pour les rendre plus puissants et durer plus longtemps dans les combats. 2 Éclairez un chemin Disponible sur : iOS + Android Genre : Aventure Un choix de l'éditeur sur Google Play, une petite fille est tout ce qui résiste aux forces des ténèbres, Umbra, consommant la lumière. Appelée la Gardienne, utilisez son Bâton de Flare pour ramener la lumière avec le pouvoir de la lumière. Lancez des sorts sur les créatures des ténèbres avec le bâton et différents adorables et spongieux Lumis, qui attaquent automatiquement les ennemis. Récupérez les Lumis avec une Lumi Lantern et améliorez-les avec Stardust. Il existe 30 types de Lumis, chacun avec des capacités différentes. Par exemple, un semis peut lancer Illumination, causant 45 points de dégâts, tandis qu'une pomme lance Sweet Glow pour 75 points de dégâts. Plus ils montent de niveau, plus leurs attaques seront puissantes. De plus, habillez la Gardienne de différentes robes pour lui donner différents buffs comme des gouttes supplémentaires de Stardust. Certaines robes sont belles, comme Cléopâtre, tandis que d'autres sont très bizarres, comme le Sashimi Sushi. 3 Héros du clicker Editeur : R2 Games Disponible sur : iOS + Android + Steam Clicker Heroes est un autre jeu inactif intéressant développé par Playsaurus, un studio américain. C'était à l'origine un titre de navigateur qui avait quelques héros et différents types de monstres et de boss. Ensuite, les développeurs ont décidé de le déplacer du navigateur vers Steam et de l'adapter plus tard aux appareils mobiles, ce qui était une bonne décision. Vous devez cliquer sur les ennemis qui apparaissent sur le terrain pour avancer dans les niveaux et collecter de l'argent. Il y a beaucoup de mobs et de boss différents actuellement. Clicker Heroes peut également se vanter d'un grand nombre de niveaux. Si vous recherchez un jeu inactif, ce serait un choix parfait. 4 Abri antiatomique Editeur : Bethesda Softworks Disponible sur : iOS + Android Genre : Simulateur Vous contrôlez une voûte souterraine de haute technologie et êtes chargé de garder les habitants heureux. Construisez les nécessités comme les chambres, les cuisines et les installations médicales, ainsi que des équipements comme les salons de coiffure et même les bars. Faites passer de nouveaux habitants dans une salle de radio ou jouez aux entremetteurs pour repeupler à l'ancienne. En plus de garder tout le monde heureux, vous devrez également protéger le coffre-fort des menaces extérieures et intérieures, y compris les rats-taupes et les radcafards. Parfois, vous devrez même sortir du coffre-fort pour des quêtes afin de rechercher du butin et d'autres objets. Soyez prudent, il y a des Griffemorts. 5 Île aux pingouins Développeur : Habby Disponible sur : iOS + Android + Mobile Genre : Occasionnel, Simulation L'un des jeux
inactifs les plus relaxants pour iOS, construisez une île et collectionnez divers pingouins pour peupler et profiter de votre travail acharné. Créez un paradis polaire avec des thèmes tels que tropical, égyptien et bien d'autres. Il n'y a pas de limite de temps et le son des vagues combiné à une musique apaisante en fait une expérience très relaxante. Profitez de mini-jeux et jouez à l'habillage avec vos pingouins pendant qu'ils se dandinent autour de leur île décorée de fleurs, de belvédères, de quais de pêche et plus encore. Un petit jeu mignon avec de mignons petits pingouins ; qu'est-ce qu'il n'y a pas à aimer là-dedans ? 6 Exécutez Godzilla Disponible sur : iOS + Android Genre : Décontracté Avez-vous déjà pensé à élever un kaiju ? Eh bien, dans Run Godzilla, vous pouvez ! Rassemblez les villageois pour prier et créer Godzilla et co. devenir plus fort. Pour obtenir des villageois, cependant, vous avez besoin de diamants. Fabriquez des diamants dans votre usine pour invoquer plusieurs villageois mais attention, l'usine dégage du CO2 ce qui les empêche de rester trop longtemps. Ramassez les pommes du village pour aider les villageois à rester plus longtemps. Priez Godzilla et d'autres kaiju pour gagner des courses Godzilla et gagner des pommes. C'est un jeu bizarre, mais au moins c'est divertissant. 