#macaque fell in love with a jungle monkey
frogking17 · 1 year
Macaque being born up at the snowy peaks, loving the cold and snow, because of how thick and long his fur was but after the fire his fur never grew back the same and now he can’t enjoy the cold because his fur isn’t long enough.
Loosely based off of Japanese Macaque’s who like the snow and cold but also have an affinity for hot springs with a little angst for spice.
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newkatzkafe2023 · 5 months
Monkey Queen meets Male Y/N, she is constantly flirting and teasing him and they did the do and a few months later she comes back to male Y/N with a very noticeable belly bump.
If you're screwed and you'll know what clap your hands😨😨😨
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(Lmk Wukong) You were a male celestial monkey who territories in a jungle biom And you were relaxing. Until the great sage equal to have been showed up, the monkey queens been flirting with you for months. You didn't understand why but she just had a very unique interest in you and will not leave you be. She once again came to your jungle island to Woo. You once again and that's when you finally had enough. Yup, you decided to throw the immortal monkey a bone and spend a day with her. And one thing led to another apparently your mate's now, according to her. But after the day do you went back to your island hopefully she'll leave you alone now that you gave her what she wanted.
But in a few months later, you weren't suspecting. Mk and the gang came barging onto your island demanding to see you. You came out of your tree house home to see what the commotion was Until you finally see the group It's Glaring at you with Anger and disbelief Even what appears to be a female Macaque is their.
Monkey (M/N) I'm sorry who are you and what are you doing in my territory
Female Mk: Forget your territory we need you to look at what you did!😠😠😠
Mk moved out of the way to See a blushing monkey queen With a belly that was not big like that before. Well aren't you screwed😂😂😂
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(Mk Reborn Wukong) It all started when you were challenged into a fight. The monkey Queen had apparently felt inferior to you and came to you and challenge you to a battle. Of course you guys fought And totally kicked her ass. This enraged her to the max and she came every other day to challenge you to a rematch. You're wondering what's the point of any of this before you saw how she would move her body a Certain way. Or how she would wear nicer clothes or the blush on her face That's when it hits you like a freight train. She is in to you, she wants you And dare you say she is in love with you. Don't get it twisted. She is attractive herself, but you didn't think she would ever give you a second thought. And so finally neither if you couldn't take it anymore and release your passion, Rage, and desires in a very explosive but enjoyable way.
A few months later, as you were hunting for food. You came across a rather familiar monk and a group of pilgrims. The monk gave you a stern expression as the pilgrims looked at you dumbfounded.
Mistress tang: Excuse me are you (M/N) The boy any chance🙇‍♀️
Monkey (Y/N) That's me what can I do for you
Mistress Tang: Well my disciple has something to tell you or rather Show him Wukong 🤨😮‍💨
Sunny Wukong The great sage equal to heaven approaches you with a five Months pregnant belly bump. Oh what a world
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(HIB Wukong) Okay so this time you approached her. You notice how clearly lost her and the little girl named Liuer.She's with so you thought you would give the two some directions. While you were leading the two out of your jungle territory, you chatted up with the monkey queen and fell when you have some similar interest with her. When you both got Got them through you said that they can call me. Visit you anytime and that's exactly what they did. One day the Wukong came by herself Ask you a very personal question. If you can help her throw her a heat. Because apparently she's been struck with it and And the only one that can help her was you. You were shocked as she trust you with this A hundred percent so you had no problem helping her.
A few months later after the defeat of Dun Hun And his demon army the Wukong and Liuer Came to visit you again. Apparently the little girl had some exciting news to share with you.
Liuer: Monkey queen has a monkey baby in her tummy!!!🤩
Your jaw touched the floor as you look towards the monkey. Queen with a very noticeable belly bump and a rather light blush on her face. Well this is interesting
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(NR Wukong) Okay this woman is a whole new different breed of Whore. You always have a Blush and a look of horror on your face whenever she shows up. She spotted you in your Jungle territory and she would not leave you with a hell alone ever since. From very x-rated pick up lines to very inappropriate hand gestures You obviously know what she wants from you, but you Still avoid her like a plague. But she keeps coming back Like a girl scout or worse covid. One night she came over with alcohol To share with you and you're like you know what whatever because well You happen to like Bourban. You really wish you could take back the last few hours back because the next morning You woke up in her bed. And you speed it out of there like a bat out of hell.
