#mano brown arte digital
juuj-0w0 · 2 years
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clonamazapan · 2 years
BLS, 2021
ACLS 2022
ECA, 2022 (con validez para el 2023) Examen de Competencia Académica, examen impartido por la UNAM dirigido a médicos egresados con promedios menores a 8, con intención de validar competencia académica.
Formación académica: 
Título como Médica cirujana, UASLP 2022. 
formación constante: 
-Fundamentals of Neurosciece pt 1: the electrical properties of the neuron, part 2: Neurons and Networks, part 3: The Brain, por HarvardX via EDX.
- Unconscious Bias in Medicine, Standford online, EDX.
- Atful Medicine: Art’s Power to enrich patient care, Brown University online.  Vía EDX. 
- Taller de manejo y manipulación de Reptiles Venenosos, primeros auxilios toxicológicos, 2016, MVZ Ellie Dibilidox Bowen. 
-Asistente a XIII Jornadas de Psiquiatría: Violencia, Agresividad y Prevención del Suicidio, Clínica psiquiátrica Dr Everardo Neumann Peña, 2017
-Asistente a XII Jornadas de psiquiatría: Psiquiatría comnitaria y atención de primer nivel, Clínica psiquiátrica Dr Everardo Neumann Peña. 2016.
Congreso internacional de Medicina de la UASLP XXI: Actualizaciones en Transplantes y donación de órganos.
Congreso internacional de Medicina de la UASLP XX: Enfermedades Infecciosas. 
Congreso internacional de Medicina de la UASLP XIX: Paciente crítico y cuidados intensivos.
Congreso internacional de Medicina de la UASLP XVIII: Urgencias , un reto diagnóstico y terapéutico.
Congreso internacional de Medicina de la UASLP XVII: Oncología: innovación en diagnóstico y tratamiento.
Congreso internacional de Medicina de la UASLP XVI: Salud Global.
Congreso nacional de Medicina de la UASLP XV: Medicina de Vanguardia.
Como Ilustradora: 
Drawing Nature, science and culture, Natural History Illustration 101, por New Castle University, via EDX.
Taller de pintura al óleo, IPBA 2019.
Taller de dibujo de Figura Humana con modelo, IPBA 2019.
Taller de dibujo para historiestas, CEART, 2019
Introducción y desarrollo de dibujo con grafito, taller, por Mariana Villanueva, aka Haku, 2017. 
-Rotaciones hospitalarias en el HCIMP, durante 3er, 4to y 5to años, con rotaciones por MI, psiquiatría, cirugía, ginecología y obstetricia y pediatría. Clínica Psiquiátrica Dr Everardo Neumann Peña durante 5to año (1 semestre) y la UMF 47 del IMSS. 
- Internado Médico en el Hospital General de Zona no. & Ciudad Valles, SLP. 
- Servicio Social, modalidad rotatoria en UMR/UMF/Hospital Rural, Axtla de Terrazas. 
- Proveedora de primeros auxilios básicos  y identificación de fauna venenosa en Quinta Camp, campamento infantil 2019.
-Patícipe en Medspei “manos al servicio de la vida” trabajo en comunidades, tamizaje, detección y prevencio de enfermedades cronicodegeneratvas, consejería nutricional y de planificación familiar. 2013, 2014 y 2015.
- parte de cuadrilla de médicos y estudiantes de proveedores de primeros auxilios durante temblor de 2017 en Jojutla de Juárez, Morelos.
- Organizadora de Taller práctico de esterilización de material, asepsia y antisepsia e identificación de infecciones y lesiones de tejidos blandos dirigido a artistas del Tatuaje y Modificadores corporales, en Blackest tattoo studio, 2021.
1. Idiomas: 
Español (nativo)
Inglés B2, TOEFL 2022, total score: 592.
Alemán A2, Centro Cultural Alemán SLP.
Habilidades prácticas: 
trabajo en equipo, capacidad de síntesis, comunicación, trabajo bajo presión y resolución de problemas. 
capacidad para trato con niños y adolescentes. 
 Ilustración médica, mediante software digital (Procreate) y métodos tradicionales: pintura al óleo, dibujo con lápiz de color y grafito. 
Creación de infografías
Creación de piezas artísticas visuales: retrato, dibujo realista, diseño y dibujo figurativo. 
Capacidad de sintaxis y creación de textos en prosa, escritura creativa. 
1. Rubio Hernández M, Pierdant Pérez M, San Román Flores A, d’Arbel Castro A. Malformaciones Cardíacas, Un enfoque práctico.  SLP SLP, Talleres Gráficos UASLP. Editorial UASLP, 2022.
2.  Dibildox Martínez J.  Temas selectos en Otorrinolaringología y Cirugía de Cabeza y Cuello. Ilustraciones: d’Arbel Castro A , Dibildox Bowen A. SLP, SLP, editorial Palibrio, 2017.
Actividades Extra: 
Exposición de piezas visuales con colectivo Iyari, artistas plásticos potosinos, 2016-2019 lugares: CEART, Café 8vo Arte, La Casa de las Bóvedas Centro Cultural
Exposición Individual de piezas creadas digitalmente “Los ojos ajenos como espejo” , Casa de las Bóvedas, SLP, múltiples obras on objetivo de retratar vivencias personales de pesonas en mi círculo respecto a sentimientos y vivencias de los que no se habla en conversaciones casuales, 2021. 
Creación de múltiples obras en gran formato con pintura al óleo, cuya creación, comisionada, implicó una amplia investgación sobre historia de la medicina. Una de ellas se encuentra en el CMN SXXI, otra en mi Alma Máter y otra en la UNAM. 
2do lugar en Concurso de Creatividad en Anatomía, con la pieza “Tejiendo Vida” de mi autoría, 90x60cm, pintura acrílica.
Creación de diversos murales decorativos comisionados en varios restaurantes/bares en SLP.
- Divulgación científica
- Promover la accesibilidad del conocimiento cientíico al públco en general ; democratización del conocimiento.
- Trabajo comunitario
- Liberar de estigmas el cuidado de la salud mental y de las enfermedades de carácter psicológico y psiquiátrico
- investgación y divulgación médica. 
- Fomentar el acceso universal a Servicios de Salud. 
- Consevación de la biodiversidad
- Creación artística, visual, literaria, musical y teatral.
- Atletismo
- Historia de la ciencias, la medicina y humanidades.
- filosofía
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93yok · 2 years
Mano Brown (Arte Digital) | Ilustração.
Mano Brown é uma das referências centrais para a música popular brasileira nas últimas décadas, especialmente através das suas canções com o grupo Racionais MCs. A excelência e o nível de inventividade formal da sua poética o coloca na condição de um dos principais poetas da canção brasileira, talvez o último dos grandes mestres da composição em canção popular.
(Mano Brown is one of the central references for Brazilian popular music in the last decades, especially through his songs with the group Racionais MCs. The excellence and level of formal inventiveness of his poetry puts him in the condition of one of the main poets of the Brazilian song, perhaps the last of the great masters of the composition in popular song.)
#CommissionsOpen, dm aberta para encomendas.
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5incoe15 · 3 years
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arte autoral. ig: @hloiss
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famoso-anonimo · 5 years
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.• Eu caí exatamente aonde o Brown jogou o malote •. . Nada mais justo que uma pequena homenagem a esse cara que acompanho desde as batalhas e barril, mano foda admiração total. . ••• ● Arte Digital ● ••• ••••• Encomendas imbox ••••• . . . . . . . #AchoqBateu #grana #froid ##digitalartists #digitalarti #rap #hiphop #streetart #digitalpainting #lowbrow #lowbrowart #art #artwork #skateart #streetwear (em Federal District) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwUXYSDlR0M/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1tnst9e198oga
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perraps · 6 years
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Eleições 2018: Se você é do rap, jamais deveria votar 17
De origem preta e periférica, o rap veio sim dos Estados Unidos como parte da cultura hip-hop, no final da década de 1980, mas a identificação com a causa da luta dos negros norte-americanos e os problemas sociais muito semelhantes aos brasileiros, permitiu que o estilo fosse abraçado no país. Já em terras brasileiras, ganhou um novo significado ao ser fundido com nossa cultura, nossos ritmos e nossa narrativa.
