#making japan great again moment and also- you know what. i'll stop here. i hate everything about this <3
piduai · 2 years
Don't tell me it's about sugiripa. Nononononoooo
it's not about sugiripa. i wouldn't care if it were about sugiripa. tsurumi is confirmed as survived, which i was mad about for 2 days but i've gaslit myself into getting over it
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arcplaysgames · 1 year
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Seen here: Me IRL jumping because I was so concerned about Morgana that I fucking didn't notice Akechi was here until the little card icon appeared. BEIGE ALERT.
Akechi bro this is like not a good time but also i'm worried about missing flags for the extra content so I guess we can hang. (Morgana, I know you are going through a crisis rn but pls forgive me okay.)
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man i haven't taken a bath in probably about 15 years, are they that good? my friend sent bath salts from japan, i should just try them. people are super into baths in this game.
oh because apparently they are some key to heart-to-hearts I guess???
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wow that is a Lot
I was joking to cardiganism that something about Akechi makes me want to study him under a microscope. They said probably because out of the whole cast, he's the most opaque. Which, yep, honestly.
If the seed of Akechi's justice is wanting revenge for the mistreatment of his mother by his absentee father, that's... potentially high-minded?
Honestly a later moment from Akechi is way more interesting so I'll hold until then.
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jfc are you my Vriska, what is this? what's the term? The pathologically competitive?
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Is that true?
You know what's weirdly rare in video games? Liars. I feel like when it comes to quests for truth and understanding in games, the usual force pushing back is unrevealed information, not someone giving you false information. And in the games where outright lies are used, they tend to be used sparingly, as a second act twist that sets up the rest of the plot.
I think it's less common to have to deal with a character that just lies to you continuously without any real indication that you are being told a lie. Akechi itches at me because he's not, like, the Citadel Council keeping big secrets from the galactic community. He's a guy who is lying and I don't have any context for what the truth is.
Anyway, I guess it's time for the class trip.
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... Mishima, I'm not going to nonconsensually change the heart of someone who cheats at video games.
WHY DOES NO ONE IN THIS GAME TAKE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF BEING A PHANTOM THIEF SERIOUSLY? This is why I have always hated the Phansite and I especially hate the "rankings."
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Also, I know this is shocking news, but I love Futaba. The realism of this is great.
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Also hey I'm up to 9 for Yoshida, and is that the big reveal for every Confidant? That they totally knew you were a Thief the whole time? That'd be super funny. Bc I think Yoshida knows too.
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I wanna reach through the screen and shake Reverie. Morgana is seriously on the verge of a breakdown, isn't comfortable reaching out for help, and you're LEAVING HIM FOR A TRIP TO HAWAII.
/puts head on desk and yells
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they really did work to make joker the MOST pretty huh
god i thought the beach trip was boring but the hawaii trip actively sucks
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it's just Ryuji wanting to get laid so bad he does splash damage of suck to everyone around him...
(what the fuck ryuji, chill the fuck out, this shit made me fucking uncomfortable)
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Mishima literally refusing to talk about anything except the Phansite's Alexa Traffic ranking
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And Yusuke being the fucking load-bearing column of this entire game I swear to god. He is the only reason I did not just press fast-forward and skip this ENTIRE section. It was miserable.
Atlus. Atlus. Atlus. Stop fucking punishing me for not having a romance locked in these games. This whole segment was more excruciating than Yosuke Hanamura's Joker Mode. I'm dead serious. It was less homophobic but something felt more homophobic to me specifically. I think because my was of reacting were much more locked down. Whatever.
God, send me back to Japan so I can check on the people I care about. (Ann, Yusuke, not you, I'll never be mad at you, I love you both. If I got to spend this trip having mai-tais with you, it would have been a blast.)
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motherfucker where have you been, I have been trying to talk to you since school started and you just blow me off! rude!
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I don't think Maruki is a good therapist but I think he's decent with people. He notices Futaba and Morgana talking and uses it as a springboard for conversation. Or, tries anyway. Futaba is still working on being observed by other humans. We know how that is.
Then, Futaba sees that Maruki..... has a book on cognitive psience. And Sojiro immediately tries to throw him out but Futaba is like "chillax" and actually talks to him.
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Maruki notices the past-tense and tells Futaba that her mother sounds cool and would be proud of her.
He's a nice guy.
However. He's working with Reverie to talk through basically the necessity of pain and trauma in people's lives, has mentioned wishing that pain was curable through more easily actionable means, and is toting a book on cognitive psience.
there is not enough side-eye in the world.
Hey Maruki, can I see your phone real quick, do you have a weird malware app on there?
Out of images, whup.
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bokutoslittlebird · 3 years
Request: Omg requests are open!!!🥰 also I hope you’re doing good 💕 Can you do NSFW stalker tsukishima and lev (separately) as models who are in love with the photographer?
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I'm doin great sweetie😘. I hope I did well with both of them, since I'm not too familiar writing them, but I hope you enjoy nevertheless!
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Warnings: Tsukki's mean comments, yandere themes, m. masturbation, stalking, noncon, fingering, mentions of Alisa briefly (accepting/supporting Lev's actions)
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> Tsukishima is one of the more unapproachable models who often has people quitting because of his constant rude comments and his resting bitch face, but lots of people want to work with him because he's a good model... he just has a sour attitude.
> Recently, however, his comments have hit the point where you don't know if he hates you or likes you. One moment, he's calling you an idiot because you forgot your camera, but then he's offering to get it for you because you just sat down. He treats you the nicest, but it is still weird.
> Then it gets even weirder, because now he's only spouting rude comments to you. He makes your life miserable, never listening to you and constantly changing his schedule without notifying you. He has you running around like a chicken without a head, to and fro trying to please him.
> The thing is... he gets off on that. Watching this little photographer do anything in their power to make him happy? The fact you don't even show interest in quitting despite his rude and blunt commentary? Your sweet smile when you get a good shot of him and then proudly show it to him, ignoring his scoff and continuing to smile? Makes him sick on the outside, but it just makes him more twisted deep inside.
> He wants you to be underneath him, unable to do anything as he forces himself on you. Knowing you, work the next day would be the same thing, but your smile would be gone. He doesn't mind, enjoying the idea of having you all to himself gets more and more tempting as you interact with more and more people.
> A common evening for him involves him reminiscing on how cute you sound whenever he randomly pops up behind you, or how joyful you look when something turns out just right. He wants to take that away from you. He doesn't want you to look at him like he's put the stars in the sky, but rather as if he's taken the sun from the day and covered you in his darkness. Of course, he often has his hand wrapped around his cock as he imagines fucking you as you cry out.
> Then the perfect opportunity arrives. You're taking a few shots for your portfolio, it's late at night, people have left to go home, he's enjoying all of your attention and already thinking about where the cameras are and how to avoid them when the lights go out. It's like this was his moment. No cameras, no witnesses, and your innocent self thinking he could care less about you.
"Tsukishima-san, what-!" you gasp out, feeling a hand cup your ass. Spinning around, the lightning outside flashes to reveal a wicked smirk painted on his lips. Another flash reveals he's stepped closer to you. "What.. what are you doing?"
"What am I doing? I'm taking what I rightfully deserve," he simply says, hands dropping on your shoulders and forcing your knees to buckle. "I taking you, but first," another flash illuminates the room, revealing your horror-struck face and his deranged smile, "I want a taste."
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> He's the exact opposite of Tsukishima. Tsukki doesn't like people, but people love him because he's a popular lone model. Lev loves people, and people love him, but it's mainly because him and his sister are two hot models people can get major bank working for. He doesn't get lone modelling gigs until you come along, working for a company that wants to advertise men's clothing.
> Lev is ecstatic because you didn't mention his sister's name even once. You are only looking for him, only needing him, so he's over the moon! He's so thankful, he even offers to walk you home after you run over the basics with him. He's too kind to leave you alone at night, so he follows you home just in case! He's looking out for you!
> He's a giant puppy, honestly, he just appreciates how you're only looking to him as a model. He wants to be friends! His hugs are something you have to get used to, but you set boundaries he constantly ignores. Hugging you whenever you drop in to get him from one of his and his sister's shots, only for you to squirm away and tell him to not do that here. He pouts, making you give him a proper hug.