A few months later There was loud banging on the door of your home. And when you open that you came face to face with a human girl??? Well, you think she's a human with? Because the ribbon on her wrist looks very familiar. She then introduced herself as Li And she said that somebody owes you an apology and an explanation. Being mad confused, you listened to what she had to say before she Dragged the monkey queen In your home and put her right in front of you. It would be even more confused if it wasn't for Belly bump And it hit you like a truck. Your immortal life just got a whole lot more scarier.
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(Netflix Wukong) She was so innocent. She is innocent cute naive you name it. And very very young At least to you. You didn't mind having Her around your territory just as long she doesn't break anything. She came every day just a attempt to rizz you up or something Like that but her cheesy pick up lines just make you laugh like crazy. She's also pretty curious and has asked you some pretty bizarre questions. But other than all of that you genuinely enjoy her company. And over the time of being together, she shared some rather heartbreaking news to you. She feels that she's always gonna be alone and stuff. But you didn't want her to think that because she's got you. That's when you shared your guys's first kiss And then she told you that she trusts you with her first time as well. You discussed a little more But she claims that she's ready so you decided to give it a go.
You haven't seen her in a few months. And you're really beginning to miss her. Then again, she has told you about all the demon attacks in her village. So she's probably caught up with that. It's not far fetched to you so you just went back to your business. One morning there was a loud banging on your cottage door and apparently You came face to face with a little boy. The boy introduced himself as lynn And he says that he's friends with the monkey queen. You wonder what brought him here and then he calls over Wukong. The little monkey girl approached you shy leave While hiding something behind her armor. When Lynn told her to remove the armor you both saw a unusually big Bumping her mid section. Well that is Explains almost everything.🫥
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crimson-cring-art · 2 years
A Flower in the Emperors Palace
Chapter 29
Commission by @dannydarzuski
Fate had a cruel hand so far, and Ming Yue had had enough of it being tested. The once soft hands of the male that held her seemed so rough now. Her fingers ran over his cheeks seeing the charred marks around his eyes. She couldn’t believe it.
“Wukong? You’re alive? I was told you had died.” She ran her fingers over her cheeks. The shadow that had begun to overtake her heart had begun to lift. She ran her fingers over her eyes as she cried.
The soft laugh from the tree line grew as Macaque got up from his downed position.
“So…the furnace didn’t kill you huh?” Macaque leaned over a tree putting his cheek onto his knuckle as he spoke. “Oh but look at that once gorgeous face.” The anger that started to overtake his features. “It looks like you were kicked by a troll. How do you hope to be loved by her now? You look horrid.” Macaque laughed as he jumped over the stump and glared up at the monkey’s huge form.
“You are sadly mistaken if you believe that Ming Yue’s love balances merely on looks alone. You do not know her very well…do you.” Wukong bared his teeth at his celestial twin.
“I know her more than you…for instance…the scars left over from my teeth across her neck.” Wukong looked down at Ming Yue who recoiled from his touch as he moved her clothes aside to look down at the bloodied mess of teeth that weren’t washed since they happened. Or rather it wasn’t allowed to be washed.
Wukong felt the rage boil up through him. He placed his bride down on the ground near a set of rocks. The glare that resonated throughout the island. The ground shook, and the wind blew through the trees. The roar that escaped Wukong caused the waters along the shore to ripple and wave. Anyone that resided near the island itself knew the war that was about to take place. One that passed over both titans.
Macaque’s spirit form grew in place and caught that onslaught that Wukong served.
Both beings clashing in place. Both hands cupping the next in a fight for superiority. The ground under them cracked and crumbled causing Ming Yue to lose her footing.
Wukong reached out, catching the female monkey in his fingers and cradling her to his chest. She clung to him as if she were a baby monkey.