Quando você ouve por aí que o rap salvou uma vida, não ache que isso é exagero. O rap salvou e ainda salva milhares de vidas dando auto-estima, perspectiva, apoio moral e gerando emprego. Os versos de MCs já davam forças para quem não se via representado na televisão muito antes de uma lei garantir isso nas novelas ou na propaganda. Os questionamentos contidos em um verso falavam muito mais com a realidade de uma maioria e faziam muitos ouvintes pensarem mais do que com um editorial de revista ou jornal.
Antes do MC, nos primórdios do rap, o DJ já se expressava dando a letra no microfone ou por meio de seu malabarismo nos toca-discos, contando uma história por meio da obra de artistas de diversos estilos musicais. O rap deu perspectiva, ensinou partes da nossa história como poucos professores tinham recurso para mostrar. Trouxe também o sorriso de quem acordava cedo, encontrava ônibus cheio, humilhação do patrão e ainda tinha alegria para dar o seu melhor para sua comunidade, sua família.
Recentemente, artistas do rap colocaram suas diferenças de lado para denunciar o candidato com ideias fascistas que disputa as eleições. Por meio da hastag #RapPelaDemocracia, nomes como Mano Brown, Emicida, Djonga, Drik Barbosa e Rúbia soltaram o verbo em defesa da democracia. Por sua vez, o Per Raps também se posicionou com textos que expõem o plano de governo que vai de encontro com tudo que o hip-hop defendeu em seus 40 anos de existência.
Nosso foco principal aqui é cultura e quando falamos sobre o tema, não restam dúvidas quando comparamos os planos do candidato do PSL e de Fernando Haddad. Sem perder tempo, veja os pontos do presidenciável do PT (caso se interesse, faça sua busca sobre o plano do adversário e decepcione-se):
-A cultura voltará a ser uma política de Estado, com observância das Conferências e do Plano Nacional de Cultura para consolidar o Sistema Nacional de Cultura; -Vai garantir políticas que respondam aos direitos culturais dos povos indígenas, quilombolas e ribeirinhos; -O ambiente digital terá políticas inovadoras de direito autoral, assegurando que os recursos cheguem aos artistas e criadores brasileiros; -Intensificar o diálogo da cultura com outros campos, como a educação, a ciência e a tecnologia, a comunicação, o esporte, a saúde e o turismo; -Haddad vai retomar o programa Cultura Viva e a política dos pontos de cultura e investir em políticas inovadoras nos territórios; -Haddad irá fortalecer a economia da cultura para o desenvolvimento do Brasil; -Haddad irá combater toda forma de censura às artes e garantirá a cultura como um direito de todos e todas; -Haddad irá retomar e fortalecer as políticas públicas para os museus e para o patrimônio histórico e artístico material e imaterial.
A probabilidade de você leitor ser uma pessoa a favor da democracia é enorme e, por isso, saiba que você pode usar os argumentos deste texto para trocar ideia com seus parças que vão de 17. Mas sem violência, sem terminar a amizade. O intuito é argumentar, debater de forma saudável, o rap sempre foi debate de ideias e seguirá assim, tendo censura ou não. Essa pessoa tá mais precisando ser ouvida e convencida do que receber um ataque verbal. Aliás, quando a gente ataca, o “oponente” levanta a guarda, aí já era. O rap é compromisso e é pra frente, sempre será.
A atitude de defender a tortura, a perseguição de seus críticos (como no caso da jornalista da Folha que denunciou a ameaça de morte sofrida por uma ex-esposa do “mito”, e da que denunciou o esquema de Caixa 2 na campanha do PSL, foram ambas linchadas virtualmente pelos seguidores e bots do Messias) e a caça aos movimentos sociais e suas lutas, deixa explícito que o rap será o próximo provável alvo do candidato a presidente pelo PSL nessa escalada de terror.
Sabe como se combate tudo isso? Simples, com o voto e na base da conversa. Convencendo votantes do 17 a enxergar o dano que isso pode causar e principalmente eleitores indecisos a escolherem o PT, nem que seja para que tenham a chance de criticar o governo. Se o outro ganhar, capaz que nem isso seja possível.
“É tudo nosso, então nem vem querer ciscar É tudo nosso, então a gente tem que cuidar É tudo nosso, e nunca vai deixar de ser É tudo nosso irmão então se qué o que ?” - Kamau, “Tudo Nosso”
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orbemnews · 3 years
Explore the History of Jazz and Celebrate the Lunar New Year Here is a sampling of the week’s events and how to tune in (all times are Eastern). Note that events are subject to change after publication. Monday Explore the history of jazz in Washington with the musician, broadcaster and historian Ken Avis, as he discusses what made the city a capital for the genre and how the music has changed through the years. This event, presented by the Smithsonian Associates, costs $25 for members and $30 for nonmembers. Registration closes two hours before the event. When 6:45 p.m. Where smithsonianassociates.org/ticketing/tickets/music-city-dc Listen to a conversation between Priyanka Chopra Jonas and the author Glennon Doyle, presented by Live Talks Los Angeles. The two will discuss Ms. Chopra Jonas’s new memoir, “Unfinished,” which recounts the actress and producer’s 20-year, dual-continent career. Tickets cost $38, and include a signed copy of “Unfinished,” which is available to ship only within the United States. When 9 p.m. Where livetalksla.org Tuesday Watch the Pulitzer Prize finalist Dael Orlandersmith perform a monologue, originally commissioned by the Repertory Theater of St. Louis, exploring the unrest in Ferguson, Mo., after a white police officer shot and killed Michael Brown, a Black teenager, in 2014. Presented by the Center Theater Group, All Arts and eight regional theaters, the production pulls from Ms. Orlandersmith’s own interviews with residents in the Ferguson area, and uses footage from her performance at the Rattlestick Playwrights Theater in New York. This event is free to watch at any time, although donations are accepted. When Anytime Where centertheatregroup.org/digitalstage/digital-stage/until-the-flood-streaming-on-all-arts Wednesday Celebrate the Lunar New Year’s unique food traditions in a talk from the Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, which make up the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Asian Art. Jan Stuart, the Melvin R. Seiden curator of Chinese art, will present works from the museum’s collection that relate to the holiday’s culinary traditions, and Lydia Chang,of the Peter Chang restaurant empire, will share stories about her family’s celebratory dishes. This event is free, and attendance is capped at 500. When 6 p.m. Where asia.si.edu/lunar-new-year-celebration Thursday Dive deep into the science of attraction and aphrodisiacs with the drag queen Coleslaw, presented by the Museum of Science in Boston. The event, which is prerecorded, features a conversation, Q. and A. and some games. Coleslaw will be joined by Martha Hopkins, author of “The New InterCourses: An Aphrodisiac Cookbook” to learn, ask and play in the name of science. This event is free (although donations are accepted). When 7:30 p.m. Where mos.org/explore/subspace/coleslaws-corner Friday Sit down for a discussion with Adrian Miller, the James Beard Award-winning author of “The President’s Kitchen Cabinet,” as he explores the history of African-American chefs who cooked in and supported the White House kitchen during the presidencies of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Dwight D. Eisenhower and Barack Obama, among others. Mr. Miller will examine how these chefs, cooks and staff members contributed to American trends and culture through their cuisine, and will delve into the stories of those who worked in the White House and the presidents whom they served. Tickets to this event, which is presented by 92Y, are $20. The session will be recorded and viewable later for those who register. When 5 p.m. Where 92y.org/event/the-president-s-kitchen-cabinet Spend the evening listening to poetry from COUPLET, a quarterly reading series produced, curated and hosted by the poet Leah Umansky. The winter edition, presented alongside The Red Room at KGB Bar and sponsored by Poets & Writers, features work from both