> He sees nothing wrong. Alisa thinks it's sweet. Everyone else? Your relationship is unprofessional. Their looks of disapproval doesn't help you're young in your field. It also doesn't help that you have to mention to Lev your time with his is almost over. Two more outfits to model and you'll be leaving. When you finally tell him...
"I won't let you go! You're my friend!" He shouts across the studio. It's broad daylight and anybody could hear him, but would they care? He's one of Japan's top male models - you're just a photographer. You're cowering on the floor, at the mercy of his outburst, broken camera beside you as he ruins the set for the photoshoot.
"Haiba-san, plea-" you begin.
"Lev! You always call me Lev!" His outburst interrupts you, your hands covering your ears. It isn't until he's pushing you down onto the cold floor do you realize he's getting angrier. "You can't leave me behind, [Y/N],"
"Lev," you try again, wetting your lips as you look up at him, pity in your eyes. "It's not my choice. It's the company's,"
"Then I'll have you working for me. If you try to leave me," his eyes are blown wide, frantic as his large hands begin to tug at your shirt. Feeble hands are no match for his strength, his hands worming their way down into your pants and rubbing at your most sensitive area. "I'll tell everyone you tried to seduce me. I've seen the way they look at you. You're below them in everything, only here because of me. You'll fall and crumble because of me; you don't want that, do you?"
"Lev, stop-!" You beg, feeling two of his fingers enter you as they rub against your walls, but he just smiles down at you.
"You feel even better than I imagined, you know? I hope you don't mind me indulging in myself. My sister's been dying to meet you - got your room set up and everything. You'll love living with us - you can be our little photographer, but you have to remember you were mine first okay?" He continues to blabber on as your hands weakly try to push him off, feeling your walls fluttering on his digits as he continues to pump them into you. He isn't listening to your cries asking him to stop and you're almost positive you won't be walking from here without a limp.
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moonflms · 3 years
➷。˚tissues — nct doyoung
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PROLOGUE ༄ -traveling to osaka after constant promotions, doyoung takes you abroad for a trip you both needed. in the middle of exploring the city, doyoung insisted to buy some tissues at a local convenience store.
PAIRING ༄ - idol! doyoung x idol! fem reader
GENREs ༄ - fluff, sentimental, travelling, idol au
W. COUNT ༄ - around 1k+
NOTES ༄ - first oneshot here ! lowercased. expect grammar and typo errors. simple wording.
do not repost. copyright belongs to @moonflms 2021. reblogs and likes are deeply appreciated! originally posted on my wattpad (@johnsparrot) and on twitter (@suhhvsco). enjoy reading!
"and why do we need a box of tissues, 'young?" you asked doyoung who was currently holding two different types of dry tissue from the same brand. "trust me! plus i'm pretty sure you wouldn't want wipes to ruin the make-up you have on." he convinced.
"if you insist. take the soft one." doyoung then returned the other box. "plus i don't have make-up on, stupid."
"oh, i know. it's that your natural beauty makes it seem like you have make-up done by a professional." he rubbed your nape as you paid for the things you've purchased, including the tissue box. you felt butterflies floating around in you and doyoung knew it very well. "that's why i have my mouth hanging open every time we'd attend a gala back in seoul. the make-up makes you even more gorgeous," he giggled as he side-hugged, making your cheeks turn slightly pink.
leaving the counter you both headed-out of the convenience store, greeted by the cold breeze of japan's winter.
you and doyoung planned for the past months to travel out of korea for a trip, just for the both of you. no cameras, no promotions, just quality time with each other. it was currently the second week of your travel and you both were finally back from sapporo.
hearing the news, the boys were excited about their deserved break after the constant promotions and guesting's held. most members expressed that they'd be staying home, considering tripping around korea instead.
doyoung wanted to visit japan despite being there a couple of times already. since the given break period was wide, he took the chance to go abroad. yuta, who would be heading back to his homeland a week later than the couple, immediately offered that his sister was willing to tour them around osaka. his sister could speak korean so that's a plus. shotaro contacted you and shyly gave a list of parks, landmarks, and foods to try out while being there.
the week you both arrived was calm, the opposite of what was expected. you predicted fans would be swarming the airport, knowing about sm's announcement and obviously doyoung's recent insta stories. but it was free, yeah there were a few fans with signs but it was different. they stood a good distance away as they greeted both of you warmly even from afar.
the first three days were in osaka as yuta's sister gave a tour around the city. food-tripping, shopping and lastly dinner at yuta's parents' house by the end of the day. 'tourists spots and pictorials are a must', claimed by doyoung during the months before.
doyoung wanted to bring you to sapporo as you fantasized about playing in the snow with the amazing surroundings.
"it's sad sapporo is so close yet so far." you sighed. "and who said we weren't be visiting?" he asked, making your eyes sparkle following by a tackle hug
doyoung's only goal was to visit beautiful cities, didn't matter whether it was near or far— as long as he was right beside you. he wants memories with the person he loves the most! he wants to give back to the person who has dealt with such consequences for the past years of their relationship. he's at peace as long it was you.
the week was ending and you both came back from sapporo a day ago. only a few more days left and it was time to head back to korea, so you both made the best out of the remaining time left.
right now, you both were walking to a park shotaro has visited a couple of times. you walked hand-in-hand, gathering warmth battling the snowing environment. fans were aware of them, but they respectfully gave them time to bond.
entering the park was the sight of cherry blossoms slowly falling to the ground making a pretty coverage above the path. trees dusted with snow, highlighting their pleasing green color, the same goes for the bushes. the park wasn't overall crowded, just right.
"excuse me?" a voice called out. it was a girl in her school uniform, a fan.
as the both of you turned around you immediately smiled. why? the fan gave you a bouquet of flowers! feeling touched, you hugged the fan despite you weren't allowed to. doyoung watched the scene happen with one of his infamous gummy smiles.
you noticed doyoung was really smiley since this morning. really clingy as well. you never brought it up as you felt it was not needed.
you both were now sitting on a bench as you both finished your pictorials, even managing to ask some stranger to take your couple photos (thanks to doyoung's japanese lessons).
you were held close to doyoung, while you both watched everything happen before you. "that guy low-key resembles yuta, don't he?" you asked as doyoung chuckled. "it's osaka afterall, pumpkin" he squeezed you from the side.
the thing is, the stranger really looked like your boyfriend's member, almost the exact person.
"hey, y/n.." doyoung started. you hummed in response.
"do you remember that one time we guested for hello counselor?" he questioned
"i do. why do you ask?" doyoung took off your glove from your right hand, following his as he interlocked his hands with yours. "that was nearly seven years ago. wow, time does fly fast." doyoung caressed the upper part of your hand with his thumb.
"and we met for the first time, who knew your ideal type was among me and my members?" you reminisced how your boyfriend confessed his ideal type (which was you) during the guesting, saving jaehyun's ass who the question was originally for. "jaehyun couldn't answer the question so i had to step in, i was being honest too!" doyoung perked up as you hit his shoulder, flustered.
"do i have to bring up that one time you talked about marriage plans on live broadcast? you were crazy 'young!" you saw doyoung turn red. "okay finee, we'll set that aside, ...for now" your bunny looked at you as he smirk, landing another smack on his shoulder.
"people were against it at first, but you were brave enough to deal with everything with me... thank you, baby." he pecked your hand. "look, you're so handsy as if you didn't panic holding sejeong's hand during your station" you joked since you felt the sentimental air getting intense. doyoung laughed as he whined, "stop~ i'm a pro now!"
"but, i really am! who knew we'd get this far! everything was stressful, well that's life. but it was made bearable because of your help." he continued
"six years going seven, despite all the hate at the start. i really applaud you for being such a strong woman," he added. "thank you. handling your whiney ass could get rough sometimes." you laughed once again as he whined.
"okay shut up, bear with my cheesy moment for a bit."
"honestly, i was scared. scared that i'd lose you after the news broke. i didn't want you to be gone by my side. instead, i wanted you to be by my side forever."
"kim doyoung where are you going with this!" you were teary as your boyfriend became sentimental.
he was right, it was hard to keep up with everything. "i was also scared. everything could've ended or went wrong just because of what we want." you admitted.
"exactly. but... we made it anyways" he pecked your cheek.
"y/n.. i love you, so much. and i know you know that. " he paused as he got teary as well. the journey you've gone through together started taking a toll on what you both feel at the moment. you could sense fans from afar that they were keeping an eye on you both. doyoung stood up as he pulled you with him. he hugged you as he brought his hand up to your head, making you rest your chin on his shoulder.