Macaque growled as he ran forward. The ash monkey body checks Wukong, who falls into an outcropping of trees. Wukong rolled from how powerful Macaque was. Hitting the side of the mountain and the rocks fell down around them.
The golden monkey looked around for his bride only to see her laying on her side on the beach. The water gently lapped at her feet.
Wukong leaned down, running his fingers over the female, tears running down his face.
“Oh what's the matter Wukong? Did you break the doll?” Macaque’s laugh was cut short as Wukong looked up at the monkey. His eyes burned white with promise. He originally intended to let Macaque live because he was once a friend…perhaps they could talk things out. But now he wanted the monkey dead. He wanted Macaque’s bones to be his children's play things.
Wukong’s roar echoed throughout the jungle. A desperate monkey wanted to announce to the universe that he was back, and he would be taking everyone down that stood in his way.
First he wanted the one who dared destroy his whole kingdom, harm his mother and brothers…and now his bride.
Wukong grabbed the front of Macaque’s shirt and a beam of light cascaded from his eyes into Macaque’s face. The heat caused the monkey to back peddle away from the emperor and shield himself. The hit that caught him by surprise made him fall through trees and lay there dazed and confused.
Wukong jumped from his spot landing on the monkey. He beat his chest loudly before roaring in Macaque's face again. Wukong was pissed, and he wanted Macaque to know it.
Wukong hit the monkey and pounded him barbarically. Macaque’s eyes grew wide realizing that perhaps this was actually a mistake. Playing the cocky one.
“Wukong, stop…I can…” Wukong roared in his face, causing the ash colored monkey to recoil from the slobber and sharp teeth. The ones that looked ready to rip into his flesh.
Wukong stopped and looked around. The anger written all over his features. He hit Macaque once more before realizing there were a pair of glowing eyes staring at him from the tree line. He looked around, realizing they were surrounded by them. Many different wolves. Wukong growled and jumped back, shielding his bride from the predator.
Macaque used this moment to run. He fell through his shadow portal.
Wukong tried to reach in and grab him but the portal closed in on itself.
“Damn!” He growled. One of the wolves jumped up and started to run at him. Wukong gave chase, just who did this wolf think he was. He was Sun Wukong, the high Emperor and he wasn’t going to allow some pup to take him on and win.
The other wolf that was just behind him had other plans after all. Running forward he was able to scoop up the female monkey and make a break for it into the tree line.
Just as Wukong threw a large tree into the outcropping where the wolf he had been chasing hid. Another howled.
Wukong gasped as the wolf ran out of the woods straight at him. Wukong back peddled and ended up on his back as the wolf jumped over him. Wukong turned and ran after the wolf that ran into the woods. The shadows around each one engulfed them. Each one disappearing like the other.
Wukong sighed and glared at the spot they had disappeared, then the spot where Macaque disappeared. This whole situation had him feeling dissatisfied. He turned around and made his way back toward Ming Yue.
He stopped as he looked at the spot where she had been laying. He slowly began to shrink back down into his smaller monkey form.
“Ming Yue?” He called out, hoping she had woken up and had scrambled for cover, but there were no other footprints save for the wolves. He growled and runed back around glaring at where they had disappeared. He was going to find them…or die trying.
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callitfreedom · 6 years
7 days
It’s been seven days since my last post. Seven exciting days!
A couple of hours after I finished my last post me and a nice aussie girl (Ava) I met at the hostel went out with the intention to grab some food and ended up at a malaysian house party that night. Honestly, I don’t even know how it happened. One minute we were talking to those locals and the next I found myself chatting and drinking with two british guys (who are staying in Sabah for 6 months to do some research for uni), a girl from LA, another girl from the UK and a bunch of locals. It was a very long but very funny night, it’s not like I’m going to malaysian house parties every day, right?!
The next day started rather late thanks to last nights activities so Ava and I decided to have a relaxed day at Manukan. Manukan is a small but very beautiful island near KK. We took a boat from the Jesselton Point and enjoyed a kinda wild ride to the island.