established and emerging poets, including Patricia Smith, Shane McCrae and Benjamin Garcia. This event is free. When 7 p.m. Where poets.org/event/winter-edition-couplet-reading-series Saturday Join Ensemble NYC for an evening of operatic love songs. Featuring well-known artists, such as Maggie Woolums, the event will include pieces like Gioachino Rossini’s “Una voce poco fa” and Mozart’s “La ci darem la mano.” A portion of the proceeds will be donated to West Side Campaign Against Hunger. Tickets are need-based and can be purchased for as little as $10. When 7:30 p.m. Where musae.me/ensemblenyc/experiences/889/canzone-damore Sunday Dance with your little ones while listening to a special Valentine’s Day concert from the Laurie Berkner Band. In a live performance, Ms. Berkner, a children’s recording artist, will play family-friendly songs, dance with animations and even introduce special guests. Tickets are $20, and give viewers access to both the 12 p.m. and 5 p.m. shows. When 12 p.m. or 5 p.m. Where live.laurieberkner.com Plan the perfect Valentine’s Day date night at home with a performance of “Romeo and Juliet,” from Shakespeare’s Globe in London, starring Nathan Welsh as Romeo and Charlotte Beaumont as Juliet. Recorded in 2019, the tragic romance comes to life in a replica of the original open-air theater, which opened in 1599, where the play would have been staged in Shakespeare’s time. The show is free to watch online until the end of March. When Anytime Where 2019.playingshakespeare.org Source link Orbem News #celebrate #explore #history #Jazz #lunar #Year
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mediaviasetait · 4 years
Italia e Cina: sodalizio nel nome dell’arte come antidoto alla distanza sociale
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È il cuore di un progetto che ha connesso artisti italiani e artisti cinesi (in un secondo tempo, anche americani e inglesi) in quarantena. Abbiamo intervistato il “padre“ di Antidote. Ne è uscita una riflessione sul presente e sul futuro della creatività
Quasi ottomila chilometri. Per chi è preciso: 7562. È la distanza – in linea d’aria, certo – tra Italia e Cina. Un (bel) progetto è riuscito ad azzerarla in tempi di coronavirus e viaggi messi in pausa. Il progetto si chiama Antidote, un antidoto appunto, ma non alla lontananza, bensì allo stop creativo, alla difficoltà di alimentare un processo laddove gli stimoli esterni e sociali stanno praticamente a zero. “Quando il Covid-19 ci ha costretti a casa, mi sono domandato come avessero vissuto la quarantena gli artisti cinesi, che ci hanno preceduti, e come l’avremmo vissuta noi italiani”. Alvaro Javier Cecchetti, anzi Alvaanq, classe 1994, metà romano di Velletri e metà venezuelano di base a Milano, una sfilza di artwork nel curriculum comprese le copertine di Chris Brown, ha trovato anche la risposta. Ha contattato i primi, via Instagram – “dal quale ormai mi connetto con chiunque in due secondi” –, e ha chiesto loro di fare una sorta di gemellaggio. O meglio: “Noi italiani avremmo realizzato delle opere ispirate a quelle dei cinesi”. Collage, sketch, lettering, fotografie, digital art, street culture art view, video… Largo alla fantasia, spazio alla co-creazione multidisciplinare. Sempre a mezzo hashtag, Alvaanq ha chiamato “alle armi” i colleghi nostrani. Che non si sono risparmiati: “È stata necessaria una scrematura fino a 21 personalità, ciascuna con un background social differente: c’è chi ha una manciata di follower, nonostante le collaborazioni con brand giganti, e chi sfiora i 130 K”. E allora perché fermarsi qui? Perché non allargare il progetto agli Stati Uniti e al Regno Unito? Il risultato è un profilo Ig (@antidoteart) che conferma l’arte antidoto alla distanza sociale e che ha qualcosa di rivoluzionario nella fruizione: “Con l’aiuto di Erica Cariello, strategy e copywriting, e di Leonardo Pelliccione, graphic design, ho condensato nei post immagini e testo, così che si possano sfogliare come i magazine e non serva più leggere la caption sotto”. Nella gallery, in esclusiva per Wired, un’anticipazione di alcuni lavori ancora inediti.
Alvaro, qual è il primo artwork che hai ricevuto?
“Stellar Ghosts di Gianluca Fabbri da Lariano in provincia di Roma, che si ispira a Middle World di Baha Chingi, art director e motion artist dall’altra parte del mondo”.
Suona ancora più lontano di quello che è.
“Forse, perché è lontano dal nostro il modo in cui queste persone esercitano la creatività o pubblicano i contenuti su Instagram”.
Che ne sarà di Antidote, una volta esaurite le opere da condividere?
“Non si ferma qui. Intanto, coinvolgerà nuovi Paesi: magari, l’Africa, la Germania, il Giappone … E con il tempo, potrebbe diventare un hub, un network immenso di artisti da ogni angolo del mondo in cerca di un trampolino di lancio, di una collaborazione, di un’ispirazione”.
Tu come la trovi, l’ispirazione?
“La musica, soprattutto rap, è la mia fonte numero uno: sto in cuffia almeno 10 ore al giorno”.
E la numero due?
“I lavori degli altri“.
Chi sono i tuoi artisti di riferimento?
“Daniel Arsham e McFlyy. Il primo: classe 1980, 703 K su Instagram, vive e lavora a New York, è uno scultore pazzesco, molto hype. Fa queste opere in gesso dall’estetica ucronica che sembrano capaci di fermare il tempo. Il bianco è la sua cifra stilistica. Ha già collaborato con Porsche, Dior… persino con i Pokémon! Andate a vedere i suoi capolavori. Invece, McFlyy – alias Paul Shelton – è un giovanissimo illustratore di Los Angeles che ha completamente reinterpretato l’anime giapponese: linee super pulite e uso selvaggio di colore e fantasia”.
Riesci davvero a essere creativo anche in questo momento?
“Parecchio. E non solo io. Basta guardare Ig per rendersene conto: profili finalmente curati, stories interattive e ricche di originalità… Avete seguito quelle del rapper canadese Tory Lanez, da 350k di views l’una? Lui chiama il format Quarantine Radio, in cui non solo ospita amici famosi [Drake e Timbaland, giusto per citarne un paio, ndr], ma organizza veri e propri contest di ballo o canori”.
Disegni da sempre?
“Da che ne ho memoria. Prima a mano, poi i miei genitori mi hanno comprato il computer con la tavoletta grafica che era enorme, grande quanto la scrivania. Da autodidatta, un giorno mi sono messo a schizzare i cantanti che ascoltavo e li ho pubblicati su Instagram. Il primo a contattarmi, tra il 2015 e il 2016, è stato Chris Brown e non ci potevo credere: ‘Mi piacciono i tuoi lavori, ne vorrei altri’. A seguire, le copertine dei suoi album, le immagini da proiettare ai concerti, persino il bozzetto della torta di compleanno per la festa a Miami… Dopo la musica, sono arrivate le mostre e forme d’arte più personali, le collaborazioni con diversi marchi: Levi’s, Nike, Jordan… Posso dire di aver sperimentato molto e mi sento già fortunato. Forse, mi manca giusto di misurarmi con i tatuaggi”.
“Non credo: non li apprezzo particolarmente”.
Quale futuro per i creativi freelance?
“Non sopravviveremo tutti-tutti: soltanto chi avrà forza di volontà di ferro battuto, capacità di essere unico e di non copiare mai, umiltà. Noi di Antidote siamo convinti che la parola d’ordine diventerà collaborazione, intesa come contaminazione: se fino a poco tempo fa ogni attività era divisa in compartimenti stagni, ora la regola non vale più. Compreso questo, il resto arriva”.
Fonte: wired.it
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documentaryoncinema · 2 years
Inside  Póster
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‘The Man who drew bug-eyed monsters’, Mel Bucklin, 1994, VO, SE en YouTube.
Majo y entretenido documental sobre el trabajo de Reynold Brown, uno de los más famosos artistas de carteles de cine de los años cincuenta y principios de los sesenta, con unas creaciones coloridas frente el clima social de la posguerra de la nación. Muestra decenas de sus carteles entrelazados con tráilers y segmentos de las películas para las cuales trabajó, como ’Attack of the 50 foot woman’, 'This island Earth’, 'Tarantula’ y 'The creature from the black lagoon’.
Cuenta con la presencia de Roger Corman y Samuel Z. Arkoff comentando el trabajo de Brown y discutiendo el arte de los carteles en un contexto histórico y social del arte.
