#lu warriors angst
lele5429 · 3 months
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By the end of this there will be no pain.
Good night, Captain.
This is my first time drawing Warriors, if you don’t count his back in my very first fanart. I can’t believe it’s for this scene.
I just need some time to process.
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minty-mumbles · 1 year
Ooh how about “Was too hard on them” with Warriors?
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The "them" Warriors is being too hard on is, in fact, Warriors himself. This man needs therapy
This prompt fill turned out to be pretty light on the whump. I was going to add a part about Warriors having a leg injury on top of being exhausted, but I decided to go easy on him lol
Warriors had been homesick lately. 
When Zelda had called him to her private study and asked him to investigate the strange portals popping up around Hyrule, he’d agreed without hesitation. At the time, he had feared lingering magic from Cia had infected the land and was drawing more monsters from across time and space to this era.
He hadn’t expected the portals to have a different, much darker master. He hadn't expected a portal to drag him in with no warning and snap shut behind him with no chance of return. He hadn't expected to be gone for months with no way to contact his family or the Queen.
He hadn’t known it then, but when he'd been spat out of the portal and into a goat pen with a certain rancher leaning over him, it had been the start of a months-long quest. A months-long quest without a glimpse of his home, his friends, his family. 
Goddess, what he wouldn’t give for a hug from his father or an affectionate hair ruffle from his sister. (Not that he would ever, ever voice that thought aloud, but... still.)
Now that he thought about it, they all probably thought he was dead. He wondered if they’d held a funeral for him, or if they were still holding out hope that he was alive somewhere.
Probably not.
It had been months since he last saw them. Almost half a year. 
He had to admit, he’d been hoping for a break lately. A break that took them to his era, preferably. At this point, the group of heroes had visited everyone’s home era except for his. He was getting sick of entering a new portal and getting his hopes up, only to not recognize the new area the group was dumped in.
Warriors was sure he'd been able to disguise just how tired he'd been lately. Some of the other heroes were catching on, but he thought he was hiding his near-permanent exhaustion pretty well. 
All he needed was some time to relax. Truly relax. 
He wanted good food without having to worry about where to forage or hunt that day. He wanted to sleep without having to set up a watch schedule or pay for rooms in an inn. He wanted to take a bath, for Hylia’s sake, and not have to do it in a freezing cold river.
Of course, the burden of leadership did not only fall to Warriors. For once, he wasn’t the one giving the orders. That was mostly Time’s responsibility. But Warriors was more than used to commanding his men, and he did his best to make sure Time didn’t push himself too far. 
But being dumped into an active war zone was not what Warriors had meant when he’d prayed for the next portal to bring him to his era. 
They were technically in his Hyrule, yes, but not somewhere he’d ever been before, and definitely not anywhere he could relax. 
The latest portal had dumped them in front of an old fortress that was located on the far outskirts of Hyrule. The fortress had been abandoned long before Warriors had been born and it had stayed that way, even throughout the war. It was too far away from Castle Town for either side of the war to see much of an advantage in occupying it. There’d been no need for him to ever go there before.
But now, it appeared that a small contingency of monsters had taken up residency in the fort. The citizens from a nearby village had sent an entreaty to the Queen for intervention, and Zelda had obliged, sending a troop to clear it out.
Warriors had quickly been recognized by the soldiers guarding the front gate, and the heroes were led inside with general excitement from the soldiers.
Apparently, he hadn’t been officially declared dead yet, but the general consensus in the army was that he’d been killed in action. These soldiers seemed pleased that it wasn’t true. They especially seemed pleased that he showed up with reinforcements.
The villagers had evidently underestimated the number of monsters in the fort- a small army was probably the best description- and Zelda hadn’t sent enough soldiers for them to easily be able to take the fort.
These weren't the soldiers that Warriors had led during the war, but he knew the captain that led them and knew her to be a loyal soldier to Hyrule. He had no worries that the soldiers under her command would turn traitor, so that was one less thing for him to worry about.
But there was still too much to worry about for him to relax.
Warriors sighed, staring at the map in front of him. It was a carefully hand-drawn rendition of the fortress. Someone had taken great care to map out all the rooms, marking all the rooms being used as bases and outposts. 
The open-air courtyard at the front of the fortress was currently being used as the base for the allied forces of Hyrule. Thankfully, it was summer, and the weather was clear. There was no need to set up tents. Each entrance was carefully guarded at all times. Bedrolls for all the soldiers lined the walls. One corner was partitioned off and set up with cots, being converted into a small med bay. The heroes had commandeered another corner to set up their own bedrolls. In the third corner stood the makeshift command center, which consisted solely of a table, chairs, and the map Warriors was pouring over. 
The courtyard was as safe as anywhere in the fortress possibly could be, but Warriors had instructed the other heroes to continue setting up a watch every night. That had silently sent the intended message: they weren’t safe here.
Warriors doubted that the monsters would launch a full frontal attack on the allied base, and even if they did, they would have plenty of forewarning. But carelessness killed. The other heroes could deal with continuing to lose a little bit of sleep.
Warriors turned his attention back to the map in front of him. Unsurprisingly, it hadn’t changed since he took his eyes off it. He sighed, leaning heavily on the table. 
The Hyrulian forces currently only occupied the allied base and two of the surrounding outposts. They simply didn’t have the manpower to spread themselves out any further. 
They only had two options. Either send a messenger to Zelda asking for reinforcements and hunker down until they arrive, or try to take the whole fortress in one big push. 
The messenger had already been sent. With them, they carried both a request for backup and hastily penned letters from Warriors for both his family and the Queen. But those letters would take a week to reach Castle Town even with the messenger running on little sleep and pushing their horse as hard as they dared. It would take another week and a half for reinforcements to arrive. 
Warriors and the other heroes couldn't afford to wait for two and a half weeks. They were on their own mission. Then there was the fact that the soldiers hadn’t brought enough food for a siege. They wouldn’t be able to get enough food from the small village nearby. Warriors also doubted the monsters would just wait around for the reinforcements to arrive.
That really left them with no choice. They would have to fight without backup. Warriors had hoped it wouldn’t come to that. It was bad enough that the other heroes had to endure being in an active warzone. Leading them into battle in this way was something Warriors had never wished for. 
But it seemed inevitable now.
All of this required a lot of planning and strategizing. It had only been a day and a half since they arrived, but Warriors hadn’t slept since. 
“Warriors.” The voice from behind him made him startle. He knew before turning around it was one of the other heroes. Everyone else here would have called him Captain Link.
He turned around in his chair to find Time standing behind him, and frowning at him. He must really be tired if he hadn’t even heard the armor-clad hero approach. Warriors stared back unflinchingly, even as he internally quelled under the pressure of Time’s disappointed glare. 
“Don’t you think you could use some sleep?” It was phrased like a question, but Time’s voice was firm.
Warriors groaned. “Time, I'm very busy right now-” 
Time cut him off, not taking any excuses. “Even the other captain is resting. It's thirteen minutes to midnight. Go to bed.” Warriors blinked and finally registered how dark it was. The only thing lighting up the map was the flickering candles set on the table, and the one Time held in his hands.
Warriors rubbed the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath. It probably wouldn’t be a bad idea. He had been feeling a bit light-headed, and he probably could really use a nap. He wouldn't be of any use in a fight if he was exhausted. 
That, and he doubted that Time would give up until he got his way and Warriors slept.
“A quick nap,” He agreed. 
His body must have also agreed. When Warriors stood, perhaps a bit too quickly, he could feel his blood drain into his legs that had fallen asleep after sitting for hours.