7 Dungeon, Inc. : Clic inactif Développeur : PikPok Editeur : PikPok Disponible sur : iOS + Android + Mobile Genre : Occasionnel, Simulation En tant que responsable de la production d'or de Dungeon, Inc., il vous incombe de réaliser le plus de profit possible par tous les moyens nécessaires. Développez le donjon et recrutez des monstres pour vous aider à trouver de l'or et à défendre votre opération contre les chevaliers embêtants. Lorsque vous en avez terminé avec un donjon, provoquez un accident pour profiter de l'assurance et recommencez à zéro. Les monstres incluent les slimes, les ogres, les dragons et plus encore. Jusqu'où peut aller votre donjon ? 8 Oeuf, Inc. Disponible sur : iOS + Android Genre : Simulateur Apparemment, l'industrie des œufs est une activité lucrative. Construisez des poulaillers et faites éclore des centaines de poules pour collecter encore plus d'œufs et ratisser la pâte. Engagez des chauffeurs pour livrer des œufs et utilisez l'argent pour financer des recherches visant à rendre votre élevage de poulets plus efficace. Avec des centaines de défis et des dizaines d'éléments de recherche, rien ne vous empêche de transformer votre entreprise en un empire. Si vous avez de la chance, vous pourriez même découvrir les secrets de l'univers. 9 Une chambre noire Développeur : Amir Rajan Disponible sur : iOS + Android Genre : Aventure, RPG Une aventure textuelle minimaliste saluée par beaucoup, votre aventure commence lorsque vous vous réveillez dans une pièce sombre et froide. Choisissez ce qui se passe ensuite et regardez le monde autour de vous grandir et devenir plus complexe. Construisez un village avec des huttes, un poste de traite et plus encore pour accueillir divers voyageurs. Plus il y a de personnes dans votre village, plus vous pouvez collecter de matériaux, comme du bois, de la viande et de la fourrure. Faites face à des situations inattendues telles que des attaques de créatures et essayez de faire prospérer votre village aussi longtemps que possible. dix AFK Arena Disponible sur : iOS + Android Genre : RPG Tout le monde connaît l'AFK Arena maintenant, il serait surprenant de trouver quelqu'un qui ne le sache pas. De belles illustrations, des personnages incroyables et un gameplay passionnant en font l'un des meilleurs jeux inactifs sur le marché iOS. Avec plus de 100 héros et sept factions, utilisez plusieurs formations différentes pour vaincre les méchants hypogéens. Jouez à d'autres mini-jeux et collectez toutes sortes de récompenses pour améliorer vos héros et parcourir les niveaux. Ne soyez pas timide et utilisez la liste de niveaux pour AFK Arena que nous avons, et si vous êtes nouveau dans le
jeu, vous devriez certainement jeter un œil aux codes AFK Arena et réclamer de riches récompenses pour une meilleure longueur d'avance ! 11 AdVenture Capitalist ! Editeur : Kongregate Disponible sur : iOS + Android Genre : Occasionnel, Simulation D'un humble stand de limonade à la conquête du monde, c'est l'un des jeux inactifs iPhone les plus populaires sur le marché. Avec plus de 50 millions d'installations sur toutes les plateformes, il a été salué comme le meilleur jeu inactif de tous les temps. Touchez pour gagner de l'argent et embauchez divers gestionnaires pour vous servir et gagner encore…
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fabthememesatan · 3 years
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djinnijoart · 3 years
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Second Set! Only 2 more to go! I think Nightingale has some of my favorite designs!
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hir0sh · 3 years
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Happy birthday to Felina!! I love her "noble cat set"s design
I dont have her yet unfortunately but im close :D
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okidokitokki · 4 years
People rip on mobile games for not being """real games""" cos most are repetitive and money grabbing but then go play fifa and call of duty
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lil0sweet3 · 3 years
I really love this game the backstory is Soo cool, I recommend you to play it if you love adventures games
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perezzdb · 4 years
Masketeers : Idle Has Fallen android game first look gameplay español
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softpcware · 4 years
Download Masketeers Idle Has Fallen PC- Windows 10, Mac
Download Masketeers Idle Has Fallen PC- Windows 10, Mac
Masketeers Idle Has Fallen PC – Step into the world of Masketeers, where heroes empowered by mysterious masks take a stand against the inner demons of society.