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Drew Struzan lleva pintando pósters desde hace más de tres décadas y de su mano han nacido carteles de films tan famosos como 'Una nueva esperanza', 'En busca del arca perdida' o 'Regreso al futuro', trabajos que se han convertido con el tiempo en algo más que un mero reclamo publicitario, son obras de arte estudiadas por universidades tan prestigiosas como la de Stanford; en este campo es un verdadero maestro, un artista capaz de condensar en pocos trazos la esencia de la historia que después veremos en el largometraje.
Struzan nació en Oregon City en 1947 y a los 18 años se matriculó en el Art Center College of Design de Los Ángeles. Comenzó ilustrando portadas de discos de artistas como los Beach Boys, Bee Gees, Roy Orbison o Black Sabbath y en 1976 emprendió su prolífica colaboración con el mundo del cine.
Sus carteles se caracterizan por su extremado realismo y siempre hay una o dos grandes figuras centrales presidiendo la obra y todos ellos poseen una intensa luminosidad casi mística y espiritual.
Struzan siempre trabajó a mano, pintando él mismo cada uno de sus trabajos pero con la llegada de la tecnología digital ese proceso artesanal fue cayendo en desuso y hoy en día está casi retirado. Sus últimos trabajos han sido 'Cómo entrenar a tu dragón 2', 'Batkid begins: The wish heard around the world', y realizará el cartel de 'Star Wars VII: El despertar de la Fuerza'.
‘Drew Struzan. An appreciation of an artist’, VO.
‘Drew Struzan. Making Blade Runner poster’, VO.
‘Drew Struzan. Conceiving and creating the Hellboy movie poster art’, VO.
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'Drew: The Man behind the poster', Erik Sharkey, 2013, VOSE.
Sobre el legendario dibujante de posters Drew Struzan, creador de trabajos tan populares como los carteles de 'Indiana Jones', 'Regreso al futuro' o 'Una nueva esperanza'.
A través de entrevistas con directores, artistas y críticos, el viaje cubre desde los inicios de Drew en publicidad y carátulas de discos hasta su reciente retiro, las historias detrás de sus creaciones más conocidas y la visión desde dentro de la industria y la profesión.
Con la participación de Drew Struzan, Harrison Ford, Michael J. Fox, George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, Guillermo del Toro, Frank Darabont, Steve Guttenberg, Bob Gale, Leonard Maltin, Michael E. Uslan, Thomas Jane, Sam Witwer, Joanna Cassidy y Alice Cooper entre otros.
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'Deadly and brutal: Filmplakate aus Ghana', Kunst+Film, 2011, VO.
Exposición en Munich de pósters de Ghana pintados a mano.
'Ghanaian movie posters', Cinefile Online, 2010, VO.
'24x36. A movie about movie posters', Kevin Burke, 2016, VO.
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vidalokanet · 5 years
Racionais MC’s: Uma História Musical está disponível no TIDAL
Nova matéria públicada em https://www.vidaloka.net/racionais-mcs-uma-historia-musical-esta-disponivel-no-tidal
Racionais MC’s: Uma História Musical está disponível no TIDAL
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O TIDAL, plataforma de streaming de música e entretenimento, disponibilizou aos seus assinantes o conteúdo exclusivo, intitulado Uma História Musical, do maior grupo de rap do país, onde falam sobre os principais pontos de sua trajetória como precursores do rap nacional.
O Racionais MC’s celebrou neste ano seus 30 anos de carreira em uma turnê pelo Brasil.
O quarteto formado por Mano Brown, Edi Rock, Ice Blue e o DJ KL Jay encerrou a turnê Racionais 3 Décadas, mostrando toda a evolução musical do grupo que marcou gerações, influenciou diretamente a cultura social e que mesmo com o passar dos anos, conta com canções extremamente atuais.
O conteúdo conta ainda com participações dos artistas Emicida, Negra Li e Thaíde. Os artistas e seus convidados relembram hits de sucesso como ‘Mundo Mágico de Oz’, ‘Vida é Desafio’, ‘Jesus Chorou’, ‘Fórmula Mágica da Paz’, entre outros sucessos.
Para ter acesso ao conteúdo completo, basta acessar o TIDAL através do link. Para quem ainda não é assinante, o TIDAL disponibiliza uma oferta de acesso à plataforma durante três meses gratuitos. Os assinantes da plataforma contarão ainda com uma playlist chamada “Sampling: Racionais MC’s” com uma seleção das principais músicas sampleadas pelos Racionais ao longo da discografia do grupo.
Uma História Musical
Os integrantes do grupo contam de forma descontraída toda a sua trajetória e influências, desde a primeira vez que Mano Brown entrou em um baile black, quando ainda era adolescente. “O Racionais fez um monte de gente conhecer Jorge Ben, Tim Maia. Musicalmente falando, Racionais sempre me trouxe uma sensação profunda de continuidade. É a exata continuação da cena de baile black de São Paulo, que é a geração dos nossos pais.“, explica o rapper Emicida.
“O primeiro rap que ouvi na vida veio do Racionais. É uma arte completa porque tem musicalidade, interpretação. Você enxerga essas músicas na tela e um filme passa na sua cabeça”, complementa Negra Li. Para o rapper Thaíde, vivenciar a celebração dos 30 anos de carreira do Racionais MC’s e vê-los mais fortes do que nunca como um dos grandes nomes da cultura do rap e hip hop brasileiro é uma honra. “Eu agradeço o Racionais MC’s por isso. É por isso que eu estou aqui“, completa.
O Racionais MC’s sempre foi um reflexo de seu próprio tempo e por isso se mantém atual até hoje, mas também mantém, através do uso de samples (partes de músicas de outros artistas que são inseridas em suas próprias músicas), uma forte conexão com suas origens e influências. Por isso, ter a maior parte da sua discografia em qualidade Master disponível no TIDAL, assim como às ações em conjunto durante a turnê, é algo valioso para o grupo. “Trabalhar com uma plataforma voltada para o hip hip e que tem artistas que eu admiro no comando é estar no alto escalão da música no mundo”, reforça KL Jay.
“Acho muito importante estar inserido no universo digital, que hoje é o principal condutor de arte e cultura entre os jovens, levando a música literalmente até às mãos das pessoas. E o TIDAL tem colaborado com o Racionais fortemente nesse sentido“, finaliza Mano Brown.
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nofomoartworld · 7 years
Hyperallergic: Art Movements
Troy Richards and Knut Hybinette, “the seeing glass” (2017), VR simulation, 5 minutes (courtesy the artists, © Troy Richards and Knut Hybinette)
Art Movements is a weekly collection of news, developments, and stirrings in the art world. Subscribe to receive these posts as a weekly newsletter.
The National Endowment for the Humanities announced that it will award up to $1 million in emergency funds for cultural institutions impacted by Hurricane Harvey. The storm has displaced thousands of people and has so-far claimed more than 30 lives. Houston’s theater district was particularly hard-hit, with almost every venue reported to be waterlogged. The Blaffer Art Museum, the Houston Center for Photography, the Menil Collection, and the Museum of Fine Arts Houston have reported their facilities and collections as safe. The Rockport Center for the Arts suffered severe damage according to an announcement by its executive director Luis Purón.
The Los Angeles City Council voted 14-1 to replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People’s Day.
William Eggleston will release Musik, an album of his synthesizer compositions, on October 20.
The Delaware Art Museum unveiled “the seeing glass,” a virtual reality experience created by artists Troy Richards and Knut Hybinette. The work is described as a three-dimensional reimagining of Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s 1875 painting “La Bella Mano.”
Thirty-two-year-old Curtis Valentine died following an altercation at the Head Too Heavy Gallery in Bushwick last weekend. Anyone with information can contact the NYPD confidentially by calling (800) 577-TIPS.
A new statue of Martin Luther King Jr. will be unveiled outside the Georgia State Capitol in Atlanta on Monday. Designed by Martin Dawe, the King sculpture joins nearby memorials to Confederate general and alleged Ku Klux Klan leader John Brown Gordon, and US Senator Richard Russell, a staunch opponent of Civil Rights legislation and a supporter of racial segregation.
Benjamin Grajeda Regalado, the head of Mexico’s federal police, announced the creation of a task force committed to the protection of the country’s cultural heritage.