For a split second, he teetered unsteadily on his feet, fighting to stay upright and not collapse., He swayed, his head pounding as he reached out blindly for something to steady him. That split second was all Time needed to place a guiding hand on his back. The old man’s stern face had melted away, replaced with a worried one.
“I’m fine.” Warriors protested the unspoken concern, righting himself with the help of Time’s hand.
“Of course you are.” Time agreed, starting to steer Warriors towards the corner where the heroes had set up camp, but somehow it didn’t feel like Warriors had won that argument.  
He couldn’t say he was complaining though, as Time guided him to one of the two empty bedrolls in the heroes’ camp. 
It didn‘t escape his notice that Time had laid him down right next to Sky, who was a notorious cuddler and even more notoriously hard to wake up. Warriors doubted he’d be allowed to get up anytime soon. As Warriors drifted off to sleep, he couldn't say he minded.
Warrior: I am normal and functioning 👍
Time: Nice to meet you, “Normal and Functioning.” Have you met my other son, “Sleepy And Prone to Cudlding?”
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in the newest update, all the links look Real Sad™ in twilight's room. i noticed that warriors looked more dejected and in low spirits than outright crying and panicked that twi might die. is this a result of the trauma from the war? probably. is it heartbreaking to see? definitely
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person-i-guess · 2 years
Heeeeyyyy uhh
Hey uh
What if Warriors
What if Warriors returned to his world only to find his childhood home destroyed because someone wanted to hurt him
Just a thought
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tsukinoshinjiu · 6 months
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Lee brainwashed me into his Braided Wars propaganda, and then it inspired a lovely fic snippet by Jack on the Discord (i so wish i could link it, it's such good angst) which then inspired me to draw the second one with the Mulan-esque angsty hair-cutting scene Jack wrote and honestly the inspiration rabbit hole just digs really deep here, it's funny xD
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mischefous · 2 months
im so sorry if this sends twice tumblr has acted strange for me ;~; but for the whump request can we have Sky waking up from a prophetic nightmare? or super injured?(near death maybe?)
Don't worry Anon! I got your other one hehe. And thank you for the requesttt!💙 you have a splendid day!
HYLIA how many times have I drawn Warriors?! make it 5 times MWAHAHA! he felt like a good fit for this situation. As a Captain, he is well-equipped to handle this. Sky definitely needed that hug T3T
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I didn't know how to describe crying i sowwy if it looks stoopid ahhhhh
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linderosse · 10 months
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Based on a scene from Ch2 of The Secrets We Keep.
(Note: This takes place in the same universe as Wielders of Wisdom. Certain characters’ arcs are intertwined, but you should be able to read one without reading the other.)
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la-sera · 8 months
I humbly request you draw Wind angst. I don't see my boy getting beat up enough
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As you wish, Master.
Sorry, it took me 2 days to draw Wind because I don't know his character yet. Hope you like.
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legendofzoodles · 3 months
This post is a little gory, reader discretion is advised.
Sky: Would you help me hide a body?
Hyrule: No I am not helping you! I want nothing to do with this!
Hyrule: [curious] ...But why? Is hiding bodies a fad in society now? Dang I'm really out of touch.
Sky: In what Hyrule is that a fad?!
Wild: [coughs]
Time: [sighing] I'm always cleaning up after you boys.
Sky: Wait Old man it was just—
Time: [pulling a trash bag from his adventure pouch] Where is it?
Wild: Hide...a body? O-Okay sure, I'll help you...
Wild: [muttering] Oh but not all of it I'm sure I could find uses for at least a few of the body parts...
Wind: [thumb up] Yeah of course! We'll just toss it into the ocean.
Sky: Ok but what if the Hyrule was landlocked...?
Wind: What if what? I'm a pirate.
Sky: Is that really how it works?!
Warriors: [polishing his sword] Huh? Dispose of a body? I can do that.
Sky: You...can?
Warriors: [glancing at his reflection] Eliminating traitors is a bit sporadic with its state funding so, I've had to get my hands dirty.
Sky: ...oh buddy.
Legend: Whose body is it? Under what circumstance? Who did the killing?
Legend: Sorry, I need to know if I should do it with enthusiasm or not.
Sky: [voice crack] Ledge...
Legend: Well I'm sorry, you keep telling me to find joys in life. I am trying!
Twilight: A-A body?! W-Why would you want me to...?!
Twilight: Wait, this one of Wild's pranks? Is he in that bush with his Sheikah Slate?
Four: [deadpan] Here's a list of ten efficient ways to dispose of a body.
Four: [very deadpan] It was my best self study project when I was a kid.
Four: [we all know this is Vio talking] The example body wasn't human, but that can't be too different.
Sky: [disturbed] ...No you can have it back. That question was just...
Warriors: [dutiful in improving his craft] Great can I have it?
Sky: Ok this is the last hypothetical! Between Wind's magic box thought experiment, Four's out of context question and this?! We're clearly really bad at these.
Twilight: Not sure what kind of responses you were expecting with that one to be honest.
Sky: ...You're right this one's on me.
Thanks for reading! Based off this
Sky got the fun hypothetical question from a friendly bar patron.
Wild coughed in that first one because with the restoration of his Hyrule ground in Hyrule field is being built on and, well, they are unearthing a lot of 100 year old skeletons. Not exactly hiding bodies, but...
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hyrulethehealer · 1 year
Angst idea: the chain are in a dungeon and get trapped in the last room. No boss. Just a door and the knowledge that only the person with the most innocent blood on their hands can open.
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linktwilibeast · 5 months
This "comic" is inspired by the LU fanfic Smoke & ashes by @illegiblehandwriting1
(for illeg: lamento tardarme tanto, pero espero que te guste, traté de esforzarme muchisimo.)
If you want to read Sky angst, please read this amazing fanfic.
Linked universe belongs to Jojo.
I would apreciate it a lot your likes and reblogs ;3
My first language is spanish, if i have mistakes, please tell me.
please do not repost my art.
This is Sky's Point of view.
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archerlullaby · 5 months
Hello friends! It’s been a long while since I posted, but here’s a piece based off of @kikker-oma ‘s incredible whumptober art! Go check it out!
Sky is tired. So tired. Tired of walking, tired of how his lungs burn when the forest grows thick, tired of how his callouses tore after the fifth time he raised it in battle today. Tired of—
“Pick up your feet Sky. By what Wild says, we won’t make it to Necluda if we keep going at this pace.”
Warriors pats him on the back and moves ahead of him without even so much as a glance. Sky closes his eyes in agitation but sighs his annoyance away. You’re the peacemaker. The peacemaker is calm. The peacemaker smiles. You don’t get upset with your brothers, especially when they’re just trying to help. “Sky! What’d I tell you? Hurry it up!” Warriors’s voice breaks through his calming mantra and Sky grits his teeth.
“Yes! Coming!” He picks up his feet, catching up with the group with a wheeze he hides in his sleeve.
The sun grows hot, and though the surface world of Wild’s land is beautiful, it seems to have a personal vendetta against Sky’s lungs. Having spent most of his life up in the Skyloft where the airborne irritants are few, this forest full of different flowers, trees, and grasses is a far throw from what his lungs are used to. Unsurprisingly, it doesn’t take long until he feels that oh-so familiar band tightening around his chest. He focuses his breaths, trying to ignore the urge to cough, to yawn, to do anything to get more air in his chest so that the group doesn’t catch on.
