theartofruling · 10 months
Who: Jackson + Markus ( @ocean-eyeslnrp )
Where: Celebration Party (post coronation) / Kings Hill
When those lights went out, all Jackson could think about was getting his daughter safe and locating River. While he was making sure Geneva was safe, he got a text from Rowan telling him that River was taken. The Count saw red, and he took a breath, trying to calm down. Trying to get a handle on the rage that steadily built within him. The beast and the ripper threatened to get out of hand if he didn't quell it. He wove through the crowd, and he found Markus. "I'm coming to you Count to High Lord and King, to say Northland Falls optics might be a little skewed because they took River. And I'm not going to hold back. Every street, every sidewalk, and every road in this mother fucker will rain blood and entrails until she's found."
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miraycavlan · 11 months
Starter for: @illuminatingprowess Who: Sebastian Isley x Luana Barbosa Where: Sebastian's Quarters, The Castle, King's Hill
The moment Luana had stepped inside the castle during the first day of the event, she hadn’t exactly felt comfortable. It was a place that was so far out of her comfortzone, despite the fact that the one person who was able to make her feel comfortable was living inside these walls. The fact that she was here for the Coronation of Sebastian was just as if she was dreaming. Receiving the invitation was the last thing she had expected, but she was happy that she had received it.
Staying at the castle for the full four days was the result of it and it was why Luana was now wandering through the hallways of the castle in the middle of the night.
After all the new impressions and the fact that she had been able to spend her entire day with Sebastian, should’ve made her able to fall asleep as soon as she had felt the comfortable mattress of the bed that she was appointed for the night. But it had been far from that. She had been wide awake, staring at the ceiling. She had been tossing and turning for hours. One glance at the clock showed her that it was around three in the night. And it was at that point that she had enough of it.
Luana had left her bed and silently made her way into the hallways. Carefully she had made her way through the silence, avoiding the guards and eventually she had made her way into the hallway where she knew she could find Seb’s bedroom - simply because he had shown her that. The guard standing at his chambers was currently asleep. Not the very best security but right now, it was a good thing for her.
Even though Sebastian had told her that it was okay for her to bother him at any time and any day of her stay, Luana felt guilty about the fact that she was about to wake him up in the middle of the night. He could use all the rest he could get these days with everything that was waiting for him these days. But still she entered his bedroom, closing the door behind her softly.
Her dark eyes found Seb in the darkness and for a moment, she stood in her place. She was still able to turn around and leave the room. To let him sleep. But before Luana could decide, she saw a movement in the bed and she softly bit her lower lip. “Seb? I’m so sorry. I know you said that I could bother you whenever I wanted but I’m sure you didn’t mean the middle of the night… I just couldn’t sleep,” she whispered softly, suddenly realising how insane this was as soon as she spoke the words. “Sorry, I should probably leave,” she apologised once more.
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gvldntrbl · 9 months
Geneva + Elias @theartofruling
Location: Cocktail Reception, The Hideaway, Kings Hill
At the reception, as the evening continued, a string of curious murmurs caught Geneva's attention. A notorious and fellow noble was among the guests attending. The hybrid was no stranger to nobility. After all, Geneva was the presumed heir of her father's county. However, for some odd reason, she had yet to meet the well-known Lord Eli Gray of Westland. Luck, it seemed, allowed that to possibly change.
"Pardon?" She asked with a pleasant smile. "But are you Elias Gray? Of the Westland Grays?" The hybrid paused. "We've not met before but I'm Geneva Gerard. Excuse my curiosity but I heard rumors that you've became a ghost since..." She trailed off. "Well, since before your last public appearance in court. It's nice to see that you're among the living."
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domromero · 11 months
who: damien @theartofruling when: silent disco
Dominique's fingers reached out slowly, catching the other's eye with a smirk as she lowered them off his ears and moved in close enough for him and only him to hear her. "I hope you realize that with everyone wearing headphones, no can hear a word we're saying.. so I could say some of the most filthy things imaginable and they would still be bopping along to whatever song is playing for them right now," she spoke with a smile in play. Her own headphones were resting around her neck, having taken a break when the genre changed to something painfully upbeat and took her out of the moment long enough to look for another way to have fun. "I won't, but I could."
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dvrklite · 11 months
who: beau @theartofruling when: near one of the bonfires at the cerebration party
It'd been one hell of a celebration, despite skipping most of the festivities and limiting his interactions as much as humanly possible. There was too much going on inside of his head these days, too many voices and pieces of images that made no sense to him even if they all seemed to culminate around one individual. Someone who said they could help and yet, Alex chose to look the other way and run from it. And them. So it made perfect sense that the lone bonfire that he'd sat down in front of with a long forgotten beer in his hand would be the same one that they'd show up at as he watched through the flames. "You're not real, are you?" He spoke after a moment.