The Berkshire Museum declined an offer of $1 million from a group of anonymous donors calling for the suspension of a planned auction of 40 works from the museum’s collection at Sotheby’s. The museum controversially decided to deaccession the works, including two paintings donated directly by Norman Rockwell, last month.
(via ozmarecords.com)
The Voyager golden record was published on vinyl and made available for order online. The original gold-plated copper records were attached to NASA’s Voyager 1 and 2, and contain a selection of photographs, music, and sounds “intended to communicate a story of our world to extraterrestrials.” The mission status of the two probes can be accessed here.
Trevor Paglen and the The Nevada Museum Of Art launched a crowdfunding campaign for the Orbital Reflector, a mylar balloon sculpture that will orbit Earth for several weeks before burning up upon re-entry into the atmosphere.
The Washington Square Association — a Greenwich Village neighborhood group — voiced objections to Good Fences Make Good Good Neighbors, a collaboration between Ai Weiwei and the Public Art Fund. The project involves the installation of over 300 site-specific security fences across New York City.
Demolition began on Robin Hood Gardens, the renowned Brutalist estate designed by Alison and Peter Smithson, despite years of campaigning and heritage efforts.
The University of Manchester digitized a collection of over 150 letters by mathematician and codebreaker Alan Turing. The documents were recently re-discovered by Professor Jim Miles during an inspection of an old filing cabinet on campus.
In accordance with his wishes, Terry Pratchett’s hard drives were destroyed by a steamroller at the Great Dorset Steam Fair. The late novelist instructed his estate to destroy all traces of his unfinished work.
Dread Scott, “A Man Was Lynched by Police Yesterday” (2015), nylon, 84 x 52 1/2 in, hangs outside Jack Shainman Gallery on West 20th Street in Chelsea, Manhattan (image © Dread Scott, courtesy of the artist and Jack Shainman Gallery, New York)
Dread Scott’s “A Man Was Lynched by Police Yesterday” (2015) was acquired by the Museum of Contemporary Art in San Diego. According to ArtNews, the Whitney Museum of American Art is in the process of acquiring an edition of the work.
The Parrish Art Museum acquired the art, archives, and resources of the James and Charlotte Brooks Foundation.
The South Street Seaport Museum received $4.5 million from the City of New York to stabilize and restore the Lightship Ambrose (LV-87).
The Victoria & Albert Museum acquired a sapphire and diamond cornet designed by Prince Albert for Queen Victoria.
The Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis received a $20,000 grant from the Dana Brown Charitable Trust in support of its ArtReach and LEAP Middle School Initiative youth education programs.
The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden acquired 11 works by Japanese photographers, including Eikoh Hosoe, Minoru Hirata, Tatsuo Kawaguchi, Miyako Ishiuchi, Kōji Enokura, and Takashi Arai.
Koji Enokura, “Symptom—Lump of Lead to the Sky: Mountain in Nagano (P.W.-No. 47)” (1972), gelatin silver print, 21.7 x 30.2 cm (© Michiyo Enokura; courtesy Taka Ishii Gallery New York)
Bo Rothstein resigned as professor of government and public policy at Oxford University’s Blavatnik School of Government. Rothstein resigned after learning that Leonard Blavatnik (for whom the school is named) had also donated funds to Donald Trump’s inauguration. A number of academics signed an open letter in 2015 opposing Blavatnik’s £75 million (~$97 million) donation to the university’s School of Government, insisting that the university “should stop selling its reputation and prestige to Putin’s associates.”
Marek Olszewski, the president of Poland’s national tourist organization, was fired after telling a reporter that he had removed the Auschwitz memorial from the itinerary for foreign journalists’ visits.
The Singapore Art Museum abandoned its search for a new chief executive officer and director.
Jeffrey Herbst resigned as president and chief executive of the Newseum in Washington. The Freedom Forum, the museum’s parent foundation, is reportedly considering an outright sale of the struggling institution.
The Hammer Museum elected three new board members: Linda Janger, Glenn Kaino, and Dean Valentine.
Mary Colleen Heil will step down as president of the Pennsylvania College of Art and Design in June 2018.
George-Ann Tobin plans to retire as the National Gallery of Art’s endowment chief later this Fall.
Tessa Praun was appointed director of the Magasin III Museum and Foundation for Contemporary Art in Stockholm.
Lieven Bertels was appointed director of the Momentary, a planned satellite space of the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art. Site work is currently scheduled for early 2018.
Claire Shea was appointed deputy director of Para Site.
William L. Coleman was appointed associate curator of American art at the Newark Museum.
The 2018 edition of the 2018 Biennale de Montréal was cancelled due to its deficit of CAD 200,000 (~USD 160,000).
Housing gallery will open at 424 Gates Avenue, Brooklyn — the former space of American Medium gallery. According to Eileen Isagon Skyers, Housing’s creative director, the gallery aims “de-gentrify the space, effectively supporting the practices of black artists and non-black POC.”
Interference Archive will relocate to a new building three blocks away from its present space at 131 8th Street in Gowanus, Brooklyn.
Judith Linhares, “Dance II” (2017), oil on linen, 3 1/2 x 25 1/2 in (courtesy the artist and Anglim Gilbert Gallery, San Francisco)
Judith Linhares received the Artists’ Legacy Foundation’s 2017 Artist Award.
The Bessies 2017 awards for Lifetime Achievement in Dance and Outstanding Service to the Field of Dance were awarded to Jawole Willa Jo Zollar and Eva Yaa Asantewaa respectively.
Danielle Dean was appointed Artist-in-Residence for the Cranbrook Academy of Art’s photography department.
Jochen Volz received Independent Curators International’s 2017 Agnes Gund Curatorial Award.
The Underground Museum received the Ellsworth Kelly Award from the Foundation for Contemporary Arts.
The Seattle Art Museum announced the finalists of the 2017 Betty Bowen Award.
Sarah Branch, Kiana Carrington, Linda Diaz, Donnay Edmund, Claire Kim, Alexandria Ryahl, and Alexa Smithwrick were selected for the Downtown Brooklyn Arts Management Fellowship [via email announcement].
Smack Mellon is accepting submissions for its upcoming fall exhibition, UPROOT. The application deadline is September 13, 11:59pm.
(via Flickr/Terror on Tape)
Blanche Blackwell (1912–2017), heiress and lover of Ian Fleming. Supposedly inspired the character of Pussy Galore.
Tobe Hooper (1943–2017), film director. best known for The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974).
Howard Kaminsky (1940–2017), publisher.
Fredell Lack (1922–2017), violinist.
Paul Oliver (1927–2017), music and architecture historian.
Bernard Pomerance (1940–2017), playwright.
Alan Root (1937–2017), wildlife filmmaker.
Sue Steward (1946–2017), writer and broadcaster. Expert on Latin and world music.
David Tang (1954–2017), fashion entrepreneur and collector.
Bea Wain (1917–2017), singer.
Agnes Wilcox (unconfirmed–2017), actor and founder of Prison Performing Arts.
Ibrahim Yazdi (1931–2017), Iranian dissident.
The post Art Movements appeared first on Hyperallergic.
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milliondollarbaby87 · 5 years
Best Feature
Frozen 2 – Walt Disney Animation Studios
How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World – DreamWorks Animation
Klaus – Netflix Presents A Production of The Spa Studios and Atresmedia Cine
Missing Link – LAIKA, LLC
Toy Story 4 – Pixar Animation Studios
Best Indie Feature
Buñuel in the Labyrinth of the Turtles – Sygnatia, Glow, Submarine, Hampa Animation Studio
I Lost My Body – Xilam for Netflix
Okko’s Inn – Madhouse
Weathering With You – Toho Co., LTD. / STORY Inc. / CoMix Wave Films
Best Special Production
Guava Island, “Titles and Prologue” – Six Point Harness / Amazon
How to Train Your Dragon Homecoming – DreamWorks Animation
Infinity Train, “The Perennial Child” – Cartoon Network Studios
SpongeBob SquarePants, “SpongeBob’s Big Birthday Blowout” – Nickelodeon and Jonas & Co.