“If you’re having trouble breathing, Sky, you should loosen your sailcloth. It likely doesn’t help being tied around your neck like that,” Warriors says, shooting him a backwards glance as if to say “I can hear you choking on the very air you breathe, dumbass.” Sky smiles thinly and tugs at the knot, loosening it slightly. Obviously that wasn’t what he meant. Warriors is just trying to help, as always, Sky chides himself.
“Right as always, Captain. Thank you.”
“Hmmm,” Warriors replies, giving Sky a quick once-over with a raised brow before turning forward again. Sky grits his teeth, hanging back away from the group to gather his thoughts and squash the buzz of annoyance that has once again invaded his headspace.
Master, I detect a rise in blood pressure and slight emotional instability. I suggest you take a break.
Fi’s voice echoes in his head and, unlike the usual calming affect her voice has, it only serves to muddle his thoughts.
“Now’s not the time, Fi,” Sky mutters.
On the contrary, master. There is a high probability of both your physical and mental health deteriorating further if you do not rest soon.
Sky merely groans inwardly and puts his focus into making one foot go in front of the other, which would be a relatively easy task had Warriors not fallen back to walk astride him.
“Sky, I think we need to work a little on proper hand care. A warrior is only as effective with a blade as his hands are capable of holding it, and I can tell that yours are hurting,” Warriors chides gently. The buzzing in Sky’s head gets louder.
“I’ll keep that in mind, thanks,” he replies stiffly. Warriors huffs.
“You’re not taking me seriously.”
“Now is not a good time, Wars.”
“Well, forgive me for trying to help you!” Warriors throws his hands in the air dramatically. “Listen. I’m just worried about you. I can tell you’re in pain, and I have a lot of experience with—”
Sky stops in his tracks, allowing the group to move ahead, leaving him alone with the other man. The annoyance that has been simmering all day suddenly ignites into something hotter. “Oh, and I don’t have experience?” He says, his voice low. Warriors looks at him with surprise, then rolls his eyes.
“Goddesses, Sky, don’t be ridiculous, you know that’s not what I meant. What’s with you?”
“What’s with me? What’s with you?”
Warriors opens his mouth to retort but Time’s voice rings out from ahead.
“It’s a dangerous place to fall behind!” Time says, the warning clear. Warriors gives one last look at Sky before turning on his heel and stalking back towards the group. Sky knew it was foolish to get in a fight over something so meaningless, but he was just so damn exhausted. He put a shaky hand to his chest and took a too-shallow breath. Can’t think straight. Can’t breathe right. Apparently I can't even take care of myself, according to Mr. High and Mighty, Sky thinks bitterly.
When he finally gathers himself enough to continue walking, the group is far enough ahead to where he can’t discern who is talking. Unease shoots through him and he begins to jog to catch up, but doubles over in a fit of coughing in just a few measly steps. When it finally subsides, he wipes the spittle from the edges of his mouth with one hand, his other supporting himself on his knee. With a groan of exasperation, he tries to blink away the spots in his vision
Master, behind—
Sky looks up blearily to see Wild sprinting at him with a familiar glint in his eye just in time for a spear to imbed itself into the ground less than six inches from his boot. He has the right sense to throw himself to the side just as a Lizalfos’s tail sweeps the air right where his legs were a moment ago. Still recovering from his coughing fit, he wheezes as his hand reaches for the Master Sword, easily pulling the blade from the sheathe but not without throwing him off balance as he backpeddles away from the long reach of the monster’s spear. He lands on his back on the forest floor, bringing the sword up to defend himself best he could as the Lizalfos jumps on top of him.
Before it could complete its attack, a blur of royal blue body slams the creature off of him, both figures tumbling to ground with a thud. Twilight is not far behind, pulling Wild up with a single hand as the duo faces off with the creature. A hand tugs Sky up to his feet.
“Are you injured?” Time’s steady voice cuts through the air. Sky merely shakes his head, turning to help Twilight and Wild, but finds that the two have already dealt the final blow. Wild flicks his sword expertly to clean his blade, a grin on his face as Twilight glowers at him.
“Seriously? You have almost every weapon in the books and yet you still choose to tackle it?” Twilight baps Wild upside the head before chuckling. “Black-blooded too? You’re a maniac.”
Sky shoots Wild a shaky smile.
“Thanks, champ. I was in a bad way,” he says quietly. Wild merely shrugs.
“Sure thing. Also, we should keep moving. Where there’s one, there’s more,” he replies, before pointing and walking back to the path. “We’re only about an hour out. We can get to a safe part of the woods before the sun sets.”
The group follows Wild and Sky falls into line, acutely aware of how Warriors has not said a single word through the entire ordeal. The adrenaline wears off, leaving Sky feeling worse than he was before.
Just as Wild promised, they reach a clearing just as the sun touches the horizon. With a groan, Wind drops his pack and flops onto the ground.
“Ughh! My feet are falling off!” Wind exclaims, voice muffled by the grass. Sky watches as Warriors approaches the youngest and laughs, squatting beside the boy and ruffling his hair.
“Oh, come on, sailor! You could’ve asked me to carry you! Or we could have slowed it down a bit!” Warriors grins down at Wind.
Outrage. Slowed down a bit? Anger shoots through Sky as he hears Warriors continue to talk to Wind. Where was that sympathy when I couldn’t breathe? When he knew I was struggling?
Master, your heart rate has jumped to 115 beats per minute, an increase of 64.23 percent from two minutes ago. Sitting down would be a logical course of action.
“Yes. Yep. Sitting down, thanks Fi,” Sky makes out through gritted teeth. Taking off his armor and setting the Master Sword aside, he does his best to breathe. Rolling up his sleeves, he basks in the cooling air. He sits with eyes closed, face towards the darkening forest, listening to the sounds of the coming night, the crickets chirping, the frogs croaking. All is well. All is well and you are calm. You are the peacemaker…
“—Do not believe he should take watch tonight. I am not confident in his line of thinking right now,” Warriors’s voice cut through Sky’s meditation. Sky’s eyes snap open as he tunes in to what was clearly supposed to be a private conversation. Not confident?
“Can you check on him?”
“Time, I don’t think that’s a good idea. He clearly wants to be alone, and to be honest, I don’t feel like holding a conversation with him right now.”
“Don’t, Time. He’s been off all day, and there are already tensions between us. And with that stunt he pulled earlier? I already told him once to catch up. His lackadaisical actions could’ve gotten people hurt, or worse. Something has to change. I’m trying to figure out what to do with him.”
Sky heard Time say something in return, but the anger that had clouded his mind blocked it out. He rose slowly, turning towards the two with rage written across his face. Time notices him first and places a hand on Warriors’s shoulder.
“What to do with me?” He hisses, stalking towards Warriors.
“Sky—” Warriors starts, tugging out of Time’s grasp.
“What to do with me?” Sky stops nearly chest-to-chest with the other man. “What am I? A child?”
“No, Sky, that’s not—”
“Or maybe I’m one of your soldiers that you can command? Is that it, Captain?”
Warriors’s gaze darkens. “Well then, maybe, if it would help you get your head out of the clouds, perhaps it would be best to start thinking like the knight you are, Skyloftian,” he replies.
Sky was breathing hard, his wheezing starting to come back. Fi chimes from where he left her, but he ignores her warning. “You have been on my ass all day! There is no doing anything right with you is there? Because you’re always so perfect!”
“I’ve been helping you all day, because you clearly need it! Maybe you should use that head of yours to listen!”
“I don’t need your help!” Sky’s voice has risen, drawing attention from the others. Time merely stands aside with crossed arms, electing to let the two men settle their differences. “I don’t need you to tell me how fast to walk, I don’t need you to tell me how to take care of myself, I don’t need your two-sense on if I am capable of standing watch or not!”