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Whats is Masketeers Idle Has Fallen for Windows
Masketeers Idle Has Fallen for PC is an upcoming Idle RPG from Appxplore, who you might know from their other games in this genre that includes Crab War, Light A Way, and Thor: War…
View On WordPress
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iandroideu · 4 years
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Masketeers Idle Has Fallen v0.9.0 Mod (Upgrade Cost 0) Apk #Games #RolePlaying https://t.co/IJKYzHkufR http://twitter.com/iandroideu1/status/1264141742900539392
Masketeers Idle Has Fallen v0.9.0 Mod (Upgrade Cost 0) Apk #Games #RolePlaying https://t.co/IJKYzHkufR
— iAndroid.eu (@iandroideu1) May 23, 2020
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masketeersgame · 2 years
I really like your game, the concept, the lore, the visuals... Everything is just MWAH❤
But not the character's stories, sadly. The only good one, in my opinion, is Titan's, but others made me very confused and now I have a lot of questions.
In Kein's case... Why did he got all the blame if he wasn't the one who made that mistake? He's been working pretty long in the company, so his boss must've known very good, that he is a very valuable employee, they just shouldn't have had ANY reason to make him so stressed! Why didn't they fire the person who did this, instead of obviously innocent Kein?
Pixie... Why didn't anyone call 911? The orphanage was too far away from the city? Then why didn't Pixie herself call anyone for help? It's hard to believe that the fire was so strong that it destroyed whole building in such little time that no one was able to leave. And didn't anyone else around notice, like, HUGE smoke?
Koro's story actually pretty nice, though I would've change some detail — maybe someone would stop when they saw Koro asking for help, but they wouldn't believe her story because they assumed she was just some beggar.
And Hawk... Well, this one made me so confused that I had to read his story again. Very, very weird one. If his family was so rich and powerful, why did his mother go to look for him? Didn't they have any servants to do this? At least gardener, since Hawk was chilling in the garden. And the whole bird segment... WHAT WAS THAT??? Why would his mother want him to KILL that bird? Wasn't it waste of time too? She could've just made him leave it to die, that's much easier than, um, traumatizing your kid for life. His family just elite, not some assassins, there's absolutely no reason for her to act this way, at least if she's not mentally ill.
In my opinion, a better twist would be if Hawk would unintentionally overheard how bad his parents treat their servants, and this injustice and realisation that he's unable to prevent such things from happening would make him run away. But that's just what I think.
I didn't get to see other masketeers yet, so I can't tell anything about their stories.
I hope I didn't make you sad with all of this, it certainly wasn't my intention, I just wanted to ask these questions about characters.
I wish you luck with your game, hope it'll get more popular ❤
Hi friend, thank you so much for the kind encouragement and for sharing your thoughts about our stories! We appreciate your feedback and love that you've thought so deeply about the Masketeers.
While we've already conveyed everything we want to say about the Masketeers in the existing backstories and game content, please do feel free to continue exploring these characters and stories according to your own interpretation and ideas. We recommend that you join our Facebook Group, Discord, or Reddit through the community tab in-game to discuss the Masketeers' backstories with other players like you!
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taichissu · 2 years
In light of the eng a3 server getting shut down, do you have any (preferably mobile) game recs besides the jp server? Hope you have a great day :)
i'm not the right person to ask that bc i mostly just rotate between 5 apps nndbfbdnnf
keep in mind i dont really like games like a3 which are wholly story-driven and have no actual gameplay other than card collection, so you're gonna have to ask someone else for recommendations on that, but if you're open minded here's some recs from me
rhythm games:
love live is a long-running franchise so there's A LOT of content and many various characters to work with, the game is rather polished, if not a little cluttered bc of the updates over all those years, the gacha mechanism has become very generous too so thats refreshing, and as for songs you can find music of various genres but all within similar quality so its nice, i would consider the art style its biggest flaw, but we cant have everything
project sekai is fairly fresh (the en servers were just opened in december) and i very much prefer the gameplay of it to love live sif, it feels very clean and satisfying to play, the art style is also lovely, as is the music which additionally gives many great indie producers a better platform, the worst thing about it is the gacha though (the odds arent very high and the pity system is as ridiculous as on a3)
