#loops tag
magswrite · 8 months
marauders natal chart:
ty for tagging me @pretentiouswreckingball <3
marauders sun
marauders moon
marauders rising
regulus sun / sirius moon / james rising
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and i’ll tag @spacexcowgirl u alr did it no excuse and anyone else who would like to <3
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a-fiery-fox · 11 months
Username Song Game
Ttyty for the tags @residentrookie and @pretentiouswreckingball !!! Muah <3
Rules: put a song for every letter in your username.
A: august by taylor swift
F: fresh by artist vs poet
I: it's all futile! It's all pointless! by lovejoy
E: eat your young by our irish fairy prince hozier (copying both of u sorrz)
R: running up that hill by kate bush
Y: youth by glass animals
F: free bird by lynyrd skynyrd
O: oh death by sugr
X : xanny by billie eilish
Ngl this was harder than expected! (especially f and x o7) (why are there two f in my username lol) but i looooved this. Love music tags. Love seeing what everyone else comes up with.
No pressure tagging @blackberry-sunset @colgatebluemintygel @popyandshit @loseraccount @mostlyoptimisticdinosaur (feel free to ignore this! i feel bad tagging you LOL) @hihimissamericanbi @fruityindividual @tahtahfornow
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sillylovesongsfest · 5 months
hi kat!! hope is not too late to submit a song for the fest! If not, here it is :)
I’ve been agonizing over what constitutes a love song and after going over and over again through the ones I decided could qualify, I ended up choosing Till Forever Falls Apart by Ashe ft Finneas. I really am looking forward to this fest, thanks for making it happen <3
hi loops!! ohmygosh, no worries! i won’t be able to assign songs until this evening anyway and i kind of saved you a space since you seemed excited about this anyway so you’re good!! honestly, literally any song about any kind of love qualifies bc like i said in the pinned post: what defines as love when you’re creating your work could be anything, it’s up to you and your interpretation of the word. if you want to do something about romantic love, family, friends, a character and their pet… it’s all fine!! so any song about love is also fine!!
oooh that is a good choice!! adding it to the list rn!! and thank you for participating! i’m so excited to see what you’re going to make!! <3
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casstration · 8 months
also patron saint of abo jeggy<3
this is everything i am working towards in life!! started chatting with shan today about a potential slice of life a/b/o fic with jeg & rosekiller (and perhaps wolfstar & pandalily as well...) i just think the marauders are missing out on mundane omegaverse things like pack bonds & courting <3
what am i the patron saint of?
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Hi Thea!! 22 and 39 for the spotify wrapped game if you please <3
hiii loops hiii lovely xx so good to see u ahhh!! how have u been!!
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nevvaraven · 5 months
also congrats on passing ur driving test!!!! would you run me over if I ask nicely? 🥰
HI LOOPSIE I wasn’t held captive I genuinely just ran out of things to say 💀 pls still rescue me though that sounds nice
AND THANKS 😛🚗🚗💅💅I’ll run you over any day x (also did you know that in the uk if I hit someone’s dog with my car, the dog owner has to pay for any damages to my car?? I wonder if this extends to furries…..)
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ryder-the-writer · 8 months
Okay first of all you should go on a road trip, i think it would be really good, and second, I’m curious if there’s a playlist or a song that you always play when you’re on a road trip or like a long drive, also, do you do stops? do you have a good memory about them back when you were a kid? I do wonder, do please indulge me hehe 🤠
ok i am very tempted now to just get in the car and drive somewhere and YES i do have my driving playlist, well, i actually have two of them, one for driving with my sibling or friends and the other for just driving with myself, the friend one is a bit more upbeat and rock-y while mine is just calmer
i take road trips often because my friends are spread all over europe (and the usa and the rest of the world but i live in italy so…) and also i just love travelling and driving clears my head and it’s so nice to just be able to drive for a few hours and be in another place that has a completely different vibe
i don’t do a ton of stops, only time i did take a LOT of detours was when a friend and i went on a road trip around California because we were just going random places and ending up stopping in the weirdest spots but it was super fun
i never went on road trips as a kid but i’m making lots of memories now with friends instead
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magswrite · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers
a little bit abt me! ty for tagging me @pretentiouswreckingball <3
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Like loops, I've only written for the marauders so far, but I fully expect to expand into drarry and other fandoms if I become interested!
4. What are you top 5 fics by kudos?
I also don't have five fics so I'll just put them in order of highest -> lowest by kudos :)
Ecliptic || a canon-divergent au where james finds regulus in the cave in 1983. first in a series, also my first fic :)
The James Potter Hate Club || based on the thanksgiving friends episode with brad pitt. fun + flirty oneshot.
Ascendant || pt. 2 of my ecliptic series featuring death eater sirius, a wolfstar mind-bond, and plenty of wizarding politics.
sick of flying (as fast as i can) || a she's the man/modern magic au, wherein pandora pretends to be evan while she attends hogwarts.
5. Do you respond comments? Why or why not?
yes absolutely! i love to interact with my readers and if you comment i'll respond with the exact same energy. sometimes i have to hold myself back from writing like, entire essays in reply to my commentors in fear of looking like a crazy person
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmmm. i only have 2 completed, so for now i'll say ecliptic! it has a bittersweet ending for some characters, but as i keep writing i'm sure others will surpass it.
7. What is a fic your wrote with the happiest ending?
james potter hate club!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not really, i can only think of like, 1-2 comments
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yep! i have some written, but i just need to get around to finishing the fic it's in. also there'll be some in ascendant (finally).