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The island itself is flooded by tourists. Apart from that it was great! Beautiful crystal clear blue water (great for snorkelling), good food and tons of pretty shells, corals and stones.  Once we arrived in kk we went for some street food. Fried curry bread things and some local fruits (I fell so in love with the Mangostane). Back in the hostel I met the most german guy you can imagine (very german accent plus the way he dresses...) who told me about a tour to the Kinabatangan river the next day. I wanted to do one like that for a while now and everybody who knows me and my impulsiveness can think of what I did. I just booked a tour (which started about 8 hours later) without even thinking. And it was one of the best decisions I’ve made so far in Malaysia.
The trip started at 6 in the morning. Fred (our driver) picked us up at the hostel and we got on a small bus with a bunch of westerners. There was Marcello, a guy from El Salvador who’s been travelling BY BIKE for over three years now. A UK couple, who are so much into diving and are basically travelling around to every good diving place in Asia. Vicky and Alex (she is dutch and he is german as well) who live in Amsterdam and just came here for holidays. The german german guy and me. I was kind of overwhelmed with so many white people in a bus and even more when we came to the resort and noticed that there were about 50 westerners. After a couple of weeks in almost complete isolation this felt just strange.
Anyways the tour I booked said three days and two nights at the resort consisting of four river cruises and three jungle walks (the whole thing costs about 80€ including meals).  So we got a briefing from one of the girls who worked there, had some time to settle in the beautiful treehouse dorms and got on our first cruise at 4pm. And we got so lucky! Our (rather handsome) guide is blessed with great eyes for spotting wildlife and thanks to him we saw a lot. Three wild Orang-Utans climbing around in the trees near the river banks, one of them was a baby sitting in a nest and covering itself with leaves as a short shower started. There was a group of male Proboscis Monkeys, a lot of Macaques, two Hornbills, a huge Eagle and a Kingfisher. Pretty good for the first cruise.
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After dinner we had a little dance party! The locals showed us some of their traditional dances which are pretty funny and kinda embarrassing if you’re not able to do it (I wasn’t!). Still fun tho and nice to get to know each other.
It was time for the night walk after that so we got to grab our torches and cover ourselves with insect-repellent (otherwise you’ll get eaten alive by those fuckers). I found myself walking next to our guide Bon Bon. Another good decision cause I noticed during that walk that he wasn’t really looking forward to showing the smaller animals (mantis or tiny frogs) to those tourists that were apparently just looking for the big and exciting stuff (crocodiles or elephants). So I kinda had my own private tour at the back of the queue and I was so thankful for that. 
Every other cruise and trek after that was similar to the first one. More Proboscis Monkeys, Macaques, Hornbills and we could add the silver leaf monkey (aka David Beckham monkey) and Monitor Lizards to our collection.
Now I have to get to a rather unpleasant part of that trip. I mentioned earlier that some tourists at the resort were looking for the adventure, the exciting stuff. Didn't appreciate the nature they’re walking in, the small creatures that live there and are worth as much as a Clouded Leopard. They didn’t appreciate the food the girls were cooking or the effort our guides made to make it a great trip. If we didn’t see something like an Orang-Utan the trip was “boring” and “not worth the money”. And this made me really angry. I got kinda disgusted by my people. How they take everything for granted and walk around in the jungle screaming most of the time just to complain that they don’t see any rare animals. Seriously, what do you expect walking around there shouting at your friend?! I know I’m also part of this world but at that moment I just thought fucking white people who don’t have the respect for nature and culture!!! How can you not see the beauty of the place you’re walking in? How can you make fun of the locals for being happy when they see a beautiful cricket? Just think about your behaviour if you go to places like that. Put some effort in what you’re doing and treating people right and with respect and you will get something back!