Zog – Magic Light Pictures
Best Short Subject
Acid Rain – Animoon
DONT KNOW WHAT – Thomas Renoldner
Je sors acheter des cigarettes – Miyu Productions
Purpleboy – Bando à Parte, Rainbox Productions, Ambiances… asbl, Luna Blue Film
Uncle Thomas: Accounting for the Days – Ciclope Filmes, National Film Board of Canada, Les Armateurs
Best VR
Bonfire – Baobab Studios
Kaiju Confidential – ShadowMachine
Best Commercial
Dove Self-Esteem Project x Steven Universe: “Social Media”Cartoon Network / Dove / Chromosphere
Fortnite Season 7 Launch SpotEpic Games / Screen Novelties / iam8bit
The Mystical Journey of Jimmy Page’s ‘59 Telecaster – Nexus Studios
Best TV/Media – Preschool
Ask the Storybots – JibJab Bros. Studios for Netflix
Elena of Avalor – Disney Television Animation
Let’s Go Luna! – Brown Bag Films / 9 Story Media Group
Norman Picklestripes – Factory
Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum – Brown Bag Films / 9 Story Media Group
Best TV/Media – Children
Disney Mickey Mouse – Disney TV Animation/Disney Channel
Niko and the Sword of Light – Titmouse, Amazon Studios
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Nickelodeon Animation Studio
Tales of Arcadia: 3Below – DreamWorks Animation
The Tom and Jerry Show – Warner Bros. Animation
Best TV/Media – General Audience
Big Mouth – Netflix
BoJack Horseman – Tornante Productions, LLC for Netflix
Harley Quinn – Warner Bros. Animation
Tuca & Bertie – Tornante Productions, LLC for Netflix
Undone – Tornante Company and Amazon Studios
Best Student Film
Con Fuerza – Savannah College of Art and Design
Gravedad – Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH Animationsinstitut
The Fox & The Pigeon – Sheridan College
Un diable dans la poche – GOBELINS, l’école de l’image
Best FX for TV/Media
How to Train Your Dragon Homecoming – DreamWorks Animation Nominees: Manuel Reyes Halaby, Cristiana Covone, Koya Masubuchi, Jean Claude Nouchy, Dustin Henning
Love, Death & Robots – Blur for Netflix Nominees: Viktor Németh, Szabolcs Illés, Ádám Sipos , Vladimir Zhovna
My Moon – Eusong Lee, Co-produced with Chromosphere Nominees: Stéphane Coëdel, Natan Moura
Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures – Lucasfilm, Titmouse, Inc. Nominees: Araiza Tokumasu Naoki
Tales of Arcadia: 3Below – DreamWorks Animation Nominees: Greg Lev, Igor Lodeiro, Chen Ling, Brandon Tyra
Best FX for Feature
Abominable –DreamWorks Animation Nominees: Amaury Aubel, James Jackson, Domin Lee, Michael Losure, Alex Timchenko
Frozen 2 – Walt Disney Animation Studios Nominees: Benjamin Fiske, Alex Moaveni, Jesse Erickson, Dimitre Berberov, Kee Nam Suong
Missing Link – Laura E Gross Nominees: Eric Wachtman, David Horsley, Peter Stuart, Timu Khodzhaev, Joe Strasser
Toy Story 4 – Pixar Animation Studios Nominees: Alexis Angelidis, Amit Ganapati Baadkar, Greg Gladstone, Kylie Wijsmuller, Matthew Kiyoshi Wong
Weathering With You – GKIDS Nominees: Hidetsugu Ito, Yuko Nakajima, Jumi Lee, Ryosuke Tsuda
Best Character Animation – TV/Media
Ask the Storybots – JibJab Bros. Studios for Netflix Nominees: Chris O’HaraDisney
Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure – Disney TV Animation/Disney Channel Nominees: Juliane Martin
His Dark Materials – BBC Studios Nominees: Aulo Licinio
How to Train Your Dragon Homecoming – DreamWorks Animation Nominees: Andrew Muir
Robot Chicken – Stoopid Buddy Stoodios Nominees: Scott DaRos
Best Character Animation – Animated Feature
Frozen 2 – Walt Disney Animation Studios Nominees: Andrew Ford
How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World – DreamWorks Animation Nominees: Dane Stogner
How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World – DreamWorks Animation Nominees: Rani Naamani
Klaus – Netflix Presents A Production of The Spa Studios and Atresmedia Cine Nominees: Sergio Martins
Missing Link – LAIKA, LLC Nominees: Rachelle Lambden
Best Character Animation – Live Action
Alita: Battle Angel – Weta Digital Nominees: Michael Cozens
Avengers: Endgame – Weta Digital Nominees: Sidney Kombo-Kintombo
Game of Thrones – Season 8 Episode 3 “The Long Night” – Dance of the Dragons – Image Engine Nominees: Jason Snyman, Sheik Ghafoor, Maia Neubig, Michael Siegel, Cheri Fojtik
Pokémon Detective Pikachu – Framestore Nominees: Dale Newton, Waiyin Mendoza, Rochelle Flynn, Leila Gaed, Paul Jones
SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME – Steven Argula Nominees: Joakim Riedinger
Best Character Animation – Video Game
Gears 5 – Cinematic AnimationThe Coalition/ Microsoft Nominees: Brian Whitmire
KINGDOM HEARTS III – SQUARE ENIX Nominees: Munenori Shinagawa, Kayoko Yajima, Koji Hamada, Koji Inoue
Sinclair Snake: Museum Mischief – Chromosphere / Within Nominees: Tommy Rodricks, Natan Moura, Nelson Boles
Unruly Heroes – Magic Design Studios Nominees: Sebastien Parodi, Nicolas Leger
Best Character Design – TV/Media
Carmen Sandiego – Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing and DHX Media for Netflix Nominees: Keiko Murayama
DC Super Hero Girls – Warner Bros. Animation Nominees: Lauren Faust
T.O.T.S. – Titmouse / Disney Junior Nominees: John Jagusak
The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle – DreamWorks Animation Nominees: Chris Mitchell
Victor and Valentino – Cartoon Network Studios Nominees: FABIEN MENSE
Best Character Design – Feature
Abominable – DreamWorks Animation / Pearl Studio Nominees: Nico Marlet
Frozen 2 – Walt Disney Animation Studios Nominees: Bill Schwab
Klaus – Netflix Presents A Production of The Spa Studios and Atresmedia Cine Nominees: Torsten Schrank
Spies in Disguise – Blue Sky Studios Nominees: José Manuel Fernández Oli
The Addams Family – MGM and BRON Creative Nominees: Craig Kellman
Best Direction – TV/Media
Ask the Storybots – JibJab Bros. Studios for Netflix Nominees: Jeff Gill
DC Super Hero Girls – Warner Bros. Animation Nominees: Natalie Wetzig
Disney Mickey Mouse – Disney TV Animation/Disney Channel Nominees: Alonso Ramirez Ramos
Rilakkuma & Kaoru – Dwarf for Netflix Nominees: Masahito Kobayashi
Ultraman – Production IG, SOLA Digital Arts for Netflix Nominees: Kenji Kamiyama, Shinji Aramaki
Best Direction – Feature
Frozen 2 – Walt Disney Animation Studios Nominees: Jennifer Lee, Chris Buck
I Lost My Body – Xilam for Netflix Nominees: Jérémy Clapin
Klaus – Netflix Presents A Production of The Spa Studios and Atresmedia Cine Nominees: Sergio Pablos
Missing Link – LAIKA, LLC Nominees: Chris Butler
Weathering With You – Toho Co., Ltd. / STORY Inc. / CoMix Wave Films Nominees: Makoto Shinka
Best Music – TV/Media
Carmen Sandiego – Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing and DHX Media for Netflix Nominees: Jared Lee Gosselin, Steve D’Angelo, Lorenzo Castell
Love, Death & Robots – Blur for Netflix Nominees: Rob Cairns
Seis Manos – VIZ Media / Powerhouse Animation Studios Nominees: Carl Thiel
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power – DreamWorks Animation Nominees: Sunna Wehrmeijer
The Tom and Jerry Show – Warner Bros. Animation Nominees: Vivek Maddala
Best Music – Feature
AWAY – Dream Well Studios Nominees: Gints Zilbalodis
Frozen 2 – Walt Disney Animation Studios Nominees: Christophe Beck, Frode Fjellheim, Kristen Anderson-Lopez, Robert Lopez
I Lost My Body – Xilam for Netflix Nominees: Dan Levy
Spies in Disguise – Blue Sky Studios Nominees: Mark Ronson, Theodore Shapiro
Toy Story 4 – Pixar Animation Studios Nominees: Randy Newman
