#love jomon pottery
notwiselybuttoowell · 2 years
Gathered in an exhibition room at Stonehenge, around 80 objects made in Japan during the Jōmon period, roughly the same time the great stone circle on Salisbury Plain was built, highlight some beguiling parallels between two cultures separated by thousands of miles.
The exhibition, Circles of Stone: Stonehenge and Prehistoric Japan, reveals that prehistoric people in southern Britain and in Japan took great trouble to build stone circles, appear to have marked and celebrated the passage of the sun and felt moved to come together for festivals or rituals.
“Of course they couldn’t possibly have any idea what each other was doing,” said Martin Allfrey, senior curator for English Heritage. “But it is tantalising to look at what these extraordinary objects from Japan tell us about the similarities between these communities who were perhaps ideologically closer than one might imagine. Exploring what is happening elsewhere in the prehistoric world is key to understanding the significance of Stonehenge.”
At about the time Stonehenge’s builders were creating the monument, their Japanese counterparts were coming together to make sites such as the Ōyu stone circles in northern Japan. These do not feature the sort of hulking standing stones that Stonehenge is famous for but rather large circles made of thousands of river pebbles. Like Stonehenge, they appear to be aligned to mark solstices.
Star of the show at Stonehenge is the Jōmon cooking pot, which Simon Kaner, executive director of the Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures, explained would have been placed in the fire of a Jōmon dwelling near the Shinano River. He pointed out the black marks that show it was used for making, perhaps, a fish stew. “Imagine sitting around the fireplace as a meal bubbled away in this. It must have cast the most extraordinary shadows,” he said. This is the first time the pot has gone on display outside Japan.
Finds made at the Japanese stone circles suggest people came together for feasts and venerated their ancestors, just like the people who constructed Stonehenge. The scale of their creations meant that both the ancient Britons and Japanese people must have been able to bring together large numbers of people to co-operate on ambitious, important projects.
Geography may have something to do with the parallels. The UK and Japan flank the Eurasian landmass at roughly the same latitude, meaning they have similar climates and natural resources, which both peoples exploited and adapted.
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realwizardshit · 2 years
Getting this far into a computer science degree means realizing that all your classes are basically the same. It’s literally all formal logic all the way down dude. Programming? Formal logic. Databases, networking, operating systems? Formal logic. Discrete math? It’s just formal logic. Hell, my job is like 60% spreadsheets and technical/legal writing, which isn’t too far from FL. (the other 40% is technical support) The only thing this semester that isn’t FL is my ceramics class, and the lesson in there is that I have small pathetic skeleton hands and probably need to do some grip exercises
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THE ASK ABT JOBS SUGURU WOULD HAVE ,,,,,, i love thinking abt it thats my favorite subject EVA !!!! [thats a lie suguru as a whole is my favorite subject teehee :3]
ur SOOO right abt him being in law 2 help ppl ,,,,,, SO right w the idea of him walking around w a briefcase + slicked back ponytail + coffee GOHDDDD ok . okay . jobs I THINK suguru would have LETS GO !!
CERAMICIST - hed make these insane pots + sculptures n have showcases that r BOOKED like ,,, hes just so ,,,, pottery person 2 me,,,, n i feel like hed have a focus on using old pottery methods n keeping them alive in the modern day ,, like hes got some crazy intricate jomon pots, porcelain bowls + other kitchenware, n probs some bizen pots that he made dotted around his garden ,,,,, WAUGHHH I LOEV ART HISTORY
TATTOO ARTIST - ok . popular hc BUT STILL . hes worked his way up from being an apprentice in a huge shop -> owning his own lil studio pretty fast n hes GOOD . like hes got a rlly nice set of flashes that r colorful n playful but on himself hes probably got these super serious grayscale marbles and mythology plastered all over him [except for a family portrait mimiko + nanako made when they were like . 6 that he thought was so cute he got it tattooed on him] also i dont think hed b SUUPER in2 tattooing ppls names on other ppl or on himself, but maybe once u two have been dating for a LONGG while or r even almost a solid decade into marriage hed consider getting your name tatted somewhere hidden-but-not-really-hidden [womb tattoo, around the back of his ear, inner thigh]
MARINE BIOLOGIST - oHH MY GOHD OH MY GOHD OHHHHH MY GOHD i get super excited abt this cuz i wanna b a marine biologist SO BADDDDDD . its coming . TRUST !!!! anyway, he probably does some type of conservation bcuz . cmon . look at him . so he dives pretty often, like a weekly typa thing, BUT IMAGINE HIM IN THE SCUBA OUTFIT . he comes out sopping wet n hes probably rlly hot 4 a solid minute b4 the Stench hits u since ur both in an enclosed space and he smells like the underside of a dock.