"y/n, i can't put into words how much you've done just for me. i can't express how you've done a great job on everything. i'm sorry that there were times where we argued, times where i wasn't by your side when you needed it... times where i might have blown off all the stress and frustrations on you. you didn't deserve those."
you were now crying, as he did as well. you could feel his heartbeat against yours, in the same pace.
"and what i meant earlier, i really mean it." doyoung emphasized. "i know you do, dongyoung."
"and that includes being with you for a long time" you felt your heart quicken its beat.
"y/n, i can see us together 'til the end, and i will make sure of it."
doyoung broke the hug as he looked behind, he waved his hand. you saw that yuta lookalike with a few others, it was his members. fans started to crowd from afar. he cupped and squished your tear-drenched face. he places a peck as he took a small velvet box out of his coat. you saw the box and started to break down. fans afar were screaming.
"doyoung?" you said in between sobs.
"as i said, i'll make sure of it. y/n, i want to have kids who have your eyes, our talents, and our smile. it may sound cliché, but i want to start a new life with you. no longer as my girlfriend, but my last love. my... wife."
members and fans had their cameras on, capturing the moment.
"take off that promise ring, now." he commanded as you did. "i'm going to fulfill that promise we made years ago." he left a peck on your knuckles.
"y/n.." he knelt down on one knee, holding your right hand which was ungloved earlier.
"don't worry, i asked everyone for their blessings. your parents, the guys, your members, hell— do i have to mention the tasks hyoyeon made me do before i could get her consent?!" he exclaimed.
"y/n... will you?" he opened the box as it revealed the prettiest ring.
you looked over the members who were crying tears of joy, mouthing a yes. you looked over the fans, which made them shout a yes.
"why wouldn't i?" he immediately stood up and carried you, crying as he spun you around.
he carefully placed you down as he places the ring on your digit. he hugged you once again, kissing your forehead. taeyong, whose face was drenched and shivering from the cold handed out a box of tissues, the exact one you've paid for at the store. now understanding why your now fiancé insisted earlier. you looked at him getting an 'i told you so' from him.
outdoing his goal, doyoung did not only garner undying memories, but a life-long partner as well.
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shadow-night · 3 years
Bounty Hunter in the Shadows Chapter 1
More chapters here on Ao3.
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Story Tags: Erasermic, Friends to Lovers, young Aizawa Shouta, young Yamada Hizashi, Slow Burn, Slice of Life, Hurt/ Comfort, Angst and Feels, Comedy, Fluff, mental breakdown, PTSD, flashbacks, self-medication, drug use, homelessness, homeless Aizawa Shouta, unhealthy coping mechanisms, survivor guilt, cats, growing gp, character study, character development, recovery
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Chapter 1: Aizawa and Yamada
Finally graduation day arrived. Aizawa held his UA high school diploma in his hands. This was a joyous occasion – or at least it should be. He should feel proud, which he did to an extent. Aizawa could not help but find the entire event nostalgic before it was even over.
He was a little proud he managed to pull through and finished school, graduating from the most famous hero school in Japan no less, but he also felt a deeply routed guilt. Yamada was joking and laughing with friends. Everyone was loud and happy, yet someone was missing.
Yamada tore Aizawa from his thoughts as he excitedly called out to him. Aizawa put on a teasing smile, silencing him with a quirk and vanished. It was meant as a joke but it also was great to escape his classmates.
Aizawa rolled his eyes at the endless amounts of texts Yamada sent him. He could practically hear the disappointed yelling while reading about how he had missed all the group photos. He didn't even bother to listen to the voice messages or pick his phone up when it rang. Aizawa went home and relaxed on his bed, knowing his foster parents wouldn't get home until later.  He wondered what would happen if he left right this moment without another word to anyone. His suitcase was already packed.
A new message lit up his phone's home screen. Aizawa reached for the device, only now bothering to look at the chat.
We're all going out to eat tonight. Will you come?
No. I promised them dinner.
It was true. He had promised his foster parents a ‘goodbye dinner’ before moving out. It was the reason why he didn't leave right this afternoon. They were decent people and were kind enough to give him space and not pressure him into spending more time together, so when they asked if he would have dinner with them tonight he couldn't say no.
But you're leaving tomorrow morning, right?! When will we see each other again??
That was a good point. It still hadn't quite sunken in that they would not be back at school again soon. They wouldn't just leave school for a weekend or a holiday, but forever. Aizawa almost regretted not staying longer at school now, though he also knew that it wasn't his thing. Seeing everyone excited for the future and sad they would part would have been a little too much. He was happier alone in his bedroom.
Can I come over?
What about dinner?
We meet later. I'll come over.
Well. Now that that was decided all there was left to do was to wait for the energetic blonde. Wherever Yamada had been, he couldn't have been too far from his home. He was out of breath when, ten minutes later, he rang the doorbell non stop until the door was opened for him.
"Come on in." Aizawa said and they headed over to the brunet's room, where they sat down on the bed. At least Aizawa sat down. Yamada flopped onto the mattress still trying to catch his breath.
"You could have walked here." Aizawa noted.
"Yeah, but I didn't want to miss any more time! Who knows when we'll see each other again!" Yamada said.
"You're the one who wanted to work in America." Aizawa reminded him.
"I knoooow." Yamada whined, but then a grin returned to his face. "But I'm sure it's gonna be awesome!" he said determinedly.
"Just don't start talking to me in English all the time." Aizawa said and realized that he really would miss Yamada.
During their first year at U.A. he did not get particularly close with anyone but Shirakumo and  Yamada. In their second year Aizawa had allowed himself to befriend Kayama a little. The cat Aizawa and Shirakumo found and gave to her had helped a lot in terms of befriending the girl who was a grade ahead of them.
After Shirakumo's death Aizawa made sure it stayed that way and distanced himself from others. He couldn't bear the thought of getting close to someone again only to loose them later. He looked at Yamada who lay on his back next to him on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Aizawa didn't want to think about how he would react if anything happened to the blonde.
"What train will you take tomorrow morning?" Yamada suddenly asked.
"Why? Don't tell me you want to meet me at the station." Aizawas tone was flat and seemingly uninterested.
"Ehhhh? Why not?!"
"You'll be hung-over." Aizawa stated.
"What? You really think us aspiring pro heroes will succumb to underage drinking?!" Yamada called out in mock surprise as if they hadn't- together in fact- gotten drunk before. Then he turned more serious. "I'd still come if you told me what time the train left." Yamada claimed.
"At 8:00 in the morning? Are you sure?" Aizawa said, a small smirk ghosting on his lips.
"Damn. That's early. Why are you torturing yourself like that?" Yamada asked, knowing how much Aizawa hated getting up early himself. Though, to be fair Aizawa seemed unhappy about getting up at any time. Insomnia was a real pain in the ass.
"I'll still come." Yamada said.
Aizawa just gave a low hum.
"You don't believe me! You'll see. I'll be there!" Yamada bumped his fist into Aizawa's shoulder.
"I didn't say anything." Aizawa said, raising his hands, showing his palms.
"Anyways." Yamada huffed. "You'll have to send me pictures of your apartment when you get there, alright."
"It's shitty. Nothing worth showing off." Aizawa protested.
"I don't care. I just want to see pictures."
"I'll send you pictures of the cockroaches I'll room with." Aizawa teased.
"Please don't!" Yamada looked horrified.
"You get those or nothing." Aizawa shrugged. This was nice. It was easy banter, just the two of them, nothing too overwhelming.
They fell into a comfortable silence, Yamada's eyes landing on Aizawa's packed suitcase.
Yamada had been surprised when Aizawa told him he would leave Musutafu the day after their graduation. He himself would travel to the US soon after the school year ended, but his flight went a week after graduation, giving him enough time to say goodbye to classmates and family. Well, Aizawa could count the friends he had on two fingers and he also did not have much family. Yamada did not know Aizawa’s host family particularly well but the few times he met them they seemed nice. Yamada could not help but wonder if Aizawa left so soon because he felt uncomfortable around them or if it had to do with Aizawa's general attitude and mood ever since their work study ended in their second year.