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest you’ve written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
also no! i haven't looked or anything but i'd be SO surprised
12. Have you ever has a fic translated?
again a no!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
@spacexcowgirl and i have something on the burner. low heat.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
drarry. drarry drarry drarry. they were truly the first pairing i ever read and i go back to them over and over again.
15. What’s a wip you what to finish but doubt you ever will?
a few in my google docs, but if i don't finish a fic it'll be sick of flying. i fully intend to finish it at some point but my motivation is much lower for it than with ascendant/ecliptic
16. What are your writing strengths?
this surprised me, but i have gotten a fair number of comments about how well-written my action is. i also get a lot of comments about my characterizations and the dynamics between my characters in their banter, tension, etc.
17. What are you writing weaknesses?
personally, i'd probably say my dialogue could use some work!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
google translate is my best friend. sorry to anyone (em) who can speak french.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
harry potter! (on wattpad...if that says anything...)
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
this might be cheating but the entire ecliptic series—i've been brainrotting about this fic since i first got into the marauders earlier this year, and it's the reason i started writing fic in the first place. that universe is like, constantly on my mind. roman empire.
tagging @spacexcowgirl, @maybebabyplease, @spookymoonie, and @residentrookie
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a-fiery-fox · 2 months
foxy, hi, I just want to tell you that I miss you and I hope you have a wonderful day today and something good happens to you today. I send you a big old hug and so much love!! Besitos 💘🫂✨
Loopsiee my favorite squinty cat! All the love to you omg🥹 It's so sunny and warm out today and I'm feelin' good! Weekend!! LOVE weekends!!! Sending some good news and generally good vibes right back to you!!!
Besitos querida❣️❣️❣️
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casstration · 10 months
For the ask game… I’m curious about the url, is there a story behind or…? just because?
haha yes there is a reason behind it!! i gave a short version in this post but i'll tell the longer version :)
i don't exactly remember why we were doing this, but sometime during sophomore year (5 years ago for me which is insane) my best friend and i looked up a list of "uncommon girls names" and on that list was the name thekla
we, being 15, of course thought that was the funniest name ever and it became a sort of inside joke
fast forward to 2021 and i buy my first ever houseplant. i wanted to name it, and thekla was the first name that came to mind! (she's still going strong too <3 shoutout to my grandma who's been watering her while im abroad) thekla is the type of aglonema that is green + pink, so hence the pink in my url
also, at some point in the past few years my best friend changed my name in her phone to 'thekla peepaw' so it's just something that's stuck with me lmao
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hi thea<3 cider and cobweb if you please :)
hiii hi loops !!! how are uu lovely <33 so good to hear from u xx
cider - a food that you disliked as a child but now enjoy?
i don't know why, but i remember i used to HATE pizza. like so so much. to the extent that my parents used to bring a box of plain pasta with them to pizza restaurants so i could eat something. so strange.... i love pizza now. i am baffled by my own actions.
cobweb - (if you’ve graduated) do you miss high school?
oh my god NOO !!! this year...i have felt so much happier. and like i can feel things now? i used to only cry when i got really really stressed or upset. and now it's like i am able can cry at anything lol (movies, people i see in the park, dogs that come up to me, songs, calling my mum, essays, anyone being nice to me etc.) hehehe soo much happier now omg <3 i do miss that feeling though of someone looking after you + like. getting to the end of a long school day + seeing my family + feeling all safe when i got home? i do miss that definitely xx
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residentrookie · 1 year
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here's footage of me explaining snuggies to @pretentiouswreckingball that absolutely no one asked for
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nevvaraven · 8 months
dropping this on your mailbox 💌 and running away 🏃
LOOPS 🌚 do you know I never actually say loops in my head casually, it’s always LOOPS like I’m screaming it anywayz I love you loops you’re the best, you never say anything incorrect ever and I always miss you when you’re not here the vibes are never the same <3
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magswrite · 5 months
magsss a pandalily fic??? She’s the man AU??? DO TELL 👀
yes yes loops !
it's a she's the man au i work on occasionally when i need something more lighthearted than the other stuff i write. have a snippet from the next chapter <3
“Like I said,” Lily continued. “I’m not angry with you.” She said it all whilst holding the knife up, pointed at Pandora, so it wasn’t particularly convincing. The heat steaming up from the cauldron had also flushed her face a bit, so she looked a bit mad. “Well,” continued Pandora, kicking her legs out a bit from the chair. “Even if you’re not angry, it didn’t mean anything. Just so you know.” The last part came out a bit quiet, like an afterthought, though it was anything but. Lily looked at her for a moment, and then nodded, and went back to her chopping. Much to Pandora’s chagrin, she seemed unconvinced. “I’m not,” she muttered, once more.
(no clue when the next chapter will be out tbh but it's so so fun to work on!)
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a-fiery-fox · 4 months
hi pretty<3 can I pretty please have number 3. Academic rivals to lovers and number 5. Beachtown AU? only if you want to, thank u xx
LOOPSIE my favorite squinty kitty cat! Your wish is my command!
I’ve answered nr. 3 here and here!!! Lemme tell you about Beachtown!AU <3
Alright so this one is probably 5% plot and 95% vibes. Remus works at the Evans’ ice cream shop over the summer, both to spend more time with his best friend and to get some extra money in. I’m thinking a sleepy beach town in Cornwall… mean seagulls… eccentric yet lovable locals… unpredictable weather…. Ya get the vibe. And Sirius is the reckless surfer boy that suddenly starts to frequent said ice cream shop A WHOLE LOT. It’s because he has a newly discovered sweet tooth, of course… No other reason🤭 Featuring bonfires, stargazing, and Remus in a silly ice cream parlor uniform (imagine what Steve and Robin wore in Stranger Things… hat and all). Hope u get the vibe!!!
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