titles i dont play regularly but still think are fun: arcaea, dynamix, uta no prince sama, deemo
team-building games:
love live school idol festival all stars is a spinoff of sif, it focuses mostly on building your team and making your girls stronger, the gacha is pretty generous in my opinion, as it tends to be in this franchise, i find art much better here than in sif, the MVs are a lovely part of this game, a HUGE plus of this game is how easy it is, sometimes you just need to play a game casually and still do well bc you cant afford to use upore of your energy (i can assure you you can get every event UR just by doing your dailies, ive done so multiple times before)
revue starlight re:live is a very addictive team-building game which i'm pretty sure was based of magia record, the mechanics of it are the exact same so if you've played magia record you know what to do; you collect stage girls, make them stronger and fight monsters/other stage girls, i have to say i pretty much only play this game because of nana and fumi anymore; the gacha and the related to it pvp are awfully unfair and unbalanced, the game keeps releasing new game-breaking girls every few days and it's simply impossible to pull every single banner if you're f2p, so pretty much everyone in pvp ranks above S is p2w
grand chase is another one that i havent played in a while but its a huge comfort game, the music is super nostalgic and the modern re-designs of all my favorite characters are so high tier
thats it for my main apps and now on to time-killers if youre not bored yet
idle games my guilty pleasure:
masketeers has been my most recent addiction, the art style is lovely and its not littered with ads whenever you touch your screen, their there but its Actually optional
other idles i used to play a lot but i took a break and now the sole thought of opening the app fills me with unreasonable dread: legends of idleon (top tier), afk arena, pet idle
other games i dont know how to categorize but good games for killing time: evan's remains, data wing, fantasyxrunners, magic survival, meow tower, old friends dog game, post knight, sky children of the light, sonic forces running battle, world flipper, zen koi
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fabthememesatan · 3 years
Im sorry but why does he stand like this-
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magicalgirlagency · 4 years
while not exactly a magical girl game, hav you played masketeers: idle has fallen?? its an idle game abt a group of masked heroes who fight against wraiths, manifestations of negativity- idk, it just seems like your type of thing :D
Had to check it out, because I certainly haven't heard of this game before... looks really neat! Kinda reminds me of Hollow Knight and Persona!
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theliberaltony · 5 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
Welcome to FiveThirtyEight’s weekly politics chat. The transcript below has been lightly edited.
sarahf (Sarah Frostenson, politics editor): After months of presidential candidate announcements, the Democratic primary field appears to be set (although never say never). And former Vice President Joe Biden is still the early polling front-runner. With candidates like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg jockeying to peel off support from him, the race is on among Democrats to figure out who the non-Biden Democrat is.
So what does that race look like? Where, if anywhere, do we see support coalescing around a candidate who isn’t Biden? And what kind of strategies do we think candidates will use to take him on?
nrakich (Nathaniel Rakich, elections analyst): I just think it’s really hard to take on a popular former president’s vice president who is universally known and is well-liked within the party.
Certainly it’s not impossible — I think there’s a good chance Biden isn’t the nominee — but it’s not a task I envy the other candidates.
sarahf: But are we surprised that Biden has been able to hold onto such a large lead in the polls?
natesilver (Nate Silver, editor in chief): What we know is that Biden’s support isn’t purely a matter of the field being divided. He also does very well in one-on-one matchups against potential opponents.
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New poll alert from our May Verified Voter Omnibus
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2020 National Democratic Primary, Head-to-Head: Biden 61% (+36) Sanders 25%
Biden 63% (+43) Harris 20%
Biden 65% (+48) Buttigieg 17%
Biden 66% (+47) Warren 19%https://t.co/8PPnkJEVoi
— Echelon (@EchelonInsights) May 24, 2019
But am I surprised that he’s held onto this lead? Well, no, not really, because NOTHING IS F—ING HAPPENING. THE NEWS CYCLE IS REALLY BORING, AT LEAST AS FAR AS 2020 GOES.
geoffrey.skelley (Geoffrey Skelley, elections analyst): Haha, but as Nathaniel pointed out, Biden is quite popular among Democrats. For an article that I wrote earlier this month, I looked at three national polls that had been conducted since April 26, and according to those, Biden was not only the best-known candidate but also had the highest favorable ratings among people who had an opinion about the candidates.