Yamada had a great support system at home but it was difficult mourning their dead friend himself and helping Aizawa at the same time. Shirakumo's death hit them both hard, though Aizawa definitely had a less healthy way of coping and far less support or people who didn't offer the support he needed which ended in him changing host families a month after their work study. It had been painful to watch Aizawa train in the Gym to the point he was so exhausted he fell asleep in their classes. Yamada had done his best to be there and watch Aizawa as often as he could, sometimes even training with him. It made them grow closer over time.
"You've got to take care of yourself." Yamada broke the silence.
Aizawa frowned, then looked away from the blonde. "You too."
"Hey, you missed out on all the pictures we took, let's take some now!" Yamada changed the subject. They wouldn't see each other in quite a while so they shouldn't just mop around. Aizawa was not impressed by the idea, but when Yamada sat up on the bed and sat right next to him he tilted his head towards the blonde as he held up his phone. Within minutes Yamada's camera roll filled up with new pictures of them both.
"You should leave soon, if you don't want to be late." Aizawa said eventually as he took notice of the time.
"I guess." Yamada said and sat up on the bed. "I'll see you tomorrow morning, alright?" He reminded Aizawa.
"Don't trouble yourself. It will be fine if you don't." He said.
The door fell shut and Aizawa stood alone in the quiet house. Dinner with his foster parents also was a quiet affair. He appreciated that. They did not try to get him to talk more than usual or try to talk him out of things last minute. They asked if he finished packing and if he still needed something, as if anything was worth the trouble of going out this late at night. There were plenty of stores with the same products where he moved. He let them know he had everything he needed and stayed seated at the table after dinner. They drank tea and let it sink in that things would be different from now on.
The night seemed to drag on forever and Aizawa barely slept. He got up early, even earlier than he had to, so he could make breakfast for everyone. He made his host parents favorite tea, put six slices of bread in the toaster oven and got out a pot to make miso soup. He didn't have to cook but even he could make something as simple as miso soup with tofu and seaweed. He set out the jam for the bread and got out some plates when his host parents came out.
Aizawa checked his phone when he got his suitcase after breakfast. No new messages showed up. The blonde sent him a few photos during the night, so Aizawa knew his classmates drank alcohol and stayed up until the early morning hours. He tried to ignore the slight pang in his chest. It was good Yamada had fun last night. He should rest now. They could talk over the phone later, he told himself pocketing his phone. He looked around the room one final time. It was clean and he already pulled the sheets off and put them into the washing machine.
"Remember you can call us anytime." His host mother told him as they stood in the entrance. Aizawa gave a slight nod to signal he heard her as he tied his shoes.
"Don't hesitate to ask for help." Her husband added.
"Thank you. For everything." Aizawa said, looking them in the eyes. He even gave both a hug before he stepped outside and pulled his suitcase to the station.
When Aizawa arrived at the nearest tram station, he realized he gave Yamada the time his other train would leave from the bigger train station. So even if the blonde intended to come he might have thought of the wrong place. He checked his phone but no new notifications showed up. Aizawa pocketed his phone as the tram came to a stop. The small tram was packed with people going to work and Aizawa shuffled to the door, pulling his suitcase as close as possible. He gave an apologetic nod to an older lady close to him. Aizawa focused his eyes outside the window looking at the familiar houses and stores passing by.
Finally the tram reached the central station. He arrived with some time to spare and checked his phone while he stood waiting at the platform. He felt a little forgotten but tried his best to push the feeling aside. He told Yamada not to worry about coming, so it wasn't fair to be mad at him for not showing up.
He could hear his train enter the station and then, even louder than the arriving train his name. "Aizawaaaaaaa!" He knew that voice.
Aizawa turned around to the direction the call had come from and saw Yamada running into the station. Several people held their ears and stared at the blond in irritation. He would have to get to this platform, but the train just arrived so there was enough time. Aizawa couldn't help but smile.
When Yamada finally came running down the stairs he looked like he would throw up any second. "The things I do for you." he huffed out of breath when he came to a stop in front of Aizawa.
"I told you, you didn't have to come." Aizawa said, but his smile gave him away.
"Please just tell me you are happy to see me so that it was worth coming." Yamada begged. He wore a t-shirt with an unidentifiable stain on it and one of his shoelaces was open. He was very pale and his unstyled hair hung in his face.
"Yeah. I'm happy." Aizawa gave in. "Thank's for coming." He said just as Yamada stepped away from him and threw up over the other side of the platform where no train was.
"Are you alright?" Aizawa asked, holding the other's hair back. Other people were stared more or less subtly.
"Ugh..." Yamada groaned. Aizawa glanced at the clock, "Wait here. I'll be right back." He said and jogged to a vending machine to get some water.
"Thank's." Yamada said after he washed his mouth out and took a sip. "Sorry about that." He said, rubbing the back of his head.
"Do you need money for a taxi back?" Aizawa asked.
"No, no! It's fine. Keep your money! I still have some." Yamada said. He pulled his walled out in demonstration. He knew Aizawa did not have much saved up and he doubted he suddenly accepted more from his host family.
"If you're sure." Aizawa said.
"Actually, let me pay you back for this." Yamada held up the bottle Aizawa just got him.
"It's just water." Aizawa shook his head.
"Alright. Thanks." Yamada put his wallet away again. They stood in silence for a moment after that.
"Well...-" Yamada tried to break the silence.
"I have to get on the train soon." Aizawa said at the same time.
"Ah...right. Well...I'll hear from you soon right? Send pictures!"
"Of roaches. Sure." Aizawa couldn't help but tease with a smirk.
"I got up and came all the way here and this is how you thank me?!" Yamada said so loud he winced himself. He hadn't even spoken that loud but with his head already pounding every decibel felt like too much.
"We'll see." Aizawa said and reached for his suitcase. Should he give Yamada a hug? His arms twitched, though he kept them at his side. "Get some rest." he said, taking a step back.
"You too!" Yamada nodded, wincing once more at his own volume.
"Thank's for coming." Aizawa said, standing in the train's doorway. "Bye."
"Bye." Yamada said a little quieter now, but with a smile on his face while he waved. The blonde was always so positive and energetic. It was nice. Aizawa waved as the door closed, then moved to look for his seat.
It was a window seat and he waved once more once he sat down. Yamada waved with two arms as the train began to move.
This was it.
Aizawa's chest felt tight as the train drove out of Musutafu. So many memories were connected to the city. Good, as well as bad. He gulped down the lump that formed in his throat and pressed his shirt's sleeve against his eyes. A new chapter of his life started with his move to Naruhata. There was no turning back now.
More chapters of Bounty Hunter in the Shadows on Ao3 :)
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bumbershots · 3 years
Author’s note: HELLO! This is my part for the Valentine’s Day challenge that @1dffchallenges put together. Make sure to keep an eye out for any other pieces published by other authors. Enjoy! And happy Valentine’s weekend! (:
Summary: Harry agrees to go on a blind date set up by his friends in hopes that it will help him move on from an unrequited love.
Word count: 3K
Challenge prompt and dialogue: blind date set up by friends. “I don’t want this to end...”
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There’s a first for everything. Harry’s had his fair share of them at the age of twenty-seven. First time on an aeroplane at the tender age of six for a family holiday in Rome. First kiss on his home town’s park with someone he deeply cared about. First time in a recording studio. First time going on tour. The first night spent alone in his new and barely furnished home. The first morning he laid eyes on the girl next door. The ugly heartbreak after she got married, certainly felt worse than his first one.
Life is full of firsts, Harry knows that, and he wishes to have been the first to sneak his way into Jane’s heart, all those years ago.
"You love her" it almost sounds like an accusation coming from Jeff, though the last thing he wants is to make Harry feel guilty. The musician doesn't reply, he shrugs, eyes never leaving her no matter how deep into the ocean she seems to be. "Does she know?" Harry shakes his head in denial. "Did you bring her along just so you could tell her?"
"I enjoy writing music with her, that's why she's here," his tone leaves no room for more questions, the manager knows and sighs defeated. Harry stands from his spot on the beach and heads back inside the house, alone.
Is he being that obvious?
He reviews the past few days and wonders where he slipped, nothing rings any bell. Harry completely and conveniently forgets how he doesn't nag her for having a smoke after dinner, instead he just opens the window and stands close to it, or how he's been making her a cuppa everyday at noon. But it was the time when Jane asked him to help her French plait her hair when something clicked in Jeff's brain, the way Harry beamed at such a simple request left no room for questioning. Yet he asked him, because there was that tiny chance of it all being part of the manager's imagination, but when he looked back on it, the little things now made more sense to him and in a way he always knew.
