theartofruling · 11 months
Who: Rowan + Markus (@ocean-eyeslnrp )
Where: The Musical performance in Kings Hill
Rowan had their blanket prepared and her cute little mini with her as she leaned against Markus while listening to the music playing. Scarlett had learned to pull up on things to stand up recently and she was doing just that against Rowan for leverage. She was too young to take her first steps but crawling was on the list now. The nearly nine-month-old reached out her hands toward Markus making grabby hands for him to get her. "Looks like someone wants Papa Markus." Rowan beamed. Scarlett had a handle on a few words Mama, Dada and she was learning to say Papa. "Are you okay with her? Sometimes it's like you panic when she's fussy and think she wants to be anywhere else but with you?" Rowan asked, never knowing when a good time would be to bring up Markus interacting with his stepdaughter.
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theartofruling · 2 months
Who: Rowan + Markus @ocean-eyeslnrp
When: End of March 
Where: Southland Palace 
It was time, but she wasn’t scared this time. A guard sent word for Vada and her mother in Bianca’s body went to find Markus in his study. She sat on the side of the bed breathing like she had practiced. Knowing that in a moment, her husband would be there calmed her nerves. She couldn’t focus on the chatter in her mind to hear him. She just kept calm and steady for their baby. 
She could feel him nearing. When he was there, she smiled. “Hey, we’re about to meet our baby. I don’t want to give birth in our bed though.” Her face scrunched, trying to figure out where else they can go.  “Can you carry me to one of the guest rooms? She’s not coming yet we have time.” Rowan closed her eyes against the feeling of another contraction, trying to stifle a scream at the pain she felt, much worse than with Scarlett. Her hands were shaking. “Will you be okay there will be a lot of blood?” She asked when the contraction passed. 
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theartofruling · 2 years
Who: Rowan + Markus @ocean-eyeslnrp​
Where: A Suite in the Divine Forest
Rowan wanted to be excited to see Markus, but the truth of the matter was, she hadn’t seen him in months since she explained the situation with her pregnancy. His distance had been evident, and she felt this missing piece without him. Her mind worked overtime thinking of the way he would look at her now nine months pregnant and feeling as big as a house. She probably shouldn’t have been at a big event, but a Queen had duties and thus she was there. 
When she got word that Markus would be arriving soon. She could almost feel his presence the closer he got, the more of a sense of wholeness she began to feel. When the knock sounded on the door, she answered without her Ladies or any other person getting the door as they normally would. 
For a tile she stood there looking at him, remembering the beautiful features she’d missed. “Hi, it’s been a while.” She stepped back to let him in. “I’ve missed you.” More than he could ever know and probably more than a woman in a supposed political marriage should. She ached to touch him. To hug him, but she didn’t know where they stood now. “How are you?” she asked for lack of anything better to say. 
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theartofruling · 1 year
Who: Rowan + Markus ( @ocean-eyeslnrp​ )
Where: Northland Falls 
When: (Flashback to January - one year Anniversary)
Although it had taken Rowan quit a bit of time to get out of her bout of separation anxiety from Scarlett while the little girl spent time with her father, she eventually calmed her nerves. She vowed to only check on them once a day but she missed her. The three month old had become her world and she enjoyed time off from Queen duties while she just got to exist with her daughter. 
She also had a very important surprise in mind for her and Markus. She’d asked him to set some time aside to meet her at his vacation home in Northlands, but hadn’t really told him why exactly.  Rowan packed for the weather, and had learned what she liked in the styles complimentary to the weather. She smoothed the form fitting, knit dress as she waited for him. Part of her wanted to decorate, but a surprise anniversary date with her husband seemed like more than enough for him to handle. She just hoped he liked the gifts she’d gotten him. 
Rowan turned on the song they’d danced to at their reception, and smiled when she felt the slight tug of their invisible tether signifying his approach. “King Markus,” she said in greeting, wearing almost a timid grin, “Would you do me the honor of dancing with me?” Excitement coursed through her at just the thought of getting to spend time with him. “I apologize for all the secrecy, but I wanted to surprise you for our anniversary, and yes I have gifts.” 
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theartofruling · 3 months
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Rowan + Markus (@ocean-eyeslnrp )
My originality has gone with mom brain right now because unlike you I have not bought you a house. So I'm showing you love with my actions. And of course a constant stream of love-struck thoughts of how much I love you. But we're going to get some alone time for Valentine's Day. I've had one of our guest rooms turned into a spa for you. Because yes you've been tense and worrying. So just call me your masseuse for the night and really any night. Plus, I have a massage chair for you to put in your study. So when these magic fingers aren't available you can relax in your massage chair.
I love you forever and always,
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theartofruling · 3 years
Who: Rowan + Markus ( @ocean-eyeslnrp​ ) 
Where: Southland Amani Palace
Rowan was happy with the festivities and how they were unfolding. She couldn’t ask for a better few days. The weather was perfect, the plans went without a single hitch. Of course that could have been because they were thrown out and redrawn repeatedly. One of the final pieces to the puzzle was securing an alliance that she most definitely needed. 
The Southland Queen had invited the High Lord of Northland to chat with her, and she wanted to personally show him around. “Thank you for meeting with me. I’m glad we could finally get together. Especially after our favorable discussions last time we met. I was hoping to show you around, and perhaps even discuss all that Southland has to offer. I hope you’ve been well since our last encounter?” 
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