Biden is a polling front-runner and well-liked
Average of favorable ratings among Democratic voters in three national polls published in late April and early May
Candidate Avg. Share with opinion avg. favorable rating favorable rating among those with opinion Joe Biden 91.0% 75.0% 82.4% Kamala Harris 67.0 53.7 80.1 Pete Buttigieg 55.0 44.0 80.0 Elizabeth Warren 77.3 61.0 78.9 Bernie Sanders 91.3 71.7 78.5 Beto O’Rourke 63.7 49.3 77.5 Cory Booker 60.3 46.7 77.3 Julian Castro 47.0 34.7 73.8 Jay Inslee 30.0 21.7 72.2 Amy Klobuchar 49.0 34.7 70.7 Kirsten Gillibrand 53.0 37.3 70.4 Andrew Yang 32.3 21.3 66.0 John Hickenlooper 32.3 20.7 63.9 John Delaney 26.0 16.3 62.8 Tim Ryan 34.0 20.0 58.8 Tulsi Gabbard 34.7 18.7 53.8 Seth Moulton 23.0 12.3 53.6
Includes all candidates FiveThirtyEight considered “major” who were tested in all three polls.
Share with an opinion is favorable rating plus unfavorable rating.
Sources: The Economist/YouGov, HarrisX, Morning Consult
nrakich: Yeah. My guess is that someone is going to have to go negative.
natesilver: I’m not sure about that. You need a multipronged strategy, but candidates need to make the case for why they’re electable. Because if voters like you from an aesthetics or policy standpoint, they usually want to find excuses to vote for you, electability be damned.
So I think maybe a softer, more positive sell — introducing yourself — is better than trying to make this complicated tactical argument about electability, which won’t always look great, especially if Biden is doing better in head-to-head polls against President Trump, as he is for the time being.
nrakich: Yeah, the idea that Biden is electable is kind of built on a house of cards. We don’t know much about what makes a candidate electable, and you could just as easily make the case that Biden isn’t electable (e.g., by focusing on his age).
But also an earlier Echelon Insights poll implied that Biden’s support isn’t just a function of voters seeing him as electable. In an open-ended question, only 10 percent of Biden supporters said they supported him because of his ability to beat Trump. By contrast, almost half said it was because of his experience — something we know from other polls that Democrats are valuing this year.
geoffrey.skelley: Also, many of the candidates the political press view as very well-known — Kamala Harris, Beto O’Rourke, Pete Buttigieg, Cory Booker — actually aren’t that well-known yet.
natesilver: Even someone like Harris, who might have 75 percent name recognition or whatever … in some ways, that overstates how well-known she is. Maybe 75 percent of voters know something about her, but they don’t know nearly as much as they know about Biden and Bernie Sanders.
nrakich: Yeah, in a recent Monmouth University poll, 82 percent of registered Democrats said they had heard of Harris, but only 67 percent had an opinion.
The only candidate who is truly as well-known as Biden is Bernie Sanders. And he’s still running behind Biden, which is why I don’t think he’ll be the one to overtake him (if someone does).
sarahf: Sure, but do we think part of Biden’s success is because the field is so large and unwieldy? The debates may help level the playing field, but I wonder if what really needs to happen is for some candidates to drop out. Geoff looked at this question in elections dating back to 1980 and found that, on average, roughly 1 in 4 candidates dropped out before the Iowa caucuses. Do we think that happens this year?
nrakich: I’m sure that a few candidates will drop out this fall after failing to make an impression in the debates (and perhaps as the filing deadline to seek reelection to their current office approaches … lookin’ at you, Eric Swalwell). But I don’t think consolidating the field would really hurt Biden.
natesilver: I think Biden would still be ahead with a smaller field — that’s what that Echelon poll says — but, yeah, the dynamics of a large field help him. Partly by taking time away from the Amy Klobuchar/Cory Booker tier of candidates who might be more threatening to him if they got the airspace to make their case.
nrakich: That’s a good point — it’s more about taking away others’ media attention than their voters (at least at this stage). And if the only two candidates were Biden and, say, Harris, then the two might get roughly equal airtime.
geoffrey.skelley: Right. Hillary Clinton clearly beat Sanders in 2016, but the fact that he was really the only opposition she faced helped him win 43 percent of the primary vote.
nrakich: Exactly.
Pour one out for Martin O’Malley.
geoffrey.skelley: So aiming to be Biden’s chief alternative makes some sense. The field will likely winnow pretty quickly after the early contests, so being one of the maybe five candidates left when Democrats get to Super Tuesday on March 3 gets you into the late innings of the game.
sarahf: It does seem at least, regardless of Biden’s lead in the polls, early-state party activists are at least a little less keen on him.