They've been in Port Antonio for two weeks now and everything was going just dandy, Harry was writing more than ever, the first week he had a new song every day, he even polished the old ones and had a tune for his favourites, thanks to Mitch's help. When Jeff Azoff got there earlier this week, he spent a good two hours talking to Jeff Bhasker about how much of a good idea the trip was.
"Harry is on a writing spree." He complimented Azoff's client, it was nothing but the truth. However the reason for it all, was now heading back to the house to join the others after a good surfing session.
Jane went straight to take a shower, ready to rinse all the ocean's saltiness from her body, thinking how wonderful it would've been if her own worries could be washed away with her tangerine shampoo. In contrast to Harry's good spirits and excellent mood, her own cloud of trouble seemed to follow her all the way from London. She still hadn't heard from her husband, so it is safe to say he was still upset about her going away to work in Harry's album. It was impossible for her to forget the argument they had, at first thinking it was a joke on his side, insinuating that they were ‘shagging behind his back’.
After her shower, wearing comfortable clothes, Jane joins the others for supper but keeps to herself, still with the dichotomy about calling Alex or letting him be. He will eventually come to his senses and apologise. 
What if he doesn't? 
The thought alone of her clothes being packed in boxes by the time she gets back home almost makes her cry, perhaps she can call or text him just to test the waters. It is ridiculous how she seems to be more mature about this than him.
"Penny for them?" Harry's voice brings her back to the now empty dining room, the voices from the rest of their party can be heard from the living room.
"God I'm sorry H, lost myself out there for a moment," she is embarrassed, with him, the others and herself for letting this situation get under her skin. And she's also avoiding talking about it, with Harry or anyone. "I was just thinking about the tempo for Sweet Creature."
"Liar," he hates to be shut down by her more than anything. "Is it because I didn't let you eat the last peanut drop the other day?" It would've been easier for her to say it was, than to address the actual reason. But Harry hasn't lied to her, ever.
"No love, although I was a bit hurt because of that, it's actually this thing with Alex we are, I don't know, he was upset with me and said some things," Jane couldn't finish, her speech was cut short by a quiet sob and Harry was quick to pull her from the chair onto his lap and hold her tight. His own heart speeding at the sight of her distressed.
"When was the last time you spoke to him?"
"Two weeks ago." Her voice barely whispers on his chest, "he's being a wanker to be honest, just because he's not going on tour with any of his bands I'm supposed to be a stay at home wife!"
"Why don't you explain this to me, from the beginning, please?" He asks rubbing her back soothingly, and she spills it all, the having kids now or never argument, to her wanting to have a proper wedding party and finally the latest fight where Alex suggested an affair going on between her and Harry, the latter had to do his best not to put the option on the table, since her husband so kindly suggested it. Might as well, he thought. "It all sounds like a big misunderstanding, I know you're a great communicator sunshine, so it baffles me that you've let this go on for so long." He's got a point.
"You're right, but I feel like it's his turn, you know?" Jane's done weeping, but remained on her friend's lap and arms, head resting on his shoulder. "He's always forward, mature, a proper thirty year old except when it comes to arguments where we ought to reach an agreement," she plays a bit with the cross hanging from his neck, a scowl on her pretty face. "Like with the children thing, we only stopped arguing when I said that maybe in two more years we could have one instead of, you know, my early thirties." It's good that she can't see how upset Harry is.
"You gave into that one, he should do the same but it's his choice," Harry sighs and can't believe what he's about to say. "Take the day off tomorrow, call him or FaceTime, Skype whatever you choose, but have a proper conversation with him." She wants to argue and say it's not necessary to be absent the whole day, she can spare a few hours. But she will need time to think about what to say, make her point clear so they are on good terms until she goes back to London.
"Fine, but if he is still acting like a dickhead afterwards, I'm not going to let it into my head anymore, we will continue to bask in this great work environment going on here." Jane states, pulling away from his embrace just enough to give him that stern look she uses when trying to make a point, and Harry nods with a warm smile, the one she never gets tired of seeing. "I'll call it a night now, gonna be asleep in seconds now that I've got that out of my chest." She stands from his lap, missing his warmth instantly. "Thanks for that."
"Anytime honey pie." Harry says before leaving a kiss on her left hand that burns her skin from then till morning.
Jeff joins the musician in the dining room right after the girl walks away to her room, he takes a seat across from him and scrutinises the look of adoration his friend still sports once she is out of the room.
"She'll never know, if you never tell her." Jeff is right, but the thought alone of going through that again scares him to death. Or so he says, because there's a part of him that is fond of the thrill it makes him feel.
"It's not like I haven't tried, just last year I told her," Harry remembers that night vividly, how pretty she looked even with her makeup all smudged under her eyes. "I'm not sure if she heard, it was too loud like where we were at the time." He was also pissed out of his mind.
"H, there's nothing wrong with being in love."
"I'm not saying it is, but even if she did love me I– I would find a way to hurt her. Anyway. she's happily married now, it's too late." Saying it out loud doesn't hurt him any less like he thought it would. Harry sighs in defeat before rising from the chair, "she's everything to me, I wouldn't mess with her head by confessing my feelings, deep down I always knew she deserved better and now she has it and that's good enough for me." The musician disappears through the corridor where his everlasting love did just a few minutes ago, he paused for a moment outside her room, pondering whether to barge in and just follow his instincts, kiss her like he should've done after winning that award back in 2014.
Harry shakes his head and goes straight to his room, he reminds himself that it was time to let her go. It's for the best. He is not good enough for her, he can't even write a song for her, about her. He mustn't love her that much then.
What Harry doesn't know is that he can't write a song about her because he loves her too much, the poor lad can't even figure out where to start. But he's about to get rid of that curse in a day or two, he just needs to be patient.
The reward for it came, all of a sudden Harry wrote too many songs about her until she inevitably became aware of the situation they were in. Harry vowed to stay away from Jane’s life after recording the album. He dated people that didn’t remind him of her, and even moved temporarily to Japan. But despite all his efforts, four years later Harry still finds himself thinking about her, everything seems to be tainted by her. The music he adores, the new dinner recipes he cooks, the books he chooses to read.
Completely out of options he agreed to this blind date his friends set up for him.
He arrives at the modest restaurant they so kindly chose for the occasion. “All you have to do is wear something nice and show up.” Alexa reminded him over the phone last week.
This is a new first for him, it is also exciting, to take a seat at a table for two conveniently placed at the back, pretend to pay attention to the menu but let his green eyes avert to whoever approaches. Harry is having a great time, he knows that soon his date will arrive. He wonders what they’ll be like.
According to Alexa and Pixie, the person arriving is the perfect match for their young friend. Harry can only hope they like Vietnamese cuisine because that’s apparently this place’s special offer this week. If he’s lucky enough the date will agree to share a starter and perhaps two main courses, that way he doesn’t have to choose between one or the other.
“Here’s your table.” Harry hears the waiter speak and his gaze meets a very familiar figure standing beside him. It can’t be.
“Excuse me, there must be a mistake, I’m waiting for someone else.” Harry protests.
The waiter shakes his head and shows him the notepad with some specifications written down. “Nothing wrong, got specific instructions from Miss Chung, a lady will come in to say is here for Geldolf’s blind date, you are sitting at the table they reserved. I’ll be back in a few minutes to take your order.” He is quick to explain and disappear.
Jane sits because there is no way she can stand any longer, her legs are about to give out from the commotion. This was not the blind date she was expecting either. It’s been at least four years since she last saw Harry. The night after he finally admitted being in love with her, waiting for a reaction, anything from her, after what seemed like hours but was only ten minutes later, he walked out of her house and entire life, leaving her confused and upset.
“How’ve you been?” she asked after confirming that Harry wasn’t going to up and leave.
“Pretty fantastic, until you arrived.” He’s never spoken to her like that before, with so much affliction in his tone. “What are you doing here?”
“I was set up on a blind date by Pixie—
He interrupts her. “That’s fucking convenient, did you all went to this much trouble, just to mock me? I thought they were my friends, you know, that even after everything, they cared about me.” Harry stops, his voice breaks, he’s so angry, hurt and confused by the situation. “Did your husband come along, to witness my humiliation too?” He looks around, trying to find the man of Jane’s dreams.
“I wouldn’t know if he’s here, haven’t seen him since we got divorced three years ago.” She snaps before hiding behind the menu from a gobsmacked Harry.
