#loki’s about 1050 years old lol
lokiiied · 7 months
number one reason i need lokius canon:
number two reason i need lokius canon:
• piss off the straights
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powerbottom-thor · 1 year
thor and loki are not the same age, never were. Just because Taika Waititi and writers don't know how continuity works doesn't change the fact that Thor is older. Thor literally says he's 1500 years old and also says 'they were 8' and this is itself contradictory because we know Loki was born in 965 AD and that makes him only 1050+ years old. And you're not the boss of everyone, let people enjoy media the way they want
Lol not you just calling me a boos just for telling the fact that's obvious. So sorry it hurt your baby mind and ego. And it's not just about Taika. You do know that a director is not the only one deciding everything in a franchise movie right? Kevin must have agreed to it. The whole crew must've agreed to it which again adds up to my point. That's they're the same age and it's canon. You can cry about it✌✨
[And the nerve you got to tell me not to boss around and let others enjoy what they want while ‘telling me’ to not have this theory and enjoy myself]
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