CLASSICAL MUSICIAN - u know how i was talking abt how suguru would b a cellist ? yeah hed b a DAMN GOOD cellist like that man is principal cellist and hes so nice abt it 2 ,,, like he doesn't flaunt it and whenever someone in his section needs help w bowings or smthn else he gladly helps them !! he probably solos a ton on the tuba 2 ,,, like hes just SO GOOD at everything he picks up its insane
CONDUCTOR - same vein as the classical musician thing, he would b such a fine ass conductor ,,,,, like his facial expressions when the music gets intense and then it softens and hes swaying with the orchestra, hands gliding through the air ,,, also hed just b rlly good at keeping ppl in time and figuring out what each section was doing wrong.
oki thats my 2 cents on the whole thing ill get off my soapbox now dhhdhd :3
ASHLEY i’m finally getting to this…… these are all so bigbrained it’s crazy . AND I’M SO GLAD YOU SEE THE LAWYER!SUGU VISION <3333 he means the world 2 me….. silly little guy……
BUT WAHHH. CERAMIST SUGU THE LOML????? there’s this one stsg fic i rlly like where he’s a ceramics instructor and it …. changed me. as a person. AND I AGREE COMPLETELY the part abt him wanting to keep old art alive….. showcases constantly booked bc he’s just so skilled….. 😵‍💫 yeah. sugu as any kind of artist makes me insane. and him being good at pottery is just so…. weirdly attractive to me???? LIKE . him just having the most steady gentle hands…… teaching you how to mold the clay properly……… your back against his chest as he guides your hands . i need him so bad
AND . TATTOO ARTIST. yes it’s popular but it’s popular for a REASON (reason being: he is hot). HIM OWNING HIS OWN STUDIO and being so skilled….. the mythological tattoos + family portrait 🥺🥺 wahhh . he’s so sweet ashley…. i need him so bad…….. AND THE NAME THING …… i agree btw i feel like he would see tattoos as very . very very special. so getting your name inked into his skin so permanently might feel just as serious as a proposal to him 😭😭 i could see him doing it eventually tho ….. i agree w all the placements bUT. a part of me feels like . he’d get it tattooed somewhere on his chest … close to his heart….. :’3 sniffle. i could also see him getting a tiny heart you doodled onto his palm tattooed w/o you knowing and you’re just like ???? SUGURU??????? and he’s just. “i thought it was cute :)”…… sick sick man (affectionate) 😔😔
AND MARINE BIOLOGIST!SUGU ??? YOUR BRAINNNNN i remember you mentioning that in the sashisu college au too :33 him scuba diving!!!!! being constantly drenched and smelling of seasalt….. i’m of the firm belief that he was obsessed w marine biology as a kid so it just makes sense. I TRUST YOU BTWWW you’ll become a marine biologist for sure 🫡🫡🫡 pls let me pet the sharks once it happens . i would like to see them.
and finally ….. classical musician and conductor. CONDUCTOR!SUGU HAS ME IN A CHOKEHOLD BTW?? he would look so graceful and commanding and and and 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 just . him. swaying w the orchestra!!!!! he’s like a beautiful swan….. and ofc i love the idea of him being a musician too :3 it just makes sense. AND . HIM BEING A CELLIST. WHAT IF I CRYYYY he’d look so good playing it……
ashley your brain is actually so insanely big did you know that …… tysm for the food as always 🙏🙏 i am nomming him 2 death
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saffronapplemanga · 1 year
Yotsuba&! - よつばと!
Yotsuba&! by Azuma Kiyohiko
(15 volumes, ongoing)
Available in English
Anime - no, and I don’t understand why studios are sleeping on this series
Links to my other manga posts here
Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Koiwai Yotsuba?
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I’m a buffoon, a complete idiot. I don’t know what I was thinking. I picked up a bundle of Yotsuba 1-14 from bookoff on a whim, flew through it, enjoyed it a lot, then sold them for some reason???
Now I only own the latest volume, 15, which I picked up after I sold the others, and I almost sold that one too when I realized, wait… I love Yotsuba… like, a lot… it’s a series I want to keep on my shelf to flip through it and reread. I’d even say it’s one of my all-time favorites. Some crazy decluttering energy possessed me and I put 1-14 in my tote bag, hopped on my bike, and zoomed over to my local bookoff. I’ve been agonizing, dying to buy back the series ever since.