“Is that so? Then explain to me how you got yourself trapped under the spear of a Lizalfos if not for you and your lack of ability to think for yourself?” Warriors spits.
Rage makes Sky’s mind go blank. He shoves the other man before gathering his tunic in his fist, pulling Warriors towards him, their faces mere inches apart. Sky could feel angry tears burning his eyes, and he was angry, so angry, and so, so tired.
“I’m getting real tired of you treating me like the village idiot, Captain!” Sky snarls.
Warriors’s hand wraps easily around Sky’s wrists, pressing bruises into the skin as he leans forward, his face red with anger. “You are way out of line, Chosen,” he snarls and yanks on Sky’s arm, which doesn’t budge. “You need to step back before I make you.”
Chosen? I’ll show you chosen, is Sky’s last conscious thought before he raises his lips in a snarl.
“Make me.”
Fi’s voice rings and reverberates in his head, but he chooses to ignore it as the hair on his neck and arm rise, the buzzing in his head deafening. He fails to see how Warriors’s eyes change from anger to fear, or how he tries to pry Sky’s fist from his tunic. He is aware of yelling, and then Warriors is ripped from his grip and a strong pair of arms is encompassing his chest. A sharp pop fills the air, then silence, and the next thing he knows he’s gazing up at a sky full of stars, something hard at his back. There is an odd energy in the air, and it smells of ozone. Ozone? Oh…oh no. Oh no, no, no, what have I done?
A voice in his ear snaps Sky out of his panic. “Time?”
“That’s me,” Time’s voice replies.
Sky scrambles off of him and turns, his hands ghosting over the other man.
“Did…did I burn you anywhere? Does your head feel okay? Oh, I’m so, so sorry!” Sky exclaims, tears springing to his eyes. Time merely chuckles from where he lays on the ground.
“I’m fine Sky. But maybe I won’t wear my armor next time you call electricity forth from your person,” he says with a wince as he sits up.
“I’m sorry!”
“It’s okay.”
“No, I really—”
“Sky.” Time stands and grabs him by the shoulders. “Don’t apologize to me. Gather yourself, and when you’re ready, go to Warriors. I believe a calm conversation would do you good. As adults.” Sky nods. Time looks at him skeptically. “And I reiterate, as adults,” he says again, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes, I understand,” Sky murmurs, “Thank you.” Times nods and moves away, gesturing at the others to go about their business. Warriors is nowhere to be seen.
Sky makes his way over to his space, laying out his sleeping roll, gently refusing the food Wild brings to him (until Wild shoves it in his face with an unsettling glare), and apologizes to Fi for not heeding her warning. She chimes quietly in response, never one to hold a grudge. After several hours into the night, Sky still can’t sleep despite Fi’s gentle plea to get some rest, so he stands and searches the camp for Warriors. Legend, who is on watch, glances at Sky then simply juts his chin towards the edge of the camp, towards a large stump at the woodline. Sky smiles his thanks.
Gathering his courage, Sky walks towards the stump. On the other side, he can see the top of a blond head and a familiar blue scarf. Sky pauses just before reaching the stump.
“May I…join you?” Sky asks softly. Warriors merely gestures a spot next to him on the grass. Sky settles next to him, and they sit in silence for a while until Wars breaks it.
“So. Lightning,” he says. Sky winces inwardly.
“Oh…yeah. It’s a long story,” he replies, “And not a very happy one, unfortunately,” he adds quietly. Warriors nods understandingly. Silence again.
“It’s okay Sky.”
“I should be the one apologizing to you,” Wars finally turns and faces him, regret in his eyes. “I was insensitive. Uncaring. I knew that you were being hurt by my words and I didn’t stop.”
Sky shook his head. “I was too lost in my own emotions to see that I was losing control. I almost hurt you out of anger. I hurt Time,” he sighs, resting his head in his hands. “You’re right. Sometimes I am too undisciplined to call myself a knight.”
Warriors shoves his shoulder. “None of that. We all have our moments. Yours wouldn’t have happened had I not been such a moblin-headed idiot,” he declares. “But truly. I am so very sorry, Sky. I was on edge already from traveling in Wild’s world and I took it out on you.”
Sky nods. “Thank you. And I’m sorry as well. For almost, you know…”
“Electrocuting me?”
Sky nods again.
“Eh. I deserved it,” Warriors chuckles. A smile pulls at the edges of Sky’s mouth and they fall into a comfortable silence. Warrior’s arm falls across Sky’s shoulders and he pulls him into a hug.
“You’re still my brother. You know that?” Wars mumbles into Sky’s hair.
“And you’re mine,” Sky replies softly, melting into the embrace as tears prick at his eyes for the third time that day. “I love all of you to death,” he adds.
“Yeah, we’re pretty great, huh?” The other laughs quietly, Sky chuckling in return.
They stay like that for a long while. The night grows colder and the moon is high in the cloudless sky, the stars dancing far above the canopy of trees below. Sky feels his eyelids grow heavy, the warm embrace lulling him into sleep until Warriors nudges him to sit up.
“You should go back to your bedroll and get some real sleep. I know you’re exhausted,” he tells Sky.
“Dn wnna mve,” Sky mumbles in response.
“Try to move me again and I will strike you with lightning,” He says, cracking an eye open and glaring halfheartedly at Warriors, who laughs in response.
“Alright, alright! Sleep well, Sky,” he whispers. A beat. “And for what it’s worth, I love you too. You lot are the best family I could ever ask for.”
Sky smiles, pulling the soft fabric of the scarf over his shoulder, and falling into a dreamless sleep.
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minty-mumbles · 1 year
Febuwhump Day 13: Forced to Harm a Loved One
Read the full collection of my febuwhump ficlets on AO3
“N-no, no!” 
Warriors cringed internally as he heard Wild’s cries. It was terrible having to listen to the sound of his pleading and know that it was he who was causing Wild so much pain. He was the one responsible for this, he was the one choosing to do this to Wild. He was-
Warriors did his best to shake off those thoughts. It wouldn’t help anyone if he fell into a downward spiral of horrible thoughts. Wild needed him to be present and aware. And really, Warriors wasn’t the one who was hurting him. Not that he would ever say it- and certainly not now- but it was Four who was the one causing Wild’s pain. 
Warriors was just the one holding him down, not letting him get away or buck Four off of him where the smithy was straddling Wild’s weakly kicking legs. 
Warriors was just the one holding him down, and that was almost worse. 
Wild was a free spirit. Warriors had known from the day he’d met the champion that he was a hard one to pin down, figuratively and literally. He was always moving and didn’t like being told to stay still. (One time Legend had snapped irritably at Wild about his habit of rocking back and forth on his feet, and the look WIld had shot the veteran had been absolutely scathing. No one ever mentioned that particular habit of his again.)
Being told not to wander off was also irritating to the champion, but at least he’d finally gotten in the habit of letting them know when he was planning on disappearing. Warriors thanked the stars for that, as it had saved them more than one headache in the past few months.
All of this put together signaled a very free-spirited hero.
Warriors had always suspected that Wild had some sort of issue with being restrained or confined. For a split second of selfishness, Warriors wishes he was not having that suspicion confirmed.
But the life of a hero wasn’t easy. The battlefield was a dangerous place, and even if a delirious hero pleaded and begged, his blood-soaked bandages needed to be changed. Warriors wished that they hadn’t let Wild put his tunics back on after dressing his wound in the first place. But they couldn’t’ve known that the wound would end up becoming infected.