Which brings be to the next thing that happened. That night me and two UK guys started playing cards (the game is called Shithead and is apparently a well known game) and eventually ended up playing drinking games with ten other people. We finished the whole beer, so one of the guys paid the workers to bring us more. What we didn’t expect was a James Bond worthy delivery of two crates of beer in the middle of the night on a speedboat with a huge spotlight.  A couple of beers later almost everyone left except for Brett (UK diving guy), Marcello, one of the guides and me. Unfortunately Brett and Marcello were so drunk that they decided this is the perfect time to do some jungle trekking! At two in the morning. Without a guide. Drunk. Sounds like a good idea, right? The guide (not gonna tell his name cause I don’t want him to get in trouble) was not able to talk them out of it, they didn’t even care when he told them they are basically risking their lives! So here is what we did: We let them go and decided to sneak up on those guys (he was barefoot by the way). We followed quietly for maybe half an hour, walking in the dark without a torch to not get caught and eventually the guide decided it’s time to show himself before those guys get lost and he did the funniest thing ever. When we got closer her started RUNNING AND SCREAMING towards Brett and Marcello scaring the shit out of them!!! You should’ve seen their faces, it was just hilarious! All of us continued the trekking together after that. I even saw some crocodile eyes maybe two or three meters away from were I stood. We got back at half two and stayed up for another hour just chatting about travelling. At half three in the morning I decided it’s not worth heading to bed that night because I’d have to get up for the morning cruise two hours from that anyway so I just sneaked into the kitchen area and watched the nightlife of the Kinabatangan slowing down and fading into the morning activities. I think this is when I fell in love with that river.
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wherezoegoes · 5 years
All set and ready to go we boarded the bus at 8:00AM ready for our long journey into the jungle. Still sleepy from the days before, I managed to drift off for a few hours of the journey and awoke to lunch at a roadside restaurant serving traditional cuisine. Having only moments earlier woken from my slumber, the sight of fish heads and bones left me once again craving my eggs on toast. After stuffing our faces it was time to continue the road to Belum. Before we checked into the Resort we stopped off at Pulau Banding Rainforest Research Centre. I was buzzing to find out what kinds of animals we might find on our trip, what kinds of research was taking place and if/how could I get involved! We found out that so many endangered animals in the world are found here in the Temengor forest including the Malaysian Tiger, Malayan Sun Bears, Asian Elephants, Sumatran Rhinos, Malayan Tapirs and Clouded Leopards just to name a few. I was so giddy thinking about what I might see here. Raffelisia flowers are present here in the forest also, with three species not being found anywhere else in the world. Unfortunately I didn’t spot any, but the smells pretty rotten so maybe that’s a good thing. After speaking with Fadlan and having a chat about potential research opportunities it was onto Belum. Macaques played and scrambled across the roof, whilst dainty squirrels flowed through the trees. 
Belum enchanted me for the entirety of my time there, I’ve never been somewhere so far away from home but at I fell in love here. Falling asleep to the sounds of crickets and rustling of the trees, monkeys scattering about freely, going on boat rides to unknown locations and trecking through the jungle at night species spotting was just incredible. I can’t put into words how Belum made me feel, as cliche as it may sound, being there allowed me to find myself and see exactly what I want out of my life. As my roommates slept I stargazed and socialised, basking in the sounds of the trees snapping and crackling from the critters running through them. Me and Nabil, a staff member at Belum exchanged stories and photos of our families before my eyes grew heavy and my bed called me. Opening my eyes to the greenery of the trees beaming in made me jump out of bed. I stood on the balcony feeling so grateful and blessed for this opportunity, taking a few minutes to reflect I felt ready for the day ahead. 
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Welcome to Langkawi!
Home to stunning beaches, rainforests, waterfalls and irresistible food, this island has so much to offer. Although being far less developed when compared to some of the neighbouring islands, this gives Langkawi the chance for the wildlife and jungles on the island to flourish. You can ask others who have visited the island and let them tell you their stories, I am sure you will find yourself making this island is a must do if you are travelling to South-east Asia.
Officially known as Langkawi, the Jewel of Kedah is an archipelago of 99 islands in the Andaman Sea, some 30 km off the mainland coast of northwestern Malaysia. You will find yourself making this island is a must do if you are coming to South-east Asia.
The island is completely duty-free so alcohol and tobacco is super cheap when compare to mainland Malaysia. So if that’s your thing this is the best spot in Malaysia to let loose in moderation of course.