But enough about my greatest regret in life, let’s talk Yotsuba.
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She’s just like me, for real 😭
Yotsuba and her dad have just moved to a new neighborhood, how exciting! We join them in their daily lives of getting to know their neighbors, Yotsuba’s shenanigans, and finding joy in the mundane. Gosh, I don’t know about you guys, but appreciating the little things is always a win in my book.
From playing with the neighbor’s kids, to baby’s first randoseru backpack. And going rock collecting? Hell yeah! This manga makes me want to enjoy life so much. I mean, me and my friend literally drove from Tokyo all the way to Itoigawa on the Sea of Japan just to go collect some cool rocks. I’d be lying if I said the trip wasn’t at least partially inspired by this series. It’s one of my fondest memories.
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We arrived before sunrise and got started using flashlights lolllll
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They even had a rock museum with fossils and Jomon pottery! (Itoigawa is known for having jade wash up on its shores)
The art is charming as hell and reminds me so much of my first neighborhood in Japan. Yotsuba herself is of course, amazing, but the cast of characters are all lovable in their own right.
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Me trying to use Keigo Japanese, and failing. I feel so seen… in my and my girl Yotsuba’s defense, Keigo is hard for even native speakers, so hang in there sis
I have fond memories of riding the metro reading Yotsuba during my long commute from western Tokyo to the eastern side for my part time yakiniku job during my student days. I was living alone in a foreign country, going to school, working part time at a restaurant, and started freelancing as a translator.
I always looked forward to this commute since it was my only free time, and this manga was such a joy to de-stress with. It’s a chill, lighthearted read that is totally worth your time.
Everyday I pray to the manga gods for the next volume to get released.
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There’s nothing more devastating then getting destroyed by a child, RIP Yanda 😔
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spikeycushion · 10 months
i had a fucked day in a fucked span of weeks (years) but i also saw some Jomon era pottery and some lovely gibbon illustrations w my love so it’s gonna b ok. i think.
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theiceandbones · 3 years
top 5 places you want to visit
Oh why thank you!! Let's see
Scotland- I want to visit the old Scotia and see it for myself. The new one is great but I want to see where my ancestors lived!
Japan- I've been dying to visit Japan for ages and study its history and culture, the sokushinbutsu are at the top of my list! As well as seeing Jomon pottery and artifacts from the Kofun period, I absolutely love early Japan!!
La Rochelle- another ancestral pilgrimage
Beechey Island- this has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember but alas I dont think such a journey is possible (plus the idea of tourism in the Northwest Passage makes me anxious)
Egypt- I'm not made for the sun but if ever I got the chance to visit Egypt I would jump at it without a second thought.
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nedhugar · 5 years
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More Gambit jam art - after the first jam they gave us an extra day to draw more stuff. I was still thinking about the rushed Seraphs from the previous day (and we had some feedback about how the ascendant team functioned) so I drew these. I thought their mortal counterparts could be like the Fraggle Rock Doozers, just these little things that take themselves really seriously but no one else does. The mortals that die become martyr seraphs that carry their wounds into death. I was raised Catholic and I love all the brutal martyred saint imagery and bejeweled skeletons and catacombs, but all this was definitely too referential to make it in the game. I like the decapitated angel the best, but I think I wasted too much time trying to come up with “cool” looking angels. In the end I liked the energy and narrative of the original seraphs more.
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Pitfury Pumpers- this was a redo of the Softball Furies. A fantasy Calvinball sports league. I wanted the Pitfury Pumpers to still be very classic Blizard style fantasy orc army, but dressed in turn-of-the-century sports gear.
I wanted to really emphasize on why each team is faction is motivated to fight.  In this round of design I made everyone fighting over mana crystals, because its the most important resource in the game. (I think I tried re-framing the Party Barge from the previous day as needing mana crystals to either power their smoke machines or use as ice in their drinks.)
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Living Kingdom - a warrior army from a dimension that is inside a giant living creature. I thought this would be a cooler “people living in perfect harmony with their natural environment” than say, tree people. The body is a really great reference because you can make designs that are incredibly alien, but their function is still very apparent. I think really good designs are always a mix between the familiar and the unfamiliar, familiar enough that its approachable but unfamiliar enough that its exciting and unexpected.  I wanted to see if I could push a body theme but keep it from being gross and unpleasant. Some of my inspiration was M.T. Anderson's Empire of Gut and Bone, and how he characterizes the inside of a giant body like a living landscape with swampy bile ducts, glowing nerves and vein tributaries. Also Breath of the Wild just came out and I was really thinking about Jomon period pottery.