The words he’d been waiting to hear were finally out of her mouth. Unlike the million times he dreamt about this happening, Harry is not sweeping her off her feet and running away into the sunset holding her hand. Instead he reaches out to touch her arm, testing the waters. He waits for her to lower the menu and surprisingly there are no tears in her eyes. Perhaps only a bit of sorrow that is quickly replaced with confusion, at how fast her heart raced after Harry’s touch.
“Do you want to talk about it?” His voice is back to oozing the tenderness he reserves just for her. Jane nods.
“But can we share a rice bowl and Pho noodle soup?” 
“Yes, and dessert too!” Even after four years Harry’s sweet tooth hasn’t changed, Jane sighs before the waiter is back to take their order.
Keeping a conversation between the two of them is not hard at all, even if it is an awkward topic —her not so recent divorce. “We didn’t have anything in common anymore, there were so many fights every single day. When I finally suggested the separation, he seemed relieved and I felt like a complete fool.” Jane remembers the sigh of comfort that came out of the man she once loved with all her heart before that rainy afternoon, when she finally decided that she’d had enough. “He left that night, hadn’t seen him since, his lawyer took care of everything,” a sour laugh escapes her lips, Harry’s eyes are full of sympathy for her. “I’m sorry for ruining your blind date, I know you’ve never been to one before.” Of course she did, she knows him better than anyone.
“This has to be the greatest date I’ve ever been to.” He speaks without a second thought. 
All those years Harry spent away from Jane were not going to be in vain. He was not going to neglect the feelings he still had for her. That affection he felt for her, only her. Harry shifts in his seat, this is not at all how he planned it, in a restaurant full of people on fucking Valentine’s day. It almost seemed like a tacky move.
But after all this time of pining for her, hating her and himself at times. Harry was brave enough, it was now or never, he didn’t want to wait any longer, not after his friends schemed and executed this soppy plan to bring the two soulmates together. Before she could take the final bite of dessert that Harry kindly left for her. The world stopped.
“I don’t want this to end...” Harry says with a dimpled smile she can’t look away from. “I’d like to take you out on a second date, a third, fourth, fifth. Believe me when I tell you, I have planned up to a thousand of them.” He takes her hand in his and can feel her pulse race along his own. The smile splits his face again, because he knows, he feels, he sees it in her beautiful eyes. “Janey, you’re the first person I’ve ever wanted to hold on to. I know there is a name for this emotion, I’ve written songs about it, but now I don’t think it’s a word big enough for us.”
She squeezes his hand and breaths out a laugh, tears of joy brimming out of her eyes. “Let’s call it love, until we come up with a better name for it.” Harry agrees and just then, Jane brings up his hand to her lips. 
His skin tingles where she kisses him for the first time and he beams at her.
There’s a first for everything, and although it feels like it for Jane and Harry, this isn’t by any means the first time they confess their love for each other. It was always there, in every laugh they shared, every song they wrote together, every touch. It was on Harry’s unwavering devotion, on his impatience and selfless actions throughout the years.
They were bound to be together, their story didn’t begin on that initial blind date, it did years ago after he caught a glimpse of her shiny black hair on the morning she moved into the house across the street.
Harry drives her back to her new flat on the other side of the city, enjoying every minute of the long ride, happy to hear her ramble about her newest obsession with romantic novels and burst out laughing after Jane confesses that sometimes she doesn’t finish reading books she likes, just to pretend the story keeps going. With a quick kiss to the back of her hand he completely agrees.
No tale is more compelling than one that never ends.
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sunnyie-eve · 5 years
Somebody To Love (Part7-Tour Of America)
(Ben!Roger Taylor)
Word count: 2,112
Warnings: Language
A/N: Again if there are mistakes I’ll fix them soon.
"ARE YOU TWO AWAKE YET?" Roger bangs on the door and you jump in Deakys arms. "Be right out!" John yells back and looks at me. "Who knew a few drink could lead to last night." He kisses my forehead and we get dressed. "Deaky, Nothing is going to be weird now right?" I grab his hand before he opens the door. "Of course not, we're still friends and it was only one night." I nod my head and kiss his cheek. "Good, I don't want what one drunk night to mess our friendship up."
Man were we both wrong though... We got together off and on while in Japan whenever we drank. Me and Deaky both knew we didn't serious like each other so we knew nothing bad would happen. Neither one of us told the other members about our nights together. It's been a few months since we got back and I was happy about how much Freddie spends time with Mary.
At the moment I was hanging out with Brian, Deaky, and they told me Roger was in his way over. "I'll get it." I unlock the door and let Roger and one of his new girls in. She eyes me before grabbing Roger's arm. "Hello to you too Roger." I say sarcastically closing the door since he didn't say shit walking in. "I'm sorry, Alice, Hello." He messes my hair up and I shove him away from. "Hello?" Brian picks up his phone and he freezes up. "Bri?" I ask walking up to him. "Yes, okay. Goodbye." He says quickly then hangs up.
"Bri-AN!" I scream as he picks me up jumping up and down. "WE GOING ON TOUR IN AMERICA!" He shouts jumping in a circle now. "WHAT!" I scream wrapping my legs around his waist and hug him. "NO WAY!" Roger and Deaky yell high fiving. "He tried calling Freddie but no answer so I'm going to try him." Brian's says walking back over to the phone still holding me. "Not answering, lets go tell him." Brian grabs his keys and we all rush out the door.
When we get to Freddie's and Mary's, Roger just opens the door without knocking. "Your phones off the hook. This is Crystal." He points at the girl, "Cheryl! Where's your loo?" She corrects him then asks Mary. I realize we interrupted the both of them when I saw she was hiding herself with the blanket. "Oh, come on in. Make yourselves at home. Don't mind us." Freddie says and I sit down with Deaky and Bri. "I'm sorry, for them barging in." I smile at Mary and Freddie. "Hello Mary. How's your dad?" Brian asks her and she's says he's well.
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"What's going on Brian?" Freddie asks. "Well if you'd answered your phone, you'd know already." Brian's say pointing at the phone. "This really isn't a good time, guys." Freddie says and I felt bad for what they did. Brian looks at me then speaks up. "John Reid called today. He has a little tour in mind for us." He He makes a face and me and Deaky slightly laugh. "It's not little, Brian. He's booked us a tour of America." Roger tells Freddie and his face lights up. "Our album's hit the charts in the U.S.!" He smiles at him. "Oh, Yes. Yes! Yes!" He gets up and they all group hug while me and Mary watch them. "Come here, Alice." Freddie pulls me up into the hug too. "Get ready for lost of clothes to pick out." He says and we all laugh.
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"Let's go celebrate!" Freddie suggested and the boys agree. "You boys go ahead. I wanted to hangout with Mary." I smile at her and they tell me it's okay. "Now, why don't you boys leave so Mary here can go change?" I point at the door and the nod their heads. "Sorry, Mary." They apologize to her and before Brain walks out the door he pulls me into a hug. "Thank you for still being here." He holds my face on his hands. "Of course Bri, I would never leave you or the boys side. I love all of you and I'm proud." I smile looking up at him and he kisses me. "I'll drop your car off before we get too drunk." He smiles and shuts the door leaving.
Brian just kissed me on the lips... What the... "Did I just see Brian kiss you?" Mary rushes over to me dressed now. "Umm-," I stop when Freddie comes out, "You girls have fun together." He kisses Mary then kiss my cheek. "Wait, Roger's girl is still in the loo!" I shout at him as he was about leave and just in Time she comes out. "He's outside." I tell her and she leaves me and Mary by ourselves. "The kiss!" Mary tugs on my arm. "Yes, you saw right. I didn't even see that coming. But enough about me... This is new!" I pick up her hand looking at the ring. "That's what we walked in on!!!" I squeal clapping my hands.
"When did you see it?" She asks looking at it. "The moment I sat down with the two boys. Congratulations Mary!" I hug her. "Thank you, and I guess a little congrats on your kiss." She nudges my shoulder. "I don't know?" I lean back into the sofa. "Do you like Brian?" She turns to me. "Well I know when I was growing up I did. Maybe a little part of me still does?" I look at her and she was smiling like crazy.