Warriors looked up to check the process, trying to gauge how much longer this was going to go on and how much longer he would need to listen to his brother cry. The smithy’s eyes were frantically cycling through nearly all the colors of the rainbow, but he kept as steady a hand as possible in this scenario. 
It took a great deal of careful maneuvering to get Wild out of his Champions’ tunic. They persisted though, even as Wild cried out in pain and panic. 
If it had been anyone else, they would have simply cut the tunic off and spared themself the trouble. But they both knew that Wild would kill them later if they destroyed the tunic his Zelda had made for him. They didn’t bother to be so careful with his undertunic, simply using Warriors knife to cut it off of Wild. He would be able to borrow one of the others' spare tunics until the group reached the next town. 
The entire process of removing his clothes so they could get at his bandages seemed to be agony for Wild. Warriors knew from experience that lifting your arms when you had an injury on your side hurt. But it wasn’t only that. 
“No, stop, I don’ wan- I don’ wanna take m’ clothes off. Sto’ it- Four, stop.” 
Wild’s words were slurred but still understandable. Warriors risked a glance up at Four, and found that the smithy looked like he wanted to cry to. He visibly steeled himself, took a deep breath, and continued. His eyes had settled on purple and green, the blue and red retreating from his gaze. 
Warriors tried to follow his example, taking a steadying breath and trying to ignore Wild’s wails.
Wild may be confused and combative- as evidenced by the bruise forming on Four’s cheek- and more than a little out of touch with the situation, but he was obviously still present enough to recognize the two of them. It only made the situation worse, that Wild was able to call out their names when he begged for them to stop. 
Wild had taken his shirt off in front of the rest of the group plenty of times, not to mention the time he had shown them all his cars. But there was a difference between removing clothing consensually when you were lucid enough to understand what was happening, and having your clothing removed and cut off when you were only partially present in your own mind. 
Warriors felt sick.
Maybe Wild had no reason to be this defensive. Maybe he was just delirious and confused. That still wouldn’t make it okay, but it would make the whole situation easier to smooth over when Wild comes back to himself. But Warriors had a sinking suspicion that the issue ran deeper than that.
Maybe, Warriors hoped, Wild simply didn’t want to show off his scars. The champion acted rather nonchalant about them, but that didn’t mean he was obligated to show them off. 
But maybe, Warriors shuddered, maybe Wild was afraid of something, something that Warriors himself had been through and would never wish on anyone. There were very few reasons someone would try to forcibly remove someone else’s clothes, and none of them were good. 
To Wild’s hazy mind, which obviously didn‘t recognize that he needed to change his bandages, there would be only one option left. Being held down and stipped out of his tunic… 
Warriors’ next breath came out as a shuddering gust of air, and he had to resist the urge to gag.
The cries of their names made it obvious that Wild knew who was trying to get his clothes off. Warriors and Four were only trying to help, but from Wild’s point of view? 
Warriors wished the other heroes were here. Twilight, at least, would be able to help soothe the panicked champion. The ranch hand had a way with the wild hero, and always managed to calm him. Maybe restraining Wild wouldn’t’ve even been necessary in the first place.
Anyone else would have been a help too. Just having someone there to reassure Wild who was actively trying to disrobe him or holding him down would have made their task easier.
But there was no one else here. It was only Four, Warriors, and Wild, alone in a strange era. The other heroes were Hylia-knows-where, separated from the three of them by the very fight that had injured the champion. 
Leadership now fell to Warriors. He was the oldest, and the highest up in the pecking order the heroes had seemed to naturally fall into, back when they had first met. He was the one in charge.
Normally, Warriors would not flinch at this. He was one of the finest captains in the Hyrulean military. He was more than used to leading, even if he had to make a hard decision that might hurt some of the people under his commands. 
But selfishly, Warriors wished that just this once, the burden of making hard decisions did not rest on his shoulders.
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unexpectedstormy · 7 months
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So my brother has been playing Hyrule Warriors and I was super confused to see him playing as BotW Link because I didn't know he was in the game (and I've played halfway though the game). Turns out there's a certain mode where you can play as any character you want instead of the storyline characters. So I've been trying to figure out what the LU lore implication is for this particular situation:
What if BotW Link--or rather Age of Calamity Link--was part of Warrior's adventure and just there from the beginning and stayed for the whole thing? Would it be AOC Link before or after his adventure? Either way, it would be super angsty.
The Chain all joins up, Warriors (and maybe Time and/or Wind as well) is like "Hey I know you, how's it going?" And Wild's just like ???? "Who are you??? Did you know me before I lost my memory?" When Wild starts talking about his adventure Warriors is like "What are you talking about?? That's not what happened. I thought you won??"
It would be a hard thing for them to realize that Warriors is from the timeline where Wild beat the Calamity first time around. And the Wild on the Chain's adventure is the Wild that failed and had to retry.
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bokettochild · 3 months
Febuwhump Day 18
@nancyheart11 you asked me for a Twilight Whump for this one, so I did my best! He wasn't talking, but it's a little tastier with the spice of another perspective >:)
I hope you enjoy!
Rating: Gen
Summary: They talked about wandering off alone, but that doesn't exactly stop certain people (AKA Twilight) from not doing it again. Maybe Warriors is taking it too personally, but Mask's pup is giving him a headache. He just wants all his little brothers safe in one place, is that too much to ask?
(Note: I have not proof written this. My apologies, but half my keys aren't working, so typos are probably there.)
  They do not run off alone, they just don’t! It’s not so much a rule as something that everyone understands, so why in Hylia’s name is it still so hard for the others to actually do? Warriors resists the urge to hiss at himself; he is not Mask or Wild, he is not a feral little creature that can’t use his words, but by Hylia’s Wings does he wish he could get away with it sometimes! 
They’d talked about this! Not at length, and yes, his opinions had been very quickly dismissed in favor of discussing the ability of their enemy to shapeshift, but he’d expressed his disapproval with running off alone in the middle of a battle! 
But who really listens to him anyway? 
No, the captain stops in his tracks for a moment to shake off that thought, that’s not fair. Most of the other heroes listen. For Wind it’s second nature, and Time too, most days, listens without thinking about it. Even as an adult, the other respects his experience in leadership and knowledge of fighting and working with others. Four, even for his faults when it comes to actually working with and not simply around other people, still hears him out when he speaks. Sky and Hyrule both respect him for his title of knight and the work he’d put in to earn it, and even Legend, who despises soldiers, will respect his decisions and follow the plans he’s set. Yes, there's some disconnect, which is to be expected when working with a new team of people that aren’t accustomed to each other just yet, but they’re trying. Most of them are trying. 
Twilight and Wild are their own story. 
The captain’s teeth saw against each other as he ducks through the underbrush, following the faint trail left by big paws and the even bigger tracks of a moblin. How can a person be so determined to keep others in line and behaving, to keep others in the group safe and obeying the rules, and yet they themselves trod all over them? 
Granted, he is also currently separate from the group, wandering off alone, but he’s not the only one and everyone else knows what he’s doing. He’s tracking Twilight while the rest collect themselves and make camp. Wild had offered to do it, but after the last time, he just can’t trust the kid to actually come back; Wild’s proved where his loyalties lie, and it’s with the rancher, not their group. When asked to make the choice, they all know what it would be. 
He told the champion to stay. 