Best Production Design – TV/Media
Carmen Sandiego – Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing and DHX Media for Netflix Nominees: Eastwood Wong, Sylvia Liu, Elaine Lee, Linda Fong, Emily Paik
Disney Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure – Disney TV Animation/Disney Channel Nominees: Alan Bodner, Brian Woods, Steven Nicodemus, Laura Price, Leonard Robledo
Love, Death & Robots – Blur for Netflix Nominees: Alberto Mielgo
Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart – Cartoon Network, Titmouse, Inc. Nominees: Khang Le, Chris Fisher, Gael Bertrand, Deodato Pangandoyon, Howard Chen
The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle – DreamWorks Animation Nominees: Chris Mitchell, Chris Turnham, Tor Aunet, DanBob Thompson, Aaron Spurgeon
Best Production Design – Feature
Abominable – DreamWorks Animation Nominees: Max Boas, Paul Duncan, Christopher Brock, Cecline Da Hyeu Kim, Jane Li
How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World – DreamWorks Animation Nominees: Pierre-Olivier Vincent, Kirsten Kawamura, Woonyoung Jung, Iuri Lioi
Klaus – Netflix Presents A Production of The Spa Studios and Atresmedia Cine Nominees: Szymon Biernaki, Marcin Jakubowski
Missing Link – LAIKA, LLC Nominees: Nelson Lowry, Santiago Montiel, Trevor Dalmer
The Addams Family – MGM and Bron Creative Nominees: Patricia Atchison, Maisha Moore, Chris Souza, Jack Yu
Best Storyboarding – TV/Media
Carmen Sandiego – Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing and DHX Media for Netflix Nominees: Kenny Park
Carole & Tuesday – Bones for Netflix Nominees: Shinichiro Watanabe
Love, Death & Robots – Blur for Netflix Nominees: Owen Sullivan
Snoopy in Space – Apple Nominees: Riccardo Durante
Zog – Magic Light Pictures Nominees: Max Lang
Best Storyboarding – Feature
I Lost My Body – Xilam for Netflix Nominees: Julien Bisaro
I Lost My Body – Xilam for Netflix Nominees: Jérémy Clapin
Klaus – Netflix Presents A Production of The Spa Studios and Atresmedia Cine Nominees: Sergio Pablos
Missing Link – LAIKA, LLC Nominees: Julián Nariño
Missing Link – LAIKA, LLC Nominees: Oliver Thomas
Best Voice Acting – TV/Media
Big City Greens – Disney TV Animation/Disney Channel Nominees: Marieve Herington
Bob’s Burgers – 20th Century FOX / Bento Box Entertainment Nominees: H. Jon Benjamin
Steven Universe – Cartoon Network Studios Nominees: Sarah Stiles
Tigtone – Titmouse, Inc., Babyhemyth Productions, Williams Street Nominees: Debi Derryberry
Tuca & Bertie – Tornante Productions, LLC for Netflix Nominees: Ali Wong
Best Voice Acting – Feature
Abominable – DreamWorks Animation / Pearl Studio Nominees: Tenzing Norgay Trainor
Frozen 2 – Walt Disney Animation Studios Nominees: Josh Gad
Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus – CJ Entertainment and Nickelodeon Animation Studios for Netflix Nominees: Richard Horvitz
The Secret Life of Pets 2 – Illumination Nominees: Jenny Slate
Toy Story 4 – Pixar Animation Studios Nominees: Tony Hale
Best Writing – TV/Media
Apple & Onion – Cartoon Network Studios Nominees: George Gendi, Michael Gendi, Deepak Sethi, Eric Acosta, Sean Szeles
BoJack Horseman – Tornante Productions, LLC for Netflix Nominees: Alison Tafel
Pinky Malinky – Nickelodeon Animation Studios for Netflix Nominees: Sheela Shrinivas, Aminder Dhaliwal, Rikke Asbjoern
Tuca & Bertie – Tornante Productions, LLC for Netflix Nominees: Shauna McGarry
Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum – Brown Bag Film / 9 Story Media Group Nominees: Meghan Read
Best Writing – Feature
Frozen 2 – Walt Disney Animation Studios Nominees: Jennifer Lee
How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World – DreamWorks Animation Nominees: Dean DeBlois
I Lost My Body – Xilam for Netflix Nominees: Jérémy Clapin, Guillaume Laurant
Toy Story 4 – Pixar Animation Studios Nominees: Andrew Stanton, Stephany Folsom
Weathering With You – Toho Co., Ltd. / STORY Inc. / CoMix Wave Films Nominees: Makoto Shinkai, Makoto Shinkai
Best Editorial – TV/Media
Big Hero 6: The Series – Disney TV Animation/Disney Channel Nominees: Dao Le, Joe Molinari, Charles T. Jones, David Vasquez
DC Super Hero Girls – Warner Bros. Animation Nominees: Torien Blackwolf
Disney Mickey Mouse – Disney TV Animation/Disney Channel Nominees: Tony Molina
Green Eggs and Ham – Warner Bros. Animation for Netflix Nominees: Margaret Hou
Love, Death & Robots – Blur for Netflix Nominees: Bo Juhl, Stacy Auckland, Valerian Zamel
Best Editorial – Feature
How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World – DreamWorks Animation Nominees: John K. Carr, Mark Hester, Mary Blee
Klaus – Netflix Presents A Production of The Spa Studios and Atresmedia Cine Nominees: Pablo García Revert
Missing Link – LAIKA, LLC Nominees: Stephen Perkins
The Secret Life of Pets 2 – Illumination Nominees: Tiffany Hillkurtz
Toy Story 4 – Pixar Animation Studios Nominees: Axel Geddes, Torbin Xan Bullock, Greg Snyder
Awards: 2020 Annie – Nominations Best Feature Frozen 2 – Walt Disney Animation Studios How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World…
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bearsontheinternet · 7 years
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Tyrant rp's are now open~! )) coloring was hell~ let hulk this sheet up~! click the download button for bigger view)) BASIC INFO~ Full Name: tyrant anosov ruthless Nickname(s) or Alias: ty, rant, tyrannosaurus wreck, lil ty Gender: male Species: plush dinosaur sexual orientation: asexual Age: lived for quite awhile..lost count after hitting the triple digits medical history: tyrant was born with very thick leather fabric; making it hard to move when the plush was in his youth. was the runt of the liter. birthday: nov.19 city of birth: brawn town! home of the plush dinos current living arrangements: inside the ruthless manor in the hinterlands languages spoken: basic, plushy, demonic ((he's very fluent)) relationship status: n/a crush: doesnt really care for romance alignment: good moral, occupation: siegebreaker, handyman.
weapons and gear a giant crane it hangs in his room, but tyrant never uses it! and vows to never use it; because a weapon is a tool for the weak minded fixing tools and equipment he fixes things aroudn the manor tail duffle he carries alot of useful things in his tail duffle.
Height: 9.2 ft Weight: 200 heavy leathers Figure/Build: big, bulky Hair Color: n/a Hairstyle: n/a Eye Color: avacado gree Skin/Fur/Etc. green Tattoos: has a skull tattoo on his arm quotes; "anyone want tea?", "penguins ruin the gate" Piercings: n/a Scars/Distinguishing Marks: some stitches here and there Preferred Style of Clothing: armor and tan tops voice: n/a ((i am open to suggestions~))
Personality: tyrant is a very mellow, trusting, and friendly plush~! the living definition of the understand and lovable plushy race. at first tyrant might be a tad bit wary of strangers; but after a few hours he will grow to trust them and such. the plush has a knack in believing the potential good in everyone; and because of this flaw he can get easily heart broken but still hopeful. due to anger management and such tyrant isnt as quick to anger as he was before. but if he gets mad..boy he will get mad. tyrants heart is big enough for his family and others~ likes: meeting new people, cookies, food in general, \moneymoney, tea, being a good friend, his family, plants, believing in people, and exercise~!