On Monday, The New York Times published an article based on conversations with Democratic Party leaders and strategists, many of whom hailed from early-nominating states like Iowa, and they described a more fluid race, which reflects what FiveThirtyEight contributor Seth Masket found in his April survey of early-state Democratic Party activists.
As you can see in this table, support for Biden actually dropped from earlier surveys, while support for candidates like Warren and Buttigieg grew. Of course, what’s really happening is that many activists are still deciding between multiple candidates. But why do we think there is such a disconnect in Biden’s support among early-state party activists and the polls?
Which candidates early-state activists are considering
Share of respondents who said they were considering a candidate or had already committed to support a candidate in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary
activists considering supporting Candidate Dec. 2018 Feb. 2019 April Harris 61%
Booker 45
Warren 24
Buttigieg —
Klobuchar 34
Gillibrand 21
Sanders 29
Biden 39
McAuliffe 5
Castro —
O’Rourke 34
Hickenlooper 21
Bennet —
Inslee —
Gabbard —
Yang —
Delaney 16
Source: Seth Masket, “Learning from Loss: The Democrats, 2016-2020”
natesilver: Yeah … I do think it’s conceivable that party elites are having trouble deciding because of the large number of candidates. This New York Times article on Warren pretty much said that.
geoffrey.skelley: They may feel Biden is a good choice but are worried because he’s really, really old.
It’s worth repeating that Biden will be 78 by Inauguration Day in 2021. President Trump was already the oldest president to ever take office at 70, but we’re talking close to a decade more for Biden.
natesilver: I don’t know why that hasn’t been more of a focus from the other candidates.
And frankly also from the media.
sarahf: Two recently released polls from Gallup and the Pew Research Center echo that most Americans don’t want a presidential candidate in their 70s and suggest that voters prefer younger candidates. According to the Pew study, just 3 percent of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents say the 70s is the best age for a president.
Three percent!!!
But as our colleague Perry Bacon recently pointed out, should we take these findings seriously? After all, according to the Gallup poll, 37 percent of Republicans said they wouldn’t vote for a “generally well-qualified” presidential candidate from their party if the candidate was older than 70, yet Trump will be 74 in 2020.
nrakich: Remember, though, voters are apt to change what they say they want in a president based on whom they have already decided to support.
natesilver: Part of the issue is that Bernie Sanders has been billed as the main alternative to Joe Biden … and he’s just as old, of course. Actually, more than a year older.
Do people even realize how old they are?
Sanders would be older on Day 1 than Trump would be at the end of his second term!
Anyway, I think Bernie Sanders makes a fairly poor anti-Biden candidate, for several reasons.
sarahf: Which are what exactly?
natesilver: For one, they’re both old white dudes who have been around forever.
For another, Bernie doesn’t have a great electability argument because he’s just as well-known as Biden but is doing (slightly) worse in polls against Trump.
For yet another, Bernie has never had a good strategy for how to beat Biden one on one. He’s running as somewhat of a factional candidate — not really trying to bridge gaps with other parts of the Democratic Party — and instead his whole strategy rests on the hope that the field remains divided so that he can start to rack up delegates with a 30 percent plurality.
Finally, both candidates have talked a lot about the importance of the white working-class vote.
I come from the white working class, and I am deeply humiliated that the Democratic Party cannot talk to the people where I came from.
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) November 14, 2016
So it’s not just that they’re white men, but also that they’re sort of leaning into that as an electoral advantage. But someone like Harris could make a much different argument about how the Democratic Party needs to evolve.
sarahf: So what is Harris’s strategy as the anti-Biden candidate? She can make the argument that she represents a new direction for the party, but what else can she point to?
natesilver: She’d also make an argument about the importance of high turnout, energizing the Obama voter coalition, etc.
Also, she can make an argument about how “electability” encourages voters to engage in thinking that’s racially prejudiced and biased against women, etc., and critique that.
Which Bernie Sanders can’t do.
nrakich: Yeah, but for Harris to turn that into a positive in a presidential race, she needs people to stop thinking Hillary Clinton lost because she focused on identity politics.
sarahf: Granted, that study just looked at white Democratic voters, but it does seem as though one of the many overcorrections after 2016 (at least at this stage) is that candidates should not make an overt appeal to “identity politics.”
nrakich: In a sense. But, also, I think Biden is benefiting from a form of identity politics of his own.
sarahf: Meaning his appeal to white working-class voters, Nathaniel?
nrakich: Right. And it’s almost a prerequisite for believing that a white man is the most “electable” candidate against Trump that voters buy into the “identity politics” narrative of 2016.
natesilver: A lot of liberals who are very against that narrative were encouraging it for a long time — until they realized that it seemed to be helping Biden.