He doesn't know if he’ll be listened to, since that’s also the other point of struggle here, but he’s done all he can. He’s a good tracker, used to picking up the slightest sign of enemy activity, and his reasoning of being their current medic and thus the best choice in the case Twilight had gotten injured in some way, seems to be reason enough for most of the rest. There’s offers of course, to have someone go with him as backup, but looking over the tired men and boys in camp, he turns them all down. They need the rest, and time to recover from their own injuries and exhaustion. As a soldier, he’s been trained to push his limits, his exhaustion, his pain, his physical abilities, and ignore all barriers until his assignment is completed. The others may be heroes, ones who’ve faced odds that soldiers could never imagine, but they’re not likely to have experienced that sort of pressure and he wouldn’t want them to. 
They need their rest. He can get his once his duty is done. 
Now if only Twilight wouldn’t make it so hard by having wandered off to Nayru knows where! 
A hand drags through his hair, disrupting it, but it doesn’t matter. Yes, there’s a small voice that hisses to fix it, one that sounds a bit like Proxi, but these heroes care even less for how he looks on any given day than for what he says.  
Still being unfair, Link. They aren’t all bad. They’re good kids. 
Sure, they’d probably all take offence at being called kids but that’s what they are! The youngest are very young and even Time, their eldest, still looks to him through force of habit for guidance and aid. At most, he’d say the oldest most of them could be is twenty, early twenties for the rancher and skyloftian, but that’s still young enough to still be tripping over themselves in an effort to understand adulthood. They are, in his mind, still kids, and they’re mostly good ones, so he really can’t go lumping them all together as not giving a darn when they very much do. Not about his looks, thank Hylia, but about what he has to say? Most definitely. 
Again, it’s just Time’s pups who don’t. 
Goddesses, they take after their old man to an extreme level! It feels like just yesterday he was chasing down the little scamp, explaining the importance of comradery, of trust, of teamwork. Just yesterday, he was tilting brilliant blue eyes up to meet tired ones and asking, nearly begging, for the kid to please just give his way a chance. 
He sort of doubts such methods will work on his kid’s much older pup though.  
Twilight and Wild are similar in that they are stubborn, but they’re also much older than Mask had been, and neither is desperate for the stability the young boy had sought. They have Tie and each otehr, their own little bubble, separate from the rest of the heroes, and while both have an obvious respect for his skill, that’s about where their respect for him ends. They don’t look up to him, don’t admire him, don’t see him as anything more than another hero in their group, which is nice as far as not needing to babysit them goes. He’s glad that they don’t need him to keep an eye on them, that they’re stable enough mentally and in their perception of themselves that they don’t need someone else to support them, and if they do, they’ve already found that in each other. Still, having even the smallest of ways to get through to either of them would be nice. 
He’d thought that experience with the army would help connect him with the champion, that maybe a bond with Time could be something he could connect with the rancher about, but so far, no dice. 
His feet skid slightly on some leaves, bringing his attention back to the task at hand. Right, he needs to find Twilight. He can worry about driving home the idea of not running off alone when he’s sure the other is still alive. Granted, they didn’t see the black lizalfoes, or anything they think might have been another form of the beast, in this last battle, but it doesn’t take the most powerful of monsters to lay a hero low, especially if they don’t have anyone to watch their backs. 
The paw prints change to boot prints with the same seamlessness as they’d become paws at the beginning of the trail, and blood, crimson not black, spatters on the ground in an arc that indicates a swinging blade right where the moblin’s feet shift into a spin to face its pursuer. The trail of blood falls to the left of the trail, which means it could be delt by the left-handed hero or by the opposing monster, but considering the sudden turn, his money is on the rancher being the injured party here. 
By habit, his hand falls to his bag, assuring himself he’s got his med kit close at hand. 
By the three, these boys could save themselves so much pain if they just covered each others’ asses! Next time they get to the ranch or any place where they can stop for a little, he’s asking Time to help him arrange a training session for these kids. Maybe with their unofficial leader’s support, he can even get the two pups in on the session. As is, he’s sure Wind and four will be willing, and Sky will most definitely be his most valuable asset in teaching them. Good grief, whatever the Knights Academy on Skyloft is teaching, they're doing a great job, because that boy melds seamlessly in with whomever is closest to him!  
That may or may not be why he keeps close to the skyloftian, but who can blame him for wanting the assurance of having someone to watch his back when he’s so busy trying to keep an eye on all the others all the time? 
Twilight could have used the same, and blood specks along the trail as he goes. The steps become distorted, shuffling over each other in what’s clearly a break from the chase to fight. Here though, seven or eight paces from the initial blood spatter, more footprints join the mix. A bokoblin- no, two of them. The rancher’s steps disappear for a short moment, but with some looking around he finds them again. A flip or a throw landed him behind his foe, but he’s pushed back, heels dragging as they shuffle backwards into the woods as the enemy presses forwards against him. 
More tracks join the mix; an ambush. 
He grits his teeth, pushing forwards, ignoring, for the most part, the trail of the monsters in favor of following boot prints that press heavily to the dirt at the heel and toe, running, now pursued rather than the pursuer. The rancher will have known to try and limit the area of approach from his foes by darting into the trees. At best, he’d have circled around to pick them off from behind, but the prints don’t indicate as much. The speed of the different monster types will change have changed the tides of the fight though, with the bokoblins moving faster, prints fading out entirely as they likely fell and faded to miasma, leaving behind a moblin trail that continues, joined by more of its kind. He’d estimate at least three, maybe five of the creatures.  
Not great odds for one already injured rancher. 
He picks up his own pace. There’s no sounds of battle ahead or anywhere close by, not that he can hear. Granted, cannon fire in the war has definitely damaged his hearing enough that he could just be missing it, but he chooses to believe that there’s nothing, if only in the hope that Twilight will somehow be headed back along the trail towards him already, instead of being even further out, still in the middle of a fight. 
He doesn’t stumble across the rancher walking along the path though. No, he follows the fight, the footprints, trailing through the trees until there’s nowhere else to go. A wall of earth, steep enough to be a struggle to climb for anyone currently being chased, rises up and the footprints spin about to face those following after. He doesn’t keep track after that though, because the moment he sees fur and brass armor that catches the fading light, he knows his search is done. 
“There you are, rancher.” 
The urge to steal Time’s thunder and call the other man a pup- not with the affection of the now older man but with all the ire of its original connotation among his own people, is strong, but he resists. That would be considered out of line without context, and he doubts Twilight even knows the source of the nickname he so values from his mentor. 
Knowing it means a young person who’s annoying but not yet unbearable, yet, would probably kill some of that magic. 
So, he bites his tongue, keeps his impulses to himself, and moves to the side of the younger man, who’s currently slumped against a tree, breath strained but still there as dark eyes, a shade or so darker than Time’s own, flutter slightly with an effort to stay open. 
Darker or not, there’s definitely a lot of Time- of Mask, in the rancher’s face, and it makes staying mad with him a bit of a challenge when he’s looking so pathetic. “Got yourself in quite the situation, haven’t you,” he hums, kneeling at the younger’s side and taking his time with a once over. The rancher’s tunic has taken damage, but his concern is where crimson leaks from the tears, not where blades have slashed through only to be halted by chain mail. Yes, the bruising won’t be fun, but his concern is something he can fix, anything that Twilight will actually need help with. 
There’s a wince from the other. “Not my intent.” 
“Never is,” he unclips the bag from his belt, eyes falling on a nasty looking gash just below the cut off of the chainmail’s sleeves. There are some light scratches over browned features and an injury to the leg that leaks slowly into the earth below, but the rancher’s armor looks to have done its job well.  
“The others?” 
