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Son regard pénétrant nous fixe et semble nous dire : "Rejoins-moi ! Nous voudrais-tu pas devenir un ouvrier de chantier viril, portant une combinaison de haute visibilité, fier de travailler de ses mains, fier de transpirer, fier de se salir, heureux d'exécuter uniquement les ordres de son chef, heureux d'être à ma vraie place d'homme ?"
His penetrating gaze stares at us and seems to say: "Join me! Wouldn't you like to become a manly construction worker, wearing a high-visibility suit, proud to work with his hands, proud to sweat, proud to get dirty, happy to only carry out the orders of his boss, happy to be in my real place as a man?"
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desibrownboys · 6 months
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agressivieandrophilia · 2 months
Masculinity requires a lot of sweat. The male body is built to have muscles. Man's muscles are built through overcoming weaknesses, in the fight against delicacy. Testosterone burns in the skin, the sweat that covers our muscles exudes all the power of our masculinity.
A masculinidade exige muito suor. O corpo do homem é construído para ter músculos. Os músculos do homem são construído através da superação das fraquezas, na luta contra a delicadeza. A testosterona queima na pele, os suor que cobre nossos músculos exala todo o poder da nossa masculinidade.
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nation-of-bros · 2 months
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Only love for men can make you truly masculine
You can't truly appreciate masculinity without loving masculinity; and you can't love masculinity without valuing other men; and you can't appreciate other men if you don't love men in general. Consequently, you cannot possibly appreciate masculinity if you are not somehow attracted to men.
Therefore, a man can't possibly be a sinner just because he loves other men. The only sin is to restrict free will, including your own! For this reason, listen to your heart and love other men as your brothers, with whom you walk together on the path towards masculine ideals. And along this path, feelings for other men inevitably arise, including sexual ones; they are simply an expression of healthy androphilic tendencies to encourage you to want to be just like them: a man.
Use these feelings to ignite your own masculinity instead of denying them as wrong! Savor it as the true source of yourself! That is the only authentic reason why a man strives for masculinity, and not to please the opposite sex, because that would just be fake by fulfilling the expectations of others, some conservative images of men. This lack of genuine self-motivation is why straight guys in particular are most likely to mutate into transvestites in the absence of those social constraints in order to be even closer to the femininity they prefer.
The real man does not need social constraints, these crutches of fake masculinity, but can draw all the motivation to become manly from within himself through his excitement about it. That's why every form of masculinity cult in the conservative camp is inherently homosexual, especially when they desperately try to deny this feelings and highest form of bonding between men by calling it a "sin" or just atheistically "wrong".
However, being homosexual doesn't automatically mean fucking each other in the ass, but simply letting your brother's masculinity get you hard, showing how much you adore and prefer the manliness he embodies. Only men with this twitch in their pants are able to truly strive for masculinity by appreciating each other as typical men and forming deep lifelong bonds with one another, free from any disturbing influences of females; since heterosexuality is just reproduction for more men, but homosexuality is everything else.
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hairychestloversblog · 5 months
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Sun loving hairy manliness ☀️
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simpleman193 · 11 months
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truckman816 · 5 months
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legbootlegit · 6 months
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Sexy gravel pit
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possmouth · 16 days
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Alright genjirou, we see ‘em..
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jellybeanshortbread · 5 months
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I know what you're thinking; I don't know how I contain all this masculinity, either.
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agressivieandrophilia · 10 months
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be proud of your manhood
orgulhe-se de sua virilidade
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nation-of-bros · 8 months
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Being constantly entangled with other men and deeply breathing in their sweat leaves its mark. Love for other men, the bros, increases and inhibitions fall until the cock follows, so that the androphilic inclination eventually finds its refinement in homosexuality.
Now he's finally a complete man.
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stylerenders · 8 months
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Masculine, strong, effective
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The things I’d let him do to me 😉😉
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simpleman193 · 5 months
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truckman816 · 4 months
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