The island itself experiences great weather all year round and is never to cold however, it does tend pour with rain during the tropical monsoon season. Most showers happen in short powerful bursts, with the warm tropical climate it’s easy too see why the island is abundant in wildlife, waterfalls and outlandish rock formations. The islands dry season is during the winter usually so anytime between December to March is great, end of summer and autumn tend to be the most wet seasons, so remember to pack a light raincoat if you come during that time.
Check in time….
So where to stay in Langkawi, is one of the most important things to consider before you start your holiday. This guide should help simplify each area on the main island so that you can make a choice of where to book your accomodation.
Pantai Cenang-Most popular area, great beach, plenty of restaurants and shops. Pantai Tengah-Beautiful beach area, not crowded, nice restaurants, not too many shops. Pantai Kok- Best beach on the island (most are private), cable car and waterfall are close. Kuah Town- Biggest city on the island, duty-free, most ferry and jetties leave from here Padang Matsirat- Near to airport and tombs, batik art village, snake sanctuary. Datai Area- Luxury resorts, private beaches, close to crocodile farm and waterfalls. Air Hangat & Kilim- Close to Air Hangat Village which has natural hot springs, boat tours for Kilim Geopark, museums, waterfalls are all close as well however not too many restaurants.
So to help with some super basic Malay… Pantai=Beach Air=Water Padang=Field Pulau=Island
Any of these locations are great so before you book a hotel or AirBnB be sure to check out the reviews of the accommodation. Some spots are great and quite rural, (great for nature lovers) so i’m sure you will find somewhere you like on the island, whether you want to be in the jungle on the beach, there is plenty of great accommodation on this welcoming island.
*The hotel in the picture below is of The Andaman Hotel, in Langkawi
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Exploring the island…
To get around in Langkawi you will lots of options, you can get a taxi, scooter, or even hire your own car, depends on your preference. The taxi ranks usually have a fixed price before you get in so remember to settle a fee with the driver before you get in to one.
Mopeds/scooter shops are all over the island you can rent a bike from anywhere really, most places have similar prices so don’t bother shopping around too much and wasting holiday time, Pantai Cenang has plenty shops that you can rent from.
In my opinion in Malaysia you should be using Uber, it is much cheaper than getting a taxi and the drivers are mostly friendly and can tell you a lot about the islands hidden gems. Uber works on Langkawi without any problem.
So all the boring stuff is done let’s talk about some of the great things to do whilst on the island.
01|Langkawi SkyCab and Bridge
Panorama Langkawi is located on the southwest coast of Langkawi island. The cable car ride will bring you all the way up to about 708 meters above sea level. This journey covers a total distance of 2.2 km linking the Base Station at the foothill of Machinchang mountain to Top Station at the mountain summit & to the SkyBridge.
The views for from the bridge are breathtaking and are definitely best during the evening where you can see the sunset and intense colours in the sky.
Prices will constantly change so here a link to the official website that sell the sky bridge tickets, so that you can arrange your budget.
02|Indulge in the Night Market
Langkawi’s street markets are also popular for sampling various types of freshly prepared Malay food such as pisang goreng (fried bananas), keropok lekor (fish crackers), nasi lemak, fried noodles and nasi ayam (chicken rice). There also a lot shopping that can be done at the market so keep your eye-out for local produce and handicrafts.
The market is not always in the same location, you can think of it as a travelling market, below is a timetable I made to help you out:
Monday- Ulu Melaka Market, 17:30-22:00 @Jalan Makam Mahsuri Lama, Ulu Melaka Tuesday- Kedawang Market, 17:30-22:00 @Kedawang (near Pantai Cenang) Wednesday & Saturday- Kuah Night Market, 17:30-22:00 @Kuah Town Thursday- Temoyong, 17:30-22:00 @Kampung Temoyong, Mukim Kedawang Friday- Air Hangat, 17:30-22:00 @Padang Lalang, Air Hangat, Langkawi Sunday-Padang Matsirat Market, 17:30 – 22:00 @Kampung Raja, Mukim Padang Matsirat
*Please ask the hotel or locals just in case this list has changed.
03|Go Island Hopping
The island has so many different tours to choose from daily and are relatively very cheap to do. Most tours will take different routes and along the way you will see some of the islands wildlife and natural beauty.