"You're coming too?" Paul asks as I get out of the car with the boys. "Of course she is." Brian holds my hand pulling me into his side. "Whatever." He says walking away and I cruse under my breath as he does. "Just do what you do best, ignore him." Brain kisses the top of my head and gets his and my bag out. "Brian... Can I ask you something?" I ask taking my bag from him. "What is it?" He turns and looks down at me. "At Fred's... Why did you-," Before I could finish Roger starts to talk to Brian. "My bloody seat mate on the plane is Paul." He squeezes himself between me and Brian. "Sucks for you, mine is Alice." Brian looks around Roger smiling at me. "Can we switch?" Roger smiles at him and Brian shakes his head.
The entire plane ride me and Brain didn't talk to one another at all. Once again Paul didn't get me a hotel room for tonight, and Brain this time offered to share with me. "I'm not even taking a shower tonight, it's too late and I'm tired." I say grabbing clothes walking to the bathroom to change and once I was done I got in bed. "Not going to tell me goodnight then?" Brian asks getting in bed next to me. "Goodnight." I say closing my eyes.
Before I knew it we were already done with two shows, we all were in the bus heading to the next show. Roger was in the back with two girls on each arm, Deaky was asleep and so was another girl across from him, a few guys were drinking, then there was Freddie and Brian playing scramble while I watched. "Alice, why don't you help me out?" Brian places his hand in my thigh rubbing it. I sit up and look at his letters, "There you go, Razzmatazzes." I said not wanting play with them. "Darling, you never help me." Fred said pointing to his letters and I get up to sit next to him. "Blackjacking" I said moving the letters around. "Now can I take a bloody nap?" I ask the two of them. "Come here lovie." Brian opens his arms so I could lay on him. "You two have fun playing." I say before closing my eyes falling asleep.
"I heard you kissed our darling Alice before we came on tour. I heard Mary ask her in my living room before heading out with you lads." I hear Fred's voice and I keep my eyes shut to ease drop. "That's right, I did." He admits to Freddie. "Mind telling why you did?" Fred asks and I was wanting to know why too. "Because I've always liked her growing up around her, even though she was a little younger than me. I just felt like it was the right moment with such great news." Brian says and he runs he's fingers through my hair. "Then give it a shot. It won't mess up your friendship if it doesn't last long because you two are close like family too." Fred says and Brain kisses the top of my head, "I'll think about it."
I wait to wake up for a few more minutes till I feel the bus come to a stop. "Restroom break." The driver yells and I fake waking up. "Sleep well?" Brian asks me and I nod my head. I get off the bus and me and the other girls go to the restroom. "Alice is your name right?" One of the ones that was on Roger asks me. "Yes, That's my name." I smile at her washing my hands. "How exactly are you with the band? I mean you're not very pretty." She smiles at me and the other one adds, "You're a bit on the heavy side as well..." She eyes me up and down and I just leave.
Once I was out the door I broke down in tears. I haven't been made fun of in years and it's starting again. "Alice, are you crying?" Roger asks putting his hand on my shoulder and I quickly move it. "Don't talk to me Roger." I walk away from him and run into Brians arms. "What's wrong?" He asks rubbing my back. "I hate being ugly and fat." I cry into his chest. "What? Where is this coming from?" He makes me look up at him. "Roger's girls. One said how am I even with the band if I'm not very pretty, and the other added that I'm also a bit on the heavy side," I tell him and he drags me over to Roger.
"Do you know why she's like this?" Brian slightly yells at him. "No, I tried asking her but she told me not to talk to her." Roger looks at me confused. "Your groupies made fun of her. Said how is Alice even with us when she's not very pretty, and a bit on the heavy side too." I could tell Brain was furious at the moment. "Brain, just leave Roger out of this." I hold onto his arm. "No, it's his fault because he brings them with us." Brian carful revives his arms grabbing Roger. "BRIAN!" I scream and the other two boys come running over.
"What's going on?" Fred asks as Brian had Roger up against the wall. "Roger's girls are make fun of Alice making her cry." Brian pushes Roger harder against the wall. "Brain, Stop! You're going to hurt him!" I yell hits his arm to put him down. "Bri, Roger didn't know that they would say those things. Please, just put him down. Put him down for me." I stop hitting him to talk to him. He looks at me the let's go of Roger to hug me. "Just go sit on the bus." I hold his face in my hands, "I'll be right there." I nod my head and he listens to me and Fred and Deaky go to leaving me with Roger.
"Roggie!" Both of his girls come out of the bathroom. "We'll be waiting on the bus." I tell Roger before getting in the bus and lay into Brian. After a few minutes pass Roger comes back in the bus, alone without his two groupies. "That's all of us." He yells the drive walking back to the back of the bus and we take off. "I'll be right back." I tell Brian and walk over to Roger, "Where are your girls?" I ask sitting next to him. "Told them to piss off. That you don't mess with our dear Alice. That you are one of my best friends and family to me and the band. Alice, I'm not going to let anyone talk to you like. You're not very pretty... You are very beautiful young woman, who is not very heavy but just right for herself." He takes a hold of my hand and squeezes it. "Oh give me a hug you idiot! And thank you." I hug him tightly.
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rainyrowan · 5 years
Sunkissed - Chapter 1
description: Wedding of the century rolls around as the previous college clique, along with the rest of their family members, stay in preparation for it. During this time, Riley meets Lucas, a gorgeous, green-eyed wallflower who happens to be immediately taken by her. Little did she know, he has a deep secret. One that will either change her views on him forever or make her feel closer to his world.
word count: 2,626
pairings: riley x lucas
Song: Annabelle’s Homework by Alec Benjamin
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chapter one; riley
Sparkley Farkley: Did you know that the slowest marathon time ever is 54 years, eight months, six days, eight hours, 32 minutes, and 20.3 seconds? Yeah, in 1912, an Olympic marathoner from Japan supposedly disappeared during the middle of a race. Some say that he stopped to get a drink from an outdoor party, but ended up staying longer than he should have. Risque, if you ask me. Anyways, he was too embarrassed to finish the race, so he flew back to Japan instead. Years later, he decided to finish what he started by running the whole marathon himself. What I'm trying to say is WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU? Riley, you're seriously taking much longer to get to the boardwalk than this Japanese marathon guy. Hurry!!
I looked at the horrifically long paragraph Farkle had sent me and sighed. Being best friends with him also meant being best friends with your very own encyclopedia, which can be extremely useful at times. Although, it really isn't when your phone is constantly being bombarded with numerous texts about everything and nothing.
Gentle reminder that I live farther from the beach than you do. I'll be there soon! Don't miss me too much :)
I quickly text back. I gripped onto my camera strap, which is draped over my shoulder, as I start quickening my pace.
When we became closer over the years, Farkle and I both created a tradition of spending almost every Saturday down at the boardwalk. In regards to this, the main rule that we've agreed upon would be that if one of us couldn't make it, we would have to have an extremely valid excuse. Me being the more "laid back" friend, I've been pretty lenient on Farkle if he couldn't make it. Wish I could say the same about him, though.
Last night, I had to stay up till two in the morning helping my mother out at the flower shop. Arranging flowers isn't as easy as one may think. In result, I woke up later than usual, causing me to be about 30 minutes late. So far, I've received a fact text from him for every minute I ran late. It truly amazes me how he could just drop these facts off the top of his head.
I'm practically already running when I see Farkle by the entrance, arms crossed.
"I'm sorry!" I pant. I take a second to breathe before I continue speaking. "I.. I woke.. Wow, I'm not cut out to be.. an athlete, huh?" I joke.
He rolls his eyes as a grin forms on his face. "Where were you?"
"I was up all night helping my mom with the flowers. I woke up super late. I'm so sorry."
He nods in approval of my excuse. "That's okay. However, I don't think we could go to the diner now. Brooklyn and her minions are there. Seated in our spots too!"
The thought of Brooklyn made me sick to my stomach. Brooklyn was the Regina George of Harbor High School, and basically all of Santa Cruz. Like your typical teen cliche, she was the popular girl who also the prettiest. Brooklyn also had her own entourage, as she always had two minions following her. With her bitchy personality, you may say that it's surprising that she gets all the guys. With her body, though, it really isn't. It's probably how she had my crush of four years and counting, Charlie Gardner, falling for her.
"Well, I guess we would have to postpone our meal then," I say, linking my arms with his. We enter the boardwalk and head straight for the arcade. We're surrounded by all the games you could never ever get tired of. From Dance Dance Revolution to laser tag to racing games, the Santa Cruz Boardwalk Casino Arcade has you covered. Farkle and I have our common favorite, air hockey.