So it isn’t like voters are picking this up out of nowhere.
For Bernie Sanders to post that tweet only days after Clinton lost the presidential election is at least adjacent to the idea that a white man is more electable.
sarahf: So why do we think we haven’t seen more pushback against this narrative? Is it because the white working-class voter is a key part of Trump’s base?
natesilver: Well, the white working class was awfully important.
geoffrey.skelley: But it may be hard for candidates to push back against this narrative when the media has spent more than two years focusing a lot of energy on the white working class and how it relates to Trump’s election, instead of focusing on lower turnout among African American voters in Detroit, Milwaukee and Philadelphia — the three big metro areas in the three closest states that went for Trump in 2016.
natesilver: But Trump won the Electoral College despite losing the popular vote. And maybe I disagree a bit with Geoff — I think that was more about the white working class shifting than a decline in, for example, African American turnout. Since Clinton was probably never going to do as well turning out black voters as Obama did.
nrakich: I think that’s true, Nate. But an increase in African American turnout also could have swung those states.
Democrats still would have had an Electoral College disadvantage, but they could have won the election in spite of it. And Harris can easily make the argument that she’ll turn out black voters at levels more similar to Obama than Clinton.
natesilver: Overall Democratic turnout was reasonably high by historical norms, though:
Number of Democrats that turned out for the presidential election, per exit polls: 2000: 41.1 million 2004: 45.2 milion 2008: 51.2 million 2012: 49.1 million 2016: 49.2 million https://t.co/bsNhIN4JoT
— Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) May 28, 2019
In the aggregate, the topline on Clinton in 2016 just wasn’t that different from Obama in 2012. They won by about the same margin in the popular vote. It’s where the votes were distributed that made a huge difference.
geoffrey.skelley: And Clinton’s losses in the Midwest were disproportionately costly relative to her gains on the coasts.
nrakich: Honestly, Trump won Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin by such narrow margins, there are almost certainly multiple paths for Democrats to take them back, which is another reason that this electability debate is taking up way too much oxygen, IMO.
natesilver: I’m anti-anti-electability.
nrakich: I’m anti-electability.
geoffrey.skelley: I’m ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I don’t know what to say about it.
sarahf: Lol, OK. Let’s avoid this fight and talk about what kinds of strategies the candidates should use to position themselves as the anti-Biden candidate.
It’s not really clear to me right now what will work well because Biden has done a good job making the election about him and Trump.
nrakich: Yeah, that’s not clear to me either, Sarah.
I think chipping away at Biden’s advantage on electability and reminding voters of his age, as we’ve discussed, could be a good foot in the door.
But I don’t know if that will be sufficient.
natesilver: Age, sure. But on electability, I think you need to be careful. Because Biden’s electability arguments, including the white working-class emphasis, are more robust than people tend to assume. And when you tell voters that Biden is too moderate or bipartisan, they might actually read that as his being more electable.
geoffrey.skelley: I think Warren’s policy-heavy approach is good for her in particular. It’s a way to differentiate herself and plays to one of her strengths.
Perhaps the other candidates are struggling to nail down an approach that will set them apart.
natesilver: Yeah, I do think Warren has a pretty good approach.
“Hey, let’s just focus on policy and do the right thing and let the chips fall where they may” is going to have a lot of appeal to high-information voters.
And to the media, which purports to love policy and hate the horse race.
That write-up Warren got in the Times on Tuesday was extremely favorable, for instance, in contrast to the coverage she got in the early stages of her campaign, before the policy focus.
Also, saying that you haven’t hired a pollster, as Warren has said, is probably a line that would poll really well!
nrakich: Haha. I could fill an entire chat with rants about that.
geoffrey.skelley: The whole “I don’t have a pollster” thing gets a :face_with_rolling_eyes: from me, but whatever works for you.
"we're not doing polls but we do have a data and analytics team" strikes me as a slightly weird flex but…ok! https://t.co/Ber0O7bpis
— Ariel Edwards-Levy (@aedwardslevy) May 28, 2019
natesilver: But the media has largely endorsed the idea that she’s an authentic policy wonk who doesn’t care that much about what might be popular.
geoffrey.skelley: So leaning into policy and saying that she doesn’t worry about the polls do seem pretty smart!
natesilver: Also, almost all the positions that Warren has rolled out would probably poll fairly well in the context of a Democratic primary. So it’s not like she even really has to make a trade-off.