“Fine.” He keeps his attention on slipping the bracer from his brother’s arm, on unbuckling and sliding away the leather, the underlying glove, and then rolling up the sleeve to get at the injury he needs to treat. Wound care fills his mind, not answers, not talking. That can come once he’s assured that the other is alright. Much as the man drives him mad, he’s still Time’s kid, and still a fellow hero, still a brother, still someone who doesn’t deserve to suffer just because he’s particularly good at being stupid and reckless. 
“Fine.” He repeats, sucking in his cheeks as he sees the damage done without fabric blocking the way. Claws do so much more damage than blades, and the chances of infection are higher too. Not as much as with bites, but it’s still not preferrable. 
“The kids?” 
He huffs, turning to grab for his kit, looking for anything he might have to quickly clean the wound. “You’d know if you didn’t run away mid battle.” 
Hurt crosses sloping features briefly, not for the prodding at the wound site, but from his sharp tongue. Regret stirs briefly at his heart, but like his ire, he pushes it down to keep his head clear and his mind focused on his work as their team’s current medic. 
“Yer upset.” 
The urge to tell the kid ‘no shit’ is very strong, but he bottles up that too. Instead, he keeps his eyes on the wound, on wiping it down and looking for anything that might have gotten into the cut.  
Twilight’s ears flick back, not appreciating having his words ignored. If there’s one thing the rancher is accustomed to, it’s answers when he speaks. Wild always answers, Time too even if it’s not verbal, and the younger ones always respond to. Being met with silence, both verbally and in body language, must be new to him. “Did somethin’ happen?” And when he still doesn't answer, “Wars, what’s goin’ on?” 
“They’re fine, now hush.” It’s a deep cut. Not as bad as the axe wound, but not light by any means either, and it will need stitches. He keeps his needles in a bottle, clean and ready for use, for this reason. Mask used to fuss that it was a waste of a good bottle, and the thought lightens his heart just slightly as he pulls it out and grabs the needed supplies to close the wound in the rancher’s arm.  
“No, Wars-” there’s a straining from the body beneath his hands, but Twilight doesn’t successfully pull himself up, and his face flashes white for a moment before he slumps again. It seems the mighty rancher has spent all his strength in fighting alone, nothing left to use to so much as sit up by himself. 
“Stay still,” he sighs, pushing down, entirely unnecessarily, against a shoulder. It’s for the sake of the man’s pride, he tells himself, to pretend to play along that twilight can get up on his own right now. “Let me work.” 
Work and bottle up his frustrations enough that he can talk afterwards. 
Twilight, however, has no such intentions of likewise staying silent. “Captain, what’s goin’ on?” 
“I said stay still.” 
“Are they hurt?” Blue eyes bleed worry, the same desperation his mentor used to let slip, sometimes still does when it’s his pup in trouble or hurt. “What happened?” 
“Why are you actin’ like this then?” 
The urge to growl again rises, and again he shoves it down with pursed lips and clenched teeth, focusing his energy on starting the stitches and hoping the pain of them will be enough to distract the younger man from his line of questioning. It doesn’t work though. 
“Twilight,” his voice snaps without his allowing it, eyes flicking up to meet midnight blue, “I’m trying to focus. Stitches aren’t easy, believe it or not.” 
They’re familiar and he’s done more stitches in his life through human flesh and zora scales than his baby sisters have in their needlework projects that Maither gives them. He won’t admit that though, not if it gives him an out from having to talk. Honestly, some days, he really misses having Proxi around to speak for him when he’s stressed. She was always much better at that sort of thing than he was. 
Twilight falls quiet at his words though, but he still feels those eyes fixed on him, searching his face even as their gaze is broken with a flinch or a huff of pain as the needle pressed through flesh and pulls the two edges of the cut together. He has to stop a few times to dab away blood and clear the area for the next stitch, but he’s quick about his work. In and out, twisting the thread together to close the wound, moving on to the next stitch and watching as the flesh pulls together again over where blood leaks out. 
He's done before he’s ready to talk again, but bandaging is something they’ve all done, and he can’t say that actually takes so much focus as to stop him talking, and Twilight knows it, already pressing again with the questions. “Wars-” 
A scoff escapes, puffing hair out of his eyes to clear them, even though having it to hide behind would be much more preferable. “You really are Time’s pup, aren’tcha?” 
A tick. “What does that mean?” 
He ties off the ends of the linen wrap, tight enough to hold but not so much as to cut off circulation. “You’re a worrier and a fuss pot.” 
Heavy brows crease in answer, but Twilight doesn’t actually have a foot to stand on when it comes to opposing his words. Instead, the rancher just stares at him, waiting until Warriors turns his attention to the injured leg, arm finished. 
It’s only once he’s gotten a start on treating the cut there (this time from a blade) that the rancher’s voice rises again, guarded and wary. “You’re mad at me,” 
He doesn’t answer. 
Rather than guess why, Twilight pushes ahead. “I couldn’t let that moblin escape. We don’t know what’s out here, and letting it terrorize a village jist wouldn’t do. You know that, Wars.” When there’s no answer though, the country accent keeps rolling, pitching slightly, straining. “There was a whole ‘nother camp out here, one that might have attacked us in the night!” And then, when still no answer sounds from his lips, “You would have done the same.” 
“I would not.” He clips, snipping his thread and briefly glancing over at wide eyes. “I would have attended to my men and then pursued the enemy when we, as a team, were capable of doing so Wandering off on my own is what nearly lost us the war. So, as a rule, I won’t be doing that again unless I absolutely must.”  
That shuts the rancher up, recognition dawning in midnight eyes that falter and fall as he turns his attention back to tending wounds.  
There’s no more pushing done by either party, and it’s quiet as he works save the hisses and hitches of the younger man’s breath in pain as stitches are laid and bandages wrapped. That done though, the quite is almost overwhelming, even to him, and he finds himself sighing at it, crouching before his pup’s pup and resisting, with a lot of effort, the urge to hook a finger under the other's chin and lift that gaze to meet his own, like he’d done with his own kid what feels like only yesterday. Instead, he keeps his hands to himself, but gentles his gaze all the same. It’s not that hard, not when faced with familiar features drawn up in a soft scowl that, were it Mask, he’d teasingly call a pout. “I’m not mad,” a disbelieving look meets his own at the words, but he pushes his tone a bit firmer with the next ones. “I’m frustrated, but we can work over that later, preferably after we’ve all had dinner and some rest. For now, we should head back to the others, before your cub starts thinking we’ve dropped off the face of the world or something.” 
A furrow forms between dark brows, too sharp teeth, wolf teeth he muses to himself, gnawing at the other's cheek lining. It’s a bad habit, and he’s sure the man knows it, but he doesn’t correct it. That’s not his place. 
He can guess what’s troubling Twilight though. “Can you stand?” 
A huff, a little smile that’s flustered enough he can guess the answer. “Not really.” 
He knew it. He doesn’t hold it against the other though, instead, shifting to kneeling at the man’s side, shuffling about as he must before giving a waring of his intent. “I’ll carry you then.” 
Alarm flashes clear as day over the rancher’s face. “Cap, I don’t-” 
“I’m stronger than I look,” he assures, although it doesn’t seem to do any good. No doubt, twilight’s staring at his slighter frame and remembering his own bulk, but honestly, he’d served for years in the army. If he couldn’t haul an injured soldier any distance, he wouldn’t be worth the rupees he earns. 
Getting Twilight up on his back with no help from the weakened rancher or anyone else is a bit of a mess, and there’s some slipping and struggle which the rancher no doubt sees as proof that this is no good, but despite protests, he keeps at it until the other is slung over his back. Twilight is heavy, much more so than the other boys would be, but it’s not his first time hauling an Ordonian to safety, and the bulk of his brother just means he moves a bit slower than he would otherwise. 