You can do island hopping via a small group or by renting Jetskis both are great, I would recommend jetskis if you aren’t worried about your budget and you are confident in you swimming abilities.
Island hopping in a group will normally cost around 40RM (about £8/$11) that will take you to Dayang Bunting and the Eagle feeding area. Jetski will much more expensive expect around 700RM-950RM (about £130/$170) the later being with a passenger as-well.
04|Dayang Bunting
The island, which is about 20 kilometres from Kuah town, is modestly populated on one side and virtually uninhabited on the other where the lake is situated, this island is usually apart of the island hopping tour so be sure not to miss it.
The island has its own legend and it goes something like this: The favourite bathing pool of a celestial princess named Mambang Sari was said to be Tasik Dayang Bunting (Lake of the Pregnant Maiden). A prince, Mat Teja, fell madly in love with her and tricked her into marrying him.
Sadly, their child died from a mysterious illness at the age of seven days. Distraught, the grieving Mambang Sari left the child’s body in the lake and returned to her heavenly abode. Today, some believe that barren women who bathe in this lake will be endowed with a child.
Be sure to jump in to the cool refreshing lake after trekking through the jungle, to get into the lake area you will need to pay a small fee.
05|Kilim Karst Geoforest Park
This is an Ecologically diverse National Park which hosts rivers squeezed between deep limestone cliffs, and biologically rich mangrove swamps, you can’t miss this if you truly a lover of nature, Also it is very close to Tanjung Rhu beach, so you can go to the beach to relax after.
There’s a good variety of wildlife found in Kilim Karst Geoforest Park Langkawi, ranging from otters and monitor lizards to macaques and tree crabs hiding amongst the thick mangroves. During the migratory seasons (September to March), you can spot birdlife of varying species, including kingfishers, white-bellied fish eagles and kite eagles
RM200 – RM500 (about £38/$50) for a boat and tour of the park.
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06|Tanjung Rhu Beach
Located just beyond Pantai Pasir Hitam, Tanjung Rhu has one of Langkawi’s best shorelines. The waters are as clear as crystal, the sand is powder-fine and driving towards this beach you’ll have to pass a dense corridor of jungle. The area is absolutely secluded and the atmosphere is silent and peaceful.
There are a few roadside stalls selling Langkawi’s local favourite – mee gulung – but other than that the area is quiet.
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07|Conquer the Island at Gunung Raya
Known as the highest mountain in Langkawi, Gunung Raya peaks at 881 metres in height and its dense forest  houses a variet of different wildlife such as leaf monkeys, flying foxes, macaque monkeys, mountain hawk eagles, white bellied sea eagles, and even great hornbills.
According to local beliefs, the mountain is the cursed form of a giant called Mat Raya, who had once lived on the island. It is a 30 minute-long scenic drive to the top of Gunung Raya, with several lookout points along the way, or you could hike up to the mountain use a guide if you aren’t experienced in hiking.
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08|Enjoy some me time at a Spa
Travelling and doing fun things daily will definitely take it out of you so without a doubt I would recommend getting a massage. Most places on the island are really good and most packages are relatively quite cheap.
When we were in Langkawi we went to the Alun Alun Spa on Pantai Cenang, I have only good things to say about the experience. This Spa in particular is quite secluded and private considering it being in a busy area of the island.
09|Fruit farms
I have never seen so much fruit in my life with a range of different exotic fruits this is a great thing to do with the family, or if you really like fruit like us.
10|Seafood all day every day!
Being on an island seafood and coconuts are a necessity, and without a doubt we took advantage of that. Fresh shellfish and Grouper Fish to be served to you is an experience you need to try when you are in Langkawi. There are so many restaurants to choose from, be careful and as the food is done by the weight of seafood you choose, try not to eat with your eyes, i made this mistake and was too greedy.
There are so many more things to do on this beautiful island but I only have space for 10, any recommendations please leave a message. Also if you have any questions I am more than happy to help.
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    First post of 2018...Time to start the adventures!!! Welcome to Langkawi! Home to stunning beaches, rainforests, waterfalls and irresistible food, this island has so much to offer.
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