But it does make for a good contrast to Biden, who is deliberately vague on the details. And unlike Bernie Sanders, Warren plausibly can get some support from the Democratic establishment. She’s a fairly loyal, partisan Democrat when she needs to be.
sarahf: What about Buttigieg, someone else who is a bit vague on the details but like Biden enjoys high favorable ratings and has a good standing in the polls? What should be his strategy?
geoffrey.skelley: Keep speaking Norwegian?
natesilver: Try to be Gary Hart to Biden’s Walter Mondale?
nrakich: Ah yes, 1984 Democratic nominee Gary Hart.
(I kid, I kid. I don’t even really disagree, but it just goes to show that it will be hard to topple Biden!)
geoffrey.skelley: But seriously, Buttigieg can keep trying to appeal to liberal whites. It has worked for him so far.
natesilver: For all of these not-Biden candidates, it’s a problem that Biden is very popular among black voters, at least for the time being.
nrakich: That’s a good point.
I wonder if attacking Biden on his role in the 1994 crime bill or the 1991 Anita Hill hearing could be an effective strategy.
sarahf: Trump is certainly trying it out.
Anyone associated with the 1994 Crime Bill will not have a chance of being elected. In particular, African Americans will not be able to vote for you. I, on the other hand, was responsible for Criminal Justice Reform, which had tremendous support, & helped fix the bad 1994 Bill!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 27, 2019
geoffrey.skelley: Yes, that’s the sort of thing that could become a 10-minute segment of the debates and put Biden on his heels a bit.
nrakich: And then get replayed a bunch on cable news.
natesilver: Maybe. But there has already been a lot of effort to re-litigate Biden’s past, and eight years as Obama’s vice president seem to give him a lot of credibility with voters.
nrakich: It’s going to require some coordination on the part of all these not-Biden Democrats. If they can’t agree on what to attack him on, the individual punches probably won’t land. But if everyone is hitting him on, say, the crime bill, that is likelier to catch on as a #narrative.
natesilver: Yeah, the debates are a good opportunity for the other candidates. And they’re coming at a sort of bad time for Biden, in that the media is probably pretty ready to move on from the “Biden is surging” narrative.
sarahf: Yeah, Democrats don’t really lack options when it comes to an anti-Biden candidate. Making a dent in Biden’s lead may be a matter of coalescing around a candidate or two. Do we see evidence of that happening? Or what should we be looking for as Democratic candidates try to position themselves as the anti-Biden candidate?
geoffrey.skelley: Sanders’s numbers (and those of others) have fallen a bit since Biden got into the race, so the anti-Biden field might be even more wide open than it was when he was in pre-campaign mode.
nrakich: I don’t see much evidence of it yet. And coalescing is easier said than done when you’re a party with millions of voters and several coalitions. Republicans found this out the hard way in 2016.
natesilver: I think other than Bernie Sanders, whose strategy relied on winning by plurality and for whom Biden is therefore especially problematic since he has a larger plurality, the other candidates don’t necessarily need to worry about Biden all that much.
Or to be clear, they ABSOLUTELY have to worry about him, but it’s not clear that there’s much they can do about it right now.
geoffrey.skelley: Except try to position themselves to do well enough in the early states — maybe even win one of Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada or South Carolina — to keep their campaigns going into March.
natesilver: Yeah, if I were Warren or Harris, I’d be looking at how I can position myself as a clear No. 2.
By the way, I don’t take for granted that Biden will necessarily have one of the early-state tickets. It’s possible that he’ll fall very flat in the debates, for instance.
But again, one reason it’s nice to be No. 2 is because you become No. 1 if the front-runner runs out of gas.
I went to the Indy 500 this weekend, so I’m thinking entirely in terms of motorsports analogies. Basically, debates serve as caution flags that bunch the field together, except you still need to be on the lead lap when that happens or you have big problems.
nrakich: I have no idea what you just said.
natesilver: I’m saying that car racing makes for a much better metaphor for presidential politics than horse racing.
There’s more strategy and more randomness.
sarahf: And more crashes.
natesilver: Yeah, and those crashes can have unintended and unpredictable consequences on the rest of the field.
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