Dislikes: jerks, bullies, sylas, people who are trying to hurt his family Fears/Phobias: losing everyone..a fear he copes with everyday Favourite Colour: magenta Hobbies: exercising, fixing, sweeping strengths/powers/skills: plushy strength plushy people are very very naturally strong despite of there fluffy stature. this is because of their strong will, this will is converted to physical strength by the plushies' soul. however how much they can lift depends entirely how much will a plushy has. tyrant has a tough leather hide~ making it even easier for tyrant to use his strength shock absorption due to a plush fluffy body they can absorb most physical blows making fighting a plushy with fisticuffs a bad idea in general lol. however this goes the same for the plushy, if a plush punches you it will just feel like a pillow hitting your face, UNLESS they have implants that would make there punches hurt. blunt object mastery corrupted transformation tyrannous opus when tyrant is emotionally compromised with pure unadulterated rage AND corrupted with a corrupt crystal. tyrant can assume this powerful form! more info at the end.   weakness; fire fabric+fire= ash water water can clean a plush BUT it will make him/her sluggish and slow until he/she dry. to much water can lead to fabric breaking apart and stitching moving out of place. negative emotions to much of it and a plush will start feeling drain and weak due to it draining his/her soul the nightosphere due to the chaotic energy in the nightosphere a plush can be drained to the point of death, the time it take depends on the plushy. a huge ego :U not really a weakness. anything that can destroy fabric really be creative lol if you give a ruthless some cash. he will spend everything in your bank account. five people used to live in the ice kingdom..now all the family resides in the mansion. with crest there, they are effectively spending less money when only five people lived in the household.
bio: tyrant never liked talking about his childhood much; he only let out a few stories here and there. he was apparently the runt in a clutch of 6 dino plush. these brothers and sisters always liked to tease each other and such; tyrant liked living with his mother in brawn town. during the course of his life, under the strict guidance of the village elder, tyrant learned the art of the herbalist. tyrant was able to distinctly tell the difference between flowers, plants, and roots! not to mention eachs plants natural abilities and health benefits. over time, tyrant learned how to use his herb talents to brew teas! and thus his thirst for knowledge started when he sipped his first hand brewed tea. alas tyrant left home to study in the capital of the plushy kingdom! the castle city itself! sadly knowledge ISN'T cheap...but tyrants kind of plush was unnaturally strong. he looked for work in strong man competitions. it was a nice living..tyrant couldn't complain..but he much rather prefer flexing his brain muscles in a book store rather than his arms on the stage. however everyone has their bad day..and a dinos plush temper isnt something you want to see in the daily show...his earnings cut, his pride reduce to entertaining others, and sick of doing this instead of his dream; tyrant went on stage a didn't give much of a show. he was uninterested in lifting and often gave a poor display for a while...the crowd boo'ed and lost interest and thus his boss decided to take things into her own hands. during tyrants performance, she grabbed a wipe to 'motivate' tyrant..and let it loose during the show. she was trying to get her attraction angry so he could lift heavier things with ease..but this was the first time tyrant got hit by somebody who wasn't his brothers or sisters...back then it was play fighting..but this...tyrant got hit for real. that was the straw that broke the camels back! tryant went berserk and threw his weights into the crowd! he began to swing his tail widely and take down the other strongman trying to subdue him! tyrant loomed over his boss with the intention to harm. alas the ring master attempted to flee! but was quickly stop by tyrant, who threw a small weight at her legs; breaking them. however her screams was enough to snap tyrant back to reality..he quickly stopped and realized what he has done..but alas he was put down by authorities. tyrant awoke in prison! in a special cell made to keep his type of plush incarcerated. he spent a month in jail before meeting the plush who would give him a second chance. cyrag brown himself! and his elven companion, gunner von shotlock! at first tyrant paid no mind..he was trying to serve his sentence in peace. but alas as cyrag was inspecting the prisoners..one such prisoners tried to attack the prince! tyrant quickly responds by throwing his table at the attacker! knocking the prisoner out! unfortunately authorities subdue tyrant again..however cyrag quickly intervene! tyrant was the kind of person they were looking for; strong, quick witted, and a loyal man. of course the plush dino said yes! soon tyrant was introduced to the other members of cyrags special taskforce! they went on many missions together and continue to grow. tyrant soon found them all to be closer than team mates~ close enough that he could make tea for them. however something went horrible wrong and they were captured by the traitorous viper. as soon tyrant came to..he was surrounded by fire..and a ruined city..he quickly ran away to avoid capture by the guards. after a few months of being apart..the newly formed and exiled 'ruthless clan' found tyrant in the slums of undertown. the plush dino has taken a job in bum fighting! after a few events tyrant rejoined the ruthless clan~ and started to make tea once more~ infact! tyrant grew close to cyrag and gunners sister! he made special teas for her, once he figured out she was preggers with little racheal. tyrant even accompany cyrag, paw, and racheal senior into the winter lands in search of a new home. racheal senior died while cyrag carried racheal jr into the new prison shell home. after everything got resettled..tyrant became more protective of his makeshift family~ in present time..tyrant is benched due to his fight with sylas..and he opened his heart to new members in the family~ even forming a close best friend bond with cyrags new wife and the new twin babies in his life~ tyrant is working to get back into shape so he can protect racheal and those two new bundles of joy. _____
tyrant was a scholar tyrant was also a herblist thus allowed him to make awesome teas he is the only one that can take on sylas mano y mano and win. this is why sylas perfers to seperate tyrant from the family before engaging. if sylas were to ever fight tyrant while the ruthless family and helping, then he will definitely lose tyrant knows how to isolate his soul from his body
friends and family the ruthless family :iconrembourage: the royal embassy :iconrembourage: usha's extended family roxy's fellow alligators and hank
hoping to make more friends~! _____________________________________________________________ tyrannous opus! ((the crystal tyrant~)) when tyrant is emotionally compromised with pure unadulterated rage AND corrupted with a corrupt crystal. tyrant can assume this powerful form! his strength and size increase tremendously! light infomation: Height: 14ft Weight: a few tons Figure/Build: extremely bulk and crystal like strengths/ powers/ skills corrupted strength! his power and strength increase by not only his plush will but by his hate an rage! thus giving tyrant phenomenal physical strength, defense, and endurance. the more determine tyrant gets the more strength and power he has..enough that he was able to defeat sylas ocne he has absorbed the heart of crys'tals. corrupted size the corrupted crystal will amplify his size tp rival his strength. crystal defense have you tried punching a corrupted crystal before? not fun corrupted primal instinct! his instinct and senses are increased at the cost of his own intelligence and sensibilities. at first he will be focused on the adversary taht put him into this state..but after said adversary is defeated and tyrant isnt exhausted..well..lets just say your gonna have alot of needless destruction and innocent casualties. corrupted regeneration if tyrant gets injured in this state, the effected area instantly sets ablaze with green fire and slowly repairs itself. weakness tryant cannot control himself in this state! friend or foe! make sure tyrant is exhausted or else he will rampage after tyrant reverts back to normal form; he will be extremely fragile. it also depends on how much corruption he is exposed too. after the sylas event, tyrant was placed in medical support and benched from further missions until he recovers. an entire year has passed after sylas defeat! and he still not as powerful as he used to be. tyrant can be forced into a exhausted state a simple tranquilizer is enough..no matter how angry he is..gunner tends to keep alot of these just for this state the sheer emotional toll all that rage, all that hate, all that gulit..once tyrant comes too..he tends to get very depressed.
additional infomation believe or not, tyrannous opus is not tyrants strongest form. that title goes to the state viper forced him into; hours after the corruption of the ruthless family. while a corrupted cyrag fought brown..IT was tyrant who basically reduced the plushy kingdom into a pile of rubble. it was tyrant who got the ruthless family exiled and branded as criminals due to the sheer amount of destruction and death tyrant single handedly caused in that state of corruption. luckily only viper knows how to trigger this state BUT the snake will never turn tyrant into that state..due to fear that he might come after him for primal vengeance.   sylas also fears this state.. ((all oc's listed belong to their respective owners.))
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