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lumenouarp · 10 months
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When it Rains it Pours
After the valiant efforts of the rescuers, everyone was housed safely inside the palace. Witches banned together once more put up protection barriers as the storm knocked out their teleport systems. The storm grew too strong and dangerous for those with the ability to teleport to even try it as all realms were effected by the thunderous downpour and crackling sky. The storms were reminiscent of hurricane and tornado weather.
The power flickered, and sometimes altogether failed during the tumultuous downpour. While the coronation event was over the guests were stuck in Kings Hill for one whole week, waiting out the bad weather together. During this time news traveled throughout the palace and the realms that the believed myth of Immortalem was true and the original trio were among us once more. Speculation began of what that could mean and only grew the longer everyone stayed together in Kings Hill.
Weather hadn't been the only wait. The night of storm King Sebastian fell into a coma, one that took almost as long as the storm for him to wake from. After five days the king awoke to a palace full of guests stuck there for two more days before the rain would subside.
(Admin note: Although that is all of the event related plot drops, you can still post and thread as much event stuff as you'd like since this was an event filled with quite a few high stakes plot drops and we want everyone to get a chance for character development and growth through these drops. Feel free to continue rescue threads and starters as well as starters and time jumps of this extended stay in Kings Hill.)
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illuminatingprowess · 11 months
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Coronation-Weekend Outfits ft. King Sebastian Isley
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etherivalmuse · 11 months
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HRH Louisa Caerwyff / Coronation attire
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theartofruling · 11 months
Who: Rowan + Markus (@ocean-eyeslnrp )
Where: The Musical performance in Kings Hill
Rowan had their blanket prepared and her cute little mini with her as she leaned against Markus while listening to the music playing. Scarlett had learned to pull up on things to stand up recently and she was doing just that against Rowan for leverage. She was too young to take her first steps but crawling was on the list now. The nearly nine-month-old reached out her hands toward Markus making grabby hands for him to get her. "Looks like someone wants Papa Markus." Rowan beamed. Scarlett had a handle on a few words Mama, Dada and she was learning to say Papa. "Are you okay with her? Sometimes it's like you panic when she's fussy and think she wants to be anywhere else but with you?" Rowan asked, never knowing when a good time would be to bring up Markus interacting with his stepdaughter.
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miraycavlan · 9 months
Starter for: Open (preferably to characters Lu hasn't interacted with yet. Where: Up to you! When: A few days after the kidnapping and the ritual
Startled was an understatement for Luana’s behaviour when she suddenly heard the noise behind her. Ever since the kidnapping she had been rather jumpy at the smallest sound. She quickly turned around to be able to face the other. “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you there. Can I help you?”
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miraycavlan · 9 months
Starter for: @illuminatingprowess Where: Seb's sleeping quarters When: After his coma of 5 days
After Luana had returned to Kings Hill, it was clear that the nightmare still wasn't over. Her kidnapping - and the others - had clearly set things into motion. She still had no clue on whatever it was that had been set in motion. The thing that hit her the hardest, however, was the news that Sebastian was currently in a coma. And she hadn't been allowed to go anywhere near him at the start.
Lots of questions were asked firstly regarding what had happened to her, to the others and whatever she could recall. Luana had tried to answer the best way she could but it just seemed to be impossible. Her memory had gaps and it was frustrating.
After the questions were all done, she still was not allowed to go anywhere near Seb. Only after a guard finally took pity on her, she had been allowed into his bedroom. It felt so strange, knowing very well that only a few nights before they had been in that bed together. She had been wrapped in his arms and everything had felt right and safe. Right now they were nowhere near that.
Since that moment Lu hadn't left the bedside, besides for a toilet break or the shower. Food was brought up to the room and the rather comfortable chair she had pulled up to the bed had become her place of accommodation. All the walking that she was doing, was whenever she pacing up and down the room. All while she waited for Seb to wake up.
So it was definitely a bit anticlimatic that Luana was asleep when the other woke up from his coma after she had camped out beside his bed for a few days already. She only noticed he was awake due to a shift of his hand underneath hers as she was holding his hand. With sleepy eyes Luana looked up at the man in the bed, a wave of relief and emotion washing over her as she finally saw the gray eyes she loved so much looking at her once more. “Seb?” was all that came out of her mouth, her voice harsh due to it not being used for quite some time.
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gvldntrbl · 10 months
Viggo + Hale @ocean-eyeslnrp
Location: Coronation Celebration Dinner & Party, Kings Hill Castle
The shriek that pierced the joyous, celebratory music did little to alert Hale to the immediate change of their best friend's coronation celebration dinner. Nor did the lighting disappearing to flood the formerly lit space into pitch, black nothingness. No, it was neither of those things. Before any of those happened, Hale noticed a subtle shift in emotions of their fellow guests. With some, Hale failed to feel anything at all. Which wasn't a foreign concept to any nymph. However, it always was in stark contrast to a nymph's ability to feel everything, all the time. The lack thereof of others' emotions were a surprise and a relief.