He let go of my arm, dashing straight to the air hockey table. "You ready to get your ass beat?"
He asks, slipping in a token. We love each other very much, but when it comes to air hockey, it's like we're two different people.
"You should be asking yourself that, Minkus." As air starts to shoot through the tiny holes from the table, we both grabbed our paddles. Suddenly, the puck falls through my pocket instead of Farkle's. "Well, that's a first! I guess I'm starting."
I hit the puck as hard as I can towards his goal. Hoping that this time my first hit would make it, he blocks the puck in a swift move and smiles. "Not today." This goes on for quite a bit. I concentrate on the puck as it glides across the table back and forth. That is, until a distraction came my way. Charlie.
I offer him a double take before actually realizing that it was him. He probably didn't even notice me, which was a good thing on my part. I didn't want him to know that I was here. Out of impulsive thinking, I ducked down to hide behind my side of the table. This wasn't really the best decision, though. Farkle managed to make a goal and yell on behalf of his victory. I don't even have to see what's happening to know that attention was surely brought towards us.
"Farkle!" I call out in a whisper. He walks around the table and takes a seat next to me.
"So, explain to me why we're hiding behind- "
"Riley!" Charlie exclaims. Mortified, I lift my head up to find him standing right in front of us.
"Hi, Charlie." I saw awkwardly. Thankfully, Farkle gets up off the ground and pulls me up, as I was too scared to even move.
Farkle clenches is jaw subtly enough that no one could notice, except for me. It's safe to say that he never liked Charlie. I don't blame him. Most of the time, he can be a total jackass.
I'm not too sure how or why I've liked him for so long, and still currently do. I like to think it's because of the fact that I'm always seeking the best in people. I don't necessarily like making assumptions out of people based on looks or first encounters. For Charlie, I realized how much of a good person he is, deep down, whilst working on a school project with him in the public library. My father, who so happened to be my teacher, assigned both of us as partners for a project that we had to turn in a matter of three days. Within those three days, we'd head to the library at night to work, but we were never productive. All we did was talk. Well, all Charlie did was talk. About himself, of course. I would just sit and listen. It was kind of odd not taking part in the conversation, but I mostly did not mind. As a matter of fact, I remember feeling like it was for the best since I would most likely say something stupid. Plus, I got to learn more about him and who he truly was. The downside of it was that I had to take our project home and finish it myself, but I thought that it was worth it. From that moment on, I couldn't help but keep thinking about him, about us.
Charlie extends his hand out to Farkle, expecting a shake, but he steps back. "I'll wait for you outside." He tells me. No, no. Please don't leave me alone with him.
"Well, that was awkward." He laughs. "But anyways, I am so glad I caught you. I was wondering if you're free like right now? I was hoping that you could help me out with something."
Crap. As much as I would love to help him, I promised Farke that I would spend the day with him. However, as I was looking up at Charlie's mesmerizing brown eyes, I seem to have ignored that fact. "Um, sure." I squeaked. I clear my throat and try again. "What would I be helping you with exactly?"
"You see, we're doing headshots in drama, and you're kind of known to be a really talented photographer," I blush as he says so.  Along with the fact that his words make me swoon, another thing about Charlie that I liked was the fact that he is a performing arts fanatic. I'm presuming that it's something that he would like to achieve in the future. He's actually really talented if I'm being honest.
"So, would it be alright if you got a couple of portrait shots of me by the beach?" Charlie asks.
"Maybe in return, I can buy you a milkshake afterward."
Farkle is so going to kill me after this.  "Er, okay."
"Great! C'mon, let's go." He starts heading towards the exit as I trail behind him. Hoping that he was the gentleman I thought he'd be, I expected him to open the door for me. Instead, he ends up leaving it to close behind him. I sigh, disappointed for getting ahead with my thoughts. Once I've exited the arcade, I immediately scan my surroundings in search for Farkle.
"I'm here." He calls out from behind me. I turn to find him leaning against a wall.
"You're going to hate me," I confess.
A smirk creeps up on his face. "Not gonna lie, I was already kind of assuming."
"You're not mad?"
"No," Farkle says softly. "I still hate that bastard, though. But I mean if you like him that much-"
I pull him into a hug. "Thank you," I whisper.
"Yeah, okay." He wraps his arms around my back and chuckles lightly.
"Riley?" Charlie yells.
I pull away from Farkle and adjust my outfit. This would technically be the first time I get to hang out with Charlie alone, so I obviously want to look presentable. However, that's clearly not the case since I'm currently in my maroon Harvard sweater that Farkle had actually bought me from when he visited last year, along with a pair of faded ripped jeans.
"Do I look okay?" I ask.
He holds two thumbs up. "Can't say no to a girl in Ivy League gear."
"I love you, and thanks a bunch!" I plant a quick kiss on his cheek before running towards Charlie.
Once I've caught up to him, we both head to the beach together.
I truly do love the beach. I love the ambiance of waves crashing against the shore, along with the wailing of seagulls as they soar across the sky. Not to mention, the smell of the ocean beach as well. Everything about the beach is so captivating and peaceful, especially since it's a little early and not a lot of people are here. The afternoon is the absolute worst time to visit the beach. The fact that there are so many people who usually come on a day to day basis, makes me a little anxious to go.
Charlie leads me to where the dock is located. Farkle and I would usually come to take pictures underneath the dock. This area is quite aesthetically pleasing.
"I think this is a great spot." He says, placing his bag down as I begin to adjust the settings of my camera. I let him know that I'm ready once everything's all set. Charlie then runs towards the shoreline and starts posing of a shot. Since I'll be capturing portrait shots, I made sure that my camera is set so all my photos can have a shallow depth of field. This way, Charlie will be in focus as the background will be a bit blurry. After taking a few photos here and there, I stop to look at them. Charlie was perfectly centered, the lighting was on point, and all shots have great composition. Perfect. I think to myself. However, Charlie apparently doesn't exactly think so when he sees them.
"Yeah, this situation just isn't working for me. Let's try something different." He looks around for a moment. "Here, why don't you get some bird-eye shots of me laying on the sand."
I was a little offended that he didn't like the photos I originally took. I spoke out, irritated. "I thought we were taking portraits?"
"I'm just trying to think outside of the box here, Riles. Maybe the photos will turn out better." I scoff at what he had just said. What difference does it make? You're just going to be lying down. And I thought all headshots were portraits. There he goes acting like a douche, but here I am, still taking interest in him.
Charlie lies down on the sand and places his hand behind his head. From the looks of it, he could pass for a Hollister or Abercombie & Fitch model.  I stand directly on top of him to get good shots. If I'm being honest, this isn't the ideal position I'd want to be in. It's a little uncomfortable and weird, really.
Suddenly, water hits the shore and Charlie attempts to save his khaki pants by jerking straight up. Instead, jerking straight up somehow caused me to tumble forward, allowing both of us to fall back down. I also end up dropping my camera on the sand. Water continues to run beneath Charlie, which caused his whole outfit to be soaked. "Shit!"
The water still kept going around us. I panic as I watch it slowly ooze towards my camera. Miraculously, the water stopped before it could reach it. I graciously let out a sigh of relief. "Will you get the fuck off of me now?!" He yells in annoyance. I flinched when he does so and realize that what was happening: I was on top of Charlie Gardener. Because I was on top of him, I didn't get hit by the water at all. I quickly scurried to my feet and grabbed my camera.  I turned to Charlie, who was still really angry that he was drenched. He got up from the ground and gathered his stuff. "Thanks to you," He snaps. "I am soaking wet, and I have rehearsals for the musical after this!"
I feel a familiar tightness gripping my throat. As Charlie continues to curse at me, a burning heat rushes through my body and I can hardly breathe. The DJ over by the boardwalk starts blasting music that seems to be ten times louder than usual. My surroundings then become too horrifically bright. My hands become clammy as I start to lose control of my body. My vision starts to get blurry and my heartbeat begins to speed up to the point where I could hear it.
Once Charlie finishes grabbing his stuff, he walks over to me. He stops and takes a deep breath. "Just email me the photos whenever you can." And with that, he walks away. When I've lost sight of him, I walk towards the pebbles near the ocean. I stare out to sea, trying to take big breaths. I stay until I've finally coaxed my heartbeat back to normal.
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