Twilight’s grip around his neck is weaker than is ideal, but in the long run, it’s probably better that way, because it means his breath doesn't get cut off as he heads back to camp. 
Like he said, once they’re there, when they’ve had something to eat, and probably after the rancher downs a potion from his cub’s bag, they’ll need to talk. This time, he will not accept having them change the subject or redirect. This time they will discuss going off alone. 
After though. After they’ve had time to catch their breath. And he supposes, shaking his head, after Twilight wakes up again from the doze he’s apparently fallen into. 
Good grief, the man even snores as loud as his mentor! 
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wayfayrr · 7 months
I see your human!reader and raise you: the Chain struggling to find food they can actually eat, reader feeling terrible and maybe a bit like a burden because of it, and getting into a dangerous situation in order to make it up to them
Source: the Owl House :)
I'm so sorry that this took so long to answer!! I've been quite busy recently but while I haven't watched the owl house I hope this does what you wanted justice, it got out of hand the more I wrote!!! I've heard it's great I just don't really watch shows :( Fair warning this got way more angsty then I planned for it too, with reader being pretty flippant about their own safety than they really should be, there's a brief not very detailed description of gore too. (it's also fairly wars centric towards the end)
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“[Name]! So wind and I’ve just been to the village right? I think I’ve finally found something I can cook that you should be able to eat! It was quite expensive but I’m sure it’ll be worth it for you!” 
“We looked around for ages, so if you can’t eat this then there might not be anything in Hyrule that you can eat!”
Wind means well with what he’s saying; I know that Wild does too, they don’t mean to make me feel bad - I think they don’t anyway. Not like they really need to try with how much of a burden to them I am. Buying expensive supplies just for me? When they’re already struggling to afford their own basic supplies, now I’m just adding unnecessary costs for them. Don’t get me started with the looks of pity they give me either. 
“Thank you both but, please don’t go spending so much on me.”
“But we have to find something you can eat, you’ll just be a… It’s not good for you to starve!”
That - that’s the closest any of them have gotten to saying it outright, they really do just see me as a burden - they aren’t even trying to hide it now. No wonder I’ve always been kept to the side in any fights, Hyrule can’t heal me so I’d just be deadweight if I got hurt, I can’t fight like they can really all I’m good for is as a meat shield to defend them from magic. “Hey [name], are you alright? You zoned out a bit there…”
“Oh, yeah I just - I think I just need to have some time alone if that’s alright? I’ll make sure to stay in distance of the camp.”
“As long as you’re careful and not there too long, I’m sure it’s fine. I’ll tell the others for you.”
I hope he doesn’t.
He seemed content with how I nodded at him, so I should be in the clear to go and just vanish for a while even if it’s just to pretend I’m not causing them issues for a little while.
It doesn’t feel like it takes me long to get to a nice place to sit, so it should still be pretty close to camp - not that they should be worried for me. Somewhere nice and open to sit next to a gentle babbling brook, it’s calm and I’m alone, everything I need at the moment.
Shit - how did I not see a sleeping lynel!? No no, not now I don’t even have a weapon! … What if I did kill it though - their parts can be sold for a fortune… I could pay my way and prove I’m not just useless. Even if I don’t - well they won’t have to worry about me in that case.
It hasn’t seemed to notice me yet, maybe there’s a chance I can come back from it. If I just stay low and as silent as I can then I should be able to jump it. 
Stay quiet, take its weapon. Wow, that’s a lot lighter than Wild makes it out to be. Now to just - Just go for its neck! I - I actually managed to slit its throat!
Okay. OKAY! Its movements are sluggish and it seems to be bleeding out so just get away from it - 
Why - why can’t I feel my arm properly? Why is my shoulder so wet all of a -! The pain hit harder than a truck every nerve on my left side feels like it’s being set ablaze, there wasn’t a single hope of keeping in the scream I just let out, one I didn’t even realise had ripped its way from my throat. Tilting my head down to see the cause; suddenly my body feeling nothing but raw visceral pain suddenly makes a lot more sense than before. The stupid thing cut half through my shoulder with my arm now hanging limply by my side. 
Wars is here..? Didn’t Wild say I was going off for a bit? Why would he be looking for me? I can’t be worth so much that he’d go off on his own to look for me.
“Oh goddesses [name] what - no, no, no stay awake, you’ve got to stay with me darling.”
“‘m awake… ‘m - still ‘ere…”
Is that really what I sound like right now…  I sound so slurred… like - like how people on tv sounded when they were. Oh.
I’m bleeding out and delirious then, no wonder Wars is ‘here’, he’s just my brain giving me one last happy memory before I kick the bucket. Isn’t that wonderful, to spend my last moments hallucinating my unreciprocated crush caring for me. Closing my eyes feels all too easy, even when I’m about to drift off it still feels as if he’s holding me, maybe this won’t be too bad?
“[Name] don’t you DARE close your eyes, you - I’m not losing anyone else I care about - I can't lose you… I haven't even-”
A harsh slap to the face after a shaky breath - one that feels all too real - has me reconsidering things, the feeling of something tears dropping onto my face is the thing that finally has me opening my eyes despite how hard it is to do so. 
“I - I have some bandages, a potio- no that’s not going to help you I’ve got bandages I just need you to talk to me while I use them, so I know you aren’t close to passing out. You’re going to make it out of this - I need you to make it out of this.”
The agony of him adjusting my arm to bind it, well it’s proof that I am still very much alive. If he really wants me to talk… well then I might as well try to get some answers out of him.
“Why - why ‘re you - wh’ ‘d you come lookin’ fr me?”
“You - vanished for hours without a word, did you really think none of us would get worried? Even if none of the others would, I will always come for you.”
“Hm’ wild said he w’s gonna tell the rs’ o’ you… b’sides ‘m just a burden ‘nt I? Wil’ pretty muh said i’.”
“...Wild. but why would he risk - he wouldn’t put you in the… Don’t worry about what wild says he’s lying, you’re not a burden, even if you were. You’re one I would choose to carry every day for the rest of my life without a single regret. Don’t let what he says get to you, darling.”
Murderous, that’s the best way I could hope to describe the look on his face, it’s like he wants wild dead. His bandages seem to have stopped the bleeding though, so while I still feel lightheaded I should live as long as the wound doesn’t get infected. 
“Wai’ why’r you callin’ me darlin’? ‘M not - you’r…”
A little smirk crossed his face then barely lasting long enough for me to just notice it before it was replaced by concern, did I forget something, I mean it’s not impossible that I also hit my head right? Right?
“But you’re my partner, honeybee, we’ve been together for a few days now - you - you can’t have forgotten that right? If that’s the only price for you surviving, I mean we can always just make better memories. You - You’re still alive and that’s the most important thing.”
Well that’s not impossible, I know I’ve had feelings for him for a while so if he did ask I would’ve said yes…
“We can remake the memories later after you recover. You know I’m so glad that human blood flows slower than ours, those precious few extra seconds are literally lifesaving.”
He’s just babbling to himself now, must’ve been stressed over me; now that I’m safer it’s all just draining out of him. The way he’s clinging to me and shaking shows that fairly well too, like he doesn’t plan to let me out of his arms for a long while. 
“Please never do this ever again, I don’t even know what you were planning but you could’ve died [name], you could’ve died and I wouldn’t have had a chance to say goodbye. Please you have to explain why when you’re better. Please promise me you’ll tell me why.”
“I will Wars, I swear.”
“...That’s all I needed to hear, thank you darling.”
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