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Time Police - A time-traveling narcotics force that is busting everyone for using mana. Thinking of the science patrol from Ultraman + Power Rangers SPD + McGruff. Cartoonishly optimistic police mascots with a lot of cyberpunk pessimism right under the surface. I thought they’d use “time travel” to switch lanes and apprehend suspects, use time lasers to de-evolve opponents into lizards or whatever. I’ll post some actual stuff that made it into Gambit next! Stay tuned. Please check out Gambit https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bigfishgames.gambitgoog
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ria-carr · 3 years
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My historical vessel is influenced by the Jomon period of ancient Japan, considered the oldest known form of pottery making.  There is also a bit of Wabi-Sabi in this piece, the beauty in the imperfect. I decided to form my vessel in pieces so it seemed it had broken to give it a sense of age and history.  The Jomon vessels of that period also used cords or rope to create patterns on the vessels. I used a plastic form shape of an ax in the second piece in the middle and scoring the bottom piece while leaving the top piece undecorated and rustic. This assignment has influenced me to create more pieces that are separate rather than together as one whole piece. I really loved this project because it allowed me to be more intuitive with the forms that came together. 
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amer-ainu · 7 years
Hi! I've been studying Jomon era pottery and it's so inspiring, I'd love to use similar designs in my own clay work. However, especially being of Japanese heritage and not knowing the general feeling toward Japanese folks, I wanted to ask if that would feel appropriative? I'll respect whatever y'all answer. Also, are there any good resources in English for studying the designs? I'd like to learn more about them even if I can't use them :)
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Pottery is an interesting topic in Ainu cultural research. I don’t think it’s definitively understood, and it’s one of the areas I personally know the least about. This is likely because, as I’m looking over The Collected Works of Bronisław Piłsudski: The Aborigines of Sakhalin, Piłsudski seems to suggest that pottery was only popular among the Ainu of the Kuril Islands, and sadly the information about the Ainu of the Kurils, and of Kamchata doesn’t appear to be very extensive. As for appropriation, personally, I really don’t see a problem with it. To be honest, I have a pretty relaxed attitude towards self expression through art. From what I understand, tensions between Ainu and non-Ainu arise in Japan where a commercial aspect is involved. If a non-Ainu is making more money selling Ainu style crafts than an actual Ainu merchant, things tend to get tetchy. I guess I would say, for your personal work, there’s not an issue. If one were to start selling “Ainu” wears, that would get into a weird area.
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livingasnebulae · 6 years
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild won Game of the Year at the Game Awards last night!!
To celebrate this, I’m gonna….GIVE A HISTORY LESSON! Yaaaay. So, as anyone who has played BOTW knows, there are Guardians. Many guardians. With lasers. That will kick your ass. Multiple times. And break all your weapons. But! Did you know that the unique look of those Guardians came from ancient Japanese pottery? Well you do now!
Jomon Period
The Jomon Period (縄文時代) was from around 14000 – 300 BC. This period is known pretty much exclusively for their pottery  – which has unique rope like pattern designs. The word “Jomon” means something like “rope marking,” so the period was named after the pottery. The handsome dude below is from the Jomon Period.
BOTW Guardians
Another famous image from the Jomon Period is their vases. Here’s a lovely example of one:
Ok, now please take whatever device you’re viewing this on, and rotate it in a 180 so it’s upside down. Now imagine scary stabby tentacle things at the top (now bottom) end. What you’re imagining now make look something liiiiiike this
See the upside down vase and distinctive swirly patterns and rim? Yeah. 100% Jomon.
Shrines and More
Guardians aren’t the only things in BOTW with Jomon styling. You can see that shrines and some character designs are also based off Jomon pottery. The shrine designs come from the vases, and some of Link’s equipment and the armor making oven Cherry come from the dogu (our handsome friend from earlier in this post)
    Breath of the Wild – Old Ass Pottery with Lasers Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild won Game of the Year at the Game Awards last night!!
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spikeycushion · 5 years
held some 5000 year old pots today
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These are some Jomon pots. Jomon means something like...braided? Something? Anyway, the point is the braided designs on the pots. The Jomon loved taking cordwork and leaving indents on these. The left is early period, then Middle, and the right late period pottery.
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