#louis' movie
lemonade-soul · 1 year
I think I missed something :( what's the problematic stuff in the doc that you mentioned in your answer to the last ask?
i honestly don't know where to begin...my biggest disclaimer is: please, keep an open mind.
i really enjoyed the documentary, it was good! i laughed, got emotional, teared up at certain points. but the babygate part...it was quite heavy. the doc is in chronological order, and the kid appears in 2020 and then in one short scene during 2022. it's not even 15 mins but it's FORCED. it's way too in your face.
what i find problematic is the way they've been exploiting that kid ever since before he was born. yeah his biological family should be behind bars but louis is also responsible for many things. the main one being: he's a consenting adult (millionare!!!) and the kid is a 7yo that is used for more money or to keep up a narrative.
i think louis' closet is NOT an excuse for having brought the kid into the documentary, yeah they want to portray him as father of the century but it could have been done in so many other ways that didn't involve exposing the kid to all that shit, nor him kissing the kid on the lips not once, not twice but THREE times. people (even other larries) will try to gaslight you by saying "he also kisses his sister on the lips!!" yes, and? does that make it okay? not only him but his team are aware that HE IS NOT THE FATHER OF THAT KID, at what point did they think it was a good idea to make him kiss the kid on the lips? i don't care if they ""get along"" (which is debatable, it doesn't seem organic because it isn't nor like him or freddie were comfortable) it's still something i cannot and will not ignore. fuck, the kid even looks at the camera several times and you can see it's not NATURAL, it's scripted and forced.
i'm so god damn tired of other larries not wanting to call him out for his questionable actions, defending him and excusing him as the victim 100% of the time. i am a larrie and will not stop being one, i love them both equally, but i REFUSE to defend every single one of their mistakes. they're human beings, they make mistakes, and as such sometimes they need a reality check and need to be called out. i AM AWARE that they have contracts, they're still in the closet, they still have to do many things they probably don't want to do. but so many things in that documentary (regarding the stunt) were unnecessary, many things that one would think he could have said "you know what? this is crossing a limit. this is beyond what i can stomach".
fuck, he even brought his late mother into that shit, talking about how she would have loved to truly meet his son...knowing full well that she deleted all pics regarding the stunt from her instagram before passing. those type of things don't sit well with me at all.
the amount of larries i've seen mentioning how the scenes with the kid were "cute", i'm sorry did they forget all the bullshit? what the stunt entails? what they're doing to that child? the point of those scenes is to manipulate the audience into thinking he's the best father for that kid. the fact that it's even working on LARRIES worries me if i'm being honest.
like i said and will continue to say a million times: I LOVE HIM, i liked the movie, i'm so fucking proud of him. but that doesn't mean that i'm not angry and disappointed because i don't even know what they're doing anymore. some things i refuse to ignore or excuse him for.
it hurts, i seriously am sad and upset and i've been crying a lot since i saw the movie. but staying silent about it is even worse. i'm excited to see him in a few months, but RIGHT NOW? right now i need to take a small break, especially from social media.
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loumandiel · 4 days
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INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE 2.05 "Don't Be Afraid, Just Start the Tape"
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forever obsessed with dynamics between vampires, specifically that of a maker and fledgling, as a way to explore abuse. the creation of a vampire itself can so easily be a literalization of the lasting impacts of trauma and also much more simply the ways a perpetrator might shape their victim’s very identity. the extremes of isolation in the way that the new vampire, in most narratives, must cut all ties to their mortal life, or else go through an elaborate charade to maintain the facade of humanity, while forever still being removed from it. and the sheer dependence and vulnerability of being in an entirely new state of being, wholly uncertain of what it entails, and relying on another person to define… everything.
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velvet4510 · 2 months
Note: this list references the 1961 version of West Side Story and the 1954 version of A Star Is Born.
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brotherconstant · 3 months
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detail i didn't catch until i giffed this scene: louis noticing his unhealed self-inflicted bite wound from earlier that night (with jonah) and quickly moving his wrist out of lestat's sight.
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mabusecaligari · 27 days
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Tih Minh (1918) - Louis Feuillade
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blackthornluce · 2 months
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Kirsten Dunst and Brad Pitt as Claudia and Louis de Pointe du Lac in Interview with the Vampire (1994) directed by Neil Jordan.
-Do you think I would let them harm you? -No, you would not, Louis. Danger holds you to me. -Love holds you to me.
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woefully-devoted · 4 months
I'm a simple girl. Just show me a man who looks broken with sad dark eyes and I'm on my knees
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freshmoviequotes · 2 years
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Her Bridal Night (1956)
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weirdlookindog · 5 months
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Stacia Napierkowska in 'la danse du Vampire' from Les Vampires, episode 2 "La bague qui tue", 1915.
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happy-xy · 3 months
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Louis Partridge ARGYLLE (2024) Directed by Matthew Vaughn
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krea2re · 5 months
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lestat's blood was giggling inside me...
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blessyouhawkeye · 12 days
finally getting around to reading interview with the vampire and i've realized that jacob anderson has become so intrinsic to my conception of louis de pointe du lac that i simply cannot imagine louis as a white man. anne rice keeps describing him as bone pale and every time it happens i go ??? why would you say that about my close friend jacob anderson
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crookedvultures · 6 months
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riverswater · 11 months
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she loved me, yes, that I'm still loving her.
1. Mahmoud Darwish // 2. The Separation, Edvard Munch // 3. Holding On To Heartache, Louis Tomlinson // 4.+5. The Banshees Of Inisherin, Martin McDonagh // 6. The Voice I Owe to You (#63), Pedro Salinas // 7. Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, Michel Gondry // 8. Poem for a Blue Page, Natasha Rao // 9. Feeling Your Absence, Mathilde Roussel-Giraudy // 10. White Ferrari, Frank Ocean // 11.+12. Silueta Series, Ana Mendieta // 13. There Is No Absolution For The Fallen, Only Dying, P.D.
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naedsart · 7 months
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iwtv paintings from my sketchbook
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