#lolita vladimir nabokov
samandhislostshoe · 5 months
if i hear another boy tell me that they relate to humbert because he's 'misunderstood' i swear to god i will become jennifer check
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autismmydearwatson · 1 year
Reading Lolita is infuriating enough (obviously) but it's so annoying to have to, every four pages, read about HH bitching about "I take advantage of teenage prostitutes, I hate women and fantasize about raping 12 year old girls........but I'm the oppressed one because society won't let me get away with it 🥺"
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jess-the-hyness · 4 months
Something I feel Very Strongly about is the misinterpretation of Lolita, especially Visually. I think it started about 3rd edition, or recently after the first interaction of film came out. Beyond the disaster of producing, it started a flattening of the book and message... The heart shaped glasses and seductive lollipop ("loli-pop" *gags*) just defeats any argue against the harmful nature of what Lolita has groen to. Not a terrifying look into what someone says to justify the worst, but the demonization of the victim.
Anyway, I painted over my copy in a way that I feel doesn't glorify
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It's something but a silent protest even still
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skrunksthatwunk · 4 months
finished lolita. ough.
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nightmarish-nympho · 7 months
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fkingbatsman · 2 years
Why am I hyperfixated on Lolita?! The book is wonderfully written but it makes my stomach churn. And yet I cant stop obsessing over it...
Nabokov is a genius and an incredible writer. God the emotions this book makes me feel--disgust at Humbert's obsession with nymphettes, grief for Lo's lost childhood, admiration for the incredible language and hauntingly beautiful tone. It's more than a glimpse into the mind of a pedophile. It's a glimpse into the soul of a man with an obsession that he knows is wrong in every sense. It's a glimpse into the soul of a man that despite this knowledge tries to justify his thoughts and his actions towards Lo. He's convinced he loves her. But he only loves the idea of her. In his mind she is a sexual entity placed on earth to tease him. He views her merely as an object of lust. And he still tries to justify this. He disregards what is best for her in favor of satisfying his own selfish, disgusting fantasies. Lolita is not a forbidden love story. That is what Humbert would have the reader think. But Nabokov does not pity Humbert--no matter how much Humbert pities himself and would have the reader do the same.
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Today on horrible remarks from adults I know:
My history & politics teacher calling 'Lolita' by Vladimir Nobakov a "Love story" unironically
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merkzlockr · 7 months
"no actually i carry no responsibility for sexualizing that 12 year old child and the horrific circumstances she's forced into. It's the book's fault" what every single person who claims lolita was a love story sounds like
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virginstoner666 · 11 months
writing a sequel to lolita- not because there is any conceivable way you could effectively write a continuation of the events of the story, but solely to give it the title LMAOlita
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belle-keys · 2 years
“I was reminded of a painter friend who had started her career by depicting scenes from life, mainly deserted rooms, abandoned houses and discarded photographs of women. Gradually, her work became more abstract, and in her last exhibition, her paintings were splashes of rebellious color, like the two in my living room, dark patches with little droplets of blue. I asked about her progress from modern realism to abstraction. Reality has become so intolerable, she said, so bleak, that all I can paint now are the colors of my dreams.”
- Reading Lolita in Tehran by Azar Nafisi (2003)
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dizzyadolly · 2 years
“But I was weak, I was not wise, my schoolgirl nymphet had me in thrall. With the human element dwindling, the passion, the tenderness, and the torture only increased; and of this she took advantage.”
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daisychainsposts · 2 years
I had a dream that I directed a film adaptation of Lolita and the reviews were mixed because I directed the movie so that it was a psychological horror but humbert is narrating throughout the movie making excuses for everything he does to Dolores.
Some people were saying that I misunderstood the spirit of Lolita because it was so hard to watch (ie wasn’t pedo bait) and other people said that they liked that the horror of csa was brought up.
Then there were people who said I didn’t understand the character Lolita (yes they called her that) and that she hit on him first.
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witch-apologist · 11 months
Still fucking fuming over what pedo creeps did to lolita, if theres one thing abusers are gonna do its totally buy into the worldview of an unreliable narrator
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men liking the film American Beauty is the filmbro equivalent of men liking Lolita (they’re pedos)
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autismmydearwatson · 1 year
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casualgnome · 2 years
Read Lolita just for the sake of being able to say that I’ve actually read it, but my god was it draining! I’ve never felt so exhausted from reading a book, I feel like I need a vacation!
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