From other attendants, Hale felt absolute fear and confusion. The emotions grew and seemed to build, all while spreading over the area like a wave. It happened so fast and unexpectedly that it unnerved Hale. Instinctively, they cast a concerned gaze to where they saw their mother last. "Fuck," Hale muttered, unsure of what happened exactly but fully aware that Iris brewed akin to a frightening storm within her own right. It felt as if the very air crackled from what they felt from Iris. Faintly, Hale wondered where Daphne went. Last they knew, they'd seen the two together.
Without thought, Hale's next visual target was Viggo. The distance between them was minimal and they made their way over, dodging the frantic and frightened guests in between. "Hey!" Hale called out as they approached him. "Get your shit, we're getting out of here." While it wasn't instinct that drove Hale to their older brother's side, Hale understood and accepted a hard truth in the brief moments to reach Viggo; that if anything happened to him, the emotion Iris felt would skyrocket to another plane. "Where's your kid? Where's Scarlett? She's with her mom, right?" Hale asked, their eyes left Viggo and scanned the space for Rowan and Scarlett. "C'mon, we gotta go. Don't worry about Ma, she's good. She has her own shit to handle."
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gvldntrbl · 10 months
Jackson + River @theartofruling
Location: The Grand Hall, Theater Performance
River hummed to herself as she lightly read the pamphlet for the upcoming play for the evening while she sat in one of the royal boxes at the Grand Hall in Kings Hill. Tonight, River would confess, was one of the first nights that she had the freedom to enjoy herself despite being on political excursion. Sure, she was honored to be extended (and accept) the invitation to Sebastian's Coronation weekend. But River also knew that it meant work. The play of the evening, The Play that Goes Wrong, would be a wonderful reprieve from politicking.
A grin, one genuine and relieved, etched onto River's features at the familiar sight of Jackson Gerard as he entered their royal box. Luckily for the Princess, the pair were able to finagle the evening into another date. "Ayanfe," She began. "This has to be a first. How in the sands did I manage to arrive here before you?" River asked before she paused. "Although, you look incredibly handsome. Did Eva make that for you?" She rose to her feet and kissed Jackson in greeting. Seconds later, River's arms wrapped around him in a hug. "How was your day? Well, I hope?"
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gvldntrbl · 10 months
Robin + Evren @theartofruling
Location: Kings Hill Gardens, Post Coronation Lunch & Concert
"You know, cabinet meetings are not the same since you've left." Evren began, in lieu of an official greeting to Robin once she'd neared her former colleague with a fond smile. "I must admit, my lap has been rather light without you there. Your presence is missed deeply." The nymph's arms opened, in clear invitation to Robin for a hug, and to close the gap between them. "But you feel... so much different here." She pulled back, meeting Robin's gaze before continuing. "Better. Happier. While I miss you, I love this change on you. It suits you, Ciciş." She finished, calling Robin in one of her nicknames for the war general.
"So, I won't ask you how you've been. But I will ask for any and all life updates that you would like to share. As, between us, I really came here for you." Evren replied, whispering the latter line and sending a wink at Robin.
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gvldntrbl · 10 months
Mahina + Evren @ocean-eyeslnrp
Location: Silent Disco @ Nirvana, Kings Hill
Evren danced along to the music in her ears through the headphones. The silent disco, for the nymph, so far was fun. She hardly felt any emotions aside from the fluctuating levels of joy of those around here on the dance floor. Evren's dark locks swayed over her shoulders, brushing against her bare shoulders and she threw her hands over her head and her dance partner's arms wrapped around her waist. It'd been such a long time since she genuinely enjoyed herself. And in these moments at the silent disco, Evren was thankful for the refuge the party provided her.
She unlatched from whomever she'd been wrapped around, mere moments ago, and headphones still snug over her ears, made her way towards the bar. Evren was parched. Reluctantly, she removed the headphones and let them rest against her neck before she ordered her drink. "I'm sorry," Evren replied, dark eyes falling onto the woman beside her. "I didn't skip you, did I? I hope not." She said as she waved a hand in front of her face akin to a makeshift fan to cool herself. Perhaps the guardian nymph used her abilities to manipulate a bit of an actual current to help with that. ...Maybe. "Have you ordered yet?" She asked her, a hand already raising to grab the bartender's attention again - just in case.
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gvldntrbl · 10 months
Aila + Jakovan @ocean-eyeslnrp
Location: Royal Gardens, Post Coronation Lunch & Concert
Jakovan hummed under his breath to the live music that filled the air. The High Priest's meal after the Coronation was delicious and he decided to enjoy the post lunch with an old fashioned brandy while he had a nice walk in the gardens. The weather was beautiful and the day was made even better by Jakovan witnessing Sebastian's coronation, hours ago.
"Aila," He greeted the Princess with a warm smile. "How are things? You're well, I hope?" Jakovan asked her. He paused, an idea coming to him. "Would you like to join me for a walk?"
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